Cyber Terrorism Essays (Examples)

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Cyber Terrorism
Pages: 13 Words: 4455

Cyber Terrorism
The Internet that we know today and use in our everyday lives was founded in the early 1970s. But all through the Cold War, the apprehension of data theft led to the Internet becoming a decentralized system. But it was not until the late 1980s when the Internet, after years and years of research was made available to public. This was a big change because now anyone in the public could gain access of huge amount of data from anywhere in the world. The following list tells us how Internet can be used to spread evil, and assist terrorist organizations to apply more danger and fear to the world. According to Weimann (2004), the Internet has:

- easily approachable

- no single controller or regulator to control or censor information

- the makings for widespread spectators all round the globe

- the power for the user to remain anonymous

- quick access to information




Army, U. (2005). Cyber Operations and Cyber Terrorism. In U. Army, U.S. Army Training Doctrine Command, Handbook No. 1.02

Bridis, T. (2005, May 26). USA Today. Retrieved September 14, 2011, from "Silent Horizon" war games wrap up for The CIA: 

Coleman, K. (2003, October 10 ). Cyber Terrorism. Retrieved September 14, 2011, from Cyber Terrorism Article:

Cyber Terrorism & Information All
Pages: 6 Words: 2274

The increasing skill of these terrorists in using cyberspace has led some officials to believe that they are on the point of using computers for increasing bloodshed. This new threat is not similar to hackers' earlier using computers for passing viruses and worms. This has now reached a level of being able to reach the meeting point of computers and physical structures controlled by computers. The belief of analysts in U.S. is that they may try to disable or control floodgates in dams or electrical stations handling large quantities of power and through them destroy lives and property around them.
Though there is not much evidence, they believe that al Qaeda may be using these capacities with other weapons like explosives. The al Qaeda is known to have capacity to use other sites for their own benefit, and al Qaeda laptop in Afghanistan had visited the French site of Anonymous…...


Works Cited

Cyber-terrorism. (30 April, 2005) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved at   on 14 May, 2005 

Gellman, Barton. (June 27, 2002) "Cyber-Attacks by Al Qaeda Feared" Washington Post. P: A01. Retrieved at   on 14 May, 2005 

Lewis, James a. (December, 2002) "Assessing the Risks of Cyber Terrorism, Cyber War and Other Cyber Threats" Center for Strategic and International Studies. Retrieved at   Accessed on 14 May, 2005 .

O' Neil, Michael J. (2001) "Cyber-Terrorism: Case Study" Excerpt from Terrorism and the Law, by Yonah Alexander and Edgar H. Brenner, Editors. Transnational Publishers, Inc. Retrieved at Accessed on 14 May, 2005

Cyberterrorism With the Continued Integration of Technology
Pages: 5 Words: 1606

With the continued integration of technology, and especially internet-based technologies, into everyday life, the threat of cyberterrorism becomes more and more of a concern, as the potential for exponentially devastating effects increases alongside reliance on these emerging technologies. However, combating cyberterrorism is not as simple as one might think (or hope), because even the definition of the word itself remains under discussion. Nonetheless, after examining some of the more common definitions of cyberterrorism as well as the most obvious and evolving cyberterrorist threats, it becomes clear that much of the official preparation and response to cyberterrorism tends to focus on red herrings, missing the areas with the greatest potential for harm while focusing on far less likely doomsday scenarios. ealizing this fact ultimately offers some better ideas for stopping current and future cyberterrorists.

The first hurdle to understanding and combating cyberterrorism is the fact that there is no singularly agreed-upon definition…...



Anonymous, . (2001). Client-side distributed denial-of-service: valid campaign tactic or terrorist act?. Leonardo, 34(3), 269-274.

Baldwin, FN. (2004). The financing of terror in the age of the internet: wilful blindness, greed or a political statement?. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 8(2), 127-158.

Collin, B. (1997). Future of cyberterrorism: the physical and virtual worlds converge. Crime and Justice International, 13(2), 15-18.

Kaiser, J. (1999). Cyberterrorism threat hyped?. Science, 283(5399), 139.

Cyber Terrorism Is the Process of Using
Pages: 2 Words: 678

Cyber terrorism is the process of using disruptive, electronic activities to disrupt or destroy computers or computer networks with the aim of causing further damage or fear. Cyber terrorism is therefore a very great threat to information as it can lead to the leaking, damage or loss of very critical information by countries. In any case, cyber terrorism is facilitated through hacking and other activities aimed at affecting information across the world Verton, 2003.
Therefore as a threat, cyber terrorism involves terrorists using information technology in order to further their evil causes. The present technological world offers terrorists the opportunity to use information technology to make electronic threats through hackings, introduction of viruses defacing websites and Denial-of-service attacks.

Evolution of cyber terrorism

The evolution of cyber terrorism has basically grown in tandem with the developments realized in information technology. The initial threats began in the 1980s and continue as terrorists gained much knowledge…...



Alexander, Y., & Swetnam, M.S. (2001). Cyber terrorism and information warfare: threats and responses. Ardsley, NY: Transnational.

Elmusharaf, M.M. n. d. (2012). Cyber Terrorism: The new kind of Terrorism. Computer Crime Research Center - Daily news about computer crime, internet fraud and cyber terrorism. Retrieved May 29, 2012, from 

Taylor, R.W. (2006). Digital crime and digital terrorism. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Verton, D. (2003). Black Ice: the Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Cyberterrorism What Is Cyberterrorism Cyberterrorism Is Characterized
Pages: 2 Words: 692

hat is Cyberterrorism?

Cyberterrorism is characterized by the fusing of terrorism and technology; it has made it such that guarding against terrorism necessitates careful use of computers and technology, and constant awareness of one's software and security systems. According to Gordon and Ford (2002), cyberterrorism has greatly expanded the scope and procedures used for terrorism, and have made acts of terrorism more difficult to police. Because of the technological component, it is most often directed at the workplace, where computers are prevalent and important files (often involving vast sums of money) are housed and protected (Matchulat,, J.J., 2006). hile terrorism has always resulted in tragic consequences, it was previously much easier to identify since it was characterized by more overt acts of violence. However, cyberterrorism makes it such that one could be a victim of a terrorist attack and not even be aware of the terrorist act.

As the chief information officer…...


Works Cited

Awan, A., & Blakemore, B. (2012). Policing Cyber Hate, Cyber Threats, and Cyber Terrorism. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Company.

Ford, R., & Gordon, S. (2002). Cyberterrorism? Computers and Society, 21(7), 636-647.

Gori, U. (2011). Modelling cyber security: Approaches, methodology, security. International Journal of Information Technology and Security, 1(1).

Johnson, T.A. (2006). Forensic Computer Crime Investigation. Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis Group.

Cyber Terrorism and Communication in Terrorism
Pages: 14 Words: 3698

Cyber Terrorism
Terrorism has become the most heatedly discussed and debated subject in social and political circles. In fact these days, this one issue has been dominating all other national and international problems. This is because on the one hand, we have just been witness to world's worst and probably the most sophisticated terrorist acts when airplanes were used as missiles to hit the two most powerful buildings in the United States and on the other hand, terrorism is spreading so fast that there appears to be no suitable and permanent solution to this problem.

Terrorism has turned into a national issue because on the one hand it is becoming more effective and lethal and on the other terrorists are now adopting newer and better tactics to meet their goals and objectives. After September 11, "President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and senior administration officials have alerted the public not only to the…...



Joshua Green, The Myth of Cyberterrorism: There Are Many Ways Terrorists Can Kill You-Computers Aren't One of Them. Washington Monthly. Volume: 34. Issue: 11. November 2002. 8+.

John M. Deutch, Terrorism. Foreign Policy. Issue: 108. Fall 1997. 10+.

Peter Chalk, Grave New World. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy. Volume: 15. Issue: 1. 2000. Page Number: 13.

Giles Trendle, Cyber Threat! Although There Were No Major Catastrophic Cyber Attacks during the War on Iraq, as Some Had Feared an Increase in Hostile Electronic Strikes Was Registered during the Term of the Conflict. The Middle East. June 2003. 38+.

Cyber Terrorism
Pages: 11 Words: 3249

internet and the increased availability of personal computers around the world have increased the vulnerability of critical infrastructure systems. In recent years computers have been used by terrorist to distribute information about terrorist attacks. Now many experts fear that terrorist will use computers to carry out an attack on electricity grid or other systems that are crucial to the operation of a nation's infrastructure. The purpose of this discussion is to investigate the ways in which cybercrimes occur and the how it applies to the criminal justice system approach to dealing with terrorism. efore we began the literature review let us provide an overview of the methodology used to identify and locate sources of information found in the literature review.

The sources used in the following literature review are from Academic Journals, books, newspapers, government agencies and articles found on the internet. Many of the Journals used are published by…...



Arquilla J., Ronfeldt D. 2001. Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy. Rand. Santa Monica, CA.

Boulard G. May 2003. Cyber Terrorism: No Longer Fiction; the Threat of Cyber Terrorism Became Much More Real after Sept. 11. Here's How States Are Trying to Reduce the Risks. State Legislatures. Volume: 29. Issue: 5. Page Number: 22+.

Davis J. 2003. The Global War on Terrorism: Assessing the American Response. Contributors: - author. Journal Title: White House Studies. Volume: 3. Issue: 4. Publication Year: 2003. Page Number: vii

Ditzion R., Geddes E., Rhodes, M. 2003. Computer Crimes. . American Criminal Law Review. Volume: 40. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 2003. Page Number: 285+.

Cyber-Terrorism Which Has Stemmed From
Pages: 2 Words: 580

As quickly as tools are created to prevent unauthorized access of information, ways are being created to work around these protections.
Just as technology has become increasingly smarter, the danger of disruption to vital parts of the nation's security, infrastructure, and banking systems has rapidly increased. It is no longer a matter the threat of the annoyance of a simple computer virus to temporary disable a computer network. The potential for widespread electronic attacks from cyber-terrorists could result in the leakage of national security information and the disabling of banking systems. Enemies of the United States no longer need to reply on physical acts of terrorism when they are able to potentially cause more lasting damage through cyber-terrorism. This paper seeks to explain cyber-terrorism, ways in which it is employed, and the way in which the United States is responding to its dangers.


In Al Qaeda and the Internet: The…...



In Al Qaeda and the Internet: The Danger of "Cyberplanning" by Timothy L. Thomas (2003), the author states that, "We can say with some certainty, al Qaeda loves the Internet" (Thomas 112). This point-of-view has been reiterated by many experts in the field of terrorism and counter terrorism and there is a growing realization of the way that computers and the Internet are being used as another tool in the terrorist's arsenal. The term cyber-terrorism has developed as a result of the role of modern technology in the furtherance of national and international terrorism.

It is ironic that on the one hand the advent of the Internet and the age of digital communication have been welcomed as one of the greatest innovations of our age and on the other hand as one of the greatest threats to our security. This dichotomy

Cyberterrorism in Healthcare
Pages: 2 Words: 776

Healthcare and the Threat of Cyber-Terrorism
Cyber-Terrorism and Healthcare

Government and military computer networks in the United States have been repeatedly attacked over a period of several years by China, North Korea, and third parties suspected of working for these two states (Gewitz, 2010). Although most of the known attacks by China and North Korea constituted espionage, denial-of-service attacks and network intrusions to assess network vulnerabilities have also occurred. The denial of service attacks are a form of cyber-terrorism. Acts of cyber-terrorism are not limited to governments and can be committed by individuals and groups, either acting alone or in conjunction with a more traditional terrorist organization. In a recent survey of nearly 8,000 American businesses it was revealed that 1.5 million viruses had been detected in 2005 alone (antala, 2005, p. 1), so the scale of the problem is considerable.

HIPAA Security ule

The seriousness of the cyber-terrorism threat will only increase as…...



California Beat. (2011, Aug. 14). Anonymous hackers attack BART, personal information for some riders released. Retrieved Oct. 17, 2011 from 

Clem, A., Galwankar, Sagar, and Buck, George. (2005). Health implications of cyber-terrorism. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 18, 272-275.

Gewitz, David. (2010). State-sponsored cyberterrorism. Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International, 16, 8-10.

Rantala, Ramona R. (2008). Cybercrime against Businesses, 2005. Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved Oct. 16, 2011 from

Anallyzing the Cyber Terrorism Phenomenon
Pages: 2 Words: 823

Cyber Terrorism
hat is cyber-crime?

Cybercrime denotes an illegal action committed primarily by deploying technology (or, to be more precise, a computer and internet). America's justice department expands this definition to cover all illegal actions employing computers to store evidence of crime (Tech Target, 2016).

hat is cyber space?

Cyberspace represents a domain characterized by application of electromagnetic spectrum and electronics for storing, altering, and communicating information through networked structures and related physical infrastructures. Basically, one may regard cyberspace as an interlinking of people by means of telecommunication and computers, with no connection with their physical geography (Rouse, 2016).

Problems in prosecuting cyber-crime cases

The internet, when it was first commercialized and made easily accessible and affordable to everyone (earlier, it was accessible only to the government and academicians), was a novel frontier. Akin to the old ild est, the Internet was chiefly unregulated. Lawmakers did not expect it to flourish at such a rapid pace,…...


Works Cited

Info Security. (2011). Cybercrime Knows No Borders. Retrieved from 

Opposing Views. (n.d.). Examples of Cyber Crime. Retrieved from

Rouse, M. (2016, Jan 03). Cyberspace. Retrieved from TechTarget: 

Shinder, D. (2011). What makes cybercrime laws so difficult to enforce. Retrieved from Tech Republic:

Information Security Model and Cyber Terrorism
Pages: 10 Words: 2900

goals of this study are to reveal some of the common and prevailing cyber security threats. Here we plan to explore the risk that is most difficult to defend: social engineering. We seek answers to the human elements and characteristics that contribute to the frauds and how they themselves unwittingly give out information that eventually leads to difficult situations. There are many ways in which the attackers 'phish' their targets. We will look into the origin of such techniques and proceed to develop a methodology to avert such attacks. In the highly computerized environment that we are living, a new method of multitenant services has been evolved to substitute for the demands on memory space and time- the Cloud. The impact of these vast and complex systems has raised newer kinds of concerns that will then be assessed and hence a strategy to safeguard the interests of the user…...

Computer Networks and Terrorism
Pages: 8 Words: 2546

Cyber Terrorism: The Greatest isk in the U.S.
Tremendous technological advancements have been made in the last few decades. Today, humans depend more on computer networks and information technology (IT) systems than on other means for information. From business to government, computer networks are relied upon to store, process, retrieve, and transfer critical information. Increased dependence on computer networks has, however, posed a major threat. Cyber terrorism is now arguably the biggest threat facing the U.S. (Harress, 2014; Thomas, 2016). Attacks against computer networks via computer viruses, worms, malware, and hacking have become increasingly common. The attacks are directed to information systems and infrastructures that support critical processes such as defense, transportation, banking, and energy production. This threatens the country's social, economic, and political stability. Nonetheless, there are often assertions that the risk of cyber terrorism is not as pervasive or substantial as often portrayed. Though there could be some truth…...



Caplan, N. (2013). Cyber War: The Challenge to National Security. Global Security Studies, 4(1), 93-115.

Chen, T., Jarvis, L., & Macdonald, S. (2014). Cyberterrorism: understanding, assessment, and response. New York: Springer.

Geers, K. (2012). Strategic Cyber Defense: Which Way Forward? Journal of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, 9(1), 1-10.

Harress, C. (2014, February 2). Obama says cyberterrorism is country's biggest threat, U.S. government assembles "cyber warriors." International Business Times. Retrieved from:   government-assembles-cyber-warriors-1556337 -

Critical Infrastructures and Cybersecurity
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Cyber Terrorism
Cybersecurity has emerged as one of the important components of modern security initiatives because of rapid advancements of technology and the Internet. Ensuring cybersecurity has become important because of the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures to cyber attacks in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks. As part of efforts to enhance cybersecurity, federal and state governments in the United States have enacted laws that define the role of various stakeholders in protecting the nation's critical infrastructures. These laws govern the responsibilities of companies and organizations in protecting themselves and customers. In addition, these regulations have some costs associated with them given that enhancing cybersecurity is a relatively complex process.

Organizations' ole in Protecting Themselves and Customers

As cyber attacks continue to increase in the recent past, the federal government has enacted laws and policies to govern the role of organizations in protecting themselves and customers. Based on the executive order signed…...



Aspen Publishers. (2015, January). President Obama Signs Cybersecurity Executive Order. The Computer & Internet Lawyer, 32(1), 24. Retrieved from 

Heilbrun, M.R. & Brown, I. (2011, December). Cybersecurity Policy and Legislation in the 112th Congress. Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, 23(12), 24. Retrieved from 

Schwalb, M. (2006). Exploit Derivatives & National Security. Yale Journal of Law & Technology, 9, 162. Retrieved from

Information Warfare and Terrorism
Pages: 4 Words: 1386

arfare & Terrorism
The proliferation of cyberattacks -- aptly referred to as cyberterrorism -- carried out by criminal miscreants with grudges, shadowy techies with political motives, and other anti-social individuals, represent the new digital wars that threatened personal and state security worldwide. This is not a problem that will go away any time soon, and cyber security officials it seems will always be one or two steps behind the offenders causing the digital carnage. The cyberattacks that are reviewed in this paper include: Russia's denial-of-service attacks on Estonia in 2007 and Georgia in 2008, and the cyberattacks against U.S. State Department computers in 2006. Denial of service refers to strategies that "…block access of legitimate users" through the "…relentless transmission of irrelevant information" -- called "flood attacks" -- which restrains computer servers (Richards, 2010).

Russia's cyberterrorism against Estonia -- 2007

An article in the International Affairs Review indicates that the victim in this…...


Works Cited

Ashmore, W.C. (2009). Impact of Alleged Russian Cyber Attacks. Baltic Security & Defense

Review, 11(1), 4-40.

Associated Press. (2006). Computer Hackers Attack State Department. The New York Times.

Retrieved January 19, 2014, from .

Cyberspace as the Most Dominant Domain Cyberspace
Pages: 4 Words: 1190

Cyberspace as the Most Dominant Domain

Cyberspace is the indefinite place where all online communications take place. It can also be defined in computer networks as the electronic medium. The name was coined by William Gibson a science fiction author. When he coined the name, he was looking for a word to describe the global computer network he was envisioning. The U.S. government defines cyberspace as the country's control system composed of interconnected computers, routers, servers, switches and fiber optic cables Adams, 1997.

It states that cyberspace is the nervous system for the military. The use of electromagnetic spectrum and electromagnetic to modify, store, and exchange information using physical infrastructures and networked information systems can also be used to refer to the cyberspace domain.

The use of cyberspace to attack others is referred to as cyber terrorism. The attacks occur in form of viruses, which are meant to disrupt large-scale computer networks in…...



Adams, P.C. (1997). Cyberspace and Virtual Places. Geographical Review, 87(2), 155-171.

Halloran, J. (2011). Game Changer? How VoIP Is Impacting the Way We Play. [Article]. International Journal of Interactive Worlds, 1-27. doi: 10.5171/2011.144197

Molina, A. (2003). Cyberspace: The "Color Line" of the 21st Century. Social Justice, 30(2 (92)), 143-149.

Yan, H. (2010). On the Clouds: A New Way of Computing. [Article]. Information Technology & Libraries, 29(2), 87-92.

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