Authorized Mandated/Disclosure
Mandatory disclosure is an issue that affects many different facets of life. The set of laws and regulations known as mandatory disclosure are designed to provide various entities with information to protect the interests of businesses, the legal system and individuals. The purpose of this discussion is to explore the concept of authorized mandatory disclosure as it pertains to define mandatory disclosure, examine different types of authorized mandated disclosure, Code of Ethics and Mandatory State of Illinois Reporting.
To mandate simply means to assign as a mandate to require as by law; make mandatory. A mandate can also be defined as "an authoritative command; especially: a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one ("mandates")." There are many mandates in society that are in place to ensure that business and legal actions are conducted in a consistent and streamline manner.
Disclosure is defined as the release…...
mlaWorks cited
(2011, March 17). Retrieved from Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct 2010 Amendments: www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx
Bonner R, V.L. (2006). Ethical Decison Making for Correctional Providers. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 562-564.
Black, B. & . (2002). Calculating Risk & benefits of disclosure in African-American Women who have HIV. JOGNN, 501-509.
Garde-Perik, E., Markopoulos, P., Ruyter, B., Eggen, B. And Ijsselsteijn, W. (2008). Investigating Privacy Attitudes and Behavior in Relation to Personalization. Social Science Computer Review 26: 20
Federal Securiies Laws Disclosure: Pros and Cons
Federal securities laws disclosure: pros and cons
Economic agents were traditionally forced to generate funds by themselves. Upon stating up a business entity, the owner was required to possess most of the capital and would collect the additional necessary one through loans from either individuals or specialized institutions. Gradually, the capital requirements became more easily to satisfy as the incidence of financial institutions increased. In other words, banks supported the development of the business sector through the granting of loans to economic agents in all stages of development.
Within the modern day era, economic agents are presented with yet another means of collecting capital -- the issuing of stocks. The issuing of shares is based on the principles of the company issuing a valuable paper for which the individual or corporate investor pays a specific amount of money. Upon completion of the fiscal year, the economic…...
Barnes, C., 1999, Opacity, the Asian way? Stock exchange responsibilities on disclosure, Apollo Investment Management, last accessed on May 19, 2011http://www.apolloinvestment.com/F990916.htm
Fung, A., Graham, M., Weil, D., 2007, Full disclosure: the perils and promise of transparency, Cambridge University Press
Peavler, R., Debt and equity financing, About, last accessed on May 19, 2011http://bizfinance.about.com/od/generalinformatio1/a/debtequityfin.htm
Equity finance, Business Link, last accessed on May 19, 2011http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?itemId=1073789573&type=RESOURCES
The EPA conducted a study on the effectiveness of the amnesty program after three years of implementation on May 17, 1999. It found that, during the study period, 455 entities had revealed violations of 1,850 facilities and that the rate of disclosure had also gone up. The EPA also noted that the amnesty policy was most beneficial in four major areas. These were overall benefit to human health and the environment, prompt disclosure and correction of violations, improvements in corporate compliance policies and programs, and increased awareness of new environmental issues. The EPA took special note of how the policy encouraged prompt disclosure and correction of violations. Those who disclosed said that the program encouraged them to prove their auditing and reporting procedures. Most of them reported improving corporate programs in the form of a broader scope of corporate compliance activities; greater diligence, thoroughness and frequency of auditing processes;…...
Beach, M.C., et al. (2005). Patient satisfaction affected by physician self-disclosure. 2 pages. Journal of Family Practice: Dowden Health Media, Inc.
Hargie, DW. (2001). Gender, religion and adolescent patterns of self-disclosure in the divided society of Northern Ireland. 10 pages. Adolescence: Libra Publishers, Inc.
Hastings, S.O. (2000). Self-disclosure and identity management by bereaved parents. 23 pages. Communication Studies: Central States Speech Association
Levesque, M.J., et al. (2002). Self-disclosure patterns among well-acquainted individuals. 11 pages. Social Behavior and Personality: Society for Personality Research Incorporated
Women's Use Self-Disclosure in Interpersonal Intimate Relationships
Compared with Number and Length of Relationships They Maintain
Kalbfleisch (1993) points out that interpersonal relationships are the "cherished ingredients of our everyday social milieu." There are no substitutes according to Kalbfleisch, for the people that "we turn to in times of need, look to for comfort and companionship, laugh, cry and share our lives with throughout the cycle of our existence" (p.3).
Many researchers have exclusively examined interpersonal relationships from the perspective of communication, psychology, sociology and family studies (Kalbfleisch, 1993, p.3) because interpersonal relationships are considered the backdrop of human relationships. Many studies conducted in the past (Greenwood, 1991;,Planalp, et al., 1988, Derlega et. al, 1985) suggest and demonstrate that gender is important contextually when examining the manner in which people self-disclose particularly in initial interactions, suggesting the need for further research related to interactions other than initial ones. More studies comparing communication behavior…...
Buck, R. (1979). "Individual differences in nonverbal sending accuracy and electrodermal responding: The externalizing-internalizing dimension." In R. Rosenthal (Ed.), Skill and nonverbal communication: Individual differences." (pp.140-170). Cambridge, MA: Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain.
Byers, S.B., Demmons, S. (1999). "Sexual Satisfaction and Sexual Self-Disclosure within Dating Relationships." The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 36, Issue 2, p. 180
Chesney, A.P., Blakeney, P.E., Cole, C.M., & Chan, F.A. (1981). A comparison of couples who have sought sex therapy with couples who have not. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 7, 131-140
Derlega, V., Winstead B., Wong P., & Hunter, S. (1985). "Gender effects in an initial encounter: A case where men exceeded women in disclosure." Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2, 25-44
It is observed in studies that women disclose more compared to husbands who do not. This is maybe because of our culture in which woman is encouraged to show her feelings and men are required to hide their feelings or weaknesses (Pleck and Sawyer, 1974). However, men must not hide their feelings from their wives, in fact, they should discuss with them and wives should help husband to express, as men are usually less expressive.
Expressing and knowing your partner is very essential in order to maintain a strong and never-ending married life relationship. Self-disclosure allow couples to reduce the uncertainty about each other; as a result bit by bit couples come closer and start discussing very personal life stories (Sole, 2011). Terri Orbuch (Schoenberg, 2011) also says that a romantic relationship begins with lots of sharing and excitement. This sharing can be from telling a favorite dish to disclosing the…...
Pleck, J and Sawyer, J. (1974). Men and Masculinity. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Schoenberg, N. (2011). Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in happy marriages. McClatchy-Tribune News Service. doi: 2240370261
Sole, K. (2011). Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Education. San Diego, California: Bridge point Education, Inc.
In other words, they do not have another choice than to protect themselves with the agreements.
Two relevant examples best revealing the necessity for NDA include:
In 2006, a trio of Coca Cola Company employees approached PepsiCo to sell them the secret recipe for the Coke drink. The threat never materialized as PepsiCo was fair and exposed the plot (Bone, 2006)
An employee at accounting and financial consulting firm SOA Projects stole company information -- client data, trade secrets, confidential data and other proprietary information -- and is now using it at his new job, within a rival company (Trade Secrets Blog, 2010).
As for the personal choice of this individual, it is that of asking the employees and the business partners to sign non-disclosure agreements. The rationale behind this decision is given by the following:
Talking to employees or other parties about a new product could leak information to the competition, which would…...
Bone, J., 2006, Coke thanks its rival for foiling secret recipe theft, the Sunday Times, last accessed on June 28, 2010http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article684254.ece
2010, San Jose Business Journal: "Trade Secret theft by Rogue Employees on the Rise," Trade Secrets Blog, last accessed on June 28, 2010http://wombletradesecrets.blogspot.com/2010/04/san-jose-business-journal-trade-secret.html
Harmonization of Accounting and Disclosure Standards Around the World
An increasingly globalized world has naturally led to the current efforts to achieve harmonization of accounting and disclosure standards across the globe. he desirability of setting one universal standard for accounting and disclosure, it is theorized, will lead to several large potential benefits such as: large cost savings for organizations (especially global ones) from the use of one set of accounting standards through the company and for all purposes; generation of cost savings to businesses such as auditing and other professional advice services to business enterprises; improved efficiency in the working of capital markets; cost savings for investors as a result of increased convenience in carrying out investment analysis through high quality, transparent information on a comparable basis; gains to business operations from reductions in the cost of capital as a result of reduced uncertainties in the information available to the…...
mlaThe Board of the International Accounting Standards Committee, December 2000, available at accessed 19 September 2003.http://www.iasplus.com/resource/iascstmt.pdf;Internet ;
Portsmouth Business School, 2002, available from Accessed September 20, 2003.https://www.business.uiuc.edu/ciera/conferences/gottingen/Papers/Fearnley.pdf;Internet;
The Board of the International Accounting Standards Committee, December 2000, available at
Ethics and Financial Disclosure
One of the most important or core goals of trial registries is transparency within the clinical research process. Transparency is an important goal because of the significance of the objectivity of research, given its role in gaining and maintaining public trust. As a result, several measures have been undertaken by federal regulatory authorities to ensure the objectivity of research, especially in relation to transparency in clinical research process. These measures are also geared towards dealing with increasing complexities of financial interests by various researchers. Actually, objectivity and transparency of research is crucial because of the subsequent interactions among research institutions, the government, and the private sector after a clinical research is carried out.
In light of measures undertaken to promote objectivity and transparency within the clinical research process, federal regulatory agencies have established some rules and regulations that relate to financial interests. One of these regulations is the…...
"Guidance for Clinical Investigators, Industry, and FDA Staff -- Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators." (2013, February). Office of Good Clinical Practice. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services -- Food and Drug Administration website: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM341008.pdf
"RCR Conflicts of Interest." (n.d.). Responsible Conduct of Research. Retrieved from Columbia University website: http://ccnmtl.columbia.edu/projects/rcr/rcr_conflicts/foundation/
For example, a person who is originally from a conservative religious community may be more comfortable living an openly gay lifestyle elsewhere but not when returning to his or her community of origin. If the differential degree of personal disclosure allows the person to enjoy the fullest and most satisfying relationships in both scenarios, that differential degree of disclosure serves and helps achieve a beneficial purpose for the individual.
Meanwhile, a person who is from a law abiding and socially, ethnically, and culturally inclusive community of origin may express virulent racist or other biased viewpoints elsewhere that he would be (rightfully) ashamed to exhibit in his community of origin. A person who has always been known for being responsible and considerate in one community may choose to "experiment" or "let loose" another aspect of his personality when outside of that community. In both of those instances, the effect of the…...
Aronson, E., Wilson, T., and Akert, R. (2007). Social Psychology. New York: Longman.
Baron, B.A. And Byrne, D.B. (2003). Social Psychology: Understanding Human Interaction. Princeton, NJ: Allyn and Bacon.
Gerrig, R.J., and Zimbardo, P.G. (2008). Psychology and Life. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Katz introduces in his book, The Silent World of Doctor and Patient the origins of informed consent. "The birth date of informed consent was 22 October 1957" (Katz, 1984, p. 60). In those origins he shares that although informed consent and disclosure were introduced as standard, people have always had problems communicating with each other and therefore it leads to a disconnect when disclosure and consent are applied to medical procedure. Simply put, for the longest time, the physician-patient relationship has always included a certain level of silence. This was meant to keep patients from being too alarmed to go on with the treatment or procedure and to avoid any unsavory discussions. But when cases like Salgo v. Leland Stanford Jr. showed the court and the public the perils of not including informed consent, things began to change, albeit slowly, which only confirms that informed consent and disclosure were never…...
Caplan, A. (1987). Can we talk? A review of Jay Katz, The Silent World of Doctor and Patient. West New Engl Law Rev., 9(1), 43-52.
Faden, R., Beauchamp, T., & King, N. (1986). A history and theory of informed consent. New York: Oxford University Press.
Katz, J. (1984). The silent world of doctor and patient. New York: Free Press.
1852). He states that fear might also limit a person's capacity for self-disclosure and this fear includes: "fear of embarrassment by colleagues, fear of patient reaction, and fear of litigation" (p. 1852).
Disclosure has now come to occupy an important place on political policy-making agenda. Most people now believe that they must have access to information about a professional or procedure that is likely to cause serious harm. IOM's recommendations in this regard propose access to information and states that "requests by providers for confidentiality and protection from liability seem inappropriate in this context." (Kohn, et al.: 102) Some professional health-care institutions are now looking forward to making disclosure mandatory. While the process would take some time to complete, Veterans ffairs (V) Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, has started working on it. Steve Kraman of the Lexington V hospital explains why disclosure was made mandatory, "We didn't start doing this…...
mlaAltman, I., Vinsel, A., & Brown, B. (1981). "Dialectic conceptions in social psychology: An application to social penetration and privacy regulation." In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (pp. 107-160). New York: Academic.
L.T. Kohn, J.M. Corrigan, M.S. Donaldson, eds, (2000) To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System (Washington, DC: National Academy Press).
N. Osterweil, "Truth or Consequences: Does Disclosure Reduce Risk Exposure?: Admitting Errors Makes Process Less Adversarial, MDs, Lawyers Agree," WebMD Medical News
isk analysis in disclosure cases also demonstrates that disclosure hazards are events that organizations repeat in cyclic patterns. Thus, to prevent violations and to accurately estimate the probability of an unauthorized disclosure, there are many opportunities to measure the abuses just as there are many opportunities to discover abuse on pregnant women.
Breaking the pattern of violence on pregnant women without help is very difficult and leaving home is not always a feasible or safe alternative. The high number of domestic murders for pregnant women demonstrates that leaving an abuser can be fatal. The abused is usually the only one in the world who truly knows if and when to go but that may be a time that is too late. But addressing the needs of the abused in regard to the HIPAA rules is possible.
Identify Antecedents And Consequences
Although pregnant and recently pregnant women are far more likely to be…...
Domestic Violence in the United States. National Domestic Hotline. Retrieved on 21 Jan. 2005, from http://pages.ivillage.com/debi_1111/id30.html.
March of Dimes. (2000). Substance Abuse by Pregnancy Status. Retrieved January 21, 2005, at http://www.modimes.org/aboutus/1521.asp
McKenna, H.P. (1997). Nursing Models and Theories p. 144-146. London: Routledge.
Moller-Okin, Susan. (1999) "Is Multiculturalism Bad For Women?" In Okin et al., Is Multiculturalism Bad For Women? Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp 9-24
However there is a huge difference after these lines. Morgan quickly wraps it up saying that controls were deemed effective while Citigroup goes on to add who is responsible in the company for ensuring the effectiveness of the procedures. This additional bit of information gives a reader the feeling that the company cares about its disclosure statement and wants to be seen as a responsible firm. Morgan seemed uninterested in this additional information. Even the ending for both are though similar yet for Citigroup it's more thorough and for Morgan, it ends in two lines.
See how the two companies end their disclosures: Citigroup Inc. says, "The Company's management, with the participation of the Company's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, has evaluated the effectiveness of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15 (e) under the Exchange Act) as of December 31, 2005 and, based…...
disclosure principle in accounting is the standard adopted by the accounting profession, which "calls for financial reporting of any financial facts significant enough to influence the judgment of an informed reader" (Kieso, Weygandt, & Warfield, 2007). Obviously, this definition is a very subjective one, because the reporting entity makes the determination of what facts are significant enough to influence an informed reader. "To reduce the amount of disclosure, it is customary to only disclose information about events that are likely to have a material impact on the entity's financial position or financial results" (Accounting Tools, 2011). However, the principle is not meant to be narrowly interpreted, and may require a company to report things that cannot be reduced to numbers on a balance sheet. For example, "this disclosure may include items that cannot yet be precisely quantified, such as the presence of a dispute with a government entity over…...
Accounting Principles. (2011). The full disclosure principle. Retrieved from http://www.accountingtools.com/full-disclosure-principle
Kieso, D.E., Weygandt, J.J., & Warfield, T.D. (2007). Intermediate accounting (12th ed.).
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
As oversight staffing budgets are reduced and redundancy is addressed, many states will follow Pennsylvania's lead.
Concept Discussion
In our current setting, healthcare organizations are legislatively driven to follow strict disclosure polices in order to shield patient related and other protected data yet still these facilities and staff will be required to provide superior customer service. Thus, the information age has strained governmental legislation bolstering individual patient's privacy. "In the past decade, we have undergone a dramatic transformation in the way we shop, bank, and go about our daily business -- changes that have resulted in an unprecedented proliferation of records and data." (Soloye)
This vast amount of information that has been created or has suddenly become available now requires all new regulations regarding disclosure of medical information. The nursing profession has obviously been affected.
For example, nursing staffs often must get written permission to disclose, discuss or review a patient's situation with…...
1. The ethical implications of stigma and discrimination against individuals living with HIV/AIDS
2. The ethical considerations of HIV/AIDS testing and disclosure
3. Ethical challenges in the treatment and care of individuals with HIV/AIDS
4. The role of healthcare providers in promoting ethical practices in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
5. The ethical dilemmas of resource allocation in HIV/AIDS research and treatment
6. The intersection of HIV/AIDS and human rights: exploring ethical issues related to access to healthcare and services
7. Ethical considerations of HIV/AIDS prevention strategies, including condom distribution and needle exchange programs
8. The ethical implications of HIV/AIDS education and awareness campaigns
9. Ethical issues surrounding the....
AIDS Ethics: Navigating Moral Dilemmas in the Time of a Pandemic
The advent of AIDS in the 1980s not only unleashed a devastating pandemic but also ignited a storm of ethical quandaries. The disease, marked by its insidious nature and social stigma, laid bare the inadequacies of existing healthcare systems and highlighted the urgent need for ethical frameworks to guide decision-making. This essay delves into the intricate web of AIDS ethics, exploring various topics that have challenged our moral sensibilities and continue to shape our response to the pandemic.
1. The Right to Privacy vs. the Duty to Disclose
One of the most....
I. Introduction
A. Background information on stuttering
B. Thesis statement: Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects individuals by disrupting the flow and rhythm of speech, leading to potential social and emotional challenges.
II. Causes and Types of Stuttering
A. Developmental stuttering
1. Risk factors and causes
2. Onset age and prevalence
B. Neurogenic stuttering
1. Causes related to neurological conditions or brain injuries
2. Differences from developmental stuttering
III. Symptoms and Impact of Stuttering
A. Vocal symptoms
B. Non-vocal symptoms
C. Emotional and psychological impact
D. Social consequences and challenges
IV. Diagnosis and Assessment of Stuttering
A. Evaluating the presence of stuttering....
Topic 1: The Nature of Self-Concept
Explore the different theoretical perspectives on self-concept, discussing the cognitive, social, and developmental factors that shape its formation.
Analyze the relationship between self-concept and identity, examining how individuals construct a coherent sense of self across different contexts and experiences.
Discuss the malleability of self-concept, examining evidence for its ability to change and adapt over time.
Topic 2: The Impact of Self-Concept on Behavior and Well-being
Examine the relationship between self-concept and academic achievement, exploring how positive and negative self-perceptions can influence motivation, effort, and performance.
Analyze the impact of self-concept on physical health and well-being,....
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