Development Plan Essays (Examples)

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Supervisory Development Plan Developmental Goals
Pages: 6 Words: 1892

Implementation of the Developmental Plan

The practical implantation of the supervisory development plan initiates from the learning strategies that have been defined in order to achieve the goals that the supervisor has set for himself. This developmental plan is not practiced for a specific period, rather it is an ongoing and permanent process that one should consider with gravity to become an effective supervisor. The training programs are also an approach that an individual can enroll to, but the application or implementation ought to be at the workplace.

Tracking of motivational techniques and skills which produces the maximum results enables the individual to be an effective supervisor. Besides, the weak areas that have been identified in the performance gap should also be considered with gravity and measures should be taken to improve and enhance those skills in which the individual is lacking.

The implementation phase must not eliminate or prohibit the feedback portion…...



Lu, H.L. (2007). Mentor Teachers, Program Supervisors, and Peer Coaching in the Student Teaching Experience: A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Mentor Teachers, Program Supervisors, and Interns. USA: ProQuest.

Coaching and Development Plan My
Pages: 5 Words: 1708

During these meetings, it is necessary to align my coaching objectives with both the business and the career goals of the employees. I can directly address the challenge of solving problems for employees without allowing them to do so first by utilizing appreciative questions that requires them to search for applicable solutions. In the event that they cannot I can provide solutions for them. I can directly address the challenge of my avoiding conflict by farming conflict in a beneficial manner which reinforces the positives in the situation, both internally and externally. I can also actively promote the virtues of emotional intelligence from an internal and external perspective to actively reduce the incidence and severity of conflict.

Ashkanasy, N., Hartel, C., Zerbe, W. (2000). Emotions in the Workplace: esearch, Theory and Practice. Westport: Quorum Books.

Cram, F. (2010). "Appreciative inquiry." MAI eview. 3 (1): 1-13.

Jalongo, M.J. (1995). "Promoting active listening in…...



Ashkanasy, N., Hartel, C., Zerbe, W. (2000). Emotions in the Workplace: Research, Theory and Practice. Westport: Quorum Books.

Cram, F. (2010). "Appreciative inquiry." MAI Review. 3 (1): 1-13.

Jalongo, M.J. (1995). "Promoting active listening in the classroom." Childhood Education. 72 (1): 13-18.

Kahneman, D, Tversky, a. (1981). "The framing of decisions and the psychological choice." Science. 211 (4481): 453-458.

Five-Year Development Plan A Career
Pages: 5 Words: 1740

The significance of career training programs i.e. formal and non-formal educational measures help in quality development of personnel and promoting the achievement of career goals and objectives as well as success in the field.

The hospitality and hotel management industry provides numerous opportunities for individual development and success. Notably, success in this industry depends on the formal and informal career training and educational programs that an individual receives. These programs help in career development and management in relation to current and future career goals. Therefore, career development plan is based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities obtained from these training programs.


"Career Development Plan." (2007). Success through People. etrieved from Nova Scotia Government website:

Ladkin, a. & Juwaheer, T.D. (2000). The Career Paths of Hotel General Managers in Mauritius. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(2), 119-125.

Vujic, V., Becic, E. & Crnjar, K. (2008). Trends and the Need for New Professions…...



"Career Development Plan." (2007). Success through People. Retrieved from Nova Scotia Government website: 

Ladkin, a. & Juwaheer, T.D. (2000). The Career Paths of Hotel General Managers in Mauritius. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(2), 119-125.

Vujic, V., Becic, E. & Crnjar, K. (2008). Trends and the Need for New Professions and Forms of Education in Tourism and Hotel Management. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 14(1), 199-209.

Vokic, N.P. (2008). The Role of Training and Development in Hotel Industry Success -- the Case of Croatia. Acta Turistica, 20(1), 1-144.

Five-Year Skills Development Plan The Modern Working
Pages: 4 Words: 1340

Five-Year Skills Development Plan:
The modern working environment is characterized by limitless employment opportunities and minimal worker loyalty. As a result, today's workplace is an environment where organizations need employees more than employees' need for the business. The emergence of this difficult working environment has contributed to several challenges to both employers and businesses. Some of the major challenges employers encounter includes difficulties in finding skilled workers and the need for more employee motivation in order to promote workers' loyalty. The need for increased motivation in the workplace is associated with the need for businesses to recruit and retain skilled workers. Therefore, the major challenge in the modern workplace revolves around employee motivation due to its role in retaining good employees and managers.

Vision for My Career or Professional Life:

As a Human esource Manager, I will develop new strategies and techniques that focus on improving motivation in the workplace to help retain…...



Carlopio, J & Andrewartha, G 2012, Developing management skills: a comprehensive guide for learners, 5th edn, Pearson Australia: Frenches Forest

Council of Social Service of New South Wales 2007, Models of Workforce Development,

Council of Social Service of New South Wales, viewed 28 May 2013,

Feinberg, T n.d., Five-Year Career Development Plan, viewed 28 May 2013,,

Individual Development Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1413

Individual Development Plan
My Current State

Strengths: I am an excellent team player and I possess the ability of communicating well with other members of my team and motivate and inspire others towards accomplishment of goals. I believe that through team building, I am able to consistently develop and sustain cooperative functioning relationship with other team members.

I have a characteristic state of acceptance and inflexible assertiveness and thus I can describe myself as a positive thinking personality. I also have a superior conflict management record whereby I am capable of identifying and taking steps to avoid potential circumstances which could lead to distasteful confrontations.

I am also a person of elevated integrity and I believe in honesty in order to implant mutual confidence and trust. This has enabled me to create a culture that promotes high standards of ethics inside me and my team members. With this, I have shown a sense of…...



Berger, D., & Berger, R. (2003). The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organizational Excellence. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Dustin, W. (2005). Lifehack, Your Individual Development Plan. Retrieved from 

Ethan, B. (2012). Example Personal Development Plan. Self-improvement mentor.

Sanghi, S. (2007). The Handbook of Competency Mapping: Understanding, Designing and Implementing Competency Models in Organizations. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Staff Development Plan Staff Development Is Central
Pages: 9 Words: 2691

Staff Development Plan
Staff development is central to the quality performance of activities in any organization. In order for an institution to achieve its goals and objectives, a clear staff development plan is necessary in order to set priorities and initiate a common spirit of all the staff members. This study examines the necessity of a key staff development plan in an envision higher learning institution. The study explores the importance of staff development to the quality of higher education. Currently, many higher learning institutions do not consider the necessity of proper staffing and development as a key to quality performance. Instead, these institutions fail to achieve their goals or objectives, and consequently low quality of higher education.

Higher education institutions highly depend on people to deliver their missions and objectives. In this regard, the quality of staff and the motivation they receive from the institution's management highly influences their performance. Various…...



World Bank. (1994). Higher Education: The Lessons of Experience. Washington DC

Blackwell, R. (2003). Towards Strategic Staff Development in Higher Education. Berkshire:

Mukherjee, H. & Jasbir, S. (1993). Staff Development Approaches in Higher Education:

Learning from Experience. London: Common Wealth Secretariat.

Five-Year Development Plan for the Company Wimott
Pages: 3 Words: 1117

Five-Year Development Plan for the Company Wimott Dixon
The development plans for the Wilmott Dixon Company for the next five years can be based only on the current perceptions of the free market sustainability available now with the entire constraints and benefits attendant to the subject. The major thrust is in protecting the environment including avoiding carbon emissions and the second is the quality and sustainability. Thirdly concerns are about the operations and the future possible needs for the company effectiveness in retaining the market and in forays into new markets. Seen in this light it is pertinent to find what the issues in the market as of now are.

Sustainable Markets and Fair Trade:

Some of the striking examples of the problems with the creation of sustainable markets and the fair trade mechanisms can be seen in agriculture where the effects are immediate rather than in the construction industry where the effects…...



Adf Online. 2006. Willmott Dixon Company Profile. Accessed 14 June, 2012

Smith, Julia. 2007. The Search for Sustainable Markets: The Promise and Failures of Fair Trade. Culture & Agriculture, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 89 -- 99.

Willmott Dixon Group. 2012a. Energy and climate change. Accessed 14 June, 2012

Advanced Nurse Professional and Her Development Plan
Pages: 8 Words: 2368

Advance Practical Nurse Professional Development Plan
Nursing is a very lucrative career. However, it takes a lot of work and determination to be a nurse. The job requires specific skills and education as well as licensing. Find below my personal Advanced Professional Development Plan (APN). I will also discuss such aspects as background, marketing strategies and curricula.

I appreciate that to get the education and practice I need as a nurse I have to follow the APN professional development plan. I have discussed in this paper how I will achieve this. The outline is as follows:







Identify My Learning Needs

I can do this in a variety of ways. First, I will reflect on my practice. I will determine which of my practicing areas I feel uncomfortable or unsure. I will evaluate if any of the areas I feel uncomfortable have something associated with the safety of the client or patient's health. If for…...



1) Writer Thoughts

2) Professional Development For Nurses. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2014, from 

3) Scope of Practice. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2014, from 

4) Howell, N. (n.d.). How to Write a CV for a Nurse. Retrieved December 2, 2014, from

Creating Leadership Development Plan Leadership
Pages: 6 Words: 1620

The need in the short-term to create greater confidence in managing the uncertainty of the role is critical. As is the need for creating more opportunities for shared risk with subordinates. The development of this skill however will need to be medium-term as taking extension courses at a local university to make my ability to analyze and solve complex problems and build a more consistent action strategy is critical. In the medium-tern the need for also managing time as it relates to all of these factors in the problem solving characteristic is also critically important. In summary, over the long-term the need for more focus on creativity and its role in managing needs to be focused on through additional training and also through mentoring to understand how to better analyze and solve problems over time.
Assessing the Sustaining the Vision Characteristic

The dimensions included in this leadership characteristic are really the…...

Staff Development Plan Support Personnel
Pages: 10 Words: 2506

The staff member might coordinate with other staff members to develop group training approaches as well as independent learning approaches.
Training/Staff Development

This is the heart of the development program where training activities are conducted in a designated time frame. Generally all staff involved in this development plan will be required to establish and attain a designated set of objectives within a one year time frame. At the end of this period of time staff will be encouraged to develop new continuing education goals and pursue them relative to their job function. Cross training may also be utilized as a form of professional growth and development for members of the support staff.

The methods used to facilitate learning and development will vary depending on the objectives and goals for training that have been established by the supervisor and staff during the evaluation and planning sessions. Among the considerations will include the training…...



Smith. (2001). "Smith Staff Development Plan." Smith Middle School Planning Team, 25, November 2004: 

Training and Development for Support Personnel." Specific Processes in the Human

Resources Domain, Part III. Pp. 458-464

Personal Leadership Development Plan
Pages: 8 Words: 2272

My personal leadership development plan is based my intention to use transformational leadership theory to promote healthcare-eldercare advocacy in my organizational behavior. As Shanks and Buchbinder (2012) show, “leadership development includes both formal and informal efforts” (p. 279). Completing courses online or at a university are formal ways to develop one’s leadership skills, while informal efforts can include anything from mentoring others to coaching and guiding staff members in new tasks or cross-discipline work. No matter the method employed, a personal leadership development plan should utilize a strategy for maximizing leadership effectiveness by implementing an appropriate theoretical support for the plan, recognizing one’s leadership strengths, correcting one’s leadership weaknesses, and identifying action items that will help close gaps between being the leader one is now and being the leader one seeks to become.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is a style of leadership that can be applied in virtually any discipline or arena…...

Market Development Plan for Organic
Pages: 5 Words: 1292

he new organic smoothie can be made out of the same fruits as regular smoothies commercialized by Orange Julius.
he objectives of the marketing plan and marketing strategies include: increasing the market share by 10%, increasing sales by 12%, developing the image for the new organic smoothie, and expanding the company's overall image.

As mentioned above, more and more people turn to organic food, which means the company must take advantage of this market expansion period. Even more, after the new organic smoothie will be strongly established in customers' buying preferences, it is recommended that the company develops other types of organic food.

When launching a new product, the marketing mix is very i8mportant, as well as controlling the launch and the immediate period. he target market for the new organic smoothie is consisted of individuals aged 14-60, with medium income, medium to high education, health oriented. It is recommended that the…...


The Morning Berry Smoothie (2008). Organic Eating Daily. Retrieved July 26, 2008 at .

Smoothies - Your Best Fast Food Alternative (2008). Retrieved July 26, 2008 at -- Alternative/107809.

Yogurt and smoothie opportunities are booming, says Dairy Innovation Forum 2005 speaker (2005). Dairy Management Inc. Retrieved July 26, 2008 at

Supervisory Development Plan
Pages: 6 Words: 2207

Supervisory Development Plan
This situational analysis is about the different ways in which situations can be handled. There is not much difficulty in understanding the complexity of the situation which is about to be discussed. Situational analysis starts with the setting of goals which then will be analyzed and decided how to go about them. This way the knowledge base will also increase. It will also help in improving the overall productivity. The performance gap will also help ensure that everything is done in a proper manner net time. With the help of different feedback from different people, I will then come to the conclusion which should have been reached to from the start.

The first step to devising a supervisory plan is to set goals. Without the proper set of goals the plan will surely fail. This will result in the whole plan to flop. All the work which is to…...

Training and Development Plan Week Two Exercise
Pages: 1 Words: 337

Training and Development Plan for New Employees
To familiarize new employees with the organization and, hence, ensure that they get off to a good start.

Overview of the Company -- Brief History, Mission, Vision, Objectives

Overview of Key Policies

Safety Training -- Emergency Procedures and General esponsibilities

Day 2 to Day 4

General Administrative Policies and Procedures

eview of the Tasks Specific to the Position

eview of Performance Expectations

Day 5 to Day 15

Job-Specific/Departmental Orientation

Peer Critique

Being an on-the-job training and development plan, the post fails to offer a complete and detailed checklist of key items -- effectively comprising the ability of the plan to achieve its desired objectives. A well-designed on-the-job training and development plan should include parameters for enhanced performance and identify key areas for intervention. The relevance of clear timelines cannot, also, be overstated. Essentially, having in place a well-designed training and development plan is the first step towards implementing a successful training and development program. The…...



Jackson, S., Schuler, R. & Werner, S. (2011). Managing Human Resources (11th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Competency Development Plan First a Little Bit
Pages: 4 Words: 1195

Competency Development Plan
First, a little bit about myself. I am a qualified electrical mechanic and I am currently working as an Electrical Maintainer for J&P Richardson Industries in Wacol, Qld. I have been in this capacity for the past eight years. I have come to the conclusion that it is time to take the next step in my career development. For me, that includes seeking out progressive positions, but it also entails upgrading my education. I am seeking a Certificate IV in Instrumentation in order to facilitate my personal growth.

I began my career in Germany, where I apprenticed at a large commercial and industrial services company called Elektro Technik Niesky GmbH, in the town of Niesky in the far East of the country. I stayed there for seven years, finally leaving in 2001 to pursue more advanced opportunities in Australia. I first began work with Stevan Advanced Electrical in Brisbane.…...

Is there anything in the news related to how do you plan that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 590

Planning for the Future: Lessons from the Headlines

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and environmental challenges, effective planning has become more essential than ever. The news headlines are replete with stories that highlight the importance of foresight and adaptability in navigating an increasingly complex world.

Climate Change Adaptation

The devastating effects of climate change are making it imperative for communities and governments to plan for extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other climate-related risks. The recent floods in Pakistan, which displaced millions of people and caused widespread damage, serve as a sobering reminder of the urgent need....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Employee Retention ?
Words: 651

Topic Idea 1: The Impact of Employee Retention on Organizational Performance

Explore the positive correlation between employee retention and key business outcomes, such as productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
Analyze how high turnover rates can lead to financial losses, operational inefficiencies, and reputation damage.
Discuss the importance of identifying and addressing the root causes of employee turnover to improve retention.

Topic Idea 2: Strategies for Enhancing Employee Retention in the Digital Age

Examine the challenges posed by the changing nature of work and technology in retaining employees.
Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies such as flexible work arrangements, remote work options, and....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Case Study: Summit Financial Assume you are a Human Resource Specialist employed at Summit Financial?
Words: 270

I. Introduction
A. Overview of Summit Financial and its HR challenges
B. Thesis statement: Outline of key HR recommendations for Summit Financial

II. HR Issue 1: Low Employee Engagement
A. Factors contributing to low engagement (e.g., lack of recognition, limited career growth)
B. Proposed solution: Implementing an employee recognition program and revised career development plan

III. HR Issue 2: High Employee Turnover
A. Causes of high turnover (e.g., poor onboarding, lack of training)
B. Proposed solution: Enhancing onboarding process and expanding employee training programs

IV. HR Issue 3: Poor Communication
A. Obstacles to effective communication (e.g., unclear communication channels, lack of transparency)

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on a career development plan in tourism sector?
Words: 250

1. The importance of ongoing training and professional development in the tourism industry
2. Strategies for advancing and growing a career in tourism
3. The role of mentorship and networking in career development in the tourism sector
4. Challenges and opportunities for career advancement in the tourism industry
5. The impact of technology and digital trends on career development in tourism
6. Balancing work-life balance in a fast-paced tourism career
7. The importance of cultural competency and language skills in the tourism industry
8. Sustainability and ethical considerations in career development in tourism
9. The future of jobs in the tourism sector....

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