Digitalization Essays (Examples)

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Digitalization to Enhance Customer Satisfaction at APM Terminals
Pages: 10 Words: 3458

While digitalization has been shown to positively influence customer satisfaction in organizations in diverse sectors and industries, there has been little scholarly attention to the port industry. Focusing on APM Terminals, one of the largest container terminal and port management companies in the world, the proposed study seeks to fill this gap in literature. The study will take the mixed methods approach.
In business, the significance of customer satisfaction cannot be overemphasized. Indeed, with increasingly many firms providing similar goods or services, dissatisfied customers can easily look for other alternatives. Accordingly, firms do whatever it takes to retain customers and keep them happy (Kumar, 2016). With tremendous technological advancements over the years, firms are ever more relying on technology as a valuable driver of customer satisfaction. Whether it is processing a customer order or automating luggage handling, firms in diverse sectors and industries have adopted modern technologies in an attempt to…...

Digitalization Has Reshaped the Mass
Pages: 1 Words: 370

The quality and credibility of media suffers in the process.
Changes in the process of consumption are equally dramatic. Digitalization has resulted in a new flexibility of media. While forms of digital content converge - text with photographic images, or video with sound, for instance - the consumer has a greater ability than ever before to manipulate media - by cutting and pasting, or deriving new content from digital content available to them. As a result of this, the credibility of available content is nearly always dubious, as in the case of popular Internet encyclopedias in which content can be edited by anyone. The volume and subject range of information available to the consumer has grown and broadened (Featherstone & Venn, 2006), but the content is suspect, having sacrificed its sovereign authority.

Cottle, S., & Ashton, M. (1999). From BBC Newsroom to BBC Newscentre: On Changing Technology and Journalist Practices. Convergence,…...


Encyclopaedia Project. Theory, Culture & Society, 23(2-3), 1-20.

Olson, S.R., & Pollard, T. (2004). Digitalization and Media Literacy Education.

American Behavioral Scientist, 48(2), 248-255.

Digitalization to Enhance Customer Satisfaction at APM Terminals
Pages: 6 Words: 2086

In business, the significance of customer satisfaction cannot be overemphasized. Indeed, with increasingly many firms providing similar goods or services, dissatisfied customers can easily look for other alternatives. Accordingly, firms do whatever it takes to retain customers and keep them happy (Kumar, 2016). With tremendous technological advancements over the years, firms are ever more relying on information technology (IT) as a valuable driver of customer satisfaction (Mithas, Krishnan and Fornell, 2005; Ryding, 2010; Deloitte, 2013; Jan and Abdullah, 2014; Meige and Schmitt, 2015). Whether it is processing a customer order or automating luggage handling, firms in diverse sectors and industries have adopted modern technologies in an attempt to enhance process efficiency. In fact, most organizational processes have now been digitalized -- they require just a click of a button or little manual work. While digitalization has generated important benefits for organizations in terms of reducing operational costs, it has created…...

Film and Media in the Digital Age
Pages: 1 Words: 300

digital age include worlds that are highly imaginative (eg. Harry Potter films). Films are sometimes conceived in a literary form and then turned into a script and a film. Films since the 1920s and into the 21st century have used physical models and stage properties of some kind (eg. Metropolis, Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Harry Potter). In the digital age, visual effects are created by composite images and ongoing production techniques, practices and narratives. Discuss.
What this question primarily conveys is the feasibility associated with the growing trend of using digital techniques in filmmaking. The importance of digitalization, computer generated imagery and visual effects, has grown tremendously and that can be proven with the help of various relevant examples. In the essay, the technological value added by digitalization along with the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization have been discussed. Finally the future of digital filmmaking…...

Graeber's Utopia of Rules and the Problems of Digitalized Society
Pages: 10 Words: 2865

Physical vs. Digital GovernanceIntroductionIn recent years, the Greek government has undergone a remarkable digital transformation in order to better serve its citizens. Through initiatives like the Athenian Digital Strategy, the Greek government is using digital technologies, data analytics, and AI-supported technologies to optimize service delivery, engage with citizens more effectively and track progress on goals faster. This shift towards digitization has also opened up opportunities for more efficient and productive management of information within the public sector. A deeper exploration of this process must be informed by an understanding of the traditional Greek culture and attitudes towards governance and bureaucracy. Furthermore, attention must also be paid to how digital technologies have enabled processes such as e-permitting for businesses, streamlining supply chains, digitized taxation systems and more -- all of which are evidence of the nation\\\'s maturing digital capabilities and testament to their commitment towards modernizing their services in order to…...


ReferencesAnthopoulos, L. G., Gerogiannis, V. C., & Fitsilis, P. (2010). Measuring e-government adoption by governments: The greek case. In Comparative E-Government (pp. 353-370). Springer, New York, NY.Chun, S., Shulman, S., Sandoval, R., & Hovy, E. (2010). Government 2.0: Making connections between citizens, data and government. Information Polity, 15(1-2), 1-9.European Commission. (2019). Digital Government Factsheet 2019 Greece.Gounopoulos, E., Kontogiannis, S., Kazanidis, I., & Valsamidis, S. (2020). The Impact of the Digital Divide on the Adoption of e-Government in Greece. KnE Social Sciences, 401-411.Graeber, D. (2011). Revolutions in reverse. Minor Compositions.Graeber, D. (2012). Debt: The first 5000 years. Penguin UK.Graeber, D. (2015). The utopia of rules: On technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy. Melville House.Larsson, K. K. (2021). Digitization or equality: When government automation covers some, but not all citizens. Government Information Quarterly, 38(1), 101547.Muellerleile, C., & Robertson, S. L. (2018). Digital Weberianism: bureaucracy, information, and the techno-rationality of neoliberal capitalism. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 25(1), 187-216.Spinellis, D., Pouloudi, A., Xirogiannis, G., & Makantasi, E. (2022). Intelligent modeling of e-Government initiatives in Greece.

Swarovski's Customer in the Digital
Pages: 38 Words: 10512

Consequently, marketing efforts become more and more important.
Glyn Atwal and Alistair Williams (2009) for instance argue that the creators of luxury products have to use marketing efforts to identify new customers' needs even before the customers become aware of these needs. In other words, they have to "stay in front of luxury consumers" (Atwal and Williams, 2009, p.338). And in order to do so, the luxury products manufacturers strive to create positive experiences for their customers in order to inspire them and to stimulate their purchase decisions.

Otherwise put, in the context of luxury products, experiential marketing is growingly present and critical and this is due to the complex nature of the luxury sector. Here, the producers seek to transmit the image of high quality, product authenticity, as well as performance. However, aside from these statements, the luxury products must also transmit and sell a customer experience; and this experience…...



Alperovich, a.L., 2012, London Design Museum's Swarovski's exhibition features light painting, holograms and other mind blowing digital technologies, Inhabitat,   / last accessed on September 6, 2012 

Atwal, G., Williams, a., 2009, Luxury brand marketing -- the experience is everything! Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 16

Bak, O., Stair, N., 2011, Impact of e-business technologies on public and private organizations: industry comparisons and perspectives, IGI Global, ISBN 1609605020

Bevolo, M., Gofman, a., Moskowitz, H., 2011, Premium by design: how to understand, design and market high end products, Gower Publishing Ltd., ISBN 1409418901

Technology Presentation Information Technology Cannot
Pages: 10 Words: 3110

We agree that people still purchase books.
The reason is that today the author gets paid upfront and if people do not read the book, the publisher has to bear the loss. Secondly publishers are able to 'sell the books' to the bookstores' based on 'consignment system', whereby the 'book store' is able to return the books which are unsold against a 'full refund'. (Grossman, 2009) Jeanie Comstock (2009) says that some of the changes that became mandatory include the quality, readability and accessibility of documents. The changes in publishing technology have also called for changes in the roles for technical workers, communicators and even writers. Thus the intervention and role of the technical communicator has changed so that the matter or book published to day is readable, articulate, and navigable both in the printed and in the electronic media. The composite problem is also to keep up the author…...



Comstock, Jeanie. (2009) "The Effect of Changes in Publishing Technologies on Labor and Documentation" Orange Journal, vol. 4, no. 2. Retrieved 18 April, 2009 from

Ellonen, Hanna-Kaisa. (2007) "Exploring the strategic impact of technological change

Studies on the role of Internet in magazine publishing" Retrieved 18 April, 2009 from

Greco, Albert N. (2005) "The book publishing industry"

ECIG and a Business Analysis How it Can Improve
Pages: 19 Words: 5583

Electronic Cigarettes International Group (ECIG) is an international producer, distributer and retailer of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and vaporizers with outlets and kiosks in several countries around the world as well as online stores. The company has steadily been growing over the past two years with sales approaching $20 million per quarter in 2016 (SA Transcripts, 2015).
Dan O'Neill replaced Brent Willis as CEO and President of ECIG on January 9, 2015. Dan O'Neill's record of experience as CEO of Molson's and top leadership positions at Heinz and Star-Kist suggests that ECIG is positioned under uniquely qualified leadership for the first time since its creation (it was under Willis that company's share price plummeted to its current record lows). With the reduction of debt and the one-time write-off of losses taken by O'Neill in his first year as President, the company has pivoted for better years (Hoogervorst, 2012).

The electronic cigarette and vaping market…...



Aaker, D, Biel, A (2013) Brand Equity and Advertising: Advertising's Role in Building

Strong Brands, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.

Allen, J., Flanigan, S., LeBlanc, M. et al. (2015). Flavoring chemicals in E-Cigarettes.

Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(12): 23-29.

How environment influences business
Pages: 20 Words: 6102

Effect of External and Internal Environment Introduction
Organizations have both an internal and external environment. To begin with, the forces or circumstances within the borderline of the organization are the components of the internal environment. Notably, the internal environment comprises for the most part of the owners, employees, board of directors, stakeholders, and the corporate culture. On the other hand, factors that are extrinsic to the organization are the components of the external environment. It is imperative to note that these are elements that the organization bears no control of as they impact the entire the industry and therefore the organization cannot influence how such aspects will shape up (Nieuwenhuizen, Badenhorst-Weiss, and Rossouw, 2008). On the other hand, factors within the internal environment are those that the organization can control and have an effect on how they will turn out to be. The external environment is categorized into the general environment and…...

AI IoT and Designing the Best Supply Chain
Pages: 6 Words: 1714

Global Supply Chain DesignIntroductionGlobal network design plays a crucial role in the modern business environment. As Meixell and Gargeya (2000) note, this is an area that is subject to influence from a range of factors, from technology changes to political circumstances. As a result, organizations are continually seeking ways to optimize their supply chain processes to stay competitive (Meixell & Gargeya, 2000). This paper examines some of the traditional and contemporary perspectives on supply chain design, how we know what a supply chain should look like, aspects of design that companies must consider, and common problems companies face now and likely in the future.Traditional vs. Contemporary Perspectives on Supply Chain DesignHistorically, supply chain design has focused on optimizing cost efficiency and reducing risk while enhancing customer satisfaction. Meixell and Gargeya (2000) note that these elements were considered the pillars of effective supply chain management and were at the heart of…...


ReferencesBode, C., Wagner, S. M., Petersen, K. J., & Ellram, L. M. (2011). Understanding responses to supply chain disruptions: Insights from information processing and resource dependence perspectives. Academy of Management Journal, 54(4), 833-856.Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & supply chain management. Pearson UK.Meixell, M., & Gargeya, V. B. (2000). Global Supply Chain Design: A Literature Review and Critique. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 36(3), 235-258.Mentzer, J. T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J. S., Min, S., Nix, N. W., Smith, C. D., & Zacharia, Z. G. (2001). Defining supply chain management. Journal of Business logistics, 22(2), 1-25.

Digital Opportunities and Challenges for the GCC
Pages: 21 Words: 6153

Adoption and diffusion of sustainable digital business model in the GCC: Opportunities and ChallengesAbstractThe adoption and widespread diffusion of the sustainable digital business model (SDBM) is an important step towards promoting sustainable development and reducing the environmental impact of business operations in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. The implementation of SDBMs, though, faces multiple challenges that are directly related to the unique socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of the GCC member-states, as well as the limited awareness and understanding of the concept of sustainability among many public and private sector practitioners. To help address these gaps in the current body of knowledge, this research examines the various opportunities and challenges that are involved when building SDBM practices in the GCC region. The paper provides a systematic review of the literature and a statistical analysis of the collected data from reliable sources. The findings indicate that the adoption of digital SBMs…...


ReferencesAkguc, S., & Al Rahahleh, N. (2021). Shariah Compliance and Investment Behavior: Evidence from GCC Countries. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 57(13), 3766–3791.Al-Mashari, M., & Zairi, M. (2015). Sustainable business models: a review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87, 437-450.Al-Mubaraki, H. M., et al. (2018). The role of government support in sustainable entrepreneurship: a study of the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Cleaner Production, 199, 175-182.Al-Khouri, A. M. (2018). The impact of sustainable business models on corporate performance: evidence from the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 25(2), 149-158.Al-Hammad, M. A., et al. (2019). The role of knowledge management in the adoption and diffusion of sustainable business models: evidence from the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Cleaner Production, 233, 808-819.Al-Otaibi, S., et al. (2019). The barriers and drivers of sustainable entrepreneurship in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Cleaner Production, 226, 881-892.AlSaeed, M., et al. (2021). Digital Transformation and Sustainable Business Models: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280, 124415.Al-Shamsi, A., et al. (2021). Sustainable Business Model Innovation: A Systematic Review and Future Research Directions. Sustainability, 13(5), 2533.Alshuwaikhat, H. M., & Abubakar, I. (2008). An assessment of sustainable development in Saudi Arabia: a case study of the mining and mineral industries. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 15(2), 132-139. A., & Tucci, C. L. (2012). Crowdsourcing as a solution to distant search. Academy of Management Review, 37(3), 355-375.Anser, M. K., Abbas, Q., Chaudhry, I. S., & Khan, A. (2020). Optimal oil stockpiling, peak oil, and general equilibrium: case study of South Asia (oil importers) and Middle East (oil supplier). Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 27(16), 19304–19313.Bakir, A. (2020). Sustainability in the GCC: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Cleaner Production, 254, 119916.Bazilian, M., Rogner, H., Howells, M., Hermann, S., Arent, D., Gielen, D., Steduto, P., Mueller, A., Komor, P., Tol, R. S., & Yumkella, K. K. (2011). Considering the energy, water and food nexus: towards an integrated modelling approach. Energy Policy, 39(12), 7896-7906. Bocken, N. M., Short, S. W., Rana, P., & Evans, S. (2014). A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 65, 42-56. Freer, C., & Kherfi, Y. (2020). Narratives of nationalism in culture and heritage production of the Arabian Peninsula: bringing the state back in. Middle Eastern Studies, 56(6), 988–1004.Geissdoerfer, M., Vladimirova, D., & Evans, S. (2018). Sustainable business model innovation: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 198, 401-416. Ghobadian, A., O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Regan, N., & Gallear, D. (2019). Sustainable business model innovation: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 1496-1512.Haigh, N., Walker, J., Bacq, S., & Kickul, J. (2015). Hybrid organizations: Origins, strategies, impacts, and implications. California Management Review, 57(3), 5-15.Hajiheydari, N., Kargar Shouraki, M., Vares, H., & Mohammadian, A. (2023). Digital sustainable business model innovation: applying dynamic capabilities approach (SDBMI-DC). Foresight, 25(3), 420–447.Islam, M. F., & Can, O. (2024). Integrating digital and sustainable entrepreneurship through business models: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 14(1), 1–18.Kolk, A., & Pinkse, J. (2010). The integration of corporate sustainability in business schools: A survey of current status and future potential. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(3), 201-209. Rohn, H. (2017). Digitalization and sustainable development: How digitalization can support sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 983-995. Schaltegger, S., & Wagner, M. (2011). Sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainability innovation: categories and interactions. Business Strategy and the Environment, 20(4), 222-237., M., Kromp, A., & Veulliet, E. (2018). Digitalisation for sustainable business models and ecosystems in the GCC. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 4(1), 7., W., & Cocklin, C. (2008). Conceptualizing a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"sustainability business model\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". Organization & Environment, 21(2), 103-127. Nations Development Programme. (2018). Arab region: Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved from AMain Survey Questions:1. What are the major opportunities for building digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?2. What are the biggest challenges facing businesses in the GCC region when building digital sustainable business models?3. How important is digital transformation in the GCC region for achieving sustainable development goals?4. What are the key factors that drive the adoption and diffusion of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?5. What are the main barriers to the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?6. To what extent are businesses in the GCC region aware of the potential benefits of digital sustainable business models?7. How important is collaboration among stakeholders in promoting the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?8. What is the role of government policies in promoting the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?9. What are the potential economic benefits of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?10. How can digital sustainable business models help reduce environmental impact in the GCC region?11. What are the key technological enablers for the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?12. What are the most successful digital sustainable business models implemented in the GCC region and why were they successful?13. What are the current trends in digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?14. How important is customer awareness and engagement in promoting the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?15. What are the future prospects for digital sustainable business models in the GCC region?Appendix BQuestionnaire Items – Likert Scale Item 1 2 3 4 5 How important do you think digital transformation is for achieving sustainable development goals in the GCC region? (On a scale of 1-5) To what extent do you agree that there are significant opportunities for building digital sustainable business models in the GCC region? (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree) How challenging do you perceive building digital sustainable business models to be in the GCC region? (1=not challenging at all, 5=very challenging) To what extent do you believe that collaboration among stakeholders is important in promoting the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region? (1=not at all important, 5=very important) How aware are businesses in the GCC region of the potential benefits of digital sustainable business models? (1=not aware at all, 5=very aware) To what extent do you agree that government policies can promote the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region? (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree) How important do you think it is to reduce environmental impact in the GCC region through the adoption of digital sustainable business models? (1=not important at all, 5=very important) To what extent do you agree that there are key factors that influence the adoption and diffusion of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region? (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree) How important do you think it is to consider customer awareness and engagement in promoting the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region? (1=not important at all, 5=very important) To what extent do you believe that digital sustainable business models can have a positive economic impact in the GCC region? (1=not at all, 5=very much) How important do you think technological enablers are for the adoption of digital sustainable business models in the GCC region? (1=not important at all, 5=very important) To what extent do you agree that the adoption of digital sustainable business models can promote sustainable development in the GCC region? (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree) How aware are businesses in the GCC region of the current trends in digital sustainable business models? (1=not aware at all, 5=very aware) To what extent do you agree that digital sustainable business models can address the challenges of sustainability in the GCC region? (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree) How much potential do you believe digital sustainable business models have in reducing environmental impact in the GCC region? (1=very little potential, 5=very high potential) 19,

Learning From Leapfrog Creating Educational
Pages: 4 Words: 1501

Also, by creating school-centered products for older children, it can lessen the criticism that it is imposing technology upon the young, impressionable minds of preschoolers.
Available action alternatives

LeapFrog could continue to stress its core model, or 'razor and blades' approach. However, given that other educational and toy companies are capitalizing upon the LeapFrog platform model, LeapFrog cannot afford to ignore the fact that this market will eventually shrink, even if LeapFrog remains the industry standard. However, the Obama Administration is expanding the focus of the nation on standards-based education. Thus, shifting LeapFrog's focus to its K-high school Leap Start initiative, ESL programming, and other devices that make teaching standards-based education easier for teachers in crowded and cash-strapped classrooms would seem to be the ideal way to ensure that LeapFrog has a comprehensive market approach that covered all potential 'bases' for the company, regardless of the market environment. Furthermore, even if…...



Bennett, Haynie, McKelvie, Tarallo, Torrens, Wiklund. (2009). Strategic and entrepreneurial management. McGraw-Hill Primis Custom Publishing.

SWOT or TOWS analysis. (2010). Quick MBA. Retrieved February 3, 2010 at

Infosys in Light of the
Pages: 5 Words: 1456

3. I do not think that Infosys' "holistic" compensation system is an appropriate means of motivation for sales people. That compensation system is designed for software engineers and other programmers. If you consider the hierarchy of human needs, sales people are driven by two particular types of needs -- one is money (status) and the other is achievement. The emotional aspect is intended to meet social needs, but the majority of sales people are individualists, as evidenced by their being drawn into a field where individual achievement is paramount. The average sales person is not attracted by jobs that meet their social needs -- that is something they can get outside of work. Programmers, conversely, are stereotyped as introverted people, for whom the social aspect of a job may actually be a valuable benefit.

Learning is another aspect of the motivation system that is inappropriate for sales people. Programmers have an…...


Works Cited:

Quelch, John. (2008). Marketing your way through a recession. Harvard Business School. Retrieved October 19, 2009 from 

Zoltners, G. & Sinha, P. (2001). The complete guide to accelerating sales force performance. Amacom:

Digest Strategic Management a Condensed
Pages: 3 Words: 1075


The ubiquity of online media has prompted the magazine to reduce its rate of print publications to 10 from 12 publications a year, and cut its print subscriptions in favor of digital advertising. This will also allow for greater segmentation, as it can more easily create "digital single topic editions, mobile applications, e-reader products and videos" of specific interest to segments of its core consumer base, and hopefully draw more advertisers who wish to target their publications online (Bell 2009). It can also feature general articles and condensed stories to suit the desire of readers still seeking the Reader's Digest compressed form that tells them 'everything they need to know.' Through the online website, searchers can select what stories interest them the most.

Industry environment (Porter's Five Forces)

Reader's Digest is currently in a medium with very low barriers to entry -- virtually anyone can start a blog about parenting or eating…...


Works Cited

Bell, Lauren. (2009). Reader's Digest pulls back print, focuses on digital. DM. (Direct

Marketing). Retrieved October 11, 2009 at 

Historical Perspectives of the Reader's Digest. (2008). Focusing on Words. Retrieved October

11, 2009 at

Adolescent's Awareness and Their Lack
Pages: 40 Words: 11261

Studying a sample of 153 top commercial Web sites directed at children under 13, the CME found that COPPA has spurred changes in Web sites' data collection practices. Web sites had limited the amount and type of information (e.g., name, postal address, phone number, age) collected from children, and there was a three-fold increase in the posting of privacy policy information explaining sites' data collection practices. A few sites found innovative solutions (e.g., anonymous registration) that allowed children to interact with site content without revealing personal information. Overall, however, the Center found that many sites were not doing their best to comply with the provisions: Most (66%) did not place links to privacy policies in "clear and prominent" places, and only some sites (38%) obtained parental consent in accordance with key provisions. Further, researchers pointed out that in trying to discourage children under 13 from entering personal information, some…...



Bay-Cheng, L.Y. (Aug., 2001). Values and norms in Web-based sexuality education. Journal of Sex Research, 38(3), 241-251.

Beebe, T.J., Asche, S.E., Harrison, P.A., & Quinlan, K.B. (Aug., 2004). Heightened vulnerability and increased risk-taking among adolescent chat room users: Results from a statewide school survey. Journal of Adolescent Health, 35(2), 116-123.

Borzekowski, Dina L.G. & Rickert, Vaughn I. (2001b). Adolescent cybersurfing for health information: A new resource that crosses barriers. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 155, 813-817.

Brown, J.D. (Feb., 2002). Mass media influences on sexuality. Journal of Sex Research, 39(1), 42-45.

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on Literacy Narrative?
Words: 646

Topic 1: The Evolving Definition of Literacy in a Digital Age

In the 21st century, the concept of literacy has undergone a significant transformation due to the advent of digital technologies. Explore how the definition of literacy has expanded in the digital age to encompass digital literacy, information literacy, and transmedia literacy. Discuss the implications of this evolving definition for education and society as a whole.

Topic 2: The Literacy Divide: Access, Opportunity, and Equity

Examine the persistent literacy gap and its impact on individuals and communities, particularly in marginalized and underserved areas. Analyze the factors that contribute to the literacy divide, such....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on benihana simulation?
Words: 319

1. Analyzing the impact of employee turnover and training on the success of the Benihana simulation.
2. Exploring the role of communication and teamwork in achieving optimal performance in the Benihana simulation.
3. Investigating the effectiveness of decision-making strategies in maximizing profitability in the Benihana simulation.
4. Evaluating the importance of customer satisfaction and feedback in the Benihana simulation.
5. Examining the potential challenges and obstacles faced by participants in the Benihana simulation and strategies to overcome them.
6. Comparing and contrasting different approaches to managing and optimizing resources in the Benihana simulation.
7. Discussing the role of leadership and delegation in achieving success in the....

how has technology affected one culture?
Words: 666

Technological Advancements and Their Impact on Culture

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, shaping our interactions, knowledge acquisition, and cultural practices. Its pervasive influence has affected cultures worldwide, transforming both tangible and intangible aspects of society. This essay examines the multifaceted impact of technology on a specific culture, exploring its profound effects on communication, entertainment, education, and social dynamics.


Technology has revolutionized communication, enabling instant and global connections. Social media platforms, messaging apps, and video conferencing tools have bridged distances, allowing people from different cultures to interact seamlessly. This interconnectedness has fostered cross-cultural exchange, introducing new perspectives and challenging....

Is there anything in the news related to thesis outlines that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 514

Title: The Evolution of Thesis Outlines in the Digital Age: Implications for Academic Writing

In the realm of academic discourse, the thesis outline serves as an indispensable scaffolding, guiding writers through the labyrinthine process of research and argumentation. However, the advent of the digital age has ushered in a paradigm shift in the way outlines are conceived, constructed, and utilized. This essay will delve into the transformative effects of technology on thesis outlines, examining how the digital landscape has reshaped their significance and utility in contemporary academic writing.

Body Paragraph 1: The Rise of Digital Outlining Tools
The digital revolution has introduced an....

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