Domestic Terrorism Essays (Examples)

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Domestic Terrorism
Pages: 10 Words: 3000

Domestic Terrorism
America is home to people with varied cultural backgrounds who have been confined into one political and geographical territory. These people may have issues and conflicts but still find themselves living together because of shared territorial borders (Zalman, 2013). The United States has managed for a very long time to contain multitude of people with diverse religious, political, and cultural views in relative harmony. Incidences of terrorist attacks that have been meted out on America domestically, exemplifies the distrust people have with the American ideal of democracy where people from backgrounds can all claim loyalty to and the benefits of the American system. Domestic terrorism is not something unique to the 20th and 21st century America (Zalman, 2013). It is something that dates back to the pre-independence period when the colonialists used violence to proclaim independence. Colonists staged rebellion to the British authorities to into changing its policy of…...


References List

Ackerman, G.A. (2003). Beyond Arson? A Threat Assessment of the Earth Liberation Front.

Political Violence, 15(4), 155-156.

Barker, B. & Fowler, S. (2008). The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Officer. The FBI Law

Enforcement Bulletin, 77(11), 13.

Domestic Terrorism in the United States Americans
Pages: 10 Words: 2881

Domestic Terrorism in the United States
Americans view terrorism as a form of art and science with higher complications. Particularly, the actions of, 9/11, prompted a new face for terrorism. The place of terrorist activity and the origin of terrorists give the distinction of the profile of domestic terrorisms and that of international terrorism. International terrorism entails the terrorist activities that are foreign-sponsored by institutions outside of the United States. On the other hand, domestic terrorism entails all terrorist activities directed on population and facilities with the United States. Prior to the 9/11 attack, domestic terrorisms seemed less dangerous, but after the attack, a new era of terrorism found its way in the U.S. The distinction between international terrorism and domestic terrorism does not solely refer to the place where terrorist activity takes place, but the origin of the perpetrators of terrorist acts. As a result, this brief overview highlights the…...



Borgeson, K., & Valeri, R.(2009). Terrorism in America. Texas: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Mark, R.(2009). Homeland security intelligence: Perceptions, statutory definitions, and approaches. International Journal of Terrorism & Political Hot Spots, 4(4):275-295.

Norwitz, J.(2008). Armed groups: Studies in national security, counterterrorism, and conmuterinsurgency: Studies in national security, counterterrorism, and counterinsurgency. New York: Government Printing Office.

Walter, M. (2005). America's unpatriotic acts: the federal government's violation of constitutional and civil rights. New York: Peter Lang.

Domestic Terrorism as the World
Pages: 5 Words: 1519

Similarly, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) -- another nongovernmental institution that militates for the rights of animals -- has also been accused of terrorism. On several occasions, PETA has granted funds to the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front, both of which are included on the list of domestic terrorist organizations (the Center for Consumer Freedom, 2004).

Looking at the matter with a critical eye and from a technical standpoint, it could probably be argued that the actions and the approaches used by PETA and Greenpeace could be perceived as terrorism. Yet, it would be morally wrong to convict these entities as their goals are much nobler. Unlike traditional terrorist groups who use violence to promote their own selfish goals, the two organizations implement more aggressive approaches to attain goals of making the world a better place.


Kaplan, D.E., Tharp, M., 1997, Terrorism threats at home, U.S.…...



Kaplan, D.E., Tharp, M., 1997, Terrorism threats at home, U.S. News and World Report, Edition of December, 29

Riley, K.J., Hoffman, B., 1995, Domestic terrorism: a national assessment of state and local preparedness, Rand Corporation

2004, PETA and Terrorism: The Real Deal, the Center for Consumer Freedom,   last accessed on March 2, 2010 

Terrorism, Florida International University, last accessed on March 2, 2010

Domestic Terrorism Difficult to Define
Pages: 4 Words: 1501

Further, these groups are not motivated by violence, but instead are still political groups trying to convince the mainstream political organizations of their views.
Thus, it is clear that identifying domestic terrorism is different in today's society, taking many forms. Understanding how domestic terrorism can often be difficult to pinpoint can help criminal justice scholars as they attempt to define what should be considered domestic violence and what can be simply labeled political.


Hsu, S.S. (2005). FBI Papers Show Terror Inquiries Into PETA; Other Groups Tracked.

etrieved June 9, 2009, from The Washington Post. Web Site:

Huus, K. (2003, November 14). U.S. takes hard line on Greenpeace. etrieved June 9,

2009, from MSNBC. Web Site:

McCauley, C.. (n.d.). The Psychology of Terrorism. etrieved June 9, 2009, from the Social Science esearch Council. Web Site:

Neiwert, D. (2001, April 20). Threat from within: Origins of Domestic Terrorism.

etrieved June 9, 2009, from The ick oss…...



Hsu, S.S. (2005). FBI Papers Show Terror Inquiries Into PETA; Other Groups Tracked.

Retrieved June 9, 2009, from The Washington Post. Web Site: 

Huus, K. (2003, November 14). U.S. takes hard line on Greenpeace. Retrieved June 9,

2009, from MSNBC. Web Site:

Domestic Terrorism Every Discussion Related
Pages: 6 Words: 2071

There have been analyses made regarding this aspect and opinions are both for an easier gun regulation as well as against such a legislative initiative. On the one hand, it is considered that indeed legally allowing people to buy guns would automatically trigger a greater number of fire arms. (Workman, 2006) on the other hand however, Peter Hamm, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, suggests that the government's activities is directed in the wrong place because "it's the guns that have been around a while that could wind up in criminal hands not the guy who's going out and buying a new $700 handgun.... The guns that cause the worst problems in this country are not selling for very high prices." (Workman, 2006) Therefore, it can be said that the most important issue is not exactly the restriction of expensive guns, but rather the restriction of cheap,…...


Reference List

Animal Liberation Front. (2007) Animal Rights Organizations. Retrieved 7 November 2007, at 

FBI. (2003). Testimony of Steven C. McCraw, Assistant Director, Office of Intelligence, FBI before the Senate Judiciary Committee. International Drug Trafficking and Terrorism. Retrieved 7 November 2007, at 

Greenpeace. (2007) Greenpeace at Davos. Greenpeace International. Retrieved 7 November 2007, at 

Workman, D. (2006) "Report Finds Gun Crime Dropping as Sales Climb." Hawaii Reporter. Retrieved 7 November 2007, at

Domestic Terrorism Has Become in
Pages: 5 Words: 2496

In the case of domestic terrorism however, the reason for reaction is relevant in terms of internal politics. Thus, the Klan's mission, under the 1915 Act was focused on even influencing the political decisions made for the presidency of the U.S., however based on religious considerations. Aside from the fact that they stood against the increasing influence of the Black people, they also supported supremacy of the protestant religion and therefore rejected any other particular religions. Thus, "stressing white Protestant supremacy, the Klan enjoyed a spurt of growth in 1928 as a reaction to the Democrats' nomination for president of Alfred E. Smith, a oman Catholic." (Ku Klux Klan, n.d.)
In their actions they followed the lines of a traditional domestic terror group because they undergone their activities on the territory of the U.S. More precisely, Arnold ice points out that at the peak of their development, by the time…...


Reference List

Horn, S. (1939) Invisible Empire: the story of the Ku Klux Klan, 1866-1871. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,

Jenkins, P. (1997). A history of the United States. New York: Palgrave.

Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. (1996-1997) a Brief History of the Ku Klux Klan. Retrieved 4 November 2007, at 

Ku Klux Klan.(n.d.) Edited by R.A. Guisepi. History World International. Retrieve 4 November 2007, at

Terrorism Domestic Terrorism Is Legally Defined as
Pages: 3 Words: 908

Domestic terrorism is legally defined as activities that are "dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State," and which are intended to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population," "influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion," or "affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping," (Cornell University Law School n.d.). The central difference between domestic and international terrorism is that domestic terrorism that is orchestrated, organized, and occurring within the jurisdiction of the United States. Domestic terrorism from above is defined as that which is perpetrated by the state such as the Qadafi regime's current role in Libya; whereas domestic terrorism from below is that which is perpetrated by civilian or militia groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

Mao Zedong, Che Guevara, Carlos Marighella, and Frantz Fanon each promoted a communist ideal…...



American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU 2002). How the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act redefines "Domestic Terrorism." Retrieved online: 

Cornell University Law School (n.d.). Definitions. Retrieved online: 

Presley, S.M. (1996). Rise of Domestic Terrorism and Its Relation to United States Armed Forces. Retrieved online:

Domestic Terrorism Cause and Prevention
Pages: 15 Words: 4814

Domestic Terrorism
The Al-Qaeda group is probably the most popular terrorist group known this century for their very high-profile attacks; their most bold move was the destruction of the World Trade Center, now known today as 911, or September 11th. These motives are said to be of the religious sort, however there are arguments when it comes to the validity of these claims, as it may come off as to discriminate to other Islam who may not share the same views on terrorism (Emerson, 2002).

There are common beliefs in society nowadays which are fueled by a media, which generalize terrorists to be falling under one category (Nacos, 2009). This is of a religious category, Muslims in particular. There are two reasons for this, the main reason is basically ignorance of the Islamic religion, and the other is media sensationalism. There is an impression on a lot of people that terrorism is…...



Asthana, N.C., & Nirmal, A. (2009). Urban terrorism: myths and realities. Jaipur: Aavishkar


Barkun, M. (1997). Religion and the Racist Right. Charlotte: University of North Carolina.

Copeland, Larry. "Domestic Terrorism: New trouble at home."

Domestic Terrorism Issues the Turner
Pages: 2 Words: 488

he Continuing hreat of the Racial Right Wing:

he modern era of radicalism and domestic terrorism is less centralized and more dependent on independent groups, which complicates law enforcement infiltration and intelligence-gathering efforts. he use of high-tech technologies and the Internet widens the reach of such groups in propagandizing large numbers of potential new recruits. Increasingly, domestic terror groups have adopted apocalyptic philosophies that, in conjunction with the procurement of weapons of mass destruction and a disregard for their consequences, could threaten large population centers. he coordination between domestic terrorism and international terrorists further magnifies the potential risks.

he South Poverty Law Center:

he SPLC was instrumental in the first use of civil liability as a means of destroying domestic hate groups through monetary damage awards. he first such use was the $10 million civil suit filed in 1983 against the United Klans of America (UKA) by the family of Michael Donald who…...


The SPLC was instrumental in the first use of civil liability as a means of destroying domestic hate groups through monetary damage awards. The first such use was the $10 million civil suit filed in 1983 against the United Klans of America (UKA) by the family of Michael Donald who was lynched in 1981 by Henry Hays and James Knowles. That suit resulted in a $7 million award; even though only $50,000 was collected, that effectively bankrupted the UKA.

The Black Panther Movement and Terrorism from Below:

The Black Panther movement was a group dedicated to achieving civil equality for black people through the use of force against police and other instruments of government oppression. This clash initiated by the oppressed underclass against the established national government was a classic example of "terrorism from below."

Domestic Terrorism Has Been Regarded
Pages: 7 Words: 1991

We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of beavers, birds and other "pests," and the abuse of backyard dogs." (PETA, 2007) However this organization as well uses methods which are sometimes considered to be illegal. In this sense, the FBI had monitored the activities of the organization and now it considered that "environmental and animal rights militants posed the biggest terrorist threats in the United States, citing more than 150 pending investigations." (Hsu, 2005) However, despite the fact that both Greenpeace and PETA sometimes make use of means that are not in accordance with the law, such as demonstrations with inappropriate behavior taking place, or molestation of cars and vehicles belonging to different environmentally unfriendly companies, these cannot be placed under the same label with organizations or groups that aim at destroying the state government such as the anarchists or promote an intolerant…...


Reference List

Brazil Escola. (2007) Carlos Marighella. Retrieved 5 November 2007, at 

Clark, Major Jackie K. (1988) "Che Guevara: Fundamentals of Guerrilla Warfare." Global Security website. Retrieved 5 November 2007, at 

Franz Fanon. (n.d.) Retrieved 5 November 2007, at

Greenpeace. (2007) About Greenpeace. Retrieved 5 November 2007, at

Domestic Terrorism the September 11
Pages: 8 Words: 2425

They are seeing more and more of that in some of the militias.
The trend is that there's now a multitude of these groups out there -- the common-law courts, the sovereign citizens, the secessionists, the Republic of Texas -- that type of group. Even these particular groups, while they may profess anti-government sentiments, they've developed mature political agendas, and appear content to proceed within the bounds of legitimate political activity - recognizing that anything toward any type of violent activity will produce an overwhelming reaction by law enforcement. So what they have done is they've stayed within the bounds of legitimate political activity.

The trend the FI has seen also is "leaderless resistance" - the lone offender, or the lone wolf out there, who may go to meetings, who may attach to some particular group or ideology, that the FI doesn't know about. He's the one with the bomb-making materials,…...



ACLU. (2002, December 6). How the U.S.A. patriot act redefines "domestic terrorism." Retrieved February 19, 2009, from American Civil Liberties Union: 

Belt, D. (2006, March 27). Domestic security: The homefront and the war on terror. Retrieved February 19, 2009, from Public Broadcasting System: 

Fletcher, H. (2008, April 21). Militant extremists in the United States. Retrieved February 19, 2009, from Council on Foreign Relations: 

Jarboe, J. (2002, February 12). Congressional testimony. Retrieved February 19, 2009, from Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Domestic Terrorism Research Reports Over the Last
Pages: 4 Words: 1280

Domestic Terrorism Research Reports
Over the last decade, the threat of terrorist attacks within the United States has become more and more prominent, beginning with the destruction of the orld Trade Center in 2001 and continuing through the economic downturn and historical election of Barack Obama. However, the ideologies motivating the different terrorist threats are various and distinct, a fact that can be seen when comparing the New York Police Department's 2007 examination of radicalization in the est with the Department of Homeland Security's 2009 report regarding the increased threat from rightwing extremists. The NYPD's report focuses on the radicalization of U.S. residents or citizens motivated by jihadist or jihadi-Salafi ideology, and identifies four distinct phases of radicalization visible in a number of cases in which residents and citizens of estern countries became radicalized before continuing on to plan or participate in an attack on their home country. hereas the NYPD…...


Works Cited

Department of Homeland Security, Office of Intelligence and Analysis. (2009). Rightwing

extremism: current economic and political climate fueling resurgence in radicalization

and recruitment

Silber, M. D, & Bhatt, A. New York City Police Department, Intelligence Division. (2007).

Domestic Terrorism Within the Armed Forces
Pages: 9 Words: 2887

Terrorism and the Military (APA).
Domestic Terrorism and the Military

On Friday June 17th a member of the United States Marine Corps eserve was arrested for trespassing on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. In the man's car, police found Al Qaeda literature. What this Ethiopian-born American citizen was doing, and why he had Al Qaeda literature in his car has yet to be determined, but with the recent wave of attacks by Muslim soldiers against their country the question of terrorists inside the U.S. military has become an issue. Since the United States began it's war on terrorism 10 years ago, the number of incidents of U.S. soldiers committing acts of terrorism against their own country has increased, prompting many to worry about the possibility of more terrorist in the military. However, this is not the first time the possibility of terrorists being in the military has been an issue, in…...



"Army: U.S. Soldier Acted out of Resentment in Grenade Attack" (2003) Retrieved from,2933,81898,00.html 

"Arrest of military man in Pentagon bomb scare: Spotlight turns on serving Muslims." International Business Times. Retrieved from 

Black, Donald. (2004) "The Geometry of Terrorism." Sociological Theory. 22:1. Retrieved from,14

Domestic Terrorism and Extremism Groups
Pages: 1 Words: 358

ccording to a sociological-based theory, perpetrators may be motivated because they desire to have a sense of belongingness with members of their own group. This can explain why hate crime perpetrators often belong to specific organizations promoting hatred such as the Ku Klux Klan and White ryan Resistance. Finally, a psychological-based theory states that perpetrators, due to having a poor self-image and a fear of the unknown, may be motivated to hate based on wanting to feel superior to their victims. Whatever motivations exist, all are based somehow or another on both the fear of and ignorance about the different types of people that live in the world.

Medoff, Marshall H. "llocation of time and hateful behavior: a theoretical and positive analysis of hate and hate crimes." merican Journal of Economics and Sociology. Oct. 1999. vailable at, ccessed pril 25, 2007

Lewis, Gale R. "n economic analysis of hate crime." Eastern…...


According to a sociological-based theory, perpetrators may be motivated because they desire to have a sense of belongingness with members of their own group. This can explain why hate crime perpetrators often belong to specific organizations promoting hatred such as the Ku Klux Klan and White Aryan Resistance. Finally, a psychological-based theory states that perpetrators, due to having a poor self-image and a fear of the unknown, may be motivated to hate based on wanting to feel superior to their victims. Whatever motivations exist, all are based somehow or another on both the fear of and ignorance about the different types of people that live in the world.

Medoff, Marshall H. "Allocation of time and hateful behavior: a theoretical and positive analysis of hate and hate crimes." American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Oct. 1999. Available at   Accessed April 25, 2007 ,

Lewis, Gale R. "An economic analysis of hate crime." Eastern Economic Journal. Spring 2002. Available at   Accessed April 25, 2007 ,

Domestic Terrorism on Policing Since 911 Criminal
Pages: 8 Words: 2231

Domestic Terrorism on Policing since 911
Criminal justice incorporates government institutional systems and practices that aim at combating and deterring crime, or sanctioning the law offenders through rehabilitation efforts or criminal penalties, all with a goal of upholding social control. The accused persons have entitlement to protection against any investigatory and prosecution power abuses, unless found guilty. Despite all these efforts, criminal activities within the globe has ever been at the peak of both national and international debates as law offenders continue multiplying and violating the laws. Nonetheless, no crime has ever been close to the terror activities or attacks of 9/11 in the dimensions of scope, impacts and loss of human lives. As a result, governments of diverse nations have been at the war front in fighting against terror activities within their areas of jurisdictions, as well as combating terror activities within the entire globe (Innes, 2006). This has…...



Davis, L. (2004). When terrorism hits home: How prepared are state and local law enforcement?

Journal of National Corporations, 124(7), 37-49.

Innes, M. (2006). Policing uncertainty: Countering terror through community intelligence and democratic policing. Journal of Criminal Justice, 65(6), 1-20.

Pickering, S., McCulloch, J. & Wright-Neville, D. (2008). Counter-terrorism policing:

What is the affiliations of domestic and transnational terrorism?
Words: 483

We would start this essay by looking at the Department of State’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.  Looking at that list is a great way to identify transnational terrorist groups.  Working from those groups, you could the identify a transnational group that is linked to a domestic terrorist group.  The County Reports on Terrorism also reveal how international terrorist groups work and can provide some insight into their ties to domestic organizations.  Working this way may be important for the integrity of your research because the designation of groups as domestic terrorist groups changed....

Could someone kindly recommend me a topic for my A-levels global perspective essay?
Words: 481

The term global perspective actually has a few different meanings, depending on the discipline.  It can refer to an individual’s personal lens and how they view the globe; to various perspectives about an issue from around the globe; and to views linked to globalization and the impact of individual or nation-wide actions on the world and its inhabitants.   We are going to provide a range of topic suggestions that incorporate all of these different definitions of global perspectives, with the most suggestions coming from the last topic, as it is the most commonly used across academic disciplines.


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