Delegation Essays (Examples)

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Business Leadership Skills Delegation Five 5 Potential
Pages: 2 Words: 691

Business Leadership Skills

Five (5) Potential Benefits of Delegation

The delegation process is very important for every manager as it is a way through which managers take help from others for driving the organizational performance. Some of the potential benefits of delegation are as follows (Weeks & Chan, 2004):

It gives time for the important and high priority work that can be done only by the person himself.

It increases the competence, skills and knowledge of the employees working under the manager and helps relieve stress of the manager himself.

It helps in identifying which employees have potential to get promoted.

It increases the morale of people, job satisfaction and motivation.

It helps the departments to achieve their targets and goals more efficiently due to proper selection and coordination of tasks.

Seven (7) Guidelines for Good Delegation

One of the common reasons behind the failure of less effective managers is that they try to take the responsibility of everything…...



Smit, P. (2007). Management Principles. 4 rth edition, cape Town, South Africa: Juta and Co.

Warner, J. (2002). Janus Performance Management System. Volume 3, HRD Press Inc., Team Publications.

Weeks, M & Chan, J. (2004). Taking Control with Time Management. USA: American Management Association.

Researching Your Congressional Delegation
Pages: 6 Words: 1640

Voter -- esearching Your Congressional Delegation

The county of Fairbanks / North Star Borough is an area situated in the state of Alaska. When the 2010 census came out, the population was 97,581. (Fairbanks North Star Borough, 2014)The borough seat is Fairbanks. (The State of Alaska, 2014) The region's land area is to some extent slighter than that of the state of New Jersey. The borough assembly involves nine members. Members are chosen at-large (borough-wide). Members work three-year periods. Also, the borough functions under a "strong mayor" type of arrangement. The mayor, alongside his chief of staff, execute a lot of the job duties usually linked with a city administrator. The county of Fairbanks / North Star Borough is run with an elected Surveilance Commission, which is supervised by the executive system of the administration of the country. Also, a Professional…...



Alaska Federation of Natives. (2014, June 14). Retrieved from 

Barone, M. (2104). The Almanac of American Politics 2014. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press; 1 edition.

Fairbanks North Star Borough. (2014, June 14). Retrieved from 

Project Vote Smart. (2014, June 14). Retrieved from

Georgia Politics Researching Congressional Delegation 2nd Congressional
Pages: 5 Words: 1561

Georgia Politics
esearching Congressional Delegation

2nd Congressional District of Georgia

The current U.S. House of epresentative for the 2D Congressional District of Georgia is Sanford D. Bishop Jr., who is of African-American descent. First elected in 1992, ep. Bishop is currently serving his 8th term (Barone and McCutcheon, 2011, p. 445) and is running for reelection in 2012 (Project Vote Smart, 2012a). Born and raised in Mobile, Alabama, ep. Bishop was destined for academia with a father serving as a community college president and a librarian for a mother (Barone and McCutcheon, 2011, p. 446). After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta and serving as student body president, he sang at Martin Luther King Jr.'s funeral. He then became an award winning law student at Emory University and interned with the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund for a summer in New York City (Bicknell and Meyers, 2011, p. 268). A stint in the Army…...



Barone, Michael and McCutcheon, Chuck. (2011). The Almanac of American Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Bicknell, J and Meyers, David. (2011). Politics in America, 2011: 112th Congress. Washington, DC: CQ-Roll Call, Inc.

Project Vote Smart. (2012a). Representative Sandford D. Bishop Jr. Retrieved 11 Apr. 2012 from .

Project Vote Smart. (2012b). Senator Clarence Saxby Chambliss. Retrieved 11 Apr. 2012 from .

Analyzing Benefits and Guidelines for Delegation
Pages: 2 Words: 704

Leaders who are effective in delegating responsibilities receive a number of personal benefits as well. Most notably, assigning tasks to their subordinates leaves them with sufficient time to perform their own tasks effectively. On account of managerial work's hectic nature, time is one precious commodity for managers. Efficient delegation ensures that managers are free to concentrate on planning, control and other managerial functions. Thus, delegation represents the process of allocating job tasks and relevant authority to certain employees in the firm. Delegation is associated with the following potential benefits;

It Leaves Enough Time for Managers to Plan and Organize

A majority of managers would be glad to get more time carrying out organization and planning activities. Therefore, company managers choose to delegate work, for easing their workloads.

It Facilitates Learning, as Well as Employee Development and Management

If somebody is uncertain of their personal team development ability, the ideal way to begin would…...



Baker, J. (n.d.). Management Tips: 10 Reasons to Delegate. Retrieved January 29, 2016, from 

DEMERS, J. (2014). 7 Guidelines for Delegating Tasks to Employees. Retrieved January 29, 2016, from 

Magee, J. L. (2015). The managerial leadership Bible: Learning the strategic, organizational, and tactical skills everyone needs today.

Ricketts, C., & Ricketts, J. (2010). Leadership: Personal development and career success. Cengage Learning.

Administrative Agencies and Delegation
Pages: 5 Words: 1428

Administrative Agencies and Delegation
The evolved world came with its share of good and bad developments in the society. However, among the good characteristics it presents is the recognition and treatment of people with dignity, rather than which it was during the barbaric justice ways. The document called constitution facilitates various written rules and regulations that govern the daily activities of individuals. The constitution also aids significantly to the administrative practices in a country or an organization (Kanovitz, 2010). Thus, the constitution facilitates the peaceful coexistence and interaction among people. It gives the rights and responsibilities of people, animals, organizations and the ruling authority. These laws and regulations governing human interactions in pursuit of justice have various sections. Such include, due process, substantive and procedural due processes and equal protection.

Due Process

Due process is a tenant of criminal cases applied in the making of the presumption that the accused is innocent until…...



Kanovitz, J.R. (2010). Constitutional Law. Burlington: Elsevier Science.

Pierce, R.J. (2010). Administrative law treatise. Austin [Tex.: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

Vile, J.R. (2006). A companion to the United States Constitution and its amendments. Westport,

Conn: Praeger Publishers.

Delegation How Managers in an Organization Delegate
Pages: 5 Words: 2116

How managers in an organization delegate as part of their management responsibilities

Delegation results in more competent managers. It is not feasible to organize all the responsibilities of the department directly by the manager. With a view to achieving the objectives of the organization it is quite necessary to concentrate on its goals and to see that all the works are performed skillfully, that entails the delegation of the powers by the managers. The powers of the managers here signify to the legal influence of the managers within the vicinity of their positions to steer the junior staffs in desired directions. With the increase in scale, such authority of the managers or a fraction thereof is delegated and utilized in the name of the manager. Delegation in general refers to downward flow of powers from higher authority to lower ones. The delegation vests the employees with necessary authorities to act on…...



Allen, Gemmy. (1998) "Delegating" Retrieved at Accessed on 19 October, 2004

Blair, Gerard M. "The Art of Delegation" Retrieved at Accessed on 19 October, 2004

Business leadership skills: delegating tasks effectively to your employees   Accessed on 19 October, 2004 .

Delegate: It's Easier than you think" (2003) Retrieved at   Accessed on 19 October, 2004 .

Delegation of Duties in the Civilized and
Pages: 4 Words: 1558

Delegation of Duties
In the civilized and fast industrializing word, there are mounting duties and responsibilities each and every day. There is always the pressure to meet some deadline or finish some contract that one won within a given period that the commitment was made. This call for a helping hand and sharing of the duties among the people concerned and are capable of handling the duties.

In the bid to delegate duties, there is a lot of care that must be taken so that the delegation is properly done. Even so, there are several obstacles that are experienced especially in the heath care department. This paper will be focusing on the best possible ways of delegating duties within the health care department and looks at the possible challenges that may come up and how to minimize or eliminate these barriers in duty delegation in the nursing department.

What is delegation and who…...



Business Dictionary, (2011). Delegation: Definitions. Retrieved April 15, 2011 from 

Human Resource Knowledge (2009). Barriers to delegation. Retrieved April 15, 2011 from 

Michelle Randall (2010). The Six Steps to Delegation. Retrieved April 15, 2011 from 

Merriam Webster, (2011). Delegation. Retrieved April 15, 2011 from http://www.merriam-

Delegation in Nursing Delegation Is Generally About
Pages: 2 Words: 654

Delegation in Nursing:
Delegation is generally about communication and accountability though it's one of the most complex processes in the nursing field. Delegation in nursing was introduced and discussed by Florence Nightingale in the 1800s and has continued to evolve or develop since then. Despite its complexity, delegation is important in the nursing profession because of cost containment, the problem of shortage in nursing, increases in levels of patient acuity, the growth of the elderly and more chronic population, and technological advancements in healthcare. In order for an individual in this field to fully develop the skill of delegation, he/she needs knowledge of his/her own attitudes and beliefs as well as reflection as a critical thinking skill.

There are five rights of delegation in nursing i.e. The right task, right circumstances, right person, right direction or communication, and right supervision or evaluation. These rights can be utilized as mental checklist to help…...



"The Five Rights of Delegation." (n.d.). National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Retrieved November 26, 2013, from

Delegation Guide Description of the Delegation Guide
Pages: 2 Words: 561

Delegation Guide
Description of the Delegation Guide

At the center of all successful leadership and management strategies is the need for creating a consistent strategy of delegation that permeates the firm. The role of delegation often is defined in the context or perspective of managers according to their dominant leadership style (Willis, 2007). For the managers who are highly oriented towards autocratic leadership styles, the focus is on command-and-control approaches to delegation. This does little to enable subordinates to professionally grow and gain confidence in their skills. Delegation, to be effective must strive to enable a high level of motivation on the part of subordinates. The ability to infuse tasks with autonomy, mastery and purpose assures long-term motivation and a willingness to keep learning and growing within a position (Willis, 2007). Best practices in delegation create this level of long-term motivation for a position and role in an industry.

Description of Delegation Guide




Cunningham, J.B. (1979). The management system: Its functions and processes. Management Science, 25(7), 657-657.

Sengul, M., Gimeno, J., & Dial, J. (2012). Strategic delegation: A review, theoretical integration, and research agenda. Journal of Management, 38(1), 375-414.

Vickers, J. (1985). Delegation and the theory of the firm. The Economic Journal, 95, 138-138.

Willis, J. (2007). Assessment for learning - why the theory needs the practice. International Journal of Pedagogies & Learning, 3(2), 52-59.

Delegation and Participatory Management Define Describe Discuss
Pages: 2 Words: 691

Delegation and Participatory Management
Define, describe discuss benefits delegation participatory management ( cover concepts). Also, potential drawbacks (, discuss)? efer Chapter 8 textbook. text book ( art science leadership) edition.

Delegation is the process by which the subordinate staffs are assigned duties and certain responsibilities by their superiors. It gives the subordinate the mandate to make decisions towards a task, so as to ensure that the task is result oriented, and effective. Delegation of work enables the leaders to offload some of the tasks they have and seek assistance from the subordinates in accomplishing large volumes of work within a short period of time. Delegation of duties enables others to develop their personal skills. It drives improvements in a company and builds better relationship between the staff members Warner, 1997.

The people to whom the tasks are assigned should be competent and should have the necessary skills and qualities to the delegated duty.




Kenrick, J.W. (1963). Management Development: An Aspect of Personnel Policies. Management International, 3(5), 83-93.

Mohan, G., & Stokke, K. (2000). Participatory Development and Empowerment: The Dangers of Localism. Third World Quarterly, 21(2), 247-268.

Warner, G. (1997). Participatory Management, Popular Knowledge, and Community Empowerment: The Case of Sea Urchin Harvesting in the Vieux-Fort Area of St. Lucia. Human Ecology, 25(1), 29-46.

Delegation Refers to the Distribution of Tasks
Pages: 2 Words: 578

Delegation refers to the distribution of tasks, duties and responsibilities to junior employees according to their abilities. According to Bateman & Snell delegation is "the assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate" (pg. 266).Manages and leaders in every organization need to understand that time is money. The more precious their time is, the less time they have to attend to each and every project themselves. For this reason, they must possess the art of delegating and delegating effectively at that.
Delegating to just anyone is not the main purpose of assigning work. A manager who understands that a task cannot be done by him and requires someone else to complete him would need to focus on the art of delegating effectively by matching the requirements of the projects with skills and abilities of the potential candidates for that job. For example if a manager needs to prepare a spreadsheet…...



Bateman, Snell, Management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 2nd Edition, 2010.

Delegation in Order to Have a Successful
Pages: 3 Words: 1209

In order to have a successful clinical setup, it is necessary to provide constant care. The new supervisor nurse should install an Interdisciplinary team of the health providers within clinic. They must fulfill the needs of every individual client. All the members of the interdisciplinary team belong to diverse fields but in order to provide a quality care to the patients they should work as a team, which can be achieved by coordinating with each other and most important by sharing a common aim for the patients. The initial step is to appoint which team member will handle which specific complaint of patient. The interdisciplinary team works by coordinating, communicating and the sharing of responsibilities. Such team efforts can enhance the satisfaction of the clients and allow the health care practitioners to excel in other fields and learn new skills. In order to provide quality care in primary health care…...



Gott, Marjori.O'brien Martin.(1990).The role of nurse in health promotion. Oxford Journal 5 (2):137-143. Retrieved from 

Ilyas, Mohamed .(2006).Public health and Community Medicine. Karachi:Time Publisher.

Worster A, Sardo A, Thrasher C, Fernandes C, Chemeris E.(2005). Understanding the role of nurse practitioners in Canada. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 10 (2):89-94

Delegation Real Estate Proper Use of Delegation
Pages: 4 Words: 1444

Delegation: eal Estate
Proper use of delegation in any setting is an essential component of leadership. Delegation used by managers in a real estate office can improve the results management gets from their staff by not only assisting in the task completion process but also by improving the team oriented atmosphere of the office and staff.

Delegation not only sharpens management skills but also increases the overall employee and managerial commitment to the success of an organization. A good leader is one that is able to manager employees and improves the bottom line. A great leader within a real estate setting is one that is able to delegate not only mundane but also important and interesting tasks to employees capable of handling them and contributing to the overall success in the organization.

Delegation and eal Estate

Delegation with regard to the real estate office can provide employees with increased morale and motivation to achieve…...



Brown, M.R. (1998). "Management by delegation: Don't be a micro manager, share the responsibility." Black Enterprise, Vol. 28, Issue 7, p. 76

Bryant, G. (2004). "Guiding to organizing working bees." Fairfax Digital News &

Renovations. [online]. October 10, 2004, from   mode=tvfacts ;

Delegation of Authority to Other Branches of Government
Pages: 4 Words: 1271

Schechter v United States: hat is the constitutional doctrine of the non-Delegation of legislative powers?
Over the course of his first terms in office, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt enacted a series of measures designed to extricate the nation from the Great Depression. A number of these actions, including his attempts to create a series of new federal agencies, caused him to engage in open conflict with the U.S. Supreme Court, to the point that Roosevelt even considered increasing the number of Supreme Court justices to ensure his legislation stood unchallenged. Although ultimately he was dissuaded from this plan, the question of when it was legal for Congress to delegate its powers to some of the other branches of government was at the heart of the conflict.

The doctrine of non-delegation of legislative powers holds that even if Congress wishes to delegate its legislative authority to another entity it cannot do so under…...


Works Cited

McBride, A. Schechter v United States. The Supreme Court. Landmark Cases. PBS. Dec 2006.

2 Nov 2015. Web.

Mistretta v. United States. PowerPoint.

Schechter v United States. PowerPoint.

Strategies for Success for Delegation in an Organization
Pages: 2 Words: 762

Delegation: Benefits and Essential Stages
Five potential benefits of delegation

Delegation is beneficial to an individual or groups of people in some ways. Delegation benefits the team members, the manager, and the processes of the organization as a whole. For team members, delegation initiates and sustains the development of skills and enhancement of the same. Delegation enables a worker, not always working within the new task or jurisdiction, to engage in it while learning what it takes to complete this task. Delegation increases loyalty among the members and the manager since there are opportunities for career growth. When delegation occurs, the members who serve within a delegation process will develop trust in the delegator or the manager, and vice versa. Such is an opportunity for these members to work on new challenges and hence acquire opportunities in the future. Delegation aids in decreasing the occurrences of delays and increase quality delivery. Instead…...



Holroyd, K. (2002). Real-Time Delegation: How to Get People to Do Things for You - And Do Them Well. London: Prentice Hall Business.

Luecke, R., & McIntosh, P. (2009). The Busy Manager's Guide to the Delegation. New York: AMACOM/American Management Association.

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on benihana simulation?
Words: 319

1. Analyzing the impact of employee turnover and training on the success of the Benihana simulation.
2. Exploring the role of communication and teamwork in achieving optimal performance in the Benihana simulation.
3. Investigating the effectiveness of decision-making strategies in maximizing profitability in the Benihana simulation.
4. Evaluating the importance of customer satisfaction and feedback in the Benihana simulation.
5. Examining the potential challenges and obstacles faced by participants in the Benihana simulation and strategies to overcome them.
6. Comparing and contrasting different approaches to managing and optimizing resources in the Benihana simulation.
7. Discussing the role of leadership and delegation in achieving success in the....

I\'m searching for essay topics on admninistrative law. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 312

Sure! Here are a few essay topics on administrative law:

1. The role of administrative agencies in the modern regulatory state
2. The concept of administrative discretion and its impact on the rule of law
3. The principles of administrative law and their application in practice
4. The delegation of legislative authority to administrative agencies and its implications for democratic governance
5. Judicial review of administrative action and the limits of administrative power
6. The relationship between administrative law and other areas of law, such as constitutional law and criminal law
7. The challenges of administrative law enforcement and compliance in a rapidly changing global environment
8. The....

I need some suggestions for the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership styles and job satisfaction essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 711

Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction

1. The Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Study

This topic investigates the relationship between transformational leadership style and job satisfaction among employees. It examines the effects of transformational leaders' characteristics, such as charisma, inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration, on employee job satisfaction levels. The study compares the outcomes with those of employees under transactional leadership styles to determine the differential impact of each style.

2. The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture in the Relationship between Transactional Leadership and Job Satisfaction

This essay explores how organizational culture moderates the relationship....

What role does Texas play in shaping federal policy and governance?
Words: 576

1. Texass large population and significant congressional delegation give it a powerful voice in shaping federal policy and governance, influencing decisions on issues ranging from immigration to healthcare.

2. The oil and gas industrys dominance in Texas plays a crucial role in shaping federal energy policies, as the states interests often align with those of major energy corporations.

3. Texass position as a border state heavily impacts federal immigration policy, with the states policies and actions influencing national debates on immigration reform and border security.

4. The conservative political landscape in Texas has a significant impact on federal policy, as the states elected....

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