Demand Management Essays (Examples)

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Demand Management How Demand Management
Pages: 3 Words: 908

Profitability analysis as dictated by an accurate market forecast, captured as part of demand management planning, can drastically reduce wasted shipments, orders of low or no priority, freeing up hundreds of hours and millions of dollars in logistics systems costs (Hilletofth, 2011).
A second best practice that has emerged from this analysis is the finding that those industrially-based companies who have extensive investments in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems have been able to gain greater control over product line extensions and transitions by coordinating more closely with demand management and logistics systems. PLM systems can accelerate logistics process and strategy performance based on the increased quality and quantity of information captured over the lifecycle of products (Godsell, Christopher, 2006). This approach relies on capturing knowledge that is both tacit and implicit within the enterprise, translating both of these types of information into greater intelligence that logistics systems can use for…...



(Croxton, Lambert, Garcia-Dastugue, Rogers, 2002)

Croxton, K.L., Lambert, D.M., Garcia-Dastugue, S., & Rogers, D.S. (2002). The demand management process. International Journal of Logistics Management, 13(2), 51-66.

(Godsell, Christopher, 2006)

Godsell, J., & Christopher, M.G. (2006). Demand chain alignment competence-delivering value through product life cycle management. Industrial Marketing Management, 35(8), 989-989.

Demand Management Plan Creating the Perfect Espresso
Pages: 5 Words: 1635

Demand Management PlanIntroductionAs the operations expert at Wild Dog Coffee, I focused on the internal customer-facing processes, specifically the espresso beverage preparation process, and provided recommendations for quality and customer service improvements. I started by developing a flowchart and procedure for the beverage preparation process, analyzing data to determine if the process was centered, capable, and in statistical control. I also created a cause-and-effect diagram to identify potential sources of variation and made recommendations based on our analysis to improve the process. Overall, the goal was to help Wild Dog Coffee Company provide high-quality, consistent service to their customers and ultimately increase sales.Flow Chart for the Espresso Beverage Preparation ProcessThe flowchart below illustrates the following steps:1. Order is placed2. Ingredients are prepared3. Espresso machine is used to make espresso shots4. Milk is frothed5. Espresso and milk are poured together6. Drink is served to customer+----------------+| Order placed |+----------------+|v+---------------+| Ingredients || prepared…...



Bahria, N., Harbaoui Dridi, I., Chelbi, A., & Bouchriha, H. (2021). Joint design of control chart, production and maintenance policy for unreliable manufacturing systems. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 27(4), 586-610.

Chakraborti, S., & Graham, M. (2019). Nonparametric statistical process control. John Wiley & Sons.

Husen, S. N. (2022). Quality control.

Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity With the
Pages: 11 Words: 3011

Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity
With the turn of the 21st century, a dramatic increase is being witnessed in the international flow of labor with repercussion for domestic labor supply and management. The native, racial and emigre mixture of the employees is predominantly important for the workplace. The importance of this domestic cultural multiplicity in the labor force, highlighted by worldwide influences and necessities, has lately encouraged the researchers to focus on the companies' and managers' response to diversity, be it of any form (Watson, Spoonley, & Fitzgerald, 2009).

If the workforce of the present times is compared with the one that was found 20 years ago, it will be easy to observe that there are "more white women, people of color, disabled persons, new and recent immigrants, gays and lesbians, and intergenerational mixes (i.e., baby boomers, Generation Xers, and Generation Nexters)" (iccucci, 2002) today. This situation has given birth to quite…...



Hemphills, H., & Hayne, R. (1997). Discrimination, Harassment, and the Failure of Diversity Training: What to Do Now. Westport, CT: Quorum Book. Retrieved December 15, 2012, from 

King, A.S. (1995, December). Capacity for Empathy: Confronting Discrimination in Managing Multicultural WorkForce Diversity. Business Communication Quarterly, 58(4), 46+. Retrieved December 14, 2012, from 

Ollapally, A., & Bhatnagar, J. The Holistic Approach to Diversity Management: HR Implications. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(3), 454+. Retrieved December 15, 2012, from 

Riccucci, N.M. (2002). Managing Diversity in Public Sector Workforces. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Retrieved December 14, 2012, from

Managing Human Resources Change and Conflict Are
Pages: 8 Words: 2759

Managing Human esources
Change and conflict are some of the manager's current challenges. This thesis tries to inquire into the change processes and managers response to conflicts that arise as a result of change resistance. The manifestation of conflict and the impact of conflict are also discussed. The thesis also looks into the different theories formulated to explain change process and their relationship to conflict management. Also covered is the way decision makers can mitigate conflict and bring sanity in their organizations.

Today's managers are faced with the trade off between change and conflict. Change has become an irresistible part of organization and managers must therefore come up withy strategies and policies of managing change in an order to reduce conflict that may hinder the performance and also to reduce performance gap.


Conflict is bound to occur when different individuals have different perception, opinion, ideas and thought. Change and conflicts are two things…...



Knudsen T.(2003).Human Capital Management: New Possibilities in People Management. Journal of Business Ethics, 21(2),42-45.

Humphreys, M. (2005). Natural Resources, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution: Uncovering the Mechanisms. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49 (4), 23-36.

Kindler, H.S. (2005). Conflict Management: Resolving Disagreements in the Workplace. London: Thomson/Course Technology.

Kotter, J. (1995, march-april). Leading Change:Why Transformation Efforts Fail. Havard Business School Review, 59-67.

Management Concepts in Hospitals Assess
Pages: 2 Words: 763

This allows for proper safety since Via Christi is located in Wichita, Kansas, which is the biggest city in the state (Via Christi, 2011).
In regards to the internal environment, all employees and patients are treated with dignity and respect. The facilities' each have in place safety measures for fires and tornadoes. Each person is asked how they can get assistance, and clinical staff tells the patients what it is they are going to do before they do it, so that no harm or offense is done to anyone without their consent. Infection Control is taught and enforced, such as frequent hand washing or using hand sanitizers for anyone who enters or leaves the hospital (Via Christi, 2011).

Explain how management contributes to its effective or non-effective performance

Via Christi management contributes to the effective performance of the hospital. They maintain and stress that everyone is treated with "human dignity, stewardship and…...



Via Christi . (2011, January). Standardized Orientation for Personnel. Retrieved April 9, 2011,

from Via Christi Hospitals Inc.: -

Managing Uncertainty in Production Planning
Pages: 10 Words: 3299

esearch Objectives and Scope

The main objective of the research then relates closely to the research problem. It is to research the problem of uncertainty as it manifests in the global business environment. Specific issues to be investigated include supply chain management and its related uncertainties, the production process itself and uncertainties related to it, as well as the post-production phase and market uncertainties that are related to it.

Time is also an important factor. Some industries require a long-term time frame in their planning process, which exacerbate uncertainties. The time factor should also be an important consideration in terms of creating a model that can effectively help businesses achieve their manufacturing and revenue goals.

To achieve these aims, the main objective of the research will then be to research industries and companies that operate on a global scale. They will be investigated for the models they have implemented to mitigate risk and…...



Alonso-Ayuso, A., Escudero, L.F., Garin, A., Ortuno, M.T. And Perez, G. An Approach for Strategic Supply Chain Planning under Uncertainty based on Stochastic 0-1 Programming. Journal of Global Optimization, No. 26, 2003. Retrieved from

Eppler, Martin J., Platts, Ken, and Kazancioglu, Emre. Visual Strategizing: the Systematic Use of Visualization in the Strategy Process. Institute for Corporate Communication, Dec. 2006. Retrieved from,42,6,20061207091432-KB/wpca0607.pdf 

Gupta, Anshuman and Maranas, Costas D. Managing demand uncertainty in supply chain planning. Computers and Chemical Engineering, No. 27, 7 Feb. 2003. Retrieved from

Kazaz, Burak, Dada, Maqbool and Moskowitz, Herbert. Global Production Planning Under Exchange-Rate Uncertainty. Management Science, Vol. 51, No. 7. July 2005. Retrieved from

Managing Organizational Change From Each
Pages: 2 Words: 580

There is a major difference in launching any new initiative where adoption is key to its success relative to introducing one where compliance can be demanded. B Management, by not informing employees of the change, is in effect saying through their actions that compliance is demanded or they will lose their jobs. The sobering fact of 13,000 people let go or nearly 25% of the workforce is a force in the B culture that implies compliance is critical if one is to stay employed. The swipe card is introduced by management through a compliance-driven strategy with none of the business benefits defined that are relevant to those most affected. Consequently, it fails as a program and serves as the volatile catalyst of a wildcat strike.
The lessons learned include the following. First, B Management needed to be more transformational as a leadership team, less authoritarian and transactional. Transformational leadership seeks…...


Assume that you have been retained as a change consultant by BA management to advise them on how to avoid such a situation in the future. What lessons emerge from each perspective and what recommendations would you draw from each in constructing your advice to BA management?

BA Management first needs to realize that this type of program, which affects thousands of employees and their lives, must be launched to maximize adoption, not compliance. There is a major difference in launching any new initiative where adoption is key to its success relative to introducing one where compliance can be demanded. BA Management, by not informing employees of the change, is in effect saying through their actions that compliance is demanded or they will lose their jobs. The sobering fact of 13,000 people let go or nearly 25% of the workforce is a force in the BA culture that implies compliance is critical if one is to stay employed. The swipe card is introduced by management through a compliance-driven strategy with none of the business benefits defined that are relevant to those most affected. Consequently, it fails as a program and serves as the volatile catalyst of a wildcat strike.

The lessons learned include the following. First, BA Management needed to be more transformational as a leadership team, less authoritarian and transactional. Transformational leadership seeks to create trust by being authentic, transparent and showing how the vision of change is relevant to the better performance of an enterprise (Nussbaumer, Merkley, 2010). BA Management failed to deliver a transformational vision for the program or even consider the people it would affect the most. Second, BA Management could have explained in detail why the swipe program would be essential for the airline to stay competitive, and designed it to provide employees with more flexibility and freedom to interchange schedules. If Southwest Airlines can do this with a regional operation, surely BA has the ability to do the same. The lack of vision and explanation of benefits to the employees, and

Management Empowerment and Performance of Middle Management
Pages: 4 Words: 1411

Empowerment and Performance of Middle Management

The empowerment of middle managers is a paradox that is not easily solved. As this strata or level of management is often given responsibility for making sure goals are achieved yet often they have little actual authority to demand results or use legitimate power (French, aven, 1960). Empowerment from senior management is one potential approach to augmenting the effectiveness of this level of management yet the context of empowerment is just as critical as the support given (Bartunek, Spreitzer, 2006). This paper will analyze the approaches for middle managers to be more effective in their roles, with empowerment being an enabler, not the foundation, of long-term change. For middle managers to achieve that, they must also continually improve and transform themselves from supporters of the status quo (as managers often do) to being transformational leaders in their own right (Jackson, 1991).

Empowering the Middle Manager --…...



Jean M. Bartunek, and Gretchen M. Spreitzer. 2006. The Interdisciplinary Career of a Popular Construct Used in Management: Empowerment in the Late 20th Century. Journal of Management Inquiry 15, no. 3, (September 1): 255-273.

David Collins. 1996. Whither democracy? Lost debates in management empowerment. Empowerment in Organizations 4, no. 1, (January 1): 12-24.

Eisenbeiss, S., and S. Boerner. 2010. Transformational Leadership and R&D Innovation: Taking a Curvilinear Approach. Creativity and Innovation Management 19, no. 4, (December 1): 364-372.

French, J.P.R. Jr., and Raven, B. (1960). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright and A. Zander (eds.), Group dynamics (pp. 607-623). New York: Harper and Row.

Managing Explosive Growth Within the
Pages: 4 Words: 1101

This would allow IM to find individuals from other countries and also to take a more global approach to training and staff development. Hire the "best and the brightest" to rapidly reenergize the organization and product line.
Grow existing lines and existing customers -- Instead of trying to grow rapidly, IM could target its current user base and simply solidify their needs by using market research to contact them and find ways to improve and maintain market share while retaining talent in the current geographical model. This model would be more conservative about hiring and wages, and would of course allow for some expansion, but keeping most of the &D in Waterloo, Canada. This would also retain more control over the design and marketing of the product for those in the organization who prefer to manage each instance and aspect of the organization from a Central --( field mentality.

Aggressively target…...



Research in Motion: Managing Explosive Growth. (2008). Ivey Management Services. Cited in:

Patel, N. (January 22, 2010). Motorola Asks ITC to Ban Blackberry Imports. Endgaget.

Cited in: 

Sweeney, a. (2009). Blackberry Planet: The Story of Research in Motion and the Little Device

Managing and Motivating Technical Professionals
Pages: 3 Words: 930

Giving them the opportunity to participate in the product launch decisions from a marketing standpoint also highlighted an embarrassing point for marketing, and that was engineering often understood the competition and its true functionality better than anyone in marketing. The reason is that the engineers had taken great pride in working on their product features they were responsible for to make them the best in the industry, and it was clear some had taken great pains to make a statement in their work. Creating shared ownership of product outcomes strengthens morale of technical professionals and infuses an entire development team with more accountability (Voss, 1993) and willingness to internalize a strong commitment to the success of the product (Kochanski, Ledford, 2001).
The risk of recommending this strategy would be that the more dominant engineers would overrule marketing and turn the entire marketing strategy into more of a features discussion than…...



David Baccarini, Geoff Salm, & Peter ED Love. (2004). Management of risks in information technology projects. Industrial Management + Data Systems, 104(3/4), 286-295.

Jain, S.. (2008). DECISION SCIENCES: A Story of Excellence at Hewlett-Packard. OR-MS Today, 35(2), 20

James Kochanski & Gerald Ledford. (2001). "How to keep me" -- retaining technical professionals. Research Technology Management, 44(3), 31-38.

Li, Y., & Zhu, K.. (2009). Information acquisition in new product introduction. European Journal of Operational Research, 198(2), 618.

Management Joseph Leadership Styles Switching From Authoritarian
Pages: 3 Words: 976


Leadership styles: Switching from authoritarian to participatory leadership

Leadership styles: Switching from authoritarian to participatory leadership

There is no singular style of leadership that is appropriate for all situations. The type of leadership that is required to command soldiers in the field of battle is very different than the type of leadership demanded at an advertising agency. The latter situation requires soliciting creative input from all employees, not reflexive obedience like a wartime scenario. At the organization in question, the manager is deploying an authoritarian style of leadership at a company where individuals believe they can make a positive contribution to the organization's growth and development. ather than effectively keeping people in line, the manager's style is merely causing anger and resentment. Also, through manipulating the staff, the manager is 'playing' certain staff members 'off' against one another, rather than creating an effective and united team dynamic. This merely bolsters the manager's…...



Bartle, Phil. (2007, May 17). Participatory management. CMC (Community Empowerment

Collective). Retrieved December 23, 2010 at

Management and Organisational Behaviour the
Pages: 5 Words: 1499

In other words, he expects for his efforts to be accordingly remunerated or rewarded with a promotion, a full time job offer for a trainee and so on (Stuart-Kotze, 2008).
In implementing these individual needs, organizational managers have developed numerous incentive plans, such as the offering of increased wages, premiums, bonuses or promotions.

The four above presented theories are relevant in the context of driving the individual, which is then capable to influence the organizational behavior of his employing company. The responses generated by the economic entities relative to the motivational factors vary in terms of intensity, ability to implement or resources possessed, but fact remains that all organizations have attempted to integrate stimuli that increase the performances of the workers. The ultimate goal of each organization offering incentive plans to its staff members is that of best benefiting from their intense efforts.

Aside the offering of a pleasant, yet competitive working…...



Fabozzi, F.J., Peterson, P.P., 2003, Financial Management and Analysis, 2nd Edition, John Willey and Sons Inc.

Hariss, J.O., Hartman, S.J., 2001, Organizational Behavior, 1st Edition, Taylor & Francis Inc.

Stuart-Kotze, R., 2008, Motivation Theory,   accessed on September 15, 2008 

2008, Official Website of the Microsoft Corporation,   accessed on September 15, 2008 

Managing Homeland Security You Were
Pages: 5 Words: 2062

S. DHS "Strategic Plan," 2008, ealistically acts of terrorism, domestic or foreign are exceedingly rare, though slightly more common than they have been in the past and at least marginally more violent in nature, they occur very, very rarely. (Lewis, 2000, p. 201) Though maintaining serious preparedness the mitigation of natural disasters, most which cannot be avoided is an issue needed to be addressed almost yearly, on both small and large scales, across the nation and is much more likely to directly effect people and resources on an intimate level and should be the Emergency Management system's first and primary concern! Though worst possible case scenarios, regarding the use of WMDs is important it is not where all the resources should go.
(5. In the course, you have been introduced to the various responsibilities of different levels of government in the homeland security effort. What level of government do you…...



Daniels, R.S. (2007). Revitalizing Emergency Management after Katrina: A Recent Survey of Emergency Managers Urges Improved Response, Planning, and Leadership and a Reinvigorated FEMA -- the Federal Government Has Responded by Making Most of the Recommended Changes. The Public Manager, 36(3), 16.

Department of Homeland Security Website

Depoorter, B. (2006). Horizontal Political Externalities: The Supply and Demand of Disaster Management. Duke Law Journal, 56(1), 101.

Hulnick, a.S. (2004). Keeping Us Safe: Secret Intelligence and Homeland Security. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Management These Descriptions Fit in
Pages: 2 Words: 633

This concept originated with the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM).
The notion that only managers play a role in controlling work activities is based on two false ideas. One is the antiquated notion of totalitarian management. Modern management does not follow this style, as it is often not consistent with organizational objectives. The second false idea is that the manager can control the employee at all times. In practice, managers merely provide instruction and guidance with respect to work activities. Employees often devise their own ways of performing different tasks, and it would be near impossible for management to control this. Thus, employees do exert some control over work activities.

Q3. Operations management can be applied to any managerial function.

Operations management techniques are based around analysis of processes. Control is merely one aspect of the role, even within the operations setting. In fact, operations management also consists of process design,…...

Management-Verizon Management Verizon in the
Pages: 5 Words: 1434

A cheap product will not be able to survive in this rapidly changing business environment. Organization is another extremely important aspect of the necessary managerial skills for any manager desiring guaranteed success at their individual Verizon location. Organization can be as simple as instituting training at work in a pattern that overlooks no single employee. A good manager cannot expect employees to train themselves or improve their work manners without additional help. A strong organized training program is sure to enhance even the most successful company.
A strong leadership team is another necessary important aspect for businesses engaged in the phone industry. Verizon's leadership team must be instituted and adopted without fear at the workplace, because employees who fear their supervisors simply cannot evolve into successful employees interested in the growth of the company. A strong leadership team will effectively manage the business with the overall objective of accomplishing the…...



Bass, B.M. (1996). A new paradigm of leadership: An inquiry into transformational leadership. Alexandria: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Oak, C. & Schoeffler, B. (2002). Management for the 21st Century. Retrieved March 13, 2007, from Insurance Journal Web site: .

Verizon. (2007). Verizon. Retrieved March 17, 2007, at .

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