Practice Fusion
Strategic Planning Document:
A Plan for Conversion, Integration, and Implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in a Residential Care Facility
Description of Institute
The objective of this study is to examine the implementation of a new information technology data-management plan at a residential care facility for individuals with mental illness/mental retardation. This facility also provides day treatment and respite care. This will include a two-person practice for a Nurse Practitioner and a Psychiatrist. The institute at focus in this study is a residential care facility for individuals with mental illness and mental retardation.
The mission of the residential care facility is to provide day treatment and respite care in addition to care for mentally ill and mentally retarded individuals in the best possible setting with the most effective treatment available.
usiness Model
The term 'assisted living" is defined by the Assisted Living Facilities Association of America as any group residential program "that is not licensed…...
Giglio, P and Ingram, J (nd) Critical Features of an EMR System: Addressing major agency challenges through strategic functionality. Defran Systems. Retrieved from:
Key Capabilities of an Electronic Health Record System (2003) Consensus Report. Institute of Medicine (IOM) Retrieved from:
Price, M. et al. (2011) EMR Adoption Model. E-Health Observatory. 17 Feb 2011. Retrieved from:
What is Practice Fusion (2012) Panotech Website. Retrieved from:
The company has to contend with, to name just a few, supermarkets, retailers, franchisers, shipping organizations, bottling plants, cup distributors, equipment and manufacturing facilities, printers, tax officials, farmers, investors, and at times whole nations. For these massive operations, the company has instituted the heavy firepower from Hewlett Packard and Oracle for their mainframe and database needs. But the company has a global operation and each local facility may have a totally different tool based on local vendors and contracts.
The company has always been very progressive with its data management. "Starbucks is considering networking home offices with Wi-Fi technology, too. "We're trying to lower our infrastructure costs in field offices," says James Snook, Starbucks' VP of it and enterprise architecture. "If you need to tear out or change a network setup, you can reconfigure quickly with wireless." (George, 2003) This database management technology will allow Starbucks district managers to have…...
George, Tischelle (2003). Starbucks' Data to Go; Coffee Company's Managers Are Getting Business Data Using Stores' Wi-Fi Networks. InformationWeek 1/17/2003.
Mehegan, Sean (1995). The Database Game: Actually, it's Not a Game at All. Database Marketing Can Help You Sell More Product Than You Do Now. Restaurant Business, 9/1/1995. (2004). Retrieved on November 6, 2004, at
Qualitative Data ManagementIntroductionQualitative research can lead to results that are rich in content, but it is also a process often characterized by extensive amounts of data, and conclusions drawn from a narrative that is subjective in nature (Silverman, 2016). Levine's (1985) perspective on the need for a systematic approach to managing such data highlights an important aspect of how one should conduct qualitative research. This paper examines the issues can arise in qualitative research if a systematic approach to data management is not employed. It also provides a focus on the potential repercussions for data retrieval and analysis. Finally, it applies biblical principles will to emphasize the importance of systematic order, transparency, and diligence in data management from a godly perspective.Data Overload and Retrieval IssuesSystematic data management is akin to the shepherd's approach in the Parable of the Lost Sheep, who attentively keeps count of his flock and immediately notices…...
Bawden, D., & Robinson, L. (2009). The dark side of information: overload, anxiety and other paradoxes and pathologies. Journal of Information Science, 35(2), 180-191.
Bazeley, P. (2013). Qualitative Data Analysis: Practical Strategies. Sage Publications.
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.). (2018). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. Sage publications.
CA and Data Management Plan
CDM (Clinical Data Management) is the control/management of the collection and processing of data in the conduction of clinical trials. CDM involves the following; the design of the instrument to be used in the collection of data; the collection of data; quality control processes; and database consolidation. The design, testing and implementation of a Data Management Plan (DMP) require the participation of all stakeholders including; the main clinical associates, managers, project managers, sponsors and regulators among others (Gupta & Institute of Clinical esearch (India), 2011).
CDM is an important phase of clinical research that leads to high quality, statistically correct and reliable data for clinical trials. This allows scientist and researchers to significantly reduce the time taken in drug development or in assessing various clinical outcomes. Clinical trial is an exercise in which a hypothesis is either proved or disapproved by generating data to answer a…...
Prokscha, S. (2011). Practical guide to clinical data management. CRC Press.
King, E. (n.d.). The Importance of Good Clinical Data Management and Statistical Programming
Practices to Reproducible Research. Retrieved January 12, 2016, from King 2012-01-20.pdf
Gupta, S. K., & Institute of Clinical Research (India). (2011). Drug discovery and clinical research. New Delhi: Jaypee Bros. Medical Publishers.
Changing ole of Data Management in Clinical Trials
What do you think the author meant when he wrote, "The EDC/eClinical approach shifts the burden of work to predeployment, and from reactive per instance to proactive per project?" In your response, give specific examples
Even as clinical research increases globally, it is imperative to create quality guarantee source, which make certain that data integrity is maintained. Integrating the electronic data capture (EDC) system into data management selection is essential to overcoming the burdensome workload experienced in a clinical study. In this aspect, the author of current work took into consideration the contrast between the burden of work in a customary or traditional system of data collection against that of a contemporary electronic data collection (EDC) system.
In particular, the author points out that the burden of work in an EDC system increases substantially at the planning phase also referred to as the designing phase…...
Medidata. (2013). Capturing the Value of EDC. Medidata Solutions, Inc. Retrieved 4 January 2016 from:
Omelu, N. (2014). The Changing Role of Data Management in Clinical Trials with EDC. PharmNest. Retrieved 4 January 2016 from:
O'Shaughnessy, I. (2007). Strategic Interaction. eClinical. Retrieved 4 January 2016 from:
Pratt, T. (2006). Data Management: R.I.P. or Brave New World? Applied Clinical Trials; Oct 2006; 15, 10; ProQuest Central pg. 58
Information Systems Management
There are numerous components of information systems management discussed throughout this course. At a high level, these include some of the finer aspects of hardware, software, and middleware. At a more granular level these pertain to various facets of infrastructure, architecture, and user experience mechanisms such as application interfaces (APIs). Architectural concerns are generally based on choices for cloud or on-premise deployments, in addition to hybrid architectural paradigms. Infrastructure concerns involve database selection, analytics mechanisms, transformation options (ETL, ELT and others) and tools for publication. Additional components include mechanisms and constructs for both data governance and security, which are varied and involve both hardware and software.
The organization that I am familiar with is called Dataversity. It is a data-centric website publication for all aspects of data management. A substantial amount of the revenues this entity generates is from hosting data management conferences; some 'webinars' are hosted via…...
Harper, J. (2014). The new normal: unified cloud accessibility. Retrieved from
Harper, J. (2014). Enterprise security in a mobile world. Retrieved from /
Management & ANALYSIS
What are the key concepts, constructs, and measures (operationalizations) of those constructs defined by the original study (Clinard & Yeager (2006,1980)) -- from where did the measures come?
The original study aims to interpret economic analysis data. The economic analysis data is of the annual sales of corporations that grossed $300 million - $45 billion during 1975. They analyze the data with the intent to locate if and how much of the revenue came from illegal corporate acts. Some variables in the study include net income/total assets, working capital/total assets and sales/total assets. Moreover the researchers calculated and hypothesized several relevant ratios among the critical factors and variables of the study. The corporations they study were limited to a few industries such as banking, transportation, communication, and utilities. Their measurements and interpretations of the data spread across a wide range of variables and factors such as firm size,…...
EH Database and Data Management
Database Management Approach
The issue to address is the negative effects of drugs. Adverse reaction to drugs is "a significantly unpleasant or dangerous response caused by an intervention that is linked with using some kind of medicine, which predicts danger from future usage and assures prevention or a particular kind of treatment, a dosage regimen modification, or withdrawing from the drug" (Edwards & Aronson, 2000).
Description of the patient problem
ADs (Adverse Drug eaction) are among the top mortality and morbidity causes in medical care. On January 2000, the Medicine Institute stated that between 44,000 and 98,000 mortalities take place each year due to health care errors (Committee on Quality of Health Care in America (Institute of Medicine), 2000). ADs caused around 7000 mortalities out of the stated total. Keep in mind that in America, job related injuries cause around 6000 annual mortalities. The next question to ask should…...
Committee on Quality of Health Care in America (Institute of Medicine). (2000). To err is human: building a safer health system. Washington, D.C.:: National Academy Press.
CPSO. (2012, May). Medical Records. Retrieved from The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Onatario:
Edwards, I., & Aronson, J. (2000). Adverse drug reactions: definitions, diagnosis, and management. Lancet, 356(9237), 1255-9. (2016, March 14). Preventable Adverse Drug Reactions: A Focus on Drug Interactions. Retrieved from U.S. Food and Drug Administration:
These are contained in the Enterprise Operations Center framework. The center has reach to the group of specialized telecommunication commercial and federally concentrated focused professionals within the CSC. These groups of individuals have thousands of certifications for operating Cisco, Microsoft, Sun, Nortel, Ayaya and many other types of equipment that assists any networking or telecommunication requirements of clients who are working with the Center. (Enterprise Network Managed Services Center of Excellence)
In order to entail the network-wide maintenance at the fingertips, Aglient's Network Troubleshooting Center -- NTC indicates a great leap ahead in the management of enterprise-wide networks. NCT includes a centralized view of network health achieved from various sources, including MON and SNMP and from the same console, centralized expert troubleshooting of remote problems applying distributed network analysis tools. The primary advantages are increasingly lesser respond and fix times and greatly lessened operational costs from both declined engineer travel…...
Centralized Troubleshooting of Distributed Networks" Retrieved at Accessed 28 August, 2005 .
Control your network: Why You Need IP Address Management" (July, 2002) Retrieved at 28 August, 2005
Enterprise Network Managed Services Center of Excellence" Retrieved at Accessed 28 August, 2005 .
Enterprise wide security on the Internet" Retrieved at Accessed 28 August, 2005
Data Warehousing: A Strategic Weapon of an Organization.
Within Chapter One, an introduction to the study will be provided. Initially, the overall aims of the research proposal will be discussed. This will be followed by a presentation of the overall objectives of the study will be delineated. After this, the significance of the research will be discussed, including a justification and rationale for the investigation.
The aims of the study are to further establish the degree to which data warehousing has been used by organizations in achieving greater competitive advantage within the industries and markets in which they operate. In a recent report in the Harvard Business eview (2003), it was suggested that companies faced with the harsh realities of the current economy want to have a better sense of how they are performing. With growing volumes of data available and increased efforts to transform that data into meaningful knowledge that can…...
Agosta, L. (2003). Ask the Expert. Harvard Business Review, 81(6), 1.
Database: Business Source Premier.
Babcock, Charles (1995). Slice, dice & deliver. Computerworld, 29, 46, 129 -132.
Beitler, S.S., & Lean, R. (1997). Sears' EPIC Transformation: Converting from Mainframe Legacy Systems to Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). Journal of Data Warehousing (2:2), 5-16.
The five management programs have the same common dependent variables. These are the average turnover, the weekly profit and the monthly staff time cost. The independent variable for this experiment is the management system that is used. There are five different management systems that are being used at the company, and they differ in their methods. The data presented show the impact of the different management systems on the different output measures (dependent variables).
The wild card is the type of store data. The company investigated this using three store categories, and presented its findings, but they were not presented with statistical analysis. As such, they should not be considered to be an independent variable.
Outcome variables are the dependent variables.. Ultimately, for this company the variables should reflect a wider variety of output measures for each store. . The output variables should be related to the success measures. First, it is…...
Investopedia (2015). Sales per square foot. Investopedia. Retrieved December 10, 2015 from
Taylor, C. (2015). What is a simple random sample? Retrieved December 10, 2015 from
Baldwin, S. (2006). Organisational justice. Institute for Employment Studies. Retrieved December 10, 2015 from
Hannan, M. & Freeman, J. (1984). Structural inertia and organizational change. American Sociological Review. Vol. 49 (2) 149-164.
From Supply Chain Efficiency to Customer Segmentation Focus
Because of this focus on supply chain forecasting accuracy and efficiency, the need for capturing very specific customer data becomes critical. The case study portrays the capturing of segmentation data as focused on growing each of the brands mentioned that VF relies on this data to base marketing, location development and store introductions, and pricing strategies on. In reality, the data delivered for these marketing programs and location-based analyses is also providing an agile and scalable platform for VF to more effectively manage and mitigate its supply chain risk as well.
elying on Alteryx for data analysis as it has superior capability to Microsoft Access and Excel in conjunction with the use of SC Software for geo-demographic analysis, VF has created a workflow for translating data warehouses into the basis of marketing and supply chain strategies. The strategic goal of getting the right product…...
Adnan, M., Longley, P., Singleton, a., & Brunsdon, C. (2010). Towards Real-Time Geodemographics: Clustering Algorithm Performance for Large Multidimensional Spatial Databases. Transactions in GIS, 14(3), 283-297.
Paul Sheldon Foote, & Malini Krishnamurthi. (2001). Forecasting using data warehousing model: Wal-Mart's experience. The Journal of Business Forecasting Methods & Systems, 20(3), 13-17.
Yang-Im Lee, & Peter R.J. Trim. (2006). Retail marketing strategy: The role of marketing intelligence, relationship marketing and trust. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 24(7), 730-745.
Lewis, M., Hornyak, R., Patnayakuni, R., & Rai, a.. (2008). Business Network Agility for Global Demand-Supply Synchronization: A Comparative Case Study in the Apparel Industry. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 11(2), 5-29.
This ensures each data entry point has a very clear purpose in the overarching development of the enterprise-wide IT systems throughout a healthcare provider (Tan, Payton, 2010). By taking this top-down governance and process management approach to defining an IT structure with data points, a healthcare organization can also ensure a much higher level of security to their entire network as well (Dwyer, einer, Siegel, 2004). Aligning IT spending to processes and governance frameworks ensures a higher level of performance.
3. Describe a situation where you would use a CHIN or HINO system to provide care. How would you utilize cloud computing?
The Community Health Information Network (CHIN) and egional Health Information Network Organizations (HINO) are best suited to serving a broad base of patients across a wide geographic and socioeconomic area. The CHIN platform has been specifically tailored to the development of metro and urban requirements, with success in supporting…...
Dwyer, S.J., Reiner, B.I., Siegel, E.L. (2004). Security
Hickman, G.T., Smaltz, DH (2008). The Healthcare Information Technology Planning Field book: Tactics, Tools and Templates for Building your IT Plan. Chicago: HIMSS. ISBN 978-0-9800697-1-6.
Tan, J., Payton, F.C. (2010). Adaptive Health Management Information Systems: Concepts Cases and Practical Applications (3rd ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN 13: 978-0-7637-5691-8.
However, many, if not most data warehouses have yet to deal effectively with this very real problem.
Additionally, in the near future new parallel database servers are likely to improve the power of data warehousing exponentially.
Not only will these servers allow the user to access immense pools of data, but they will also allow them to do so in a fraction of the time (ICFAI, 2004).
Finally, it is also very likely that in the near future the very "number driven" data warehouses (numbers being the de facto definition of data), may become capable of "recognizing" text and even multi-media as data (Orr, 2000). Clearly, the implications of this are enormous -- both theoretically, as well as in the practical realm.
Data warehouses are without question one of the most powerful technologies to impact the world of data management. The simple fact is that knowledge is power -- especially in the business…...
Adamson, Christopher. (1998). "Data Warehouse Design Solutions." Wiley: New York.
CIOL. Staff. (2001). "Quantifying the Effects of a Data Warehouse." Web site. Retrieved from Web site on March 24, 2005, from, (2005). "Getting Started with Learning About Data Warehousing" Web site. Retrieved from Web site on March 24, 2005, from,
Greenspun, Phillip. (2004). "Data Warehousing." Web site. Retrieved from Web site on March 24, 2005, from,
Information that crawls into the databases or warehouse might be utilized for reasons beyond those initially planned by those filling and amassing the data (Phillips, 1997). Data that might be pleasing in quality for functional databases can be not viable in warehouses that confirm practical strategic business decisions. For case in point, the correctness of the analysis code in an insurance firm's functional database had been immaterial when disbursing insurance claims but might trigger a risk analysis to stop working.
From the above mentioned facts it is clear that research needs to be carried out on data mining so as to clarify and recommend solutions to the problems being faced by business executives in their data mining efforts. The purpose of this research is to explain the functions of data mining in favor of business decisions and to define some of the obstacles to its effectual deployment in companies and give…...
Ahmed, M, Chopoorian, J.A, Khalil, O.E.M, Witherell, R. (2001). Mind Your Business by Mining Your Data. SAM Advanced Management Journal. 66, 2.
English, L. (1996, October 7). Help for data quality problems. Infonnationweek, 53-58,
Fayyad, U.M. (1997). Editorial. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 1(1), 5-10.
Frawley, W., Piatetsky-Shapiro, 0., & Matheus, C.J. (1991). Knowledge discovery in databases: An overview, in Piatetshy-Shapiro, G. And Frawley, W., (ed), Knowledge Discovery in Databases (AAAI Press/MIT Press).
1. The importance of data governance in healthcare IT systems.
2. The role of data governance in ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality in health IT.
3. Challenges and solutions in implementing effective data governance strategies in healthcare organizations.
4. The impact of data governance on improving healthcare outcomes and patient care.
5. The role of data governance in ensuring data quality and integrity in health IT systems.
6. Ethical considerations in data governance for health IT data.
7. The role of data governance in facilitating interoperability and data sharing in healthcare.
8. The impact of data governance on healthcare analytics and predictive modeling.
9. Strategies for building a....
1. The impact of COVID-19 on the healthcare system in 2020 and predictions for 2021
2. The rise of telemedicine and its implications for healthcare in 2021
3. Healthcare disparities and access to care in 2020 and strategies for improvement in 2021
4. The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare in 2020 and potential advancements in 2021
5. Mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers in 2020 and support resources available in 2021
6. The importance of vaccinations in preventing disease outbreaks in 2020 and efforts to increase vaccination rates in 2021
7. Health policy changes and their impact on healthcare delivery in 2020 and anticipated....
Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals store, access, and process data. With its vast range of capabilities and benefits, cloud computing has become an integral part of modern technology. This essay topic generator provides a comprehensive list of thought-provoking topics related to cloud computing, covering its technical foundation, applications, security implications, and future prospects.
Technical Foundation of Cloud Computing
The Evolution of Cloud Computing: Trace the historical development of cloud computing from its inception to present-day advancements.
Cloud Computing Architecture: Explain the layered architecture of cloud computing, including infrastructure, platform, and software as a service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
Local Government Issues: Essay Topic Ideas
Local government plays a significant role in the well-being of communities. However, various issues can arise within local governments, impacting the lives of residents and the effectiveness of governance. Here are ten compelling essay topic ideas that explore local government issues:
1. The Impact of Property Taxes on Affordable Housing: Examine the relationship between property tax rates and the availability of affordable housing in a local community. Discuss the challenges faced by low-income residents and explore potential policy solutions.
2. Citizen Participation in Local Decision-Making: Analyze the extent to which citizens participate in local government decision-making processes.....
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