Drones Essays (Examples)

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Drones Unmanned Aerial Systems Uavs
Pages: 40 Words: 12745

This category can further be divided into six subgroups namely; short-range, medium range, long-range, close range, endurance, Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The long-range UAVs are technologically more advanced as they use satellites in order to overcome the communication problem between the UAVs and the ground stations. This communication problem is generally caused by the curvature of the earth. The medium, short and close range UAVs can operate in limited space majorly because of the lack of satellite communication systems. The Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) can be used for forty hours at a distance greater than three thousand kilo metres. They can also be used to fire precision guided missiles. An example of the Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) is 'Predator'. (Cavoukian 2012, 6)
c. Strategic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

With the increase in altitude the weight, flight range and endurance of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)…...



Birch et al. Drones the physical and psychological implications of a global theatre of war, 1-11. London: Medact, 2012. Retrieved from   (accessed June 27, 2013).http://www.medact.org/content/wmd_and_conflict/medact_drones_WEB.pdf 

Bone et al. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Background and Issues for Congress, Washington, D.C: Congressional Research Service, 2003. Retrieved from   (accessed June 29, 2013).http://www.fas.org/irp/crs/RL31872.pdf 

Boyle, Michael. "The costs and consequences of drone warfare." International Affairs 89 (2013),   Affairs/2013/89_1/89_1Boyle.pdf (accessed June 30, 2013).http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/default/files/public/International 

Cavoukian. Privacy and Drones: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Toronto: Information and Privacy Commissioner, 2012. Retrieved from (accessed June 27, 2013).http://www.ipc.on.ca/images/Resources/pbd-drones.pdf

Drones Strikes Is Targeted Killing Illegal
Pages: 20 Words: 5572

Drone Strikes
Target drone


International Law and Drone Strikes

Obama Administration

Drone attacks in Pakistan

Drone Strikes in Yemen

Drone Strikes in Somalia

The legality of the drone strikes is a disputed matter. A major challenge to the international law and the international system is the U.S. policy of using drones aerially to carry out target killings. According to some reports U.S. drone strikes have killed almost 4,000 people since 2002 in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries. The Congress of United States of America reviews their policy of drone strikes, which had increased to a great deal under the Obama regime, every month. The main problem of using the drone strikes is that it has not been able to stop terrorism. Instead of stopping it, it has given rise to the terrorist activities. This study is a research based on the topic of drone attacks and the legality of targeted attacks. The study is based on information…...



Abraham D. Sofaer (March 26, 2004). "Responses to Terrorism / Targeted killing is a necessary option." The San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 16TH August 2012

Ahmad, Jibran (28 October 2011). "Suspected U.S. drone kills 13 Pakistani Taliban." Reuters. Retrieved 16TH August 2012

Bergen, Peter (26 April 2012). "Warrior in Chief." The New York Times. Retrieved 16TH August 2012

Coghlan, Tom, Zahid Hussain, and Jeremy Page (18 February 2009). "Secrecy And Denial As Pakistan Lets CIA Use Airbase To Strike Militants." The Times (London): p. 1. Retrieved 16TH August 2012

Drones Preliminary Analysis of Drones Have Become
Pages: 22 Words: 6582

Preliminary Analysis of Drones

Drones have become increasingly popular among the U.S. army and the reason is that they have ability to transform (has already transformed to quite an extent) the way America has been fighting and the way it has been thinking about its wars. According to the intelligence officials of the United States, these unmanned aerial vehicles that are commonly called drones have proved to be one of the most effective weapons against the terrorist organization, the Al Qaeda. These planes are piloted through remotes and the Central Intelligence Agency has been using these for surveillance over Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan since videos are recorded and then transmitted with these vehicles. These vehicles are also used conduct attacks where America thinks are potential places for the residence of terrorist groups. According to statistics and reports drone attacks that have been conducted during the presidency of Obama are way more…...



Anonymous (2011)."Tom Cotton About." www.cottonforcongress.com.

Anonymous (2013).Predator Drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The New York Times.

Baumann, Nick (2012). "The GOP Candidate Who Wants Journos Jailed." Mother Jones.

Boo, Katherine (2007). "Expectations - Can the students who became a symbol of failed reform be rescued?." The New Yorker.

Drones Are They a National
Pages: 10 Words: 3362

As mentioned earlier, innocent men women and even children have become victim of these strikes. It was believed that in between 2004 and 2009, there have been a total of 344 strikes done. This number of strikes was under President Bush. Following that, under President Obama's presidency there were a total of 292 air strikes till 2012. It is quite obvious that the numbers have increased after President Obama came into power. This number of air strikes is not what it really is. The numbers have been cut down not only by the government of the United States but also the Pakistani government as well. The government under President Musharaff wished to hide many of the actual strikes that happened. (Priest, 2005) They mentioned it either as Pakistani military operations, accidental explosions or car bombs. A person on Musharaff's side reported saying that the President thought it would be…...



Aljazeera.com (2013). U.S. legal argument for drone strikes revealed. [online] Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 18 Mar 2013].http://www.aljazeera.com/news/americas/2013/02/20132517311796860.html 

Bergen, P. (2012). A dangerous new world of drones. CNN News, [online] October 8th. Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 16th March 2013].http://edition.cnn.com/2012/10/01/opinion/bergen-world-of-drones 

Bowcott, O. (2010). UN to examine UK and U.S. drone strikes. theguardian, [online] January 24th. Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 18th March 2013].http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jan/24/un-examine-uk-afghanistan-drone-strikes 

Drew, C. (2010). Drones Are Playing a Growing Role in Afghanistan . The New York Times, [online] February 19th. Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 18th March 2013].http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/20/world/asia/20drones.html?_r=0 

Drones the Use of Predator
Pages: 3 Words: 926

Using drones to monitor these areas might deter the use of such roadside devices by simply minimizing the number of targets available to them.
By contrast, we must also consider the theory of Just ar, which asserts that any tactic used in the military setting must be cognizant of the demands imposed by this model. here the use of the military drone is concerned, it is appropriate to make appropriate efforts to acknowledge and adhere to the principles of just war. In this context, the use of the Predator must be tempered by efforts to assure its fairness, its precision and its proper usage. Indeed, while the deterrence theory -- in its sometimes inevitable appeal to preemption -- would seem largely contrary to the theory of just war. However, if deterrence is executed properly so as to minimize the need for engagement, it may actually be a substantial benefit in…...


Works Cited:

Bird, S.J. (2006). Research Ethics, Research Integrity and the Responsible Conduct of Research. Science and Engineering Ethics (12), 411-412.

Hahn, N.G. (2012). Time for a Just Drone Theory. Real Clear Politics.

Moore, W.H. (2001). Evaluating Theory in Political Science. Florida State University.

Drones the Predator Drone and
Pages: 3 Words: 724

ould observational field research efforts contribute data for your course research project?
Field research could be conducted in a specific context where military drones are used. Here, the research could directly observe the manner in which drones are used and could make count of the proportion between causalities and roadside bombings through that duration.

b. here would you conduct the observational field research?

For the present research, this could best be accomplished by placing the research in Afghanistan for a period of observation.

c. List your dependent and independent variables from your course research project's hypothesis and provide a short explanation for what you would observe that would measure this variable and contribute to your course research data collection.

Dependent Variable:

The dependent variable is the number of roadside bombings occurring in Afghanistan during a measured duration. The observational field research described above could provide an opportunity to make count of these bombings during a…...


Works Cited:

Coppedge, M. (2002). Theory Building and Hypothesis Testing: Large- vs. Small-N Research on Democratization. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois.

United States General Accounting Office (GAO). (1992). Quantitative Data Analysis: An Introduction. Program Evaluation and Methodology Division.

Pages: 1 Words: 381

Oversight The Use of Drones Should agencies like the CIA or DoD be able to use drones – outside of warfare – with little or no Presidential oversight?
No person, organization or even government agency should be able to use drones with no (or little) oversight. This is more so the case given that it has been established that although they could be used for a wide range of beneficial and positive missions, drones could also be used for illegal surveillance activities. Further, when used out of a structured framework, they could interfere with other aviation activity, i.e. with regard to airport operations. It should, however, be noted that the greatest concern with regard to CIA or DoD utilization of drones relates to breach of privacy (McNeal, 2014). According to McNeal (2014), there are those who are concerned that without legislative oversight, the government could actively deploy drones and engage in what…...



EPIC (2020). Domestic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Drones. Retrieved from

McNeal, G. (2014). Drones and aerial surveillance: Considerations for legislatures. Retrieved from https://www.brookings.edu/research/drones-and-aerial-surveillance-considerations-for-legislatures/

Yaacoun, J., Noura, H., Salman, O. & Chehab, A. (2020). Security analysis of drones systems: Attacks, limitations, and recommendations. Internet of Things, 2(4), 31-42.https://epic.org/privacy/drones/#privacy


Drone Strikes
Pages: 2 Words: 670

Drones CRAAP Evaluation -- Drones Wikipedia - Unmanned combat aerial vehicle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_combat_aerial_vehicle Currency -- Unknown Wikipedia updates material randomly Relevance - The website is relevant to my topic and provides a good overview of some of the important considerations related to drones, or as they are known as unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV). It provides sections on the history of development, some future models, how they are being used, and some information about the politics, legal aspects, and the ethics related to their use. The content is highly relevant to the study of drones and the issues associated with it and a wide range of different topics that are related to their use in combat. C. Authority -- Wikipedia does not have any authority. Any user can modify its content and much of the information could potentially be wrong or unverified. However, although the website itself is thought to have…...


Works Cited

Brewster, M. (2015, February 11). Arctic spy drones a defence concern as Russia expands reach. Retrieved from CBC News:  

Wikipedia. (2015, February 4). Unmanned combat aerial vehicle. Retrieved from Wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_combat_aerial_vehicle 


Drone Strikes Ethical Analysis
Pages: 10 Words: 3482

Ethics of Drone Strikes
The increasing use of drones in combat has raised a number of different ethical issues. Drones are typically used to bomb foreign territory. The operators control the drones remotely, often from locations in the United States. Working with equipment not unlike a video game, they fly the drones into combat or ambush situations, where they then carry out their missions, often from thousands of miles away. Some of the ethics issues that arise are the impacts on the operators, the impacts on the territories where the drones are being used, and the morals of war in general, which may be altered by the use of weaponized drones.

Weaponized Drones and War

In an op-ed in the New York Times, Michael Hayden (2016) argued that drones play an important role in modern warfare. His position essentially argues that while there are flaws with the program, the program itself is necessary,…...



Becker, J. & Shane, S. (2012). Secret kill list proves a test of Obama's principles and will. New York Times. Retrieved April 26, 2016 from  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/29/world/obamas-leadership-in-war-on-al-qaeda.html 

Coll, S. (2014). The unblinking stare. The New Yorker. Retrieved April 23, 2016 from  http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/11/24/unblinking-stare 

CCIC (2012). The civilian impact of drones: Unexamined costs, unanswered questions. Center for Civilians in Conflict. Retrieved April 23, 2016 from  http://civiliansinconflict.org/uploads/files/publications/The_Civilian_Impact_of_Drones_w_cover.pdf 

Fair, C., Kaltenthaler, K. & Miller, W. (2014). Pakistani opposition to American drone strikes. Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 129 (1) 1-33.

Drone technology
Pages: 2 Words: 668

Acquisitions and Technology Drone technology is going to impact numerous industries and fronts in the coming years. Amazon is developing drones for last mile delivery (Oswald, 2017) and has a concept plan that resembles a beehive, with drones emerging from it to deliver packages to customers (Yurieff, 2017). The military has drone technology too, except it is not delivering consumer goods but conducting surveillance and dropping bombs on targets (Military, 2019). What all this shows is that drone technology has come a long way from being a concept to a reality, and they will likely continue to develop and play a major role in the acquisition of goods in the future.
Currently, last minute deliveries and last mile deliveries require drivers who must navigate the roads and traffic, all of which requires, time, manpower, energy and resources to do. With drones, however, a last minute delivery could be made by sending a…...

Drones and Safety in the Supply Chain
Pages: 1 Words: 365

Drone Technology in Supply Chain ManagementUnmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly popular in supply chain management and are being used for a variety of purposes. UAVs are capable of performing tasks such as inventory tracking, package delivery, warehouse scanning, and surveillance, among others. The use of UAVs in supply chain management can benefit businesses in several ways. For instance, UAVs can help reduce costs associated with human labor and provide greater operational efficiency (Rejeb et al., 2021). Furthermore, UAVs can improve safety by eliminating the need for workers to be in close proximity to hazardous materials or products (Dutta & Mitra, 2021). UAVs can also reduce the need to store large amounts of inventory due to their ability to quickly provide accurate records of stock levels.However, there are potential issues that should be considered when using UAVs in supply chain management. For instance, UAVs are typically dependent on GPS…...



Dutta, P. K., & Mitra, S. (2021). Application of agricultural drones and IoT to understand

food supply chain during post COVID?19. Agricultural Informatics: Automation Using the IoT and Machine Learning, 67-87.

Rejeb, A., Rejeb, K., Simske, S. J., & Treiblmaier, H. (2021). Drones for supply chain

Drones vs Manned Aircraft Recent Close Calls
Pages: 6 Words: 1914

Drones vs Manned Aircraft: Recent Close Calls 

In this essay, the author discusses manned (piloted) and unmanned aircraft (drones).  The essay explores the differences between the two types of aircraft.  It includes a brief exploration of the history of both types of aircraft, with a focus on the history of unmanned aircraft.  It also looks at the wide variety of types of drones, which can run the gamut from small drones meant to fly at low altitudes to military-level aerial vehicles. The author then goes on to discuss the challenges of having manned aircraft and drones in the same airspace, beginning with a discussion of the use of drones in uncontested airspace.  Finally, the essay focuses on recent close calls between drones and manned aircraft and the implications of those close calls on aviation safety in both military and civilian contexts.  

Essay Topics 

Exploring how drones and manned aircraft can safely navigate the…...



Chopra, A.  “Manned vs Unmanned.”  SP’s Aviation.  August 2013.   Accessed 30 November 2020.

Federal Aviation Administration.  “Unmanned Aircraft Systems.”  FAA.gov.  23 November 2020.   https://www.faa.gov/uas/ .  Accessed 30 November 2020.

Turrell, B.  “Up, Up, and Away: Prosser Balloon Rally.”  Yakima Herald.  4 November 2019.  https://www.yakimaherald.com/magazine/outdoors/up-up-and-away-prosser-balloon- rally/article_cb0609ac-d661-5bf6-8eb9-93e506f88548.html.  Accessed 30 November 2020.

Van Osdol, P.  “Near Misses between Planes, Drones on the Increase.”  WTAE.com.  14 November 2018.   https://www.wtae.com/article/near-misses-between-planes-drones-on-the-increase/29800897 .  Accessed 30 November 2020.

Vyas, K.  “A Brief History of Drones: The Remote Controlled Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.”  Interesting Engineering.  29 June 2020.  https://interestingengineering.com/a-brief-history-of-drones-the-remote-controlled-unmanned-aerial-vehicles-uavs.  Accessed 30 November 2020.

Wikipedia Editors.  “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.”  Wikipedia.  27 November 2020.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_aerial_vehicle .  Accessed 30 November 2020.  

http://www.sps-aviation.com/story/?id=1278 . 

Legality of Drone Strikes
Pages: 2 Words: 801

Drone Strikes
The use of remote-controlled airplanes known as drones has become increasingly common. Although surely not the only country to use them, the United States has gotten the most attention. The attention is due mostly because of the Hellfire missiles those drones have been dropping in areas of Pakistan and other countries in the greater Middle East area. While the legal grounds for these strikes in general is not on firm footing in the eyes of many people, there are those that assert emphatically that drone strikes on people who are United States citizens is too much and should not happen. Such was the case with Anwar al-Awlaki and his fate. While the United States' stated reasons for assassinating al-Awlaki are fairly straightforward, some suggest his status as a United States citizen afforded him due process and thus the drone strike should never have happened.


If Osama bin Laden had been…...



Ackerman, S. (2014). 41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: U.S. drone strikes -- the facts on the ground. the Guardian. Retrieved 21 May 2016, from  http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/nov/24/-sp-us-drone-strikes-kill-1147 

Greenspan, J. (2013). Remembering the 1988 Lockerbie Bombing - History in the Headlines.

history.com. Retrieved 21 May 2016, from http://www.history.com/news/remembering-


Why Using Drones to Fight Terrorism Is Unjustified
Pages: 6 Words: 1825

Drone Policy
The current use of drones to fight terrorism appears to be yielding negative results to U.S. administration. The recent drone attack on families and friends heading to a wedding in Yemen just cements the worrying trend on the negative effects of current drone policy adopted by the government. Worse still, the Obama administration is drastically escalating targeted killings by using drones as a core attribute of its counterterrorism policy (Wojtanik, 2014). ecently, the government started revealing much of its drone policy like in public statements by various top officials. Although the public has welcomed this information, it has failed to address completely public concerns. The number of civilian casualties coupled with a dearth of clarity about whom the government considers a civilian in these circumstances has painted the drone policy a negative image. These concerns, together with the absence of public information revolving around the policy, demand the administration…...



Cortright, D., Fairhurst, R., & Wall K. (2015). Drones and the Future of Armed Conflict: Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications. University of Chicago Press

Dworkin, A. (2013). Drones and Targeted Killing: Defining a European Position. European Council

Mohammadi, M., Shahri, A. M., & Boroujeni, Z. M. (2012). Modeling and Adaptive Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV. International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics (IJIMR), 2, 4, 58-81.

Rogers, A. & Hill, J. (2014). Unmanned: Drone Warfare and Global Security. Peter's Ear Press

Pros and Cons of Drone Use in the Global War on Terrorism
Pages: 7 Words: 1950

Abstract Although unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or more commonly, drones, have been used by the military since World War II, the United States began to use drones in earnest following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the prosecution of the global war on terror. Today, drones are used for aerial surveillance of combatants, of course, but they can also, purportedly, project military might far into the battlefield without exposing friends force to danger. While military drones therefore appear to be a perfect weapon for waging war against non-state actors that have no qualms about inflicting civilian casualties, their use has actually backfired and a growing number of critics argue that their continued use is only exacerbating already heated tensions in the world’s hot spots. Moreover, military drones are expensive weapons and critics also charge that they are a waste of taxpayer resources that are failing to achieve the desired…...



Abbott, S. & Ahmed, M. (2013, October 31). Pakistan says 3% of drone deaths civilians. USA Today. Retrieved from

Coyne, C. J. & Hall, A. R. (2018, Summer). The drone paradox: Fighting terrorism with mechanized terror. Independent Review, 23(1), 51-55.

Dalziel, N. (2014, May-June). Drone strikes: Ethics and strategy. New Zealand International Review, 39(3), 2-5.

Rosenthal, D. J. & Schulman, L. D. (2019, August 10). Trump’s secret war on terror: Drone strikes continue and spread—away from public scrutiny or congressional oversight. The Atlantic. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/08/ trump-war-terror-drones/567218/.

Sadat, L. N. (2012, Fall). America\\'s drone wars. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 45(1-2), 215-222.

Sterio, M. (2018, Summer). Lethal use of drones: When the executive is the judge, jury, and executioner. Independent Review, 23(1), 35-39.

Terrill, W. A. (2013, Winter-Spring). Drones over Yemen: Weighing military benefits and political costs. Parameters, 42, 17-21.

Yolcu, F. H. (2019, Winter). We kill because we can: From soldiering to assassination in the drone age. Insight Turkey, 21(1), 225-234.https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/10/31/pakistan-done-deaths/3322539/

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on photography essay?
Words: 478

Technical and Aesthetic Considerations

The Mechanics of Photography: Exploring the principles of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and their impact on image quality.
Composition and Framing: Analyzing the techniques used to create balanced and visually pleasing compositions.
Light and Shadow in Photography: Examining the role of lighting in shaping the mood, atmosphere, and drama of an image.
Color Theory in Photography: Investigating the use of color harmonies, contrasts, and symbolism to evoke specific emotions and convey messages.
Digital vs. Analog Photography: Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of digital and analog photography in terms of image quality, workflow, and creative possibilities.

Social and....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding topics for toulmin argument?
Words: 207

1. Should social media platforms be held responsible for monitoring and removing hate speech?
2. Is the death penalty an effective deterrent for violent crime?
3. Should college athletes be paid for their performance?
4. Are stricter gun control laws necessary to reduce gun violence?
5. Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?
6. Is climate change a result of human activity?
7. Should the minimum wage be increased to a livable wage?
8. Is affirmative action still necessary in today's society?
9. Should standardized testing be the primary measure of student achievement?
10. Is privacy in the digital age a fundamental human right?
11. Should the use....

I need some suggestions for ethical issues essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 246

1. The use of genetic engineering in creating designer babies
2. The ethics of animal testing in scientific research
3. The impact of social media on privacy and ethical boundaries
4. The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and automation in the workforce
5. The ethical considerations of data mining and surveillance in the digital age
6. The ethical responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies in pricing and distributing life-saving medications
7. The ethics of factory farming and its impact on animal welfare and the environment
8. The ethical dilemmas surrounding end-of-life care and physician-assisted suicide
9. The ethical implications of technology companies manipulating user data for profit
10. The ethical considerations....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on digital camera journey future developments a case study?
Words: 509

Essay Topic 1: The Evolution of Computational Photography and Its Impact on Digital Camera Development

Advancements in computational photography and image processing algorithms
Integration of AI and machine learning for enhanced image quality
The blurring line between smartphones and dedicated digital cameras

Essay Topic 2: The Rise of Mirrorless Cameras and Their Disruption of the DSLR Market

Advantages of mirrorless cameras over DSLRs in terms of size, weight, and versatility
Impact of mirrorless cameras on the professional photography industry
The future of DSLRs in the face of mirrorless camera innovation

Essay Topic 3: The Emergence of Computational Photography as a Separate Art....

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