Dunkin Donuts Essays (Examples)

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Dunkin' Donuts Internship
Pages: 8 Words: 2440

Dunkin Donuts Internship
When most people think of Dunkin Donuts, they will often associate it with the many franchises and the quality of the products they provide. This has helped the firm to become very popular and to reach out to new segments of customers in an ever changing marketplace. One of the reasons why they have been so successful is from their ability to understand the needs of cliental. (Boone, 2010) ("Why Dunkin Brands," 2014)

To help the firm attract the best talent and identify who can help them to remain competitive, the company is offering various internships. They are focused on teaching candidates different positions and what it takes to be successful at Dunkin Donuts. This enables the company to have a competitive edge by locating those individuals who can work with the organization over the long-term. (Boone, 2010) ("Why Dunkin Brands," 2014)

To fully understand how this assists the company…...



DD Perks. (2014). Dunkin Donuts. Retrieved from:



Dunkin Donuts. (2014). Snag a Job. Retrieved from:

Dunkin Donuts SWOT Analysis for
Pages: 5 Words: 1340


Opportunity: Dunkin' Donuts can keep customers by responding to consumers' health concerns. The company ahs already moved towards a trans-fat-free frying oil for their donuts (Ordonez, 2007). Since they have begun offering breakfast sandwiches, more health-conscious offerings would allow to company to transcend their image as having only fat-laden breakfast offerings. Dunkin' Donuts has a definite opportunity in the market for healthier breakfast foods and drinks.

Opportunity: Dunkin' Donuts' coffee are expanding into the in-store market. This could not happen at a better time; Crown (2007) reports that coffee drinkers are opting for gourmet coffees, and this goes for their homes as well as when they are on the go. hile Dunkin' Donuts has already gotten its coffee onto store shelves, significant opportunity exists for the company to make grocery and restaurant partnerships that include its coffee.

Opportunity: Dunkin' Donuts is in a great position to expand geographically in the United States.…...


Works Cited

American Institute of Baking. (2007). Doughnut statistics and trends. Retrieved November 30, 2007, from https://www.aibonline.org/resources/statistics/doughnut.html

Crown, J. (2007). A wake-up call for coffee. Business Week, 4055, p. 1/5.

Entepreneur.com. (2007). Franchise zone: Dunkin' Donuts. Retrieved November 30, 2007, at  http://www.entrepreneur.com/franchises/dunkindonuts/282304-0.html 

Ordonez, J. (2007). Taking the junk out of junk food. Newsweek, 150(15), p. 1.

Dunkin Donuts an Overview of Dunkin' Donuts
Pages: 5 Words: 1397

Dunkin Donuts
An Overview of Dunkin' Donuts

There are few names that are as recognizable to morning commuters as Dunkin' Donuts. The nationwide fast-food style purveyor of fried donut pastries, coffees, bagels and a limited assortment of other breakfast and snack items is a household name that has achieved a rarified level of cultural and economic success in the United States. However, like any company, Dunkin' Donuts is not impervious to the challenges wrought by competitive markets, economic recession and shifts in the cultural paradigm where food retail and food services are concerned. The discussion hereafter offers a concise overview of the company with consideration to its balance between sustaining its existing success without resting on its laurels.

Brief Background:

It is appropriate to begin with a brief look at the background of the company that would go on to be most explicitly associated with the doughnut. According to Daszkowski (2009), the company traces…...


Works Cited:

Abelson, J. (2009). Coffee Competition. Boston.com.

Chen, S. (2011). Dunkin' Talks Trends, Competition, and Breakfast For Dinner. Yumsugar.com.

Daszkowski, D. (2009). The History of Dunkin' Donuts. About Franchises.

Dunkin' Donuts. (2005). Dunkin' Donuts Puts The Competition on Ice with a New Line of Flavored Iced Coffee. Dunkin' Donuts.com.

Dunkin Donut Regional Manager
Pages: 5 Words: 1533

Introduction Being a regional director for a major restaurant chain like Dunkin Donuts presents unique challenges and opportunities. Factors like job design, organizational design, recruiting and selection, and training and performance appraisals will reflect the demographics of the target market, and the unique geographic features of the region. Moreover, choices in organizational design and human resources will reflect the organizational strategies and climate of the parent culture. There are ways that our region can set new precedents for organizational culture and climate, such as by empowering service workers and using a transformational leadership style to prevent employee turnovers.
Job Design
Good job design strategy takes into account employee input, employee training, work and rest schedules, and adjustments needed for some of the more physically demanding parts of the job (“Job Design: Meaning, Steps, and Benefits,” 2018).
Job Analysis
Job analysis will derive from the hierarchical structure that persists in the organizational culture of Dunkin Donuts.…...



Bowen, D.E. & Lawler, E.E. (1992). The empowerment of service workers. Sloan Management Review 33(3): 33.

“Job Design: Meaning, Steps, and Benefits,’ (2018). Management Study Guide.

Jehanzeb, K., Hamid, A.B.A. & Rasheed, A. (2015). What Is the Role of Training and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intentions? International Business Research 8(3): http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ibr/article/view/45871

Kanyan, A., Nganya, L. & Voon, B.H. (2016). Improving the service operations of fast-food restaurants. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences 224(2015): 190-198.

Rosado, J. (n.d.). What organizational structure is best for a fast food restaurant? The Chronicle. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/organizational-structure-fast-food-restaurant-75640.html

Shumba, K., Zindiye, S. & Donga, G. (2017). Challenges faced by franchise entrepreneurs operating in a volatile business environment. Problems and Perspectives in Management 15(2): http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.15(2-2).2017.12


Recruitment of Employees at Dunkin Donuts
Pages: 4 Words: 1279

Dunkin' Donuts:
A vision for the future in the Midwest region

Dunkin' Donuts has experienced stratospheric growth in recent years. To capitalize upon its success in the Midwest region in the five new locations opening up over the course of the next two years requires playing to the organization's strengths in terms of the quality and efficiency of service it offers at a relatively low price. ecruiting top talent, even at entry level positions, is demanded for Dunkin' Donuts to continue to effectively brand itself as America's favorite place to grab breakfast or an afternoon snack. Dunkin' has transformed itself into a homey, blue-collar alterative to Starbucks that still offers a wide variety of breakfast and sandwich foods spanning from traditional donuts and bagels to egg white flatbreads. But all of these products must be served with a smile.

Job Design

Working at a franchise such as Dunkin' Donuts requires staff with strong customer…...



Hoy, P. (2006). Dunkin' donuts: Reinventing America's cup of coffee. Fast Company.

Retrieved from:  http://www.fastcompany.com/75485/dunkin-donuts-reinventing-americas-cup-coffee 

Job design. (2015). What is human resource. Retrieved from:


Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts
Pages: 3 Words: 1022

Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks Marketing
Comparative Analysis of Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks Marketing Strategies

Dunkin' Donuts began as a blue-collar coffee and donut shop, and after choosing to expand using a franchise model, soon became a dominant chain across the eastern United States. Starbucks had equally humble beginnings in the downtown area of Seattle, Washington, yet the difference was the customers they were attracting. Coffee enthusiasts, students and intellectuals across the Seattle area adopted Starbucks as their brand. From those initial stores and strategies, each company has chosen widely divergent marketing strategies. The case analysis illustrates how powerful marketing strategies' impacts are over years of consistent execution and development, with Starbucks firmly entrenched as a premier brand attracting upscale customers who want to be treated as special, while Dunkin' Donuts is winning over the blue-collar, working class customers with a non-nonsense approach to marketing and service delivery (Kotler, Armstrong, 2013). oth…...



Berglind, M., & Nakata, C. (2005). Cause-related marketing: More buck than bang? Business Horizons, 48(5), 443-453.

Cebrzynski, G. (2006). 'Reborn' Dunkin' Donuts in big day part push. Nation's Restaurant News, 40(17), 1-1,6.

Fitzgerald, M. (2013). How Starbucks has gone digital. MIT Sloan Management Review, 54(4), 1-8.

Gupta, S. (2012). Interdependence between experience marketing and business strategy. Journal of Indian Business Research, 4(3), 170-193.

Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts Case Studies
Pages: 3 Words: 1013

Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts
Comparing Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts Marketing

The differences between Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts permeate every aspect of the two company's cultures and have a reverberating effect in who they attract and keep as customers. The intent of this analysis is to analyze how each of these two companies vary from a marketing standpoint, and how those differences are continually perpetuated in their approach to managing the marketing mix. Of the two, Starbucks is basing their marketing, selling and customer retention strategies on the concept of delivering a unique customer experience and a "third place" where customers can feel free to meet friends and relax (Plog, 2005). The Starbucks marketing mix supports the stores as a hub of personal activity and exceptional customer service, from the hundreds of drink combinations customers can order down to the high-end food items. As the case mentions, Starbucks is considering offering wine, cheese…...



Alton Y.K Chua, & Banerjee, S. (2013). Customer knowledge management via social media: The case of Starbucks. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(2), 237-249.

Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2013). Principles of marketing. (14 ed.). New York, NY: Prentice Hall

Plog, S.C. (2005). Starbucks: More than a cup of coffee. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 284-287.

Reast, J.D. (2005). Brand trust and brand extension acceptance: The relationship. The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 14(1), 4-13.

Motivational Strategies at Dunkin' Donuts
Pages: 4 Words: 1073

As a result, Dunkin' Donuts realized that it needed to manage more for intellectual contributions and insights from employees on how to better the many increasingly complex processes that went into running the global chain.
As a result of the increased competitive pressures on the company and the need to increase the speed at which they generated new drink, food and service ideas, the senior management team following Bill osenberg began focusing more on the will and instinct of workers over the use of extrinsic rewards. Instead of transactional leadership approaches that relied purely on extrinsic rewards, Dunkin' Donuts was evolving more in the direction of transformational leadership and a focus more on intrinsic rewards and task ownership. In conjunction with this shift in mindset was one that centered on increasing the quality of operations which led to many franchisees being let go due to not meeting the new minimum…...



Joanne Cole. (1999, October). De-stressing the workplace. HR Focus, 76(10), 1,10+.

Lin, W. (2008). Factors enhancing the intentions of employees toward customer-oriented behaviors. International Journal of Commerce & Management,

18(3), 267.

Richard Martin. (2003, April). Franchisee sentenced amid Dunkin' lawsuit barrage. Nation's Restaurant News, 37(17), 4,111

Job Design for Dunkin Donuts
Pages: 4 Words: 1224

Opening New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations Introduction
As the new district manager for Dunkin’ Donuts, my responsibility is to oversee every aspect of the new stores opening so that they can deliver the expected returns for the investor. Successful returns will depend upon making the right staffing choices, and that will in turn depend upon designing the right jobs and organization to facilitate that process. This paper will focus on explaining the job design, organizational design, recruiting strategy and methods, and training and performance appraisal process that are to be employed by me as the new district manager for Dunkin’ Donuts.
Job Design
Job design is the process of engineering jobs that allow the applicable tasks and responsibilities to be achieved for the organization by people empowered to execute them. This process involves identifying the type of worker and the type of output expected, the goals of the organization and the needs that must be…...



Ivanaj, V., Shrivastava, P., & Ivanaj, S. (2018). The value of beauty for organizations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 189, 864-877.

Ladkin, A., & Buhalis, D. (2016). Online and social media recruitment: Hospitality employer and prospective employee considerations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(2), 327-345.

Mirowky, J., & Ross, C. E. (2007). Creative work and health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 48(4), 385-403.

Dunkin' Donuts the Message Presented
Pages: 1 Words: 330

It seems as if they are branching out to become almost a fast-food location, rather than just a coffee and donuts location, and that makes me wonder about the quality of all these new food items.
The video shows a company that is concerned, even obsessed with quality. The Web site shows a company that is concerned with quality, but that is attempting to broaden its customer base by including information for young people, businesses, and even areas where there are no Dunkin' Donuts stores. The Web site enhances the information given on the video, and indicates the company is successful, growing, and interested in the people it serves. They seem to complement each other very nicely, and the overall impression of the company is a good one, actually better than I initially had. The video helped make the company more "real," and the Web site makes it more human....

International Business Three Company Profiles
Pages: 4 Words: 1437

That's proving a business opportunity for Krispy Kreme, McDonald's and other American fast-food chains. For Krispy Kreme, Japan is part of its overseas expansion -- a crucial element of its revival plan announced earlier this year. The chain, based in inston-Salem, N.C., saw its stock collapse two years ago under the weight of overexpansion in the U.S., an accounting investigation and the low-carb diet craze...[Now a] Japanese man carries boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts back to his office...two Japanese girls devour doughnuts last week at a Krispy Kreme shop in Tokyo. Long lines form outside the shops, sometimes leading to waits of an hour" (Kageyama 2007). But because of more health-conscious consumers in other regions of America where the Southern, Americana image of the company has less cache and novelty, this strategy has not been successful. Also, the idea of a 'trans-fat free doughnut' has not quelled fears about…...


Works Cited

About us. (2008). Carvel Ice Cream Website. Retrieved September, 21 2008 at  http://www.carvel.com/about_us/about_us.htm 

About us. (2008). Dunkin' Doughnuts Official Website. Retrieved September 21, 2008.

A  https://www.dunkindonuts.com/aboutus/company/ 

Cateora, P.R., & Graham, J.L. (2005). International Marketing. 12th ed. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Job Assessment the Position of
Pages: 6 Words: 1632

The employee does, however, receive recognition and has the possibility of extrinsic rewards such as pay raises and promotions.
The relative lack of positive goals for the cashier/finisher position is ineffective. Employees are not encouraged to seek new, higher standards of performance because they face limited advancement and pay raise prospects. The company's emphasis on minimum standards works well, but the bagel example shows how better use of positive goal-setting can help to unleash the full potential of Dunkin's front-line customer service staff. If these employees working towards positive goals can bring the chain to be the number one bagel seller in the country in less than a year, then clearly the firm's day-to-day performance is underperformance and this is largely due to the lack of such rewards.


The cashier/finisher position at Dunkin' Donuts can be difficult to fill. As such, the company's job design, rewards and motivations systems are all…...


Works Cited:

Job Posting: Dunkin' Donuts Crew Member. Snagajob.com. Retrieved October 17, 2009 from  http://www.snagajob.com/job-seeker/jobs/job-details.aspx?postingId=1308092&ref=vseindeed 

No author. (2007). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. NetMBA.com. Retrieved October 17, 2009 from  http://www.netmba.com/mgmt/ob/motivation/maslow/ 

No author. (2008). Dunkin' Donuts rewards "brilliant bagel behavior." Incentive Performance Center. Retrieved October 17, 2009 from http://www.incentivecentral.org/employees/casestudies/Dunkin_Donuts_Rewards_Brilliant_Bagel_Behavior_.836.html

Managing Profitable Customer Relationships Marketing
Pages: 3 Words: 1154

In contrast, Harley-Davidson is selling more of an experience and also a lifestyle change. For Harley, the open road and freedom is the catalyst of their unique value proposition. For Dunkin' Donuts, the trust they have created and sustain makes them a perfect choice for millions of consumers rushing to work in the morning who may have skipped breakfast at home. Harley-Davidson is all about a lifestyle change and freedom while Dunkin' Donuts has become a trusted source of excellent coffee, bakery items and excellent service.

American Express Video

After viewing the American Express video, can you identify a card that might fit your needs?

The Optima card which allows a card holder to carry a balance would be best, as the work I do has unequal payment dates. Freelance work pays irregularly so the Optima card would work best.

Also describe a credit card that you have. Is the credit card specifically for…...

Starbucks Accounting This Is a Managerial Accounting
Pages: 2 Words: 780

Starbucks Accounting
This is a managerial accounting paper

Starbucks accounting questions

From the case in 2004, explain the logic for a price increase from Starbuck's perspective.

In 2004, Starbucks was facing rising costs for its input goods such as milk and coffee beans. In 2004, Starbucks announced that the "price for a tall coffee is going up by 10 cents. A 12 ounce coffee used to cost $1.55 without tax but it will now cost $1.65" (Wirth 2004). Consumers were understandably annoyed by the price increases, and groused about how already expensive coffee was getting more expensive. However, Starbuck's decision seemed to be wise in the short-term. Customers who are price-sensitive to a 10 cent increase in the price of beverages are unlikely to be regular patrons at Starbucks. According to one Starbucks coffee buyer: "Because it's only 10 cents it won't make that much of a difference to me, even though I do…...



Champions of breakfast? (2009). ABC News. Retrieved:


Operating leverage. (2012). Investopedia. Retrieved:


Education Essential to My Success Since Returning
Pages: 2 Words: 631

education essential to my success. Since returning to school at XXX College of XXX, I have worked very hard to not only learn all I could from the courses, but to apply my knowledge to my professional life. Because my profession is in the financial industry, I believe that the degree program in Management Studies will be very helpful.
Unfortunately, I had to leave school because I was no longer able to afford tuition. I went into the workforce so that I could earn money for college and reflect on what I wanted from my university experience. I was very shy and reserved in my early college years and found it difficult to find my way in large universities. Because I came from a small private all girls' school, I was out of my comfort zone while attending a large university.

The working world taught me some lessons. I learned several…...

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