Defense Mechanism Essays (Examples)

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Defense Mechanisms Psychologists Particularly Psychodynamically-Oriented Psychologists View
Pages: 7 Words: 2319

Defense Mechanisms
Psychologists, particularly psychodynamically-oriented psychologists, view defense mechanisms as allowing people to distance themselves from unpleasant feelings, thoughts, or behaviors. Defense mechanisms are typically categorized on how primitive they are; the more primitive defense mechanisms are typically more ineffective and less "mature." Defense mechanisms are typically unconscious in nature; that is they are activated immediately and without awareness when an individual feels threatened (Wijk-Herbrink, Andrea, & Verheul, 2011). The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT; Murray, 1943) is a projective test that has been used to identify three levels of defense mechanisms in individuals: denial, projection, and identification (Cramer, 1991). The TAT has been validated with respect to its use for this task and is a widely used projective test to understand how people view others, their motivations, and other aspects of their personality (Cramer, 1991; Hibbard et al. 1994*).

Individuals that suffer from substance abuse and addiction have been identified as a…...



American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders-IV-text revision. Washington DC: Author.

Beck, A.T., Brown, G., & Steer, R.A. (1996). Beck Depression Inventory II manual. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Cramer, P. (1991). The development of defense mechanisms: Theoretical research and assessment. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Eliason, M.J., Arndt, S., & Schut, A. (2005). Substance abuse counseling: What is treatment as usual? In: Edmundson, E. Jr. & McCarty, D. (Eds.), Implementing evidence-based practices for treatment of alcohol and drug disorders (pp. 33-51). New York: Haworth Press.

Defense Mechanisms and Dream Interpretation
Pages: 2 Words: 666

Question 1 There is a direct link between the unconscious mind and the ego’s defense mechanisms because defense mechanisms “operate at the unconscious level,” (McLeod, 2009). In fact, it is the ego that is responsible for creating and maintaining defense mechanisms, to defend itself from perceived attacks or to maintain a perceived equilibrium. Typically, people remain unaware that they are using defense mechanisms to react to discomfort. Psychotherapy is in part designed to help a person become aware of their defense mechanisms and to learn how to cope better with stress and anxiety. Defense mechanisms might have originally been designed by the ego as ways to protect itself, but they can have the reverse effect of causing harm because they can evolve into problems like phobias or behavioral disorders.
Almost everyone uses defense mechanisms. One common one is denial. Denial is a defense mechanism that protects the ego from facing up to…...



McLeod, S. (2013). Sigmund Freud. Simply Psychology. Retrieved online: 

Freud-Defense Mechanism Great Deal of
Pages: 3 Words: 914

The politician might also join or align himself with anti-pornography organizations, protest local laws and rules allowing the sales of erotic imagery and material to anyone not of legal age, and even author bills that censor erotic materials. The politician might even engage in an inordinate amount of public speaking engagements or endorsements supporting his reaction formation defense mechanism. This will pose an opportunity for him to denounce pornography and make it known to people how much of a social problem pornography is and how this needs immediate attention and action.

The politician might also be obsessed in proving his decency. Consequently, he might associate himself with people who are known to be celibate therefore publicly denouncing their sexual instincts such as priests, nuns, monks, etc. He might fight for the causes of these people. Innocence is also in stark opposition with eroticism which is why the politician might publicly associate…...

Freud Defense Mechanisms and Positive
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Firstly, a married person with an individualist view will put their own needs ahead of the needs of the family group. If this person is not having their individual needs met, they may consider the marriage unsuccessful. However, a person with a collectivist view will put the needs of the family overall ahead of their own individual needs. At the same time, they will view the success of the marriage based on how everyone in the family is doing, not just on how they are doing. Secondly, people with individualist views will tend to think that what a person does in a marriage is their own business. This includes that the person should have the right to end or leave the marriage and should be free to make this decision for themselves. In contrast, a person with a collectivist view is likely to see marriage as a social institution…...

Defense Mechanisms in Psychology Denial
Pages: 1 Words: 306

DENIALDenialThe concept that I selected in this case is denial. This, to a large extent, happens to be one of the defense mechanisms proposed by Sigmund Freud. It therefore follows that the relevance of exploring this particular concept cannot be overstated owing to the fact that it has the potential to play a huge role in the distortion of reality.In essence, denial could be conceptualized as the refusal to accept reality as it is. Thus, as a defense mechanism, denial is used by most persons (albeit at the subconscious level) to cope with reality and perhaps lessen the impact of feelings and thoughts that they deem unacceptable. The said negative feelings and/or thoughts could trigger anxiety. Last year, a close friend of mine lost her job in a firm that she had served with dedication and fidelity for close to two decades. On the day that she received the letter…...

dreams the unconscious mind and defense mechanisms
Pages: 7 Words: 2116

Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic theory suggest that early stages of human development have a significant impact on our relationships and our ego throughout the life span. According to Freudian theories, manifested behavior is based on latent problems of the past. The therapeutic process of psychoanalysis is designed to help the client become aware of past problems or latent desires that have been suppressed during the process of psychological development. Key themes that emerge in the literature on psychoanalytic theory include the role of the unconscious mind in shaping self-concept and behavior, dreams as the language of the unconscious mind, and the development of ego defense mechanisms as psychological coping mechanisms.
Dream analysis is one of the hallmarks of Freudian theory and central to psychoanalysis. In this article, Hebbrecht (2013) presents several case studies from clinical practice to illustrate some of the ways dream recollection can be stimulated during therapy, and how dreams…...

Defense Styles of Pedophilic Offenders
Pages: 4 Words: 1275

, 2007) Finally, "projective identification involves projecting an affect, impulse, or thought onto someone else as if it were really that other person who originated the affect or impulse" (Drapeau et al., 2007).
Looking at the different defenses used by pedophiles, when compared to those used by the control group, it is easy to see how those defenses would be characterized as immature. The id, the ego, and the superego are considered the three levels of development for the individual psyche. The id is considered the most basic level of the psyche. It is where the libido resides, and it encompasses both constructive and destructive impulses. The ego is often cast as the mediator between the id and reality. It is an organized personality structure, and the ego is where many defense mechanisms are thought to reside. The ego is the id, as modified with direct contact with the outer world…...



Drapeau, M., Beretta, V., de Roten, Y., Koerner, A., & Despland, J. (2007). Defense styles of pedophilic offenders. Int J. Offender Ther Comp Criminol 51: 185-195.

Defence Strategy Defense Strategy Reading
Pages: 4 Words: 1293

Furthermore, the strategy still relies on the fact that the country is set to get a transition beyond the war on terror activities. This comes so early that the nation will not be ready to abandon some of the activities being done to counter terrorist attacks. Nonetheless, the U.S. is still experiencing numerous serious threats from its enemies like the al-Qaeda and other terrorist actors in the world. The strategy will serve as a good idea but a serious threat to the general existence of peace and stability in the country. The basic mechanisms of counterterrorism will be eradicated when the nation is facing serious certainties of attacks from the wounded enemies.

Asia in the balance: Transforming U.S. military strategy in Asia

After the Second World War, the United States has been at a forefront in ensuring the security of its allies and commodities found in China. The interests bestowed by the…...



Berman, I. (1/05/2012). Reading the Tea Leaves on Obama's New Military Strategy. Forbes.

Retrieved on 30 Jan. 13 from 

Mahnken, T. G et al. (June 04, 2012). Asia in the balance: Transforming U.S. military strategy in Asia. American Enterprise Institute. Retrieved on 30 Jan. 13 from

Software Defense Establishing Software Security
Pages: 4 Words: 996

Allowing for such access necessarily creates a point of weakness, and this must be carefully guarded against through many levels of protection (Stuttard & Pinto 2007). Many of the same steps that are employed in access differentiation as described above can also be employed here -- multiple levels of access that is password protected, strict compartmentalization of data and of processes, and other features such as the recognition and removal of malicious input can all protect the opening that is created by administrative access to application information and code (Stuttard & Pinto 2007). Password-protected access to a web application's source code is one common example of this type of core defense capability, which grows more complex as both the complexity of the system and needs for security increase.
Direct Attacks and Unauthorized Use: A More Detailed View

Direct attacks on applications, especially web-based applications, are becoming increasingly common as programming knowledge…...



Dalal, S.; Poore, J. & Cohen, M. (2003). Innovations in software engineering for defense systems. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

Sttutard, D. & Pinto, M. (2007). The web application hacker's handbook. New York: Wiley.

Innovative Mechanisms What New and
Pages: 3 Words: 870

he duties as also rights have led to directors and managers owing fiduciary duties to the shareholders, particularly loyalty, duties relating to care as well as condor. he failure to these duties enables the shareholders to sue the directors and managers to "stop certain actions from occurring or for damages stemming from actions that were not in the interests of shareholders. State corporate law, therefore, attempts to better align the interests of managers and directors with those of shareholders by imposing various obligations on managers and directors and then penalizing them if they fail to meet those obligations." (Edwards; Burns, 2003)
he third mechanism relates to the executive compensation. Here shareholders or the elected board of directors decides the structure of compensation. In addition to that the compensation is to be based on the stock performance of the company. hese mechanisms are supported by two concepts commonly known as the…...


The third mechanism relates to the executive compensation. Here shareholders or the elected board of directors decides the structure of compensation. In addition to that the compensation is to be based on the stock performance of the company. These mechanisms are supported by two concepts commonly known as the 'gatekeepers' and 'hostile takeovers'. In other words these two concepts strengthen the already mentioned three 'lines of defense' mechanisms. The concept of 'Gatekeepers' is mostly used by lawyers, auditors, underwriters, securities analysts and the credit rating departments. The concept of 'gatekeepers' relate to supervising the corporate officials and the whole company for the shareholders. The gatekeepers who are skilled professionals work independently or are authorized to certify the accuracy level of the company's legal behavior. A company which fails to have the necessary certifications" is being penalized by denying the total accessibility to the capital markets. The concept of the 'Hostile Takeovers', argue for the replacement of the managers who are questionable or unfit with the people who have the ability to increase the stockholder value. These hostile takeovers are a costly affair, so this option is to be used only when the costs of the agency are very high. (Edwards; Burns, 2003)

2. Can you think of any protective practices that the corporation could include to better protect against deceptive and destructive business practices of bad corporate officers?

Implementing preventive measures against the wrong or destructive practices prevailing in businesses are quite a difficult task. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act commonly known as SOX was issued for the protection of public who are cheated by the corporate executives indulging in manipulations. Sarbanes-Oxley Act essentially demands accurate financial statements. The authorized officers should not blindly believe the accuracy of the accounts but evaluate step-by-step to certify the company. (Fujitsu Consulting, 2007) Further each of the investors needs to have quarterly accessibility to the information required to make judgment on the financial performance of

Plant Defense Against Predators
Pages: 2 Words: 676

Strategic Defense in the Plant Kingdom

The purpose of this literature review is to detail the different ways plants protect themselves from predators. Knowledge of plant defenses can help boost understanding of more effective means of minimizing pesticide and herbicide use in agriculture or alternatively, to help develop more effective and targeted chemical pesticides and herbicides. Understanding plant defenses requires knowledge of plant biology and their role in their respective ecosystems. Moreover, their defenses ensure the survival not only of individual plants, but of whole ecosystems.

Plants have no immune system, in the same way animals do (Freeman & Beattie, 2008). Instead, they boast "a stunning array of structural, chemical, and protein-based defenses designed to detect invading organisms and stop them before they are able to cause extensive damage," (p. 1). The defenses plants have evolved to ward off predators can be loosely grouped into three categories: surface-based protections (morphological protections such…...



Freeman, B.C. & Beattie, G.A. (2008). An overview of plant defenses against pathogens and herbivores. The Plant Health Instructor. Retrieved online: 

Pare, P.W. & Tumlinson, J.H. (1999). Plant volatiles as a defense against insect herbivores. Plant Physiology 121(2).

"Plant Defense Against Being Eaten," (n.d). Science Daily. Retrieved online: 

Schardl, C.L. (2002). Plant defenses against herbivore and insect attack. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Retrieved online:

Mao Zedong and Defense Philosophy
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

Active defense is a real defense and passive defense is a spurious defense by Mao Zedong Active defense
Active defense can be simply explained as a defense launched with an objective of counter attacking the enemy.
Passive defense
Passive defense can be defined as defending for the sake of it.
Mao Zedong, in explaining active defense, referred it to as offensive defense, or defending through resolute engagements (Mao, 1965). In referring to passive defense Mao (1965) referred to it as pure defense or defensive defense. Mao (1965) noted that passive defense is a spurious or an inauthentic type of defense. According to Mao Zedong the only real defense was active defense. Active defense according to Zedong was defending with the intention of launching a counter attack and taking on the offensive. The difference between active and passive defense is in the reaction (Mao, 1965).
Mao contrasted passive defense with active defense. In his opinion prolonged defensive…...

Strengths Weaknesses Analysis for Defense Company
Pages: 4 Words: 1287

aytheon's SWOT Analysis Detailed

One of the fundamental strengths of aytheon is its history. The company has been around since the early decades of the 20th century, and has regularly worked with different governmental agencies in both a covert and overt capacity since. As such, the company (which adopted its present name during 1959) (CorpWatch, 2007) is one of the more notable companies in the defense and aerospace industries. Its history adds to its reputation and, at this point, one can argue that its reputation influences its present regard in the business world.

Another definite strength of this company is its employees. The company has less than 100,000 employees. Moreover, it also has holdings and facilities in a worldwide capacity, which helps to keep its employment rates high. The primary boon associated with that number of employees is that the company has the manpower to keep pace with a production schedule that…...



CorpWatch. (2007). Raytheon. Retrieved from 

The Associated Press. (2015). In purchase, Raytheon gets defense-grade cybersecurity. The New York Times. Retrieved from 

Sang-Hun, C. (2015). South Korea picks contractor to develop new jet fighter. The New York Times. Retrieved from 


Defence and National'strategy
Pages: 10 Words: 3037

Introduction National strategy is the art and science of development and usage of informational, diplomatic and economic powers of a country in union with its armed forces for purposes of securing national objectives during war and peace times. National strategies are a key delivery mechanism for several new and existing nations. It was first introduced in the year 1998 with the aim of assisting in developing educational settings to improve the standards and life expectancy of children. Troops in the Air Force have today become experienced exceptional at applying space, air and cyber powers to achieve operational and tactical objectives (Bush, 2002). The Air Force plays a big role in national security. Some of the critical capabilities that determines what the Air Force is able to provide for a nation include: action freedom in air, space and cyberspace; power projection; air diplomacy; global situational awareness; and military support to civil authorities.…...

Mechanism for Distributing and Rationing
Pages: 2 Words: 663

They also cannot be arbitrarily sold by users as an individual in a pure market economy, for instance, can, when he wishes to sell his good another.
Further, in a pure market economy all goods and services are produced by business and forces of supply and demand inevitably and conclusively determine prices. In a mixed economy, on the other hand, government purchases land or housing (for instance), requiring others to pay for these purchases, and then uses these purchases to produce further goods which it makes accessible to the public. Prices, rather than being implemented by forces of supply and demand, are charged by government to businesses and households often at rates below market price.

There is also a differnce between the categories of services offered by a mixed market enterprise and that of pure market where the mixed market sectors offer both transfer payments where government provides benefits to certain…...

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Hamlet. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 475

Hamlet: A Tapestry of Intriguing Themes and Literary Devices

1. The Complexity of Hamlet's Character

Explore Hamlet's introspective nature, existential contemplations, and indecisiveness.
Discuss how external pressures and internal conflicts shape his behavior.
Analyze the role of madness as a defense mechanism and vehicle for truth-telling.

2. The Question of Vengeance and Justice

Examine the themes of revenge and retribution, and their consequences on Hamlet and others.
Discuss the complexities of the moral dilemmas Hamlet faces.
Explore the tension between justice and mercy, and how it influences Hamlet's actions.

3. The Role of Fate and Free Will

Analyze the interplay between fate and....

How does an ACL (Access Control List) enhance network security in a corporate environment?
Words: 491

Enhanced Network Security with Access Control Lists (ACLs)

In the corporate landscape, network security is paramount to protect sensitive data, maintain business continuity, and comply with industry regulations. Access Control Lists (ACLs) serve as a crucial defense mechanism by implementing fine-grained access controls, enhancing overall network security.

Concept of ACLs

An ACL is a set of rules that define who can access specific resources within a network. These rules are applied to network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls to regulate network traffic based on criteria like source IP address, destination IP address, port number, and protocol.

Types of ACLs

There are two main....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to codiaeum variegatum?
Words: 474

Codiaeum variegatum: A Vivid Tapestry of Horticultural Wonder

Codiaeum variegatum, commonly known as the croton, is a tropical evergreen shrub renowned for its breathtakingly variegated foliage. Its kaleidoscopic leaves, adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant hues, have captivated gardeners and plant enthusiasts alike for centuries. This essay delves into a captivating array of topics related to this horticultural marvel, exploring its botanical intricacies, cultural significance, and artistic allure.

Evolutionary Adaptations and Leaf Variation

Codiaeum variegatum belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Its remarkable leaf variation is a testament to its evolutionary adaptations. The....

How does childhood bullying impact social and personality development, as explored in the thesis?
Words: 285

Bullying has a significant impact on individuals' social and personality development during childhood and adolescence, leading to long-term consequences that can negatively affect their relationships and overall well-being throughout their lives. Research has shown that children who experience bullying often struggle with a range of social and emotional difficulties, such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and difficulty forming trusting relationships. These negative experiences can shape a person's self-perception and interpersonal skills, leading to challenges in their ability to navigate social interactions and conflicts in adulthood.

Furthermore, childhood bullying can also result in the development of maladaptive coping mechanisms, such as aggression, withdrawal,....

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