Cyberbullying Essays (Examples)

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Cyberbullying Campaign
Pages: 2 Words: 517

Beyond Blue is a campaign that is designed to help with depression and anxiety in Australian youth. They tackle a number of issues related to this, including getting help during times of distress. Cyberbullying is one campaign issue that Beyond Blue can work with, because cyberbullying is a major cause of depressions and suicide among teenagers. Addressing this cause of depression at its root can help teenagers to tackle their depression more effectively.

It is important to outline the key roles and responsibilities for the team in order to build the most effective campaign possible. Beyond Blue's organisational structure has three main leaders -- the Chairman Jeff Kennett, the CEO Kate Cornell and the Deputy Chair Tim Marney. There is a Board of Directors that provides leadership to the organisation. From there, Beyond Blue is designed around a geographic structure. There is on overarching Commonwealth of Australia unit, and then departments…...



Beyond Blue. (2014). Our governance structure. Beyond Blue. Retrieved May 19, 2014 from 

Sveticic, J., Milner, A. & De Leo, D. (2010). Suicide Research: Selected Readings, Vol. 4. Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention: Bowen Hills, Qld.

Cyberbullying Research Protocol Title of
Pages: 3 Words: 1020

h. isks -- the safety and anonyminity of the participating students is of central concern for the researchers. All data will be coded to protect identifying information about the participants. The rules and guidelines of the IB will be adhered to throughout the study. Also, students will be provided with access to school counselors if they become upset or want to talk further about cyberbullying. A virtual environment was chosen to be the safest, best controlled and most ethically sound method in which to examine cyberbullying.

i. Confidentiality -- the identity of the participants will be protected by coding all identifying information. Also, only the primary researchers will be allowed to listen to the original transcripts of the focus groups and after transcription the tapes will be destroyed.

2. Informed Consent Form

a. Statement of Invitation to Participate -- We would like to invite you to participate in a study about cyberbullying. The…...



Beale, a., Hall, K. (2007). Cyberbullying: What school administrators (and parents) can do. The Clearing House: 81, 8-12.

Carney, J. (2008). Perceptions of bullying and associated trauma during adolescence. Professional School Counseling: 11(3), 179-187.

Li, Q. (2007). New bottle but old wine: A research of cyberbullying in schools. Computers in Human Behavior: 23(4), 1777-1791.

Morgan, D.L. (1988). Focus groups as qualitative research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Cyberbullying Among Adolescents the Role of Affective and Cognitive Empathy and Gender
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Cyberbullying by Singapore Adolescents
Cyberbullying and Empathy

An inverse relationship between empathy and traditional bullying has been well established empirically (reviewed by Ang and Goh, 2010). Whether the same claim can be made about cyberbullying is unknown, although research data indicates that the anonymity of online bullying may encourage such behavior. Direct bullying, which commonly involves physical aggression, has been shown to be associated with poor affective empathy. In contrast, indirect bullying, such as backstabbing behaviors, is associated with poor cognitive empathy. Affective empathy is the ability to share emotional experiences, whereas cognitive empathy is the ability to understand the emotional experiences of others.

The interaction between gender and empathy has been studied extensively, and boys generally score lower in this respect (reviewed by Ang and Goh, 2010). However, gender seems to have a bigger impact on affective, rather than cognitive empathy. How these forms of empathy and gender interact with cyberbullying prevalence,…...



Ang, Rebecca P. And Goh, Dion H. (2010). Cyberbullying among adolescents: The role of affective and cognitive empathy, and gender. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 41, 387-397.

Are Laws Effective Strategy Address Issue Cyberbullying Yes
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

Are existing laws the most effective strategy to address the issue of cyberbullying? Yes or No.

This paper addresses cyberbullying and uses research articles to answer the question and provide background and perspective. One of the references used for this paper is a story from the Connecticut Post (2011) by Linda Conner Lambeck ("New Cyberbullying Law Forces Schools to Intervene"). A second source used in this paper is written by two professors from the Cyberbullying Research Center -- Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin -- who take great care to present narrative that covers a wide range of issues relating to cyberbullying.

hile laws are important in terms of setting proper legal standards for expected behavior and by attempting to prevent some cyberbullying behaviors -- and in some cases punishing offenders -- laws are not the most effective strategy in terms of addressing the challenges presented through the act of cyberbullying. Education, information,…...


Works Cited

Hinduja, Sameer, and Patchin, Justin W. "Cyberbullying: Identification, Prevention, and Response." Cyberbullying Research Center. Retrieved July 19, 2013, from 2010.

Lambeck, Linda Conner. "New Cyberbullying Law Forces Schools to Intervene." Connecticut

Post. Retrieved July 19, 2013, from   2011. .

The First Amendment Cyberbullying
Pages: 3 Words: 783

Cyberbullying and the First Amendment 1Cyberbullying and the First AmendmentCyberbullying is categorized as harassment in the first amendment, and several cases have been used to explain this. According to the first amendment, cyberbullying is a kind of bullying done using any electronic communication service. It also uses cellular and other telephones, computers, cameras, electronic mail, text messaging, or instant messaging. It can also be done using an internet website, social media application, or another internet-based communication tool (Johnson, 2020).The Texas Education Code describes harassment as threatening to cause bodily injury or harm. In contrast, other students engage in other intimidating activities that could cause emotional or physical damage to others and their properties. According to the law, this could lead to restraints or physical confinement since it is the intentional cause of harm emotionally and physically to others. Cyberbullying is an example of harassment according to Texas law, and it…...



Johnson, K. A. (2020). On the evolution and definition of \\\\\\'First Amendment studies\\\\\\': Do we all engage in First Amendment studies? First Amendment Studies, 54(2), 149-155.

Justia (n.d). Bethel Sch. Dist. v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986). 

Reporters Committee For the Freedom of Press. (2012, November 20). Texas public officials lose First Amendment challenge to openness requirements. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

Pages: 3 Words: 871

Cyberbullying: Annotated Bibliography Evans, C.B.R., Cotter, K. &. Smokowski, P. (2017). Giving victims of bullying a voice:
A qualitative study of post bullying reactions and coping strategies. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 34, 543–555.
All too often, the focus of research on bullying is on the perpetrators’ motivations, rather than the long-term negative impact upon the victims. This article is valuable because it addresses the fact that adolescents who are bullied are more apt to suffer from loneliness and a sense of social isolation. Its qualitative approach, via interviewing 22 victims from the same rural setting, was designed to solicit information directly from victims themselves, and has the additional value of allowing victims to speak in their own voices of the personal impact of bullying. Coping strategies included directly asking for help from adults, and also negative strategies such as lashing out physically and verbally.
Although the study does not specifically focus upon cyberbullying, it…...



Evans, C.B.R., Cotter, K. &. Smokowski, P. (2017). Giving victims of bullying a voice.

Reason, L. & Boyd, M. (2016). Cyberbullying in rural communities: Origin and processing through the lens of older adolescents. The Qualitative Report, 21(12), 2331-2348.

Roberto, A. J., Eden, J., Deiss, D. M., Savage, M. W., & Ramos-Salazar, L. (2017). The short term effects of a cyberbullying prevention intervention for parents of middle school students . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(9), 1038. 

Pages: 7 Words: 2781

Cyberbullying Essay Outline
I. Introduction

A. Bullying involves an imbalance of power between the victim and the bully.

B. Bullying is more than just isolated incidents of negative behavior; it requires repetitive behavior.

C. Cyberbullying occurs electronically, via the internet, cell phones, and social media.

II. Imbalance of power

A. Bullies have some type of power over victims.

B. There are different ways that bullies can exert power over victims.

1. Social power

2. Financial power

3. Sexual power

4. Group power

C. Bullying cannot be mutual, but bullies and victims can switch roles over time.

III. Bullying is repetitive.

A. Not all mean actions are bullying.  

B. To qualify as bullying, behaviors have to be repetitive.

C. Not all acts of bullying have to be committed by one bully to be considered part of a repetitive pattern of bullying.  

IV. Cyberbullying occurs electronically.

A. Cyberbullying can occur several ways:

1. Internet

2. Cell phones

3. Social Media

B. Cyberbullying may occur only online or can be combined with in-person bullying.

V. Conclusion


Pages: 9 Words: 2826

Abstract  Bullying has been around since the beginning of recorded history, and probably well before then, as well.  However, many people express a belief that people are becoming more aware of and sensitive to bullying.  While it may be true that there is a heightened awareness of bullying, the increased sensitivity to bullies may be a misconception.  The nature of bullying has changed and evolved with technological changes.  With the advent of cyberbullying, victims are no longer able to escape from bullies.  Instead, bullies can follow victims into almost any setting.  The inability of victims to escape from their bullies for even small amounts of time seems to be exacerbating the impact of those bullies.  Victims seem more vulnerable, and victims may be taking dramatic actions, up to and including suicide, in the hopes of ending the bullying.  In this article, the author discusses cyberbullying.  The discussion begins with a definition…...

The Prevalence and Impact of Cyberbullying on Young People
Pages: 3 Words: 962

Cyberbullying: A Growing Public Health ThreatIn many ways, the emergence of cyberbullying was inevitable and predictable enough given the dark side of human nature. The introduction of the Internet and the corresponding anonymity it provides has created a public health threat that endangers everyone who uses online resources such as social media or forums, and young people in particular are at an elevated risk of becoming the victims of cyberbullying today. Despite the lack of physical confrontation, cyberbullying can still cause a wide range of mental and physical disorders, including even death due to suicide. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature to provide a working definition of cyberbullying and to identify recent and current trends. Finally, a description of some of the health-related concerns that are caused by cyberbullying is followed by a summary of the findings in the conclusion.Review and DiscussionThe U.S. federal governments definition…...


Works CitedGohal, Gassem, et al. “Prevalence and Related Risks of Cyberbullying and Its Effects on Adolescent.” BMC Psychiatry, vol. 23, no. 1, Jan. 2023, p. 39.Moyer, M. W. (2022, March 24). “Kids as Young as 8 Are Using Social Media More Than Ever, Study Finds.” The New York Times. [online] available: 03/24/well/family/child-social-media-use.html#:~:text=On%20average%2C%20daily %20screen%20use,(ages%2013%20to%2018).Overview of Cyberbullying. (2023). U.S. Government: Stop Bullying. [online] available: .Social Media and Teens. (2023). American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. [online] available: .

Bullying Essay
Pages: Words: 2824

Bullying can be a difficult topic to tackle. That is why this bullying essay will help offer an idea of what will comprise a good paper and what potential areas of research to cover within this controversial and popular subject. From developing a good thesis, carrying it throughout body paragraphs, and closing with a brief and concise conclusion, this essay will show what to do to obtain a high grade. The first step before the thesis, the body, and the conclusion, is a unique and informative introduction. This will help lead to an idea of where to start the paper and when all is finished, an abstract can be created, thus putting a successful end to any writing project.


Understanding a Bully

What Makes Others Bully?

Bullying: The Need to Control

Identifying the Four Common Types of Bullying


Verbal Bullying

Relational Bullying

Physical Bullying

Cyber Bullying


I.  Introduction

II.  Body

     A.  What is Bullying - Definition

     B.  Types…...

Bullying Extend Beyond School Grounds
Pages: 3 Words: 1281

The possible connection between bullying experiences in school and online is consistent with data showing that when most schoolmates have Internet access at home, electronic communication is conducted largely within school-based peer networks.
Cited Study: Gross EF Adolescent Internet use: what we expect, what teens report. J Appl Dev Psychol. 2004; 25:633-649.

Livingstone S. Children use of the Internet: reflections on the emerging research agenda. New Media and Society. 2003; 5:

esearch Design:

esearch design was based on correlational factors involving experimental quantitative statistical analysis. Targeted participants ranged from ages 12-17. Additionally, participants were introduced to an electronic survey on a popular teen Web site called Bolt in which an incentive was offered to induce participation, such as a raffle for an iPod or gift card. Through this Web site, data was collected from August through October 2005. In conducting an electronic survey, parental consent was not necessary, participants could participate anonymously, or…...



Juvonen, J., & Gross, E. (2008). Extending the school grounds? -- Bullying experiences in cyberspace. Journal of School Health, 78(9), 496-505.

1 of 1

Effects of Gender Related Bullying and Harassment
Pages: 7 Words: 2121

Bullying and Conflict in Relation to Learning About Gender and Other Forms of Equity
One of the harsh realities of life in the United States is the potential for bullying behaviors to adversely affect the learning environment for young victims, transforming the school environment from a place of learning into one that is dreaded and feared. Moreover, bullying behaviors can have a profound effect on the manner in which young people are socialized concerning gender roles as well as their perspectives concerning equity later in life. To determine the facts about these issues, this paper provides a review of the literature to develop a discussion concerning the issues of bullying and conflict in relation to learning about gender and other forms of equity and the implications these have for students and teachers. Finally, following this discussion, a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues are presented in the…...

Parent and Child Communication Article Review
Pages: 4 Words: 1871

Keijsers, L., & Poulin, F. (2013, March 11). Developmental changes in parent -- child communication throughout adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 49(12), 2301-2308. doi:10.1037/a0032217
The science of Developmental Psychology purposes and endeavors to elucidate the change that comes about in both children and adults in the course of time. I have decided to focus and lay emphasis on this topic as the most change takes place in the course of a person's lifespan during this particular period (Mcleod, 2012). Further, the topic "Developmental changes in parent-child communication throughout adolescence," lays emphasis on the individual changes and variations in the patterns of change between the association that exists between the child and the parent in the course of adolescence. Particularly important is the fact that any individual during its infancy is largely attached to the parent and therefore communicates a lot. However, according to this topic, it is delineated that the attachment and level…...

Social Media and Suicide Social Media Internet
Pages: 8 Words: 2737

Social Media and Suicide
Social Media

Internet has become a gadget of everyday use for people of 21st century. As it is offering many benefits to the users in terms of information communcaition, interaction, entertainment, socialization and earning livelihhod, there are certain dark factors related to it. The dark factors are as severe as forcing people to commit suicide. It is no exaggeration to mention that Intenet is used as a medium to harass people and get undue benefits from them.

Social media today is playing major role in enabling people and organizations to communicate and share ideas, views and knowledge with other people. The traditional methods of communication have been modified through social media platforms like chat rooms, social networking sites (Facebook, My-Space, Twitter, Google+ etc.), video sites (YouTube), discussion forums, video chat, text messages, blogs etc. (Lexton et al., 2012). The most well-known social networking website Facebook had almost million users…...



Biddle, L., Donovan, J., Hawton, K., Kapur, N., Gunnell, D., 2008. Suicide and the Internet. British Medical Journal, 336, 800-802.

"Cyberbullying Does Not 'Cause' Teen Suicide," 2012. Retrieved from 

"Facebook Statistics," 2011. Retrieved from 

"Facebook statistics by country," n.d. Retrieved from

Critical Thinking and Its Importance in the Current Society
Pages: 12 Words: 4423

Responsibilities of a Critical Thinker in a Contemporary Society
Some thinkers consider critical thinking to be solely a type of mental skill, devoid of any moral value; it is often utilized to rationalize prejudice and to promote self-interest. While moral integrity is understood as good heartedness, it is also susceptible to manipulation to satisfy vested interests in the same way as responsible citizenship can be manipulated. The human mind, regardless of conscious goodwill, is subject to the more powerful and self-deceptive egocentricity of the unconscious part of the mind. The complete development of each and every characteristic, be it critical thought, responsible citizenship, and moral integrity - needs to include cultivation of each other characteristic, in a parallel strong sense (Paul, 1993). The three characteristics of higher thought can only be developed in an environment that promotes intellectual virtues such as integrity, intellectual courage, intellectual fair-mindedness, intellectual empathy, intellectual perseverance, and…...



Ambert, A. Parents, (1997) Children, and Adolescents: Interactive Relationships and Development in Context. New York, NY: Hayworth Press.

Duffy, A. & Momirov, J.(1997) Family Violence: A Canadian Introduction. Toronto: James Lorimer and Company.

Duperrin, B. (2013). Social Media make critical thinking critical. Retrieved from 

Erdur-Baker, O. (2010). .Cyberbullying and its correlation to traditional bullying, gender and frequent and risky usage of internet-mediated communication tools. New Media & Society, 12(1), 109-125. DOI: 10.1177/1461444809341260

What are some reasons that cyberbullying is could be considered more harmful than traditional bullying?
Words: 395

Cyberbullying, which is defined as bullying that takes place over digital devices, is both similar to and different from traditional bullying.  In addition, it can take place in isolation or in combination with traditional forms of bullying.  It can involve a wide range of behaviors, including posing or sharing negative, harmful, mean, false, embarrassing, or humiliating information about the target.  It can also involve harassing behaviors.  Sometimes cyberbullying behaviors are criminal, and sometimes they are not.  Cyberbullying can occur on social media, in emails, by text or DM, in SMS, in games, in forums, and in a....

Can you help with an outline for a speech on cyberbullying?
Words: 510

Cyberbullying is an extremely popular topic for academic essays and speeches.  In fact, we have several example essays on the cyberbullying and bullying.  It is similar to traditional in-person bullying in many ways, but because of the reach of internet devices it is often considered more serious and damaging than many methods of in-person bullying.  That is because victims describe being unable to get away from cyberbullying and to the fact that once it is online, the it is permanent.  This has led to people taking a more serious approach to bullying.  Here is an....

I need help with an essay topic related to cyberbullying?
Words: 334

Here are 25 essay topics related to cyberbullying:

  1. The Psychological Impact of Cyberbullying on Teenagers
  2. Comparative Analysis of Cyberbullying Laws Across Different Countries
  3. The Role of Social Media Platforms in Preventing Cyberbullying
  4. Cyberbullying: A Modern Challenge in Digital Parenting
  5. How Cyberbullying Influences Academic Performance in Schools
  6. The Effectiveness of School Programs in Combating Cyberbullying
  7. The Intersection of Cyberbullying and Gender
  8. Analyzing the Long-term Effects of Being a Cyberbully
  9. The Relationship Between Cyberbullying and Mental Health Disorders
  10. Technological Solutions to Detect and Prevent Cyberbullying
  11. Cyberbullying: An Emerging Issue in Workplace Harassment
  12. The Role of Bystanders in Cyberbullying Scenarios
  13. Cyberbullying Among Celebrities: Public Scrutiny and Personal Impact
  14. Understanding the Psychological Profile of a Cyberbully
  15. The Influence....

how can we help make the internet safer?
Words: 334

To help make the internet safer, we can take the following measures:

1. Strengthen password security:
- Use strong and unique passwords for each online account.
- Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate passwords.
- Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

2. Educate users about phishing and malware:
- Raise awareness about common phishing techniques and the importance of not clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unknown sources.
- Promote the use of reliable antivirus software and regularly update it.

3. Encourage responsible online behavior:
- Teach users about the potential consequences of sharing personal information online.

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