This theory presents problems because not all replacement roles are ineffective or useless. Another is the age stratification theory, which categorizes society according to age, gender, and social class. People are classified or grouped as young, middle-aged and old. They are expected to play certain roles and enjoy certain rights in each classification or group as well as lose privileges accorded each group or classification (American Association of Retired Persons).
A more responsive and realistic theory of aging for consideration by demographers should not fixated to the notion that older or senior persons' capabilities are waning. Many older persons or retirees have been living alone on their savings or continued incomes and modern-day gadgets, which enable them to survive on their own. They should not be seen as inessentials that must be sent to the homes for the aged. More and more people approaching the end of employment years are…...
American Association of Retired Persons Report, 1998
Stastny, M. (2006). Population: Aging and Financial Markets. Mahalanobis:
Vascular Dementia became an issue in aging in the late 19th century when Otto Binswanger and Alois Alzheimer identified vascular dementia as a separate form of neurological disorder, distinct from dementia paralytica. In the 1960s, researchers took another step forward via the clinical studies performed by the New Castle school in the UK: these trials lay the groundwork for modern understanding of vascular dementia. Today, vascular dementia is an issue in aging as physicians have discovered that the most typical vascular change accompanying aging is the increase of cholesterol found in the walls of blood vessels: this has a congestive effect that alters the cognitive ability of the patient. Confusion, disorientation, trouble speaking and vision loss are all symptoms related to this issue.
Influence of Demography
While Alzheimer's is the leading type of dementia in the world, vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia, accounting for 17% of the…...
Marcelo, A., & Bix, G. (2015). The potential role of perlecan domain V as a novel therapy in vascular dementia. Metabolic Brain Disease, 30(1), 1-5. doi:10.1007/s11011-014-9576-6
Tian, J., Shi, J., Wei, M., Qin, R., Ni, J., Zhang, X., &... Wang, Y. (2016). The efficacy and safety of Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian tablets (Radix Salviae miltiorrhizae formula tablets) for mild to moderate vascular dementia: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 17(1), 281. doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1410-5
Shi, G., Liu, C., Guan, W., Wang, Z., Wang, L., Xiao, C., &... Wang, L. (2014). Effects
of acupuncture on Chinese medicine syndromes of vascular dementia. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 20(9), 661-666. doi:10.1007/s11655-013-1323-4
2005, the British publication, The Economist, published an article regarding immigration and the parties who benefit from it. At the time, a decade ago, Prime Minister Tony Blair failed in his attempt to rally support against illegal immigration throughout the European Union (EU). Countries across the continent experienced intense political division regarding this issue. Those who favored politics argued for illegal immigration to cease; those who prioritized economics supported immigration, legal or otherwise. The article explains that to ease tensions within the British government, Blair proposed official supporting of legal immigration and the intensification of stopping illegal immigration. Blair ensured that the administration and bureaucracy regarding legal immigration was streamlined. The article then proceeds to question which parties in society benefit from immigration and how.
Immigration, from the perspective of The Economist is an occurrence that should be calculated, regulated, and firmly enforced. The article questions who benefits from immigration;…...
Hirschman, C. (2005). Immigration and the American Century. Demography, 42(4), 595 -- 620.
The Economist. (2002). Britain: Who gains from immigration?; Immigration. The Economist, 363(8279), 30.
Student last name
American Policing
As one would expect, the police are aggressive, noticeable and thespian. It is easy for them to happen to be the objects and representatives of order, jeopardy, and inscrutability. They not only mark the boundaries of an urbane organization and regulation but also are the boundary markers themselves. They have vast authority over the legal resources including lethal and nonlethal weapons, specialized vehicles, adequate personnel etc. (Manning, 2008). In American society, the most significant revolution taking place in policing today is possibly associated with information technology. A majority of the police agencies are using the Internet to transmit information to the public. They are also making use of cell phones to be in touch with others while in the field. Moreover, mobile computers are also being used in order to retrieve information straight away. Nevertheless, it is crystal clear that this is just the beginning. The information technology…...
Grant, H.B., & Terry, K.J. (2008). Law Enforcement in the 21st Century. (2 ed.). Allyn & Bacon. Print.
Johns, C. (n.d.). Police Use of Less-Than-Lethal Weapons. Retrieved May 24, 2012 from
Johnson, C.P. (2000). Crime Mapping and Analysis Using GIS. Retrieved May 23, 2012 from
Manning, P.K. (2008). The Technology of Policing: Crime Mapping, Information Technology, and the Rationality of Crime Control. New York: New York University Press. Retrieved May 23, 2012, from Questia database:
Moreover, multiculturalism is alive and well in Canada today; to wit, foreign-born Canadian citizens are "over-represented in the fields of mathematics and physical science, the health professions, sciences and technologies," Thompson concludes, as well as in the fields of engineering and applied sciences.
orks Cited
Boyd, Monica. 1976. Immigration Policies and Trends: A Comparison of Canada and the United States. Demography 13 (1): 83-104.
Canadian Council for Refugees. 2001. A hundred years of immigration to Canada 1900-1999:
chronology focusing on refugees and discrimination. Retrieved March 20, 2007 at
CIC Canada. 2001. The Role of Transportation in Canadian Immigration 1900-2000. Retrieved March 20, 2007 at
Patrias, Carmela. 2000. The Making of the Mosaic: A History of Canadian Immigration Policy
By Ninette Kelley; Michael Trebilcock. The American Historical Review 105 (2): 532-533.
The Canadian Encyclopedia. 2003. Immigration. Retrieved march 20, 2007 at
Thompson, John Herd; & einfeld, Morton. 1995. Entry and Exit: Canadian Immigration Policy
In Context. Annals…...
mlaWorks Cited
Boyd, Monica. 1976. Immigration Policies and Trends: A Comparison of Canada and the United States. Demography 13 (1): 83-104.
Canadian Council for Refugees. 2001. A hundred years of immigration to Canada 1900-1999:
chronology focusing on refugees and discrimination. Retrieved March 20, 2007 at .
CIC Canada. 2001. The Role of Transportation in Canadian Immigration 1900-2000. Retrieved March 20, 2007 at .
San Diego is a beautiful place, and as I increase in affluence, I could even consider buying beach-front property.
The libraries I read about seem very nice. I look forward to reading and walking on the beaches. If the city web site is any indication, San Diego is a place that will make it easy for me to get my work out of the way and spend more of my time relaxing. The web site also has a section decided to city employment, which means that I have a starting point to look for a job.
orks Cited
City of San Diego Official ebsite." 2 Nov. 2006
Personal Positioning Statement
Step 1: Define Research Purpose
The purpose of this project is to use the research and exploration I have done this far to form a personal positional statement that I can use for job interviews or cover letters.
Step 2: Take a Mental Inventory
This is…...
mlaWorks Cited
City of San Diego Official Website." 2 Nov. 2006 .
Personal Positioning Statement
Step 1: Define Research Purpose
The purpose of this project is to use the research and exploration I have done this far to form a personal positional statement that I can use for job interviews or cover letters.
Presence of minority groups at a workplace
At work places, individuals are being discriminated on the basis of being a minority. Structural theory states clearly there is always a consequence for being the minority. This theory is in relation to three known token dynamics which include; it leads to contrast effect that leads to social isolation, it has the element of visibility that results to performance pressure and it also results to stereotyping or role encapsulation (Bell, 2007). Discrimination may be as a result of the individual (from the minority group) being scrutinized to find out whether he/she is capable to excel in whatever he/she is doing. From this theory, an individual whom the public does not associate his/her presence with a certain kind of work is more doubted than a person whom they have faith that he/she can handle the work. For example, a woman with mechanic skills can be…...
Alon, S., & Haberfeld, Y. (2007). Labor force attachment and the evolving wage gap between White, Black, and Hispanic young women. Work and Occupations, 34, 369-398.
Byron, R.A. (2010). Discrimination, Complexity, and the Public/Private Sector Question. Work and Occupations, 37(4), 435-475. doi: 10.1177/0730888410380152
Bell, M.P. (2007). Diversity in organizations. Arlington: South-Western Cenage Learning.
Couch, K.A., & Fairlie, R. (2010). Last hired, first fired? Black-White unemployment and the business cycle. Demography, 47, 227-247.
Manning (1993) undertook one of the early researches on the question of whether cohabitating and non-cohabitating single women have equal tendencies towards marriage prior to childbirth. In addition, Manning also looks for differences between black and white women, as well as socioeconomic status. Her research finds that for Caucasian women in their twenties, those who cohabitate with their mates are more likely to get married prior to childbirth. This statistical relationship was not observed among African-American women in the same age group.
This research therefore suggests that cohabitation carries different meanings for the two groups, an issue which may be of interest to symbolic interactionists. For African-Americans, cohabitation and childrearing were deemed more acceptable. In contrast, Caucasian women were more likely to consider cohabitation a stage in the marriage process.
esearch is still being conducted regarding the effects of cohabitation unions on children, especially since statistics show that at least two-fifths…...
Amato, P., D. Johnson, a. Booth, S. Rogers. 2003. "Continuity and change in marital quality between 1980 and 2000." Journal of Marriage and Family. Vol.65, Iss. 1
Bumpass, LL and H. Lu. 1999. Trends in cohabitation and implications for children's family contexts in the U.S. CDE Work Paper No. 98-15. Center for Demography Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Caspar, LM and PN Cohen. 2000. "How does POSSLQ measure up? Historical estimates of cohabitation." Demography. 2000.
Eggebeen, D. 2005. "Cohabitation and Exchanges of Support." Social Forces. Vol.83, Iss. 3
This study analyzes outsourcing trends in the next decade. The study assesses this by focusing on the past and current trends, problems and issues in outsourcing via semi-structured interviews. Major trends and processes will be revealed and assessed for their relevancy, depth and breadth.
Companies belonging to most industries are very much considered to be the units that are vertically integrated, or so-called usual industrial firms (Stigler, 1951), where activities in all links in value chain have been internally conducted. For example, gasoline of its own is delivered by 7-Eleven and it is also used to make ice and candy, also it had cows for producing milk which it previously used to sell (Gottfredson et al., 2005). At present, it is not delivering gasoline and ice or candy is not being made by it neither does it posses any cows. Contrarily, IBM used to make the computers containing their own…...
Adams, R.J., 2002. Retail pro-tability and sweatshops: a global dilemma. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 9, 147-153.
Alexander, C., 1964. Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Alexander, M., Young, D., 1996b. Outsourcing: where is the value? Long-Range Planning 29 (5), 728-730.
Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T., Kerr, S., 1995. The Boundaryless Organization. Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco.
Marriage, Divorce and Family Functions
Define the Institute of Marriage and identify the important cultural functions
Marriage encompasses a broad definition of the interpersonal unions established between partners granting them familial bond based on legal, social, and religious grounds. Further, marriage grants partners mutual conjugal rights. The family as a social unit functions to ensure the cooperation of its members based on aspects of child rearing and managing reproduction. Cultures endeavor to dictate the marriage patterns among other aspects. Cultures define the types of marriages such as monogamy, polygamy, and polyandry. On the economical aspect, cultures dictate dowry, bride wealth, and service.
Different societies have set different limitations on marriage. For example, some societies practice polygamy, especially African cultures whereas Westerners shun it and prefer monogamy. In the U.S., partners cannot enter into a new marriage arrangement without coming to a close on the previous one.
Love and marriage in America
A majority of Americans…...
Brown, S. & Lin, I. (2012).The Gray Divorce Revolution: Rising Divorce Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults, 1990-2010 The Journals of Gerontology doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbs089
Kennedy, S. & Ruggles, S. (2014). Breaking Up Is Hard to Count: The Rise of Divorce in the United States, 1980-2010. Demography. 51:587-598. DOI 10.1007/s13524-013-0270-9
Tach, M. L. & Eads, A. (2015). Trends in the Economic Consequences of Marital and Cohabitation Dissolution in the United States. Demography. 52:401-432. DOI 10.1007/s13524-015-0374-5
Vespa, J. & Painter II, A. (2011). Cohabitation History, Marriage, and Wealth Accumulation. Demography. 48:983-1004. DOI 10.1007/s13524-011-0043-2
Human Potential
"Nothing endures but change."
Developing Human Development
The "learning organization" is without a template. Writers have tried to give it an ideal form or a template in "which real organizations could attempt to emulate." (Easterby-Smith & Araujo 1999). The learning organization, however, can be best characterized by saying that it's an organization where both individual and collective learning are crucial. Donald Schon has come up with a theoretical framework associating the experience of living in a situation of an increasing change with the need for learning. He states:
The loss of the stable state means that our society and all of its institutions are in continuous processes of transformation. We cannot expect new stable states that will endure for our own lifetimes. We must learn to understand, guide, influence and manage these transformations. We must make the capacity for undertaking them integral to ourselves and to our institutions. We must, in…...
Barger, Nancy. 1995. The Challenge of Change in Organizations: Helping Employees
Thrive in the New Frontier. 1st Intercultural Press, Boston.
Castells, M. 2001. "Information Technology and Global Capitalism" in W. Hutton and A.
Giddens (eds). On the Edge: Living with Global Capitalism. Vintage, London.
If the question is left unaddressed, this would result in increasing dissatisfaction among customers and staff, and a possible loss of library patrons.
Another strategic issues is the shift to the central purchasing of books. This policy entailed the decision to move the book buying capability to the Service Center in order to implement the goal of a more in-depth and sophisticated level of collections. This was implemented without consulting with the branch managers, who were directly affected by the decision. From the viewpoint of patrons, this new policy would indeed create a better selection of materials to better serve their needs by means of greater diversity and avoiding duplication. However, this created a large amount of resentment among librarians, who regarded this duty as one of their favorite responsibilities that directly utilized their skills as librarians.
If left unaddressed, this issue could severely impact the job satisfaction of librarians, which could…...
**These sections must be completed by the student / author:
**Expected outcomes of the project
**Budget and schedule
ADL, staff 2010, the United Nations General Assembly: Key Issues for 2010 Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations . 09-20, 2010. (accessed 12 5, 2010).
Best, a, Jussi H, Maioloand, J & Schulze, K 2004, International History of the Twentieth Century, outledge, London.
Chesler, P 2003, the New Anti-Semitism: The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About it, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Cohen, J 2009, 'The accusation of Anti-semitism as moral blackmail: conservative Jews in France and the Israel-palestinian conflict.' Human Architecture, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 23+.
Cravatts, 2010, Blaming the victim for Palestinian anti-Semitism. 09-16, 2010. (accessed 12-10, 2010).
-- . BLAMING the VICTIM: THE TUTH ABOUT PALESTINIAN ANTI-SEMITISM. 09-28, 2010. (accessed 12 5, 2010).
Dershowitz, a 2003, the Case for Israel, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
Foxman, a 2004, 'e-legitimizing anti-Semitism: not the time for silence', vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 675+.
ADL, staff 2010, the United Nations General Assembly: Key Issues for 2010 Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations . 09-20, 2010. (accessed 12 5, 2010).
Best, a, Jussi H, Maioloand, J & Schulze, K 2004, International History of the Twentieth Century, Routledge, London.
Chesler, P 2003, the New Anti-Semitism: The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About it, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Cohen, J 2009, 'The accusation of Anti-semitism as moral blackmail: conservative Jews in France and the Israel-palestinian conflict.' Human Architecture, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 23+.
Target Group and their Local Government
To determine the actual effects of diabetes on the indigenous population, you must examine the areas where many of these individuals live. This will provide insights as to possible issues that could be contributing to the problem by: examining the policies of the local government, looking at relevant health statistics, determining fruit / vegetable consumption and looking at the different support services / infrastructure. These different elements are important, because they provide insights about how the local community could be contributing to the problem. If you can see how these factors are affecting a particular community, then the government can begin to design intervention strategies to reduce the overall effects. Once this takes place, is when you can see how this demographic of 25 to 64-year-olds can be effectively targeted for an intervention.
A description of the Local Government and relevant socio-demographic characteristics of the population.
Aborigonal Health, 2010, MMHR, viewed 16 August 2010
Age Structure, 2009, City of Onkaparinga, viewed 17 August 2010
Australia's Health, 2008, AIHW viewed 15 August 2010,
Chronic Conditions, 2009, City of Onkaparinga, viewed 17 August 2010
However, bowel movements were more frequent during the high-fiber than during the control diet." (Nutrition Research Newsletter, 2002)
The work of Ruixing, et al. (2007) entitled: "Comparison of Demography, Diet, Lifestyle, and Serum Lipid Levels between the Guangxi ai Ku Yao and Han Populations" states that dyslipidemia is a condition " which there is an abnormal lipid or lipoprotein concentration. It is well-known that dyslipidemia is determined by genetic, demographic, and lifestyle factors." (Ruixing, et al., 2007)
It is reported that "...High levels of plasma total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TGs), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and apolipoprotein (apo) and low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are correlated with the progression of atherosclerosis and a higher incidence of coronary artery disease (CHD). To prevent the development of these diseases, a great deal of research has been focused on determining the relationship between these lipid phenotypes and dietary intake and…...
Ballesteros, Martha N. (2001) Dietary Fiber and Lifestyle Influence Serum Lipids in Free Living Adult Men. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Vol. 20, No. 6. 2001. Online available at:
Cater, Nilo B. And Garg, Abhimanyu (2007) The effect of dietary intervention on serum lipid levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Current Diabetes Reports. Vol. 2 No. 3 May 2002.
Dietary Fiber Health Claims and Serum Lipids -- Cardiovascular Disease (2002) Nutrition Research Newsletter, June 2002. Online available at:
Gangi, Vijay and Kuo, Jennifer (2008) Serum Lipid Responses to Psyllium Fiber: Differences Between Pre and Post-Menopausal, Hypercholesterolemic Women. Nutrition Journal 2008. Vol. 7, Issue 22. 26 Aug 2008.
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