Soft Currencies
The online encyclopedia of financial terms known as Investopedia puts it quite bluntly. A soft currency is simply another, a 'softer' or less pejorative name for a weak or unstable currency. "There is very little demand for this type of currency" amongst investors, because its values often fluctuate, making international businesses unwilling to invest in countries with soft currencies. ("Soft Currency," 2005) Soft currency nations make it difficult for companies to make money, because goods are sold in a currency with an unstable value, and local financing is difficult to obtain. Currencies from most developing countries are considered to be soft currencies. A soft currency is also called a vulnerable currency because tends to fall in value on foreign-exchange markets.
Often, countries such as Latin American nations with heavy debt, or the former Soviet Block countries are used as the paradigmatic examples of soft currency nations. Their currencies became…...
mlaWorks Cited
Hutchinson's Encyclopedia. (2005) "Soft Currency." Retrieved 12 Jan 2005 at
Investopedia. (2005) "Hard Currency." Retrieved 12 Jan 2005 at
Investopedia. (2005) "Soft Currency." Retrieved 12 Jan 2005 at
reserve currencies, with specific reference to how an asset manager should approach the issue of diversifying into multiple reserve currencies in order to achieve better stability in asset value.
hile the U.S. dollar and the euro are the world's two leading reserve currencies, two new currencies have been added by the IMF to the list of reserve currencies. These are the Canadian dollar and the Australian dollar, both being commodity-driven currencies whose stock has risen significantly in the past decade, in part because of the commodity market and in part because those two countries have robust banking sectors and therefore avoided the worst of the 2008 global recession (RT, 2013). This paper will examine the issue of reserve currencies. For a company doing business internationally, is there any merit to using secondary reserve currencies like the aforementioned CAD and AUD, or the Swiss franc, British pound or yen for that…...
mlaWorks Cited:
RT. (2013). IMF to add CAD and AUD as reserve currencies; which one's next? Retrieved April 13, 2013 from
Frolova, M. (2013). Will the world get new reserve currency? The Voice of Russia. Retrieved April 13, 2013 from
Chovanec, P. (2013). Is the Chinese renminbi the next global reserve currency? The Atlantic. Retrieved April 13, 2013 from
Euro before Brexit has maintained a higher value than the dollar since its creation. However, post-Brexit it depreciated slightly from 0.9109 and now stands at 0.88260 compared to the U.S. Dollar value of 1, meaning it appreciate in value within the time span of one month. The Australian Dollar has maintained a lower value than the U.S. Dollar. However, in the month of August it hit a dip of 1.29, appreciating in value. The same thing happened to the Canadian Dollar, which has always had lower value than the U.S. dollar but saw an increase in value going down to 1.28637 from 1.3212. The Japanese Yen took the same route appreciating in value from 106.55 to 100.18. The same as well for the Chine Yuan which started in July with 6.68 and now stands at 6.64879.
In regards to 4 years ago, the euro maintained a similar value at 0.82. However,…...
Influence1In a functional matrix, a project manager has to juggle the competing demands of multiple stakeholders who may have divergent objectives. In this context, the project manager relies heavily on formal authority and written rules to ensure that the project stays on track. By contrast, a project manager of a dedicated team enjoys considerable latitude in how the project is run. This freedom allows the project manager to take a more personalized approach to influencing team members, using methods such as one-on-one coaching or informal reward systems. The dedicated project team is also usually more cohesive and loyal than a functional matrix, which gives the project manager additional leeway in deciding how to best achieve objectives. The team manager may use a process of reciprocity and exchange, for instance, in either situationbut other currencies such as those that are inspiration-related will likely have more impact on a dedicated project team…...
Ballantyne, D. (2003). A relationship?mediated theory of internal marketing. European
Journal of marketing.
Cohen-Bradford Influence Model. (2022). Retrieved from
Crypto Currency
Crypto is a term that is an abbreviation for cryptography. In accordance to Vacca (2010), the word cryptography emanates from two words crypto and the Greek term graphikos. The former means a secret that is hidden or concealed while the latter means for writing. The two words when joined together mean a concealing place for notions, words, images and sounds. A cryptocurrency is form of exchange similar to normal currencies for example Euros, Dollars, and Pounds but are created purposefully for exchanging digital data and information through a procedure that is made conceivable by means of particular ideologies of cryptography. In essence, cryptography is employed in safeguarding the transactions and to regulate the generation of new coins. The original or the initial cryptocurrency that was formed and generated is Bitcoin which was unveiled in the year 2009. In the present day, there are numerous other cryptocurrencies which are better…...
Vacca, J.R. (2010). Network and System Security. United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Cuthbertson, A. (2014). Darkcoin: The 'Perfect E-Cash' Cryptocurrency Emerging from the Dark Web to Trump Bitcoin, International Business Times. Retrieved from:
Higgins, S. (2014). How True Anonymity Made Darkcoin King of the Altcoins, CoinDesk. Retrieved from:
Tonewsto, A. (2014). Time for Islamic Law to Face the Bitcoin Question, ToNewsTo. Retrieved from:
Exchange ate Analysis
The author of this report is to follow the order of Dorchester Inc. And analyze the exchange rates for three different countries. The author will use the United States Dollar (USD) as the common currency and then compare/contrast the exchange rates of the dollar against the Euro, the Yen and the Australian Dollar. All three will be looked at over the last five years using the Bloomberg website. While one would expect these three charts to be at least somewhat similar, they are actually quite different and no two of the three are remotely alike.
The USD/YEN rate, which compares the currencies of Japan and the United States, shows some very sharp activity over the recent years. Of course, 2010 marked a year where the United States and much of the rest of the world was in a sharp recession. While the worst was from late 2007 to 2009,…...
Bloomberg. (2014, September 29). USD to JPY Conversion Chart. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from
Bloomberg. (2014, September 29). AUD to USD Conversion Chart. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from
Bloomberg. (2014, September 29). EUR to USD Conversion Chart. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from
Clustering Cryptocurrencies
1. Introduction
Why is clustering interesting? How to value cryptocurrencies has been a major question ever since so many began finding their way to market. As Qunitero (2018) points out, “having a clear and unbiased benchmark while evaluating new decentralized projects in the crypto economy” could help to answer the question of valuation. Clustering commonly occurs around token type: thus, one routinely sees the clustering of currency tokens, platform tokens, utility tokens, brand tokens, and security tokens. Yet these are not the only clusters that may appear, the more closely one looks at the space. As clustering shows which cryptocurrencies move in tandem at the top of the market cap, it is useful to examine clustering cryptocurrencies to see what similarities in movement might tell us.
Are fundamental similarities backed by market metrics? That is the main question to be asked and an important one because clusters can be used to…...
Antweiler, W., the EUO - Europe's New Currency, the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, 2001 accessed on July 21, 2008
Vatahov, I., Bulgaria's Prospects of Joining the Eurozone, the Sofia Echo, March 20, 2006
Waterfield, B., Bulgaria Threatens EU Treaty with Veto Over Euro, Telegraph accessed on July 21, 2008
Bulgaria and the Euro, Official Website of the European Commission, 2008, Ast accessed on July 21, 2008
Economic and Financial Affairs, Official Website of the European Commission, 2008, accessed on July 21, 2008
US Dollar to Euro Currency Exchange Forecast, the Financial Forecast Center, 2008, Ast accessed on July 21, 2008
Antweiler, W., the EUO - Europe's New Currency, the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, 2001
Economic and Financial Affairs, Official Website of the European Commission, 2008
US Dollar to Euro Currency Exchange Forecast, the Financial Forecast Center, 2008
Bulgaria and the Euro, Official Website of the European Commission, 2008
Antweiler, W., the EURO - Europe's New Currency, the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, 2001
accessed on July 21, 2008
Vatahov, I., Bulgaria's Prospects of Joining the Eurozone, the Sofia Echo, March 20, 2006
Waterfield, B., Bulgaria Threatens EU Treaty with Veto Over Euro, Telegraph
Thus, the monetary policy of ECB cannot address the economic need of individual member states.
The British etailing Consortium estimates that British retailers would have to spend between 1.7 billion pound and 3.5 billion pound to train people to use Euro and make the appropriate transitions. But this appears feasible for the present 12 members of the Euro area.
Lawless, Andrew. "The Euro - an assessment of the Euro, and the Challenges facing the single
European Currency. Prof. ay Kinsella in interview with Three Monkeys Online." Three Monkeys Online. 2004. 27 Apr. 2005
BBC News | Single currency | Pros and cons." BBC News. 1997. BBC News. 28 Apr. 2005
Euro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia. 2005. Wikipedia,
The free Encyclopedia. 27 Apr. 2005
Europe's Single Currency, the Euro." Europe's Single Currency, the Euro. 2000. 27 Apr. 2005
Single Currency: Pros a & Cons." Advantage and Disadvantage of…...
Lawless, Andrew. "The Euro - an assessment of the Euro, and the Challenges facing the single
European Currency. Prof. Ray Kinsella in interview with Three Monkeys Online." Three Monkeys Online. 2004. 27 Apr. 2005 .
BBC News | Single currency | Pros and cons." BBC News. 1997. BBC News. 28 Apr. 2005 .
Euro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia. 2005. Wikipedia,
Resulting from the devaluation of China's currency was an exacerbation of problems throughout Asia.
In the summer of 1995, the reversal of the chronic weakness of the dollar resulted in the depreciation of the Japanese yen, which had been approaching an acute deflationary crisis with a steep fall in the stock market. (Makin, 2000; paraphrased)
The work of Williamson (1999) entitled: "Implications of the East Asian Crisis for Debt Management" relate that a countries debt can be viewed from four different external perspectives in terms of debt composition which include: (1) FDI; (2) Portfolio Equity; (3) Long-term loans; and (4) short-term loans. This is the ideal composition of a countries debts however the debt profile of countries in East Asia are known to profoundly differ from the foregoing profile in that they had too much short-term debt…...
Banking System Developments in the Four Asian Tigers (1997) Economic Research and Data. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. 8 Aug 1997. Online FRBSF Economic Letter. Available at
Barro, Robert J. (1998) the East Asian Tigers Have Plenty to Roar About. Economic Viewpoint Business Week 27 Apr 1998. Online available at
Hughes, Christopher W. (1999) Japanese Policy and the East Asian Currency Crisis: Abject Defeat or Quiet Victory. 1999 February Online available at
Hughes, Christopher W. (1999) Japanese Policy and the East Asian Currency Crisis: Abject Defeat or Quiet Victory. CSGR Working Paper No. 24/99. February 1999. Online available at
Nevertheless, the heavy reliance on such debt led in some cases to severe difficulties, as illustrated by the Mexican tequila crisis of late 1994 and the Brazilian crisis of 2001. In Mexico the problem happened when investors became increasingly reluctant to roll over their short-term peso-denominated cetes and instead shifted their funds to short-term dollar-indexed tesobonos. This shift to dollar-indexed liabilities supplied a temporary respite for the government but the short-term nature of outstanding securities also meant that the transformation in the structure of debt towards tesobonos was extremely quick. The rapid withdrawal of foreign investment from the domestic market at the end of 1994 and the resulting sharp drop in the Mexican peso resulted in an explosive growth in the peso value of dollar-indexed government liabilities, thereby adding a fiscal dimension to the external crisis (Jeanneau and Tovar, n.d.).
The local government bond market has expanded rapidly in Mexico…...
Dalla, Ismail and Hesse, Heiko. (2009). Rapidly growing local-currency bond markets offer a viable alternative funding source for emerging-market issuers. Retrieved April 9, 2010,
from Vox Web site:
Jeanneau, Serge and Tovar, Camilo E. (n.d.). Financial stability implications of local currency bond markets: an overview of the risks. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from Web site:
China's currency policy may make that country the main country with whom the U.S. has a current account deficit, but if not for China the U.S. would have the same problems, just with another country for the protectionists to scapegoat.
3) I think an aggressive legislative posture is the best approach to take with regards to China's currency position. Ultimately, China is an economic actor the same as any other. They are going to do what they feel is best for their country (Wolf, 2006). Thus, in a situation like this where their currency policy is viewed to be doing harm to the U.S. economy, the best approach to make them reconsider such policy is to alter the economics of that policy. Thus, tariffs, sanctions and anti-dumping fines are the most effective means.
In the specific case of China, the notion that a WTO ruling is going to change their behavior…...
Martin Wolf, "How China has Managed to keep the Renminbi Pinned Down," Financial Times, October 11, 2006, p.13
Sue Kirchhoff, "First step: China Will Stop Pegging Yuan to Dollar," USA Today, July 22, 2005, pp. 1B, 2B
Keith Bradsher, " a Chinese Revaluation May Not Help U.S.," the New York Times, January 4, 2005, pp. C1, C5
Ronald McKinnon, "The International Dollar Standard and Sustainability of the U.S. Current Account Deficit," Stanford University, March 29/30, 2001, retrieved online June 11, 2008 at
In demonstration, Gross notes the anecdote of a drug mule traveling from pain to Colombia, in whose stomach officials found $197,000 in euro notes (Gross 2007).
While the underground economy serves as an indicator of stability and value for the currency market, this stability and value are influenced by a confluence of further economic factors in addition to the ones already mentioned above. Chinn & Frankel (2005:15) focus on four specific factors that influence the future probability of euro dominance over the dollar.
The first of these is patterns of output and trade. This relates to the already-mentioned amount of market presence of a certain currency. Currently, the U.. dollar enjoys the greatest presence in the world economy. Interestingly, the authors hold that, if output and trade are regarded as measures of a country's economy, Japan should be the second in the world. However, other factors such as economic size and…...
Chinn, Menzie & Frankel. 2005. Will the Euro eventually surpass the Dollar as leading international reserve currency? National Bureau of Economic Research, July.
Galati, Gabriele & Wooldridge, Philip. 2006. The Euro as Reserve Currency: A challenge to the pre-eminence of the U.S. Dollar? Bank for International Settlements: Monetary and Economic Dept., October.
Gross, Daniel. 2004. Euro Trash: Even drug dealers are giving up on the dollar. Slate Magazine, Dec. 28.
Nielsen, Bo. 2007. Dollar may extend rally on Bets U.S. To contain subprime losses., Dec. 18.
Thus, a region or nation experiencing economic depression will be unable to use the interest rate lever to boost the economy. Similarly a country with high inflation will be unable to independently raise interest rates to contain inflation. Moreover, Islamic countries, which form a large part of the geography, do not believe in interest rates.
Political barriers -- Political differences between nations make it extremely difficult for them to adopt a common currency. It can lead to a loss in political sovereignty as monetary interests would need to surpass political interests. This is unlikely to be acceptable to most of the nations and the idea of a single currency may be difficult to implement (Gimp, 2008).
Will Pros and Cons change Over Time? Depending On the Country?
The economic conditions to determine a monetary union depend on: the openness and size of the economy involved to trade; the free movements of capital…...
BBC. (1997, November 21). European monetary union - pros and cons. Retrieved May 11, 2009, from BBC News:
Filho, F.F. (2003). Is it possible to achieve a monetary union in MERCOSUR? (South America). Retrieved May 11, 2009, from Vanderbilt University:
Frankel, J. (1999, August). No single currency regime is right for all countries or at all times. Retrieved May 11, 2009, from Princeton University:
Gimp, F. (2008, June 27). A world currency - pros and cons and can it become a reality. Retrieved May 11, 2009, from Piponomics:
Online Transaction Empowered by E-Currency Exchange without credit card
The growth of the internet on a public scale, since its arrival in the eighties has allowed businesses to expand internationally. User interactions are no longer restricted to the local level. Easy to use web interfaces allow voice, message and video-based conversations. Entrepreneurship is much easier than before as individuals can place their product catalogues on websites without much set up costs. Country specific currencies (such as the American dollar, Euro, upee etc.) tend to cause problems if users need to purchase something unavailable in their location. This led to the concept of 'E-Currency' which is geared towards online transactions as it removes usage limitations based on country or nationality. The popularity of this industry grew as a way of handling the restrictions imposed on global businesses. Privacy is a major concern in this regard since there are multiple web-based transactions involved.…...
Christian, P.(n.d.) Speed-E-Money: A subsidiary of international load center. Retrieved from
n.a. (2002) Understanding the E-Currency and Exchange maker industries. Retrieved from
n.a. (2011) Terms of service. Retrieved from
n.a.(2011) E-Currency Fact Sheet. Retrieved from
1. The potential impact of central bank digital currencies on the future of cryptocurrency
2. The role of blockchain technology in shaping the future of cryptocurrency
3. Regulatory challenges and opportunities in the development of cryptocurrency
4. The future of cryptocurrency adoption and integration into traditional financial systems
5. The evolving relationship between cryptocurrency and privacy concerns
6. The environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining and sustainable solutions for the future
7. The future of cryptocurrency in global financial markets and economic systems
8. The potential for cryptocurrency to disrupt traditional industries and create new economic opportunities
9. The role of decentralized finance (DeFi) in shaping the future of....
1. The impact of social media sentiment on cryptocurrency prices
2. The role of government regulation in shaping the crypto market
3. Cryptocurrency adoption in developing countries
4. The potential for decentralized finance (DeFi) to revolutionize traditional financial systems
5. Cryptocurrency market manipulation and its implications
6. The environmental implications of cryptocurrency mining
7. The future of stablecoins and their role in the crypto market
8. The rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their impact on the art market
9. The influence of institutional investors on the cryptocurrency market
10. The challenges and opportunities for mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies
11. The psychological factors influencing investor behavior in the crypto market
## Crypto Market Dynamics and Emerging Trends
### 1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
- Growth and Innovation: DeFi protocols offer a range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for intermediaries.
- New Tokenomics: DeFi introduces innovative token designs that reward liquidity providers and community members.
- Interoperability: Cross-chain bridges allow users to transfer assets across different blockchains, facilitating DeFi activities.
### 2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
- Digital Collectibles and Art: NFTs represent unique and verifiable digital assets, enabling the ownership and trading of digital art, collectibles, and other items.
- New Markets: NFTs create new markets for digital creators, artists, and collectors.
1. The rise of cryptocurrency fraud in local government: exploring how officials are using digital currencies to commit fraud and evade detection.
2. The impact of social media on government fraud: examining how social media platforms are being used to perpetrate fraud schemes within local governments.
3. Corruption in Tendering Processes: an analysis of how fraud is being committed in the awarding of government contracts and tenders at the local level.
4. The role of whistleblowers in exposing fraud in local government: investigating the importance of individuals coming forward to report fraudulent activities and the challenges they face in doing so.
5. The use....
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