Descriptive Essays (Examples)

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   A descriptive essay is an essay that describes something like a person, location, thing, event, or process.  Descriptive essays can be

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Descriptive Epidemiology Case Study
Pages: 4 Words: 1323

Descriptive Epidemiology Case Study

The United States has a growing diabetic population, some have called it an epidemic, due to many factors that have become normalized for the country's citizens. People eat an increasingly poor diet, do not exercise as they should and have jobs that grow more sedentary with each passing year. It is difficult to name a single factor that is more damaging, but it would seem that people in the United States are doing everything that they can to encourage diabetes mellitus instead of combat it.

The incidence of diabetes is increasing across the nation with few regions seeing a decrease. Type-II diabetes is most prevalent along the East Coast but looking at a state-by-state map of the diabetes population, the problem is growing throughout the country. The state with the largest population, California, also has the most diabetes cases. Nine percent of the population in California (4,084,074 people)…...



Case, A., & Paxson, C. (2005). Sex differences in morbidity and mortality. Demography, 42(2), 189-195.

Leung, R.W., Kamla, J., Lee, M-C., & Mak, J.Y. (2007). Preventing and treating type 2 diabetes through a physically active lifestyle: With type 2 diabetes exploding in the school population, physical educators can play an important role in countering the disease. JOPERD -- The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 78(4), 38- 39.

Pompei, P. (2006). Diabetes mellitus in later life. Generations, 30(3), 39-51.

Schreinemachers, D.M. (2006). Mortality from ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus (Type 2) in four U.S. wheat-producing states: A hypothesis-generating study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(2), 186-193.

Descriptive Research Approach
Pages: 5 Words: 1662

Promotion Marketing esearch Galaxy Mini S
Subjects And The esearch Process

To determine whether the target market would buy Galaxy Mini S, I will conduct a descriptive study by using qualitative research. This study is descriptive because I will describe how Galaxy Mini S is beneficial to users after analyzing the results from my research subjects, which I will interview and observe participants. This type of research is appropriate because I will be able to observe my subjects in a direct manner, as they interact with Galaxy Mini S. This type of observation will yield descriptive results that might be difficult to find using other research methods.

The population for this study includes youth and adults that use Smartphones on a regular basis. Purposive sampling refers to a non-probability sampling method whereby the researcher selects the units to be observed based on his/her judgment about which ones will be the most representative or…...



Comstock, B., Gulati, R., & Liguori, S. (2010). Unleashing the power of marketing. Harvard Business Review, 88 (10), 90-98.

Burkitt, L. (2011). A Chinese Brand Flounders in U.S.. Wall Street Journal (December 20):B1.

Lopez, R. (2012). Sevenly hopes to change the world one t-shirt at a time. Los Angeles Times (January 25).

Jargon, J. (2012). 'Super Size Me' Generation Takes Over at McDonald's. Wall Street Journal. (March 8):A1.

David & Beth Descriptive Statistics A Independent
Pages: 2 Words: 634

David & Beth
Descriptive Statistics.

A) Independent Variable = ental Vacancy

Mean = 10.9

Median = 11.5

Mode = 6.8 (smallest of multiple modes) Each data point was different, so technically there were 20 modes.

ange = 8.3 (6.8 to 15.1)

Describe what was found. ental vacancy rates ranged from 6.8% to 15.1%, with a mean vacancy rate of 10.9%. No two states had the same vacancy rate, therefore an accurate assessment of the mode was not possible. The Median vacancy rate across states was 11.5%.

Excel Tables & Figures

Summarize IV in Table & ange Charts

Two tables iii. Two Charts

Describe esults: The charts and tables show that Florida has the highest vacancy rate, while New York has the lowest vacancy rate.

Label Tables and Figures _ Table 1 (title) etc.

TABLE 1. Vacancy ate Table


Abandoned Property


ental Vacancy ate





































New Jersey




New York




North Carolina












South Carolina
























TABLE 2. Vacancy ate by State


ental Vacancy ate



















New Jersey


New York


North Carolina






South Carolina












FIGUE 1. ental Vacancy ate by State




Full citation for the two data sources. (No reference information for data set has been provided.)

Narrative vs Descriptive of Favorite Vacation Spot
Pages: 3 Words: 1186

On some perfect late summer days, I take my bike off the back carrier of my car and ride on quiet blacktop county roads, enjoying the wonderful aroma of pine trees, and taking my time so I can fully experience the natural world, and take photos to remind me why I will return the next year.

The narrative and descriptive elements of the paper

In the first paragraph, I used all narrative sentences except two: I wrote that "Wisconsin is also a wonderland of fascinating, beautiful, and memorable places to visit and experience," using descriptive language; and in the last sentence in the paragraph I explained that northern Wisconsin has "the lush green environment." In the second paragraph I described "near-perfect" temperatures without giving the exact temperatures, so the reader could estimate on his/her own. And I used descriptive language in the last sentence: "My family loves the sweet aroma and fine…...

Educational Research Charter Schools Descriptive vs Experimental
Pages: 2 Words: 872

Educational Research: Charter Schools
Descriptive vs. Experimental Research

Experimental research studies seem to be 'cleaner' on their surface than descriptive research studies. A researcher can, in experimental research studies, apparently control all extraneous external variables. He or she can simply focus on the variables that are being studied and analyzed over the course of the study. For instance, in the lengthy descriptive "Fourth-Year Report" conducted by the United States government in 2000 on Charter Schools, variables as diverse as the proportion of students on public assistance for their lunch, proficiency in English, income of families, income of the district, all had to be taken into consideration when analyzing the results of the comparison between public and private schools.

Because the multi-variable descriptive study comparing charter and public schools across the nation was quite broad in its demographic sweep it was difficult to extrapolate conclusive data from its findings. It analyzed overall school performances…...


Works Cited

"Fourth-Year Report: 2000." (January 2000) U.S. Government Website. Retrieved 15 Jan 2005 at 

Harvard University. (2004) "Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research: Achievement in Charter Schools and Regular Public Schools in the United States: December 2004. Charter Schools Website. Retrieved 15 Jan 2005 at 

Schemo, Jean. (Aug 17, 2004) "Charter Schools Trail in Results: U.S. Data Reveals." New York Times. Section A1. Retrieved 15 Jan 2005 at

Psychology What Are the Similarities Between Descriptive
Pages: 3 Words: 947

What are the similarities between descriptive and inferential statistics?

The two types of statistics are applied in researches in making judgments regarding social behaviors. Both of them help in finding out the meanings of social incidents in estimating the values of recreation activities and some materials.

What are the differences?

Descriptive statistics are tools used in describing the basic data. They provide clear explanations about the samples of research as well as their performance. They also give a qualitative analysis of data in a more straightforward way. Statistics enhances the ability of people to interpret all forms of data. They are used to analyze large volumes of data thus reducing the data into smaller sizes. This helps the reader to have an easy time when reading the data. On the other hand, inferential statistics are extremely complicated. They dig further into any simple data. They are used in making conclusions and judgments.


Apple and Product Obsolescence Descriptive
Pages: 3 Words: 954

In other words, the greater the dangers of comparative substitutes of lower price competing with the current product, the more incentive textbook authors have to change the model, to make using the older editions more difficult or impossible, underlining the value of obsolescence. Additionally, with new technology, the current version may not be useable or as functional when used in conjunction with the older versions, which makes getting the latest model even more critical. However, unlike textbook publishers, who have a virtually captive audience, because students are required to buy the latest edition of their books, Apple's customers have more options to opt out of the new purchases.
Apple's frequent innovations give it first mover advantage. However, it is also argued that while "first-mover advantage was initially touted as crucial in the Internet economy....there is a growing backlash...First-mover advantage can be instrumental in building market share, but this may or…...


Works Cited

First mover advantage." (2008). Marketing Terms. Retrieved 13 Jan 2008 at 

Iizuka, Toshiaki. (Jun 2004). "An Empirical Analysis of Planned Obsolescence." Retrieved 13 Jan 2008 at 

Wingfield, Nick. (12 Jan 2008). "The downside to Apple's frequent product updates."

The Wall Street Journal. A2. Retrieved 13 Jan 2008 at

Jowriter Descriptive Study of the
Pages: 9 Words: 2445

Clear visual demonstrations can compensate for these impairments. With print-based materials, ensure that: (a) pages are well laid out; (b) exercises and assessment tasks are clearly identified; and (c) font style used is easy-to-read
(7) Accessible, easy to follow print-based materials where instructions, tasks and assessments are clearly marked is crucial to the success of a program for older learners. Most ICT training materials follow a one-size-fits-all approach -- often too much too soon. This does not work well with older learners. (Taylor and Rose, 2004)

(8) Consider the amount and size of text on web pages before you use them with older learners - Many older learners have sight impairments and pages with a lot of dense text can be difficult to read. Some pages may not allow for enlargement. (Taylor and Rose, 2004)

Taylor and Rose (2004) state that the top ten identified strategies in the study reported for the…...



Agre, P. (1998). How to help someone use a computer in: Becker, Kristen and Coleman, Jason (2005) Instruction for Older Adults, TriCon 2005.

Bean, C. (2003). Meeting the challenge: Training an aging population to use computers. The Southeastern Librarian, 51(3), 16-25.

Bean, C., & Laven, M. (2003). Adapting to seniors: Computer training for older adults. Florida Libraries, 46(2), 5-7.

Becker, Kristen and Coleman, Jason (2005) Instruction for Older Adults, TriCon 2005.

Statistics in Management Descriptive vs
Pages: 3 Words: 781

This type of measurement is best used when the data has also been captured at the ordinal or ratio level as the orthogonality of the data set is reliable (Marshall, uiz, Bredillet, 2008). Extrapolating statistics to a broader population is also dependent on the approach of randomization used. When a solid methodology, sampling frame and approach to randomization have all been defined, inferential data is often used in organizations to define company-wide strategic initiatives. These include the decision to open more retail stores for a clothing or sporting goods retailer for example based on demographic data.
Inferential statistics are often used for experimental analysis where the statistical significance of relationships within the data is analyzed is highly useful for gaining insights into customer preferences and requirements (Ainslie, Leyland, 1992). Using inferential statistics to project the cause-and-effect relationships of marketing and sales programs has proven to have a high eturn on…...



Ainslie, Andrew, & Pitt, Leyland. (1992). Customer retention analyses: An application of descriptive and inferential statistics in database marketing. Journal of Direct Marketing, 6(3), 31.

Robert A. Marshall, Philippe Ruiz, & Christophe N. Bredillet. (2008). Earned value management insights using inferential statistics. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 1(2), 288-294.

Basic Statistics: Tales of Distributions (2008) by Chris Spatz, Cengage Learning 9th ed. ISBN-13: 978049550218

Peter van den Besselaar. (2003). Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, rhetorical statistics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(11), 1077.

Injuries That Consequent From Playing Football Descriptive
Pages: 2 Words: 605

injuries that consequent from playing football.
Descriptive research design

A descriptive research design is conducted by observing the life of the group or individual without influencing it in any way.

The way I would conduct this design is a) statement of the problem, to wit: players experience injuries during training and competition. I would like to categorize and specify the specific injuries received. (b) Identification of information needed to solve the problem. -- In this case, I would need to observe one or more football teams that are training or involving themselves in competitive projects. (c) Identification of target population and decision of sampling procedure -- My target population will be a certain age of football players (as part of endeavor to ascertain that confounding variables are omitted). The age may likely be 18-22. I will select from ten or more college football teams. ample will be convenience. (d) Design of procedure…...



Breakwell, G.M., Hammond, S., & Fife-Schaw, C. (2007). Research methods in psychology. Sage, USA

Predictive research design.

Stomach Cancer A Descriptive Epidemiology
Pages: 5 Words: 1478

New Mexico and Alaska buck this trend, as they also possess relatively high mortality rates from stomach cancer (NCHS 2009). Other regional demographics, however, help to bear out the racial factor as one of the primary determinants of geographical trends in stomach cancer mortality.
The Southern region especially contains the highest rates of incidence and mortality, especially in the states stretching East from New Mexico to the Atlantic (Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina) (NCHS 2009). The New England area states -- Connecticut, Massachusetts, hode Island, and New York especially, also have increased mortality rates when compared to the rest of the nation (NCHS 2009). The Midwest as a whole, on the other hand, has very low rates of incidence and mortality, as do the northernmost New England states -- Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine (NCHS 2009). These regions tend to be more homogenously white in their…...



ACS. (2009). "Detailed guide: Stomach cancer." American cancer society. Accessed 25 October 2009. 

CDC. (2009). United States Cancer Statistics: 1999 -- 2005 Incidence and Mortality Web-based Report. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Cancer Institute; 2009. Accessed 25 October 2009.

Horner MJ, Ries LAG, Krapcho M, Neyman N, Aminou R, Howlader N, Altekruse SF, Feuer EJ, Huang L, Mariotto a, Miller BA, Lewis DR, Eisner MP, Stinchcomb DG, Edwards BK (eds). SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2006, National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,   based on November 2008 SEER data submission, posted to the SEER web site, 2009. ,

NCHS. (2009). U.S. mortality files, National center for health statistics, Centers for disease control and prevention. Accessed 25 October 2009.

Narrative vs Descriptive a Paragraph
Pages: 2 Words: 710

It should be noted that every employee with this contractor has voluntarily agreed to meet the company's requirements, including myself. But looking at the requirements from a deontological reasoning point-of-view, I don't think the requirements reflect a fair and true assessment of the working and living conditions that each employee has to deal with daily here in Iraq. This is a dangerous place, and being physically competent is vital because when a person puts in 12-hour shifts 7 days a week -- that adds up to an 84-hour work week -- it is very tough. Being apart from one's family and friends for up to six months at a time takes a toll on a person's physical and emotional condition.

The culture shock is huge, especially when a mortar or rocket attack hits the base near where you are working. Dealing with this culture shock brings a lot of stress, and…...

Production Function Is a Descriptive
Pages: 2 Words: 817

Cost curves can be depicted for both the short run and the long run. The short run is the operating period during which at least one input (typically capital) is fixed in supply. During this period, fixed costs can be incurred even if the firm produces no output. In the long run, there are no fixed costs -- all inputs and costs are variable. Short-run cost curves are sometimes called operating curves because they are used in making near-term production and pricing decisions. Fixed costs are irrelevant for these decisions. Long-run cost curves are referred to as planning curves, since they play a key role in longer-run planning decisions related to plant size and equipment acquisitions.

The minimum efficient scale is defined as that plant size at which long-run average cost is first minimized. The minimum efficient scale affects both the optimal plant size and the level of potential competition. Industries…...

Descriptive on Grandmother
Pages: 3 Words: 1013

Memories of randmother Alice
As a boy, we sometimes let our immediate desires overshadow the more important work that we are here to accomplish. Sometimes we lose track of the things that are most important in life. We sometimes hurt others or ourselves on the path to discovering those things, which are truly most important. The transition from childhood to adulthood always involves encountering old feelings along the road. One of the deepest feelings that we encounter is that of love and relationships.

A encountered my share of hurt along the road to manhood. I fell off the path and forgot my way more than I am willing to admit to anyone. One person was always there to offer the gentle guidance that I needed to get back on track and stay focused on the future. This person in my life was randmother Alice [...].

randmother Alice stood 55 inches tall, was a…...


Grandmother Alice's life was not filled with many fine things, but she left us all with something more valuable than any gold. She left us with our self-respect and a respect for others. That is something no one can ever take away.

Grandmother Alice died in November of 1995 and left a longing in my heart and the hearts of many others. She is gone and sometimes I can still hear her words or feel her loving harms around me when times are tough.

The lessons that she taught will live on forever. I hope that in my life I can pass them on to someone else and that they too can have the wisdom of Grandmother Alice.

Using Objective Descriptive Narrative to Describe a Picasso Sculpture
Pages: 2 Words: 653

Pablo Picasso / Bull / 1958
The sculpture's materials: Plywood, tree branch, nails, and screws

The sculpture's size: 46 1/8th x 56 3/4s x 4 1/8th

here seen: Museum of Modern Art, New York,

Gallery Label: Focus: Picasso Sculpture, July 3 -- November 3, 2008.

Before specifically identifying the components of this sculpture -- which are created mostly from plywood -- it is a worthy task to quickly discuss plywood. Not why the artist chose this medium, but what plywood is made of.

"Plywood" is of course a term used to explain the product that the artist used to create the essential parts of this sculpture. The eye tends to be drawn immediately to the plywood that has been fashioned into a sculpture because most people observing sculptures think of sculpture in connection with stone, steel, or other materials.

In truth, plywood is not really wood at all, but rather it is a sheet material that…...


Works Cited

Museum of Modern Art / New York. (2008). Focus: Picasso Sculpture, July 3 -- November 3,

2008. Retrieved October 1, 2015, from .

Can you help me write my conceptual framework on How Women Leaders Respond in the Time of Crises in the Field of Education?
Words: 471

A conceptual framework is a type of tool used to analyze a topic.  Generally, in an academic context a conceptual framework is going to fall into one of several broad categories, including a working hypothesis, pillar questions, descriptive categories, models for decision making, or a formal hypothesis.  Deciding what approach you want to take to your research topic of how women leaders respond in time of crises in the field of education will help you decide what approach you want to take, which will guide your development of a conceptual framework.

Based on....

how do you lesson plan?
Words: 398

When creating a lesson plan, it is important to follow a structured format to ensure that all necessary information is included. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a comprehensive lesson plan:

1. Title: Write a descriptive title for the lesson plan that summarizes the topic or objective of the lesson.

2. Objective: Clearly outline the learning goal for the lesson. What do you want students to know or be able to do by the end of the lesson?

3. Materials: List all the materials, resources, and technology that will be needed for the lesson, including any handouts, worksheets, or multimedia....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about social structure about different jobs?
Words: 778

1. "From the Mailroom to the Boardroom: A Journey Through Social Stratification and Job Opportunities"

This title highlights the hierarchical nature of social structure and job opportunities, suggesting a progression from lower-status jobs to higher-status jobs. It also emphasizes the idea of social mobility, as individuals can potentially move up the ladder through hard work and dedication. The title is concise and descriptive, while also providing a clear framework for the essay.

2. "The Interplay of Class, Status, and Power in the Labor Market: How Social Structure Shapes Job Opportunities"

This title delves deeper into the sociological concepts of class, status, and power,....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Things to do at the beach?
Words: 285

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the topic
B. Importance of spending time at the beach

II. Relaxing activities
A. Sunbathing
B. Reading a book
C. Meditating or practicing yoga
D. Listening to the sound of waves

III. Adventurous activities
A. Swimming or snorkeling
B. Surfing or boogie boarding
C. Stand-up paddleboarding
D. Jet skiing or parasailing

IV. Fun activities for families and friends
A. Building sandcastles
B. Playing beach volleyball
C. Having a picnic
D. Flying kites

V. Water sports and activities
A. Kayaking or canoeing
B. Sailing
C. Fishing
D. Scuba diving or snorkeling

VI. Safety reminders
A. Always swim within designated areas

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