DNP-prepared nurse, there is likelihood of encountering several different methods of disseminating the findings and implications of an evidence-based project. The existence of varying methods for presentation of findings and implications of an evident-based project is fueled by the unique benefits of each method. Therefore, the DNP-nurse should be careful when choosing his/her method of presenting findings and implications through thorough analysis and consideration of the unique benefits of each method. It is important for the nurse to conduct such analysis in order to enhance chances of delivering effective presentations. Moreover, the need to choose an effective presentation method by a DNP-prepared nurse is attributed to the fact that these professionals are uniquely qualified to lessen the gap between research and practice (Vincent et al., 2010, p.28).
Generally, there is a wide range of opportunities and methods that can be used by DNP-prepared nurses to disseminate the findings and implications…...
Bradley, E., McSherry, W. & McSherry, R. (2010, November 6). Disseminating Research: How
Joint NHS and University Posts Can Support This Process. Retrieved October 24, 2014, from
DiCenso, A. (2003, December). Research: Evidence-based Nursing Practice: How to Get There
from Here. Nursing Leadership 16(4), 20-26. Retrieved from
The provision of healthcare requires patience, compassion and dedication. In addition to possessing these qualities and desiring to share them with those in the greatest need, I am well-suited for the emotional, practical and educational rigors of a distinctly challenging occupation. Though I am driven by professional ambition, academic achievement and a degree of healthcare experience, I am also inspired by the deeply personal interest in helping others. I believe that the advanced level focus of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is particularly suited to the development of the skills and knowledge required to truly qualify as an outlet for such help.
Indeed, the DNP program appears to serve in the achievement of both my short- and long-term goals as an evolving professional. The emphasis on improving practice skills and treatment quality suggest that a DNP program will make me a better provider of healthcare services on a day-to-day basis.…...
mlaWorks Cited:
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2010). The Doctor of Nursing Practice.
Cramp, L. (2005). PhD vs. DNP. All Experts.
Over the course of the practicum, I hope to enhance my knowledge, the first level of Bloom’s Taxonomy of knowledge (1999), of how to communicate with patients from different cultural contexts in a more effective fashion. As noted in the DNP essential regarding the scientific underpinnings of practice, biological, psychological, and social factors must all be integrated into evidence-based analysis. Specific patient groups, according to the scientific literature, may face unique health barriers based upon a host of different factors and the nurse must be aware of these obstacles.
Also over the course of the practicum, I hope to expand upon my application of knowledge to enhance my ability to engage in interprofessional collaboration, another DNP essential. Healthcare is increasingly a team effort. Nurses must be regarded as key players on leadership teams to ensure that patient-centered perspectives are given equal value as other perspectives in medicine. Understanding different professional views…...
Essential aspects of DNP education. (2017). AACN. Print.Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model. (2016). Boston University. Retrieved from: Modules/SB/BehavioralChangeTheories/BehavioralChangeTheories6.html -
DNP PROJECT Final Project PlanThe proposed project seeks to address the high incidence of medication errors at the clinical site by implementing a mandatory medication safety education for clinical staff. The incidence of medication errors at the facility has risen significantly over the past year, resulting in preventable injury, death, and reputational issues. This text presents the final translation action plan to start off the implementation phase. It outlines the finalized project management tool, project scope and objectives, barriers to implementation, strategies for overcoming barriers, and the legal/ethical implications to implementation.Project Scope and ObjectivesThe education program will take place within the clinical site, and will involve all nurses, physicians, and pharmacists. It will involve weekly training sessions covering five main thematic areas: the eight rights of medication administration, error management strategies, medication sensitivity, dose calculations, and international patient safety guidelines (Abukhader & Abukhader, 2020). The projects objective is to reduce…...
Abukhader, I., & Abukhader, K. (2020). Effect of medication safety education program on intensive care nurses’ knowledge regarding medication errors. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 8(6), Doi: 10.4236/jbm.2020.86013
Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines(4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.
Milosevic, D. Z. (2003). Project management toolbox: tools and techniques for the practising project manager. John Wiley & Sons.
Academic and Professional Goals: Doctorate in Nursing Practice
Shortly after beginning my career as a licensed practical nurse I became interested in palliative and hospice care, in addition to advancing my professional career through further academic preparation to become a registered nurse. After earning a two-year associates degree in nursing and obtaining licensure in the State of Florida, I obtained a staff nursing position at Hope Hospice and Community Services in Lee County. While there I earned the trust of my colleagues and supervisors and took on the roles of case manager for Medicare home visits, after hour's triage manager, and charge nurse for a 36-bed inpatient free-standing facility.
The clinical experience I obtained as an RN increased my awareness of persistent unmet care needs within this patient population and how pursuing further academic training could help me address these needs. Accordingly, I completed a four-year nursing degree as preparation for pursuing…...
Immersion Project: Best Practice ecommendations for End-Stage Dementia Care
My immersion project created opportunities to interact with other care professionals, including primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, geriatric specialists, hospice nurses, and hospice administrators. Through these interactions I came to realize that there was a great need for best practice recommendations for end-stage dementia care, among primary care providers and the clinicians staffing long-term care facilities. Writing the literature review helped me realize that best practice recommendations do exist, but are not readily accessible to clinicians who need reliable and accurate tools for estimating life expectancies of terminally ill patients. The best tool available for patients suffering primarily from dementia, based on my research in this field, was the one developed by Mitchell and colleagues (2010a). Despite using the best evidence available for developing this tool, accuracy was modest at best and the authors of this study concluded that the provision of…...
O'Grady, E.T. (2008). Advanced practice registered nurses: The impact on patient safety and quality. In R.G. Hughes (ed.), Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (pp. 2-601-2-620). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Much has been written about the current nursing shortage and its impact upon the healthcare profession as a whole: with too few nurses on call, existing staff members are forced to work longer and later hours. This inevitably contributes to medical errors, burnout, and, ironically enough, poorer retention rates of experienced nurses. The nursing shortage thus can become a self-perpetuating cycle. The more unpleasant the conditions, the fewer and fewer nurses wish to remain in the profession and fewer people want to enter the profession. This state of affairs will only worsen in the future as more baby boomers are likely to retire from nursing. However, the source of the shortage is not simply a lack of willing and able candidates: nursing schools admit that they turn away many potentially qualified candidates year after year. With a shortage of nursing faculty, institutions have no other choice. A lack of funding…...
DNP today a clash of culture, power, politics or none of these?
When first instituted, the DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) degree was thought to address a very important deficit within the nursing profession, namely a need for greater preparation of nurses to enter an increasingly complex and technologically sophisticated medical environment while still staying true to the practice-based focus of nursing. Before the DNP, nurses could either effectively remain stalled at the master's level of education or they could pursue a PhD, a research-focused degree. The DNP was designed to 'bridge the gap' between these two degrees for nurses who wished to remain in clinical practice yet gain a greater grounding in evidence-based medicine. Today, "there are many enthusiasts toward the DNP. Seen by some as a symbol of social progressivism…better parity with other practice disciplines such as medicine, audiology, physical therapy, and pharmacy, which all require a doctoral…...
Bachmann, H. (2011) SDS reports: The DNP degree. Retrieved from:
Bellini, S. (2012). The Doctor of Nursing Practice for entry into advanced practice: The
controversy continues as 2015 looms. NAINR. 12(1):1-6.
DNPs Are Effective Leaders
The Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) prepares leaders for the fast changing health care industry and provides opportunity for candidates to integrate their quotidian practice skills with the knowledge gained in their studies. Every industry is experiencing change, but few sectors are changing as rapidly as medicine and health care. For instance, technology has been disruptive in medicine and healthcare -- as it has everywhere else -- acting as both catalyst and vehicle for telemedicine. And soon medical records for all patients under nearly all conditions and in most contexts will be held electronically as informatics continues to evolve into a practice that fosters improved patient care and the transmission of more complete information.
Critical as the need is for graduates of doctor of nursing practice programs, there is currently a shortage, in large part, because the program is relatively new. The doctorate of nursing practice is a…...
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2004). AACN position statement on the practice doctorate in nursing. Retrieved from
Danzey, I.M., Emerson, E.A., Fitzpatrick, J.J., Fann, S.J., Garbutt, S.J., Rafferty, M., Zychowicz, M.E. (2011). The doctor of nursing practice and nursing education: highlights, potential, and promise. Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(5), (September -- October), 311 -- 314. Retrieved from
Montgomery, K.L., & Porter-O'Grady, T. (2010). Innovation and learning: Creating the DNP nurse leader. Nurse Leader, 8(4), 44 -- 47. Retrieved from
Student creates a table with short-term goals (1-2 years), 3 intermediate-term goals (3-5 years), and 3 long-term goals (6-10 years) related to her or his career path as a nurse practitionerShort-Term GoalsIntermediate GoalsLong-Term Goals Become a certified board member Begin prospecting and obtaining relevant job experience within my field. Engage in prominent research and establish a brand within the industry Selection of patient population and look to evaluate potential employers Join and hold leadership positions within a professional organization within the nursing profession Look to give back to the community and other students in the form of mentorships and professional help Identify and foster a relationship with a mentor Continue to establish and grow my professional contacts within the industry Look to teach other students on a part-time basis in an academic settingStudent includes at least two strategies for how he or she will meet each goal and at least…...
1. Catalano, J. T. (2015). Nursing now!: Today’s issues, tomorrow’s trends. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
2. Masters, K. (2017). Role development in professional nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
3. McCauley, L. A., Broome, M. E., Frazier, L., Hayes, R., Kurth, A., Musil, C. M., Norman, L. D., Rideout, K. H., & Villarruel, A. M. (2020). Doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree in the United States: Reflecting, readjusting, and getting back on track. Nursing outlook, 68(4), 494–503.
Carnegie National Nursing Education Study investigated the three dimensions of nursing education and formation apprenticeships (enner et al., 2010). These are the learning of theory and scientific methods, the mastery of skillful practice, and the development of a professional identity and agency. These dimensions must be incorporated and integrated into every professional nurse's identity and actions (enner et al.).
The most important finding of this Study was the lack of education in responding to the demands of their profession among present-day nurses ( -- enner et al., 2010). This deficit or education-practice gap was an issue, which bothered earlier researches. Nurses of the past did not possess the ability to adopt in practice settings and to reflect correctly on what they were taught in school. The current issue has been reversed. The practice-education gap refers to the difficulty of nursing education to cope with fast, research-driven changes and new technologies…...
Benner, P. et al. (2010). Educating nurses: a call of radical transformation. Carnegie Foundation
Archive eLibrary: Carnegie Foundation. Retrieved on October 31, 2015 from
---------- -- -- - (2008). Formation and everyday ethical comportment. Vol. 17, American Journal
of Critical Care: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Retrieved on October 31,
shifting research, or can search current literature to glean the why's and wherefores on a wide variety of subjects. In the case of medical research many times the appropriate design includes attempts to discern what exactly are the best methods for gathering evidence-based data that will have an impact on how practices, diagnosis and/or treatments are carried out. In fact, in 2003 the Institute of Medicine provided guidelines that a population-level approach to improving the public's health should be adopted by public health system organizations and that actions taken by those organizations are based on evidence (Committee, 2003).
An ongoing concern for the medical community is the rate of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) prevalent in hospitals especially after Foley catheter use. Knoll et al. (2011) determined that Foley catheter (FC) use is a modifiable risk factor for hospital-acquired urinary tract infection, the most common type of nosocomial infection. Findings from…...
Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public in the 21st Century (2003) The future of the public's health in the 21st Century, Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine
Knoll, B.M.; Wright, D.; Ellingson, L.; Kraemer, L.; Patire, R.; Kuskowski, M.A. & Johnson, J.R.; (2011) Reductions of inappropriate urinary catheter use at a Veterans Affairs hospital through a multifaceted quality improvement project, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 52(11) p. 1283-1290
Saint, S.; (2000) Clinical and economic consequences of nosocomial catheter related bacteriuria, American Journal of Infections Control, 28, p. 68-75
Speroff, T. & O'Connor, G.T.; (2004) Study designs for PDSA quality improvement research, Quality Managed Health Care, 13(1) p. 17-32
DNP ProjectThe Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) scholarly project is essentially a testament to the culmination of knowledge and skills acquired throughout the DNP program. It is not merely a degree requirement but a reflection of the student's ability to synthesize and apply learning in a truly meaningful way that can have a lasting impact on the nursing profession. This project, centered on a community health center serving a low-income urban population, is a prime example of how a DNP project can contribute significantly to the nursing field and the broader healthcare system.The community health center provides services for many who otherwise might not have access to quality healthcare. The center is focused on addressing healthcare disparities and promoting health equity, which of course is highly needed and commendable in todays nursing field (Wakefield et al., 2021). However, like many such institutions, it grapples with challenges related to funding, staffing,…...
Godsey, J. A., Houghton, D. M., & Hayes, T. (2020). Registered nurse perceptions of factors
contributing to the inconsistent brand image of the nursing profession. Nursing outlook, 68(6), 808-821.
Nutbeam, D., & Muscat, D. M. (2021). Health promotion glossary 2021. Health Promotion
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) (2006), highlights the role of the nurse as an advocate for the patient on a level that goes beyond the individual care that the patient receives. DNP Essentials underscores the role of the nurse as a leader with a responsibility to help policymakers make good decisions about healthcare that will have a positive effect on patient outcomes (AACN, 2006). These essentials are reduced to seven basic principles that involve advocacy, education, and serving in an advisory role regarding healthcare policies. The following outlines how I plan to incorporate these seven essentials into my nursing practice.
The Nurse’s Unique Role In Healthcare
The nurse is in a unique position in that they can see the effects of national and community scale policies in the “real world” setting (Abood, 2007). They are in a place to see firsthand the effects of rising healthcare costs, declines in…...
ESPONSEesponseAt my organization, my top leader in quality happens to be the Vice President - Quality. In essence, this is a role that is largely concerned with the promotion of an organization-wide culture of quality and safety. The person occupying this role is largely charged with the role of leading performance and quality improvement efforts with the intention of not only ensuring positive patient outcomes, but also minimizing unwanted system costs that emanate from deviations from desired outcomes. The holder of this particular role actively and closely collaborates with others including, but not limited to peers as well as positions reporting to him.The present holder of the role has a Doctorate of Health Sciences (DHSc). It should however be noted that he has in the past served in similar roles and has the relevant experience in quality management. In her previous job, he served as Director of Quality Improvement for…...
mlaReferencesBeauvais, A.M. (2018). Leadership and Management Competence in Nursing Practice: Competencies, Skills, and Decision Making. Springer Publishing Company.
I. Introduction
II. Program Curriculum
III. Clinical Experience
Nursing and AI: How the Integration of AI in Nursing Can Improve Patient Care Outcomes
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the healthcare landscape, and nursing is one of the fields that is being most heavily impacted. AI-powered tools are already being used to automate tasks, improve communication, and provide real-time decision support to nurses, and these tools are only going to become more sophisticated in the years to come.
In this paper, we will explore the potential benefits of AI in nursing and discuss how the integration of AI can improve patient care outcomes. We will also identify some of....
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