Since the proposed budget has come into a deficit, there is a need to balance the budget of the proposed program to enhance the financial sustainability of the project.
Method to balance the Proposed Budget
One of the methods employed to balance the budget is to calculate the revenue realized from children based on the current child/daycare ratio 8:1. The paper adjusts the entire child/daycare ratio to 8:1 as being revealed in the appendix 2. To adjust child/daycare ratio to 8:1, the paper divides the number of children by employee. The adjustment is necessary because the ratio for child/childcare in appendix 1 is unrealistic. For example, in March, in the appendix 1, the number of children is 146 while the number of daycare is 25. Thus, the ratio of child/employee in March will be 5.84:1. This ratio is unrealistic since it is impossible to get human with total number of 5.84.…...
Daycare Inclusion Support Plan: Punjabi Heritage Background
In order to most successfully begin the inclusion process of a 3- to 5-year-old Punjabi child into a standard daycare facility located in the Brisbane Metropolitan Area, one must first understand all the facets of the Punjabi culture that may prove relevant in making the child's transition into the daycare one that is as smooth as possible. In order to begin the process of inclusion, facility workers must not only understand the child's background and heritage, but also the factors of the Punjabi culture that may be easily included into the workings of the daycare facility, such as food and music, in order to make the child more comfortable, which in turn will allow the child to assimilate more quickly. In fully understanding the Punjabi heritage, as well as resources that exist within Brisbane to aid the understanding of this heritage, a more accurate…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bagchee, Sandeep. Understanding Raga Music. India: BPI Publications. 1998. Print.
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She ended the activity session by asking the group "OK, who wants to play bouncy ball again?" (referring to inflatable toys with handles meant for riding) and most of the children responded very enthusiastically.
At the same time, the caretaker approached the two children who seemed more interested in continuing their computer game activity and gently asked them if they wanted to play bouncy ball again. At that time, she indicated to me that she purposely tried to end activities (like the computer games) before any of the children bored of it themselves, which she said kept the children in better spirits and also facilitated their cooperation and interest in the computer games on subsequent days. Both children agreed to put away their computers and lined up single file to exchange a computer for a soft protective helmet. The caretaker explained to me that the purpose of the lining up…...
Daycare Volunteer Experience
I volunteer psychology class a day care I write a reflection paper. Time working kids kind an experience. I paper I answer questions.1. In paragraph, explain service learning experience reinforced understanding enhanced learned? Include examples.
eflection paper: Volunteering at a daycare facility
As part of my work for this psychology class, I chose to volunteer at a local daycare center. I had never worked with children before, so seeing how young children interacted with one another on a daily basis was useful in demonstrating how the concepts I learned about development were reflected in people's everyday experiences. It is very easy to forget the long, sometimes painful process of learning and socialization that is required for a child to enter adulthood. Aspects of normal, social adult relations like sharing, self-censoring, and respect for others are very clearly socially learned and socially located behaviors, as I witnessed when working with children.
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Daycare on Children
Effects of Day Care on Children
The outcomes of children are greatly influenced by the various environments encountered by them, most importantly family and child care settings. This is the reason why there has been an increasing interest in research concerning the consequences of child care experiences on the development of children. The experiences at day care not only promote school readiness skills in children but the quality of playgroup child care experiences also influence the cognitive and social skills in children during the preschool years, through the switch to school, and into the elementary school years (Peisner-Feinberg, 2004).
Such concerns hold significant importance because children who are unsuccessful in acquiring basic skills at an early age are not capable enough to negotiate life effectively as grown-ups. Such kids find inadequate opportunities for progression as they are not prepared for the world of work. esearchers suggest that children who…...
Clarke-Stewart, K.A., Gruber, I.C., & Fitzgerald, L.M. (1994). Children at Home and in Day Care. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Retrieved July 20, 2012, from Questia database:
Finn-Stevenson, M., & Zigler, E. (1999). Schools of the 21st Century: Linking Child Care and Education. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Retrieved July 20, 2012, from Questia database:
Goldschmied, E., & Jackson, S. (2003). People under Three: Young People in Day Care. New York: Routledge. Retrieved July 20, 2012, from Questia database:
McCartney, K. (2004, February). Current Research on Child Care Effects. Retrieved July 20, 2012 from
esearch has found that children who go to daycare everyday and have to stay for long hours often become aggressive and don't mind adults well (Weitzman, 2006). They become uncooperative. Many of them get clingy because they are insecure. One author says that the children suffer "psychic distress" when they are constantly separated from their parents. Their health suffers because of so many children being all in one small space. Lice and ringworm are problems and other infectious diseases that children catch in daycare that they would not be exposed to at home. One study (Kay, 2005) showed stress levels are higher in daycare children who have higher levels of cortisol in their bloodstreams. There is also anecdotal evidence (like my grandmother's "evidence") that children in daycare bite each other in epidemic proportions. Biting is animal behavior. It implies a need for self-protection. Probably, children that bite don't feel…...
Kay, J. (2005). The mommy wars. American Jewish Committee, 199 (2) 82-86.
Olfman, S. (2003). Daycare and imagination. International Reading Association, 48 (6), 535.
Weitzman, J. (2006). The impact of home daycare on the biological children of providers: Case examples of unintended consequences. Retrieved 7 December 2008 from Expanded Academic ASAP database via Gale.
Zaslow, M.J. And Tout, K. (2002). Child-care quality matters: The whole point of the marriage debate is healthier children. The American Prospect, 13 (7), 49.
Daycare Business Plan
NJ Daycare Inc. is a small provider of daycare services, organized as a sole proprietorship. The industry is large, but highly fragmented, and most businesses have only 1 or 2 employees, and revenues of around $54,000 annually. This daycare will be similar to the ones already existing in the industry, but catering to evenings and extended hours, a subset of the overall daycare market. The state has many different licensing requirements, and it is believed that our daycare will meet all of these requirements for obtaining a license.
Mission Statement
NJ Daycare Inc. aims to provide the highest quality daycare service, combining a stimulation, education-forward environment with convenience and low cost for parents, in its mission to be the best daycare in northern New Jersey.
The daycare industry is large but highly fragmented. The market research company IBIS World (2014) estimates the size of the market at $46 billion, but without…...
Chapter 122: Manual of requirements for child care centers. New Jersey Department of Children and Families. Retrieved November 12, 2014 from
IBIS World (2013). Day care in the U.S.: Market research report. IBIS World. Retrieved November 12, 2014 from
Investopedia. (2014). Forms of business organization. Investopedia. Retrieved November 12, 2014 from
US Census Bureau. (2010). American fact finder. U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved November 12, 2014 from
Effects of Long-term Daycare Setting on Children
With the increasing number of women in today's workforce, the number of working mothers with children proportionally grows. Statistics show that more than 40% of working mothers are bringing their young children to daycare centers. Hence, daycare becomes a trend for working mothers who need other's provision of care for their young children. This trend, however, is not totally accepted by parents, neither by those who bring their child to other's care. Most parents with a child at daycare are not entirely at ease while at work. Usually, some keep worrying about the situation of their child, how the child are being taken care of, and how their child feels about being in the care of others.
The issue of how daycare settings affect a child's development has been studied by many child experts and psychologists. Diverse factors such as the amount of time a…...
Kelly, Katy. Child Docs to Parents: Stay Home and Save your Kids.
U.S. News and World Report. 27 July 2003.
Schuetze, P., Lewis, A., DiMartino, D. Relation Between Time Spent in Daycare and Exploratory Behaviors in 9-month-old Infants., Infant Behavior & Development. 1999.
The Negative Effects of Childcare.
Defense of Early-Life Daycare
In today's economy, it is increasingly commonplace for families to budget based on the income of two breadwinners. The result is an increased need for daycare services for children of an increasingly younger age. This pattern has incited alarm among parenting advocacy groups, many of which have expressed concern that this trend could have negative psychological and sociological consequence as well as a deleterious impact on the family unit as a whole. Such concerns raise the question as to whether or not it is appropriate or healthy to place children under the age of five in daycare settings. Much of the research which we have encountered suggests that in fact it is healthy -- and in the right environment, even for very young children -- to experience this level of socialization prior to formal schooling.
According to the Directgov (2011), the government makes entitlements for daycare beginning…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Directgov. (2011). Childcare Options for 0 to 5-year-olds.
Freedman, M. (2008). Too Young for Daycare? Essential Baby.
Ochshorn, S. (2010). Too Young for Childcare?
Opening a Dog Daycare
Little Paws Daycare is a dog daycare/kennel that I created a business plan for opening. I saw the need for a kennel for dogs in my neighborhood and conducted the market research about the field. In this paper I will address the process involved with opening a kennel and some of important lessons that was learned during this process, as well as some things that would be done differently in my next project.
The first thing that I learned about opening any business is the importance of market research. I had never worked in a kennel prior, so I needed to learn about how a kennel operates. I went online and began researching the dog daycare business and the process involved in opening a business. Getting information about the steps involved in opening a business if fairly simple, especially since a business lawyer could to help with…...
Bark-Wood Dog Daycare
The analysis covers the operation plan for a made-up company known as Bark-wood Dog Daycare.
Bark-wood Dog Daycare is a canine daycare facility that is intended for the professionals who are willing and have desire of providing quality care for their pets while they are committed or at work. Its establishment is based on real market need within the high-end high-income market.
Management and organization: Bark-wood Dog Daycare will be established as a corporation which is equally owned in terms of shares by the three founders Graham Willis, Peter Drake, Tom intintin. Our operation to establish the legal entity is supported by the local legal firms such as Pug & Kesshond, Shar-Pei. Start up for Bark-wood Dog Daycare is supposed to be simple as well as cost effective. The main expenses will be rent and utilities that will arise from the large building space and office, (Genevieve Van Wyden, 2013).…...
American Pet Products Association, Inc. (2013). Pet Industry Market Size & Ownership Statistics. Retrieved August 7, 2013, from :
Daycare centers are lifesavers for many families, and are especially helpful for working single mothers. The bonding between parent and child during infancy and toddler years is of the utmost importance; however, children who spend some time in daycare centers are not necessarily deprived of this love and affection. Rather, mothers who work will feel even more willing to care for and nurture their children after returning home from work, after a long absence from the baby. Moreover, the people who run daycare centers are extremely capable, professional people who can keep young children happy and entertained throughout their visit; the unfortunate incidents of trauma and abuse in daycare centers is the exception to the rule. Finally, Biblical arguments are irrelevant in this issue: not all parents ascribe to the Bible, and furthermore, child raising transcends the teachings contained within that book.
Disciplining children can easily be detached from a Christian…...
Business Plan for a Daycare Center
Comment by Sabina:
I work for one of the fortune 500 companies and most of the employees who work in my organization is very happy with their job. I work in a 10 story building where more than 50% of the offices belong to my organization. There are a few other companies that are located in the same building. I have heard many employees in my company and in the building complaining about having to drop their children off to daycare early before work and then pick them up late after work. They have to pay additional fees if their child is not picked up on time, because they are stuck in traffic. I have been working on a business plan for opening a daycare within the building where I work. In this paper I will discuss the need for this daycare; I will discuss some…...
Congressional Budget Office, Congress of the United States. (2008). Effects of gasoline prices on driving behavior and vehicle markets Washington, DC: CBO. Retrieved from
Constantinides, E. (2006). The Marketing Mix Revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management. 22 (3/4) 407-438.
Gabe, T. (2007). Local Economic Instability and Business Location: The Case of Maine. Land Economics. 83 (3) 398-411.
Reich, R. (2010). 2010 Economic Forecast. Retrieved from
Organizational Values of Child Care Centers
Daycare or child care is one of the most important decisions parents will make regarding their children. Traditionally child care was done in the home by the mother while father went out into the world to support his family. Due to cultural, social, and economic factors that has slowly changed. ecent times have seen an increase in women taking jobs outside the home but children must be cared for, resulting in a rise of daycare facilities. The daycare industry has been continually emerging to cater to the needs of these parents.
Daycare centers exist for the sole purpose of caring for children. Their purpose is to ensure children's needs are met physically, emotionally, mentally, and developmentally. Daycare workers primarily deal with making sure that children receive the same amount of care that they have when they are at home. Daycare facilities should be able to give…...
Barrett, D.J. (2006). Strong communication skills a must for today's leaders. Handbook of Business Strategy, 7 (1), 385-390. Retrieved from Emerald.
Foote, D.A., Seipel, S.J., Johnson, N.B., & Duffy, M.K. (2005). Employee commitment and organizational policies. Management Decisions 43(2). DOI: 10.1108/00251740510581920.
Maurer, R., (2009). Get your team involved. Journal for Quality and Participation, 32(1), p. 28-31. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Robinson, V., Lloyd, C., Rowe, K., (2008). The impact of leadership on student outcomes: An analysis of the differential effects of leadership types. Educational Administration Quarterly, 44(5), p. 635-674. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Education and Daycare: KinderCare Learning Centers in Union City, California
KinderCare Learning Centers is an institution owned by Knowledge Universe, which provides early childhood education and childcare. According to Kinder Care (2015), its first facility, Kinder Care Nursery School, was opened in 1969 to meet the increasing demand for preschool childcare at a time when more women were entering the workforce. Its primary objective was to use economies of scale to provide child care in bulk but in 1970, it changed its name to KinderCare Learning Centers in order to diversify to childhood education. Currently the company owns over 1600 early childhood education community centers and approximately 600 educational programs. Knowledge Universe (2014) states that more than 200,000 children ranging from six weeks to twelve years olds are enrolled in the community-based centers, of which 500 are accredited by the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs (NAC)…...
Hearron, P.F. & Hildebrand, V. (2014). Management of Child Development Centers with Access Code. New York, NY: Pearson Education
KinderCare Learning Centers (2015). Early Education and Day Care in Union City, California. Retrieved 28 July 2015 from
Essay Outline: Explain Community-Based Services Subject to UK Registration and Inspection
I. Introduction
- Hook: Define community-based services and their significance in the UK.
- Thesis statement: Community-based services subject to UK registration and inspection provide essential support to vulnerable populations.
II. Regulated Community-Based Services
- Health and Social Care
- Care homes
- Nursing homes
- Home care services
- Education and Childcare
- Nurseries
- Daycare centers
- Childminders
III. Registration and Inspection Process
- Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Role and responsibilities
- Registration requirements
- Inspection Framework
- Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs)
- Inspection ratings
IV. Importance of Registration and Inspection
- Quality Assurance
- Ensures....
Ringworm is a common fungal infection that causes red, scaly patches on the skin and is often misunderstood and stigmatized, but with proper education and treatment, it can be easily managed and cured.
Ringworm can affect individuals of all ages, but certain demographics may be more susceptible to the infection. For example, children are more likely to contract ringworm due to their close contact with other children in school or daycare settings. Additionally, athletes, particularly those who participate in contact sports or share equipment, are at a higher risk of developing ringworm.
In terms of treatment, antifungal medications are typically recommended to....
I. Introduction
II. Body
I. Introduction
II. Body
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