Moreover, influential Mexican officials are involved in the drug business and they support drug leaders in destroying the country. Corruption is thriving in Mexico, as most high officials find it difficult to resist the benefits that the drug business might bring. (Andrew Reding) According to Reding, there are even members of the federal judicial police involved in the Mexican drug business. It is not just the financial benefits which make officials get involved in the drug industry. There have been several important Mexican people that chose to reject the thought of collaborating with the drug barons. Sadly, most of those that didn't cooperate had been murdered by the merciless cartels. Curiously, wanted drug lords are often sighted on the streets of Mexico accompanied by their bodyguards as they simply walk along the streets without being arrested. (Reding) Their attitude is an insult to honest people everywhere.
The Mexican drug industry…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cook, W. Colleen. (2007) "Mexico's Drug Cartels." Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Federation of American Scientists Web site:
Pedraza, Rick. (2009). "Mexico's President: We Need U.S. Help in Drug Wars."Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Newsmax Web site:
Reding, Andrew. "Narco-Politics in Mexico." The Nation, Vol. 261, July 10, 1995.
Trevino, Maria. (2009). "U.S. border states must enact tougher gun laws to combat drug cartel violence." Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Latina Lista Web site:
, 2010). riting in the peer-reviewed orld Policy Journal, Kellner and colleague explain that another Mexican drug gang, Los Zetas, is known for kidnapping and demanding ransoms; and police are "outgunned" and "overpowered by criminals, who have become increasingly brazen…" (Kellner). Hence, the well-hidden and diverse drug cartels in Colombia are in stark contrast to the big, blood-letting cartels of Mexico.
THREE: Do these cartels present as much of a danger to the United States as terrorist organizations? The answer has to be no, they do not, because while the cartels kill, kidnap and behead police and politicians in Mexico, they have not yet invaded the U.S. with a strategy of murdering authorities. On the other hand, just this month in Boston, Americans were reminded as to the danger terrorists present (even U.S. citizens who terrorize communities) when they plant bombs in public places. There are dangers associated with tons of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Gootenberg, Paul (2010). Blowback: The Mexican Drug Crisis. NACLA Report on the Americas, 43(6), 7-12.
Gootenberg, Paul. (2012). Policy Issues: Cocaine's Long March North, 1900-2010. Latin
American Politics and Society. 54(1), 159-180.
In Sight Crime / Organized Crime in the Americas. (2011). Mexican and Colombian groups may
Sinaloa Drug Cartel:
Drug cartels are described as large and highly sophisticated organizations that consist of several drug trafficking organizations and cells with certain assignments like security/enforcement, drug transportation, and money laundering. The command and control structures of many drug cartels are located outside the United States though they manufacture, distribute, and transport illicit drugs domestically. This is done through assistance of the drug trafficking organizations that are part of or have an alliance with the cartel. The drug trafficking organizations usually range from loosely managed deals among drug traffickers to the formally organized commercial enterprises. An example of a drug trafficking organization that is involved in trafficking narcotics is the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel.
Mexico's Drug War:
Currently, Mexico increasingly reflects Colombia 25 years ago because of the rapid spread and strengthening on drug cartels throughout the country
. Mexicans have become increasingly concerned and sharply divided on the most appropriate way of responding…...
Bolton, John. "The Threat South of the Border: Mexico's Drug War Endangers U.S. Interests.
Obama Must Wake Up." NY Daily News, last modified June 10, 2010,
Keefe, Patrick Radden. "How a Mexican Drug Cartel Makes Its Billions." The New York Times,
last modified June 15, 2012, /2012/06/17/magazine/how-a-mexican-drug-cartel-makes-its-billions.html?pagewanted=all
Mexico: Terrorism and Organized Crime
The convergence in numerous means of organized criminal activities that include terrorism and drug trafficking is a developing concern in the United States and the entire world. Some professionals in this filed imply that the increasing number of cases of terrorism and organized crime groups are jointly coordinated and the trend is increasingly developing into a worldwide phenomenon (Rollins 2). These occurrences pose a great and novel challenge from national security and law enforcement perspectives. Even though the convergence between terrorism and organized crimes is not interlinked in a direct and immediate contractual manner, the reality seems to imply that terrorism and drug trafficking in a coordinated manner is incredibly present (Rollins 2). Terrorism and drug trafficking are unlawful, concealed operations, and they hold numerous common needs. These needs include weapons acquisition, maintenance of anonymity, a steady cash flow, hiding assets and the two crimes strengthen…...
mlaWork Cited
Alexander, Yonah, Kraft, Michael. Evolution of the U.S. counterterrorism policy (three volumes). New York: Greenwood Publishing Group,2008.
Borgeson, Kelvin., Valeri, Robin. Terrorism in America. Texas: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2009
Camp, Roderic. Mexico: What everyone needs to know. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Christop, Hewitt. Understanding terrorism in America: From the Klan to Al Qaeda. New York:
ar on Drugs -- Mexican Drug Trafficking
hen examining the behaviors and goals of various Mexican drug cartels, any well-informed observer can clearly see these groups aren't just drug pushers -- they are also terrorists. The cartels have been known to show their power by going into Mexican communities and simply slaughtering dozens of people then dumping the bodies in a shallow grave, or even stacking bodies by the roadside for citizens to see and become fearful. In fact, on June 18, 2014, twenty-eight bodies were found in a "mass grave" in Veracruz, and the identification of the corpses was difficult because of the decaying bodies (AP).
This grim scene is likely the result of the ongoing war between two cartels, the Zeta and certain rivals; the bodies are likely those of migrants that were coming up into Mexico from Central America, and found themselves in a crossfire between violent drug cartels.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Associated Press. "Dozens of Bodies Found in Mexican Mass Grave." The New York Times.
Retrieved July 13, 2014, from .
Carpenter, Ted Galen. "Drug cartels are causing a refugee crisis." CNN. Retrieved July 13,
2014, from .
Mexican Drug Cartel
Governments in Mexico and most of Latin America are being challenged by drug gangs and cartels. The constant insecurity brought about by this power struggle erodes the authority of the state and its sovereignty, giving drug gangs and cartels both political and economic power. The constant fights brought about by these criminal enterprises involves: drug gangs and cartels seeking to detach themselves from state authorities and conduct activities that essentially makes them 'primitive rebels' sustaining a struggle that is basically a 'criminal rebellion or insurgency'; the provision of useful social amenities; formation of narratives about power and rebellion; and gangs conducting themselves like modern social bandits to win support and power within their criminal enterprises and the geographical regions they control. They convey this message through violence and the way they do their businesses. The issue of Mexican drug cartels is of importance because these drug trafficking gangs…...
Bunker, R.J. (2013). Introduction: the Mexican cartels -- organized crime vs. criminal insurgency. Trends in Organized Crime, 16(2), 129-137.
Campbell, H. (2009). Drug war zone: Frontline dispatches from the streets of El Paso and Juarez. University of Texas Press.
Cohen, Y. (2009). Hamas in combat: the military performance of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement. Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Cordero, C.F. (2012). Breaking the Mexican Cartels: A Key Homeland Security Challenge for the Next Four Years. University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review, 81, 289-312.
9Mexican Drug CartelsAbstractAs the countrys attention remains focused on the Covid-19 global pandemic which continues to ravage the nations health and economy, it is easy to overlook the profound threat represented by Mexican drug cartels. Indeed, some authorities estimate that as many as one hundred thousand people have died in drug cartel conflicts since 2006, and this figure does not take into account the tens of thousands of American lives that are lost in the federal governments ill-fated war on drugs. Against this backdrop, it is reasonable to question why tens of billions of scarce taxpayer dollars continue to be spent on a war that is claiming thousands of American lives each year without any substantive return on these investments. The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review of the relevant literature concerning Mexican drug cartels to identify the extent of the problem, its primary antecedent causes,…...
mlaReferencesBonner, R. C. (2010). The New Cocaine Cowboys-How to Defeat Mexico’s Drug Cartels. Foreign Aff., 89, 35. J. & Hayatdavoudi, L. (2014, April). Reducing drug violence in Mexico: Options for implementing targeted enforcement. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved from .Dhillon, U. (2020, January 30). DEA releases 2019 National Drug Threat Assessment. United States Drug Enforcement Agency. Retrieved from, W. (2019, March 17). Law enforcement responses to Mexican drug cartels. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved from speeches-testimony/2012-2009/ct031709.pdf.Langton, J. (2011). Gangland: The rise of the Mexican drug cartels from El Paso to Vancouver. John Wiley & Sons., K. & Taylor, C. (2012, September). The war on Mexican cartels: Options for U.S. and Mexican policymakers. U.S. Institute of Politics. Retrieved from sites/default/files_new/research-policy-papers/TheWarOnMexicanCartels_0.pdf.Mega, E. R. (2019, February). Violent drug cartels stifle Mexican science. Nature, 555(7744), 37-41.Mexico economy. (2020). CIA world factbook. Retrieved from .Mexico rejects U.S. intervention. (2019). BBC News. Retrieved from news/world-Latin-America-50577522.Murphy, T. E., & Rossi, M. A. (2020). Following the poppy trail: Origins and consequences of Mexican drug cartels. Journal of Development Economics, 143, 102433. O’Neil, S. (2009). The real war in Mexico-How democracy can defeat the drug cartels. Foreign Aff., 88, 63., A. (2015, Spring). Hannibal at the gate: border kids, drugs, and guns - and the Mexican cartel war goes on. St. Thomas Law Review, 27(1), 19-22.Rizzo, S. (2019, June 24). Do Mexican drug cartels make $500 billion a year? The Washington Post. Retrieved from, J. Y. P. (2013). \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"San Pedro Sula, la ciudad más violenta del mundo; Juárez, la segunda.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Retrieved from sula-la-ciudad-mas-violenta-del-mundo-juarez-la-segunda.Ward, A. (2019, November 27). A terrible idea. Vox. Retrieved from 2019/11/27/20985392/trump-Mexico-drug-cartel-oreilly-terrorist. Chi,
AbstractAs the countrys attention remains focused on the Covid-19 global pandemic which continues to ravage the nations health and economy, it is easy to overlook the profound threat represented by Mexican drug cartels. Indeed, some authorities estimate that as many as one hundred thousand people have died in drug cartel conflicts since 2006, and this figure does not take into account the tens of thousands of American lives that are lost in the federal governments ill-fated war on drugs. Against this backdrop, it is reasonable to question why tens of billions of scarce taxpayer dollars continue to be spent on a war that is claiming thousands of American lives each year without any substantive return on these investments. The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review of the relevant literature concerning Mexican drug cartels to identify the extent of the problem, its primary antecedent causes, and what…...
mlaReferencesChi, J. & Hayatdavoudi, L. (2014, April). Reducing drug violence in Mexico: Options for implementing targeted enforcement. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved from U. (2020, January 30). DEA releases 2019 National Drug Threat Assessment. United States Drug Enforcement Agency. Retrieved from, W. (2019, March 17). Law enforcement responses to Mexican drug cartels. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved from speeches-testimony/2012-2009/ct031709.pdf.Liu, K. & Taylor, C. (2012, September). The war on Mexican cartels: Options for U.S. and Mexican policymakers. U.S. Institute of Politics. Retrieved from sites/default/files_new/research-policy-papers/TheWarOnMexicanCartels_0.pdf.Mega, E. R. (2019, February). Violent drug cartels stifle Mexican science. Nature, 555(7744), 37-41.Mexico economy. (2020). CIA world factbook. Retrieved from .Mexico rejects US intervention. (2019). BBC News. Retrieved from news/world-latin-america-50577522.Rizer, A. (2015, Spring). Hannibal at the gate: border kids, drugs, and guns - and the Mexican cartel war goes on. St. Thomas Law Review, 27(1), 19-22.Rizzo, S. (2019, June 24). Do Mexican drug cartels make $500 billion a year? The Washington Post. Retrieved from, A. (2019, November 27). A terrible idea. Vox. Retrieved from 2019/11/27/20985392/trump-mexico-drug-cartel-oreilly-terrorist. .Dhillon,
"As a case in point we may take the known fact of the prevalence of reefer and dope addiction in Negro areas. This is essentially explained in terms of poverty, slum living, and broken families, yet it would be easy to show the lack of drug addiction among other ethnic groups where the same conditions apply." Inciardi 248()
Socio-economic effects
Legalizing drugs has been deemed to have many socio-economic effects. A study that was conducted by Jeffrey a. Miron, who was a Harvard economist estimated that by legalizing drugs, this would inject about $76.8 billion in to the U.S. every year. 44.1 billion dollars would come from savings made from the law enforcement measures and 32.7 billion would be from tax revenue. This revenue can be thought to be broken down as follows: 6.7 billion dollars from marijuana, 22.5 billion from heroin and cocaine and the rest from the other minority drugs…...
Blumenson, Eric, and Eva S. Nilsen. How to Construct an Underclass, or How the War on Drugs Became a War on Education. Massachusetts: Drug Policy Forum of Massachusetts, 2002. Print.
Campos, Isaac. "Degeneration and the Origins of Mexico's War on Drugs." Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 26.2 (2010): 379-408. Print.
Chabat, Jorge. "Mexico's War on Drugs: No Margin for Maneuver." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 582.ArticleType: research-article / Issue Title: Cross-National Drug Policy / Full publication date: Jul., 2002 / Copyright © 2002 American Academy of Political and Social Science (2002): 134-48. Print.
Council on Hemispheric Affairs. "Low Taxation Perpetuates Insecurity in Central America." 2011. May 5th 2012. .
Drug Legalization
Most of the arguments for legalization of drugs are based on the pragmatic realities that it is difficult or impossible to legislate morality. Drug use has always been part of society and even though it may not be socially desirable there are many benefits that can be gained through legalization. One primary benefit is definitely financial. In a study by the Cato Institute, the report estimates that drug legalization would reduce government expenditure about $41.3 billion annually; roughly $25.7 billion of this savings would accrue to state and local governments, and roughly $15.6 billion to the federal government; about $8.7 billion of the savings would result from legalization of marijuana, $20 billion from legalization of cocaine and heroin, and $12.6 billion from legalization of all other drugs (Miron & aldock, 2010).
There are many other benefits beyond money as well. The United States has an expensive and dysfunctional prison system…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ghosh, P. (2010, October 19). The pros and cons of drug legalization in the U.S. . Retrieved from International Business Times:
Lowy, J. (2014, September 1). Driving stoned? States prep for marijuana DUI. Retrieved from The Christian Science Monitor:
Miron, J., & Waldock, K. (2010, October 3). Making an Economic Case for Legalizing Drugs. Retrieved from CATO Institute:
drug use and abuse in the United States and presents differing approaches that are used (or proposed) to get a handle on the problem. There is no doubt that the drug abuse issue is not new and it is not being reduced by any significant amount. This paper presents statistics and scholarly research articles that delve into various aspects of the drug abuse issue in the United States, with particular emphasis on drugs that are abused in eastern Kentucky and generally in the Appalachian communities.
History of Drug Use & Availability
The history of illegal drug use in the United States goes back to the 19th Century, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The DEA has a Museum in Arlington, Virginia, that illustrates the history of drug discoveries, drug use, and drug abuse through the years. The DEA reports that morphine, heroin, and cocaine were "discovered" in the 19th…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2008). Drugs and Crime Facts / Drug Use / Youth. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from
Drug Enforcement Agency. (2012). Illegal Drugs in America: A Modern History. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from .
Grant, Judith. (2007). Rural women's stories of recovery from addition. Addiction Research and Theory, 15(5), 521-541.
Havens, Jennifer R., Oser, Carrie B., and Leukefeld, Carl G. (2011). Injection risk behaviors
Decriminalization of drugs is an ineffective legal policy that has harmed millions of Americans. Since Nixon's declaration of "war" on drugs, American policy towards mind-altering substances has been as violent and futile as the term "war on drugs" would suggest. Drug use is not qualitatively different from alcohol use. The prohibition of alcohol failed miserably in the early 20th century, leading also to a proliferation in profitable black market businesses that fueled organized crime. The same pattern has been occurring with mind-altering substances of all types. Drug cartels have blossomed throughout the Americas, and the global black marketplace is teeming with criminal behaviors that are linked to protecting the lucrative but illegal drug trade. If trading in drugs were akin to trading in alcohol, then drug cartels would no longer need the massive stashes of weapons used to protect their property. The war on drugs has ruined far more lives…...
Sledge, M. (2013). The drug war and mass incarceration by the numbers. The Huffington Post. Retrieved online:
Drug Crime
Does research evidence suggest that current policies on drugs and crime are still appropriate?
While "tough" policies designed to curb drug use and distribution are attractive politically, and look good on paper, research shows that such policies are no longer appropriate. Instead of responding to drug use as a public health problem, governments like that of the United States and the United Kingdom still regards criminalization as "the sine qua non-of responsible policy-making," (Downes and Morgan, 2007, p. 212). Unfortunately, the criminalization approach happens to also be irresponsible policy making based on emotion rather than fact. Governments with criminalization policies like the United States and Great Britain show a disturbing "state of denial" about the way criminalization creates and enhances organized crime, and may have even exacerbated some types of substance abuse (Downes and Morgan, 2007, p. 212).
Drug use patterns have also changed dramatically, requiring an intelligent shift in public…...
Downes, D. And Morgan, R. (1992, 1997, 2002, and 2007) in M. Maguire, M. Morgan and R. Reiner (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
South, N. (2007) 'Drugs, Alcohol and Crime' in M. Maguire, R. Morgan, and R. Reiner (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (4th edn). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
The main reason why legalizing all types of drugs will bring more good than harm is because regulation could be put into effect. Things could be more under control. The current system is not working, and that is apparent in the rates of crime that are still high, and the number of people still using, and putting themselves into very well-known danger. Either way, whether it is legal or not, people are still accessing these drugs. They are still able to go out and purchase something that is supposed to be illegal and it will continue to occur if nothing productive and progressive is done. The government, economy, and everyday folks could benefit if these substances are legalized. The policies should be based on actual effects on communities, people, and the country, not on moral and ethical grounds.
(1) Caulkins, Jonathan P., et al. How goes the 'war on drugs'?: An…...
(1) Caulkins, Jonathan P., et al. How goes the 'war on drugs'?: An assessment of U.S. Drug problems and policy. Pittsburgh, PA: RAND Corporation 2005. Print.
(2) Hartstein, Max. The war on drugs -- the worst addiction of all. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse Inc.
2003. Print.
(3) Courtwright, David T. Forces of habit: drugs and the making of the modern world. Boston,
That compared with 19% for alcohol and a secondary drug; 12% for alcohol alone; 3% for smoked cocaine; 2.4% for methamphetamines; and 2.3% for heroin (Abrams).
It is estimated that by 2010 there will be 35 million teens in America (Levinson). This is a significant demographic to be concerned about. There would also be an increased chance of illicit drugs falling into the hands of children, just like cigarettes and alcohol now that are prohibited from being sold to kids. A greater availability, in general, would increase the likelihood of children being able to obtain them (Messerli).
Harm reduction is one of the primary benefits of legalizing illicit drugs; however, opponents feel that this theory is fatally flawed. Although the suffering of drug users should be reduced, their destructive habits shouldn't be tolerated. "Harm eduction advocates forget the thousands of impressionable teenagers for whom the law is a reminder that society…...
Abrams, J. "Report: Teen Use of Pot Will Jump with Legalization - Move to Harder Drugs Follows, Group Says." Seattle Times 13 Jul, 1999: A5. ProQuest. ProQuest. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. December 5, 2006 .
An Unethical Reason for Legalizing Drugs." Business Week (3678) 24 Apr. 2000: 6. Academic OneFile. Thomson Gale. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. December 5, 2006 .
Burden, K. "What's the Fuss About Legalizing Drugs? Many People Advocating a "Harm Reduction" Approach to Illegal Drugs are Well-Meaning but Misguided." Presbyterian Record 70(10) Nov. 1996: 10-11. Academic OneFile. Thomson Gale. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. December 5, 2006
Title: The Opioid Epidemic: A Multifaceted Crisis with Profound Social, Economic, and Public Health Implications
The opioid epidemic has become a significant public health crisis in the United States, causing widespread devastation and claiming countless lives. This essay aims to explore the multifaceted nature of the opioid epidemic, delving into its social, economic, and public health implications. By analyzing the causes, consequences, and strategies for addressing this crisis, we can gain a deeper understanding of its impact on individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole.
1. Historical and Cultural Context:
The opioid epidemic has deep-rooted historical and cultural origins. Understanding the evolution....
Drug Trafficking in Italy: A Complex and Evolving Problem
Italy, located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Sea, has long been a strategic transit route for drug trafficking from producing countries to consumer markets in Northern Europe and beyond. In recent years, the country has faced significant challenges in combating drug trafficking, with organized crime groups playing a major role in the illicit trade. This essay will explore the current state of drug trafficking in Italy, examining its impact on society, the efforts of law enforcement to combat it, and the need for comprehensive strategies to address this complex problem.
The Role....
1. The impact of drug trafficking on the Italian economy
2. The role of organized crime in drug trafficking in Italy
3. The effectiveness of Italian law enforcement in combating drug trafficking
4. The influence of drug trafficking on Italian society and culture
5. The rise of synthetic drugs in the Italian drug trafficking market
6. The connection between drug trafficking and violence in Italy
7. The role of international drug cartels in the Italian drug trade
8. The challenges of addressing drug trafficking in Italy's border regions
9. The relationship between drug trafficking and political corruption in Italy
10. The future of drug trafficking in Italy and potential....
1. The impact of La Cosa Nostra on American society and culture.
2. The role of women in the American mafia and how it has evolved over time.
3. The relationship between the American mafia and law enforcement.
4. The economic influence and power of the American mafia.
5. The ethical implications of glorifying the American mafia in popular culture.
6. The rise and fall of prominent American mafia families.
7. The political connections and influence of the American mafia.
8. The impact of government crackdowns and RICO prosecutions on the American mafia.
9. The significance of omerta (code of silence) in the American mafia.
10. Comparing and contrasting....
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