Dental Care Essays (Examples)

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Health and Dental Care in
Pages: 3 Words: 1213

The public clinics have long queues

There is a family care trend with humane treatment in private clinics

More modern equipment even attracts lower wage earners

Small sized private clinics seem to be the wave of the future in Beijing

Awareness Programs

November 15, 2010: every child in Beijing schools received a dental checkup and a new toothbrush and paste with instructions for brushing

The annual health care event in Beijing last May cited pampered only children who are given sugary and fatty foods by indulgent parents and grandparents as reason that dental health is falling among youngsters.

Industry special: Pain relief toothpaste said to be a boon to one in three in China

Proctor and Gamble's statement that use of their dental products is increasing and private dental clinics shows increased awareness

Rural Areas Problematic

Too few practitioners

Less awareness due to literacy levels and education

Low income does not pay much

Most practitioners have little more than High School Education

Equipment is…...

Care Partnerships Will Maximize Rebecca's Independence Care
Pages: 2 Words: 563

Care Partnerships Will Maximize ebecca's Independence?
Care partnerships can help ebecca in many ways, including increasing her independence. ebecca cannot be fully independent, but her independence can be maximized via the use of ancillary services. ebecca also needs psychological and social support services as she is feeling increasingly more pessimistic about her changing condition. Given that, the care partnership should include a support group, individual psychological counseling, as well as family counseling. A support group will help ebecca receive support from others in her situation and will reduce ebecca's social dependence on her family. This way, ebecca can enjoy her sister's company and that of her husband and young children without viewing them as her only source of social support. The group will also help ebecca receive advice related to her medication situation, and the breakdown of communication between her and her husband. egarding that, the psychological counseling will be…...



"Partnerships in Care." Retrieved online: 

State Government of Victoria (2013). About PCPs. Retrieved online:

Dental Health Osteoporosis
Pages: 7 Words: 1908

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Interconnected Roles of Dental Health and Osteoporosis in Aging opulations:
    This essay explores the intricate links between dental health and osteoporosis, particularly in the elderly, discussing how the decline in bone density can lead to tooth loss and jawbone deterioration, and how maintaining oral health is critical for overall well-being in the aging demographic.

2. Understanding the athophysiology of Osteoporosis and Its Impact on Oral Health:
    In this essay, the biological mechanisms through which osteoporosis affects bone structure and strength are examined, with an emphasis on the implications that this disease has on dental health, including the increased risk of periodontal disease and other oral health challenges.

3. Innovations in Dental Care for atients with Osteoporosis:
    This essay delves into the latest advancements in dental treatments and preventive measures that are specifically tailored for patients with osteoporosis, highlighting how these innovations can help maintain oral health and prevent…...


Primary Sources

Taguchi, Akira. \"Dental radiographs as a tool to detect postmenopausal osteoporosis.\" Osteoporosis international 13.8 (2002): 629-634.

Klemetti, E., et al. \"Panoramic mandibular index as an indicator of osteoporosis.\" Journal of Dental Research 70.10 (1991): 1361-1365.

Payne, J. B., et al. \"The association between oral health and osteoporosis: a review.\" Journal of periodontology 76.11-suppl (2005): 2125-2132.

Bollen, Anne-Marie, and Gary D. Taguchi. \"Panoramic radiographic risk factors for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.\" Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 23.1 (2005): 99-104.

Wactawski-Wende, Jean. \"Periodontal diseases and osteoporosis: association and mechanisms.\" Annals of Periodontology 6.1 (2001): 197-208.

Quality Health Care Is an
Pages: 12 Words: 3423

Poor dental health can be a portal that allows bacteria and other infectious organisms into blood stream. Poor dental health care can also lead to poor outcomes of dialysis. Heart disease patients have special needs when it comes to dental care. Spreading this knowledge would motivate patients with these diseases to visit Eastside clinic regularly.

If staffing of more employees is not able to attract more patients to the clinic then the clinic would make a greater loss than it is currently making.

Kool Smiles being a profit making organization might be more efficient and have a more cooperative and friendly staff which can attract Eastside clinic patients towards them.

Promotions through dental vehicles would lead to extra costs such as repairmen of vehicles and fuel costs for which the clinic might not have funds.

The clinic might not have enough funds to employee more people

Alternating sites

Currently, Dr. Mulligan has chosen to alternate…...



Vissers, J. & Beech R. (2005). Health operations management: patient flow logistics in health care. USA: Routledge.

Pierce, S. (2010). Dynamic Capacity Management For Health Care. USA: Taylor & Francis.

Kovener, A. & Knickman J. (2005). Health care delivery in the United States. USA: Springer.

Wall, A. (1996). Health care systems in liberal democracies. USA: Routledge.

British Healthcare System A Model
Pages: 6 Words: 2194

Indeed many of the "rotating staff may have never been on a transfer" and in addition most transport vehicles "are not conducive to carrying out active interventions on patients" -- a situation that can lead to serious medical complications during transfers (which often take place in late-night hours) (Ahmed, p. 503). Moreover, less than one in three NHS hospitals followed the procedure of checking the compatibility within the ambulance and it's "mounting system" prior to moving the patient (Ahmed, p. 504). All of these concerns are worth noting by U.S. healthcare professionals, lest similar situations may occur and put patients in jeopardy.
Should every American healthcare provider be required to publish performance data in an online account -- information that relates to the clinical outcomes of his services as well as a record of patient satisfaction? That is a pertinent question because that is the new rule that all NHS…...


Works Cited

Ahmed, Majeed a. (2008). Risk management during inter-hospital transfer of critically ill

Patients: making the journey safe. Emergency Medical Journal, Vol. 25, 502-505.

Ali, Adam M. (2009). The personalization of the British National Health Service: empowering

Patients or exacerbating inequality? The International Journal of Clinical Practice, 63(10),

UK Healthcare
Pages: 36 Words: 9250

UK Healthcare
Within this section of Chapter One, a historical perspective of NHS will be provided. This discussion will identify problem areas that have emerged in relation to NHS with an attempt made to address the manner in which such problems have historically influenced reform efforts.

With the passage and associated provisions of the NHS Act of 1946, NHS was implemented in the UK in 1948. The NHS Act of 1946 served as the means by which a pattern of health service finance and provision was established in the UK following World War II (Baggot, 1998). According to Baggot, on the basis of the Act, the principle of collective responsibility by the state for the establishment of a comprehensive health service system was introduced, allowing for the planned use of services by the entire population at no cost. It was also intended that equality of access to services would be incorporated within…...



Baggott, R. (1998). Health and Health Care in Britain. London, Macmillan,

Barlow, M. (1998). The Fight of My Life. Toronto: Harper Collins

BMA Central Consultants and Specialists Committee (1990). Guidance on Clinical

Directorates London: BMA.

Compare and Contrast U S and Norway Healthcare Systems
Pages: 5 Words: 1593

U.S. & Norway Healthcare Systems
healthcare system has many advantages and disadvantages which are most revealing when compared to the other health care systems of the world. An analysis between the U.S. healthcare system and a government run healthcare system of Norway provides a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences in the two systems.

Almost every other developed nation in the world has some form of universal coverage which reduces this disparity in care. However, many of these systems are purportedly ridden with their own issues such as high cost and long waiting times. By comparing the U.S. system with the universal system like that of Norway, I can investigate the effectiveness of each in terms of the quality of care provided and the equality of distribution of that care.

A Comparison and Analysis of Healthcare Systems in the United States and Norway

A. United States

The healthcare system in the U.S. is…...



Goldman, Dana P. And Elizabeth A. McGlynn. (2005). U.S. Healthcare Facts About Cost, Access and Quality [Online]. Retrieved from 

Johnsen, Jan Roth. (2006). Health Systems in Transition: Norway. Retrieved from 

Tanner, Michael D. (March, 18, 2008). Policy Analysis: The Grass is Not Always Greener: A Look at National Health Care Systems Around the World (policy number 613). Retrieved from 

The University of Maine. (2001). The U.S. Health Care System: Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive? [Online]. Retrieved from

Managing Long-Term Health Care Needs
Pages: 10 Words: 3366

Lee is only the first step in the process of building a team that is able to cover all aspects of Mrs. Lee's care. The team approach involving a social worker, nurse, physician, pharmacist, and physical therapist affords Mrs. Lee a full range of professionals attending to her various needs.
Although Mrs. Lee has a number of problems that need to be addressed the one problem that must be addressed immediately is her elevated blood pressure. Hypertension is an important risk factor for the development and worsening of many complications of diabetes and an elevated blood pressure is like walking around with a detonated bomb. Within moments, and with little warning, a diabetic patient can suffer a stroke or heart attack as a result of an elevated blood pressure. Well over fifty percent of diabetics suffer from hypertension and proper treatment of hypertension can minimize most of the tangential problems…...



Calle-Pascual, A.L. (2002). A preventive foot care programme for people with diabetes with different stages of neuropathy. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 111-117.

Caminal, J. And Barbara Starfield, et. al.(2004). The role of primary care in preventing ambulatory care sensitive conditions. European Journal of Public Health, 246-251.

Deichmann, R.E. (1999). Improvements in Diabetic Care as Measured by HbA1c After a Physician Education Project. Diabetes Care, 1612-1616.

Epstein, M. (1997). Diabetes and hypertension: the bad companions. Journal of Hypertension, 55-62.

Health Care Bill Formulation Oral
Pages: 10 Words: 3227

The research thus concludes the essence of having quality and effective legislation addressing the aspects of overall oral health of the people.
Additionally, the Canadian Dental Association also relates several issues of the overall body health to the oral health of the individual. In view of the article on the relation "oral health -- good life," the article gives information on the essence of good oral health, indicating some of the illnesses of ill oral health (Chattopadhyay, 2011). In this article, the relation between the ill oral health and the overall health of the body is that the mouth is the ingress to the body. Therefore, an individual with ill oral health is at the highest risk of having infection that affects the whole body system severely. According to this article, it emphasizes the need for dentists-patient relation as the dentists is the only person with the skill, expertise and…...



Chattopadhyay, a. (2011). Oral health epidemiology: Principles and practice. Sudbury, Mass:

Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Ramseier, C.A., & Suvan, J.E. (2010). Health behavior change in the dental practice. Ames,

Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell.

Globalization and American Health Care
Pages: 15 Words: 4608

Globalization and American Health Care
What explains the directionality of flows in health care? Patients, health workers, managerial practices?

Globalization has brought in the information revolution and this has again brought changes in the medical profession and the way health care is being administered. It has also brought in unforeseen problems and expansion of the health care issues and running debates on health care is still strong. The flows of healthcare primarily have to deal with the patient -- how the patient is induced to seek treatment and the process of the treatment and the final discharge and post treatment care. This also involves lot of information exchange, and abiding by insurance contracts, payment options and quality care for the patients. (Phillips, 2005)

The second set is the personnel who include doctors, paramedics and all staff. The flow of work of these sections follows the patient and there are changes in the way…...



Bloche, Maxwell Gregg. (2003) "The privatization of health care reform: legal and regulatory perspectives" Oxford University Press.

Briesacher, Becky; et al. (2003) "Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Prescription Coverage and Medication Use" Health Care Financing Review, vol. 25, no. 2, pp: 63-66.

Edelheit, Jonathan. (2007) "Understanding the American Healthcare System" Global

Healthcare Magazine, Retrieved 14 June, 2011 from

Health Care Disparity in Maryland
Pages: 67 Words: 18449

Figure 1 portrays the state of Maryland, the location for the focus of this DR.

Figure 1: Map of Maryland, the State (Google Maps, 2009)

1.3 Study Structure

Organization of the Study

The following five chapters constitute the body of Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter II: Review of the Literature

Chapter III: Methods and Results

Chapter IV: Chapter V: Conclusions, Recommendations, and Implications

Chapter I: Introduction

During Chapter I, the researcher presents this study's focus, as it relates to the background of the study's focus, the area of study, the four research questions, the significance of the study, and the research methodology the researcher utilized to complete this study.

Chapter II: Review of the Literature in Chapter II, the researcher explores information accessed from researched Web sites; articles; books; newspaper excerpts; etc., relevant to considerations of the disparity in access to health care services between rural and urban residence in Maryland and the impact of the lack of financial resources. The…...


Potter, S. (2002) Doing Postgraduate Research. London: Sage.

Qualitative research: Approaches, methods, and rigour, (2008, Nov. 7). Microsoft PowerPoint Qualitative Research AdvC08 RS.PPT. Retrieved March 10, 2009 from

Wolvovsky, Jay. (2008). Health disparities: Impact on Business and Economics Summit. Maryland's healthcare at a glance. The Heart of Community Health Baltimore Medical Syste. Retrieved March 10, 2009 at

Healthcare Education for Community Members
Pages: 3 Words: 1474

Community Teaching Plan
Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics which was chosen within your CLC group:


Environmental Issues

Primary Prevention/Health Promotion

Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population

Planning Before Teaching:

Estimated Time Teaching Will Last:

Three 2-hour sessions

Location of Teaching:

Athens Community Health Department

Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed:

Laptop; digital projector; screen

Estimated Cost:

Community and Target Aggregate:

Athens Community Health Department, Athens, Georgia

Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population

Session I: Sources of Vulnerability

Session II:Implications for Healthcare Providers

Session III: Innovative Practice; Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Assessment

Epidemiological ationale for Topic (statistics related to topic):

The literature on vulnerable people clearly indicates that the special needs of these populations and the ubiquitous barriers to quality care access lead to traceable disparities in the provision of healthcare and in their health outcomes (Edelman & Mandle, 2006).

Nursing Diagnosis:

Any number of variables or combinations of variables can impact the healthcare experiences of individuals -- and…...



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). National healthcare disparities report 2008. Chapter 3, Access to healthcare. Washington: AHRQ; 2008. Retrieved 

Edelman, C.L. And Mandle, C.L. (2006). In D. Como, L. Thomas (Eds.), Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby.

[Type text]

New Mexico Veteran's Affairs Healthcare
Pages: 2 Words: 704

Working with the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs to define future growth plans - This is also critical as more and more patients age and require specialized services. The NMVHCS needs to continue working with the Department of Veteran's Affairs to plan for and respond to the needs of the aging veteran's population.

Financial situation/needs

As the NMVHCS is completely funded by the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs, their financial needs are budgeted as part of that federal agency.

Primary competitors

As the NMVHCS is underwritten by the U.S. Government and does not specifically compete with private healthcare, there are no other primary competitors in the region from a government perspective. There is however the competition for federal funds with other agencies throughout the region. In terms of healthcare however, the veterans in the region receive greatly reduced prices and have in some cases free medical care for their lifetimes, which is difficult for…...

Health Care Reform Legislation
Pages: 2 Words: 716

Quality of Care: Healthcare eform
Health care reform legislation is expected to reduce health care spending by $590 billion over 10 years and lower premiums by nearly $2,000 per family by slowing the annual growth rate in national health expenditures. Discuss how this savings will be accomplished and what potential sacrifices in health care delivery may be experienced. Is the figure of $590 billion when calculated over a ten-year period really a significant savings?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to make healthcare more accessible to a wider array of Americans and also more equitable in its method of delivery. Some of its provisions included requiring all adults (with some hardship exemptions) to have healthcare or pay a penalty. The hope was that expanding the risk pool of young, healthy insured who might otherwise forgo coverage would support the costs of some of the other provisions of the bill, such as…...



Carroll, A. (2014). Why increasing access to healthcare does not save money. The New York

Times. Retrieved from: 

Keefe, C. (2014). I'm an Obama supporter. But Obamacare has hurt my family. The Washington

Profesional Dental Hygienist Info I
Pages: 9 Words: 2467

16). Some of the options available to patients are (p. 16):
What it Is Colgate Total

Over-the-counter tooth- triclosan and fluoride paste containing the anti- toothpaste bacterial triclosan

Peridex or generic

Prescription mouth rinse chlorhexidine mouth containing'an anti-micro- rinse bial called chlorhexidine

Periochip tiny piece of gelatin filled with chlorhexidine

Atridox gel that contains the anti- biotic doxycycline


Thread-like fiber that con- tains the antibiotic tetracy- cline

Arestin microspheres

Tiny round particles that contain the antibiotic minocycline

Periostat low dose of the medica- tion doxycycline that keeps destructive enzymes in check

Why it's Used

Colgate Total

The antibacterial ingredient triclosan and fluoride reduces plaque and result- toothpaste ing gingivitis. The fluoride protects against cavities.

Peridex or generic

To control bacteria, result- chlorhexidine mouth ing in less plaque and gin- rinse givitis


To control bacteria and re- duce the size of periodon- tal pockets


To control bacteria and re- duce the size of periodon- tal pockets


To control bacteria and re- duce the size of periodon- tal pockets




Adams, T.L. (2003). Professionalization, Gender and Female-Dominated Professions: Dental Hygiene in Ontario. The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 40(3), 267+. Retrieved November 30, 2007, from Questia database: 

Being a Dental Hygienist Means You Can Clean Up. (2006, February 16). Daily Post (Liverpool, England), p. 25. Retrieved November 30, 2007, from Questia database: 

Chojnacki, C. (2006, December 31). Smiles All around Women Clean Up in National Contest for Hygenist of the Year. Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), p. 1. Retrieved November 30, 2007, from Questia database: 

Kaldenberg, D.O. (1995). Total Quality Management Practices and Business Outcomes: Evidence from Dental Practices. Journal of Small Business Management, 33(1), 21+. Retrieved November 30, 2007, from Questia database:

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on toothpaste dispenser?
Words: 549

## Essay Topics on Toothpaste Dispenser

### 1. The Evolution of Toothpaste Dispensers: A Historical Perspective

Trace the development of toothpaste dispensers from their early origins to modern automated devices.
Discuss the technological innovations that have shaped their design and functionality.
Explore the impact of dispensers on the toothpaste industry and oral hygiene practices.

### 2. The Ergonomics of Toothpaste Dispensers: User Experience and Accessibility

Analyze the ergonomic principles behind effective toothpaste dispenser design.
Discuss the factors that influence user comfort, such as grip, force required, and hygiene.
Evaluate the accessibility of dispensers for individuals with disabilities or special needs.

### 3. The....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to evaluation of pregnancy patients at dentistry?
Words: 280

1. The importance of evaluating pregnancy patients in dental practice: A comprehensive overview
2. The impact of hormonal changes during pregnancy on oral health and dental treatment
3. Strategies for safe and effective dental evaluation of pregnant patients
4. The role of preventive care and education in managing oral health during pregnancy
5. Evaluating the risks and benefits of dental procedures for pregnant patients
6. Addressing common concerns and misconceptions about dental care during pregnancy
7. The influence of maternal oral health on pregnancy outcomes: Implications for dental evaluation
8. Evaluating the impact of pregnancy on periodontal health and treatment outcomes
9. Integrating prenatal care and dental evaluation....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to evaluation of pregnancy patients at dentistry?
Words: 642

Essay Topic 1: The Role of Oral Health Assessment in Evaluating Pregnancy Risks and Outcomes

Discuss the link between poor oral health and adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight.
Explore the importance of comprehensive oral health examinations during pregnancy, including periodontal assessments and caries screening.
Analyze the benefits of early detection and treatment of oral health issues in mitigating pregnancy risks.

Essay Topic 2: Evaluating the Efficacy of Prenatal Dental Care Interventions

Review the various prenatal dental care interventions available, such as oral hygiene instructions, fluoride applications, and sealants.
Conduct a systematic literature review to assess....

What key elements are found in prison standard operating procedures according to literature reviews?
Words: 494

Literature Review on Key Elements of Prison Standard Operating Procedures


Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are essential in correctional facilities to ensure consistent and effective operations, maintain security, and safeguard the well-being of inmates and staff. Through a review of relevant literature, this essay identifies key elements commonly found in prison SOPs.

Inmate Intake and Classification

Intake Procedures: SOPs outline the steps for admitting new inmates, including identification verification, medical screening, and property inventory.
Classification System: Guidelines for assessing inmates' security risk, housing assignments, and program eligibility are established.
Special Populations: Protocols address the needs of inmates with mental health issues, disabilities, or....

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