Decision Making Process Essays (Examples)

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Decision-Making Process There Are Several Steps in
Pages: 2 Words: 600

Decision-Making Process
There are several steps in the decision making process: recognize a problem or opportunity, diagnosis, develop alternatives, selection of desired alternative, implementation of chosen alternative, and evaluation. Of these, Don Anglos has currently recognized the opportunity, and the company has undertaken at least part of a diagnosis. There are only two alternatives on the table right now, partly because the diagnosis has not been fully constructed. There has been no selection of alternative nor any of the subsequent steps either.

The diagnosis should analyze the underlying causal factors of the opportunity. The opportunity is said to arise more because a competitor is seeking to acquire Hoilman, but there are other factors as well. Anglos is recognizing that his company is in a mature industry, and believes that the company needs a competitive advantage in order to have a pathway forward to growth, so the slow growth at Pinnacle is one…...

Decision-Making Process
Pages: 3 Words: 916

Decision Making Process
The strategies used in making good decisions involve the use of a "step system" designed to maximize the efficacy of the process. Indeed, the very success or failure of any given decision largely rests upon the building blocks leading up to one's final conclusion. Although many people rely on so called "gut feelings" when they come to most of the decisions that govern their daily lives, by applying a more logical and systematic approach the reliability and quality of any decision can be greatly improved. This is especially true in high-stress work environments.

One excellent method that has impacted my personal and professional decision making strategy in a positive way includes four key points. Namely, these points consist of the stages known as "exploring," "assessing," "testing," and finally (and perhaps most importantly), "learning."

The first step in coming to a good decision involves exploring the situation or issue at…...

Decision-Making Processes Prevalent Organization As a Learning
Pages: 2 Words: 698

decision-making processes prevalent organization. As a Learning Team, collate, compare, contrast findings individual team members. Mary Kay Cosmetics
Decision-making at Mary Kay

Mary Kay is a cosmetics company that has always focused on using door-to-door and home-based salespersons to showcase its products to the public. These salespersons were once almost exclusively drawn from a pool of women, typically mothers with school-aged children seeking part-time work. The organization teaches sales consultants what types of motivational strategies can encourage sales, and also hosts conventions for salespersons wishing to sharpen their skills. The company offers highly-promoted rewards for top sellers and other types of bonuses as part of its public relations campaigns. The company, in contrast to some other sales-based organizations, tries to create a sense of community through its approach to educating, motivating, and rewarding its sales staff. The focus upon pink and ultra-feminine images, such as its famous pink rewards cars for…...



Mary Kay Ash: Mary Kay Cosmetics. (1998). The Journal of Business Leadership, 1 (1).

Retrieved February 15, 2011 at

Mary Kay Global. (2011). Mary Retrieved February 15, 2011 at 

Mary Kay to invest $9 million in India in next 4 years. (2011, January 24). Live Mint. Retrieved February 15, 2011 at

Decision Making Process in Dropping the Atom Bomb
Pages: 2 Words: 589

Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is certainly one of the most controversial moments in the history of warfare. Many perceived that as an episode emphasizing the lengths that man is willing to go in order to achieve his goals. In contrast, others considered that it was the most effective action that the U.S. could take in order to demonstrate that warfare had reached a point where the stakes were too high for someone to continue to support it. Chapter 13 in James west Davidson and Mark Hamilton Lytle's "The Art of Historical Detention" provides an in-depth look at the steps leading up to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and the decision making involved in the event.
The expression "Truman dropped the atom bomb in order to win the war as quickly as possible" is, to many, sufficient reason for the act. On the one hand people are distancing…...


Works cited:

West Davidson, J., & Lytle, M. H. "After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection." (McGraw-Hill Education, 22 Sep 2009)

Decision-Making Process in Consumer Behavior
Pages: 2 Words: 716

Decision Making
Consumer decision process leads to the embankment of marginal profits of any investment in a given market depending upon the level of awareness of a potential customer, brewing market trends and swirling expectations to meet certain demands. The phenomenon is also very important in hinging any level of comfort that a customer is seeking for and also in the rolling in of positive feedback. As a matter of fact, customers/consumers go through a spontaneous thought process to finally arrive at some narrowed down approach, making the choice worth taken, and at last taking it. There are numerous implications of consumer's behavior. Hence it's noticeably affirmative to a Marketer to identify the surging needs of the market and exercise the real repositioning with some level of satisfaction and criticality.

The uying Decision Process- Five Stage Model

Considering the general etiquette of a customer in leading to any final decision of buying a…...



Foxall, G.R. (2005). Understanding consumer choice. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan

Gilligan, C., & Wilson, R.M. (2003). Strategic Marketing Planning. Boston: Butterworth- Heinemann. Retrieved September 10, 2011, from Questia database: 

Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Koshy, A., Jha, M. (2009). Marketing management. In 13th (Ed.), Analyzing Consumer Markets (pp. 142-171). Dehli, India: Dorling Kindersley

Group Decision-Making Process Identify Successful Unsuccessful Experience
Pages: 3 Words: 955

group decision-making process. Identify successful unsuccessful experience group decision making. Discuss factors affected group's effectiveness, drawing concepts readings. Please include headings sectional headings.
Group decision making

The decision making process is pivotal within any organized group and it influences the ultimate success of the overall entity. In modern day times, the organizational leaders no longer make and implement decisions top down, but engage their subalterns in the decision making process.

The group decision making process

The group decision making process is virtually understood as an organized effort in which various members of a group discuss a situation and make a mutually agreed upon decision. In a more professional formulation:

"Group decision making is a type of participatory process in which multiple individuals acting collectively, analyze problems or situations, consider and evaluate alternative courses of action, and select from among the alternatives a solution or solutions" (Barnett).

The primary advantage of group decision making is that…...



Barnett, T., Group decision making, Reference for Business,   last accessed on March 28, 2012 

Borchers, T., 1999, Decision making, ABACON, last accessed on March 28, 2012

Dine, J., 2000, The governance of corporate groups, Cambridge University Press

Gastil, J., 1993, Democracy in small groups: participation, decision making and communication, John Gastil

Clinical Decision-Making Process in Regards to Drug Therapy for the Elderly
Pages: 3 Words: 782

Clinical Decision Making Process in Regards to Drug Therapy for the Elderly
The objective of this study is to examine how an undergraduate student nurse would use the clinical decision-making process in regards to drug therapy for the elderly. Included will be issues and considerations for clients from different cultural and indigenous groups. The nurse role is significantly involved in the preparation and administration of medications and therapeutic substances in elderly care.

Professional Legal and Ethical Implications of Medication Administration

It is reported that laws on administration of medication "vary from state to state." (Hauswirth, 2012) While doctors, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and nurses are "generally trained and authorized to administer medical, however, other medical disciplines are reported to be limited in administration of medications except in specific situations such as in residential care settings. It is also reported that the distribution of and access to medications that are able to be…...



Harris, H. (2012) The Nurse's Role in Geriatric Medication Safety. Retrieved from:

Hauswirth, K (2012) Administration of Medication. Healthline. Retrieved from: 

Mangoni, AA and Jackson, SHD (2004) Age-Related Changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: basic principles and practical applications. Br J. Clin Pharmacol. 2004 January 57(1):6-14. Retrieved from:

Ethical Decision-Making Process
Pages: 6 Words: 2050

Ethical Decision Making Process
The case study at hand involves a number of issues. The first and foremost is that of the treatment and counseling of an addict that refuses to admit that he has a problem that needs to be dealt with in order for him to not only lead a normal healthy life but also might have implications for his family life. Additionally, the patient involved refuses to keep up with AIDS clinic appointments, to which he had been declared HIV seropositive by the doctors at the hospital where he was initially admitted for alcohol-related trauma. In such a situation, counselors are faced with certain number of ethical dilemmas which present themselves during the psychological treatment of such patients. Although there are standards of practice and codes ethics defined by professional bodies such as the American Counseling Association (ACA) (ACA, 2005). Such professional bodies set forth a set of…...




Amodeo, M., Ellis, M.A., & Samet, J.H. (2006). Introducing Evidence-Based Practices into Substance Abuse Treatment using Organization Development Methods. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (Vol. 32, No. 4), 555-560.

Berger-Greenstein, J.A., Cuevas, C.A., Brady, S.M., Trezza, G., Richardson, M.A., & Keane, T.M. (2007). Major Depression in Patients with HIV / AIDS and Substance Abuse. AIDS Patient Care and STDs (Vol.21, No.12), 942-955.

Corey, G., Corey, M., & Callanan, P. (2011). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (7th Edition). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Consumer Decision-Making Process in Marketing
Pages: 2 Words: 639

Marketers should therefore be aware of the delicate balance between price and perceived value. The purchase decision and actual purchase also have interesting dynamics than can be used by marketers. Product availability may for example cause a discrepancy between the purchase and purchase decision.
The post-purchase evaluation is also an important stage, as this relates to consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction and may once again lead to positive or negative word of mouth. The product or service provider should therefore ensure that marketing claims and actual customer experience correlate as closely as possible. Other elements that can influence post-purchase evaluation include post-purchase communication and warranties. If these are perceived to be of high quality and fulfill the expectations of promised value, the post-purchase evaluation will be positive.

Marketers should also take into account the various personal, psychological, and social factors that influence purchasing decisions. These integrate to influence purchasing decisions, and can…...



Brown, Alex L. (1996). Consumer Buying Behavior. 

Richarme, Michael. (2002). Consumer Decision-Making Models, Strategies, and Theories, Oh My! Decision Analyst.

Ethical Decision-Making Process
Pages: 2 Words: 421

Ethical Decision Making Process
Underage Garment Workers Dodge Rules in Cambodia

The press has been waiting for three hours and Steve, the chief communications officer cannot wait any longer for fear of the press houses growing even larger. He knows keeping the press waiting long could be part of the story on top of the story already unfolding. He opens the door for Melanie and Cindy, both from Human Resources Management and they wait for Ben, the floor manager.

"We know the situation is not impressive, with the press right out there and the underage workers right behind us doing their jobs, this is a potential bomb on our reputation." Steve sighed. "I need to get words from you to communicate to the press right outside"

Melanie cuts him short as Ben walks in, "well we all know this happens in our company, we need to face it right away, take responsibility and correct…...

Strategic Decision Making Process at Anheuser Busch
Pages: 11 Words: 3869

Strategic Decision Making Process at Anheuser usch
This paper will take a look at the strategic decision-making process that made Anheuser usch "King of eers" and outline strategies needed to stay there. eer sales are under pressure, but Anheuser-usch executives are confident their products and marketing strategy will stimulate growth. A-, as the company is often called, has identified four critical marketing priorities: (1) although beer is America's favorite beverage with 58% of overall alcohol servings, Anheuser-usch will continue to improve the image and desirability of beer; (2) beer must be kept "fun and social;" (3) beer occasions must be grown and extended; (4) retail execution must continue to be improved. While the domestic beer company has increased tactical price promotions on a specific market, brand and package basis to reduce price premiums vs. competition, company executives confirmed that the company's long-term pricing strategy continues to target increases at or…...



2004 Annual Report, Anheuser-Busch Companies.

Anheuser-Busch. "Responsibility Matters: Anheuser-Busch Consumer Awareness and Education." viewed 20 July 2005 .

"Anheuser-Busch Announces Record Sales and Earnings for the Fourth Quarter and Full Year 1999; Worldwide A-B Brand Shipments Exceed 100 Million Barrels." 2 February 2000, Business Wire Online Electric Library.

Atkin, C.K., 1993, "The Role of Alcohol Advertising in Excessive and Hazardous Drinking." Journal of Drug Education, p.313-325.

Business the Decision Making Process
Pages: 3 Words: 962

To respond to the newly emerged policies and become responsible entrepreneurs, corporate entities invest significant financial resources in replacing the older technologies and training their staff members how to be responsible employees and consumers. In this context then, a decision to purchase a cheaper technology would be replaced with a decision to purchase a more expensive technology, which eliminates less waste.
The International Monetary Fund promulgates numerous laws that regulate the international economics and politics of corporate action. Its primary aim is to set the currency exchange rates and offer a correlation between financial policies as to ease the international operations between partners and countries. "The IMF is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the international monetary system, the system by which international payments among countries take place. It thus strives to provide a systematic mechanism for foreign exchange transactions in order to foster investment and promote balanced global…...



Balladur, E., 1999, the International Monetary System: Facing the Challenge of Globalization, Peterson Institute for International Economics,   accessed on November 1, 2008 

Carstens, a., 2006, Challenges and Opportunities for the IMF, Website of the International Monetary Fund, Ast accessed on November 1, 2008

2008, Trade Policy Reviews, Website of the World Trade Organization,   Ast accessed on November 1, 2008 .

2008, Trade Policy Reviews: Ensuring Transparency, Website of the World Trade Organization, Ast accessed on November 1, 2008

Office Depot Decision Making Process
Pages: 2 Words: 659

The reasons for keeping top talent: Mission and vision of the company

"Delivering winning solutions that inspire worklife" is the stated mission of Office Depot. The centrality of acting as a facilitator of the success of others in the company's mission statement is why it is so critical that Office Depot employees understand the needs of customers. Inspiration and winning are important values of the company, not simply making work 'happen.' The company stresses the need to take the everyday nature of the customer's workday to the 'next level' of success and excellence.

Growth of the company and succession

At present, Office Depot an international purveyor of office supply products: its outreach extends as far as the Czech epublic and Japan. The company was incorporated in 1986 and it sells its products through retail stores, as well as online and directly to other enterprises. In 2009, Office Depot sold $12.1 billion of products…...



Company facts at Office Depot. (2010).Office Depot Corporate Homepage. Retrieved September

14, 2010 at 

Our vision. (2010).Office Depot Corporate Homepage. Retrieved September 14, 2010 at

The Consumer Decision Making Process
Pages: 8 Words: 2692

Consumer Decision-Making Processes
The holiday season is upon us again, and it is the biggest season of the year for retailers. American consumers will buy an average of around $700 on goods and services related to the holidays, which equates to the range of $224 billion. Analysts further break down the market between those who are of relatively limited financial means and just try to survive the holidays, and those who spend $978 on average (PWC, 2014). But how do consumers go about making their purchase decisions? Whether rich or poor, or what holidays a person might celebrate, there are some basic fundamental principles in the consumer buying decision making process that can help marketers to make the best decisions possible.

The Consumer Decision-Making Process

There are five basic elements to the consumer decision-making process: problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior (Consumer Factor, 2015). Each of these plays…...



De Mooij, M. (2011). Consumer Behavior and Culture. Sage Publications.

Haubi, G, (1999) Consumer decision-making in online shopping environment: The effects of interactive decision aids. University of Calgary. Retrieved November 23, 2015 from 

Homburg, C & Furst, A. (2005) How organizational complaint handling drives customer loyalty. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 69 (3) 95-114.

NetMBA (2010). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Retrieved November 23, 2015 from

How the Shared Decision Making Process Promotes Patient Autonomy
Pages: 3 Words: 980

Decision Making, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: The Shared Decision-Making ProcessToday, there is growing recognition concerning the importance of shared decision-making for the nursing profession, but the process is challenging for multiple reasons, including most especially heightened emotions, uncertainties about the appropriate course of action and more. To determine how to overcome these constraints, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to define the shared decision-making process and its importance for professional nurses in achieving optimal clinical outcomes. Following this review, the paper provides a summary of the findings that emerged from the research in the conclusion.eview and DiscussionAs the term connotes, the shared decision-making process seeks to actively involve all of the stakeholders in a given healthcare scenario. Not surprisingly, the value of shared decision-making has long been recognized by healthcare providers, but the process was originally designed to promote a therapeutic…...


ReferencesBrowne, F., Bettles, S., Clift, S., & Walker, T. (2019). Connecting patients, practitioners, and regulators in supporting positive experiences and processes of shared decision making: A progress report. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 25(6), 1030–1040.Inagaki, N., Seto, N., Lee, K., Takahashi, Y., Nakayama, T., & Hayashi, Y. (2023). The role of critical care nurses in shared decision-making for patients with severe heart failure: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE, 18(7), 1–18.Martínez-Angulo, P., Rich-Ruiz, M., Ventura-Puertos, P. E., & López-Quero, S. (2023). Integrating shared decision-making, expressing preferences and active participation of older adults in primary care nursing: a systematic review of qualitative studies and qualitative meta-synthesis. BMJ Open, 13(6), e071549.Pieterse, A. H., Gulbrandsen, P., Ofstad, E. H., & Menichetti, J. (2023). What does shared decision making ask from doctors? Uncovering suppressed qualities that could improve person-centered care. Patient Education and Counseling, 114, 107801.Zhou, Y., Acevedo Callejas, M. L., Li, Y., & MacGeorge, E. L. (2023). What Does Patient-Centered Communication Look Like? Linguistic Markers of Provider Compassionate Care and Shared Decision-Making and Their Impacts on Patient Outcomes. Health Communication, 38(5), 1003–1013.

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding artificel interlligence?
Words: 269

1. The ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in decision making processes.
2. The impact of artificial intelligence on the job market and workforce.
3. The potential benefits and drawbacks of integrating artificial intelligence into healthcare systems.
4. The role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of education and learning.
5. The influence of artificial intelligence on creative industries such as music, art, and literature.
6. The development of artificial emotional intelligence and its implications for human interaction.
7. The potential risks of bias and discrimination in artificial intelligence algorithms.
8. The use of artificial intelligence in surveillance and privacy concerns.
9. The effects of artificial intelligence....

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