Disability issues, alas, can strike any employee at any time. e are all only temporarily able-bodied, as age can result in limited mobility even for healthy staff members.
Even relatively homogeneous corporate environments can benefit from diversity training efforts in the workforce. It is better to have diversity training before the workplace changes and "Rescue Diversity Training," to minimize a conflicted situation is needed. (Velasquez, 2004) America is increasingly diverse, and all employees must communicate with a diversity of customers, distributors, and other outsiders in their work, whom might be from diverse backgrounds.
Companies expanding into international markets, regardless of their current internal composition can thus benefit from diversity training. The nature of the diversity training incorporated into the company will be affected by the company's scope in its operations as well as the composition of the immediate workforce. Diversity training can be tailored to include issues of potential culture clashes…...
mlaWorks Cited
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) (November 28, 2004) "What Is the Value of Diversity Training?" SHRM Web page. Retrieved 28 Nov 2004 at http://www.shrm.org/diversity/training1.asp
Velasquez, Mauricio. (2004) "Why Diversity Training Must Change: Why is it not working?" Diversity Training Group. Retrieved 28 Nov 2004 at http://www.diversitydtg.com/articles/training_changes.htm
Diversity training reduces the potential for misunderstandings, conflict and litigation which usually can be traced back to differences in communication expectations. This training also helps to make a better mark with the public and to receive increased customer satisfaction levels. Once management and supervisory level employees become trained, organizations can count on more knowledgeable and proactive decision making from the leadership. It is a proven fact that happy employees and managers are more efficient and productive.
What are some ways to avoid negative employee reactions to diversity training? The easiest way is to first provide a true understanding of the concept of diversity training. In the majority of cases, people think that diversity training entails race or gender problem. Diversity is more than that. "Diversity is about encouraging and enabling all employees to draw on their talents, skills, and experience for the benefit of the business." (Bruno, 2004) as mentioned earlier,…...
Adamson, Jim (2000). "How Denny's Went From Icon of Racism to Diversity Award Winner." National Productivity Review, Winter.
Anonymous (1999). "DuPont's Formula for Harassment-free-workplace." Training & Management Development Methods, Vol. 13(1), 901.
Bruno, Jeanne-Marie (2004). "Implementing Diversity in a Meaningful Way." American Works Association Journal, Vol. 96(10), 47.
Dobbs, Matti F. (1998). "Managing Diversity: The Department of Energy Initiative." Public Personnel Management, Vol. 27(2), 161.
The Middle East, even in areas with relatively secular governments, have a strong Islamic tradition with specific strictures upon what is considered the 'correct' behavior for women, and every woman from outside the culture must decide how much she wishes to accommodate those demands. Some Western businesswomen may agree to cover their heads out of modesty during business meetings in areas where Islam plays a significant role in governance; others may not.
The Middle East, in contrast to America, has a strong collectivist tendency as a society as "is manifested in a close long-term commitment to the member 'group', that being a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal rules" (Taylor 2007). Social rules may override even legal requirements -- in many Arab nations, bribery is a relatively accepted practice to circumvent red tape. One of the difficulties of…...
Gorrill, Jodi. (2007). Saudi Arabia. Communicaid Group. Retrieved March 2, 2011 at http://www.communicaid.com/cross-cultural-training/culture-for-business-and-management/doing-business-in/Saudi-arabian-business-and-social-culture.php
Taylor, Steven. (2007). The United Arab Emirates. International business center.
Retrieved March 2, 2011 at http://www.cyborlink.com/besite/uae.htm
S. military would be developed and administered internally and should cover the following topics at a minimum, with other areas being introduced as the need is identified:
1. Problems of discrimination in the military workplace
2. The role of stereotypes in discrimination
3. How to make different groups welcome in the military workplace
4. How diversity contributes to performance and productivity
5. The DoD's policies concerning discrimination and the provisions of federal equal employment opportunity laws
6. The content of stereotypes about different groups
7. Promoting retention and development of different groups
8. The cultures of different demographic groups serving in the military
9. Nondiscriminatory recruitment
10. Problems of discrimination outside the military workplace
Implementation: How will the training be delivered?
The implementation and administration of diversity training initiatives in the U.S. armed forces depends on the geographic location and mission of the units that are involved (Kraiger, 2002). For example, units stationed "stateside" will likely have more opportunities to receive this…...
Bendick, M., Egan, M.L. & Lofhjelm, S.M. (2001). Workforce diversity training: From anti-
discrimination compliance to organizational development. Human Resource Planning,
24(2), 10.
Diversity management and equal opportunity (EO) in the Department of Defense. (2009,
Interview with a Metropolitan Police Officer
Diversity training is important for law enforcement because, as this interview shows, it helps officers to be more comfortable, confident, and effective in dealing with diverse members of the community to defuse situations and keep them from escalating to a point where violence and force become necessary.
Summary of the Interview
The person I interviewed is a metropolitan police officer in the local city where I live. I know the individual from grade school days and have kept in contact with him over the years. Now that he is in law enforcement and directly involved in the criminal justice system, and also readily available for an interview, he seemed like the perfect candidate for this assignment.
The focus of the interview was on an incident that the officer was called to involving a domestic dispute between neighbors: on the one side of the dispute were two Caucasians, a…...
Good evening
Designing and Implementing a Diversity Training Program
Identify and discuss three objectives of the diversity training program.
The purpose of a diversity training program is to protect both employees and employers. If employees feel that they are being unfairly treated, they need to understand what constitutes discrimination and harassment under corporate policy, and what their legal and workplace-specific rights may be, in terms of addressing complaints. They need to know what type of workplace language, hiring policies, promotional reviews, and general demeanor is considered acceptable. Diversity policies must not be vague and tacitly understood as part of the corporate culture, because different people with different backgrounds come to work with varied ideas of how to comport themselves. Diversity policies provide specificity. The first objective of training is that organizational policies pertaining to diversity and harassment are communicated to employees.
Diversity training. (2011). National Center for Research in Vocational Education (NCRVE).
Retrieved: http://vocserve.berkeley.edu/abstracts/MDS-934/MDS-934-DIVERSIT-2.html
Guidelines for conducting diversity training. (2011). Office of Personnel Management.
Diversity in Organizations
If we are to successfully change organizational members' attitudes and perceptions toward people from cultural groups other than their own, then we must start by examining how to effect that change so that it is implemented through all four layers of diversity. The approach that this paper discusses is based on the following model:
Individual Behaviors -- Group Behaviors -- Organizational Behaviors
This paper analyzes results of diversity training studies and provides direction as to the optimum approach to modifying the diversity climate within an organization.
A Time magazine article reported on the efforts of researchers who sifted through decades of federal employment statistics provided by companies (Cullen, 2007). Their analysis showed that there was no real change in the number of women and minority managers after companies began diversity training. When the study results are analyzed more closely, one finds that how well companies promoted a diversity climate was a…...
mlaReference List
Cullen, L.T. (2007). Employee Diversity Training Doesn't Work, Time. Retrieved from http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1615183,00.html
Vedantam, S. (2008, January). Most Diversity Training Ineffective, Study Finds. The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/01/19/ST2008011901990.html
Scheide, C. (2010, July). How to Develop a Diversity Program, eHow. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/how_6796691_develop-diversity-program.html
Williams, S. How to Develop a Diversity Training Program, eHow. Retrieved on 3/26/2011 from http://www.ehow.com/how_5118472_develop-diversity-training-program.html
Diversity of a climate in an organization is reflected in the attitudes of the organization's members towards diversity. As a manager, the diversity climate can be addressed by understanding the level of diversity in the organization, its diversity climate and then implementing strategies to improve both. There are significant benefits to improving an organization's diversity climate. A superior diversity climate has been found to improve the recruitment, promotion and retention of top talent, particularly where that talent is minority in origin (Price et al., 2005). Hicks-Clarke & Iles (2000) also showed that improving the diversity climate of an organization delivers superior human resources outcomes.
The first step to improving an organization's diversity climate is to develop a procedure for analyzing diversity in the organization. The Loden and Rosener's Four Layers of Diversity Model can be used to better understand an organization's diversity. The first layer is related to work status --…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Price, E.; Gozu, A.; Kern, D.; Powe, N.; Wand, G.; Golden, S. & Cooper, L. (2005). The role of cultural diversity climate in recruitment, promotion and retention of faculty in academic medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Vol. 20 (7) 565-571.
Hicks-Clarke, D. & Iles, P. (2000). Climate for diversity and its effects and organizational attitudes and perceptions. Personnel Review. Vol. 29 (3) 324-345.
Custom Book for Ashford: Organizational Behavior (p.127)
Jackson, T. (2011). Building a diversity training program. Profiles in Diversity Journal. Retrieved May 4, 2011 from http://www.diversityjournal.com/corporate/diversity-training/building-a-diversity-training-program/
Diversity Training
The school aims to recruit students that will balance the spectrum of diversity. Before this can be accomplished however, existing and future employees of the university will need to be prepared. "Diversity is about encouraging and enabling all employees to draw on their talents, skills, and experience for the benefit of the business." (Bruno, 2004) Schools that are diversity sensitive will more often be prepared for the competitive recruitment markets and thus attract higher potential students and employees. The school has implemented the necessary training that will bring the entire student recruitment process together.
No matter what the level of need, a good diversity training program will maintain the most important aspects of the school's initiative. Diversity training has been proven to reduce the potential for misunderstandings, conflict and litigation which is often related to basic differences in communications and expectations. "All of the admissions staff has been charged with…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bruno, Jeanne-Marie (2004). "Implementing Diversity in a Meaningful Way." American Works Association Journal, Vol. 96(10), 47.
Lehigh University (2005). Lehigh University Home Page. Retrieved on 8 February 2005, from http://www3.lehigh.edu/path/visitors.asp .
Lehigh President's Speech. (n.d.) "Diversity Speech."
Finding a common ground among all in the group is a positive and productive approach.
In dealing with attitudes and/or behaviors when designing a diversity training program, an effective approach is to start with a clear statement of goals and/or values. For example, "Participants have an absolute right to state how they see things, in complete safety, so long as boundaries for good taste are reasonably observed" (Karp et al., 2000). It is important to validate people's values and then move on to looking at the specific behaviors that cause pain and problems within individuals.
hat's being said and how it's being said is very important to keep in mind when developing the curriculum for the diversity training program. At the beginning of the program, the trainer states their intentions of the program and asks that participants refer to the diverse issues that come up, during the session, with the respect…...
mlaWorks Cited
Fisher, Anne. "How You Can Do Better on Diversity." Fortune 15 Nov. 2004: 150.10.
Karp, H.B. & Sammour, Hael Y. "Workforce Diversity: Choices in Diversity Training Programs & Dealing with Resistance to Diversity." College Student Journal 34.3 (2000): 1-8.
Rodriguez, Alicia. "A Diversified Workforce Fosters a Climate of Innovation." Florida Diversity. 2004. Infosoft Group, Inc. 7 May 2005 http://www.fldiversity.com/article.asp?pagemode=1&aid=793 .
Scully, Maureen, and Rowe, Mary. "Helping Bystanders take Responsibility for Diversity." Diversity Central. 2005. Diversity Hotwire. 7 May 2005 http://www.diversityhotwire.com/business/feature_summary.html.
Diversity Education
The American workplace has become increasingly diverse, a reflection of the American urban environment. Diversity training serves a few different purposes in organizations. The first is that it promotes an atmosphere of tolerance in the company, but many scholars have also made a business case for diversity. Some earlier writings on the subject outlined that diversity training helps to resolve internal conflict, improve communication flows within the company, align the company better with its market, and can also help improve organizational creativity by introducing new ideas to organizations (Cox & Blake, 1991). Later writers noted that the effects of diversity were complex, something that should be reflected in the way that the organization trains for diversity (Milliken & Martins, 1996).
As awareness of diversity grows, and the case for diversity training increases, it is evident that more companies are including a diversity component in their training programs. Initially, diversity training…...
Anand, R. & Winters, M. (2008). A retrospective view of corporate diversity training from 1964 to present. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol. 7 (3) 356-372.
Cox, T. & Blake, M. (1991). Managing cultural diversity: Implications for organizational competitiveness. Academy of Management Executive. Vol. 5 (3) 45-56.
Milliken, F. & Martens, L. (1996). Searching for common threads: Understanding the multiple effects of diversity in organizational groups. Academy of Management Review. Vol. 21 (2) 402-433.
Swoyer, C. (2003). Relativism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 23, 2014 from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/relativism/#2.5
Companies will need to look at regional and national differences, and draw on the similarities between countries to enhance their competitive advantages (Powell, 2005). It is clear that as company, like WTI grows globally, they will benefit from a multicultural workforce. They must put managerial, educational, and cultural proactiveness in place, which will not only improve their opportunities for greater worldwide competition, but by bringing establishing a multicultural workforce, they also improve the interrelationships between their employees. Employees who do this, learn to communicate and other points-of-view and opinions. By doing this WTI, and other large companies, poise themselves to become successful in the emerging globalize culture of the 21st century.
Using Innovative Human Resource Techniques to Manage Diversity - Human resource management, whether specifically titles or not, has been a part of any organization's management since groups banded together for specific tasks. Ancient armies, projects, and even educational and…...
mlaFigure 2 -- Simple life cycle utilizing eHRM for employee (Armstron, 2006; Boudreau).
Thus, this simple figure shows that starting with the potential employee's entry of their resume into the electronic system, how the data begins to manage itself and becomes available to those who need it most. Employees and managers all have access to the data, and the employee can update the resume when new skills are acquired, apply for internal jobs by simply sending a note to the manager, manage their payroll, sick-leave, vacation, and retirement data, and work with their own professionals to plan and execute their career.
For managers, the system focuses on skill management and the ability for individual managers to do skill-based strategic planning and what if scenarios without the need to access hundreds of man-hours of time from another department. The manager can quickly see both who within the organization, and on resumes on file, might have a particular desire or skill set which the company is in need of. For the employee
The Impact of Diversity on our Current Society
The workforce and the society in general, in the United States will continue to diversify among racial groups. Although many organizations are fully aware of the trend, there have been some gaps among this trend and the preparations that need to be done to manage a more diverse workforce and nation. It has been estimated that roughly two thirds of U.S. companies have some sort of diversity training. However, these programs are implemented with a varying effectiveness. This paper will provide a brief background on many of the minority movements that have gotten us to this point as well as make some predictions and recommendations about what can be done in the future to effectively deal with the upcoming issues of diversity
Background on Diversity & Civil Liberties
There has been a long and sometimes bloody struggle for minorities in the U.S. To gain. After…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ardichvili, A. (2008). Learning and Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities of Practice: Motivators, Barriers, and Enablers. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 10(4), 541-554.
Chrobot-Mason, D. (2012). Developing Multicultural Competence to Improve Cross-Race Work Relationships. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 199-218.
Grosse, C. (2002). Managing Communication within Virtual Intercultural Teams. Business Communication Quarterly, 65(4), 22-38.
Minbaeva, D., Pedersen, T., Bjorkman, I., Fey, C., & Park, H. (2003). MNC knowledge transfer, subsidary absorptive capacity, and HRM. Journal of International Business Studies, 34(6), 581-599.
If the right employee is chosen then the knowledge that they gain while abroad can be a valuable asset when they return home. They develop an intimate relationship with a different market than the parent company. This knowledge can help the parent company expand to meet the needs of a more diverse group of clients. There have not been many studies in this area at all. This study has a strong theoretical background based on a synthesis of existing knowledge in the field. It focuses on recent peer reviewed articles as the basis for its constructs. The study found that in order for repatriate knowledge to be useful, the company had to first have a sound knowledge management system in place. In addition, it had to have a strong multicultural knowledge management. This study used a study group of 16 expatriate employees to draw its conclusions.
The study focused on…...
mlaSelden, S. (2005). Human Resource Management in American Counties, 2002. Public Personnel Management.34 (1), 59-90.
Many studies in human resource management have focused on the federal and state level. This study was unique in that it focused on the county level. It focused on county government issues rather than those dealing with the private sector. The study focused on structural and political changes. The purposes of the study were to provide data that could be extrapolated to the general population in America. However, it focused on Los Angeles and surrounding counties. This area has a unique political, social and economic landscape. However, the uniqueness of this area was not addressed by the study. This data is only applicable to areas that are identical, or substantially similar to the counties in the study. It does examine some of the topics and concerns that could effect county governments in the rest of the country, but further examination of these areas would have to be conducted to determine their similarities and differences to the counties examined in this study. It is useful to this research because it does bring to light several issues that might be of concern in other areas of the country as well. However, extrapolating the data from this study alone would lead to skewed conclusions about the other county.
This study found that there are several barriers to county governments that place a damper on their ability to function as efficiently as possible. One of the key constraints is a tight labor market. Other factors that effect the ability to operate effectively are uncompetitive county salaries, budget constraints, procedural constraints, residency requirements, slow hiring processes, background checks and collective bargaining agreements. Many of these factors would apply to any county government and would result in similar difficulties. However, the key complaint about this study is that it failed to recognize differences in counties. For instance, Los Angeles County has a high population center. This type of county could not be compared to a rural county with a significantly lower population and different industry profile. This was an excellent study on counties in Southern California counties, but is cannot be applied to all counties in America, as the title implies. Diversity in County government was higher than in other counties around the country. This was another factor that cannot be extrapolated to other parts of the country.
Using Power Point: Understanding Diversity answer the below questions
How could prejudice affect a person's ability to learn and work?
Prejudice could affect the person's self-esteem and self-confidence. Teachers and peers might treat the student differently than they would without the prejudice, even if the prejudice is "positive," such as prejudice toward Asian students in a math class. Prejudice might impede a person's ability to learn and work, because it impacts the reactions of both teachers and students.
How important is the issue of diversity in your daily life?
Diversity is hugely important in my daily life. I do not like being in homogeneous places, because they are not reflective of the world at large. The world is diverse, filled with people with differing points-of-view and backgrounds. My views and outlooks change when I interact with different people, and I like that diversity makes me think more critically and creatively.
At your school or job,…...
There are a number of topics you could research if you need to discuss how diversity or inclusion impacts corporate culture. It is one of the most relevant topics for the modern workplace and it impacts corporations in a number of ways. There is no doubt that corporations have been trying to become more inclusive and increase their diversity. We have compiled a list of 10 potential topics and titles you could use for an essay on those broad topics.
Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to social problems and programs addressing those issues:
1. The impact of homelessness on individuals and communities, and the effectiveness of government-funded programs such as Housing First in addressing this issue.
2. The challenges faced by individuals struggling with addiction, and the benefits of programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous in providing support and recovery resources.
3. The prevalence of food insecurity in low-income communities, and the role of government assistance programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) in ensuring access to adequate nutrition.
4. The mental health stigma in society, and the importance of....
1. The impact of homelessness on society and possible solutions: explore programs such as housing first initiatives and supportive services provided by government and non-profit organizations to address the issue of homelessness, and provide recommendations for improving access to affordable housing and support services.
2. The stigma surrounding mental health and the need for increased access to mental health services: discuss the various government and private mental health programs available, such as counseling services and hotlines, and offer recommendations for reducing the stigma associated with mental illness and improving access to mental health care.
3. The effects of poverty on children's education....
1. The benefits of workplace diversity for employee satisfaction and productivity
2. The challenges of managing a diverse workforce and strategies for overcoming them
3. The impact of workplace diversity on organizational culture and reputation
4. The role of diversity and inclusion initiatives in promoting equality and respect in the workplace
5. The importance of diversity training and education in creating a more inclusive work environment
6. The relationship between workplace diversity and innovation
7. The effects of unconscious bias in hiring and promotion practices on workplace diversity
8. Case studies of successful diversity and inclusion programs in various companies
9. The intersectionality of diversity in the workplace....
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