Democratic Republic Essays (Examples)

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Marshall Smelser the Democratic Republic 1801-1815
Pages: 3 Words: 797

Democratic Republic
The author of The Democratic Republic: 1801-1815 is historian Marshall Smelser. In this text, author Smelser covers a decade and a half of American history. This book describes the administrations of both President Thomas Jefferson and nearly the entire administration of President James Madison. It also covers all major historical events of the era in ways that are easily accessible, even to those who are not well-educated in American history. Marshall Smelser focuses both the actual historical events themselves, but also in how these historical events related to the creation and implementation of diplomacy between the United States and other countries.

Many historians and authors of historical texts are guilty of being, at the very least, subconsciously biased in favor or against the object of their writing. More often than not, these biases are quite obvious. However, most historians do not admit that they have these biases, if they…...


Works Cited:

Smelser, Marshall. The Democratic Republic: 1801-1815. New York: Harper & Row. 1968.


Legal System in Democratic Republic
Pages: 5 Words: 1246

Unilateral administrative acts are the imposition of the will of the administration upon the people of administrative law that has been "developed by doctrinal writings" (Zongwe, utedi and Phebe, 2007) and which fall into two primary categories:

1) The first is related to unilateral administrative acts "defined in the terms of the procedure for adopting, and the administrative bodies or officials performing these acts (classification formelle);

2) The second involves unilateral administrative acts defined by their contents (classification materielle). (Zongwe, utedi and Phebe, 2007)

ilateral administrative acts are "contracts which the administrative bodies may conclude" and are contracts both private and public in nature. (Zongwe, utedi and Phebe, 2007) The administrative body in private contracts is stated to be "but a private person in a commercial transaction." (Zongwe, utedi and Phebe, 2007) Disputes of these contracts are mediated by ordinary courts however disputes involving public contracts results in the administrative body acting…...



Zongwe, Dunia; Butedi, Francois; and Clement, Phebe (2007) The Legal System and Research of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): An Overview. GlobaLex 2007. Online available at 

Democratic Republic of the Congo (2007) Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor 6 Mar 2007. U.S. Department of State. Online available at 

Media sustainability Index 2006-2007 - Democratic Republic of Congo. Online available at 

An Aspect of the Legal System

Republic Can Be Defined as
Pages: 3 Words: 780

Today's world does not have many examples of absolutist monarchies left in the world (Bhutan and Nepal were good example, but recent political changes in these countries no longer qualify them for inclusion), but historically France is probably the best example to fit as an absolutist monarchy.
Representative democracy is a political system in which the people elect individuals to represent their interests in the decision making process at a state level. In a pure democracy, usually going back to ancient Athens, was a form of consultative democracy in which every member of the society participated in the political meetings and decision making process. With the growth of population that sort of democracy was obviously no longer functional, turning it into a representative democracy.

In the United States, the electing constituencies and districts are formed by a small number of individuals who reside in a certain area and have specific interests…...

Democratic Development in Africa Challenges
Pages: 8 Words: 2542

Challenges to Democratic Development in Africa Introduction
The political life in Africa has largely been characterized by poor governance and an inherently poor democratic record. This has in most cases led to not only political disillusionment, but also despair – effectively stifling the continent’s economic advancement. In effect, the challenges facing the continent as far as democratic development is concerned stem from political misrule coupled with the adverse effects of imposed westernization, as well as globalization and resource exploitation. As a consequence, the continent continues to suffer demobilization on the political front which has effectively led to economic decapitation. Millions of the continent’s inhabitants continue to be afflicted by disease and poverty, and illiteracy levels continue to be high in most countries. This text assesses and evaluates challenges to democratic development in Africa in the context of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Democracy, as per its dictionary definition, has got to do…...

Democratic and Republican Parties Politics
Pages: 2 Words: 882

The Democratic Party did not win another presidential election until 1913 when Woodwork Wilson was elected due to a split vote between Republican conservative candidate, William Howard Taft and Republican progressive candidate Theodore Roosevelt.
The New Freedom "was the slogan of Woodrow Wilson who came into presidential office on the platform of promising reform on a liberal basis. Specifically, through an extension of Federal regulations of banking and industry. Further reform through setting up the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Trade Commission as well as strengthening antitrust statutes on the part of Wilson. Much needed reforms to legislation of welfare was attended by Wilson. Wilson's first Administration demonstrated breaking of connections to the old tradition of Democratic laissez faire.

The Republican Party:

The Republican Party united once again nominated Rutherford . Hayes in 1876. Although the Democratic candidate, Samuel Tilden, was said to have won by popular votes, the election, disputed…...



Historical Eras [Online] available at 

The United States Encyclopedia of History (1967) Vol. 6 Curtis Publishing Company Philadelphia - New York

Democratic and Republic Parties

Democratic and Republican Parties When
Pages: 1 Words: 383

In the same way, the Democratic party's 2000 platform is related to improving life for all Americans. The education policy seems very similar to that of the Republicans - to improve education and thus the future for young Americans. In its 2004 platform document, the Democratic party fiercely criticizes the Republican war effort and the strain that this has placed upon civil rights, emphasizing the Democratic aim to create and maintain equal rights for all.

The United tates is currently in a crisis of its own making. Civil rights are destroyed in favor of a war that few can endorse at this stage. Time alone will tell whether either party has enough strength or integrity to terminate injustice not abroad, but also at home.


Democratic National Convention Committee, Inc. "The 2004 Democratic National Platform for America." 2004.


Democratic Platform 2000."

Republican Party. "2004 Republican Party Platform." 2004.

Republican Platform 2000." 2000.



Democratic National Convention Committee, Inc. "The 2004 Democratic National Platform for America." 2004.


Democratic Platform 2000."

Republican Party. "2004 Republican Party Platform." 2004.

Republic of Mauritius Has Progressed
Pages: 36 Words: 10005

" (United Nations, 2000) The Household udget Survey 1996/1997 reported that in excess of 14.5 of households in Mauritius are presently living below the poverty line and economic development has been stalled due to the "…rising cost of labor erosion of the protected international markets due to gradual effects of globalization and liberalization and increasing competition with other countries…" (United Nations, 2000)
The distribution aspect of income and wealth has not been addressed in a sufficient manner by the liberal economic policies that rely on the market. Unemployment has increased in recent years and this has been "accompanied by inflation that has contributed to a loss of purchasing power, especially affecting women." (United Nations, 2000)

There is a failure to meet the needs of very low income housing and creating further tensions in Mauritius are challenges related to employment equality of access and disparity in education which is stated to be due…...



United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) (2000) Mauritius. November 2000.

Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education (2002) The World Bank. Online available at: 

Gokhool, Dharambeer (2008) 1148th Session of the International Conference on Education (Unesco) 25-28thNovember 2008,Geneva Comprehensive Approaches In Early Childhood Education: The Mauritian Experience.

Gokhool, D. Hon. (2008) Address given Certificate Award Ceremony for Training of Trainers' Course in Healthy Eating and Food Safety. 28 Apr 208, Paul O. Wiehe Auditorium, Reduit.

Republic 1787-1848 Racial Economic and
Pages: 5 Words: 1655

Still, many prospered -- visitors such as Alexis de Tocqueville from France marveled at American's drive to acquire wealth, American faith and sociability, as well as the profound racial divisions that characterized American society. American society was poised in continual paradoxes -- religious yet money-hungry, disdainful of social hierarchies yet dependant upon oppressing or disenfranchising races to secure advancement of poorer whites. America was also land-hungry in a way that put it into conflict with its neighbor Mexico, despite its insistence upon being against colonialism, having been born of resistance to colonial Britain. This resulted in the Mexican-American ar and the eventual incorporation of Texas into the Union.

Texas and the est itself is still another paradox of the American experiment. For those unable to become wealthy through capitalism, striking out on one's own in the west seemed a better alternative to the increasingly civilized and also socially entrenched east. Thus…...


Works Cited

Wilentz, Sean; Jonathan Earle; Thomas G. Paterson. Major Problems in the Early Republic,

1787-1848, 2nd Edition. Wadsworth, 2008.

Democratic Transitions
Pages: 6 Words: 1931


Democratic Transitions

Dear Mr. President.

Your historic win to become the President of the United States is an event that has altered our view of national policy for each of us here within the borders of our nation and it immediately alters the course of our existing foreign policies which may directly or indirectly affect every man woman and child on the planet. We are here to suggest that your foreign policy analysis must be considered to be interdisciplinary because it will draw from a variety of theoretical approaches. Usually, public pundits have added emphasis on presidential leadership as key components of United States foreign policy so it is critical that you understand what else is needed to have, create and implement a successful foreign policy process.

The success of your policies, your cabinet and all associated policy makers will require an implementation of various underlying theories towards this process. As with the…...



Elliot, John. (2000). "How Clinton Created A New Love Affair." New Statesman. 04/03/2000, Vol. 129, Issue 4480, p30, 1p

Badertscher, Eric. (2005). "George Washington." George Washington; edited by Sara Ann McGill. P 1-4, 4p.

Solomon, Jay. (2009). "U.S., India Expand Counterterrorism Cooperation." Wall Street Journal Online. (2009). Retrieved on December 15, 2009, from online.wsj at 

Stein, Janice Gross. (2008). "Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Rational, Psychological, And Neurological Models." Retrieved on December 15, 2009, from

Republic Manages Its Imperial Reach 1900-1914
Pages: 3 Words: 1078

International Peace Conference
The purpose of this work is to examine the First International Peace Conference and identify the background, or what led to the meeting of delegations, the factors, actors and what was as stake. Further to explore the decisions and interactions that took place as well as the outcomes of the conference. Finally to evaluate the outcome and examine what might have been done differently as well as how the effect of a different outcome may have demonstrated itself historically.

The spring and summer of 1899 was witness to the gathering of twenty-six nations of the world for the First International Peace Conference which was held at the "House in the Woods" at The Hague by generous offer of The Netherlands Queen, Wilhemenia. Although the gathering failed to effectively address disarmament the adoption of other important agreements and conventions paved the way for collective efforts to follow.

Elements that Helped…...



Low, S. "The International Conference of Peace" The North American Review 516 (Nov. 1899) 626 Cornell, Making of America [Online] available at: 

Mahan, Captain A.T. "The Peace Conference and the Moral Aspect of War. The North American Review 515 (Oct. 1899) 439-440. Cornell, Making of America [Online] available at

Paterson, T. (2000) "American Foreign Relations" V.1. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company 239

Low, S. "The International Conference of Peace" The North American Review 516 (Nov. 1899) 626 Cornell, Making of America [Online] available at http://cdl.library.cornell.educgi-bin/moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABQ7578-0169-53

Plato the Republic There Have
Pages: 10 Words: 3024

The text deals at length and often with a great variety of matters which bear on the human condition, but there are matters which would certainly have no place in a modern treatise on politics"
Therefore, it is rather hard to determine the extent to which Plato used this means of communication, the dialogues, to point out to the actual necessities of the society he lived in and the aspects that needed changes. In particular, the arguments he provides from the realities of the time are provided by Plato to merely support his own line of thought related to the philosophical ideas on happiness and justice.

An aspect that firmly relates to the way in which the "Republic" is constructed and that uses the arguments on the ideal state is related to the role the state may have in providing its citizens (here, the term "citizen" must be understood as "the…...



Benjamin Jowett, trans. The Republic by Plato. (2003-2012) Online version at

Berstein, Serge, and Pierre Milza. Histoire de l'Europe. (Paris: Hatier, 1994)

Braunstein, Florence, and Pepin, Jean Francois. Les Grandes Doctrines. (Paris: Ellipses, 1998)

Dunleavy, Patrick, and Brendan O'Leary. Theories of the state. The Politics of Liberal Democracy. (London and New York: Macmillan and Meredith, 1987)

United States Singled a Shining Democratic Governance
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

United States singled a shining democratic governance;, U.S. system governance immune criticism. Scholar One of the critiques of democracy discussed within the articles for this assignment is greatly associated with the role that private property and wealth plays in democratic societies. Specifically, within Santas' "Plato's criticism of democracies in The epublic," the author alludes to the fact that the influence of these two external aspects of government -- the private property and wealth of the individual chosen to govern in a democracy -- has the innate potential to corrupt and to subject the needs of the masses who are governed to those of the individuals who are governing.
There is a great possibility that the author is correct regarding this point of criticism. One of the points of validity for this notion is the fact that it is found in literature and is one of the chief points of disparagement…...



Beard, C.A. (1993). "Framing the Constitution." American Government: Readings and Cases. New York: Harper Collins.

Gilley, B. (2009). "Is democracy possible?." Journal of Democracy. 20 (1), 113-125.

Ranney, A., Kendall, W. (1951). "Democracy: confusion and agreement."

Santas, G. (2007). "Plato's criticisms of democracy in The Republic." Social Policy & Political Foundation. 70-89. 4, 430-439.

Plato's Republic and Soviet Russia
Pages: 7 Words: 2642

The issue of justice is also very closely related to that of morality. In the epublic, morality is again a function of the class division dictated by soul dominance. With every individual's place in society rigidly defined, social interaction were also defined. There would be a prescribed way of dealing with someone lese based on which class each member was, and since most immoral behavior has some form of jealousy at its root, the ideal state has carefully removed all such temptations to jealousy. The reason for the ascetic life of the philosopher-kings and warriors is so the commoners see the way of life that the rulers lead and are turned off by it; being ruled by desire and seeing nothing in that way of life to desire, they would cease even to desire power. For Plato, it would have been immoral for someone not equipped to rule to attempt…...



Andreev, D. (2008). "The Soviet college student in the first half of the 1920s." Russian Education and Society, vol. 50, no 6, June 2008, pp. 77-90.

Constitution of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. (1918). Hosted on the Marxists Internet Archive. Accessed 6 December 2008. 

Plato. The Republic. Richard Sterling and William Scott, trans. New York: Sterling, 1985.

Ross, K. (2004). "Plato's Republic." Accessed on 6 December 2008.

Plato's Republic Forms of Government
Pages: 5 Words: 1644

While this is not yet true for the United tates, might the country be dangerously close? If one could return to the events on 9/11, is it not possible that the diminished freedoms brought about by legislation such as the Patriot Act and its successor almost smack of tyranny? These are important questions to consider if the much-mentioned American "way of life" is to be preserved. Tyranny is far from desirable, and governments would do well to consider its dangers as these might relate to democracy.
The answer to this question is therefore dangerously close to yes, if certain paradigms are not curbed and warnings not heeded. While I do not fully agree with Aristotle's placement of democracy in the sequence so far away from the ideal tate, it is nonetheless important to consider specific governmental paradigms. Citizens should take great care when choosing their rulers. Many believe that the…...



Plato. (2000). The Republic: Book VIII. Retrieved from the Internet Classics Archive:

Plato's Protagoras the Republic and Laws
Pages: 3 Words: 1068

Plato's "Republic" -- Justice, Myth, Education
Many of the rhetorical terms used by Socrates in Plato's "Republic" might be misleading to a casual observer from contemporary American society. It is important to go over the definitions of justice, myths, and education of children, as they are used within this text, so a reader is neither confused nor mislead as to the basic tenets of this great, but autocratic Greek philosopher's core beliefs about the stratified nature of an ideal society that mirrored the human soul.

Although the title of the text refers to a "Republic," and a republican form of government as exists within our own nation is representative and has many democratic elements and institutions to support its frameworks, such as the electoral process (for better or for worse), Plato intended his work to be a critique of democratic Athenian society and institutions. He believed that it was most just…...

How did the Enlightenment ideals influence the outcome of the American Revolution?
Words: 681

1. The Enlightenment ideals significantly influenced the outcome of the American Revolution by promoting concepts such as natural rights, liberty, and the social contract theory, which served as the foundation for the colonists quest for independence.

2. The Enlightenment philosophy, particularly the ideas of John Locke on individual rights and the consent of the governed, inspired American revolutionaries to challenge the authority of the British monarchy and demand self-governance.

3. The works of Enlightenment thinkers like Montesquieu, who advocated for the separation of powers in government, influenced the drafting of the American Constitution and helped shape the political....

How can Ethiopia improve consumer judicial protection in conclusion of an essay?
Words: 319

Conclusion The Ethiopian legal framework for consumer judicial protection falls short in several key areas, leaving consumers vulnerable to exploitation and harm. In this essay, we have explored the need for comprehensive and effective consumer protection measures in Ethiopia and identified areas where the current framework fails to meet consumer needs. To enhance consumer judicial protection, Ethiopia should establish a specialized consumer court system that provides accessible, efficient, and affordable dispute resolution mechanisms. This would reduce the burden on the regular court system and ensure that consumer cases are handled by judges with expertise in consumer law. Additionally, Ethiopia should adopt a harmonized....

I\'m interested in debating global governance and international peace. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 611

Essay Topic 1: The Efficacy of Global Governance in Maintaining International Peace

Viewpoint 1: Global Governance is Essential for Peace

Argument: A well-coordinated global governance system can effectively prevent conflicts by promoting cooperation, facilitating dialogue, and establishing international norms.
Evidence: The United Nations, World Bank, and other international organizations have played a vital role in resolving disputes, providing humanitarian aid, and promoting sustainable development.
Counterargument: Global governance bodies can be slow to respond to crises and may face challenges in enforcing their mandates.

Viewpoint 2: Global Governance Undermines National Sovereignty and Peace

Argument: International organizations can infringe on the sovereignty of individual....

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