independent study. It is still a broadcast-related approach to teaching and doesn't give the student an opportunity to fully participate in the learning process. Telecourses are ideal for reaching thousands or millions of students who are motivated to learn. The drawback is the lack of interaction with instructors.
The development of interactive television based on satellite and cable networks, and the development of interactive video have contributed to the development of online learning and virtual universities. In conjunction with the exponential growth of the Internet as an online learning platform, interactive television and video have become complimentary to online learning. The advantages of these forms of distance education are their ability to deliver interactive learning sessions for students, greater access to the materials used in the class via digital access, and the use of ancillary videos to better understand concepts. The drawbacks of these platforms for distance education are the…...
Mehdi Najjar (2008). On Scaffolding Adaptive Teaching Prompts within Virtual Labs. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 6(2), 35-54. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1522465811).
Countries like the United States are leading the way in providing global access to advanced educational material. NASA's Digital Learning Network, in conjunction with the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), Discovery Education and Polycom are allowing middle school students around the globe to remotely visit and survey NASA space and research centers. Participating schools include those in developing nations like Mexico and India (Polycom 2008).
One of the ways distance education can be harnessed to help poor nations prosper is through enterprise-level training and access. Multinational corporations with headquarters in developing nations can hire educational institutions to develop specialized training software, hardware, and distance learning applications. Participants can use the learning opportunities to help labor forces in developing nations move beyond the yoke of unskilled labor and toward more skilled positions ranging from language translation and communications to information technology and engineering. Distance learning can help companies prosper too,…...
Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). "The Global Span of Distance Education." Chapter 11, in Distance Education: A Systems View. Thomson/Wadsworth.
Polycom (2008). Students Study Climate Change in Antarctica and Visit NASA Space Centers During National Distance Learning Week. Press Release. Market Watch. Retrieved Nov 18, 2008 at {BCDE117F-3581-45DC-A60A-63E46B7A073B}
391). This, Vindovich (2002) both acknowledges the diffeence between taditional and distance education and validates this type of education as having the same academics as taditional education.
Although studying distance education in tems of quality and quality compaison with classoom education is valid, anothe appoach to detemining whethe distance education is of the same quality as classoom education is up to the students. Pogams and teaches can influence school quality, but students' effots can lagely impact education quality as well. This is what eseaches Lawless and Richadson (2002) found when they detemined that "appoaches to studying in distance education ae stongly associated with students' peception of the academic quality of thei couses" (p. 257). In othe wods, the eseaches found that the quality of distance education was not measued by some abitay method, but by the students' own effot. Futhemoe, Richadon and Woodley (2001) examined deaf students' studying in distance leaning,…...
mlareferences of deaf students in distance education. Higher Education. 42, 61-83.
Stella, Antony and Gnanam, a. (2004). Quality Assurance in Distance Education: The Changes to be Addressed. Higher Education. 47(2), 143-160.
Vindovich, Lesley (2002). Quality assurance in Australian Higher Education:
Globalisation and 'steering at a distance.' Higher Education. 43, 391-408.
Of course, technology is integral to the delivery of services for all three of these institutions. The Indira Gandhi school appears to be the least equipped with next-generation services and applications. However, the Indira Gandhi National Open University uses technology tools like video and audio materials to reach students without access to cutting edge technology. The African Virtual University relies on help from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for providing information technology architecture and other essential planning services. Likewise, CEAD capitalizes on its relationship with Nova Southeastern University for the delivery of top quality digital materials.
2. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) prioritizes distance learning as an essential component of its mission. The UNESCO policy toward distance education delivery is presented clearly on their Web site. A stated goal of UNESCO-sponsored education initiatives is to build "Knowledge Societies." Increasing access to information increases political and economic…...
African Virtual University (AVU). Web site retrieved Nov 18, 2008 at
Indira Gandhi National Open University. Web site retrieved Nov 18, 2008 at
The Inter-American Distance Education Consortium (CREAD). Web site retrieved Nov 18, 2008 at
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). "Observatory Portal." Retrieved Nov 18, 2008 at
Distance education is much more popular today than it ever was in the past. The Internet has allowed people from all over the world to study at home and juggle their education around their careers and families. ecause of that, more people are able to get the education they always wanted. That will allow them to move forward with their lives in more ways than just their finances. Is distance learning for everyone, though, or are there only certain subsets of learners who should be involved with distance learning? Research into distance learning in general can help to answer that question. Distance education is becoming a popular alternative way for graduate students to learn and, although there are drawbacks, the literature shows many students believe that distance learning is an effective format that has great advantages for them and represents an important way to reach their educational targets. efore the…...
Annetta, L, Murray, M, Laird, S.G., Bohr, S., & Park, J. (2008). Investigating student attitudes toward a synchronous, online graduate course in a multi-user virtual learning environment. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 16(1): 5-34.
Livengood, K., & McGlamery, M. (n.d.) Graduate students' preferences in online instruction. Curriculum and Instruction. Angelo State University. Proceeding. 471-475.
Tomei, L.A. (2006). The impact of online teaching on faculty load: computing the ideal class size for online courses. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(3): 531-541.
He begins by introducing the concept of neo-Fordism (or neo-industrialization) which was characterized by product innovation. The age of neo-Fordism led to distance education adapting itself to the more demanding consumerist society as it started to produce a wider array of small-scale courses on which constant innovation can be made possible. Post-Fordism (or post-industrialization), on the other hand, does not have much difference from neo-Fordism only that it adds "high labor responsibility" prompting to the creation of "decentralized working groups who would be responsible themselves for the development of their own teaching programs (par. 27).
Pedagogical Consequences
After presenting how education revolved in accordance with the historical specificities of its time, Moore resigns to the fact that education will always be subjected to economic considerations, technological and organization efforts, as well as instructional motives. In the case of traditional and distance education, the considerations and motives to which it is subjected…...
Distance Education
Man has always thirsted for education and improvement of self. The ability to cognate and reason distinguishes man as superior to other species. From the Greeks to the Romans in Europe, to the Chinese and the Indians in the Asian subcontinent, to the American Indian tribes of North America and the Mayans from South America, ecivilization has displayed formal or informal educational structures. These edifices were the building blocks of their respective societies. Many of these societies evolved from an informal style of education to a more formal and generalized format over the period of the existence of any civilization.
Many universities in the U.S., Western Europe and Australia have been offering online courses and distance learning program for students in the developing countries around the world. There is however little being done to adapt these courses to the needs of the local population in the region. Developing countries, especially…...
ACE (2004) Frequently asked questions Accessed on August 1, 2004 at
Ayers, J.B. (2001) Handbook of supply chain management, St. Lucie Press;
APICS, Boca Raton, Fla.
Alexandria, Va.
Brazil for instance was successful in its Program for Training in-Service Teachers called PROFORMACAO, a national project that provides distance education to unqualified elementary school teachers. Similarly, in Arab states where some of the poorest countries in the world are found, educational programs were designed to practically address the basic needs of its citizens. The Sudan Open Learning Organization for example provides adult literacy program, primary health care program, income-generating and small business skills and training for basic level teachers.
Distance education all over the world has a great breadth; it ranges from early childhood education to elementary and secondary schools, tertiary levels and post graduate levels, and even to special learners. New Zealand is notable for having a good mix of distance education institutions. t has a Correspondence School that caters to early childhood and secondary school students; the Massey University for post-secondary and tertiary students and the Open…...
mlaIn an effort to implement cost-effective education programs, systems approach is used wherein the government employs the best means of delivery and human resources in a collaborative nationwide effort. Brazil for instance was successful in its Program for Training in-Service Teachers called PROFORMACAO, a national project that provides distance education to unqualified elementary school teachers. Similarly, in Arab states where some of the poorest countries in the world are found, educational programs were designed to practically address the basic needs of its citizens. The Sudan Open Learning Organization for example provides adult literacy program, primary health care program, income-generating and small business skills and training for basic level teachers.
Distance education all over the world has a great breadth; it ranges from early childhood education to elementary and secondary schools, tertiary levels and post graduate levels, and even to special learners. New Zealand is notable for having a good mix of distance education institutions. It has a Correspondence School that caters to early childhood and secondary school students; the Massey University for post-secondary and tertiary students and the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand for trade specialists. Delivery of distance education takes in various means and ways such as printed study guides and textbooks, broadcast television and radio programs, computer software, CD-ROMS, audio-video cassette tapes, electronic media, face-to-face tutorials in study centers, computer-mediated conferencing, internet and so on. The case of the Netherlands is unique because distance study is self-paced. Students enrolled in degree programs at the Open Universiteit of the Netherlands can enroll at any time and "there is no cohort of students following a prescribed study pattern." They can decide for themselves when to take examinations and can obtain learning materials from the university's electronic network called Studiener.
To address technological and knowledge gaps between nations, the World Bank and United Nations Educational, Science, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have implemented programs for distance learning. The World Bank believes that technical know-how is needed by poor countries to improve its economy thus, suggests that "poorer countries have the option of acquiring and adapting much knowledge already available in richer countries." It has set up distance learning centers in developing countries in a program called Global Development Learning Network. Its Global Distance Education Network is another project that is part of knowledge dissemination strategy. Meanwhile, UNESCO supposes that the best strategy to help developing countries is to "make the best use of culturally-relevant and affordable information and communication technologies" so it designed in 2002 a special course "Information and Communications Technologies in Distance Learning" specifically for policy makers and distance education practitioners in developing countries.
A similar trend was seen in many areas of U.S. society, such as the restriction of medicinal claims on products and other trends that began in the same decade.
It was very interesting to find that the U.S. Armed Forces had any part in distance education, and specifically how broad the areas of study offered by the U.S. Armed Forces Institute. The student base of about 500,000 is also interesting and surprising, but might be explained again by the fact that the nation was in constant need to make better citizens, and feeding the brain was though to be essential to this. It would also be interesting to see how much the USAFI utilized the programs to stress the importance of military service, though it is also clear that much of the work they did was to educate existing service men who had left education to join the military.
In many…...
While these needs may be found in only a small minority of the students, there should be equal opportunity for all students to advance and achieve. In the single student faced with confusion, that instance may be either a life changing or a debilitating experience for them. This can severely impact their decision now and for the rest of their life.
In that light, he suggests, that a student profile be maintained by school counselors so that his or her progress can be monitored throughout their academic life. Instance such as illness, physical or emotional, or family concerns should also be noted in that they may have impact on when due dates for assignment are missed or exam not taken coincide with personal problems. While a wide latitude is inadvisable, certainly there is some needed if true learner support is to be achieved. There indeed should be a student support…...
One of the most important is that distance education is not new. Although we now use computers and the Internet to accomplish the task, distance education began with correspondence. Thus, if we are to further the research regarding effective distance education, we must look, not simply for a description of types of distance education or a rehashing of history, but rather an innovation, like the computer and the Internet, that can bring the field of study forward nearly as much as that innovation did. That distance education has certainly become a form of learning that has transcended social, political, and financial boundaries, allowing even the most stigmatized to go to school, is the field's most impacting contribution. Perhaps further study will allow researchers to determine how distance education can not only be bettered but stretched to meet more of those whom most agreed would never go to college....
The imperative then is to design and deliver a course that inspires the interaction with the appropriate tools (Summerville & Johnson, 2006). If this is the case social networking sites used in education will shortly become accepted. This would lead us to the belief that the days of lecture and repeat and 'death by PowerPoint bullets' in education are coming to a close and, in turn, its end signals that there is not only a shift in the actual physical delivery of education, but also in our methods of instruction.
Hanna, D., Glowacki-Dudka, M., & Conceicao-Runlee, S. (2000). 147 Practical tips for teaching online groups: Essentials of Web-based education. Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing.
Summerville, J., & Johnson, C.S. (2006). Rural creativity: A study of district mandated online professional development. Journal of Technology…...
Hanna, D., Glowacki-Dudka, M., & Conceicao-Runlee, S. (2000). 147 Practical tips for teaching online groups: Essentials of Web-based education. Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing.
Summerville, J., & Johnson, C.S. (2006). Rural creativity: A study of district mandated online professional development. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14 (2), 347-361.
However, I also believe that Bonk's prediction that learning will be increasingly diversified is in the process of realizing. Many individuals are offering short email courses on a variety of both academic and non-academic topics. The rapid rise of these creates a challenge in terms of quality assurance. I do not believe that this challenge is however insurmountable. As Bonk notes, instructors will peer review each other's work and collaborate in creating a global network of learning.
A also feel that Bonk's prediction of freelance work creation for instructors via the Internet can mark the beginning of a new economic paradigm worldwide. Increasing amounts of people are engaging in online services such as writing and editing. There is no reason why the same development will not also extend to the teaching profession. The implications for job creation and opportunities for many qualified individuals are profound. This is especially so in…...
However, surprisingly, distance educators have not caught onto the trend. Web 2.0 applications offer users an experience beyond the typical University experience. Second Life offers the ability to add the social element and interaction that is often missing from the distance education experience. If traditional universities and public entities see the opportunity to use Second Life for education, and to disseminate public information, then this would seem like the next logical step in improving distance education programs. Students could attend a virtual classroom that is like a brick and mortar classroom in many ways.
One of the key difficulties in implementing online education in an online world is that students may not have access or the skills necessary to function in an online world. Second Life requires the most advanced graphics cards and systems to run. It will not run on older systems or those that do not meet the…...
Hoover, Aaron. (2007). At UF, distance learning moves off the planet. February 7, 2007. University of Florida News. Retrieved December 20, 2008. (2008a). Second Life Universities and Private Islands. Retrieved December 19, 2008 at (2008b). Second Life Universities and Private Islands. Retrieved December 19, 2008 at
Nurse, Legislation and egulation
Identify a legislative issue/policy change related to a workforce/patient care issue that you believe to be a priority. Describe legislative efforts surrounding your interest.
The developments and strides in distance education has proved to be a worthwhile evolution in educating as well as practice of modern nursing construct that now requires some really fast and accurate means of knowledge dissemination (Benner et al., 2010; IOM, 2010; Jones & Wolf, 2010). The advanced technology helps in extending the reach of multifaceted nursing faculty, where the students might be placed in remote areas and lack access to quality education in pursuing their nursing dreams as a career option (Jones & Wolf, 2010). The predicaments faced in these newly evolved settings, as envisaged by Board of Nursing (BON), are noted as under:
BON needs that the local educational regulations match with their own while approving distance education programs.
The issue of licensing of…...
Anderson, K. M., & Avery, M. D. (2008). Faculty teaching time: A comparison of Web-based and face-to-face graduate nursing courses. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 5, 1-12.
Benner, P., Sutphen, M., Leonard, V., & Day, L. (2010). Educating nurses: A call for radical transformation. Retrieved from
Billings, D. (2000). A framework for assessing outcomes and practices in web-based courses in nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 39(2), 60-67.
Chappy, S. L., Stewart, S. M., & Hansen, T. S. (2010). Eliminate border wars. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(6), 392-394.
I. Introduction
II. Body
1. Despite the apparent slow pace of change in the education sector, a great deal has changed in the past 50 years (1970 to the present). Though it has had a significant impact, modern technology is not the only thing that has altered. Teachers are being held to higher standards and are more professional than before. Additionally, students have altered their study and classroom interactions. The introduction of digital technology has transformed several industries, with education being one of the most significantly impacted. Technology advancements are increasingly complementing or even replacing traditional classroom education, which is defined by in-person interactions....
In conclusion, the adoption of distance learning as a permanent option in schools presents a multifaceted solution to the evolving needs of education in the modern era. The benefits of flexibility, accessibility, and personalized learning environments are compelling reasons to integrate this mode of education into the traditional schooling system. Students who might otherwise be unable to attend school due to geographical, health, or scheduling constraints can now access education from the comfort of their homes. This inclusivity not only broadens the educational landscape but also fosters a more diverse learning community. Moreover, the technological advancements that facilitate distance learning....
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