Disciples Essays (Examples)

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Disciples of Christ
Pages: 5 Words: 1297

Christian Discipleship
The objective of this study is to define the Christian disciple and discipleship and moreover to define a leader in Christian discipleship and how the modern church is developing disciples and leaders for the Great Commission and how that relates to the overall health of the Christian Church.

The website 'Discipleship Defined' accurately describes and defines Christian Discipleship stating "After Jesus' resurrection, "all authority was entrusted to me" came to fruition. He is not waiting passively in heaven for His glorious arrival as king but already He is exercising His lordship. The literal translation is a command: "You disciple." The word disciple translates as "to become a learner or pupil."1 Grammatically, Matthew uses the aorist active imperative tense. This simply means an action that is absolutely required and occurring without end. It is surrounded by three participles (Go, Baptize, and Teach)." (2015, p. 1)

Additionally stated is that discipleship was the…...



Tomlinson, JC (nd) The Great Commission: Discipleship and Followership. Regent Edu. Retrieved from:  https://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/innerresources/vol2iss1/tomlinson_discipline.pdf 

Biblical Basis for Discipleship (2015) Discipleship Defined. Retrieved from:  http://www.discipleshipdefined.com/resources/biblical-basis-discipleship 

Slick, M. (2015) What is the Great Commission. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry. Retrieved from:  https://carm.org/great-commission

Why Did Jesus Command His Disciples to Keep His Miracles Secret
Pages: 5 Words: 1720

Messianic Secret and the Natures of Jesus
The Messianic Secret is an expression which refers to the gospel motif found in Mark, wherein Jesus issues commands at various times, whether to devils or to His disciples, that they should keep His divinity a secret. This motif may also serve as a theme of the larger gospel message as a whole, established in the lines spoken by Jesus to His mother, "ut woman it is not yet my time," at the wedding feast at Cana. ecause Jesus's mission was to "lay down his life for his sheep," He knew that those who opposed Him would seek His life. Yet, He also committed Himself to a public ministry, in which He taught and healed, and, according to Mark, did so with a desire that His fame not be spread by words or gossip. In one sense, it was a lesson in allowing one's…...



Brown, Raymond E. An Introduction to the New Testament. NY: Doubleday, 1997.

Raymond E. Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament (NY: Doubleday, 1997), 153.

Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament, 153.

What Tools Should the Congregation Have for Their Own Discipleship Process
Pages: 11 Words: 3531

Congregation Should have for their own Discipleship Process
When it comes to discipleship, one can too often think about the tools necessary for the church and church leaders in helping to motivate people to become disciples. A far more elusive question examines what the actual members of the congregation require in order to flourish and excel within their own discipleship process. It's important to bear in mind that Jesus commanded us to "go and make disciples"; not converts, social justice agents, or moralists. Members of the congregation were called to the church in order to engage in a transformation of the inward self, as Jesus emphasized that the inward transformation would produce the outward fruits. Thus, the church does have a certain obligation to disciple those who are members of the congregation and thus, certain tools need to be used to accomplish this. This paper examines the tools that the…...



Biblegateway.com. (2013). Colossians 3:1-17 (New International Version). Retrieved from Biblegateway.com:  http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=colossians%203:1-17 

Biblegateway.com. (2013). Deuteronomy 6:4-6 (New International Version). Retrieved from Biblegateway.com:  http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+6%3A4-6&version=NIV 

Biblegateway.com. (2013). Jeremiah 31:3 (New Living Translation). Retrieved from Biblegateway.com:  http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah+31%3A3&version=NLT 

Biblegateway.com. (2013). Leviticus 19:18 (English Standard Version). Retrieved from Biblegateway.com:  http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+19%3A18&version=ESV

Discipleship Counseling Dr Neil T Anderson Seeks
Pages: 9 Words: 2624

Discipleship Counseling, Dr. Neil T. Anderson seeks to integrate Christianity with counseling, and demonstrate to the reader how a Christian focus can make someone a more effective counselor. He disagrees with the approach taken by secular psychology and suggests that only Christian counseling can help people overcome the fact that they are born spiritually dead and can only achieve spiritual life through Christ. Anderson suggests that secular psychology can actually damage a Christian because it ignores the central relationship in a Christian's life: the relationship with Christ. Finally, Anderson discusses the idea of spiritual oppression and that those seeking the light will face opposition. Looking at these themes, this paper discusses the applicability of Anderson's teachings to the discipleship counselor and whether they can be useful to someone using a secular approach to counseling.
Understanding Discipleship Counseling by Neil T. Anderson

One of the more prevalent ideas in Christianity is that…...



Adams, J. (1973). The Christian counselor's manual: The practice of nouthetic counseling.

Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Anderson, N. (2003). Discipleship counseling: The complete guide to helping others walk in freedom and grow in Christ. Ventura, CA: Regal Books.

Powlison, D. (2003). Seeing with new eyes: counseling and the human condition through the lens of Scripture. Phillipsburg, NJ, P&R Publishing Company.

Disciple-Maker's Message in All Likelihood
Pages: 4 Words: 1441

The interpretation of "spiritual truths" can largely influence how a disseminator selects a particular message, and can also be a particular lesson taught to disciples -- to aid them in their own ability to interpret spiritual understanding. This intrinsic sense of what is necessary to be communicated to an audience (Mitchell, 2010) should also be taught to an audience itself, so that it can understand and become closer to the spirit of God -- which is one of the main goals of virtually any disciple-maker's message.
y utilizing the aforementioned sources to impart this particular message -- to help further the understanding of the voice and spirit of God for disciples, so that they may heed and live a life in accordance to it -- it then becomes necessary to utilize the proper form to communicate this message. Of the four most widely used forms of communicating a message (the…...



Barna, George. Growing True Disciples: New Strategies for Producing Genuine Followers of Chris.t Colorado Springs: WaterBrook Press. 2001.

Bloomberg, Craig, 1st Corinthians NIV Application Commentary. Michigan: Zondervan. 1995.

ESV Bible. "1 Corinthians 1-2, 2 Peter 1, and Romans 15-18." Crossway.   / (accessed November 10, 2011).http://www.esvbible.org 

Mitchell, Dr. Michael. Leading, Teaching, and Making Disciples. (Kindle Locations 6432-6459). Bloomington: CrossBooks. 2010. Kindle Edition. Chapter 9

Mark and Mathews Presentation of Jesus Disciples
Pages: 8 Words: 2754

Areas to Compare
The Gospel of Mark

Mark 1:16-20, the Calling

Why should we focus on the First Disciples' Calling? This calling was the first of Jesus' ministry to the public. The act of Jesus was a distinction in Jewish society. According to Jewish tradition it was not a norm for Jewish teachers to go to the field and recruit disciples. It is the disciples that sought teachers. Jesus is particular in calling out his first disciples, i.e. Peter, Andrew, John and James. According to Mark, the initiative for recruiting and training to become a disciple always comes from Christ.[footnoteRef:1] [1: J. Donahue, The Theology and Setting of Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. (Milwaukee, WI:Marquette University Pres, 1983), 15.]

Jesus did not call these disciples to repent. He only asked them to follow him. He transformed the lives of fishermen by asking them to pursue new lines of activities and mission. Such following…...

Neon Rain by James Lee Burke Agree or Disagree to Be Hemingway Disciple
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Burke Hemingway
Burke as a Disciple of Hemingway

In interview, New York Times best-selling novelist James Lee Burke (2002) has been quoted as identifying Ernest Hemingway as among his favorite authors. This is in clear evidence in the first of 19 books which would go on to feature Dave Robicheaux, a Vietnam veteran, a recovering alcoholic and a renegade Louisiana Sheriff's Deputy. In Robicheaux, and in the world that we are introduced to with 1987's The Neon Rain, Burke truly betrays his affinity for Hemingway's thematic and stylistic impulses.

As Lowe (2012) observes, "Burke's novels are painted with vivid descriptions of the land, pithy dialogue and sudden acts of physical violence. The combination of action, description and dialogue makes for a page-turning read. The common criticism made against his work is that there is too much violence." (Lowe, p. 1)

This is a criticism perhaps not unlike that often visited upon Hemingway, whose works…...


Works Cited:

Burke, J.L. (1987). The Neon Rain. Pocket Books.

Burke, J.L. (2002). The Man Behind Dave Robicheaux. Reesefuller.com.

Burke, J.L. (2011). Thoughts on Faulkner and Hemingway. Facebook.com.

Lowe, J. (2012). James Lee Burke Interview. Jonathanlowe.wordpress.com.

John 15 an Exegesis of John 15 1-27
Pages: 4 Words: 1565

John 15
An Exegesis of John 15:1-27

John 15:1-27 recounts Christ's last words to His disciples the night before His execution on Calvary. Beginning with His identification of Himself with the "true vine" and ending His exhortation that His disciples "bear witness," Christ both states clearly and explicitly what union with Him is like and what those who are in union with Him can expect from the world. This paper will give a line-by-line exegesis of John 15:1-27.

Leon Morris (1989) notes that "in the Old Testament the vine is often a symbol of Israel, sometimes of degenerate Israel" (p. 120). Thus, when John relates a scene in which Jesus says, "I am the true vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit" (15:1-2), he is…...


Reference List

Abbott, L. (1879). An Illustrated Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John.

NY A.S. Barnes & Company.

Maas, A. (1910). Jehovah (Yahweh). The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. New York:

Robert Appleton Company.

Paul's Thorn in the Flesh
Pages: 10 Words: 3667

Paul's Thorn In The Flesh
Studying the Bible, it becomes apparent that Jesus handpicked a number of his disciples to continue to spread his message after Jesus ascended to heaven. In addition to the men who followed Jesus before his death and resurrection, the leaders of the movement known as "The Way" included the Apostle Paul. Saul of Tarsus had been one of Jesus' most vocal detractors during Jesus lifetime and was skeptical of Jesus' claims that he was the Messiah. However, when Saul encountered a resurrected Jesus on the Damascus oad, Saul's disbelief disappeared. He converted to what is now known as Christianity and began to travel and share Christ's teachings.

Paul was unique from the other apostles in another significant way; he was the only one who received a thorn in the flesh. What this thorn was is never explicitly stated in the Bible, though it seems to have been…...



Barnett, Paul. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians:The New International Commentary

on the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1997.

Dawson, Audrey. Healing, Weakness and Power: Perspectives on Healing in Writings of Mark, Luke and Paul. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2008.

Deane-Drummond, Celia. Brave New World?: Theology, Ethics, and the Human Genome.

United Methodist Discipline and Polity
Pages: 5 Words: 1655

A great deal of this is accomplished by serving others and thinking of others first, before oneself. Exerting responsible self-control by engaging in personal habits conducive to bodily health refers to an act that is partly commonsense and partly the act of treating one's body like a temple of the Holy Spirit. By being made in God's image, one truly needs to honor that belief and treat one's body as the sacred thing it is. Exhibiting mental and emotional maturity means treating oneself and others with respect and sensitivity and establishing clear boundaries in social and personal interactions. Exhibiting integrity in all of one's relationships refers not only to treating people with respect, but also being honest in word and deed.
Engaging in fidelity in marriage and celibacy in singleness are two rock bottom foundations for following the doctrines of the church and honoring oneself and one's relationship. Social responsibility…...



Nyac.com. (n.d.). The Ministry of the Ordained. Retrieved May 18, 2012, from New York

Annual Conference:  http://www.nyac.com/pages/detail/1755 

Umc.org. (2011). Mission and Ministry. Retrieved May 18, 2012, from United Methodist


Jesus in Looking to Find
Pages: 12 Words: 3646

The Gospel of Luke, as has been mentioned here, is very similar to that of Mark in its narrative and in describing Jesus, the man. This is an element of the Gospels about which authors Nickle and Brown agree. There is, too, a strong belief that the Gospel of Luke was written by a "missionary colleague of the Apostle Paul (Nickle, 1980, p. 125)." The Book of Luke is the most extensive and detailed account of the life of the historical Jesus of any other book in the Bible. "hen this Gospel is joined by its companion volume, Acts and Apostles, they together make up about twenty-seven percent of the New Testament (Nickle, 1980, p. 125)." The most distinctive characteristic of the Book of Luke, is that it is sequenced with Acts and Apostles (Nickle, 1980). Luke is unique in that his book goes beyond the life of Jesus, into…...


Works Cited


Brown, Raymond E. The Community of the Beloved Disciple. New York: Paulist Press, 1979. Questia. 21 July 2007  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=104676653 .

A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=74641564

Nickle, Keith F. The Synoptic Gospels: Conflict and Consensus. Atlanta, GA: John Knox Press, 1980. Questia. 21 July 2007  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=74641618 .

Mark 8 14-21 as Having a
Pages: 1 Words: 471

Whether Biblical literalism is valid seems unanswerable, however, from this type of historical analysis, which a literalist would reject. A person who sees the Gospels solely as documents of faith, written by Jesus' actual disciples at relatively the same time period despite their different perspectives, versions of events, and literary motifs, would naturally try to reconcile the two different versions of Jesus of Matthew and Mark and suggest that they made up the 'same' person of the same whole. One Jesus demands care on the part of His followers, the other demands trust, but both are important values for a Christian. A literalist would be reading for spiritual sustenance, a Biblical historian would be reading to try to get a sense of how the teacher Jesus was viewed and constructed by later authors -- perhaps Mark wrote in a time of need, while Matthew was trying to preach about the…...

Operations & Quality Management First
Pages: 2 Words: 760

The Deming disciple will also encourage a more consultative and dynamic type of management since he will not have a firm belief in management by objectives. The setting of the objectives can only work towards hindering exhaustion of highest possible capabilities of the employees. Once the employee meets the set objectives, they can relax and have a set mind that all that needed to be done has been done.

Second student

As a measure towards quality management in an organization, there is need to look into the best way to influence the employees towards participating in the improvement of the quality of the service and goods in general. Bearing this in mind, the Juran methodology is the most applicable one well and above the Deming and Crosby.

Juran had the following tenets that guide his approach towards quality management. Start with building awareness of the need and opportunity for improvement. The Juran disciple…...



Brecker Associates, (2001). Quality-Based Problem-Solving / Process Improvement. Retrieved January 20, 2011 from  http://www.brecker.com/quality.htm#juran 

David Wayne, (2012). Deming Management Philosophy and So-Called Six Sigma Quality.

Retrieved January 20, 2011 from  http://www.q-skills.com/Deming6sigma.htm 

Phil Cohen, (2012). Deming's 14 points. Retrieved January 20, 2011 from  http://www.hci.com.au/hcisite2/articles/deming.htm

Influence of No Child Left Behind on Black Male Graduate Rate
Pages: 16 Words: 4430

Vinoba Vhabe
Vinoba Bhave

Throughout his life, Mahatma Gandhi gave emphasis to the notion that his twin principles of truth and nonviolence must be put in practice in every aspect of life as they have the strength to solve a number of human problems. His teachings were being practiced by his faithful disciples after achieving the political independence. The most prominent person in this regard is the leader and the spiritual heir of Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave (Bary, Hay, Weiler & Yarrow, 1958).

Vinoba Bhave is, thus, one of those great devout reformers of modern India whose selfless services have inspired the hearts of innumerable countrymen. At a very early age, Vinoba was determined to undertake a lifetime celibacy & selfless service to the needy. He was in search of a life in which he could synthesize both spirituality and practicality. When he discovered Gandhi, both of them worked for the regeneration and self-sufficiency…...



Bary, T.D., Hay, S.N., Weiler, R., & Yarrow, A. (1958). Sources of Indian Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved April 17, 2012, from Questia database:  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=100539926 

Bhave, Vinoba. (2009). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed.). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved April 16, 2012, from Questia database:  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=117006628 

Mehta, S. (n.d.). Bhoodan-Gramdan Movement-50 Years: A Review. Retrieved April 19, 2012 from  http://www.mkgandhi-sarvodaya.org/vinoba/bhoodan.htm 

Muzumdar, H.T. (1952). Mahatma Gandhi Peaceful Revolutionary. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from Questia database:  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=9283380

Plea to the Hearts and Minds of
Pages: 11 Words: 4130

plea to the hearts and minds of people who are being knowledgeable of the distinctive qualities and assert from the Episcopal Church. The charm from the Church tends to be realized all over our land. Its extensiveness of empathy for every situations of people, the highly convincing perspective regarding the joys of life, the liberty from peculiarity of practice and faith, have unveil the Episcopal Church to the awareness of a lot of people whose religious association have been interfered with or destabilized. e always come across some evident problem, Steve Klein (2007), which makes a lot of people not to join the Episcopal Church. The Church tends to be rather odd, or cold, or complex. It tends not to fulfill the condition that training which is done earlier results to majority anticipation in a church. The services are somehow rigid and obscure; the ways are complex; it has…...



Episcopal Church "The Columbia Encyclopedia" sixth edition, Columbia University Press 2001.

Episcopal Church "Encyclopedia Britannica" Enclopedia Britannica. Inc. Retrieved. 2007

Steve Klein," The solution to Episcopal Church Problems" by Vista Church of Christ. 2007.

Sydnor William,"Looking at the Episcopal Church" USA. Morehouse Publishing.1980

Need help generating essay topics related to Church Leadership. Can you help?
Words: 478

1. The Role of the Pastor in Fostering Spiritual Growth and Discipleship

Discuss the pastor's responsibilities in nurturing the spiritual development of church members.
Explore how pastors can create and implement discipleship programs that promote spiritual maturity.
Examine the pastor's role in counseling and guiding individuals through challenges and growth opportunities.

2. The Importance of Servant Leadership in Church Governance

Define servant leadership and explain its significance in church leadership.
Analyze the Biblical foundations and practical applications of servant leadership.
Discuss the benefits of servant leadership for both church leaders and congregations.

3. The Impact of Culture on Church Leadership Styles


Could you help me draft an essay outline about Jesus fulfilling the old testament prophecy?
Words: 439

I. Introduction
- Introduce the topic of Jesus fulfilling Old Testament prophecies

II. Background on Old Testament prophecies
- Explain some key prophecies in the Old Testament that point to the coming of a Messiah
- Discuss how these prophecies were written hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth

III. Jesus fulfilling the prophecies
- Explain how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of being born of a virgin, from the line of David, and in Bethlehem
- Discuss how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of being a suffering servant and a conquering King

IV. New Testament references
- Provide examples from the New....

What impact do church youth groups have on the spiritual growth and development of young people in today\'s society?
Words: 652

The Profound Impact of Church Youth Groups on Spiritual Growth and Development in Contemporary Society

The church youth group serves as a cornerstone of religious education and community engagement for young people in today's society. Its influence on their spiritual growth and development cannot be overstated. Here are some ways in which church youth groups make a significant impact:

1. Nurturing Faith Formation:

Youth groups provide a structured environment where young people can deepen their understanding of their faith and its principles. Through Bible studies, group discussions, and experiential activities, they explore the teachings of their religion, engage in theological inquiries, and develop....

What biblical teachings can be used to challenge traditional gender roles in essays?
Words: 737

1. The biblical teaching that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus challenges traditional gender roles by promoting equality among all individuals, regardless of their gender (Galatians 328).

2. The story of Deborah in the book of Judges challenges traditional gender roles by showcasing a woman in a position of leadership, as she served as a prophetess and judge in ancient Israel, leading the people to victory against their enemies (Judges 4-5).

3. The teachings of Jesus in the New Testament emphasize the value of every individual,....

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