Drunk Driving Essays (Examples)

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Drunk Driving
Pages: 3 Words: 1071

Drunk Driving Trends and Effects
Drunk driving and driving under the influence in general is a major problem in the United States. The problem is a common cause of traffic accidents and traffic fatalities and demonstrates a pervasive legal and social issue that has yet to be adequately solved and may even be increasing in occurrence as the population spreads into larger and larger areas. (Flahardy 4) According to Flahardy statistics show that first time arrestees on DUI charges have driven their cars while intoxicated on average 80 times before being detained and arrested on their first DUI charge. As the distance between destinations grows ever wider incidents of impaired driving seems to be increasing as the convenience of alternatives to driving yourself home become more mentally prohibitive, i.e. distance, cost, convenience, and time. (Flahardy 4)

DUI seems to affect in incidence a greater number of young people and be a problem…...


Works Cited

Flahardy, Cathleen. "MADD's Message." Insidecounsel 23.241 (2012): 4. Legal Collection. Web. 11 May 2012.

Glascoff, Mary A.Wallen, Michele, Shrader, Joe. "College Student Utilization Of Designated Drivers After Drug Or Alcohol Use." Chronicle For Driver Education Professionals 59.(2012): 14. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 11 May 2012.

Kramer, Robert L. "Why Massachusetts college students drink and drive: Do current policies to stop them make sense?." Dissertation Abstracts International Section A 71. (2011). PsycINFO. Web. 11 May 2012.

"Wheels Of Misfortune." America 201.6 (2009): 4. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 May 2012.

Drunk Driving
Pages: 10 Words: 3245

Drunk Driving: A Review of Four Journal Articles
Introduction great deal of literature has been written on drunk driving. Some of it involves underage drinking and antisocial behaviors, some involves the court system and the penalties for drunk driving, and some of it simply attempts to address the reasons and causes behind why so many people seem to think that driving drunk is acceptable behavior. In the course of the next ten pages, four separate journal articles will be examined. hile these articles are not all on the same aspects of drunk driving, they all deal with the subject in various ways, from juvenile delinquency to penalties from the courts.

For each article an explanation of why the study was conducted and the reasons behind it will be made, as well as an explanation of what and how the results were measured. The various hypotheses that the researchers addressed will be mentioned…...


Works Cited

Chaloupka, F.J., Grossman, M. & Saffer, H. (2002). The effects of price on alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems. Alcohol Health & Research World, 22.

Fox, R.J., Krugman, D.M., Fletcher, J.E. & Fischer, P.M. (1998). Adolescents' attention to beer and cigarette print ads and associated product warnings. Journal of Advertising, 27, 57.

Marcus, R.F. (1999). A gender-linked exploratory factor analysis of antisocial behavior in young adolescents. Adolescence, 34.

Wechsler, H., Lee, J.E., Nelson, T.F. & Kuo, M. (2002). Underage college students' drinking behavior, access to alcohol, and the influence of deterrence policies. Journal of American College Health, 223.

Drunk Driving the First Review Eisenberg's Evaluation
Pages: 12 Words: 3580

Drunk Driving
The First eview: Eisenberg's Evaluation of policies' effectiveness in relation to drunk driving is the first policy review piece chosen for this article. In the research Eisenberg (2003) presented novel findings on the effectiveness of public policies on the state-level linked to drunk driving, effectiveness in this context refers to reduction in the number of fatal crashes. The author argues that endogenous policies lead to biased conventional estimates of policy effects. With respect to the date of adoption, the concern was addressed by the writer by examining the policy effects' time pattern. According to results, the 0.08BAC law has an upward bias, but the policy is still of use. This type of analysis also evaluated MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) organization and graduated licensing programs for drivers of a younger age bracket. There is no effect implied according to the MADD estimates, this could be due to crude nature…...



Carpenter, C. (2006), Did Ontario's Zero Tolerance & Graduated Licensing Law reduce youth drunk driving? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25: 183 -- 195.

Carpenter, C. (2004), How do Zero Tolerance Drunk Driving Laws work? Journal of Health Economics.

Eisenberg, D. (2003), Evaluating the effectiveness of policies related to drunk driving. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 22: 249 -- 274.

Impact of MADD on Drunk Driving in the U S
Pages: 2 Words: 611

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Affected Social Policy
Why was MADD created?

The Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) organization was created in response to the alarmingly high levels of injuries and fatalities that were resulting from incidences of drunk driving. The stated mission of MADD is "to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking" (MADD mission, 2014, para. 2). The stated purpose of MADD contained in its articles of incorporation (September 5, 1980) is " "To aid the victims of crimes performed by individuals driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, to aid the families of such victims and to increase public awareness of the problem of drinking and drugged driving" (MADD mission statement, 2014).

The problem that lead to the creation of MADD

The MADD organization was created by the mother of a young woman who had been killed in a collision with a drunk…...



About us. (2014). Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Retrieved from  http://www.madd.org/ about-


Cavendish, M. (2006). Drugs and society. New York: Marshall Cavendish Reference.

MADD mission. (2014). Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Retrieved from

Harsher Drunk Driving Penalties Time Offenders Penalties
Pages: 2 Words: 737

Harsher Drunk Driving Penalties Time Offenders
Penalties given to people who drive under influence vary from one country to another. First time offenders are expected to receive lean sentences but should lose their license for some time. Such offenders are likely to be forced to attend classes on alcohol education and must be coerced to pay fines. Any first time offender should lose, his/her auto insurance. Another alternative could be ignition interlock procedures, and throughout the country, all first time offenders will be forced to install the device in their cars after they are convicted. It is obvious that subsequent offenders will be given serious punishments. Because of the variations in state laws, when driving under the influence is held as a felony, first time offenders should face punishments such as imprisonment for an extra period (Neeley, James & Jason, 42).

The offense of driving under the influence should not be punished…...


Work Cited

Barron's Educational Series. How to Prepare for the CDL, Commercial Driver's License Truck

Driver's Test. Hauppage, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 2008. Print

Byrnes Mike. Barron's CDL Commercial Driver's License Truck Driver's Test. Hauppage, N.Y:

Barron's Educational Series, 2010. Print.

Attitudes Towards Drunk Driving Do
Pages: 2 Words: 697

From these lists, eight participants will be sent invitations to participate in the study. Each time one of these participants declines to participate, an additional individual from that category will be randomly selected and invited to participate. This will continue until a sample size of 30 has been achieved. Participants will be invited to visit the lab, where they will complete an informed consent which will inform them that their participation in the study is entirely voluntary and that they are free to withdraw at any time. They will then be placed in a quiet room alone where they will be given a paper copy of the survey and asked to provide answers to each question as honestly as possible. Upon completing the questionnaire participants will be thanked and given a piece of candy as compensation and then will be provided with a debriefing sheet and some reading material…...

Scholarship Application -- Drunk Driving
Pages: 2 Words: 678

By contrast, teenagers who begin drinking before they are allowed to and young adults who just started drinking at the age of 21 frequently drink so much they become extremely intoxicated even when they do not mean to. They overestimate their ability to function; they underestimate their relative degree of impairment from alcohol; and they are the most prone to becoming more bold and more careless (or fearless) when they are intoxicated.
Whenever I have the opportunity to talk to my peers, I try to promote the idea that there is simply no such thing as any "safe" amount of alcohol that can be consumed before driving any kind of motor vehicle. Even is the statutory limit "allows" a certain cutoff point before a person is considered "intoxicated" by legal standards, the relative risk of being involved in an accident skyrocket after even a single drink as compared with the…...

Will a Lower Blood Alcohol Level for Drunk Driving Reduce Automobile Accidents
Pages: 3 Words: 1186

Federal Drug Association is studying to find out if people are getting prescription drugs that they do not actually need. A large number of doctors would like to see the American Medical Association ban prescription drug advertisements across all forms of media. A San Diego doctor, Dr. David Priver, claims that it is "catastrophic in my office, with patients coming in and demanding a drug they saw on television." In sixty nine percent of the instances a patient asks a doctor for a prescription drug advertised on TV they will walk home with that drug, an FDA survey has found. (Calfee, John (2002) proposal was drafted in June 2001 by Dr. Angelo Agro of the AMA's New Jersey delegation because he also feels that advertisements undermine doctors' credibility when physicians do not agree that the advertised drugs are the best choice for a patient that comes in and demands…...



Calfee, John (September 2002) Public Policy Issues in DTC Advertising of Prescription Drugs Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 19

Huang, Alison, (November 2000) The Rise of DTC Advertising of Prescription Drugs in the United States American Medical Association Journal, 2240

Kessler, D.A. (September 1990) The Federal Regulation of Prescription Drug Advertising and Promotion American Medical Association Journal, 2409-2419

Thoen, Eric (1998) Direct to Consumer Advertising: For Better Profits and Better Health American Journal of Health, 594-597

DWI Fatality Victim Angela Runningen
Pages: 2 Words: 535

Angela and Mark put their two children through college, and Desmond moved to Chicago to pursue a law career. Emma stayed in Madison, and Angela groomed her daughter to take over the family business. In time, Emma gave Angela and Mark two wonderful grandsons, and Desmond embarked on a trip around the world, sending back art work from many countries to be auctioned off for in a charitable benefit.

At the age of 60, Angela decided to retire from Angela's Preserves, handing the reigns to her daughter, while still contributing recipes. She and Mark filled their retirement with many cruises, all over the world. At the age of 67, the two sat down to write a guidebook on cruises for retirees, with Angela writing and Mark handling photography. The book went on to become a top 200 seller on Amazon. Desmond, returned from several years overseas with his Singaporean bride and…...

DWI Is Placed in a
Pages: 3 Words: 1119

Certainly, utilizing those agencies now that there has been a crime at the premises is warranted. However, it may not have been negligent for DWI to fail to contact law enforcement when it first began receiving threats. Large corporations such as DWI routinely receive threats in the course of business. The vast majorities of those threats are harmless and represent no danger to the employees or customers of those organizations. Therefore, DWI may have been exercising due diligence by increasing its security force and not reporting the action to the police. To determine whether or not DWI was negligent, it would be necessary to see the exact language of the threats. Threats of plausible violence against customers or staff would give rise to a higher standard of care than threats against the property. Businesses cannot be held responsible for harm that occurs as the result of an unforeseeable act…...

Driving While Intoxicated DWI it
Pages: 2 Words: 968

I'd nearly been killed by a repeat drunk driver and I was mad enough to climb into that squad car and make sure the driver got a lesson he wouldn't soon forget.
I was taken by ambulance to a local hospital for x-rays, my truck was totaled, and to this day the drunk driver or his parents have never reached out and said "sorry our son nearly killed you..." And "are you alright?" Instead there are the disclaimer letters from some high priced attorney outfit; the drunk driver's Dad is a judge. Nice; and the rules of justice bend for the killer he keeps in his house.

This is a true story and it makes you realize that drunk drivers really are killers; they murder people indiscriminately and with arrogance. The CDC (2006) states that male drivers are nearly twice as likely than female drivers to be intoxicated with a blood…...



CDC (2006) - National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Center for Disease Control. September 7, 2006

Howat P, Sleet D, Smith I. (1991) - Alcohol and driving: is the.05% blood alcohol concentration limit justified? Drug and Alcohol Review 1991;10(1):151-66.

California Department of Motor Vehicles (2006) - Accessed from the California DMV site on October 16, 2006:


Changing the DWI Legislation for Missouri
Pages: 2 Words: 813

Proposal for New DWI Laws for Missouri
DWI laws will always be contentious, with different viewpoints impacting on requirements of the laws. If rewriting the Missouri DWI laws the following would be recommended, the reasons for each recommendation are provided. 

1.    The legal limit; A person will be deemed to be intoxicated if they have a blood alcohol content higher than the level allowed. The level allowed for drivers of commercial vehicles will be 0%, for drivers under age of 21 and under it will be 0.01 and for drivers over the age of 21 it will be 0.05. The bill will also include any type of intoxication or undue influence of other substances which impair judgement. 
There is a clear relationship between higher blood alcohol content and higher road traffic accidents (Karakus et al. 440; Fell and Voas 869). The implementation of a zero blood alcohol level would be in line with…...

Driving Drunk Is Dangerous
Pages: 4 Words: 1296

Driving Drunk Dangerous
Mandatory license revocation and sentencing should be applied to all young adults who are convicted of drunk driving. In addition young adults who are found to drive drunk should be forbidden from riding in a vehicle with other young adult passengers for a period of up to one year.

Every year the number of fatalities and serious accidents that result from drunk drivers rises. There have been numerous laws enacted to combat the problem of drunk driving. None of these laws however have been directed specifically at young adults, and recent studies suggest that this population shows a growing trend toward drunk driving. Thus the aim of this paper is to argue for more severe penalties directed specifically at the young adult population, in the hopes that effective countermeasures may be established with regard to the drunk driving problem.

No one would argue that drunk driving is dangerous. Drivers who…...



Grube, J.W. & Voas, R.B. Predicting underage drinking and driving behaviors. Addiction 91:1843-1857, 1996

National Highway Safety Traffic Administration. Traffic Safety Facts 1995, Report No.

DOT HS 808-471, Washington: Department of Transportation, 1996; In Shacket, R.W. & Yu, J.

Robin, G.D. "Waging the battle against drunk driving: Countermeasures, and Effectiveness." New York: Praeger Publishers, 1991.

Driving While Impaired The Writer
Pages: 9 Words: 2277

One recent study examined victim impact statements and their ability to reduce repeat offenses of drunk driving (ojek, 1999).
The study looked at those who had been arrested and convicted of drunk driving in which an accident occurred. It examined those who had been rearrested after being in attendance for a victim impact statement program and compared them to those who had been rearrested but had never been exposed to a victim impact statement program.

The study concluded that those who had been exposed to a victim impact statement with regard to their offense had a lower rearrest rate than those who had not heard victim impact statements.

The study examined the results of those who did not receive victim impact statements and found that legal punishment was often the only consequence of driving while under the influence (ojek, 1999).

By contrast, VIPs address the emotional component of the DUI offender's cognitive perspective…...



BADOVINAC, K. (1994)The effects of victim impact panels on attitudes and intentions regarding impaired driving. J. Alcohol Drug Educ. 39 (3): 113-118, 1994.

BRAITHWAITE,(1989) J. Crime, Shame and Reintegration, New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989.

FORS, S. AND ROJEK, D. (1997) DUI offenders' reactions to a required victim impact panel intervention, Athens, GA: University of Georgia, 1997, unpublished report.

Mejeur, Jeanne (2003) Still driving drunk: strict drunk driving laws don't do much good unless they are vigorously enforced. From: State Legislatures

Defense of Impair Driving
Pages: 15 Words: 5187

Driving hile Impaired in Canada
Tough new laws have been enacted in Canada in response to the problem of driving while impaired. In this case "impaired" means driving while intoxicated on alcohol -- being over the limit on blood alcohol (driving under the influence, DUI / driving while intoxicated, DI) -- or on drugs. This paper describes the issue, reviews the relevant legislation and laws, reviews the history of laws pertaining to impaired driving sanctions, and offers analysis of the contemporary legal situations regarding impaired driving laws in Canada.

hat is Impaired Driving?

The Ministry of Transportation in Ontario defines impaired driving as driving "while you ability is affected by alcohol or drugs… a deadly combination" (www.mto.gov.on.ca). The fact is that one drink can reduce a driver's ability to concentrate on the road and the traffic. Even one drink can affect a driver's reaction time, the MTO explains. The MTO also explains that…...


Works Cited

Addario, Frank. (2008). Nasty Criminal Law Will Achieve Nothing for Public Safety.

Criminal Lawyer's Association. Retrieved Oct. 1, 2011, from  http://www.criminallawyers.ca .

Bill C-2. (2007). An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to Make Consequential Amendments

To Other Acts. Parliament of Canada. Virtual Library. Retrieved Oct. 1, 2011, from  http://www.parl.gc.ca .

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Road Accidents / Road Safety?
Words: 272

1. The importance of road safety education in preventing accidents
2. The role of government policies in reducing road accidents
3. The impact of distracted driving on road safety
4. The effectiveness of speed limits in preventing accidents
5. The dangers of drunk driving and its consequences
6. The relationship between road design and accident rates
7. The benefits of wearing seatbelts in preventing injuries
8. The psychological factors that contribute to road accidents
9. The role of technology in improving road safety
10. The importance of defensive driving techniques in avoiding accidents.
11. The impact of weather conditions on road safety and the necessary precautions to take during adverse....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Road Accidents / Road Safety?
Words: 403

## Road Accidents: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Strategies

### Causes of Road Accidents

Human Factors: Driver distraction, speeding, fatigue, impairment, and aggressive driving.
Vehicle Factors: Mechanical failures, defective components, and inadequate maintenance.
Road Conditions: Poor visibility, slippery surfaces, inadequate signage, and dangerous road design.
Environmental Factors: Weather conditions, visibility, and wildlife hazards.
Technological Factors: Malfunctioning traffic control systems or lack of advanced safety features.

### Consequences of Road Accidents

Human Toll: Injuries, disabilities, and fatalities.
Economic Burden: Medical expenses, lost productivity, property damage, and infrastructure costs.
Social Impact: Grief, trauma, and community disruption.
Environmental Damage: Air pollution, oil spills, and habitat fragmentation.

what are the penalties for people driving drunk?
Words: 121

- Arrest and imprisonment
- Heavy fines
- Suspension or revocation of driver's license
- Mandatory alcohol education or treatment programs
- Community service
- Ignition interlock device installation
- Increased insurance rates
- Civil lawsuits for damages caused by drunk driving
- Criminal record
- Permanent loss of driving privileges
- Vehicle impoundment
- Mandatory attendance at victim impact panels
- Probation
- Court-ordered substance abuse treatment
- Mandatory attendance at DUI school
- Potential job loss or difficulty obtaining employment
- Negative impact on relationships with family and friends
- Emotional trauma for both the person driving drunk and any victims involved

How have alcohol policies impacted COVID-19 outcomes in UK and US?
Words: 475

Alcohol Policies and COVID-19 Outcomes in the UK and US
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on alcohol consumption and related policies. This paper examines how alcohol policies have influenced COVID-19 outcomes in the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US).
UK Alcohol Policies
The UK government implemented several alcohol policies in response to the pandemic, including:
Restrictions on alcohol sales in pubs and restaurants
A minimum unit price (MUP) for alcohol
Warnings on alcohol packaging about potential health risks
Impact on COVID-19 Outcomes
Research suggests that these policies had mixed effects on COVID-19 outcomes:
Reduced alcohol consumption: The restrictions on alcohol....

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