Devotion Essays (Examples)

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Protestant Devotion to the Virgin
Pages: 75 Words: 24041

However, certain elements of traditional Christian theology are centered on Mary, and the degree of emphasis that those elements receive can be very telling about Mary's actual role in the religion. For example, the connection between female chastity and religious observance seems to have been established by God's choice of a Virgin to carry his son. God did not have to choose a virgin to bear his child, but could have impregnated any woman, regardless of her sexual status. Moreover, God did not have to choose birth as the means of bringing his son into the world; Scripture reveals that he created Adam without the aid of a womb and that he created Eve from Adam's rib. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Mary's sexuality has received such incredible emphasis over the years, or that this emphasis has also focused on Mary's sexuality after giving birth as…...



Butler, D. (1998). The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Protestant tradition. In W.

MacLoughlin and J. Pinnock (Ed.), Mary is for everyone (pp. 56-67). New York: Morehouse Group.

Byassee, J. (2006). Protestants and Marian devotion- what about Mary?

Retrieved December 11, 2006 from Religion Online

Southern Devotion to a System
Pages: 8 Words: 2048

Both countries reallocated their favor toward the Union, which contributed to confederate dissolution.
The battle of Antietam and the Emancipation Proclamation will forever be entwined because without the battle, emancipation might have looked very different. It was a case of perfect timing and making the most out of a bad situation and Lincoln should be commended for his ability to think about things clearly enough to see how these events could be played off of one another and used to his advantage.

5. Discuss and support your views on Lee's goals and decision to invade the North in 1863 and whether it was a wise strategic decision. According to Michael Palmer, author of Lee Moves North," Lee's decision to invade the north was a poorly calculated choice. Lee's major mistake was keeping the government in the dark about his strategy. Palmer states, "Lee's determination to mold Confederate strategy into a form…...


Works Cited

Bailey, Ronald. The Bloodiest Day. Alexandria: Time Life Books. 1984.

Dalzell, Frederick. "The Cotton Economy in the South (1850-1877)." American Eras. Gale Reproduced in History Resource Center. Site Accessed April 14, 2008.   Database. 

Davis, Pohanka, Troini. Civil War Journal: The Battles. Nashville: Rutledge Hill Press. 1998.

Norton, Mary Beth, ed. A People and a Nation. 3rd Ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1990.

America Great Americans Worked With Unselfish Devotion
Pages: 6 Words: 1918

"Great Americans worked with unselfish devotion toward one goal, that is, to use the power of the myriad of peoples in the service of America's freedom. They made it their guiding principle. In this we are the same; we must also fight for an America where a man should be given unconditional opportunities to cultivate his potentialities and to restore him to his rightful dignity." ~ Carlos Bulosan

The United States of America is called a melting pot because there are so many diverse cultures living together all in one country. There are pockets of cultures from all over the world which have come together to form the American identity. The question then becomes, what is the American identity and what constitutes an American. Both the novels American Son by Brian Ascalon Roley and America is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan explore how people from minority cultures live in the…...


Works Cited:

Bulosan, Carlos. America Is in the Heart: a Personal History. Seattle: University of Washington,

1973. Print.

Roley, Brian Ascalon. American Son: a Novel. New York: Norton, 2001. Print.

Saint Teresa of Avila Eros Gape En Her Poetry
Pages: 8 Words: 2321

Saint Teresa of Avila - Eros, Agape en her poetry
The subject of love continues to raise heated debates when in discussion. Scholars and theologians differ on the process of expressing love. There are different forms of love as most writers and speakers in the literature indicate. Above all, there is the love that God shares with His people, and the love that people express towards each other. These two have a cordial difference as revealed in many expressions by exemplified literatures and persons studying human relations. It is common to find arguments on the way these different angles of love exist, and procedures to reveal they exist, and the process of projecting them to the recipients (ard 22). Love is a vast subject when discussed openly and draws many mixed attentions and opinions. It is also difficult to discuss as it has several different meanings in the English language. Therefore,…...


Works cited

Agape: What Is It?: Learning to Love. Tate Pub & Enterprises Llc, 2009. Print.

Ludy, Eric, and Leslie Ludy. When God Writes Your Love Story: The Ultimate Guide to Guy/girl

Relationships. Colorado Springs, Colo: Multnomah Books, 2009. Print.

Marion, Jean-Luc. The Erotic Phenomenon. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. Print.

Pilgrimages in India
Pages: 10 Words: 2948

Pilgrimages in India

A Quest for Finding Oneself in India: Introduction

Humans are born with an incredible amount of mental capacity to learn and grow, yet we are not born with a pre-determined set of rules guiding our thoughts. Religious practice around the world is thus the result of a collaboration of ideas between humans within a society in order to bring a framework of understanding into everyday life. Yet even with justifications of existence provided by religion, some individuals choose to pursue unanswered questions, in order to find a deeper meaning to life, and existence. Pilgrimage is such a quest, and is the pursuit of knowledge, as well as a journey of the mind and body, in search of answers to the unknowable questions of the universe. Pilgrimage also serves to prove one's own devotion to his or her faith, and can be qualified as a measure of good will, intended…...


Works Cited:

"Essay on Bhakti Movement of India." Preserving Your Articles for Eternity. Web. 14 Dec. 2011. .

"Foot Pilgrimage to Murugan Shrines." Murugan Bhakti: Skanda-Kumara Website. Web. 14 Dec. 2011. .

Haberman, David L. Journey through the Twelve Forests: an Encounter with Krishna. New York: Oxford UP, 1994. Print.

"History of Pilgrimage." HOME. Web. 14 Dec. 2011. .

Eudora Welty's Similarities Greater Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1773

In conclusion, it has been sufficiently demonstrated that elty's recurring motif in "Death of a Traveling Salesman" and in "A orn Path" is the treating of human relationships, which are inherently founded in human nature and which can be evinced from such human principles of love, devotion, and spirituality. The author has purposefully repeated this theme in many of her works to accurately portray real life, since it was the living, breathing world (through the author's interpretation) which engendered these tales. Readers would benefit from the review of these texts, therefore, in order to gain a degree of sapience into the inner workings of people and of the world around them.

orks Cited

Johnston, Carol Ann. "Eudora elty." The Mississippi riter's Page. 2005. eb.

Sederberg, Nancy. "elty's Death of a Traveling Salesman." The Explicator. Vol.42 1983. eb.

Seltzer, Catherine. "Pondering Hearts: Studies of Eudora elty and Josephine Pinckney."

The Southern Literary Journal -…...


Works Cited

Johnston, Carol Ann. "Eudora Welty." The Mississippi Writer's Page. 2005. Web. 

Sederberg, Nancy. "Welty's Death of a Traveling Salesman." The Explicator. Vol.42 1983. Web. 

Seltzer, Catherine. "Pondering Hearts: Studies of Eudora Welty and Josephine Pinckney."

The Southern Literary Journal - Volume 41, Number 1, Fall 2008, pp. 145-150 .Print.

Spiritual Exercises
Pages: 2 Words: 718

Pastoral Counseling Spiritual Exercises
A daily spiritual routine

It is often said that the most important part of life is just 'showing up.' 'Showing up' to one's spiritual life is a vital part of religious practice. When the worldly aspects of one's existence, such as jobs and children, draw one's focus away from spirituality, it is easy to think that there is not enough time to pray and reflect. However, it is during these difficult times that it is all the more important that one has a spiritual connection to od. Taking time in the morning before the cares of the day intrude to reflect with a clear mind can be a valuable and cleansing practice. Just as we take time to 'work out' in the morning, we must also take time to work out the kinks in our soul, and press our reset button before beginning the day. For people who…...


Gard, & Sara W. Lazar. (2011). Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 191 (1) 36-43.

Ferguson, Jane K., Eleanor W. Willemsen & MayLynn V. Castaneto. (2011). Centering prayer as a healing response to everyday stress: A psychological and spiritual process. Pastoral Psychology. 59 (3): 305-329.

Grefe, Dagmar. (2011). Combating ageism with narrative and intergroup contact: Possibilities of Intergenerational connections Pastoral Psychology, 60 (1). 99 -- 105.

Sikhism Is a Progressive Religion That Was
Pages: 3 Words: 1136

Sikhism is a progressive religion that was well earlier than its time when it was established over five hundred years ago. The Sikh religion today has over twenty million followers worldwide and is ranked as the worlds 5th largest religion. Sikhism advocates a message of Devotion and commemoration of God at all times, honest living, equality of mankind and condemns superstitions and blind ceremonies. "Sikhism is open to all by way of the teachings of its 10 Gurus preserved in the Sikh Holy Book and Living Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib" (Sikhism, 2011).
"The word Sikh in the Punjabi language means disciple, Sikhs are the disciples of God who follow the writings and teachings of the Ten Sikh Gurus. The knowledge of these teachings in Sri Guru Granth Sahib is sensible and worldwide in their petition to all mankind. The creator of the Sikh religion was Guru Nanak who was born…...



Frequently Asked Questions about Sikhism. (2010). Retrieved from 

Singh, N.G.K. (2011). Sikhism: An Introduction. New York: I.B. Tauris & Co. LTD.

Sikh Beliefs. (2009). Retrieved from 

Sikhism. (2011). Retrieved from

Mary Oliver's Poetry and the Meaning of Life
Pages: 1 Words: 389

oer, ranklin. Attention is the Beginning of Devotion. The Atlantic, May, 2019.The most important line in oers article is this quote from the poet Mary Oliver: Doesnt anybody in the world anymore want to get up in the / middle of the night and / sing? This quote gets to the essence of her poetry and to the inner heart of oers piece: life is about more than daytripping ones way through existence: it is about paying attention, as Oliver pointed outbut more than that: it is about realizing the beauty and majesty of being alive, and rousing oneself from ones slumber to celebrate and sing out ones thanksgivingthe way monks and religious used to do with their midnight orations.The title of the piece is Attention is the beginning of devotion, which is a line from a Mary Oliver poemand it, too, gets to the heart of what oer is…...


Foer, Franklin. “‘Attention is the Beginning of Devotion.’” The Atlantic, 9 May, 2019.The most important line in Foer’s article is this quote from the poet Mary Oliver: “Doesn’t anybody in the world anymore want to get up in the / middle of the night and / sing?” This quote gets to the essence of her poetry and to the inner heart of Foer’s piece: life is about more than daytripping one’s way through existence: it is about paying attention, as Oliver pointed out—but more than that: it is about realizing the beauty and majesty of being alive, and rousing oneself from one’s slumber to celebrate and sing out one’s thanksgiving—the way monks and religious used to do with their midnight orations.The title of the piece is “Attention is the beginning of devotion,” which is a line from a Mary Oliver poem—and it, too, gets to the heart of what Foer is saying: in a world that is desperately trying to get everyone’s attention: a world of surveillance capitalism that is as interested in paying attention to us as we are to not paying attention to anything in particular. Yet Oliver extols the reader to pay strict and close attention to life itself—for life itself is limited by time and will surrender itself to death in the end. This is significant. This is something to consider. This is important. That is what Oliver says. That is what Foer seems to understand at the end: he has been sleeping; he has been remiss. Oliver is now dead: he should try to remember and incorporate her words into his life—while there is still time.The piece is as much about understanding that one’s own time is limited as it is about appreciating the beauty and grace and Oliver touched upon with her art. The author talks about her books sitting on her bookshelf and how he thinks of her every day—and yet he does not read her works every day or sing her poems the way the monks of old used to do with the scriptures in the middle of the night. The sense he gives off is that maybe he should. The article ends with the author wishing he could pay attention to life and have the kind of devotion to beauty and truth that Oliver has urged him to have.

Chinese Wuxia Prompt 2 the
Pages: 3 Words: 887

Indeed, the trajectory of the narrative involves exacting revenge on those who prevented her marriage from taking place.
Although the Bride's marital aspirations might suggest that she holds a conservative sensibility, this is far from the case and she is ultimately more aggressive than Jen. While Jen also exhibits physical prowess, her sacrificial gesture at the film's conclusion signifies how she maintains a strong reverence for the Confucian moral code, assimilating her within the wuxia genre. Physically, the Bride resembles a dominatrix; she is taller than many of the characters and fights in a relentlessly savage manner (even going so far as to bite her adversary in one scene.) in contrast, Jen is more diminutive and her face and eyes are softer and less predatory. Where the Bride looks much more imposing than an average person, Jen has an average size that is not dissimilar from the other characters. Indeed,…...

Sustainable Tourism in an Increasingly Globalized World
Pages: 7 Words: 2046

Sustainable Tourism
In an increasingly globalized world concerned with environmental destruction, there has been a recent rise in the practice of sustainable tourism, especially within the context of developing nations. Yet, because the context of sustainable tourism is such a new development within the larger industry, there are many controversies and questions revolving the practice of sustainable tourism. Still, sustainable tourism development can promote sustainable development through regional community involvement, as long as the people living in these areas continue to see benefits from their devotion to sustaining eco-friendly practices within their tourism models.

Sustainable tourism is a relatively new element within the larger tourism industry. Ecotourism is often defined as "travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of local people," (Kiss 2004 p 232). Sustainable tourism occurs in a situation where organizations make eco-friendly choices in order to maintain a higher degree of sustainability within the…...



Berns, Maurice; Townend, Andrew; Khayat, Zayna; Balagopal, Balu; Reeves, Martin; Hopkins, Michael; & Kruschwitz, Nina. (2009). The Business of Sustainability. MIT Sloan Management Review. Web. 

Carrier, James G. & McLeod, Donald V.L. (2005). Bursting the bubble: The socio-cultural context of ecotourism. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 11(2005), 315-344.

Clarke, Arthur C. (2000). Models. Profiles of the Future. Indigo Publishing. 109-130.

Kiss, Agnes. (2004). Is community-based ecotourism a good use of biodiversity conservation funds? TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution, 19(5), 232-238.

U S Civil War Discuss How
Pages: 5 Words: 1611

Even "Porter Alexander, Lee's ordnance chief and one of the most perceptive contemporary observers of Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia, called his decision to stand at Antietam 'the greatest military blunder that Gen. Lee ever made'" (Owens 2004). Historians are divided as to the real purpose behind the Maryland campaign, which seems like an "isolated maneuver, another manifestation of Lee's innate aggressiveness as a commander. Some have gone so far as to suggest that Lee's forays into Union territory were undertaken primarily to maintain his claim on scarce Confederate resources that might have been used to greater strategic purpose in the est" (Owens 2004).
hether a demoralization strategy or an effort merely to show Confederate aggression, the focus on Lee in most historians' analysis shows how Lee dominated this conflict, and defined the terms of the battle. Thus, even if Lee acted unwisely, he was clearly 'in control,'…...


Works Cited

The beginning of the American Civil War. (2009). BBC. Retrieved February 22, 2009. 

Bleeding Kansas 1853-1861. (2009). Africans in America. PBS. Retrieved February 22, 2009. 

Faust, Patricia. (2005, March 26). The Anaconda Plan. Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War. Retrieved from Strategy and Tactics: Civil War Home on February 22, 2005 at 

Owens, Mackubin T. (2004, September). September 17, 1862: High tide of the Confederacy?

Civil War Prior to Discussing
Pages: 4 Words: 1473

Instead of being a source of "organized social power" (Elkins 28) the church had "undergone a relentless process of fragmentation." People were religious, but Elkins asserts that people were seeking "individual satisfaction" rather than building "institutional needs." Elkins (150) delves into the Transcendentalists' view of the church, which was very cynical; "the church as an institution was corrupt..." The two author views are radically different one from the other.
SLAVES & MASTERS: Elkins explains that Southerners had "...a paternal affection of the good master for his blacks" and there were "warm sentiments" in southern Society for "faithful slave" (Elkins 61). However, on page 57 Elkins reports a case where a Virginia Judge in 1827 declined to punish the master who had cruelly battered his slave. Slaves had no legal rights and hence masters could take total control over their lives. Elkins does assert that a master could not kill his…...


Works Cited

Elkins, Stanley M. (1968). Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life.

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

McPherson, James M. (1982). Ordeal by Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction. New York:

Alfred a. Knopf.

Personality and Individual Differences
Pages: 3 Words: 855

Personality and Individual Differences
Max is an individual who has long been interested in acting. He gained this interest when he took part in a school play at age 12. After Max completed his secondary schooling, he wanted greatly to enroll in a local arts college, but his parents protested. They communicated to him that they desired him to gain a "real career," or in other words, follow in their footsteps and become an engineer. Max relented and kept his interest in theatrical arts strictly as a hobby. Through the years, Max studied hard. He rarely complained, and eventually he graduated with an engineering degree. Max now got along with his parents and the three maintained a stable relationship. However, Max sometimes felt empty and wondered if a different life may be awaiting him. Two years into Max's first engineering job, Max learned that his close friend had been diagnosed with…...

Abrahamic Faith
Pages: 7 Words: 2193

Abrahamic Faith
True Power: An Examination of Abrahamic Faith

There are several aspects of Abrahamic faith that are admirable and are worthy of commendation. Author Soren Kierkegaard details many of these notions in his manuscript Fear and Trembling, which is a fairly exhaustive analysis of Abraham's actions, hypothetical possibilities of courses of actions he could have taken, and interpretations of both. In fact, one of the principle characteristics of Abrahamic faith that render it so virtuous to the point of almost being ineffable is the incomprehensible nature of it -- particularly when compared to the zeitgeist in which Kierkegaard originally composed this text, as well as when it is compared to the thoughts and sentiments of the contemporary age we currently exist in now. However, when one considers that one of the defining traits of faith is the fact that it primarily is illogical, unreasonable, and in many cases inexplicable, it becomes…...


Works Cited

Kierkegaard, Soren. Fear and Trembling. Ygorasill's Library. 1843. Web.

How the 16th and 17th century Church\'s relates to Church experience and today\'s world?
Words: 346

There is no understating the importance that the Church and the development of Christianity and alternative churches have in the history of the world and the creation of modern culture.  Christianity and the Church were a driving factor behind the colonial development of the world, which required incorporating foreign aspects into worship, and led to the creation of the modern worship experience.

It is important to look at how the Age of Discovery, when the Catholic Church expanded around the globe by establishing missions in conquered or colonized countries with indigenous populations of people who....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about types of young adults at church?
Words: 236

1. Exploring the Diversity of Young Adults in Church

2. The Many Faces of Young Adults in the Church Community

3. Understanding the Different Types of Young Adults in Church

4. A Study of Young Adult Churchgoers: Their Beliefs and Backgrounds

5. The Role of Different Types of Young Adults in the Church

6. Profiles of Young Adults in Church: From Millennials to Generation Z

7. Diversity and Unity: Young Adults in the Church

8. Examining the Spiritual Journeys of Young Adults in Church

9. Shedding Light on the Various Perspectives of Young Adults in Church

10. Embracing the Differences: Young Adults and Their Place in the Church
11. Generational....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding gothic essay?
Words: 469

Gothic Literature and the Exploration of Darkness

1. The Gothic as a Mirror to the Human Psyche: Explore how Gothic literature delves into the depths of human psychology, revealing our hidden fears and desires.
2. The Supernatural in Gothic Fiction: Analyze the role of the supernatural in Gothic literature and its function in creating fear, mystery, and ambiguity.
3. The Gothic Landscape as a Reflection of the Mind: Discuss the significance of setting in Gothic literature, examining how gloomy castles, desolate landscapes, and eerie atmospheres reflect the characters' inner turmoil.
4. Female Gothic: Empowerment or Oppression? Investigate the portrayal of women in Gothic fiction,....

What does the title \"Anything for Love\" signify in the context of relationships?
Words: 256

Here are 10 essay titles for an essay on "Anything for Love":

1. "The Power of Love: Exploring the Depths of Human Sacrifice"

2. "Love as a Catalyst for Personal Transformation"

3. "Love's Endurance: How Far Would You Go?"

4. "The Complexity of Sacrifice: Analyzing the Choices Made for Love"

5. "Unconventional Love: Breaking Societal Norms in the Name of Love"

6. "The Thin Line Between Love and Obsession: Analyzing Extreme Acts for Love"

7. "From Romeo and Juliet to Modern Times: The Universality of Sacrifice for Love"

8. "The Role of Sacrifice in Building and Maintaining Strong Romantic Relationships"

9. "The Moral Dilemma of Sacrificing for Love: Ethical....

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