Dogs Essays (Examples)

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Dog and Nighttime Mark Haddon's
Pages: 5 Words: 1734

" Haddon's novel illustrates this characteristic of autistic families more clearly than any other of his themes and it is this that makes his work significant.
Library and Information Resource Net. "Autism and Brain's Immune System Linked." AORN Journal, Feb 2005 v81 i2 p341 (1).

Ozonoff, Sally and Geraldine Dawson. A Parent's Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism. New York: Guilford Press, 2002. (p27-28).

Haddon, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. New York: Doubleday, 2003. (p14-15).

See above, no. iii. (p44).

Herrey, a. And Lisa M. Capps. "Understanding Teasing: Lessons from Children ith Autism." Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Feb 2005 v33 i1 p55 (14).

See above, no. iii. (p46).

See above, no. iii. (p140).

Bashe, Patricia Romanowski and Barbara L. Kirby. The Oasis Guide to Asperger Syndrome. New York: Crown, 2001. (p43).

orks Cited

Bashe, Patricia Romanowski and Barbara L. Kirby. The Oasis Guide to Asperger Syndrome. New York: Crown, 2001.

Haddon, Mark. The Curious…...


Works Cited

Bashe, Patricia Romanowski and Barbara L. Kirby. The Oasis Guide to Asperger Syndrome. New York: Crown, 2001.

Haddon, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. New York: Doubleday, 2003.

Herrey, a. And Lisa M. Capps. "Understanding Teasing: Lessons from Children With Autism." Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Feb 2005 v33 i1 p55 (14).

Library and Information Resource Net. "Autism and Brain's Immune System Linked." AORN Journal, Feb 2005 v81 i2 p341 (1).

Training and Effectiveness K-9 History
Pages: 4 Words: 1330

The following chart illustrates the orientation and where the dog's social, sexual and micturition behaviors should be oriented.

Source: Tieken (1999)

The appropriate socialization of the dog is also important. Guidelines for socialization of the dog is shown for the age appropriate socialization in the following table.

Age/Appropriate Socialization



0-5 weeks

Dog needs nurturing from the dam and to be protected from environmental extremes.

3-5 weeks

Some human contact is advisable

5-8 weeks

Continue nurturing, but allow some mild stress such as cold or short-term social isolation. Also increase human contact with some interaction. Studies have revealed that pups that experience mild stress grow up to handle stress better than littermates who were protected from all stress.

8-10 weeks

This is a fear imprinting period. Avoid negative forceful reinforcements; minimize all stress; be careful to avoid threatening situations (e.g., close proximity to large strange dogs, manwork, or courage testing). Continue to socialize the dog.

10-24 weeks

Avoid negative forceful reinforcements Avoid…...



Hubble, Bert (nd) a Brief History of War Dogs in the U.S. Military: A Historical Perspective. 47th Scout Dog Platoon. Online available at 

K-9 History: The Dogs of War!

History of Police Dogs (2007) K9 Global Training Academy Working Dogs. Online available at

Curious Incident of the Dog
Pages: 2 Words: 688

His view of interactions with others and admonishments is of less importance as compared to that of animals. In my opinion, this explicates the climax of Haddon's plot. The fact that Christopher decides to dig into finding the killer of the dog to erase the predicaments implicated upon him, introduces an interesting turn of the story. To him, tracking down the legitimate killer was exponentially vital to him; a close reflection to Sherlock Holmes inspiration.
In my opinion, the insights from the book exceptionally enlightened my understanding of literature. I gained knowledge concerning fiction's correlation to reality. This is portrayed by the Christopher's brilliance that illustrates his lack of fathom in his personal emotions. Similarly, the funny incidences create a dazzling effect to my understanding as the fascinating sides of Christopher highlights a blessing in disguise nature. This has helped in satisfying the incidental perception of the world of reality.



Red Dog Culture Exists in
Pages: 7 Words: 2235

But this does not mean that this family cannot be understood as a political constellation. The family members relate to the world with violence, trying to make others conform to their desires with guns and drugs, a path that leads finally to a terrible action. This action transforms the novel from a type of ethnography and the characters from symbols of a certain kind of cultural actors into themselves, into individuals who believe they can no longer hide in the shadows of their culture and their history. The characters step out in front of the landscape, step out of the shadows of generalities, of being movers in a Great Canadian Novel.
Essential to understanding the novel and its characters is to trace the history of the family as it moves from America to Canada, from one geographical and historical site of colonization to another. In their home in British Columbia,…...



Gilbert, H. & Tompkins, J. (1996). Post-colonial drama: Theory, practice, politics. New York: Routledge.

hooks, b. (1990). Yearning: Race, gender and cultural politics. Boston: South End.

Lane, P. (2006). Red dog. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart.

Lady With the Pet Dog According to
Pages: 4 Words: 1158

Lady ith the Pet Dog
According to Vladimir Nabokov, "The Lady with the Pet Dog" is referred to be one of the greatest stories ever written. The story was published in 1899, revealing a symbolic suitability according to the era. Chekhov, who was to die within five years, is revealed in the story as reinventing the form for the 20th century. In the context of this short tale, Gurov experiences an unfamiliar and winding course of principled and emotional growth that is not expected by most of the readers.

The author of "The Lady with the Pet Dog" is Anton Chekhov. Realizing the time, the cultures and the two continents transversely, Chekhov narrates tales of concealed love that extends deep into the lives, fears and hopes of men and women who are married. Such pairs struggle to traverse past their marriages that are fruitless and devoid of love in order to find…...


Works Cited

Born Again: A Comparison of Two Tales of "The Lady with the Pet Dog."

Curious Incident of the Dog
Pages: 4 Words: 1413

His reaction is honest and real, and shows that he has emotions and feelings as well as logical reactions to his life. He also decides he cannot live with his father when he discovers his father is the one who killed Wellington. These are all emotional reactions to problems, and so he is very capable of love and other strong emotions. His reactions might not be what another person's reactions are, but they are certainly real and important.
In addition, Christopher becomes aware of a terrible hurt inside him because of his father's confession. Haddon writes, "But this hurt was inside my head. And it made me sad to think that I could never become an astronaut" (Haddon 132). That kind of hurt comes from love, and Christopher now knows the pain of loving someone and losing them. This feeling forces him to do things he would never do before,…...



Haddon, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. New York: Vintage Books, 2003.

Development of Canine Behavior Genetics vs Environment
Pages: 15 Words: 4662

Canine Behavior: Genetics vs. Environment
The debate over nature vs. nurture as it applies to learning dates back over a hundred years. Certainly, during much of the 20th century, the distinction between learned and inherited behavior appeared much clearer than it does today. The concept that any type of behavior was either learned or merely developed without learning seemed a rationale and straightforward belief. esearch based on these expectations caused some scientists to conclude that rat-killing behavior among cats, for example, is a learned behavior rather than an instinctive one, that human fears are all acquired, or that intelligence is completely the result of experience. Learning theorists were arguing at this point that most behavior is learned and that biological factors are of little or no importance. The behaviorist position that human behavior could be explained entirely in terms of reflexes, stimulus-response associations, and the effects of reinforcers upon them…...



Ader, R., Baum, A., & Weiner, H. (1988). Experimental foundations of behavioral medicines: Conditioning approaches. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Black, A.H., Solomon, R.L., & Whiting, J.W.M. (1954, April). Resistance to temptation as a function of antecedent dependency relationships in puppies. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association meeting, New York. In American Psychologist, 9, 579.

Brush, F.R., Overmier, J.B., & Solomon, R.L. (1985). Affect, conditioning, and cognition: Essays on the determinants of behavior. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Dogs and People: The History and Psychology of a Relationship. (1996). Journal of Business Administration and Policy Analysis, 24-26, 54.

Gaining an Understanding of Mary Crow Dog
Pages: 2 Words: 741

gaining an understanding of Mary Crow Dog, what did you find most interesting about this chapter? Be sure to explain why you found it most interesting.
This chapter provides a lot of insight into gender roles and norms in the society, beyond learning about how these norms impacted Mary Crow Dog on a personal level. The phenomenon of child marriage, and of the lack of power women had over their own destinies, is evidence from the very first sentence of Chapter 12 "Sioux and Elephants Never Forget." The first sentence is tellingly written in the passive voice, when Mary Crow Dog writes about her marriage to Crow Dog. She writes, "I became Crow Dog's wife," not "I married Crow Dog," which would be the active voice phrasing. Mary Crow Dog purposely uses the passive voice because she was not even eighteen years old when she married. And more than that,…...



Crow Dog, M. (1990). Lakota Woman. New York: Harper.

Mankiller, W. (1993). Mankiller: A Chief and Her People. New York: St. Martin's.

Red Dog a Modern Application
Pages: 6 Words: 1796

A description of the entrance of Elmer Stark, father of Eddy and Tony, into the world of the story makes both the masculine and the feminine exotic, other, and unknowable, while at the same time igniting tensions and passions -- outright lust, in fact -- between them in a fetishization of the other. Nettie, the Stark matriarch, is described watching this stranger wash, "his naked shoulders, the gleam of his skin, and the lines of charred bronze where the sun had burned his neck and wrists, the faint red-gold of the hairs that edged from under his belt at his waist" (Lane, p. 144). This description makes it clear that Elmer is not being viewed as a human, but as an other, just as Nettie is creating her own distance and just as distances were created with the native peoples through such objectification. ith such beginnings as these, it…...


Works Cited

Kulperger, Shelley. Familiar Ghosts: Feminist Postcolonial Gothic in Canada. In Unsettled Remains: Canadian Literature and the Postcolonial Gothic, Cynthia Conchita Sugars & Gerry Turcotte, eds. Waterloo, on: Wilfird Laurier University Press, 2009.

Lane, Patrick. Red Dog, Red Dog. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2008.

Segal, Francesca. Ghostly Visions from the Top of an Apple Tree [review]. The Observer, 6 June 2009. Accessed 4 April 2012.

Embedding Elements of Functional Skills in K-9
Pages: 2 Words: 433

Embedding Elements of Functional Skills in K-9 Handling
Skills in individual areas become much more valuable to instructors and to learners when they are fully integrated or embedded within functional applications (Gravells, 2008). Generally, a good canine handler needs to have a command of factual knowledge about canine behavior, human psychology, criminal law and procedure, computer Internet technology, (ICT), and good writing skills. However, raw knowledge about canines, or so-called "textbook" knowledge (breed identification, history, physiology, general behavior, etc.) is comparatively useless in the field. Instead, the functional or "embedded" knowledge a canine handler must understand about dogs would include identifying predictable behaviors of various canines in specific situations. For example, knowledge about the respective lineage of the Belgian Malinois and German Shepherd is not particularly useful in the field as compared with embedded knowledge of their respective likely responses to gunshots.

Likewise, textbook knowledge of the history of the discipline of…...



Gravells, A. (2008). Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector -- Level 3

Coursebook. Learning Matters Ltd.

Service Dogs and Symptoms PTSD
Pages: 2 Words: 579

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Service DogsIn basic terms, PTSD could, according to the National Institute of Mental Health NIMH (2019), be conceptualized as a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. In the video, the dog helps its owner cope with PTSD by sensing changes in his mood. In essence, Gumbo could tell that Erick was upset early enough and moved in to calm him by showing affection. In this instance, the dog came in handy in seeking to avert or prevent a full-blown panic attack. There are many ways through which dogs could help veterans cope with PTSD. To a large extent, as Gumbo clearly demonstrates in the YouTube video, service dogs could help address the emotional needs of veterans. One of the more debilitating symptoms of PTSD happens to be emotional deregulation. In this case, the dog could…...


ReferencesAnxiety and Depression Association of America – ADAA (2020). SymptomsPost-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).   J.D. (2009). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Scientific and Professional Dimensions. Academic Press. National Institute of Mental Health – NIMH (2019). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Paintain, E. & Cassidy, S. (2018). First?line therapy for post?traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review of cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic approaches. Couns Psychother Res., 18(3), 237-250. Ford,

Lady With the Dog by
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Chekhov likened his characters to a child who is just starting to understanding a new concept and meaning of love, leading him to further evaluate himself not just as a lover to Anna, but as a man and individual as he appears to Anna and other people:
He had two lives: one, open, seen and known by all who cared to know…and another life running its course in secret… everything that was essential, of interest and value to him…was hidden from other people; and all that was false in him…all that was open.

While Gurov admitted and acknowledged the hypocritical life he led by carrying on a love affair with Anna while still living with his wife, Anna remained confused and uncertain about herself and her lover in Oates' redevelopment of Chekhov's original short story. Created to complete the missing information on events surrounding Anna and her lover's affair in Chekhov's…...



Chekhov, a. The Lady with the Pet Dog. Available at: .

Oates, J.C. (2006). The Lady with the Pet Dog. In High Lonesome. NY: HarperCollins.

Oil of Dog Bierce's Narrative Style
Pages: 2 Words: 712



Ambrose Bierce's Oil of Dog is a dark, macabre and humorous, even though it is a short story it is very rich, compact and filled with irony. The irony which is the dominant and most outstanding element in Oil of Dog functions in several significant and symbolic ways. Bierce presents to the reader an inverted or upside down world where right is wrong and wrong is right. He portrays his parents and their trade which is murder and thievery as honorable while at the same time presenting the righteous as guilty. The constable, a representative or law and order is described like this: "young as I was, I had learned that a constable's acts, of whatever apparent character are prompted by the most reprehensible motives" (12).

He also states that the town's people who appear to be…...



Bierce, Abrose. "LibriVox -- The Parenticide Club, by Ambrose Bierce." LibriVox. 10 June 2007. Web. 16 Dec. 2010. .

Talley, Sharon. Ambrose Bierce and the Dance of Death. Knoxville: University of Tennessee, 2009. Print.

Wild Dog Coffee Needs Help Pouring Espressos
Pages: 6 Words: 1793

Process Improvement Plan for Delivering an Espresso BeverageIntroductionWild Dog Coffee Company is a popular coffee shop that strives to provide high-quality beverages and exceptional customer service. To achieve this goal, it is important for the company to continuously monitor and improve their processes (Krajewski & Malhotra, 2022). In this context, this paper provides an analysis of the beverage service times data for 50 beverage preparation events using their order processing system. It also provides a cause-and-effect diagram to identify potential sources of variation in the espresso beverage preparation process. Based on this analysis, the paper offers recommended quality and customer service improvements for the company\\\'s beverage preparation process. By implementing these recommendations and continuously monitoring their processes, Wild Dog Coffee Company can ensure high-quality beverages and exceptional customer service to their customers.The ProcessTo prepare an espresso beverage, the first step is for the barista to grind the coffee beans to…...


ReferencesDesai, K. J., Desai, M. S., & Ojode, L. (2015). Supply chain risk management framework: a fishbone analysis approach. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 80(3), 34.Gligor, D. M., & Holcomb, M. C. (2012). Understanding the role of logistics capabilities in achieving supply chain agility: a systematic literature review. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(4), 438-453.Krajewski, L. J., & Malhotra, M. K. (2022). Operations management: Processes and supply chains (13th ed.). Pearson. Madhani, P. M. (2017). Customer-focused supply chain strategy: Developing business value-added framework. The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, 14(4), 7-22.Worley, C. G., Williams, T., & Lawler III, E. E. (2016). Creating management processes built for change. MIT Sloan management review.

Requiring Ethnics Training to Employees Is Simply a Dog and Pony Show Why or Why
Pages: 8 Words: 2443

Ethics Training for Employees
"ecently we have become aware of massive fraud and abuses that are tolerated and even encouraged by executives in large and formerly reputable organizations" (Lee, 2004). The Enron scandal sent ricochets through corporate America, causing literally thousands of people to lose their jobs and sending a major city into a deeper recession than that experienced by the rest of the country. Even seemingly minor corporate scandals have had a tremendous impact on both corporate America and on consumer confidence in corporations. One need only look at the recent media fury surrounding Martha Stewart's recent release from prison to realize that corporate misbehavior is the hot-button issue of the day. As evidenced by the abundance of "Free Martha" t-shirts, the negative impacts of corporate ethical issues are not always apparent on the surface. However, the fact is that abusive and illegal practices that have been permitted, and…...



Joseph, J., Wan Veer, L., and McFadden, A. (2004). Ethics in the Workplace. Retrieved 12 Mar. 2005 from Executive Update Online

Web site: 

Lee, W. (2004). Ethics: Compliance vs. Commitment. Retrieved 12 Mar. 2005, from Society for Human Resource Management

Web site:

I need help with an outline for a narrative essay?
Words: 603

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

I need help with an outline for a narrative essay?
Words: 603

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global helping stray dogs and cats?
Words: 213

1. "A Call for Compassion: The Importance of Helping Stray Animals"

2. "The Healing Power of Rescuing Stray Dogs and Cats"

3. "Making a Difference: How You Can Help Stray Animals in Need"

4. "The Stray Animal Crisis: Steps to Take Action"

5. "Furry Friends in Need: Ways to Aid Stray Dogs and Cats"

6. "From Abandonment to Adoption: Rescuing Stray Animals"

7. "Caring for Strays: The Heartwarming Impact of Helping Animals"

8. "Finding Hope for Homeless Pets: Tips for Helping Stray Dogs and Cats"

9. "Kindness in Action: The Rewards of Assisting Stray Animals"

10. "Giving Back to the Community: Ways to Support Stray Animals in Need"
11. "Stray....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global helping stray dogs and cats?
Words: 496

## Captivating Titles for Your Global Stray Animal Aid Organization

1. Paws Across Borders: Unite to Alleviate the Plight of Stray Animals Worldwide

This title conveys the global reach of your organization and the collaborative effort needed to address the issue of stray animals.

2. Mission Meow: Striving for a Humane World for Every Feline

This title is catchy and memorable, focusing on the specific care and support provided to cats in need.

3. Canine Crusaders: Empowering Abandoned Dogs with Compassion and Care

This title highlights the organization's dedication to helping dogs in distress and the impact of compassion on their lives.

4. Guardians of the Paw:....

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