Earthquake Mitigation Essays (Examples)

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Mitigation Strategies Earthquake Mitigation Measures in Japan
Pages: 2 Words: 618

Mitigation Strategies
Earthquake mitigation measures in Japan case

Bearing that the phenomena of earthquakes is very common in Japan, there is need therefore to ensure that the people living in this region have enough mitigation measures that will enable the security of human life, and if possible of structures. The earthquake mitigation measures are considered to be the simple skills that can lead to the safety of non-structure components and the items in a house with an aim of saving lives in the event of a disaster (Emergency Food Supply, 2012).

The mitigation measures run from the precautions that one takes as an individual to the measures taken to secure houses. According to the research conducted on the 1994 Northridge earthquake, 55% of the injuries were found to have been caused by falling furniture or objects within the households and only 1% were caused by the collapsing buildings (Emergency Food supplies). This then…...



Emergency Food Supply, (2012). Earthquake Preparedness and Mitigation. Retrieved March 9, 2012


Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness
Pages: 15 Words: 3869

Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness (U.S. Federal Programs: Advantages and Disadvantages)
The confrontations and prospects for the reduction of hazards/disasters have never been greater than in the current period. In theory, the challenge is to do away with all disasters that cause the loss of life or injury to people along with the property and environment damage. On the other hand, such a goal is not possible to achieve practically. Although it is possible to avoid certain risks but the elimination of environmental hazards seems to be an idealistic task (Smith, 2004, p. 268).

The evidence signals that there is a need to do more today for tomorrow. Though investment in hazard mitigation has increased, there are few signs that show the effectiveness of the sustainability plans. In United States of America, several plans are outlined that have lessened the number of casualties and scale of destruction (Smith, 2004, p. 268). In this…...



About FEMA. (2011, November 14). In FEMA. Retrieved November 28, 2011, from 

"About the National Dam Safety Program." (2010, August 11). Retrieved December 09, 2011 from 

Bernard, E.N. (2005). The U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program: A Successful State -- Federal Partnership. Springer, 35, 5-24. Retrieved December 07, 2011 from MITIGATION/Bernard USA Tsunami Mitigation.pdf

Edwards, F.L., & Afawubo, I. (2008). Show Me the Money: Financial Recovery after Disaster Professional Emergency Management, Physical Mitigation, Public Education, and Financial Assistance Can All Lessen the Impact of Post-Disaster Community Recovery Costs. The Public Manager, 37(4), 85+. Retrieved December 9, 2011, from Questia database:

Non-Profit Disaster Mitigation Organization Specifically
Pages: 4 Words: 1314

21). When pressed, the ed Cross said they did not know if any of their recipients had received aid from other agencies, or even actually lived in the affected areas (O'Meara, 2004, p. 21). There was a controversy after the facts became known, and after the controversy hit the news, the President of the organization, Dr. Bernadine Healy resigned in October 2001 after allegations that the organization did not use all the funds collected for victim relief. In December 2005, Marsha J. Evans also resigned her position as the President And CEO, after new allegations surfaced over the terrorist attacks and problems with the relief effort in the Gulf Coast area after the 2005 hurricane season. Today, the organization posts their tax returns and annual reports on their Web site, and has a list of commonly asked questions about where their funding comes from and where it goes.
Funding may…...



Editors. (2006). American Red Cross. Retrieved from the Web site:   Dec. 2006. 

Editors. (2006). Northern Nevada Chapter American Red Cross. Retrieved from the Web site:   Dec. 2006. 

O'Meara, Kelly Patrick. Are They Cheating on 9/11 Payouts? (2004, March 15). Insight on the News 21.

Risk Minimization and Loss Prevention
Pages: 59 Words: 16256

Small usiness' Need for a CPA

One of the critical investments a small business can make to mitigate loss and risk is hiring a CPA and putting that CPA on the 'management team.' As Wells notes in his groundbreaking research, "Denise, a bookkeeper for a small trucking firm in irmingham, Alabama, wishes she had never heard of Ralph Summerford, CPA. ecause of his thoroughness, Denise is facing several years in prison for embezzling $550,000 from her employer. At least she will look good standing before the sentencing judge: Denise spent a great deal of her illegal loot on head-to-toe cosmetic surgery. She blew the rest on a shiny new Lexus, luxury vacations, clothing and jewelry. And, of course, Denise had to have a big house to store all of her finery." (Wells, 2003)

Surprisingly, it was not at all the fancy standard of living that made her employer suspicious. "The owner was…...



Wells, Joseph. 2003. Protect small business: small companies without adequate internal controls need CPAs to help them minimize fraud risk. Journal of Accountancy.

Small Business Administration. 2005.

Federal Reserve Bank. 2004.

AICPA. 2005. At

Regional Disaster Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1334

Disasters and Their Management
Disaster Management

egional Disaster Analysis

Both natural and human caused disasters have been an issue in the safety of human beings all over the world. Fortunately, there are international agencies that are created for the purpose of mitigation purposes and assist in the prevention of disaster effects that would be more adverse. State governments also have the obligation of adopting the right preventive and counter actions to assist in cushioning citizens from the effects of disasters. This paper, therefore, analyzes the types of disasters in Africa, and the theoretical approaches in the management of the disasters. Under management of disasters, different factors are discussed including response, preparedness and recovery and mitigation practices. There is also a review of both the International Agencies and Local Governments, relating to their preparedness in responding to disasters. Finally, there is an analysis on the partnership relationships between public and private agencies to create…...



Christopher, M. & Tatham, P. (2011) Humanitarian Logistics: Meeting of Challenge of Preparing for and Responding to Disasters. New York: Kogan Page Publishers.

Congress (2006) congressional Record, V. 149, Pt.2, January 21, 2003 to February 11, 2003. Congress.

Holden, S. (2003) AIDS on the Agenda: Adapting Development and Humanitarian Programs to meet the challenge of HIV / AIDS. New York: Oxfam Publishers.

Oniang'o, R. (2009) Food and Nutrition Emergencies in East Africa: Political, Economic and Environmental Associations. New York: International Food Policy Restoration Institution.

Planning Efforts to Reduce Future Disaster Impacts
Pages: 4 Words: 1397

Planning Efforts to educe Future Disaster Impacts
This paper looks at options for programs to be put in place before to a disaster to avoid major and often poorly-managed expenditures after a catastrophe and to offer suitable protection against the risk of those large losses which do occur. It is important for the government to provide programs that enlightens the citizens on how to deal with the hazards that come with hurricanes. Natural hazards have taken place in America and they have not been well attended to. The response in the Haiti earthquake showed some weakness in response. Hurricane Katrina should have given Americans a lesson on how to prevent major destructions in case of a similar scenario.


Katrina was a hurricane that hit the Atlantic in 2005 and was known to be the most dangerous hurricane in history of America. Over 1,836 people died as a result of this hurricane with…...



Mancuso, Louis C.; Alijani, Ghasem S.; Kwun, Obyung. (2011). The effects of the BP oil spill and hurricane Katrina in South Louisiana. Entrepreneurial Executive,

Mckenzie, Russell; Levendis, John; (2010). Flood Hazards and Urban Housing Markets: The effects of Katrina on New Orleans. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, pp. 62-76.

LaJoie, Andrew Scott; Sprang, Ginny; McKinney, William Paul.(2010). Long-term effects of Hurricane Katrina on psychological well being of evacuees. Disasters, p1031-1044, 14p,

Shaughnessy, Timothy M.; White, Mary L.; Brendler, Michael D.; (2010). The Income Distribution effect of Natural Disasters: An Analysis of Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, pp. 84-95

Hazard Assessment Development
Pages: 4 Words: 1140

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system that digitally creates and manipulates spatial areas. The system stores, edits analyses and shows topographic information that is critical in decision-making. GIS applications enable creation of interactive queries, analysis and editing and then present results. This is beneficial in management of disasters.
Disaster management signifies preparedness involving a chain of measures incorporating disaster prevention, emergency response as well as reconstruction. Many organizations federal, state and non-governmental as well as businesses, public health benefit from GIS technology. Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is actively involved in improving and publicly availing geo-processing specifications using Web Map Service and Web Feature Service protocols. OGC divides GIS products or software into two categories, compliant and implementing products, based on their level of compatibility with OGC specifications, which aid them in communication. In recent times, an explosion of online mapping applications has given the public enormous geographic information. The use…...



Battista, C. (1994). Chernobyl: GIS model aids nuclear disaster relief. GIS World, 32 -- 5.

Cova, T.J. (1999). GIS in emergency management. In P.A. Longley, & D.J. Goodchild, Geographical Information Systems: Principles, Techniques, Applications, and Management (pp. 845-858). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Grif-th, D.A. (1986). Hurricane emergency management applications of the SLOSH numerical storm surge prediction model. In S.A. Marston, Terminal disasters: computer applications in emergency management. Boulder: Boulder Institute of Behavioral Science.

Presidential Disaster Declaration Process
Pages: 4 Words: 1296

Presidential Disaster Declaration Process
Preparedness and Mitigation from Disasters in the Twentieth Century

Numerous disasters have always brought intensive destruction to the environment and human lives over the years. The twentieth century, however, has experienced rather greater disasters, which have called for intervention through ensuring mitigation and preparedness. The presidential disaster declaration process is aimed at fulfilling the ambitions of preparing for disasters. These disasters include both the man-made and natural ones, ranging from the outbreak of fires, contagious diseases that need extreme control, earthquakes and hurricanes, the nightmare of global warming, political instability and many others. The essay evaluates analytically, the need for preparedness through the presidential disaster declaration process, which is a strategy to getting assistance. The evolution of the process in the twentieth century to strengthen hazard management is also discussed in the content.



I. What is the presidential disaster declaration (PDD) process?

II. Importance of the PDD process in mitigation…...



Bellamy, J.S. (2009) Cleverland's Greatest Disasters!: 16 Tragic True Tales of Death and Destruction: New York: Gray and Company.

Ec-Council (2010) Disaster Recovery: New York, Cengage Learning.

Kapucu, N. & Alpaslan, Z. (2011) Managing Emergencies and Crises: MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishing.

Oliver, J. & Aldcroft, H.D. (2007) Economic Disasters of the Twentieth Century: New York: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Health Tsunami Public Health and
Pages: 2 Words: 584

A 2006 study that examined the rates of depression and other mental health disorders following the December 2004 tsunami found that large numbers of people still faced significant health impairment from the event, and that treatment had been negligible when compared to relief and rebuilding efforts in other areas (CDC 2006). These efforts would likely be made far more effective and efficient, however, if mental health issues were dealt with. Addressing the depression and other mental health maladies that the people suffered from following the tsunami would have led to a better adjusted and more productive (as well as healthier) population.
There was an effective degree of trauma care provided immediately after the tsunami struck, but preventative care measures could have been stepped up during this time to forestall and mitigate the spread of infectious diseases that often comes after a major disaster event (WHO 2005). Obviously, trauma care was…...



CDC (2006). "204 South Asia tsunamis." Center for disease control. Accessed 14 November 2009.

WHO (2005). "South Asia earthquake and tsunamis: Inter-agency rapid health assessment." World health organization. Accessed 14 November 2009.

Criminal Justice - Homeland Security
Pages: 4 Words: 1204

At a minimum, the emergency plan should outline the respective risks capable of being anticipated along with appropriate procedures for implementing necessary response procedures and resource allocation. The emergency plan must include procedures for ensuring continual communication among responders as well as alternate means of communication; procedures for contacting entities outside the immediate area affected by the emergency; and multiple means of providing essential response to every foreseeable type of emergency and every foreseeable type of malfunction or breakdown of primary processes along with secondary plans for each.
Effective emergency response requires training and practice implementing procedures and resources and that practice is also essential for communicating awareness of the plan among first responders. Non-first responders should also be informed of all elements of the plan that pertain to them specifically.

4. What role, if any, should emergency managers play in ensuring emergency medical care for a mass-casualty incident? In other…...

Lessons Learned
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Disasters of the Twentieth Century
Most of the great disasters of the twentieth century became truly "great" precisely because there were not appropriate levels of planning or mitigation processes in place, and the San Francisco Fire of 1906 was no exception. Caused by an earthquake that disrupted what mitigation components that were a part of the city -- rupturing water lines to make fighting the fires all but impossible, ad breaking the city's alarm system to make warnings less effective -- San Francisco was nearly leveled by the two concurrent and directly related disasters that struck (Popular Mechanics, 2012). A lack of planning in the city's design made the buildings susceptible to the earthquake and the fire, with densely packed wooden structures and man-made ground both exacerbating the problem immensely (Popular Mechanics, 2012). With the mitigation systems compromised from the outset, there was little to be done.

The Spanish Flu epidemic that…...



JFK Library. (2012). The Bay of Pigs. Accessed 1 May 2012. 

Popular Mechanics. (2012). The top 10 worst disasters of the last century. Accessed 1 May 2012.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles
Pages: 5 Words: 1386

Comparing Climate Change Mitigation Strategies for Global WarmingEven diehard climate change deniers are forced to concede the reality of global warming today, and many members of the scientific community cautions that the tipping point towards unpreventable climate change has already been reached and crossed. Nevertheless, efforts are underway on numerous fronts to identify effective mitigation strategies to address global warming to prevent a worst-case scenario from developing in the near future by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the most widely advocated climate change mitigation strategies for this purpose include the use of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar as well as replacing greenhouse gas-emitting internal combustion engines with electric vehicles (Climate change mitigation, 2022). The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation concerning the characteristics of greenhouse gas emissions and how climate change has exacerbated this threat in recent years. In addition, an evaluation of…...


ReferencesAlagu, M., Selladurai, R., & Chelladurai, C. (2022). Simultaneous placement of electric vehicle charging station and DG units in urban area using novel enhanced antlion optimizer. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 43(1), 707–719.Climate change mitigation. (2022). Global Environment Facility. Retrieved from   %20strategies%20include%20retrofitting%20buildings,sustainable%20uses%20of%20land%20and.Ebi, K. L., Capon, A., Berry, P., Broderick, C., de Dear, R., Havenith, G., Honda, Y., Kovats, R. S., Ma, W., Malik, A., Morris, N. B., Nybo, L., Seneviratne, S. I., Vanos, J., & Jay, O. (2021). Hot weather and heat extremes: health risks. Lancet, 398(10301), 698–708.Inaction on climate change. (2022). Deloitte. Retrieved from  pages/about-deloitte/articles/press-releases/deloitte-report-inaction-on-climate-change-could-cost-the-us-economy-trillions-by-2070.html.Kraan, O., Kramer, G. J., Nikolic, I., Chappin, E., & Koning, V. (2019). Why fully liberalised electricity markets will fail to meet deep decarbonization targets even with strong carbon pricing. Energy Policy, 131, 99–110.Liu, X., Li, X., Tian, J., Wang, Y., Xiao, G., & Wang, P. (2022). Day-Ahead Economic Dispatch of Renewable Energy System considering Wind and Photovoltaic Predicted Output. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 1–14.Mitra, C., & Roychowdhury, S. (2022). Consumers’ Awareness and Inclination Towards Eco-Friendly Cars with Reference to Sustainable Development. IUP Journal of Operations Management, 21(2), 43–51.Shaffer, B., Auffhammer, M., & Samaras, C. (2021). Make electric vehicles lighter to maximize climate and safety benefits. Nature, 598(7880), 254–256. 

Effects of Climate Change
Pages: 4 Words: 1376

Global Warming and Climate Change
Natural versus anthropogenic forces in climate change are a common topic for discussion. Some people believe that the global warming experienced now is part of a natural cycle while other others believe it is accelerated thanks to human evolution on earth. Although there is a natural cycle on the planet concerning global warming, this is not the case regarding the information provided from scientific data on the effects of human-generated global warming. Natural global warming takes long periods of time to develop.

People that have analyzed previous global warming trends have noted the rise in temperatures occurred over a prolonged period, like thousands of years. However, human-caused global warming has produced a warming trend at a faster rate. Instead of thousands of years, it is decades. Secondly, humans were not around for the previous global warming trends and if they were, they were much smaller in number…...

Flood Assessment in the Nerang
Pages: 30 Words: 9418

The Gold Coast area has a reputation as a flood prone area, even without considering the effects of global climate change.
The Gold Coast area comprises seven major catchment areas including the Tallebudgera, Currumbin, Nerang iver, Coomera iver, Pimpama iver, South Moreton Bay, Sandy Creek and Broadwater area (Mirfenderesk, 2009). The Nerang iver catchment is adjacent to the Tallebudgers catchment to the South. It is bordered by the Broadwater and Coomera iver area to the North. The Nerang iver catchment is adjacent to the Pacific beach area as well (Mirfenderesk, 2009).

Catchment areas have different levels of tolerance before the concentration of water to sediment reaches saturation levels, creating the likelihood of flooding in the area. The Tallbudgers, Currubin, and Broadwater area have time concentrations of approximately 3 hours, creating conditions favorable to short duration local flooding (Mirfenderesk, 2009). The Nerang iver and Coomera catchments have time of concentrations from 3…...



Abbs, D. (n.d.). The Effect of Climate Change on the Intensity of Extreme Rainfall Events.

CSIRO Atmospheric Research. White Paper.

Boesch, D., Field, J., & Scavia, D. et al. (2001). The Potential Consequences of Climate

Variabiltiy and Change on Coastal Areas and Marine Resources. NOAA's Coastal Ocean

Managing Homeland Security You Were
Pages: 5 Words: 2062

S. DHS "Strategic Plan," 2008, ealistically acts of terrorism, domestic or foreign are exceedingly rare, though slightly more common than they have been in the past and at least marginally more violent in nature, they occur very, very rarely. (Lewis, 2000, p. 201) Though maintaining serious preparedness the mitigation of natural disasters, most which cannot be avoided is an issue needed to be addressed almost yearly, on both small and large scales, across the nation and is much more likely to directly effect people and resources on an intimate level and should be the Emergency Management system's first and primary concern! Though worst possible case scenarios, regarding the use of WMDs is important it is not where all the resources should go.
(5. In the course, you have been introduced to the various responsibilities of different levels of government in the homeland security effort. What level of government do you…...



Daniels, R.S. (2007). Revitalizing Emergency Management after Katrina: A Recent Survey of Emergency Managers Urges Improved Response, Planning, and Leadership and a Reinvigorated FEMA -- the Federal Government Has Responded by Making Most of the Recommended Changes. The Public Manager, 36(3), 16.

Department of Homeland Security Website

Depoorter, B. (2006). Horizontal Political Externalities: The Supply and Demand of Disaster Management. Duke Law Journal, 56(1), 101.

Hulnick, a.S. (2004). Keeping Us Safe: Secret Intelligence and Homeland Security. Westport, CT: Praeger.

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