Disaster Recovery Essays (Examples)

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Disaster Recovery Refers to the IT Components
Pages: 6 Words: 1705

Disaster recovery refers to the IT components of the business that, in times of a disaster, need to be safeguarded so that business can be continued. Disaster recovery is more a preventive plan set in motion prior to the organization and implementation of the business than a series of actions that are followed once the disaster hits the company. Given that most companies are, to a large extent and in many ways, reliant on their IT system, and that collapse of IT system has ramifications beyond the company, disaster recovery has become a significant part of planning to today's organization.
Disasters can be classified into two areas:

Natural disasters -- for example floods, hurricanes, or earthquakes where mitigation measures ahead of time can work towards avoiding or reducing data loss and IT cessation.

Man-made disasters -- such as terrorism where surveillance and avoidance planning can also work towards mitigating and reducing possible determinable…...



Bahan, C. The Disaster Recovery Plan. SANS Reading Room, 2003


Bell, Judy. Why Some Recovery Plans Won't Work. Disaster Recovery

Journal. Spring 2003

Disaster Recovery Emergency Planning and Disaster Recovery
Pages: 3 Words: 864

Disaster ecovery
Emergency Planning and Disaster ecovery: Technological and Managerial Solutions

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a body that is entrusted with alerting, evacuation coordination and managing disaster situations. Their website http://www.fema.gov/emergency-alert-system-eas deals with emergency issues and how response to disasters are usually undertaken by the agency. This portal in particular covers the use if technology to advance alert systems to the general public during and impending disaster. The alert system that is used by the agency and several other bodies will be focus of the paper and a detailed look at how successful these alert systems described in the FEMA website are and how they can be improved to ensure a much higher success rate in the future.

The approaching disaster alert system described in the FEMA website is known as the Emergency Alert System (EAS). This is a system that is used by the alerting authorities to pass message to…...



FEMA, (2012). Emergency Alert System. Retrieved July 21, 2012 from  http://www.fema.gov/emergency-alert-system-eas

Disaster Recovery Planning Over the
Pages: 12 Words: 4106

For example, the company could consider placing the data recovery system in the desert between West Texas and Nevada. In general, these areas are not subject to tornados or hurricanes. You could then choose, to place the location for all backup servers in a facility that will protect it against the weather such as: placing it underground. Once the facility is complete, you want to ensure that there is key staff to monitor and address any kind of issues that arise. Using such a system, will allow you to reduce the overall amounts of lost data that can occur at a particular location (due to weather / terrorist related activity).
Emergency Operations Center

The next issue that is going to be faced by the company / location is: establishing an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). In general, an EOC will serve as a place where the company can effectively coordinate a response,…...



Great Britain Intelligence and Security Committee." Report into London Terrorist Attacks on 7 July 2005." London:

Stationary Office. 2006. Print.

Hoffer, Jim. "Backing Up Business - Industry Trend or Event." Health Management Technology, 12.9, (2001): 79

85. Print.

Disaster Recovery Centers Hurricane Ready
Pages: 8 Words: 2778

("About FEMA," 2007)
The method followed by FEMA is to lead the country in cases of a disaster, in a risk-based comprehensive emergency management system that would have as its important tenets preparedness, protection, response and recovery, and finally, mitigation of the losses that the people have suffered. These are some of the plans that FEMA has in place, and for which it recruits trainees: the National esponse Plan, strategic Plan, and Annual Agency Performance Plan. The National esponse Plan encompasses a sort of a complete and all hazards approach to the management of domestic incidents. Some of the protocols that the National esponse Plan have established are: to save lives and also to effectively protect the lives and the health and safety of the public, the responders to the calamity, and to the health care and rescue workers at the scene, while at the same time making sure that…...



Auerhahn, Elliot. (2006, Jun) "Broward's new Hurricane Ready Decal

Program Helps Residents Identify Businesses That Will Be Open after a Hurricane" Retrieved 12 October, 2007 at http://bcegov2.broward.org/newsrelease/viewscreen.asp?MessageID=1168

Brunelli, Mark. (2003, Jun) "Data Center Futures: More companies seeking to create internal disaster recovery centers" Retrieved 12 October, 2007 at  http://searchwebservices.techtarget.com/tip/0,289483,sid26_gci905212,00.html 

Hickey, Andrew R. (2006, Oct) "Disaster Recovery centre focuses on network management" Retrieved 12 October, 2007 at  http://searchtelecom.techtarget.com/originalContent/0,289142,sid103_gci1222603,00.html

Disaster Recovery Plan XYZ Retail
Pages: 8 Words: 2422

Avoid dangerous spots near a window, hanging objects, mirrors, or merchandise fixtures

If you take cover under a piece of furniture, be sure to hold onto it. If the furniture moves be prepared to move and navigate along with it

Hold the position until the aftershock abates and it's safe to proceed further.

Scenario 4

A pandemic or other people disaster has struck, and people resources (employees) have been impacted.


Being located in South Florida, heavy rains will undoubtedly occur. These rains coupled with the high prevalence of winds increases the likelihood of a flood. This problem is further compounded as the hurricane season is south Florida is predicated with high winds and rain. Floods can be troublesome for XYZ personnel as merchandise is damaged, the threat of electrical damage is increased, and the water damage to the facility can be substantial (United States Department of Commerce, 2006). In the event of a flood, for…...



1) Amanda Ripley. "Floods, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Wildfires, Earthquakes... Why We Don't Prepare. "Time. August 28, 2006.

2) Burgos, Jr., Nestor P. (11/07/2010). "Iloilo power firms asked to explain brownouts." Philippine Daily Inquireir. Retrieved 22 July 2012.http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/inquirerheadlines/regions/view/20101107-301974/Iloilo-power-firms-asked-to-explain-brownouts.

3) Dobson et al. Blackout Mitigation Assessment in Power Transmission Systems. System Sciences 2003. July 20, 2011

4) Petroski, Henry (2006). Levees and Other Raised Ground. 94. American Scientist. pp. 7 -- 18..

Disaster Recovery Plan - The Travel Company
Pages: 2 Words: 508

Disaster Recovery Plan for "The Travel Company"
My company has developed an efficient disaster recovery plan with the purpose to deal with potential threats. One of the first and most important concepts that the company makes use of is a constant saving program meant to make sure that saved files are backed up each time their users save them. This means that even though a file might be lost for the moment, the respective document's user can check the server and see the last saved instance of the file.

In order for them to be able to contribute to recovering lost files, employees are also provided with instructions meant to assist them in saving and recovering files effectively.

Considering that they are a major asset in the company, customers are among the first concepts that the company thinks about when considering the likeliness of a disaster occurring. Customers need to know that their…...

Disaster Recovery Economic Impact of
Pages: 15 Words: 4492

There is a modern emphasis, which has resulted from the experience of the economic impact of disaster, on a more extensive and 'distributed' mode of thinking about disaster recovery. This is an important factor that should be stressed as it has direct implications in terms of the economic aspects of disaster recovery planning in an increasingly networked and technologized contemporary working environment. This aspect is cogently expressed in a White Paper on this issue.
Many organizations have strong business recovery plans for their mainframe and mini-computer systems. but, as more and more critical applications are migrated to distributed systems, companies are becoming concerned about how they can protect these systems in the event of a disaster. Chances of a disaster increase significantly as systems are moved away from traditional central computer facilities that have hardened security and environmental controls.

(Disaster ecovery - a White Paper)

This emphasizes a cardinal issue in modern…...



Bielski, L. (2002). Thinking the Unthinkable: Often Dismissed as Mere "Insurance," Disaster Recovery Ought to Be Considered Part of the Lifeblood of Any Business. ABA Banking Journal, 94(1), 44+.

This article focuses on the subject of disaster management in the banking industry. It provides insight into actual situations where disaster recovery plans were effective in preventing large-scale economic loss. It also provides examples of what can occur when there is a poor or recovery plan. This is also a good background study that provides insight into the economic effects and implications of disaster in the it context.

Carlson, S.J., & Parker, D. (1998). Disaster Recovery Planning and Accounting Information Systems. Review of Business, 19(2), 10+.

This was a very useful article in that it provided an extensive and well written overview of issues surrounding disaster recovery and management. The article was particularly focused on the effects and implications in economic terms of the failure of disaster management planning. These aspects were compared to the effect of good and well thought out disaster planning.

Disaster Recovery Risk Management
Pages: 4 Words: 1240

isk Management: Disaster ecovery
In essence, disaster recovery has got to do with protecting an organization against events of a negative nature and their effects/impact. Such events include, but they are not limited to, failure of equipment, serious cyber attacks, and natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. All these put the operations of the organization at risk. This text concerns itself with practical risk management. In so doing, it will, amongst other things, address the need for disaster recovery and highlight the key components of a disaster recovery plan.

The Need for Disaster isk Management

The relevance of disaster risk management cannot be overstated. This is particularly the case given that disasters put the continued operations of an enterprise at risk. It is important to note that in the past, many businesses have had to contend with huge losses when disasters strike. This is more so the case when it comes to…...



Doig, J. (1997). Disaster Recovery for Archives, Libraries and Records Management Systems in Australia and New Zealand. Wagga, NSW: Center for Information Studies.

EC-Council. (2010). Disaster Recovery. Clifton Part, NY: Cengage Learning.

Rodriguez, R., Quarantelli, E.L. & Dynes, R. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of Disaster Research. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media.

Snedaker, S. (2013). Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals (2nd ed.). Waltham, MA: Elsevier.

Disaster Recovery Plan
Pages: 6 Words: 2114

disaster recovery plan outlining several strategies that must be taken into consideration. The paper will further take into consideration the e-commerce as well as the brick and mortar operations. The reference page appends three sources in APA format.
Disaster Recovery Plan

When unprepared organizations are hit by disasters, the consequences are not only dire but often prolonged thereby robbing the companies of not only financial stability but also their hard earned established brand name and image. Since RJ compressors have an unwavering reputation for their high quality products and its compressors are known worldwide for their reliability and durability, it has to be prudent in making plans and formulating strategies in order to keep its reputation and established brand name intact. This is because, every firm entering the global market and wanting to stay there for generating handsome profits must not leave room for risks, disasters and threats in all forms.…...



Bagneris B, Galas D. Hudson J.M. (2003) SPHR. EBUS 520 - e-Law and Risk Management

Tufano P. (1996) - Harvard Univ. Graduate School of Business Administration, How Financial Engineering Can Advance Corporate Strategy., Harvard Business Review, 01-01

How to create a disaster recovery plan;

  (July 3, 2003)http://archive.devx.com/enterprise/articles/drecovery/DRPlan/DRPlan-1.asp 

Disaster Recovery in Joplin Missouri
Pages: 5 Words: 1551

Joplin Tornado Disaster
The Category EF-5 tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri, in 2011 devastated the region, killing 161 people and injuring over a thousand more (Smith, Sutter, 2013). In all, local, state and federal agencies and officials worked together to ensure a better response to the disaster, when compared to the debacle that was the response to Katrina; what was most notable about the disaster recovery in Joplin was that officials allowed the private sector "to lead the response and recovery (Smith, Sutter, 2013, p. 166). In other words, authorities from government agencies took a hands-off approach to the disaster response in Joplin and allowed non-profits and private organizations do the majority of the work. Volunteers took part in providing shelters and faith-based organizations rallied around the community to assist in the various needs using social media to help put out notices, organize and identify strategic aims; local organizations, churches…...

How to Prepare Communities for Disaster Recovery
Pages: 6 Words: 1706

Community Resilience and Natural HazardsAbstractCommunity resilience in the context of natural hazards refers to the ability of a community to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the impacts of such events (Matarrita-Cascante et al., 2022). This paper defines community resilience as a multi-dimensional concept encompassing physical, social, economic, and environmental aspects. It highlights the importance of adaptive capacities and collective action in building resilience. Two case studies are presented to illustrate diverse approaches and challenges in enhancing community resilience. The paper synthesizes recent literature, emphasizing the evolving understanding of resilience in the face of increasingly frequent and severe natural hazards.IntroductionNatural hazards can range from earthquakes to floods, but one thing they have in common is that they all represent serious threats to communities no matter where they are in the world. The concept of community resilience, on the other hand, represents a critical framework for understanding and improving…...



Argyroudis, S.A., Mitoulis, S.A., Hofer, L., Zanini, M.A., Tubaldi, E. and Frangopol, D.M.,

2020. Resilience assessment framework for critical infrastructure in a multi-hazard environment: Case study on transport assets. Science of the Total Environment, 714, p.136854. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969720303648

Bowen, T., Del Ninno, C., Andrews, C., Coll-Black, S., Johnson, K., Kawasoe, Y., Kryeziu, A.,

Disaster Recovery Site Program Management
Pages: 2 Words: 708

Communications Plan VMDR
Virtual Machine Disaster Recovery for Mom and Pop Shop. LLC

Project Manager

Banyon Jarvis

Madeleine Coleman

Yolanda Stephens



Banyon Jarvis Madeleine Coleman Yolanda Stephens

General Information

Authorized By:

Project Description (Summary): Virtual Machine Disaster Recovery Site will be installing the tier 1, "cold site" back up scheme for Mr. And Mrs. Huntsman of Mom and Pop LLC. The company now needs to survey the location and set up of Mom and Pop, LLC in order to install and configure the back up plan appropriately.

Stakeholder List

Not all Stakeholders are located in the same geographical location

Stakeholder Name / Title

Project Role

Elysia and Mario Hunstman

The customer who will work with the tier 1 of the Virtual Machine Disaster Recovery backup project. They are ultimately the final ones to sign off on the completion of the project and need to see the process of their data recovery done easily and within the time frame.

Banyon Jarvis

Owner of VM Disaster Recovery and one…...

Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery
Pages: 8 Words: 2060

Disaster ecovery
Intrusion detection is the method of keeping track of the events taking place inside a computer or perhaps a network and then examining them to get indications of potential situations, that are transgressions or impending dangers of breach of IT security procedures, appropriate usage guidelines, or standardized security strategies. Intrusion prevention is the method of carrying out intrusion detection as well as trying to stop recognized potential situations. Intrusion detection as well as prevention systems (IDPS) happen to be mainly centered on determining potential situations, writing down details about them, trying to end all of them, as well as reporting these to security managers. Additionally, businesses make use of IDPSs for various other objectives, like identifying issues with security guidelines, documenting current risks, as well as stopping people from breaking safety guidelines. IDPSs have grown to be an essential accessory for the security system involving just about any…...



Allen, J., Christie, A., Fithen, W., McHugh, J. And Pickel, J. (2000). State of the Practice of Intrusion Detection Technologies. Pittsburg, PA: Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, January.

Base, R. And Mell, P. (2001). SP 800-31, Intrusion Detection Systems. Washington, DC: National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Kent, K. And Mell, P. (2006). SP 800-94, Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) Systems (DRAFT). Washington, DC: National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Kent, K. And Warnock, M. (2004). Intrusion Detection Tools Report, 4th Edition. Herndon, VA: Information Assurance Technology Analysis Center (IATAC).

Government Roles in Disaster Recovery
Pages: 7 Words: 2333

What they did not anticipate was the levees breaking nor were they aware of the level of immediate need of the people. He also says that with Hurricane Andrew, about two million residents were evacuated and only about 10% we left homeless whereas with Hurricane Katrina approximately the same number of residents were evacuated yet over 90% were left homeless (Halton, 2006). This was much more of a burden than FEMA had anticipated and it was a result of poor emergency response at lower levels of government.
Even still, FEMA should have been better prepared to handle the situation. They should have been called in earlier than they were and if this were the case they situation would have been easier to manage. Paulison says that FEMA was not fully aware of what was needed and where. This is a result of poor communication. y the time they were called…...



Halton, B. (2006). FEMA's response to Hurricane Katrina. Fire Engineering, 159(5), 213-218.

Kelley-Romano, S. And Westgate, V. (2007). Blaming Bush: An analysis of political cartoons following Hurricane Katrina. Journalism Studies, 8(5), 755-719.

Perry, R.W. And Lindell, M.K. (2003). Preparedness for emergency response: Guidelines for emergency planning process. Disasters, 27(4), 336-350.

Recovery Disaster and Crisis
Pages: 5 Words: 1650

Disaster ecovery
ecovery: Disaster and Crisis

Disaster recovery has become an important aspect of a company's strategic plan. The main reason for an increased concern can be attributed to the fact that integration and alliances at an international level have increased so that there are more linkages and higher interdependencies that have increased the exposure of people to international risk. This also means that companies are more prone to be affected by a force majeure impacting a vendor located in another part of the world. Some cases that have recently come to light in the spate of the Japanese Earthquake are the impact on General Motors leave alone Nissan. Moreover, giants such as Sony have been impacted in the wake of natural disasters in Thailand where a Tsunami impacted the Integrated Chip provider, making it difficult for Sony to continue to manufacture its products.

In light of these vulnerabilities it becomes increasingly important…...



Jones, V.A. (2011). How to Avoid Disaster:RIM's Crucial Role in Business Continuity Planning. Information Management Journal .

Keenan, G. (2011). After a year of disasters, Japan's auto sector fights back. Retrieved January 20, 2012, from CTV News:  http://www.ctv.ca/generic/generated/static/business/article2284601.html#ixzz1k0x14zsf 

Momani, N.M. (2010). Business Continuity Planning: Are We Prepared for Future Disasters . American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 272-279.

Omar, A., Alijani, D., & Mason, R. (2011). Information Technology Disaster Recovery Plan: Case Study. Academy of Strategic Management Journal .

Need help generating essay topics related to Cloud Computing. Can you help?
Words: 267

1. The benefits and challenges of implementing a cloud computing strategy in a small business
2. The impact of cloud computing on data security and privacy
3. The role of cloud computing in enabling remote work and collaboration
4. The environmental implications of cloud computing and its potential to reduce carbon emissions
5. The future of cloud computing: emerging trends and technologies
6. The impact of cloud computing on traditional IT infrastructure and job roles
7. The legal and regulatory considerations of using cloud computing services
8. The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in optimizing cloud computing resources
9. The potential for cloud computing to revolutionize....

How can communities effectively prepare for and respond to the threat of mudslides?
Words: 530

Mudslides: A Devastating Threat to Communities

Mudslides, also known as debris flows, are fast-moving mixtures of soil, rock, water, and sometimes vegetation that can cause catastrophic damage and loss of life. These natural hazards pose a significant threat to communities located in mountainous or hilly areas, particularly during heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt.

Effective Preparation and Response Strategies

Preparing for and responding to mudslides requires a comprehensive approach involving multiple stakeholders, including government agencies, emergency responders, community members, and landowners. Here are key strategies to mitigate the risks and enhance community resilience:

1. Hazard Identification and Mapping:

Conduct thorough geological surveys to identify areas....

Can you provide a brief outline of the key components of cloud computing infrastructure?
Words: 351

1. Cloud service providers: Companies that offer cloud computing services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).

2. Virtualization: Software that enables the creation of virtual instances of hardware, allowing multiple virtual servers to run on a single physical server.

3. Networking: Infrastructure that enables communication between virtual servers, physical servers, storage systems, and users. This includes routers, switches, firewalls, and other network devices.

4. Storage: Cloud computing infrastructure includes storage systems that enable the storage and retrieval of data. This can include block storage, object storage, and file storage.

5. Compute: Cloud computing....

How can a concept analysis case study help to clarify and define ambiguous concepts in a particular field?
Words: 595

## Concept Analysis Case Studies in Clarifying Ambiguous Concepts

Concept analysis is a rigorous research method employed to clarify and define ambiguous or poorly understood concepts within a specific field of study. Case studies, as a qualitative research approach, offer an in-depth and context-rich understanding of how concepts are used and interpreted in real-world settings. By combining these two approaches, concept analysis case studies provide valuable insights into the nuances and complexities of ambiguous concepts, enabling their refinement and enhanced understanding.

### Case Study Design

A concept analysis case study typically involves a systematic investigation of a concept's usage and meaning in a....

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