digital age has influenced everything from the way in which knowledge is created and disseminated to the various ways in which it has been consumed. The same is true in business. Most businesses across the globe function on the basis of some form of information technology (Cortada, 2009, p. 1). For this reason, the CIO has become one of the most important positions in companies today. In addition, the effective use and application of the most recent developments in this field help businesses remain competitive. No business today can afford to ignore the importance of IT developments such as cloud computing and analytics. Indeed, these have become all but essential to ensure the survival of a company in an increasingly competitive environment. The importance of these pieces of information technology is undeniable for any business that wishes to increase its competitive edge, improve its leadership, and improve its operations…...
Beckley, M. (2013). How the Cloud is Changing the Roe of Technology Leaders. Retrieved from:
Cortada, J. (2009). How societies embrace Information Technology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Griffen, J. (2010, May). Clearing the Confusion: the What and Why of Business Analytics. Information Management. Retrieved from:
Lane, D. (2011) "The Chief Information Officer's Body of Knowledge People, Process, and Technology," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ
Film & Media in the Digital Age
emediation & Convergence
The first section of the paper will explain two terms or concepts within the context of film & media in the digital age: remediation and convergence. These two concepts are quite closely related. emediation can be when two or more forms of media combine as a new form of media or when one (or more) form of media is reappropriated, altered, or remixed to a point where it is reborn within a new form. emediation can be the collapse of media into intermedia or multimedia forms, and it can also be changing a media form into another media form. An example of remediation can be when a book is changed into a screenplay, which is then produced into a film. emediation can be when a book turns into a digitized version of itself and instead of holding a book, a reader can…...
Dargis, M. 2010. Talking About a Revolution (for a Digital Age). The New York Times, Web, 2012 December 01. .
EMC Paradigm Publishing. 2012. Get Ready for Digital Convergence: A Primer on Life in the 21st century. Web, 2012 December 01. .
Encyclopedia Brittanica. 2012. Media Convergence. Web, 2012 December 01. .
Pavlik, J.V. 2008. Chapter 2 -- Devices to Access Digital Media. Media in the Digital Age. Columbia University Press: New York.
Barnes and Noble in the Digital Age
Barnes and Noble started out as the run of the mill book shop and has today grown with the changes that have occurred in technology, incorporated these changes of these digital times in their mode of functioning to offer a wider range of services keeping in mind the dynamic nature of customer demands, to become the largest suppliers of all kinds of reading materials either through their physical outlets or their virtual outlets. With more than eight hundred sales outlets all over the fifty states of the United States of America, Barnes and Noble is the largest bookseller in the world. These stores offer a wide variety of music, DVD or video titles and magazines all through the year. The ownership of the company extends to B. Dalton Bookseller, Doubleday, Bookstop and Bookstar stores, which consist of regional shopping mall-based store that concentrate on…...
Barnes and Noble Family Events. Retrieved from Accessed on April 14, 2005
Barnes & Noble. February 27, 2005. Retrieved from Accessed on April 14, 2005
Book Browser. Retrieved from / Accessed on April 14, 2005
Cingular Wireless and Barnes & Noble College Marketing Network Team Up To Help College Students Express Themselves Wirelessly. 2001. Retrieved from TICK=CINGUL01& STORY=/www/story/08-06-2001/0001548968& EDATE=Aug+6,+2001 Accessed on April 14, 2005 ;
The emergence of the digital age due to rapid technological advancements has transformed nearly every facet of today's societies. While the developments have contributed to significant benefits in the society, they have also resulted in the development of new means for carrying out illegal activities. An example of such cases is the way technological advancements have transformed employee data theft. Employees no longer steal files from the company but can access a firm's confidential information and secrets through the use of computers and the Internet. The most commonly used tools by employees to take confidential information include smart phones, messenger services, and emails. Therefore, companies need to be adequately prepared to respond quickly to data theft and preserve probable evidence.
Employee Data Theft Scenario:
A large aerospace engineering company has immediately hired me as a consultant to investigate a probable violation of company policy and data theft. There is suspicion that…...
"Data Theft." (2009). Grant Thornton. Retrieved September 7, 2013, from
"Digital Forensic Examiner for Complete Email Analysis." (n.d.). MailXaminer. Retrieved September 7, 2013, from
Carrier, B. & Spafford, E.H. (2003). Getting Physical with the Digital Investigation Process.
International Journal of Digital Evidence, 2(2), 1-20. Retrieved from
Advertising Industry: Kristy RogersRogers points out that there is need for advertising that is specifically relevant to the target audience. How can this be achieved? The answer lies in the deployment of quantitative skills in advertising. Rogers points out that unlike the finance industry that has fully embraced quantitative analysis (i.e. in the stock market) and reaped huge benefits from the move, the advertising industry still lags behind. Towards this end, the speaker is convinced that the future of advertising lies in the engagement of more mathematicians, statisticians, as well as scientists in efforts to ensure that quantitative and scientific approaches are applied in advertising efforts. According to Rogers, companies that follow this path are likely to reap a higher return on investment of their marketing expenditure.It is important to note that there is no doubt whatsoever that the world is increasingly becoming digitalized. This is a reality that marketing…...
Rogers, K. (2014, October). Where are our digital ads really going? [Video]. TED@BCC Berlin.
Children Need Less Screen Time and More Play TimeProblemIn recent years, there has been a growing concern that children are spending too much time on screens. This is particularly true for younger children, who are now spending an average of four hours a day on devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops. This is a significant increase from previous generations, who spent an average of just two hours a day on screen time (Sigman, 2012; Kugler, 2020). There are a number of reasons for this increase, including the growing popularity of social media and the rise of digital learning tools in schools. However, the most significant factor is the ubiquity of screens in our everyday lives (Zapata, 2020). With more and more households owning multiple devices, it is not surprising that children are spending more time staring at screens (Kugler, 2020).Why It is ImportantThe increase in screen time has led…...
Ailwood, J. (2003). Governing early childhood education through play. ContemporaryIssues in Early Childhood, 4(3), 286-299.
Gray, P. & Feldman, J. (2004). Playing in the zone of proximal development: Qualities of self-directed age mixing between adolescents and young children at a democratic school. American Journal of Education, 110(2), 108-146.
Kugler, L. (2020). Are we addicted to technology?. Communications of the ACM, 63(8), 15-16.
Strategy Document for TV Company
Digital terrestrial television (DTT), which utilizes the analog infrastructure of traditional broadcast television to provide viewers with digital programming, is a land-based open platform with a strong enough signal to reach hundreds of millions without the need for a satellite dish or cable lines.
We have just commenced operations with our new channel, ONYX TV, on the DTT platform with a national license from the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission. We are broadcasting first in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, and will roll out services nationwide over the next 12 months.
While EbonyLife TV is a premium channel, Onyx TV will cater to the mass market and offer a unique proposition as 'the channel that gives you more for less'. With ONYX TV, viewers can enjoy an exciting new channel that brings them entertaining and exciting Nigerian programming, including Talk, Drama, Comedy, Fashion, Lifestyle, Reality and Nollywood Classics.
Original content will…...
digital age include worlds that are highly imaginative (eg. Harry Potter films). Films are sometimes conceived in a literary form and then turned into a script and a film. Films since the 1920s and into the 21st century have used physical models and stage properties of some kind (eg. Metropolis, Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Harry Potter). In the digital age, visual effects are created by composite images and ongoing production techniques, practices and narratives. Discuss.
What this question primarily conveys is the feasibility associated with the growing trend of using digital techniques in filmmaking. The importance of digitalization, computer generated imagery and visual effects, has grown tremendously and that can be proven with the help of various relevant examples. In the essay, the technological value added by digitalization along with the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization have been discussed. Finally the future of digital filmmaking…...
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Evolution of Digital Marketing: From Email Campaigns to AI-owered ersonalization
Explore the transformative journey of digital marketing, tracing its history from the early days of simple email campaigns to the sophisticated, AI-driven personalized marketing strategies of modern times. Discuss the technological advancements and consumer behavior changes that have shaped the digital marketing landscape.
2. Understanding Consumer Behavior in a Digital World: How Data Analytics Shapes Marketing Strategy
Dive into the role of data analytics in digital marketing and how it unlocks insights into consumer behavior. Examine the various tools and methods used by businesses to gather and analyze customer data, and assess the ethical implications of using such data in tailoring marketing strategies.
3. The Impact of Social Media on Brand Building and Management
Analyze the influence of social media platforms in establishing and maintaining brand identity. Discuss the ways brands leverage social media for engagement and customer…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Ryan, Damian. \"Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation.\" Kogan Page, 2020.
Chaffey, Dave, and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick. \"Digital Marketing.\" Pearson, 2019.Kannan, P.K. \"Digital Marketing: A Framework, Review and Research Agenda.\" International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 34, no. 1, 2017, pp. 22-45.Edelman, David C., and Marc Singer. \"Competing on Customer Journeys.\" Harvard Business Review, vol. 93, no. 11, 2015, pp. 88-100.Scott, David Meerman. \"The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly.\" Wiley, 2020.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Evolution of Digital Marketing:
Explore how digital marketing has transformed from traditional advertising to the current era of personalized, data-driven campaigns.
2. The Impact of Social Media on Digital Marketing Strategies:
Analyze how social media platforms have become integral to digital marketing, influencing consumer behavior and brand interaction.
3. SEO and Content Marketing: A Symbiotic Relationship:
Discuss the interdependence of SEO and content marketing, detailing how they work together to enhance online visibility and engagement.
4. Digital Marketing Ethics and Consumer rivacy:
Examine the ethical considerations in digital marketing, focusing on data privacy, consumer consent, and the implications of data breaches.
5. The Role of AI in Shaping Future Digital Marketing:
Investigate how artificial intelligence is being integrated into digital marketing strategies to predict consumer behavior, automate processes, and personalize marketing efforts.
Essay Title Examples
1. Navigating the Digital Landscape: Marketing in the 21st Century
2. From Clicks to Customers: The ower of Digital Marketing
3. The Digital Marketing…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesChaffey, Dave, and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick. Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. 7th ed., Pearson, 2019.
Kotler, Philip, et al. Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital. Wiley, 2017.Ryan, Damian, and Calvin Jones. Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation. 4th ed., Kogan Page, 2016.Patrutiu Baltes, Loredana. \"Content Marketing - The Fundamental Tool of Digital Marketing.\" Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, vol. 8, no. 2, 2015, pp. 111-118.Smith, P. R., and Ze Zook. Marketing Communications: Offline and Online Integration, Engagement and Analytics. 6th ed., Kogan Page, 2016.
IntroductionThe landscape of communication laws development has been molded by pivotal court cases that have set precedents and reshaped the parameters of free speech and expression. These seminal casesSchenck v. United States (1919), Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942), and New York Times v. Sullivan (1964)have indelibly marked American legal history, profoundly influencing the interpretation of the First Amendment. Beyond this, they have profoundly impacted the communication sector, particularly its adaptation to the digital era.Schenck v. United States (1919): Constricting Free Speech during WartimeServing as a milestone in American jurisprudence, Schenck v. United States (1919) significantly shaped the interpretation of the First Amendments shield for free speech in times of national crisis. The crux of the case centered on Charles Schenck, the General Secretary of the Socialist Party, who disseminated pamphlets encouraging opposition to the military draft during World War I. In an undivided decision, the United States Supreme Court validated…...
mlaReferencesLewis, A. (2007). Freedom for the Thought That We Hate: A Biography of the First Amendment. Basic Books.Smolla, R. A. (1992). Suing the Press: Libel, the Media, and Power. Oxford University Press.Stone, G. R. (2004). Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from The Sedition Act of 1798 to The War on Terrorism. W. W. Norton & Company.
Age and Love
Passionate relationships are one of the most profound aspects of human social and individual development. Passionate intimate relationships are the next developmental stage after the childhood learning done in a family. It is through our passionate and intimate relationships that individuals learn the life lessons of becoming an adult. Some argue that young people do not have the capacity or reasoning skills to have passionate intimate relationships because they lack the ability to make adult decisions. Yet there is no evidence that people under the age of 18 are not fully capable of healthy passionate intimate relationships. This work will argue that age is an irrelevant aspect when it comes to the ability to have healthy intimate relationships because age does not determine maturity. ith maturity comes the skills needed to develop respect for your partner as well as the communication skills needed to maintain a healthy relationship.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Carruthers, Martyn "Are you Growing Up or Growing Old?: Emotional Maturity 2." (2011) Web. 20 Nov. 2011.
Davila, Joanne, Sara J. Steinberg, Melissa Ramsay Miller, Catherine B. Stroud, Lisa R. Starr, and Athena Yoneda.. "Assessing romantic competence in adolescence: The Romantic Competence Interview." Journal Of Adolescence 32. 1: (2009):55-75. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost . Web. 25 Nov. 2011.
Dragon, William, Steve Duck. Understanding Research in personal relationships: A Text with Readings. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 2005.
Hatfield, Elaine, Earle Schmitz, Jeffrey Cornelius, and Richard L. Rapson. "Passionate love: How early does it begin?." Journal Of Psychology & Human Sexuality 1. 1 (1988): 35-51. PsycINFO. Web. 25 Nov. 2011.
Digital Democracy
Many important revolutions and transitions in power have occurred in non-democratic countries in the past several months, sparking a great deal of debate regarding the role of social media and contemporary technology in empowering populations to demand change. The matter of the critical mass with regards to public opinion and its impact upon international attention and intervention is central to the discussion of digital resources and communications supplanting rights and privileges of democratic freedoms. It has been widely promulgated in democratic nations, such as the United States, where digital media are protected by free speech laws, that the internet has the ability to enhance communication freedom in places where governments have made efforts to restrict social and civil liberties.
In an article for Foreign Policy Magazine, Evgeny Morozov termed the belief of democratic nations in the internet's ability to catalyze democratic revolution the Internet Freedom Agenda. Key to this agenda,…...
Edge. Org. (2010). "Edge: Digital Democracy and Its Discontents" Retrieved from:
Morozov, Evgeny. (2011). "" Foreign Policy Magazine.
Shirky, Clay. (2008). Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organizations. Penguin Books: New York.
Inability of Analogous Copyright Laws to Work Well in the Classroom and Society of the Digital Age
Traditional copyright protection laws have for sometime now been unable to give complete protection to the rights of those who 'own' various types of media, ranging from books and articles to photographs and music. In the opinion of some, this change has mostly been as a result of the absence of strict laws needed to improve such rights. As a consequence, a key matter of interest emerges from "Overwrought copyright: The inability of Analogous copyright laws to work well in the classroom and society of the Digital Age" One hugely unexamined area that is a central and important question, is the role the doctrine of 'first sale law' will play in the future of digital copyright laws. The requirement that those who hold copyright transfer the control power of many applications of a work's…...
Baldwin, P. (2014). Copyright and Authors' Rights In The Nineteenth Century. The Copyright, 14.
Burleson, K. (2014). Learning from Copyright's Failure to Build its Future. Indiana Law Journal, 89(3), 1301-1325.
Dicola, P. (2013). Copyright Equality: Free Speech, Efficiency, and Regulatory Parity In Distribution. Boston University Law Review, 93, 1838-1872.
McGrail, J.P. & McGrail, E. (2010). Overwrought copyright: Why copyright law from the analog age does not work in the digital age's society and classroom. Education and Information Technologies, 15(2), 69-85.
Consequently, marketing efforts become more and more important.
Glyn Atwal and Alistair Williams (2009) for instance argue that the creators of luxury products have to use marketing efforts to identify new customers' needs even before the customers become aware of these needs. In other words, they have to "stay in front of luxury consumers" (Atwal and Williams, 2009, p.338). And in order to do so, the luxury products manufacturers strive to create positive experiences for their customers in order to inspire them and to stimulate their purchase decisions.
Otherwise put, in the context of luxury products, experiential marketing is growingly present and critical and this is due to the complex nature of the luxury sector. Here, the producers seek to transmit the image of high quality, product authenticity, as well as performance. However, aside from these statements, the luxury products must also transmit and sell a customer experience; and this experience…...
Alperovich, a.L., 2012, London Design Museum's Swarovski's exhibition features light painting, holograms and other mind blowing digital technologies, Inhabitat, / last accessed on September 6, 2012
Atwal, G., Williams, a., 2009, Luxury brand marketing -- the experience is everything! Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 16
Bak, O., Stair, N., 2011, Impact of e-business technologies on public and private organizations: industry comparisons and perspectives, IGI Global, ISBN 1609605020
Bevolo, M., Gofman, a., Moskowitz, H., 2011, Premium by design: how to understand, design and market high end products, Gower Publishing Ltd., ISBN 1409418901
Teachers play a crucial and multi-faceted role in promoting literacy across all subjects, not just in language arts. This role extends beyond traditional reading and writing skills to encompass a wide range of literacy types, including digital, informational, and subject-specific literacies. Here’s an overview of the key roles teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects:
Facilitators of Skill Development: Teachers are responsible for developing students' basic literacy skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This is essential across all subjects, as these skills are the foundation for understanding and engaging with content in any area.
Integrators of Subject-Specific Literacy:....
1. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Cybersecurity Measures
2. Ethical Hacking: Balancing Privacy and Security in the Digital Age
3. The Implications of Cybersecurity Breaches on National Security
4. Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges in the Healthcare Industry
5. The Impact of Cybercrime on Small Businesses and Ways to Mitigate Risks
6. Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things: Risks and Solutions
7. The Role of Government and Law Enforcement Agencies in Preventing Cybercrimes
8. Cybersecurity in the Age of Remote Work: Challenges and Best Practices
9. Cybersecurity Awareness and Education: Filling the Gap in Digital Literacy
10. Cybersecurity Regulations and Compliance: Balancing Security and Innovation
Yes, there are several news topics related to book notes that could make good essay subjects. Here are a few suggestions:
1. The rise of e-books and its impact on book notes: You can explore how the increasing popularity of electronic books has affected the way people take notes and analyze texts. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of virtual note-taking and the implications for studying and retaining information.
2. The controversy surrounding marginalia in borrowed books: Marginalia refers to the practice of writing notes and comments in the margins of books. Some libraries and institutions have strict policies against it, while others....
Of course! Here are some essay topics that can help you practice writing an outline:
1. The effects of social media on modern society
2. The importance of mental health awareness
3. The impact of climate change on the environment
4. The role of technology in education
5. The benefits and drawbacks of remote work
6. The history of immigration in the United States
7. The significance of voting in a democracy
8. The rise of online shopping and its effects on traditional retail
9. The portrayal of women in the media
10. The challenges and opportunities of globalization
Feel free to choose any of these topics to create an outline....
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