For any hospitality services business to attain the role of trusted advisor they must consistently keep these elements of the proposed Services Expectation Model synchronized with each other.
The approaches companies take to create Cooperative Advantage of accomplishing improved organizational performance on the one hand and superior customer value on the other require the prerequisite of their being a tightly coupled integration between Validation and einforcement of Trust and Social Exchange Behaviors and Voluntary Performance Behaviors. Where previous maturity models that have been defined (Hatch, Schultz, 2002) contribute to this dynamic including the work done is in continually looking at an organization for the potential of creating trustworthy experiences for customers. Every customer, at any specific point in time, is at a specific level of trust or mistrust with an organization. To the extent that an organization can earn the trust of its customers is the extent to which the…...
Levent Altinay (2007). The internationalization of hospitality firms: factors influencing a franchise decision-making process. The Journal of Services Marketing, 21(6), 398-409. Retrieved August 12, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1341239921).
Bagozzi, R.P. (1975, October). Marketing as exchange. Journal of Marketing, 39, 32
Bowen, John T. & Sparks, Beverly a. (1998). Hospitality marketing research: a content analysis and implications for future research. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 17 (2), 125-144.
In addition to these aspects of the training programs that fuel the unique culture of Marriott, there is also recognition of regional and local differences in customs of customers (Altinay, 2007). The combining of the externally-facing strategies for creating a community of customers and in effect recruiting them as customers is balanced with the development of a highly unique internal culture that revolves around creating tangible value for customers from inherently intangible services.
In assessing the performance e of Marriott from personal experience in addition to the cited research, it is clear that the company is strong at delivering an adequate level of customer service (Zeithami & Bitner, 2005), yet can improve in exceeding customers' expectations in the area of pleasure travel and global business travel. The company excels today in U.S. business travel, yet from experience, has shown difficulty making the transition to purely pleasure-based travel. The company's resort…...
This has been the case particularly for organizations in the growing service sector. Many of these organizations are searching for practical ways to improve customer satisfaction with both tangible and intangible products and services. The anticipated result of improved service quality is an improvement in the bottom line of the organization (Schmit and Allscheid 521).
Kazanjian emphasizes these same elements and also cites various specific ways a business can empower its employees so they are better able to serve the needs of customers. In addition, he notes certain other elements that contribute to customer satisfaction in less direct ways. For instance, as he writes, "Uncommon success comes with uncommon approaches to business" (Kazanjian 27). Customer satisfaction might be seen as an uncommon approach when it is not being addressed well by American business in general. Kazanjian states, though, that "Enterprise has tried to be different from everyone else in the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kazanjian, Kirk. Exceeding Customer Expectations. New York: Doubleday, 2007.
Khalil, Omar D. And Talha D. Harcar. "Relationship Marketing and Data Quality Management." SAM Advanced Management Journal 64(2)(1999), 26.
Maier, Timothy W. "Customer Service Is an Oxymoron." Insight on the News 17(1)(1 January 2001), 20.
Schmit, Mark J. And Steven P. Allscheid. "Employee Attitudes and Customer Satisfaction: Making Theoretical and Empirical Connections." Personnel Psychology 48(3)(1995), 521.
Even customers who are satisfied with something do not always return to that specific business, especially if the business is somewhat out of the way or relatively inconvenient to get to (Jackson, Cunningham, & Cunningham, 1988).
Customer loyalty is generally thought to be achieved when a customer returns to buy something that they have bought before from the same company (Jackson, Cunningham, & Cunningham, 1988). There are many other ways to measure loyalty statistically, but it basically boils down to a customer returning to a business even though there are so many other choices available (Jackson, Cunningham, & Cunningham, 1988).
There are many ways to increase customer loyalty and it is significant to discuss some of them here (Rackham, Honey, Colbert, Fields, Hinson, Morgran, Morris, Sugden, & Tribe, 1971). One of the best ways is to meet or exceed many of the service standards that others in the industry have established…...
Achrol, R. & Stern, L.W. (1988). Environmental Determinants of Decision Making Uncertainty in Marketing Channels. Journal of Marketing Research, 25: 36-50.
Assael, H. (1987). Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action. Third Edition, Boston, MA: PWS-Kent.
Bitran, G., and Hoech, J. (1990). The Humanization of Service: Respect at the Moment of Truth. Sloan Management Review, 31(4), 89-96.
Boyan, l. And Enright, R. (1992). High Performance Sales Training. New York: AMACOM Division of American Management Association.
Customer elationships
Managing relationships is one of the critical success factors in managing sales. What form might relationships between selling organisations and customers take?
There are many forms that relationships taken between selling organizations and customers. The most critical determinant of how the relationships and selling organizations is the business model of the company itself. For those companies whose business models are predicated on solving complex, intricate problems for customers, direct selling relationships are the most common. The reliance on a consultative, relationship-based selling strategy is often used by companies whose business models focus on complex, challenging problems other businesses have. This approach to selling often puts the role of being a trusted advisor at the center of the selling relationship strategies (Czerniawska, 2005).
In companies who have products that rely primarily on price and availability, the selling relationship are focused on direct selling, persuasive selling, and price-based selling (Leibowitz, 2010).
The relationships between…...
Fiona Czerniawska. (2005). The New Business Consulting Landscape. Consulting to Management, 16(4), 3-6.
Leibowitz, J.. (2010). Rediscovering the art of selling. The McKinsey Quarterly,(2), 117.
All those nice customer-friendly marketing techniques notwithstanding, hite notes, customer-centered personalization can't work well without being linked with high-quality, high-visibility customer service.
Even some of the most successful corporations, like IBM, apparently stumbled along for a time, totally failing to "get it" when it came to customer-centric strategies. According to the industry publication Chain Store Age, in the early 1990s, a customer-centric culture "was foreign to Big Blue" - and to al-Mart - until fairly recently. The writer goes on to explain that when considering al-Mart and Target (two retail giants that are becoming "more alike than different"), "sameness" is a "trap" that happens when a company "takes its eye off the brand to focus on the numbers, loyalty goes by the wayside. It happened to Sears," the article asserts.
RESISTANCE TO CCS/CRM: In the Jossey-Bass book, Designing The Customer-Centric Organization (Galbraith 2005), the author suggests that businesses that hesitate to…...
mlaWorks Cited
Angel, Robert. (2004). Sustaining Profitable Customer Relationships Requires Real Leadership.
Ivey Business Journal, 1-7.
Berry, Leonard L. (2001). The Old Pillars of New Retailing. Harvard Business Review on Customer Relationship Management.
Chain Store Age. (2006). The Retail Life Cycle. Retrieved 10 Jan 2007 at .
Customer relationship management (CM) is an essential component of organizational management. The purpose of this discussion is to focus on a CM strategy for United Behavioral Health a subsidiary of United Health Care . . United Behavioral Health is dedicated to presenting customers with high quality, cost-effective, managed mental health and substance abuse services to its customers. The investigation suggests that the company's core values have been successfully implemented into the company's CM Strategy. The current CM strategy utilizes technology to allow customers to voice their opinions. Currently the company's website provides a page that offers help to members that are experiencing problems. In addition, it provides customers with "coaches" that can help whenever problems arise. The company's customers are currently divided into three different groups; the employer division, the health plan division and the public sector. We found testimonials of customers who were extremely satisfied with the care…...
Your Customers are Speaking To You. Do You Hear Them? 2002. 2 December 2004
Gupta S. Binggeli U., Poomes C.D., CRM in the Air. The McKinsey Quarterly. Page Number: 6+.
Jacobs F.A., Claire Kamm Latham, Choongseop Lee. 1998. The Relationship of Customer Satisfaction to Strategic Decisions. Journal of Managerial Issues. Volume: 10. Issue: 2. Page Number: 165+.
It is possible to find examples of nearly every service business in existence using SEVQUAL or a variation of this methodology to quantify customer service performance. An interesting second development is the correlation found between customer satisfaction, market share and profitability (Anderson, Fornell, Lehmann, 1994). Based on the strength of this association many companies are investing heavily in analytics to evaluate just how effective their customer service strategies are in earning satisfaction in the short-term and trust in the long-term.
Values-based differentiation and advanced methodologies for measuring customer satisfaction are re-ordering the global marketing landscape today. The emphasis on analytics is what many multinational and global marketers are using to unify these strategies, with the core focus being on how to translate their many combined efforts into the role of trusted advisor (Dimitriadis, Kouremenos, Kyrezis, 2011). Trust is the most powerful differentiator there is and is also highly effective in…...
Aksoy, L., Cooil, B., Groening, C., Keiningham, T.L., & Yalcin, A. (2009). Does customer satisfaction lead to an increased firm value? GfK Marketing Intelligence Review, 1(2), 8-15,61.
Anderson, E.W., Fornell, C., & Lehmann, D.R. (1994). Customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability: Findings from sweden. Journal of Marketing, 58(3), 53-53.
Badri, M.A., Abdulla, M., & Al-Madani, A. (2005). Information technology center service quality: Assessment and application of SERVQUAL. The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 22(8), 819-848.
Boote, A.S. (1981). Market segmentation by personal values and salient product attributes. Journal of Advertising Research, 21(1), 29-29.
2 of the respondents were self-employed and 11.2% of respondent were white-collar workers with 1.2% of respondents being blue-collar workers. The following chart shows the factor analysis results with VARIMAX rotation of traveler's perceptions of hotel attributes in the study of Choi and Chu (2000).
Factor Analysis Results with VARIMAX Rotation of Traveler's Perceptions of Hotel Attributes
Source: Choi and Chu (2000)
The following chart shows a 'regression analysis results of hotel factors according to Asian and Western travellers overall satisfaction levels.
Regression Analysis Results of Hotel Factors According to Asian and Western Travelers Overall Satisfaction Levels
Source: Choi and Chu (2000)
2.3 Loyalty
2.3.1 Definition of customer loyalty
Kandampully and Suhartanto (2000) define a loyal customer as "a customer who purchases from the same service provider whenever possible, and who continues to recommend or maintain a positive attitude toward the service provider" (p. 346).
2.3.2 Loyalty dimensions
There is no easy way when clarifying a loyal customer, but it…...
Andreassen, Tor Wallin and Lindestad, Bodil (1998) Customer Loyalty and Complex Services: The Impact of Corporate Imagine on Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty for Customers with Varying Degrees of Service Expertise. International Journal of Service Management Vol. 9, No. 1, 1998. MCB University Press.
Bowen, John T. And Chen, Shiang-Lih (2001) the Relationship Between Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction. The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 13/5 2001. MCB University Press.
Kandampully, Jay and Suhartanto, Dwi (2000) Customer Loyalty in the Hotel Industry: The Role of Customer Satisfaction and Image. Vol. 12 Issue 6. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Abstract Online available at;jsessionid=A7BB20EB4B5CF3B4A2F5E96AD85BD78B?contentType=Article&hdAction=lnkpdf&contentId=867348
Lindberg-Repo (nd) Word-of-Mouth Communication in the Hospitality Industry. CERS Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management. Hotel School Cornell University. Online available at
In conclusion, this book shows conclusively that customers' expectations are continually increasing while the most forward-thinking companies are attempting to continually integrate social networks and social media into their marketing, selling and service platforms. Based on the assessment of Mr. reenberg and his case studies, the early adopter companies are very successful with this strategy of meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
Xu, M., & Walton, J. (2005). aining Customer Knowledge through Analytical CRM. Industrial Management + Data Systems, 105(7), 955-971.
Analytics have become the foundation of marketing in the 21st century as marketers continue to measure interactions with prospects and customers and quantify the performance of their strategies over time. The continually evolving role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has also led to increasing reliance on dashboards and balanced scorecards as a means to continually track marketing strategy performance gains goals and objectives (Kim, Suh, Hwang, 2003). The research premise…...
mlaGreenberg, P. (2010). The impact of CRM 2.0 on customer insight. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 25(6), 410-419.
Luck, D., & Lancaster, G. (2013). The significance of CRM to the strategies of hotel companies. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 5(1), 55-66.
Kim, J., Suh, E., & Hwang, H. (2003). A model for evaluating the effectiveness of CRM using the balanced scorecard. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 17(2), 5-19.
Much marketing research has been done on analysing customer behaviour and retention. As a consequence, it is crucial for online companies to create a loyal customer base, as well as to monitor the profitability of each segment (Reinartz and Kumar, 2002)
Definition of customer e-loyalty
Customer loyalty has been defined as "a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same brand-set purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behaviour" (Oliver, 1999). This general definition appears to apply to e-loyalty as well. Another briefer and more specific definition is provided by Anderson and Srinivasan (2003), who define e-loyalty as "the customer's favourable attitude toward an electronic business, resulting in repeat purchasing behaviour" (p. ____).
Since it is considered difficult to gain loyal customers on the internet without directly contact (Gommans et al., 2001), satisfaction with…...
mlaBibliography and Reference
Anderson, R.E. And Srinivasan, S.S. (2003), E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: a contingency framework, Psychology and Marketing, Vol.20 No.2, pp. 123-38
Arregle, J.L., Borza, A., Dacin, M.T., Hitt, M.A., and Levitas, E. (2000), Partner selection in emerging and developed market contexts: Resource-based and organizational learning perspectives. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 449-67. In Everett & Lo, p. 17.
Bailey, Scott and Schultz, D.E. (2000), Customer/brand loyalty in an interactive marketplace. Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 40, No. 3, p. 41.
Customer Perspective alanced Scorecard
On what specific customer perspectives did each company focus, and what measures did each company use to ascertain how well it was meeting the goals implied by those specific perspectives?
As far as Hyde Park Electronics is concerned, they were concentrating on the quality of the product that was delivered to determine customer perspectives. The measures that were used to achieve these objectives were: manufacturing / labor efficiency and new product sales. In the case of Futura, they were focusing on customer perceptions about the product and services they were receiving. To measure this, they focused on randomly calling the customers and determining how employee retention affected the underlying quality of the product. While SGC, was concerned about the quality of orange juice that they were selling to retail customers. The way they analyzed how effective they were at meeting this goal was to focus on customer feedback.…...
Gumbus, A. (2006). Entrepreneurs Use a Balanced Scorecard. Journal of Small Business Management, 44 (3), 407 -- 425
Niven, P. (2011). EPM View. Retrieved from:
Customer Loyalty
Affecting Customer Loyalty
Customer Grade Course
This research study introduces a comprehensive conceptual framework of customer loyalty within the retail sector. It emphasizes on the perceived loyalty amongst fast moving consumer goods and attempts to explore the moderating effects of the various different factors that might influence them.
The researcher will begin by creating an understanding of the term "customer loyalty" and its significance importance in the retail sector. Additionally, the researcher shall also attempt to explore the purchase decisions made by the consumers and what really prompts them to be loyal to certain brands of product while simultaneously evaluating the importance of price, quality, brand or any other factor that might impact their loyalty status and purchase decision.
Finally, the research study will conclude by delineating the factors which impacts consumer loyalty at the same time trying to establish a means of measuring the impact of consumer loyalty within certain products in…...
Aaker, Kumar & Day, 1995, Marketing Research, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., United States
Assael, Henry., 1984, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action, 2nd edition, Kent Publishing, USA
Buttle, Francis (2006, July 11), Does service failure influence customer loyalty? Available from [May 19th 2011]
Dick, Alan S., 1994, Customer Loyalty: Towards an Integrated Conceptual Framework, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
There are processes engrained in many healthcare providers that also protect the political balance of power and any change of these processes is seen as a demotion of political clout by senior managers. In many healthcare providers the accounting and finance departments are more concerned with managing their invoices and getting the bills out on time and accurate than ensuring a high level of customer service is delivered (Fishman, 2006). A second major factor in healthcare companies not addressing this issue of automating their systems is that there is the perception of new systems being a threat to the data itself; there is fear that once the date is put into the system it will somehow be lost or compromised. This fear of a lack of control over the data is often driven by information systems departments, who also fear their jobs will be taken over by the new…...
Fishman, C (2006, April). Record Time. Fast Company, 62-66. Retrieved May 7, 2008 from the Business Source Premier database. (an 20038869).
Nussbaum, B, (2004, May 17). The Power of Design. Business Week, 3883(96). Retrieved May 4, 2008 from the Business Source Premier database. (an 13083784).
This is significant, because it allows a particular restaurant to use this technology to improve the customer experience by: creating a unique solution that will reach out to everyone. Over the course of time, this will help them to be able to build their brand image, while being able to maintain a low cost structure in achieving these different objectives. The information for understanding how and when this applies was located through the source titled Making Customer Relationship Management Work (2001). It was found based upon the specific background reading that we were required to look at as a part of the assignment itself. ("Making Customer Relationship Management Work," 2001)
When it comes to in house CRM solutions, many large corporations that have information that they need to protect will often utilize this kind of platform. For example, a large bank will more than likely have some kind of onsite…...
Barclays Bank PLC. (2009). Microsoft. Retrieved from:
CRM. (2011). Webopedia. Retrieved from:
Making Customer Relationship Management Work. (2001). University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved from:
Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis
1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing
Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.
2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment
Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....
Responsibilities of a Customer Operations ManagerThe Customer Operations Manager is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the customer service department, including: Managing a team of customer service representatives - This includes hiring, training, and developing customer service representatives, as well as setting performance standards and providing feedback.
Developing and implementing customer service policies and procedures - This includes creating and maintaining documentation on customer service processes, as well as training customer service representatives on these policies and procedures.
Ensuring that customer service representatives are meeting or exceeding customer expectations - This includes monitoring customer feedback, tracking key metrics, and....
The Profound Impact of a Strong Service Culture on Corporate Success
A robust service culture, characterized by a relentless focus on customer satisfaction and an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional service, serves as a cornerstone for a company's overall success and long-term prosperity. Its transformative effects permeate every aspect of an organization, propelling growth, enhancing reputation, fostering employee engagement, and establishing a competitive edge.
Driving Revenue and Customer Loyalty
By prioritizing customer needs and striving to exceed expectations, companies with a strong service culture invariably establish a loyal customer base. Satisfied customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, recommend the company to....
Navigating the Challenges of Cancellation Management for Enhanced Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Cancellations are an inevitable aspect of business. Customers may cancel their subscription, appointments, or purchases for various reasons, leading to loss of revenue and potential damage to customer relationships. However, businesses can effectively navigate these challenges and mitigate the negative impact through proactive strategies and efficient processes.
Understanding the Reasons for Cancellations:
To address cancellations effectively, businesses must first understand the underlying reasons. Common triggers include:
Product/Service Dissatisfaction: Poor quality, lack of features, or unmet expectations
Financial Constraints: Changes in financial circumstances, inability to afford the service
Competition: Better alternatives or....
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