Democratic Party and Liberalism
Liberalism and democracy have existed together for quite some time, especially in the United States. To understand liberalism in America, it is important first to under the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party involves politicians and objectives that share liberal views on society and regulation. The Democratic Party exists as one of two primary modern political parties within the United States, alongside its conservative right wing counterpart, the Republican Party. Tracing its roots back to James Madison and Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans, the present-day Democratic Party was established around 1828, making the Democratic Party the world's oldest and active party. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Since the 1930's the party has been considered the foundation of classical liberalism (to some degree libertarianism within the United States). ithin their liberal ideals, the party has promoted a social-liberal, center-left, platform. This platform continually supports a mixed economy and social justice. The Democrats' philosophy concerning modern…...
mlaWorks Cited
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports. n.d. 29 October 2015. .
Department of Homeland Security. "Citizenship and Immigration Services." n.d. Department of Homeland Security. 29 October 2015.
Encyclopedia Britannica. "Democratic Party -- Political Party, United States." 11 August 2014. Encyclopedia Britannica. 23 October 2015. . "First Principles - Liberalism In America." September 2015. 28 October 2015.
However, when Obama gave that speech, he could not have anticipated how events would unfold in Iran, Egypt, and other nations in which the young people he had addressed as part of the Islamic world would begin to demand their rights. Obama and the mainstream representatives of the Democratic Party were criticized by many on both the right and the left for an insufficiently aggressive response to the demands for democratic enfranchisement. "For decades, the United States has prioritized a now clearly illusory stability over American ideals" (Hamid 2010). The U.S. had exerted relatively little pressure upon the de facto dictator of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, to ensure a stable regime in the nation with a reasonably pro-American leader. However, the Obama Administration's response can be read less as an endorsement of decades of previous administrations' complacency regarding right-wing dictators as it was a fear of seeming to endorse the actions…...
Hamid, S. (2011, January). How Obama got Egypt wrong. The Brookings Institute.
Retrieved July 8, 2011 at
Kelly, Mary Louise. (2009). Obama draws criticism for Iran response. NPR.
Retrieved July 8, 2011 at
African-American loyalty to the Democratic Party has rarely been called into question since the early 20th century. As of 2008, "voting demographics for African-Americans suggest an overwhelming propensity to cast ballots in favor of Democratic candidates in presidential elections," (Young 2008). It would be expected that the election of Barack Obama further solidifies the commitment of African-American voters to the Democratic Party. The reasons why African-Americans have consistently voted Democrat throughout much of the past half a century are clear. During President oosevelt's New Deal legislation, the Democratic Party shifted from the party of the racist enemy to the party that championed the rights of the poor and disenfranchised. The re-alignment of the Democratic Party with the political ideals of most African-Americans fostered a renewed identification among Black Americans. During the 1960s, it was a Democratic President that ushered in a new era of Civil ights, and since the…...
Almanac of Poverty Issues. (nd). "Poverty" Retrieved online:
Democratic National Committee (2010). What we stand for. Retrieved online:
Putnam, J.T., (2008). "How Loyal are African-Americans to the Democratic Party?" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Hotel Intercontinental, New Orleans, LA <
ot Available>. 2010-10-24 from
2008 Primaries
All the pre-primary polling in 2006 and 2007 showed that the nomination was Hillary Clinton's to lose, since she usually led Barack Obama by over twenty points, and even by 51% to 21% in one 2007 Gallup poll. At that time, 82% of Democrats viewed her favorably compared to 70% for Obama, and women, blacks, Southern whites, the working class and low-income voters all favored her overwhelmingly (Newport et al., 223). Somehow she managed to lose that lead and supporters, opponents and pundits have all speculated about what went wrong with her campaign. Essentially, in a climate of economic downturn, massive discontent and a generational reform wave that had not been seen in the U.S. since the 1960s, Obama managed to take away enough of the Democratic base to secure the nomination, especially about younger, more educated and minority voters. Obama turned out to be a far more charismatic…...
Appelman, Eric (ed). The Race for the 2008 Political Nomination: A Book of Editorial Cartoons. Pelican, 2008.
Balz, Daniel J. And Haynes Johnson. The Battle for America 2008: The Story of an Extraordinary Election. Viking, 2009.
Logan, Enid Lynette. "At This Defining Moment": Barack Obama's Presidential Candidacy. New York University Press, 2011.
McMahon, Kevin J. et al. Winning the White House 2008. Palgrave MacMillan 2008.
Unfortunately, the unrealism from the economic sectors was translated into such actions as well.
Two of the external affairs blunders, the War in Vietnam and the War in Iraq, were fed through individual Republican ambitions and through a near-sightedness that has no place in foreign policy. oth Nixon and George W. ush completed military actions that brought no result other than a large number of U.S. soldier casualties.
At the same time, democratic foreign policy, from the times of FDR to Clinton's presidential mandates during the 1990s, has been characterized as "a blend of liberalism and realism," similar to the one governing the internal, economic policies. Their constant interest did not exclude national security, but this needed to be adopted in the period subsequent to the Cold War, when the bipolar world was no longer a reality.
In my opinion, they have managed to defend national security through actions that did not…...
1. U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division. June 2007. On the Internet at retrieved on August 21, 2007
2. Mann, Catherine. Is the U.S. Current Account Deficit Sustainable? Finance & Development. March 2000, Vol. 37, Number 1
3. The Democratic Party. On the Internet at retrieved on August 21, 2007
4. Ikenberry, John. A Democratic Foreign Policy? America Aboard - Notes on Foreign Affairs. August 2005. On the Internet at retrieved on August 21, 2007
Perhaps some of the drama that will play itself out inside of the convention hall, will be spotted by the watchful eye of the media transmitting the party's doings into American living rooms -- and raise ratings as a result.
orks Cited
Crawford, Darlisa. "Memorable Moments in Political Convention History: The Evolution of National Party Conventions." Election Focus 2004. U.S. Department of State. Jul 14, 2008. 1.14.
Cresswell, Stephen." The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party." Buttons and Ballots. Issue 26. 2001. May 12, 2008.
Johnson, Donald B. "Dixiecrats." The American Presidency. May 12, 2008.
Rowen, Beth. "History of Party Conventions." InfoPlease. May 12, 2008.
ald, Jonathan. "264 arrested in NYC bicycle protest." Aug 28, 2004. May 12, 2008.
Darlisa, Crawford, "Memorable Moments in Political Convention History: The Evolution of National Party Conventions," Election Focus 2004, U.S. Department of State, Jul 14, 2008, 1.14, p.1. >
Crawford, p.6
Beth Rowen, "History of Party…...
mlaWorks Cited
Crawford, Darlisa. "Memorable Moments in Political Convention History: The Evolution of National Party Conventions." Election Focus 2004. U.S. Department of State. Jul 14, 2008. 1.14.
Cresswell, Stephen." The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party." Buttons and Ballots. Issue 26. 2001. May 12, 2008.
Johnson, Donald B. "Dixiecrats." The American Presidency. May 12, 2008.
Rowen, Beth. "History of Party Conventions." InfoPlease. May 12, 2008.
Party Machines and Immigrants
For more than a century, party machines dominated the political process in many parts of the United States where William "Boss" Tweed and his Tammany Hall henchmen and their ilk controlled the outcomes of elections in many major American cities by manipulating the immigrant vote. Although these political figures were eventually displaced by other politicians, they left a legacy of corruption, back-scratching and double-dealings that persists to this day. To determine the impact of these events on modern American politics, this paper provides a discussion concerning some of the main actors involved in party machines and immigration in the United States during the 20th century, including Frank Hague, William "Boss" Tweed, Abraham euf, George Cox, ichard Daley and Vito Lopez. A summary of the research and important findings concerning party machines and their implications for immigrants are provided in the conclusion.
eview and Discussion
Frank Hague -- Jersey City
Hamilton, C. (2012, September 4). County party chair remains powerful, if poorly understood, position. WNYC News Blog. Retrieved from -blog/2012/sep/04/powerful-poorly-understood-county-party-chair-seat-have/.
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Judd, D.E. & Swanstrom, T.R. (2012). City politics. Pearson.
Luthins, R.H. & Nevins, A. (1954). American demagogues: Twentieth century. Boston: Beacon
The Democratic Party did not win another presidential election until 1913 when Woodwork Wilson was elected due to a split vote between Republican conservative candidate, William Howard Taft and Republican progressive candidate Theodore Roosevelt.
The New Freedom "was the slogan of Woodrow Wilson who came into presidential office on the platform of promising reform on a liberal basis. Specifically, through an extension of Federal regulations of banking and industry. Further reform through setting up the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Trade Commission as well as strengthening antitrust statutes on the part of Wilson. Much needed reforms to legislation of welfare was attended by Wilson. Wilson's first Administration demonstrated breaking of connections to the old tradition of Democratic laissez faire.
The Republican Party:
The Republican Party united once again nominated Rutherford . Hayes in 1876. Although the Democratic candidate, Samuel Tilden, was said to have won by popular votes, the election, disputed…...
Historical Eras [Online] available at
The United States Encyclopedia of History (1967) Vol. 6 Curtis Publishing Company Philadelphia - New York
Democratic and Republic Parties
In the same way, the Democratic party's 2000 platform is related to improving life for all Americans. The education policy seems very similar to that of the Republicans - to improve education and thus the future for young Americans. In its 2004 platform document, the Democratic party fiercely criticizes the Republican war effort and the strain that this has placed upon civil rights, emphasizing the Democratic aim to create and maintain equal rights for all.
The United tates is currently in a crisis of its own making. Civil rights are destroyed in favor of a war that few can endorse at this stage. Time alone will tell whether either party has enough strength or integrity to terminate injustice not abroad, but also at home.
Democratic National Convention Committee, Inc. "The 2004 Democratic National Platform for America." 2004.
Democratic Platform 2000."
Republican Party. "2004 Republican Party Platform." 2004.
Republican Platform 2000." 2000.
Democratic National Convention Committee, Inc. "The 2004 Democratic National Platform for America." 2004.
Democratic Platform 2000."
Republican Party. "2004 Republican Party Platform." 2004.
Meanwhile in the journal Du Bois Review (Parker, et al., 2009, p. 194) the authors point to racism and patriotism as key themes for the 2008 Democratic primary election. "Race was a consistent narrative" used by those opposed to Obama, Parker explains (p. 194). Both Clinton and the Republicans "used racial references" to attack Obama, including the attacks on Obama "for his perceived inability to connect to 'real working Americans'" (p. 194).
The Republican sideshow called "Joe the plumber" attacked Obama with the charge that Obama was "seeking to take money from hardworking 'real Americans' to give it to 'those people'" (p. 194). Clinton questioned Obama's patriotism suggesting that he was not a "real" American. Parker notes that when Governor Dukakis ran for president as a Democrat, he was attacked but no one questioned whether he was "a real American as they did with Obama" (p. 195).
The authors present two…...
mlaWorks Cited
Alter, Jonathan. "Leading Democrats to Bill Clinton: Pipe Down." Newsweek. (2008).
Retrieved March 17, 2010, from
Balz, Dan, and Johnson, Hanes. The Battle for American 2008: The Story of an Extraordinary
Election. New York: Viking, 2009.
American Political Party
The biggest major parties in America is the Democratic party (DNC) and the Republican Party however the democrats regained control of the U.S. house and us senate in the 2006 elections and the White house in the year 2008 elections. This enables them to widen their congressional advantage and their ability to prove that they can improve on the national economy and health care.
Republican party (RNC) lost control of the big job in 2008:the presidency the party was swept out of office in response to the public's high disapproval rating of presidency .despite that the party is largely split into two ideological camps within the Republican Party, battling for control in preparation for the 2012 white house .
REPUBLICAN ON HOME LAND SECURITY: Bush together with the republicans in congress have put a great effort on home land security by taking action on multiple fronts .they have been trained…...
The modern Labour Party (also known as New Labour) has come a long way from its Socialist roots in the last two decades particularly since Tony Blair became its leader in 1994 and repositioned the Party as a centrist rather than a leftist Party. There is no doubt that the move was a success as the Labour Party won the historic 1997 elections by a landslide and has not lost an election since. The electoral success has come at the expense of the Party's socialist credentials though.
Hills, J, 1998, Thatcherism, New Labour and the Welfare State, CASEpaper Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion: London School of Economics. Available from[April27, 2008]
History of the Labour Party, 2008, New Labour for Britain, Available from[April27, 2008]
King, a., Denver, D., McLean, I., Norris, P., Norton, P., Sanders, D., et al. (1998). New Labour Triumphs: Britain at the Polls. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House Publishers.
Hills, J, 1998, Thatcherism, New Labour and the Welfare State, CASEpaper Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion: London School of Economics. Available from 2008] [April27,
History of the Labour Party, 2008, New Labour for Britain, Available from 2008] [April27,
King, a., Denver, D., McLean, I., Norris, P., Norton, P., Sanders, D., et al. (1998). New Labour Triumphs: Britain at the Polls. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House Publishers.
The Labour Party Manifesto: 1983, 2008, British Party Election Manifestos Since 1945, Available from 2008] [April27,
The Two-Party System in AmericaThe United States operates under a two-party system, consisting today of the Democratic Party and the epublican Party. Although these parties are the two dominant parties in American politics today, it was not always the case. In fact, the two were actually one party at one time (the Democratic-epublican party) (Party, 2021). Nonetheless, the two-party system (or as some critics call itthe one-party system) influences nearly every aspect of national and state governance (Hopper, 1975). Its origins and the evolution of its two major parties say a lot about the nature of American politics today.The origins of America\\\'s two-party system date back to the founding of the nation, during the drafting and ratification of the Constitution. The early political parties in the United States were not formal parties as they are in todays sense. Instead, there were simply groups of people who wanted the country to…...
mlaReferencesHopper, S. D. (1975). Fragmentation of the California Republican Party in the One-Party Era, 1893-1932. Western Political Quarterly, 28(2), 372-386.Krutz, G., & Waskiewicz, S. (2021). American Government 3e.Party, R. (2021). Democratic Party. Manchester.
Texas Government: Political Culture, Parties, Elections and CampaignsIntroductionTexas politics is a reflection of its history and culture. Texas was not the first US state nor the lastbut it is by far much different from all the rest. Texas was annexed from Mexico by the US and incorporated into the Union in 1845. It has the longest border with Mexico and today its culture is a mixture of both Hispanic and American influences. This paper explores the state\\\'s political culture and its impact on politics, parties, elections, and campaigns.Texas Political CultureThe Spanish, Mexican, and American influences (and recently a large incorporation of West Coast influences) has created a diverse political culture in Texas. Due to its history there is a lot of love among Texans for personal freedom and independence, and in a lot of ways many generations of people who view themselves as Texans have had a substantial distrust for…...
mlaReferencesJordan, T. G. (1978). Perceptual regions in Texas. Geographical Review, 293-307.Long, J. (2010). Weird city: Sense of place and creative resistance in Austin, Texas. University of Texas Press.Miller, K. P. (2020). Texas Vs. California: A History of Their Struggle for the Future of America. Oxford University Press.Ramsey, R. (2021). Analysis: Population changes the recipe for Texas’ political soup. Retrieved from Analysis: In Texas redistricting, geography is political, too | The Texas TribuneTexans for Public Justice. (2023). Retrieved from Texans For Public Justice ( Almanac. (2022). Texas population: Still growing. Retrieved from Texas Population: Still Growing and Increasingly Diverse | TX Almanac (, D. & Tierney, L. (2020). The seven political states of Texas. Retrieved from Texas’s political geography: Are Democrats’ swing-state dreams coming true? - Washington Post
Democratic and Republican parties have been able to maintain their strength and their membership numbers since the Civil War for both structural and ideological reasons. The ideological reasons are the most obvious to an observer and to many members of the parties; indeed it is because of the ideological positions of the two parties that people align themselves by party. The ideologies of each party are complex; a better way of describing them might be that they are intricate combinations of different ideas and ideologies. The Republican Party has consistently championed economic systems that do not favor efficient distributions of wealth and has tended toward a low degree of government intervention and regulation in economic issues and a high degree of intervention and regular in social affairs (such as abortion and civil rights). The parties endure because these ideologies (which are tied to ongoing concerns and beliefs) endure.
Single-member district…...
I. Introduction
A. Brief background on JFK and his presidency
B. Overview of the events leading up to his assassination
II. The Assassination
A. Date and location of the assassination
B. Detailed account of the shooting
C. The aftermath and immediate reactions
III. The Investigation
A. The Warren Commission
B. Controversies and conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination
C. Key findings of the investigation
IV. Impact of the Assassination
A. Public mourning and funeral procession
B. Effect on American politics and society
C. Legacy of JFK and the assassination
V. Conclusion
A. Recap of main points
B. Final thoughts on the lasting impact of JFK's....
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