Dependent Variable Essays (Examples)

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Dependent Variable and Pain
Pages: 2 Words: 650

Ameen Masoudi
Combination Therapeutic Exercises with Manipulation for Reliving

Pain and Increasing Range of Motion for Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain

The lumbar spine is composed of the vertebrae as well as the ligaments beside the discs, nerves and muscles. This area is a common source of pain. This is one of reasons why people visit their physicians. Around seventy percent of people who live in advanced countries will have lower back pain at some point. Each year, approximately half of adult population present with low back pain and five percent of these patients see a clinician when a new episode occurs. Out of this population, ten percent still cannot work and twenty percent have persistent pain for a year.


There is no study combining these two interventions so we may have superior results if we combined both therapeutic and manipulation because therapeutic exercise and manipulation are the most effective and also the most…...

Independent and Dependent Variables Used in a Study
Pages: 4 Words: 1223

Independent Variables in a Study
Describe the Dependent and Independent Variables Used in a Study

Over the last several years, businesses have been working on identifying new techniques that can be used to increase productivity and the bottom line results. At the heart of this transformation, is an emphasis of objectively focusing on the problem through using scientific methods. To full understand how these ideas are a part of the business model for a number of firms requires carefully examining experimental research. This will be accomplished by looking at the way these principles will shape the business strategy for a variety of organizations. Together, these elements will offer specific insights as to how this approach can help a corporation to be more competitive and adjust to changes inside the marketplace.

Explain how an experimental research methodology can be used to solve a management problem.

The experimental research method can help solve a management…...



Anderson, P. (1983). Marketing, Scientific Progress and Scientific Method. Journal of Marketing, 47 (4), 18 -- 31.

D'Abmbrose, G. (1988). Management Theory for Small Business. The Academy of Management Review, 13 (2), 226 -- 240.

Picard, R. (2009). A Structural Observation. Mathematical Methods, 32 (14), 1768 -- 1803.

Tansey, O. (2009). Process Tracing and Elite Interviewing. Methoden der Politik, 6 (24), 481 -- 496.

Independent and Dependent Variables Used
Pages: 5 Words: 1301

The findings presented by Snowden within his study Visual Attention to Color are extremely intriguing when one considers the history of research on M. stream/P stream activity and attentional guidance. As Snowden states in the Discussion section of his article, "the current finding appears to establish conditions under which a purely chromatic signal can automatically attract attention, and thus shows that color vision can play a vital role in the guidance of visual behavior" (183), and the implications of this result are wide-ranging in terms of their potential application to the study of color vision and colorblindness. By demonstrating that the M. stream is not strictly colorblind, Snowden has opened the doors for a new avenue of visual study, one aimed at determining the link between color vision and attentional guidance. The survival instincts that drove primates to develop the adaptive traits necessary for target detection, identification, and localization still…...



Snowden, R.J. (2002). Visual attention to color: Parvocellular guidance of attentional resources? Psychological Science, 13 (2), 180-184.

how to identify the independent and dependent variable
Pages: 2 Words: 683

In See the Ball, Hit the Ball: Apparent Ball Size is Correlated with Batting Average, Witt & Proffitt () examine the ways a batters perception of the balls size impacts batting average. The research question is whether recent positive performance in the sport has a bearing on ball size perception. In other words, when players have been hitting well, do they perceive the ball as being bigger and therefore easier to hit? The textbook points out that research questions should be focused on specific relationships between variables, narrowed down from broader areas of interest.In this study, the researchers hypothesize the affirmative: players on a good streak, with a high batting average, will perpetuate their streak because they psychologically perceive the ball as being bigger in their field of vision. A bigger ball in the field of vision, even if an illusion, leads to players continuing to hit the ball more…...


ReferencesTextbook.University of Wisconsin, Green Bay (2017). How can I tell if a website is credible?   J. K., & Proffitt, D. R. (2005). See the ball, hit the ball: Apparent ball size is correlated with batting average. Psychological Science, 16(12), 937-938. Witt,

Results Interpretation Simple Regression
Pages: 1 Words: 313

Simple Regression Results InterpretationNull and Alternative HypothesesThe dependent variable (y) is injuries (severity of injuries) while the independent variable (x) is hours of training. The study seeks to determine whether the hours of training are a significant predictor of the severity of injuries in case one gets hurt playing football. The regression equation is:Y = a + bxWhere Y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable, a is the y-intercept and b is the slope of the line.The null and alternative hypotheses are:H0: b = 0 (x has no effect on y)HA: b ? 0 (changes in y are due to changes in x)Results of Simple Regression aInterpretationp value = 0.011significance level (alpha) = 0.05R2 =0.21 (21%)b = -0.125a = 6.8473The regression line Y is given by:Y = 6.8473 - 0.125xThere negative slope (-0.125) indicates an inverse relationship between hours of training and the severity of injury. More…...

Dependent Variable and Variables
Pages: 3 Words: 1150

Run a linear regression of time spent studying (Study; independent) predicting time spent watching TV (TV; dependent). Copy and paste your output and answer the following questions.

Descriptive Statistics



How much time do you spend watching TV per week (in hours)?

How much time do you spend studying per week (in hours)?


How much time do you spend watching TV per week (in hours)?

How much time do you spend studying per week (in hours)?

Pearson Correlation

How much time do you spend watching TV per week (in hours)?

How much time do you spend studying per week (in hours)?

Sig. (1-tailed)

How much time do you spend watching TV per week (in hours)?


How much time do you spend studying per week (in hours)?



How much time do you spend watching TV per week (in hours)?



How much time do you spend studying per week (in hours)?



Variables Entered/Removeda


Variables Entered

Variables Removed



How much time do you spend studying per week (in hours)?b


a. Dependent Variable:…...

Dependent Variables and Nurses
Pages: 3 Words: 818

Carroll, J.S., Williams, M. & Gallivan, T.M. (2012). The ins and outs of change of shift handoffs between nurses: A communication challenge. BMJ Qual Saf (2012). doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2011-000614
Shift handoffs can be used as benchmarks to assess quality of communications among healthcare staff. Because communication overall is critical to quality of care, it is important to understand the factors that can improve shift handoff efficiency. Shift handoffs involve both technical communication and relational communication. Technical communication refers to the transfer of specific and relevant patient data. Relational communication refers to softer psychological and affective information including the conveyance of trust and respect. This study encompasses multiple methodologies to assess shift change efficacy in terms of both technical and relational communication. Interviews, surveys, and clinical records were all used as sources of data. The authors found variability in terms of nurse expectations during shift handoffs. Shift handoff behaviors varied according to level of…...

Dependent Variable and Number
Pages: 5 Words: 1223

Memory ecall
Author(s) First, Middle Initial (if applicable) and Last Name(s) in Starting with the Individual who Made the Biggest Contribution (not alphabetical)

This study examines the difference that categorization makes in memory recall exercises. It uses students from Queens College in an experiment in which categorized words are read aloud to one group and random words read aloud to a second group. The groups are then scored according to how many words they can recall correctly. The findings indicate that categorization makes a difference as the first group recalled more words correctly than the second group after two trials were conducted. Limitations are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided.

Memory ecall

What is memory? Memory consists of long-term and short-term recollections; it is a temporary store that has limited capacity. Today, scientists are still testing memory in efforts to better understand how it works and what it is capable of doing.




Dong, T. (1972). Cued partial recall of categorized words. Journal of Experimental

Psychology, 93(1): 123-129.

Lewis, M. (1971). Categorized lists and cued recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology,

87(1): 129-131.

Dependent Variable and Coffee
Pages: 2 Words: 417

Nonparametric Analysis of Data Set
The datasets consist of the following variables:

• Sub_num

• Gender

• Major

• Coffee, and • Num_cups.

The datasets are used for the nonparametric analysis to investigate whether the choices of college majors are different between males and female's individuals. The analysis is carried out with the chi-square test and the document presents the output as follows:

Gender * Major Cross-tabulation






Chi-Square Tests



Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio

Linear-by-Linear Association

N of Valid Cases

The minimum expected count is 4.30 and 1 cells (10.0%) have the expected count less than 5.

The analysis of the chi-square test is used to assess whether both males and females' participants are different in the choice of colleges' major. The frequencies are analyzed and the outcome of the tests show that they are significant because:

p = .127,

χ2 (4, N=29) = 7.18.

Thus, both males and females are different in their college major choices since males have higher rate scores of 57 and…...

Dependent variable and Hypothesis
Pages: 1 Words: 415

The data collected will be ordinal, largely strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree type of answers. This is practical because we are trying to gauge not only whether the sentiment exists, but the intensity of the sentiment on the part of the consumer. The decision rule that will confirm or deny the hypothesis is the correlation of responses indicating fear of West Nile and responses indicating that this drives a purchase of longer-sleeved shirts. A statistically significant correlation must exist in order to prove the null hypothesis. The two co-workers who disagree will need to both be happy with the decision. In this case, the respondents should indicate a level of concern about West Nile and a purchasing decision with greater intensity than "agree" in order to demonstrate intent. This is a more conservative approach, but the cost of action in this case is likely higher than the cost of…...

Independent and Dependent Variables in
Pages: 1 Words: 314

If the numbers or the data will not be constant, the results will not be paralleled and will surely have discrepancy on its accuracy.
Meanwhile, experimenter bias is a big threat to the accuracy and/or precision of the report's result. An example of the threat is not being able to identify all the factors that might affect the result. An experiment can be said biased if he/she has already an expected outcome in the end, hence, he/she will just focus on that outcome and what will provide such outcome. In turn, all other factors may be already neglected and will not be taken into consideration.

orks Cited

Independent and Dependent Variable." 2006. [online] available at:


Works Cited

Independent and Dependent Variable." 2006. [online] available at:

Variables Impacting Internal Validity in Program Evaluation
Pages: 2 Words: 823

Internal Validity
Is maturation a possible threat to the internal validity of the study? Why or why not?

For measures of academic achievement, six months (which is the intended length of the study) is not a long enough period of time to be very concerned about maturation as a threat to internal validity. Most academic achievement tests have longer durations. Maturation is something to be considered because of the varying ages of the study participants, and the fact that we know children's brains mature at different rates and some mathematical concepts are not understood until the human brain does mature to certain levels. Moreover, since the boys will move in and out of residency, their exposure to other reading instructions methods and tutoring cannot be controlled.

Is history a possible threat to the internal validity of the study? Why or why not?

Yes. History is the occurrence of some unanticipated event, such as the…...



Brewer, M. (2000). Research Design and Issues of Validity. In Reis, H. And Judd, C. (Eds.) Handbook of Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Wortman, P.M. (1983). Evaluation research -- A methodological perspective. Annual Review of Psychology 34, 223 -- 260. doi:10.1146/

Variables Influencing Women's Entrepreneurs Facts From Ethiopia
Pages: 15 Words: 5462

women's entrepreneurs: Evidence from an East African Economy (Ethiopia)
It is an established fact that the Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) sectors can help large parts of the populace in underdeveloped economies like Ethiopia as the means for livelihood. African women are beleaguered with societal and cultural challenges and overall entrepreneurial attributes, and that is reflected in the lack of their entrepreneurship development. This study hence takes up the issues ascribed to entrepreneurship orientation in African women and the factors affecting their business orientation. Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) levels of the African women were found to lie in the lower and mid levels assessed against businesswomen elsewhere. The EO of women is found to be positively related to multiple and often diversified business interests and ownerships amongst different socio-economic strata (Gelan & Wedajo 2013). This study is comprised of 203 entrepreneurs involved in 5 categories employing random, stratified sampling method. The…...



Cools, E. And Van den Broeck. H, 2007. Development and Validation of the Cognitive style indicator. The Journal of Psychology 3(14): 10-15

OECD, 2002. The Keys for Successful Women Entrepreneurs. The OECD Bologna Process, December 2002.

Wube M.C, 2010. Factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs in micro and small enterprises (the case of Dessie town)

Altinay. L., 2006. Determinants of Ethnic minority entrepreneurial growth in the catering sector. The service Industries Journal. 26(2): 203-222

Student Is Dependent Upon Numerous
Pages: 5 Words: 1238

¶ … student is dependent upon numerous things, including the child's social-emotional status. Anxiety disorders incorporate themselves into a child's life in ways that school becomes a difficult task. Whether the child has problems leaving his or her parent, dealing with social situations, or just have anxiety in general, such disorders have a great and negative effect on their educational performance. In an effort to analyze the possible ways to deter such negative consequences, Jeffrey Wood of the University of California proposed an experiment to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on the intervention of anxiety disorders. The hopeful result would be a return to academic normalcy and positive performance.

The main hypothesis of this study is that with a concentrated effort of CBT, whether it is family-based or child-based, anxiety levels will be reduced which will therefore lead to an increased ability to perform at school. The unit of…...

how to write a hypothesis w strong examples?
Words: 554

Understanding the Concept of Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a tentative statement that proposes an explanation for an observed phenomenon or phenomenon. It is a central component of scientific inquiry, serving as a guide for further investigation and experimentation.

To be scientifically valid, a hypothesis must meet the following criteria:

Testable: It should be possible to design experiments or gather data to support or refute the hypothesis.
Falsifiable: It should be possible to disprove the hypothesis through empirical evidence.
Specific: It should provide a precise and narrow explanation for the phenomenon being studied.
Supported by evidence: It should be based on existing observations....

can you help me with the research design of understanding the influence of extracurricular on students personal development and school engagement?
Words: 517

Sure! Here is a proposed research design for studying the influence of extracurricular activities on students' personal development and school engagement:

Title: The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Students' Personal Development and School Engagement

- Briefly explain the importance of extracurricular activities in students' lives and their potential impact on personal development and school engagement.
- State the research question: How do extracurricular activities influence students' personal development and school engagement?

1. Participants:
- Sample: A random sample of high school students from diverse socio-economic and academic backgrounds.
- Inclusion criteria: Students actively involved in at least one extracurricular activity.
- Sample size: 200 students (100 boys,....

How can the choice of research design impact the validity of study findings?
Words: 464

The choice of research design can impact the validity of study findings in a few key ways:

1. Internal validity: The extent to which the study design accurately measures the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Different research designs (e.g., experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational) have different strengths and weaknesses in terms of internal validity. For example, experimental designs are generally considered to have higher internal validity compared to correlational studies because of their ability to control for extraneous variables and establish causation.

2. External validity: The extent to which the findings from a study can be generalized to other populations,....

How do business statistics help organizations make informed decisions and drive strategic growth?
Words: 505

Business Statistics: A Catalyst for Informed Decision-Making and Strategic Growth

In today's competitive business landscape, organizations face an overwhelming deluge of data. Harnessing this data effectively can propel organizations to make impactful decisions that drive strategic growth. Business statistics stands as a cornerstone of this process, providing the necessary tools and methodologies to transform raw data into actionable insights.

Descriptive Statistics: Painting a Clear Picture of Current Performance

Descriptive statistics lay the groundwork for business decision-making by presenting a comprehensive overview of data characteristics. Measures such as mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation describe the central tendencies, variability, and distribution of data.....

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