Doubt Essays (Examples)

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Doubt Literature and Society Doubt
Pages: 2 Words: 659

In this case, it is doubt that drives the play and leas to irresolute action and unresolved conflicts.
In the Penn State scandal, the same doubts and power machinations can be seen in much of the story's progress. In contrast, however, it appears as though defensive coach Jerry Sandusky's acts of abuse were known by his bosses and other administrators at Penn State for years before the scandal broke; though Father Flynn's transfer could be seen either as a cover up or simply an easy solution to a complex problem full of doubt, Penn State officials were all but certainly aware of the abuse yet specifically avoided reporting it (Boren, 2012). The administration's guilt in covering up Sandusky's guilt became one of the lasting elements of the story, as it was a lack of action in light of certain evidence that was found truly unconscionable. The impact of the abuse…...



Boren, C. (2012). Graham Spanier charged in Penn State scandal; charges added against two other administrators. Washington Post.. Accessed 2 December 2012. 

Lopresti, M. (2012). One Year After the Penn State Scandal. USA Today. Accessed 2 December 2012. 

Shanley, J. (2004). Doubt. Dramatists Play Services.

Doubt Is the Key Knowledge
Pages: 4 Words: 1417

In this case, the modified hypothesis needs to be tested again and if it passes the test, it will be considered a corroborated hypothesis and can be published. The sixth and final step is to construct, support or cast doubt on a scientific theory which is not a guess, speculation or suggestion which is the proper definition of the term theory.
Mathematics is an essential discipline due to its practical role to the individual and society, as a result of its problem solving approach. Applied mathematics loosely designates a wide range of studies with significant current use in the empirical sciences. It includes numerical methods and computer science that seeks concrete solutions, sometimes approximate, to explicit mathematical problems for instance differential equations, large systems of linear equations (Moyal 240). Descartes, in his search for certainty, found that none of the senses, individually or jointly, provides experience so "clear and distinct"…...


Works cited

"Rationalism." Columbia Encyclopedia. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed.

Columbia: Columbia University Press. 27 May. 2003. 23 July, 2010.

"Descartes' Deductions." Montgomery County College. 23 July, 2010.

Doubt Leading to Knowledge in
Pages: 2 Words: 763

Here is where Truman gains true knowledge, at the edges of his existence.
Philosophically speaking, Truman was unable to understand the world around him until he began to deconstruct it, one moment, and an interaction at a time. This is perhaps one of the ultimate American paranoiac fantasies and one that surfaces time and time again in modern film and stories (Zizek, 2002). This is perhaps due to the fact that many people feel their own life is a pseudo-reality were people and events are not always as thy seem. As people become more and more personally detached from one another through technology, this fantasy may indeed follow Americans within their psyche and everyday thoughts. Interestingly enough, the questioning of one's reality is the only remedy for such feelings of fantasy, and in the film, Truman's own questioning finally led him to the truth. This path was painful for him,…...


Works Cited

Plato. "Allegory of the Cave." Plato, 516 AD.

Weir, Peter. The Truman Show. Paramount, 1998.

Zizek, Slavoj. "Welcome to the Desert of the Real!" South Atlantic Quarterly 2002 Vol. 101, No.

2. Pp. 385-389.

Doubt A Parable by John
Pages: 3 Words: 1120

In comparison, O'Brien's uncertainty in "On the ainy iver" comes from the uncertainly of standing at a crossroads and not being able to decide which way to turn. His uncertainty is based partly on the uncertainly of life that Shanley, chronicles in his play, but they are also based on his own uncertainty about fighting a war he "hates" and cannot come to terms with or support. O'Brien writes, "Certain blood was being shed for uncertain reasons. I saw no unity of purpose, no consensus on matters of philosophy or history or law" (O'Brien). O'Brien sees no purpose, while Sister Aloysius is totally convinced of her purpose and her position, so much so that she may have charged an innocent man. O'Brien is the innocent man, caught in a place where no matter what choice he makes, it will have terrific ramifications, and so, he is uncertain about his life,…...



O'Brien, Tim. "On the Rainy River." Anthology of American Literature

Shanley, John Patrick. Doubt: A Parable. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 2005.

Doubt Plato's Republic Is Regarded
Pages: 6 Words: 1821

At the same time they lack the privilege of privacy and private property ownership accorded to all other classes. The auxiliary class enjoys both power as well as the ability to lead normal lives. However, they must consistently thrust themselves into danger with the knowledge that they face untimely death at any moment's notice. The worker class must live and die by the word and law of the guardian class, but they also do not have the burden of responsibility or concerns for their own safety. Of all the classes they are privileged with the most privacy and freedom within their world. As a result, each of these classes has their own happiness and sadness. The decision of which class lives the happiest lives is a completely subjective decision based on each individual's happiness. It is evident that Plato's intent is that social cohesion has the implicit affect of…...

Doubt I Would Run Away
Pages: 1 Words: 361

It would be like a martyr's death, to run away in the name of the freedom of all black people.
While we ran away, there were times that I almost wanted to go back. I remembered the fire we had at home, and the warmth and comfort of our little dwelling. Being outdoors, hungry, and exposed to the elements suddenly made it all seem not so bad anymore. At least I had a roof over my head. Thankfully my sister came to her senses, and pushed me onwards. She reminded me that going back was not an option. It would not be the same anyway. We would be returned as runaways, and would be severely punished. Our fate was in the hands of some unknown force, and being sold South sounded like Hell. So we pushed on, and I am glad we did because once we arrived in Philadelphia the…...

Merchants of Doubt Is a
Pages: 3 Words: 954

The institute of tobacco funded this report, and it strongly opposed the scientific consensus that there were risks of human health in smoking tobacco. Singer's report indicated that this scientific consensus was an agenda of politicians to expand the control of the government over the lives of people (Oreskes, 52).
The "Merchants of Doubt" indicates that Singer and Seitz were the founders and sponsors of several institutions and organizations in the United States of America. However, the authors indicate that these organizations oppose various forms of interventions thus regulating the citizens. The book has listed tactics by Singer and Seitz, which are similar. In each case, the book indicates that they use those tactics to spread false information, confusion, degrade science, and promote doubts (Oreskes, 60).

Naomi and Erik Conway wrote that for over 20 years. Seitz, Singer, and other scientists with contrary opinions did not conduct scientific researches arising from…...


Work cited

Conway, Erik and Oreskes, Naomi. Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured

the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming. New York: Bloomsbury,

2010. Print.

Mann, Michael. The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines.

Descarte's Method of Doubt Descartes'
Pages: 3 Words: 957

Descartes assumes that it is reliable, when searching for true knowledge, to conclude that any principle that is obtained from our senses is false. His doubts are furthered by the deception of the content of our dreams, which is assembled and often mimics features we encounter throughout our lives. It is possible that our perceptions in which we establish a belief on was conjured while dreaming. However there are certain truths in sciences that whether asleep or awake are constantly genuine so in order to completely start at a base point in our beliefs must also take in the role of an omnipotent creator.
Descartes deploys more powerful skeptical hypotheses which call into question his claims to knowledge derived from these faculties. A method is a procedure for doing something which is repeated. Descartes method of doubt, then, is to deploy a skeptical hypothesis, see what can and what cannot…...



Broughton, J. "Descarte's method of doubt" Princeton New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

(2002): 7-10.

"Descartes: Starting with doubt."Garth Kemerling. Web 31 March, 2010 from 

Taylor & Francis Group. "Descartes and the method of doubt." Michael Lacewing. 1-2. Web 31

Descartes and Doubt the Question to Be
Pages: 4 Words: 1297

Descartes and Doubt
The question to be addressed is as follows: if you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things? As the following will illustrate, I am convinced that the answer is in the affirmative. Moreover, I believe that the query is unnecessarily qualified; in my estimation, any pursuit of truth demands exercising doubt on a consistent basis, and certainly more than once in a lifetime.

Questions and Responses

hat is your initial point-of-view? I believe that seeking truth inherently requires a willingness to practice skepticism with what is presented as truth, and with virtually anything encountered in the course of seeking real truth. Furthermore, I feel that the willingness referred to must reflect an active commitment, and not be perceived as an occasionally needed behavior.

How can you define your point-of-view more clearly? A more…...


Works Cited

Chaffee, J., Ph.D. The Philosopher's Way: Thinking Critically about Profound ideas, 3rd Ed.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010. Print.

Descartes and Doubt - Of
Pages: 4 Words: 1431

Carrying it to the next logical step, he says that all opinions are false until proven otherwise, and perhaps it is not he himself who is responsible for his own deception, but rather it is "some deceitful demon" who is so clever and capable that he can blur the reality of "the sky, the air, the earth" into a dream or illusion.

Meantime, illiams writes that Descartes is the kind of intelligent being who really enjoys peace of mind and clarity; and hence, illiams asserts that Descartes is disturbed by "...his awareness of various problems and puzzles" (illiams 119). Because Descartes is always determined to seek the truth in all matters, his initial state "can quite properly be described as one of doubt or uncertainty."

And this writer agrees with illiams' concerns as he continues; "Doubt is the state in which we want to know the truth but cannot decide where it…...


Works Cited

Descartes, Rene. The Meditations and Selections from The Principles of Rene Descartes.

Translated by John Veitch). United States: Paquin Printers, 1968.

Wachbrit, Robert. "Cartesian Skepticism from Bare Possibility." Journal of the History of Ideas 57.1 (1996): 109-129.

Williams, Michael. "Descartes and the Metaphysics of Doubt." Essays on Descartes'

Descartes Method of Doubt Rene
Pages: 6 Words: 1865

The previous sorts of error apply to particular classes of object or condition: refraction (so far as common errors of perception are concerned) affects the appearance of sticks in water and a few other things; jaundice, so it is said, affects apparent color. But anything I can perceive, I can dream that I perceive. Confronted with an apparently bent stick, experience of refraction-illusions can put me on my guard - it is a special feature of the situation that it is an apparently-bent-stick situation, i.e. possibly a refraction-illusion situation. But since I can dream anything I can perceive, any situation, so far as its apparent constituents are concerned, could be a dream situation; and since dreams are marked, often, by total conviction, conviction which, moreover, often remains even if I raise the question of whether I am dreaming, the fact that I am and remain totally convinced that this…...


Works Cited

Janet Broughton, Descartes' Method of Doubt (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002)

Gary Hatfield, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Descartes and the Meditations (London: Routledge, 2002)

Descartes' Method of Doubt Right
Pages: 4 Words: 1422

Some of the reason for error, therefore, is not related to indifference or for not having enough time to fully consider some matter. Some of it is due to man's propensity to flaw, and to his limited ability (which is related to his limited mental and physical power).
In addition to misinterpreting the nature of the relationship between intellect and free will, Descartes has incorrectly interpreted some of the most vital connotations that accompany free will. There is an innate responsibility that accompanies this gift. Free will presents human beings (and anything else endowed with it, for that matter), the opportunity to do good or evil, to make use of or to squander opportunity, to laugh or to cry. The power of the decision, regardless of the source (which is, of course, God) ultimately resides with the individual. And while the author readily acknowledges the relationship of intellect and will…...

Dogan's Great Doubt
Pages: 1 Words: 491

Dogen's Great Doubt
Both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism teach the primal Buddha-nature [or harma-nature] and the original self-awakening of all sentient beings. If this is the case, why have the buddhas of all ages had to awaken the longing for and seek enlightenment by engaging in ascetic practice? [Masao Abe, A Study of Dogen, 19]

How did Dogen's "Great Doubt" influence his approach to the philosophy and practice of Zen? How is this approach reflected in his conception of zazen (seated meditation) as "just sitting" (shikan taza)? Contrast Dogen's "just sitting" with the koan style of zazen that developed in the Rinzai school of Zen.

To understand his primal Buddha-nature, the Buddha of all ages paradoxically had to stand outside of the material world of suffering. Through meditation, he was able to break within himself the chain of infinite actions or desires that make up the material world. Dogen's great doubt stresses the…...

Expression of Doubt in The Selfish Gene and The Uncertainty of Science
Pages: 6 Words: 1877

Selfish Gene
The main theme used by Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene" is that of doubt. For example, as Dawkins speaks about how due to the results of teaching, people have come to assume that traits inherited genetically are fixed and cannot be modified (Dawkins, 3). Even though genes may program one to be selfish, one is not necessarily forced to comply with the traits he or she inherited, all the time. It would also be somewhat difficult for one to learn how to be unselfish, if he or she was not in the first place, genetically modified, to be unselfish (Dawkins, 3).

Unlike all animals, man is largely influenced by the environment or culture, and other influences that have been inherited from his ancestors. Some would argue that culture is such an important influence to man in that whether or not one has selfish genes, it does not matter in…...


Works cited

Gray, John. "The Closed Mind of Richard Dawkins." 2014. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene. No. 199. Oxford university press, 2006.

Feynman, Richard. "The Uncertainty of Science"

Dobbs, David. "Why It's Time to Lay the Selfish Gene to Rest -- David Dobbs -- Aeon." Aeon Magazine. 2013. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

Descartes' Method of Doubt and
Pages: 6 Words: 1840

Then, by beginning with the idea that there may or may not be a chair present at all, one can begin building on those truths that remain to establish more truths and eventually establish the presence of the chair.
Descartes uses such reasoning not only to establish the presence of those things that can be verified by the use of the senses, but also to establish the existence of God and the immortality of the soul. Descartes begins with the premise that neither mountains nor valleys may exist, but that if they do exist, then "a necessary attribute of a mountain is that it be adjacent to a valley" (Burnham and Fieser). Descartes acknowledges that the same could be said of the existence of God:

In the same way, even though the concept of supremely perfect being necessarily possesses certain attributes, it doesn't follow that this being exists. It only entails…...


Works Cited

Burnham, Douglas and James Fieser. "Rene Descartes." The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2001. University of Tennessee at Martin. 4 Mar. 2005 .

Chew, Robin. "Rene Descartes: Philosopher." Lucidcafe. 2005. Lucidcafe. 4 Mar. 2005

Descartes, Rene. "Meditations." Eds. David B. Manley and Charles S. Taylor. Descartes'

Meditations. 1996. Wright State University. 4 Mar. 2005 .

How the Covid19 pandemic has created opportunities for businesses?
Words: 402

When most people think about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economics, they think of it as being purely destructive.  While there can be no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has created economic uncertainty in many sectors, leading to a loss of production and high unemployment rates in many areas, it cannot be ignored that the pandemic has also led to new opportunities for certain businesses.  Understanding those opportunities may be critical to the overall recovery of the global economy, as those industries that have experienced gains determine how to leverage them in a way that....

Discuss the ideas developed by the playwright, William Shakespeare, in the play, Romeo and Juliet about the significance of truth in an individual’s life?
Words: 367

Full confession.  We find Romeo and Juliet to be one of Shakespeare’s least appealing plays, and one of the reasons is because, while the theme of truth (and the related theme of lies) plays a significant role in the play, there is also the questions of whether the characters are even old enough to possess the self-awareness that is required for lying about feelings. 

When Romeo professes his love for Juliet, she wonders if his words are true.  Her worries are based in the fact that, even at her young age, Juliet seems to know that sometimes boys....

What is an idea for an essay hook with the category of death penalty?
Words: 412

Capital punishment remains one of the most controversial topics in criminal law.  The ethics of the death penalty are complicated.  Many people believe that the death penalty is simply unethical under any circumstances, while others argue that the death penalty is not only ethical, but that it is unethical not to execute certain killers.  The law provides guidance about when it can be applied, but laws vary from country-to-country and, within the United States, there is even tremendous variation in state laws about the death penalty.  Therefore, any essay about the death penalty is expected....

I need help with a topic sentence for my research paper on how would monitoring teens and their social media / device used decrease the rate and prevent teen suicide?
Words: 391

Teen suicide is a one of the biggest health threats to teens.  This may be due to many factors, such as the fact that teenage brains are not fully developed, hormone changes from puberty, teen vulnerability to child abuse or dating violence, or the fact that many mental illnesses begin to emerge in the teenage or young adult years.  Reducing the suicide rate among teens is a consistent public health goal, though there is no guaranteed intervention that will always lead to success.  With social media usage among teens changing the way that teens socialize, there is little....

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