Divorce Rate Essays Examples

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Marital Success the High Divorce Rates in
Pages: 11 Words: 3454

Marital Success
The high divorce rates in First World nations have encouraged researchers, family counselors, and religious advocates to investigate the core foundations for the creation of a successful marriage. Starting in the 1960s, evolving social context ultimately shifted the rationale in why individuals choose to marry, and over time, divorce has come to be viewed as the preferred alternative to an unhappy marriage. One main fundamental principle to achieve marital success is to recognize women desire love, while men simultaneously need respect to feel fulfilled within the relationship. Emotional intelligence within a relationship and acknowledging various marital myths also contribute to the fundamental elements of marital success. Dissociating from marital myths and misconceptions is an essential part to understanding the true foundations for a happy and successful marriage. Appreciating and understanding how attachment styles affect marital relationships is also essential. These beliefs and attachment styles contribute to the marital…...



Eggerichs, E. (2004). Love and Respect: The Love She Desires, The Respect He Desperately

Needs. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Gottman, J. (1993). A Theory of Marital Dissolution and Stability. Journal of Family

Psychology, 7(1), p. 57-75.

Rising Divorce Rates the Need for and
Pages: 20 Words: 5699

Rising Divorce Rates
The Need for and Purpose of the Project

The Sub-problems

Couples Therapy

Prevention Therapy

Impact of Divorce on Children

Chapter 5-Conclusions, Summary and Recommendations,

The Need for and the Purpose of the Project

Divorce has become popular throughout the many years it has existed and divorce rates continue to increase. More than a million people a year get a divorce (Tucker-Ladd 35). Young couples are more commonly known to get a divorce, than those who have been married for two or three years (35). Forty percent of men and fifty percent of women are divorced before that age of thirty (35). About fifteen to twenty percent of people ages 35 to 55 are now currently divorced (35). About twenty percent of marriages last less than fifteen years (35). Recent statistics say that sixty-five to seventy percent of new marriages will fail (35).

There is one thing in this world which you must never forget to do.…...


Works Cited

Berry, Dawn Bradley. "The divorce recovery sourcebook." Los Angeles: Lowell

House, c 1998

Bienenfeld, Florence Ph. D, M.F.C.C. "Do It Yourslef Conflict Resolution for Couples." Franklin Lakes, NJ: The Career Press, 2000.

Cavin, Shelly Smith. "Personality Types and Interpersonal Communication."

Divorce and Communication in the Past Few
Pages: 6 Words: 1923

Divorce and Communication
In the past few decades, divorces have become much more common than they traditionally were. Lack of communication has been identified by psychologists, marriage counselors, and clergy members as the main reason why families end in divorce. The last-reported U.S. divorce rate for a calendar year, available as of May, 2005, was .38% divorces per capita per year (National Center for Health Statistics, 2005). Since every divorce involves two people, the percentage becomes somewhat more meaningful if you double it; for example, .74% of the entire population gets divorced every year (National Center for Health Statistics, 2005). This paper will first analyze the divorce statistics in the United States, along with a discussion of the issue of communication as it relates to the reasons behind divorce, family breakups, conflict in marriage caused by different cultures, lack of friendship in a marriage, and what can be done to salvage…...



Boland, J.P. & Follingstad, D.R. (1987). The relationship between communication and marital satisfaction: a review. J Sex Marital Ther. 13(4), 286-313.

Dreyfus, Edward. (2002). Making your Marriage Work. Retrieved June 28, 2005 from  http://www.planetpsych.com/psychology101/relationships/making_marriage_work.htm .

National Center for Health Statistics. (2005). Divorce Rates in the United States. Retrieved June 26, 2005 from http://www.divorce.rates.reform.com

Segrin, Chris; Taylor, Melissa; Altman, Julie. (2005). Social cognitive mediators and relational outcomes associated with parental divorce. Journal of Social and Personal

Divorce as Cherlin Points Out
Pages: 4 Words: 1297

Few people would say that divorce helps children except in cases of abuse. Divorce can create tremendous confusion in children of any age. One of the keys to preventing psychological, behavioral, or social problems is honesty. A non-profit group called Health Guide offers advice for parents going through a divorce. The organization recommends honesty and communication as keys to helping children cope and preventing mental or behavioral health problems. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry also recommends age-appropriate honesty and openness. The Health Guide also points out that many children "go through their parents' divorce with relatively few problems or permanent negative effects." Those children who experience acute stress require special care and attention.
Depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, and a lack of interest in those things that used to give the child pleasure are some of the psychological symptoms of childhood stress. A divorce could add to existing…...



American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. "Children and Divorce." May 2008. Retrieved Oct 14, 2008 at  http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/children_and_divorce 

Cherlin, Andrew J. "Generation Ex." The Nation. Nov 27, 2000. Retrieved Oct 14, 2008 at  http://www.thenation.com/doc/20001211/cherlin 

Gallagher, Maggie. "The Divorce Thing." National Review Online. Aug 13, 2003. Retrieved Oct 14, 2008 at  http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-gallagher081303.asp 

Help Guide.org. "Coping with Divorce." Retrieved Oct 14, 2008 at  http://www.helpguide.org/mental/children_divorce.htm

Divorce in Minority Families Divorce
Pages: 7 Words: 2846

(Coleman et al., 2006) there are more significant differences between race and ethnic groups in beliefs about intergenerational assistance than are expected by chance the differences are not large. As expected, White European-Americans perceive that less help should be given to older adults than is true of African-Americans and Asian-Americans. Unexpectedly, European-Americans and Latinos rarely differ in their beliefs about intergenerational assistance. When differences exist among the three minority groups, it is typically because African-Americans and Asian-Americans perceive that more help should be given to older family members than Latinos. The family plays a unique role in forming and sustaining intimate relationships; however, there have been notable changes in the family in the past 50 years. As marriages are being delayed, birth rates are decreasing, and maternal employment, divorce, cohabitation, and births to single mothers are increasing, the course of intimate relationships is becoming more diverse and less stable…...



Bean, R.A., Crane, D.R., & Lewis, T.L. (2002). Basic research and implications for practice in family science: A content analysis and status report for U.S. ethnic groups. Family Relations, 51, 15-21.

Bramlett, M.D., & Mosher, W.D. (2001). First marriage dissolution, divorce, and remarriage: United Stales (Advanced Data from Vital and Health Statistics No. 323). Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

Chadiha, L.A., Veroff, J., & Leber, D. (1998). Newlywed's narrative themes: Meaning in the first year of marriage for African-American and White couples. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29, 115-130.

Coleman, M., Ganong, L.H., & Rothrauff, T.C. (2006, December). Racial and Ethnic Similarities and Differences in Beliefs about Intergenerational Assistance to Older Adults After Divorce and Remarriage. Family Relations, 55(5), pp. 576-587.

Divorce Can Have a Devastating
Pages: 6 Words: 1771

One such area is how divorce affects the children of divorce once they are married and have children of their own. Do they have difficulty committing? Are they more likely to delay marriage? Answers to these types of questions may prove beneficial to examining further the long-term effects of divorce on children.

esources in Palm Spring California include family and individual counseling services throughout the city. Some of these resources include The Counseling Center located at 1111 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way in Palm Springs, CA 92262. The phone number for the counseling center is (760) [HIDDEN] In addition, there is the Smoketree Counseling Services located at 2825 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way in Palm Springs, CA 92262. The phone number for smoketree is (760) [HIDDEN] Additionally there are other counselors in the area specializing in therapy as it relates to divorce. One such therapist is Nancy Ackerman. She has more than…...



Jeynes, W.H. (2001). The Effects of Recent Parental Divorce on Their Children's Consumption of Alcohol. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 30(3), 305. Retrieved February 23, 2005, from Questia database,  http://www.questia.com .

Lengua, L.J.,Wolchik S.A., Sandler I.N., West S.G.(2000) The Additive and Interactive effects of Parenting and Temperament in Predicting Adjustment Problems in Children of Divorce. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 29 (2), p.232.

Love, K.M. And Murdock T. (2004) Attachment to Parents and Psychological well being: An Examination of young Adult College Student in intact Families and Step Families Journal of Family Psychology. 18 (4)

Nielsen, L. (1999). College Aged Students with Divorced Parents: Facts and Fiction. College Student Journal, 33(4), 543.

Divorce Cases Are Social Networking and Sites
Pages: 5 Words: 1424

Divorce Cases
Are Social Networking and Sites Increasing the Rate of Divorce?

The first element of this hypothesis is: are divorce rates really increasing? Generalized references to divorce seem to consistently say "the divorce rate is increasing" and "50% of all U.S. marriages end in divorce." However, if 50% of all U.S. marriages ended in divorce in 1980, and the same percentage in 1990 and the same in 2000 and the same in 2010, then at least in that respect, the rate of divorce is not increasing. According to "Divorce Rates," the per capita rate of divorce in the U.S. was: "1991, 0.47%; 1992, 0.48%; 1993, 0.46%; 1994, 0.46%; 1995, 0.46%; 1995, 0.43%; 1997, 0.43%; 1998, 0.42%; 1999, 0.41%; 2000, 0.41%; 2001, 0.40%; 2002, 0.38%; 2005, 0.36%" (Americans for Divorce Reform, 2006), and according to the "Divorce Statistics and Studies Blog," the divorce rate in 2010 was 0.36% (Divorce Statistics and…...


Works Cited

Americans for Divorce Reform. (2006). Divorce Rates - Divorce Statistics. Retrieved from divorcereform.org:  http://www.divorcereform.org/rates.html 

Divorce Statistics and Studies Blog. (2011, July 1). Divorce Statistics and Studies Blog. Retrieved from familylaw.typepad.com:  http://familylaw.typepad.com/stats/ 

Kendall, T.D. (2010). The Relationship Between Internet Access and Divorce Rate. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Volume 32, Number 3, 449-460.

Live Science Staff. (2010, January 26). College-Educated Women More Likely to Stay Married. Retrieved from livescience.com:  http://www.livescience.com/8049-college-educated-women-stay-married.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Livesciencecom+ (LiveScience.com+Science+Headline+Feed)

Divorce Is One of the Bitter Truths
Pages: 5 Words: 1685

Divorce is one of the bitter truths of life and is taking place in innumerable families worldwide. It can prove to be an upsetting experience for the parents. However, both the parties should think of their children before taking any decision as divorce affects the lives of the children in a real bad way.
These days, it is totally impossible for people to ignore the substantial and extensive consequences of divorce. The social scientists believe that the ever increasing rate of parents separating or ending their marriages is not only bad for the society but is also an upsetting and destructive experience for the children. The divorce not only has the tendency to devastate a whole household or family life but it also affects the education acquirement process, job reliability, income likely, physical health, and emotional well-being of the family members. Children of divorced parents involve themselves in alcohol and…...



Fagan, P.F., and Robert R. "The Effects of Divorce on America." World and I Oct. Questia. Web. 31 May 2012. .

Kelly, J.B., and R.E. Emery . "Children's Adjustment Following Divorce: Risk and Resilience Perspectives." Family Relations. (2003): 352-362. Print.

Koplewicz, H.S., and A. Gurian. "Divorce and Children." Child Study Center. September/October 2001: n. page. Web. 31 May. 2012. .

McCoy, J. "Divorce Matters." Family Life. 3. (1996): n. page. Web. 31 May. 2012. .

Divorce or Not An Assessment
Pages: 4 Words: 1335

More of them end up in mental health clinics and hospital settings. There is earlier sexual activity, more children born out of wedlock, less marriage, and more divorce. Numerous studies show that adult children of divorce have more psychological problems than those raised in intact marriages." (Kupelian, 2005) it is reported in the work entitled: "Reflections on Distressed Couples Contemplating Divorce One Study of the Structured Separation Process" that the high divorce rate has caused family therapists to search for ways for families to make necessary transitions during divorce in what is termed a structural marriage separation. While this cannot assure happiness for couples or their children this method is clearly preferable to the chaos that often ensues when a couple separates. (Mize, Nelson, Sutter, and Mize, 2005)
Summary & Analysis

The factual evidence provided in this case which is under analysis was provided in a brief sketch only which leaves…...



Kupelian, D. (2005) How America Can End Its Divorce Epidemic. World Net Daily 7 April 2005.  http://www.stolenvows.com/epidemic.htm 

Waite, L.J.; Browning, D.; Doherty, W.J.; Gallagher, M.; Luo, Ye; and Stanley, S.(2002) Does Divorce Make People Happy? Findings from a Study of Unhappy Marriages. Institute for American Values. 2002, New York, NY http://www.americanvalues.org/UnhappyMarriages.pd

Mize, L.K.; Nelson, K.; Sutter, E.; and Mize, M.J. (2005) Reflections on Distressed Couples Contemplating Divorce One Study of the Structured Separation Process.

Wallerstein, Judith S.; and Lewis, Julia M. (2004) the Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: Report of a 25-Year Study. Psychoanalytic Psychology 21:353-370. 2004.

Divorce on Children the Harmful
Pages: 7 Words: 2254

Teens may be especially resentful of the way this disrupts their schedules and interferes with school, friendships, work, and other usual activities (Wallerstein, 2000). And further, especially in the case of a needy, now single parent, older children and teens in particular may now face a perceived necessity of their becoming the needy parent's new and often only source of emotional support (Wallerstein). At this same time, the older child or teen's own emotional needs begin to go (and often remain) largely or entirely unmet thereafter by one or both divorced parents (Fagan).
When this occurs, the permanently life-altering; long-term damaging psychological result is often that it effectively truncates childhood or adolescence prematurely and thereby causes older children or teens to feel that they must now act like adults themselves, thus suddenly forcing them to become more independent, self-confident, selfless and self-sufficient than they genuinely feel (Wallerstein). Older children and…...



Fagan, P.F. (May 14, 2004). The social scientific data on the impact of marriage and divorce on children. The Heritage Foundation.  http://www.heritage.org/ 


Fagan, P.F., & Rector, R. (2007). The effects of divorce on America.

Backgrounder: The Heritage Foundation, No. 1378. http:www.elsevier.com / retrieve/pii/S0194659504000061.html.

Divorce on Children What Are
Pages: 5 Words: 1601

This article is of extreme importance in this research study. It adds to the other articles mentioned by discussing the importance of protective factors in detail and urging caution when espousing a correlative relationship between cause and effect in divorce and the reaction of children.
eon, K. (2003). Risk and Protective Factors in Young Children's Adjustment to Parental

Divorce: A Review of the Research. Family Relations, 52(3), pp.258-270.

In this article, eon (2003) attempts to address a gap in the research of divorce's affects on children by examining divorce's affects on small children. Citing Amato (2001), eon points out that research has previously shown children to face hardship because of divorce, although they "adjust well" (pg. 258), however, he suggests that these results generally take into account older children. eon (2003) looks primarily at the variable of early childhood development as it is impacted by divorce. Interestingly, eon (2003) found results that…...


Leon, K. (2003). Risk and Protective Factors in Young Children's Adjustment to Parental

Divorce: A Review of the Research. Family Relations, 52(3), pp.258-270.

In this article, Leon (2003) attempts to address a gap in the research of divorce's affects on children by examining divorce's affects on small children. Citing Amato (2001), Leon points out that research has previously shown children to face hardship because of divorce, although they "adjust well" (pg. 258), however, he suggests that these results generally take into account older children. Leon (2003) looks primarily at the variable of early childhood development as it is impacted by divorce. Interestingly, Leon (2003) found results that were remarkably similar to Amato's, noting that children with divorced parents tended to be associated with developmental problems such as being withdrawn or having behavior problems. However, it would be easy to argue that other factors were responsible for these results. In addition, interpreting the results of these tests was made difficult by various factors that might lead to their invalidation, such as the fact that the data was collected from self-report surveys (Leon, 2003). Still Leon (2003) concludes that divorce certainly impacts the lives of young children very greatly and the developmental level of young children should determine how professionals such as psychologists respond to the issue of divorce in the child's home. Further, while parenting skills were important mitigating factors for both older and younger children after divorce, Leon (2003) points out that for younger children, it is most important that parents be warm and loving.

Divorce on Children the Effects
Pages: 8 Words: 2390

In reality, such a parent would have difficulty raising a child on his or her own and the finances that he or she previously invested in providing the child with entertaining activities need to be directed at buying more important resources for the child.
A parent who is no longer in charge of his or her child's life has practically no problems buying a great deal of things for his or her child and thus influences the child in feeling that he or she is not receiving enough attention from the parent holding custody. Children can also be affected by the fact that parents often believe that there is a competition between themselves and their peers concerning who receives the most appreciation from the child.

IV. Children's development

hereas people are well-aware that divorce can be harmful for a large number of children who see their parents getting separated, the masses generally…...


Works cited:

Amato, Paul R. "The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children," Journal of Marriage and the Family 62.4 (2000)

DeBord, Carmen, "The Effects of Divorce on Children," Retrieved November 11, 2011, from the North Carolina State University Website:  http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/fcs/pdfs/fcs471.pdf 

Leo, John, "The Sleeper Effect," Human Life Review Fall 2000.

Palosaari, Ulla and Aro, Hillevi, "Effect of Timing of Parental Divorce on the Vulnerability of Children to Depression in Young Adulthood,"Adolescence 29.115 (1994)

Social Work Divorce
Pages: 3 Words: 1044

Divorce / Counseling
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2009 in the United States there were approximately 1,077,000 marriages. That is 6.8 people per 1,000 citizens got married. On the other hand, 3.4 persons per 1,000 were divorced. That includes data from the U.S. Census, and 44 of the 50 states were included in the data. Using data from an earlier Census, the CDC reports that in 2002, the "probability of a first marriage ending in separation or divorce" within 5 years after the couple was married is 20% (CDC). The probability of a "premarital cohabitation" (that is, people living together but not joining in matrimony) ending in separation within 5 years is 49%. And after ten years, the probability "…of a first marriage ending is 33%, compared with 62% for cohabitations" (CDC). These statistics, especially relating to the high percentage of people who get divorced,…...


Works Cited

Bernard, Janine M. (1981). The Divorce Myth. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 60(2), 67-72.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002). New Report Sheds Light on Trends and Patterns in Marriage, Divorce, and Cohabitation. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from  http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/02news/div_mar_cohab.htm .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Marriage and Divorce. Retrieved November

22, 2011, from  http://www.cdc.gov/fastats/divorce.htm .

Divorce Children the Impact of
Pages: 4 Words: 1042

Data will be collected using a survey instrument. The instrument will be designed by researchers for the purposes of this particular study and will feature two sections. The first section will ask for some brief familial and biographical information. First and foremost, the survey will ask the life and marital status of the respondents' parents, accounting for single mothers, single fathers, legal non-biological guardians, divorced parents, remarried parents and married parents. This section will also ask for information regarding siblings and other particulars of the family living situation. Surveys will not ask for names or other individual identifiers, insuring anonymity and privacy for all respondents.

In the second section of the survey, aata will be collected using a Fixed Alternatives Likert Scale survey. Here, 20 statements will be presented to the respondent. The respondent will be asked to circle one of five numbered responses:

-2. Strongly Disagree

-1. Disagree

0. Neutral

1. Agree

2. Strongly Agree


Divorce Rate of U S Army Special Forces vs U S Regular Army
Pages: 6 Words: 1590

political themes of early American politics, the major players, and issues that arose in the political arena of the time; with specific reference to Samuel Adams: adical Puritan, by William Fowler, and Founding Brothers: The evolutionary Generation, by Joseph Ellis. It has 4 sources.
The first part of this essay analyzes ideological, historical, personal and administrative features of the first American government, and uses these to explain the 'contradiction' existent in American national identity ever since.

The chief contributors to the 'contradiction' or 'argument' mentioned above were the ideas about government and public life that Samuel Adams gained from his Puritan heritage and then from his experiences during the revolutionary period; the major causes of the American evolution; the "Spirit of 76" or the Whig principles; the republican ideology stated in the Declaration of Independence; the changes in the organization of government from the Articles of Confederation to the U.S. Constitution;…...



Garraty and Barnes, (2000). A Short History of the American Nation, Vol. 1, 8th Ed. 2000, Chapter 4. pp. 107-117.

Fowler, W.M. (1997). Samuel Adams: Radical Puritan. Knopf.

Ellis, J.J. (2000). Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. Knopf.

Boston Gazette, April 4, 1768

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Divorce?
Words: 245

1. The impact of divorce on children's emotional and psychological well-being
2. Factors contributing to the increasing divorce rate in modern society
3. The role of communication and conflict resolution in preventing divorce
4. The financial implications of divorce on individuals and families
5. The prevalence of divorce among different age groups and demographics
6. The societal stigma and stereotypes associated with divorced individuals
7. The effects of divorce on mental health and overall well-being
8. The legal and ethical considerations of divorce proceedings
9. The long-term impact of divorce on individuals' future relationships and marriages
10. The cultural and religious perspectives on divorce and its implications.
11. The impact....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Divorce?
Words: 408

Thesis Statements for Essays on Divorce

Personal Experiences and Perspectives

The impact of divorce on the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals
Navigating the legal and financial complexities of divorce
The role of social support and coping mechanisms in the aftermath of divorce
The long-term consequences of divorce for children and families
The challenges and rewards of finding love and happiness after divorce

Social and Cultural Influences

The changing societal attitudes towards divorce over time
The influence of religious beliefs, cultural norms, and economic factors on divorce rates
The role of gender, race, and class in shaping the experience of divorce

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