Daily Life
Typically when one hears the word "psychology" one immediately is drawn to thoughts of psychotherapy, people on a couch, Sigmund Freud like analysts using terms like "how does that make you feel?" And similar associations. Other things that immediately come to mind are: our lives are determined by our childhood experiences ("it's all my Mom's fault"), our desires are hidden in our unconscious and emerge in our dreams, drugs can cure depression, etc. Psychology typically brings to mind aspects of therapy and clinical work; however, if one thinks harder one can also envision animal studies of learning, subliminal persuasion studies, and other research topics. In social circles we often hear of people playing "mind games" in relationships or using "reverse psychology" as a means to get someone to do something they otherwise might not do voluntarily. We are all innate psychologists in our own way creating theories about…...
American Psychological Association (2012). How does the APA define psychology? Retrieved on September 6, 2012 from http://www.apa.org/support/about/apa/psychology.aspx#answer.
Diener, E. (1979). Deindividuation, self-awareness, and disinhibition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37(7), 1160-1171.
Jex, S.M., & Britt, T.W. (2008). Organizational psychology. Hoboken: Wiley.
Kline P. (2000). The handbook of psychological testing. London: Routledge.
In this novel, class has more to do with breeding and background than it does with simple wealth. Class is a complex concept, and this has made it very difficult to negotiate shifts and changes in one's class status. The Great Gatsby illustrates that class is capable of producing deep-seated prejudices that cannot simply be altered by external factors like money.
Another very famous novel that affirms these class divisions and the barriers to class mobility is Jane Austen's Emma. The main character thinks of herself as a very good matchmaker, and one of the many conflicts in the novel involves Emma trying to match her friend Harriet up with Mr. Collins, and dissuading her from her romantic feelings for the farmer Mr. Martin. Emma foolishly believes, simply because she likes Harriet as a friend, that Harriet will be accepted into the upper reaches of the eighteenth century British class…...
mlaWorks Cited
Austen, Jane. Emma. New York: Bantam, 1984.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Mew York: Scribner, 1995.
Shaw, George Bernard. Pygmalion. Mineola, NY: Dover, 1994.
Steinbeck, John. The Pearl. New York: Penguin, 1992.
Odyssey: Daily Life for Women
When it comes to the Greeks, Homer's Odyssey is recognized as a piece of literature that was not just about gods, men, and creatures, this historical read served as a cultural example about the women and their place in society. This book, provides a wide-ranging view of the Achean's peacetime people. Throughout Odyssey, a person is able to pick up some understanding of what is appropriate or inappropriate in relationships among servant and master, father and son, guest and host, god and mortal, and--notably -- woman and ma. It is clear that the women are the ones that perform an important role in Odyssey. With that said, this essay will explore the daily life of women from the literature Odyssey.
Social customs, marriage, rights and freedoms
While Odysseus is looked at as being an interesting figure, the women persons in the Odyssey are just as equally important as…...
Austin, Norman. Helen of Troy and Her Shameless Phantom. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,, 2009.
Cahill, Jane. Her Kind: Stories of Women from Greek Mythology. Peterborough, Ont: Broadview Press, 2005.
Cohen, Beth. The Distaff Side: Representing the Female in Homer's Odyssey. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
DeBois, Page. Centaurs and Amazons: Women and the Pre-history of the Great Chain of Being. Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2012.
Of course, I am incidentally exposed to non-commercial art throughout my day, as well. My home is decorated with original paintings by unknown artists, so I see art as I glance around my home. My work is also decorated with artwork, though the works there are reproductions of the works of famous artists. I also hear music during my commute to work, and my office plays jazz music in the background.
Examining my experience with art in my daily life, it becomes clear to me that art is an essential part of a civilized life. Though I have not formally studied any of the fine arts, I believe that they have been very helpful to me. I believe that art serves as a reminder to me and to my fellow human beings that we are elevated above other animals. In addition, I believe that the tone and nature of a…...
Alternate Energy in Daily Life
Imagine that you could travel in time, much like Doc Brown and Marty McFly in the movie Back to the Future. uppose you traveled back to 1955 with the Doc and Marty and asked a resident of 1955 what the year 2011 would be like. Would he predict hybrid cars, or flying cars? Would he believe that the United tates has a moon base -- or that is has no moon program at all? Would he believe that kids carry cell phones but that the only commercial viable robot is the Roomba vacuum? omeone living in 1955 would probably predict a future much different from the one we are actually living today. When you consider how life in the future was depicted in movies, TV programs, and books in the middle of the 20th century, it easy to see that our predictions about the future and…...
mlaSources." (February 21, 2009.) Retrieved April 27, 2011 from the Alternative Energy website at http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/hydrogen-fuel-from-non-food-sources/
IBM. (2000.) "Flying Cars Commercial." Retrieved April 26, 2011 from YouTube.com at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzm6pvHPSGo
Johnson, Keith. (August 10, 2009.) "Blown Away: Wind Power Makes Electricity Cheaper in Texas." Retrieved April 28, 2011 from the Wall Street Journal at http://blogs.wsj.com/environmentalcapital/2009/08/10/blown-away-wind-power-makes-electricity-cheaper-in-texas/
Kobayashi, Teruo. (December, 2005.) "Progress of Electric Railways in Japan." Japan Railway and Transport Review issue 42. Pp 62-69. Retrieved from http://jrtr.net/jrtr42/pdf/s62_kob.pdf
Loftin, Josh. (April 18, 2011.) "Home renewable energy for focus of Utah conference." Retrieved April 27, 2011 from Business Week at http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9MM3JV80.htm
e learn that our way of life can change practically overnight. e learn that suffering on a massive scale can happen from just a few high-level missteps. But perhaps most importantly, we learn that the American spirit has an amazing capacity for resourcefulness and resilience -- a lesson that might comfort us in our own times of worry.
orks Cited
"Always Lending a Helping Hand: Sevier County Remembers the Great Depression." New Deal Network. eb. Retrieved 19 Sept 2011 from http://newdeal.feri.org/sevier/index.htm
Downing, David. The Great Depression. Chicago: Reed Educational Publishing, 2001.
Horowitz, Irving Lewis. "A Child's View of the Great Depression." Antioch Review. Fall 2009, Vol. 67, Issue 4. p 678-681.
McNeese, Tim. The Great Depression, 1929-1938. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2010.
Schultz, Stanley. The Great Depression: A Primary Source History. New York: Gareth Stevens, 2005.
Annotated Bibliography
"Always Lending a Helping Hand: Sevier County Remembers the Great Depression." New Deal Network. eb. Retrieved 19 Sept 2011…...
mlaWorks Cited
"Always Lending a Helping Hand: Sevier County Remembers the Great Depression." New Deal Network. Web. Retrieved 19 Sept 2011 from http://newdeal.feri.org/sevier/index.htm
Downing, David. The Great Depression. Chicago: Reed Educational Publishing, 2001.
Horowitz, Irving Lewis. "A Child's View of the Great Depression." Antioch Review. Fall 2009, Vol. 67, Issue 4. p 678-681.
McNeese, Tim. The Great Depression, 1929-1938. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2010.
Furthermore, due to finance problems and lack of family support, John and Elizabeth have not had a vacation with or without the children since they have been married. One gets the feeling that this family is becoming a pressure cooker that will explode if solutions are not found to ease the burdens of their daily life.
Today more and more school aged children live with their grandparents, whether alone or with one or both parents. In fact according to recent statistics, more than five million children, or 7.7% live with their grandparents (Vanderkam Pp). These grandparent-headed households differ from traditional three-generation households because today, most of the grandparents are over sixty-five years old and few work (Vanderkam Pp). Moreover, many boomers are suddenly confronted with aging relatives who can no longer care for themselves (Kornblum Pp). According to Lynn Friss Feinberg, deputy director of the National Center on Caregiving at…...
mlaWorks Cited
Thompson, Trisha. "Emotional Pickups." Parenting; 9/1/2004; Pp.
Kovach, Beverly a. "Assisting toddlers and caregivers during conflict resolutions: interactions that promote socialization." Childhood Education; 9/22/1998; Pp.
Interview with Elizabeth Black. November 18, 2004.
Vanderkam, Laura R. "Many boomers' children live in grandmother's house."
Formatted Essay
Essay Topic Examples
1. Conflict Theory in the Workplace: ower Dynamics and Employee Relations:
This essay would examine the application of conflict theory within the workplace, focusing on the power relations between employers and employees. It would explore how disparities in authority, resource allocation, and job roles can lead to inherent conflicts, labor disputes, and negotiations.
2. Conflict Theory Applied to Education: Inequalities and Student Outcomes:
This topic would investigate how conflict theory manifests in the educational system, reviewing how social class, race, and gender influence the quality of education received by students. The essay would discuss disparities in school funding, curriculum, and teacher-student relationships, and their effects on academic achievement.
mlaPrimary Sources
Marx, Karl. Capital: Volume I. Penguin Classics, 1990.
Weber, Max. Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology. University of California Press, 1978.Collins, Randall. Four Sociological Traditions. Oxford University Press, 1994.Dahrendorf, Ralf. Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. Stanford University Press, 1959.Coser, Lewis A. The Functions of Social Conflict. Free Press, 1956.
In the late winter as our root cellars begin to empty and the food begins to spoil our daily meals became quite meager but we live with the knowledge that matters will soon improve as the weather becomes warmer.
Our lives here are quite difficult. We are often cold and there is little to eat. We work extremely hard and what free time we do have we spend in pray being thankful for what we do have. We do, however, have our family and fellow congregation members and together we are free to honor our God in our own way. This has not always been the case and we are grateful for this opportunity. Our first days here were particularly difficult but things have improved as we have learned to adjust to the harsh weather conditions, improved our hunting skills, and gradually cleared the forests to build our farmlands. In…...
As they share a common bond in the underlying struggles and challenges that they are wrestling with. This is significant, because it shows how the ice age would force people to work together, to overcome the various weather related issues that are having an impact upon their lives. ("Paleolithic")
The use of various types of tools / technology would change the way humans would live their lives. This is because, the ice age would force everyone to utilize new survival techniques that were often not focused on. Prior to the ice age, most humans were considered to be hunter and gathers. This meant that they would often rely on killing various types of animals, as their way of providing food and clothing for themselves. At the same time, humans would often gather various fruits and berries to consume. Once the ice age began this would all change, as the total…...
"Amblin to Alaska." Why Files, n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2010
"Ice Ages." Science Clarified, 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2010
"Paleotlithic." Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2010
Frith, Naill. "Humans Survived the Ice Age by Sheltering. Daily Mail, 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2010.
Daily Hassles Scale; Beck Depression Inventory; and Ways of Coping Questionnaire
The Daily Hassles and Uplifts (HSUP) scale, created by ichard S. Lazarus and Susan Folkman, measures participants attitudes about daily events characterized (by them,) as either "hassles" or "uplifts." Instead of focusing on potentially stressful events as overwhelming and frustrating, the tool provides participants with a way in which they can regard them as life-changing thereby growth producing, and positive. The Uplifts scale suggests positive aspects of daily life and counteracts stress and consists of three scales: the Hassles scale, the Uplift scale, and the Combined scale.
The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI, BDI-II), created by Dr. Aahron Beck, is a 21-question multiple choice self-inventory (each item scored on a scale of 0-3) and one of the most widely used instruments for measuring depression. It believes that depression stems from cognitive attitudes and breaks depression into three categories: affective, physical, and…...
Beck AT, Steer RA, Ball R, Ranieri W (December 1996). "Comparison of Beck Depression Inventories -IA and -II in psychiatric outpatients." Journal of personality assessment 67 (3): 588 -- 97.
Lazarus, R. & Folkman, S. Hassles & Uplifts. Mind garden http://www.mindgarden.com/products/hsups.htm
Lazarus, R. & Folkman, S. Ways of Coping Questionnaire Mind garden http://www.mindgarden.com/products/wayss.htm
Pearson. BDI-II. Assessment & Information
Life: Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed
Boehem and Turner define the first part of their book Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed along the daily life of a traditional software developer, following the course of a spiral project development, designed to reduce potential defects, and then providing Model-Based Software Engineering (MBASE) and the Rational Unified Process as potential alternative models with which developers can use. The potential problems both models can face often recall the depressing Beatles song of the same name, "A Day in the Life." Boehm and Turner essentially use both of their examples to advise potential developers against using a risky, unplanned strategy. This may be based in the author's background in government and academic design sectors, rather than the faster pace of private industry.
hen advising the reader about finding the best balance between agility and discipline, they tend to…...
mlaWork cited
Boehm, Barry and Richard Turner. (2004) Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed. New York: Addison-Wesley.
Frankl, many people seek therapy because of the "feeling of the total and ultimate meaningless of their lives," (p. 62). Frankl mainly refers to the "super-meaning" or to the ultimate meaning of life from a general existential or cosmological perspective -- not the personalized meaning in one individual's purpose in life, which is a different question (p. 74). A state of meaninglessness is the inability to move forward and progress through pain, not just in spite of pain and suffering but because of it. Meaningless is a "feeling of emptiness," and an "existential vacuum," (p. 143). Meaninglessness is the inability to learn from suffering, and thereby transform suffering into something that is meaningful. According to Frankl, meaningfulness cannot be located in the propagation of the species because one must find meaning whether or not one procreates. Meaning comes from feeling useful, and feeling useful needs to arise independently of external…...
As Swami Vivekananda once said, "We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think." This notion is one that can be truly applied to my situation and to what Tolle teaches about the pain body -- if we think it, we feel it, and this is true for pain, happiness, contentment, self-confidence etc. For years I dwelled on the stress of bad situations, which affected my life for the worse. Today, I think positively of myself and others, which has brought me noting but contentment in my life and in myself.
As a teenager, a mentor, upon seeing my stress and interactions with bullies told me that the only person capable of dictating my life was I. While I had known this should be the case, I had never truly applied this idea to my own life, choosing instead to let my bullies shape…...
Quiet oom: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness by Lori Schiller and Amanda Bennett. Specifically it will discuss the author's life and how mental illness affected her family and herself. Lori Schiller suffered from schizophrenia since she was a teenager, and this is a true account of her struggles with the disease.
This book, written by the patient and a writer, is the real story of Lori Schiller, a schizophrenia patient who managed to conquer, or manage, her disease. She writes powerfully of how the illness affected her and her family, and what how it affected her life. Her experiences began with hearing "Voices" in her head and these voices rarely disappear from her mind. She writes, "Sometimes those Voices have been dormant. Sometimes they have been overwhelming. At times over the years they have nearly destroyed me. Many times over the years I was ready to give…...
Schiller, Lori, and Amanda Bennett. The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness. New York: Warner Books, 1994.
There are a couple of ways to approach this. You can focus on research that has already been done, or you can survey elderly people in your community who live alone. That may be difficult, especially if you live in a small town or you don't know many people, but it can provide you with valuable information if you can get enough people to take the survey. You also need to decide what you want to know about those elderly people who live alone. Are you interested in their health? Their safety? How they handle daily life tasks or emergencies?....
There is no understating the importance that the Church and the development of Christianity and alternative churches have in the history of the world and the creation of modern culture. Christianity and the Church were a driving factor behind the colonial development of the world, which required incorporating foreign aspects into worship, and led to the creation of the modern worship experience.
It is important to look at how the Age of Discovery, when the Catholic Church expanded around the globe by establishing missions in conquered or colonized countries with indigenous populations of people who....
Writing an article may seem intimidating, but if you have written an essay in the past, then you have all of the skills necessary to tackle writing an article. The first thing to do is familiarize yourself with your topic. Since your husband has diabetes, you are already familiar with the disease, which gives you an advantage when writing your article. Unless you are writing a really broad article, you are going to want to differentiate between Type I and Type II diabetes, since their causes and treatments are significantly different.
The next....
One way that lean principles could apply to daily life is by practicing the 5S methodology. 5S stands for Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. This methodology can be applied to declutter and organize our living spaces, improving efficiency and reducing stress.
1. Sort: Start by going through your belongings and categorize them into three groups - keep, donate, or discard. Only keep items that are necessary or bring you joy.
2. Set in Order: Arrange the items you've decided to keep in a logical and organized manner. Designate specific places for each item and ensure they are easily....
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