Culture Industry Essays (Examples)

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Culture Industry We Make and
Pages: 5 Words: 1547

ith the implementation of technology allowing these works to be mass produced mechanically, they are fully engrained within the popular culture of a society as well as the idea of high Culture, (51). Therefore, millions of people believe that these pieces, which they will never be able to obtain in real life, still represent a part of the larger culture which dominants their life.
This strange structure of the cultural hierarchy of estern Culture represents the idea that our society will never stray to far from its roots of class domination based on controlling the society through controlling the means of production. Rather than control the general population through sheer force, estern societies have instead chosen a route of hegemony, in which they control the mind of the individuals within the society. This control ensures the survival of the underlying class divisions and conflicts, while still presenting a united front…...


Works Cited

Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." Media and Cultural Studies: Keyworks. Durham, Meenakshi Gigi & Kellner, Douglas (Eds.). Blackwell Publishers. Pp. 48-70. 2000.

Horkheimer, Max & Adorno, Theodor. "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass

Deception." Media and Cultural Studies: Keyworks.. Durham, Meenakshi Gigi & Kellner, Douglas (Eds.). Blackwell Publishers. Pp. 71-101. 2000.

Marx, Karl & Engels, Friedrich. "The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas." Media and Cultural Studies: Keyworks.. Durham, Meenakshi Gigi & Kellner, Douglas (Eds.). Blackwell Publishers. Pp. 39-42. 2000.

The Culture Industry and How it Makes Culture a Commodity
Pages: 2 Words: 459

Frankfurt School is group of German-American theorists, 1920s-30s -- first neo-Marxiann theorists to examine the effects of mass culture/consumerism on working classes: they consist primarily of Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Lowenthal and Erich Fromm
Devised theory of "culture industry" -- mass communication, media production -- the industrialization and commercialization of culture under capitalist relations of production: Hollywood, basically

The School noted the social and ideological effects of mass media in the U.S.

Mass-media productions exhibited same features as other mass-produced consumer items: commodification, standardization, massification

Popular media/culture resulted in populace control

Dialectic of Enlightenment (1948) (by Horkheimer and Adorno): film, radio, news -- all controlled by advertising and commercial imperatives, and served to make consumers slaves of consumer capitalism

The School generally makes sharp distinctions between high and low culture

Ideology forms the basis of media culture

Adorno stressed the need to examine television's effects on many layers

Marcuse viewed broadcasting as "part of an apparatus…...

Culture in This Briefing New Employee Human
Pages: 8 Words: 2541

In this briefing new employee human resources, we will be considering cultural management issues in the tourist industry and how they impact upon our business. Our company, Beach Bum Ltd. is a travel consultancy Agency which was recently hired to provide a critical analysis on whether or not sustainable tours can attract American ecological tourists to travel to countries such as Tanzania and Namibia. We are a culturally eclectic group of advisors specialising in all aspects of tourism. Cultural sensitivity is not only our watchword, but our bottomline. Please do not feel overwhelmed by all of this information. Some of you may feel as though you are back in college. est assured, the difference between profit and bankruptcy in our business is the ability to sell in that person's culture. People like to feel important and an acknowledgement of their importance is not just being nice. It is also good…...


Reference: Managing an International Workforce . San Francisco: Pfeiffer. p65-67.

Hofstede, G, and Hofstede, GJ (2004). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. 2nd ed. New York: New York. P16-17. (2011). Intercultural Training and the Expatriate Assignment. Available:   Last accessed 24 Nov 2011. .

Thomas, D (2003). Readings and cases in international management: a cross-cultural perspective . Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. p17-18.

Wang, X and Wall, G. (2002). Cultural Tourism: an Assessment of Marketing Strategies in Dalian, Nanjing and Hainan, China. Available: Last accessed 24 Nov 2011.

Culture and the Environment
Pages: 2 Words: 716

As ai (2012) points out, just a generation ago, women had far fewer options in India. Even when they attended college, their job prospects were low and they were more frequently diverted to family life and domestic servitude. Now, increasing numbers of Indian women are empowering themselves through the IT services industry. As much flack as outsourcing receives in the United States, the truth is that Indian women are largely the beneficiaries, while Americans are being increasingly challenged to discover creative ways of contributing to the economy. Social norms in India for women differ greatly from those in the United States, where it is much easier for a woman to start a business and avoid marriage and childbirth. In India, a woman is steered in the direction of motherhood at an earlier age and could be socially shunned if her path seems more career-focused than family focused. In many ways,…...



Lewis, M. (2013). Population bomb? So wrong. Retrieved online:

Mukherjee, S. (2013). South India lags behind national fertility rate, slows population boom. The Times of India. Retrieved online: 

Rai, S. (2012). How outsourcing is boosting prospects for Indian women. CNET. Retrieved online: 

Yasmin, S. (2013). Outsourcing to India: How call centers improve local economies. Elan. Retrieved online:

Culture Management the Role and
Pages: 6 Words: 1643

Interviews with company leadership and project team leaders, when they can be identified and have availability for such interviews, will also be conducted along the same lines, though with more purposeful and direct questioning regarding their desires for progress in project management and their view of organizational culture and structure.

The research proposed herein will build on current understandings of project management, enhancing the current body of literature by taking a comprehensive view of leadership styles, organizational culture, and organizational structure as they relate to project management. The broad scope and qualitative nature of the proposed research will ensure that it reliability and validly describes the very human situations that the research will encounter, leading to effective recommendations for organizational behavior and for future research.


Cheng, M.; Su, C. & You, H. (2003). "Optimal Project Organizational Structure for Construction Management." Journal of construction engineering and management 129(1), pp. 70-9.

Cheng, P.; Partington,…...



Cheng, M.; Su, C. & You, H. (2003). "Optimal Project Organizational Structure for Construction Management." Journal of construction engineering and management 129(1), pp. 70-9.

Cheng, P.; Partington, D. & Qiang, M. (2009). "Cross-Cultural Understanding of Construction Project Managers' Conceptions of Their Work." Journal of construction engineering and management (135(6), pp. 477-87.

Gillard, S. (2009). "Soft Skills and Technical Expertise of Effective Project Managers." Issues in informing science & information technology education 6, pp. 723-9.

Hudson, V. (2007). "The human touch." Industrial Engineer 29(9), pp. 40-4.

Culture a Mechanistic Culture Exhibits
Pages: 3 Words: 1383

In this instance, the stronger culture can easily consumer the lesser culture. Employees tend to be more receptive due primarily to the lack of culture and also by the prestige and power of the acquiring firm. Assimilation often occurs will smaller, less established companies being acquired by much larger competitors. As the company is just beginning to emerge, many culture qualities have not become entrenched. Assimilation however, is very rare in the context of mergers.
What is a more common strategy is that of deculturation. This is due primarily to the fact that employees usually resist organizational change, particularly when they are asked to throw away personal and cultural values. Under these conditions, some acquiring companies apply a deculturation strategy by imposing their culture and business practices on the acquired organization. The acquiring firm strips away artifacts and reward systems that support the old culture. People who cannot adopt the…...

Culture and the Media An
Pages: 2 Words: 696

The major concern is the effect of violence, due once again, to studies that show a connection between watching violence and participating in it. For example, Bushman and Anderson (2002) conducted as study in which they determined that playing violent video games can "engender hostile expectations, leading one to expect that others will respond aggressively" (p. 1679).
The Grand Theft Auto series of video games has undoubtedly been a major instigator in the backlash against the gaming industry. Not surprisingly, most parents are not too thrilled about the idea of their children taking on the persona of a character who commits crimes to earn rewards, and runs over prostitutes so he doesn't have to pay them. There was also a major parental backlash against the PS2 game Bully before it was released, because parents assumed that it would glorify bullying. The frenzy turned out to be unfounded as the game…...



Bushman, B.J., & Anderson, C.A. (2002). Violent video games and hostile expectations: A test of the general aggression model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 1679 -- 1686.

Gunter, B., Harrison, J. & Wykes, M. (2003) Violence on television: Distribution, form, context, and themes, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Rekulak, J. & Spangler, B. (2006) Let's Paint the '90s, Quirk Books

Culture and Health Care the
Pages: 10 Words: 2819

6% of the respondents stated that this was what they did. This number however is not reflected in lower numbers for life style disease and so it must be given greater scrutiny at another time (See table below).
Fruit and vegetable consumption by ethnicity

Lifestyle diseases

There are a number of diseases and health conditions that have been linked to life style behaviors and belief systems. The prevalence of these diseases demonstate that while persons may report a certain behavior emperical evidence suggests that another behavior may be taking place. This may occur principally because respondents may over estimate what they do on a daily basis since they are not taking active records of their behaviors.

On several indicators African-Americans have higher rates of the disease and death as a consequency than White populations. The data for diabetes shows that African-Americans are twice as likely to report having diabetes than white Americans. African-Americans also…...



A religious portrait of African-Americans (2009) Retrieved from 

Department of health and senior services New Jersey. (2011). 

Dowd, K. (1996). Dietary patterns and physical activity among New Jersey adults. Center for health Statistics 1(3):1-4.

Culture and Media Works Sexual
Pages: 14 Words: 4795

Similarly, women today feel the need to appear beautiful and perfect all the time in order to be a part of a class in society. According to what Kilbourne suggests, women use their bodies as masks or objects that need to be taken care of all the time and kept in perfect shape and condition. The media and the advertisements program their minds to think that their appearance is not perfect and they need to change themselves in a particular manner (Kilbourne, 2002).
One of the main roles that media has played in this subject is to make an individual perceive themselves from the eyes of others and to take it as a responsibility to be appealing to the eyes of the audience instead of what they themselves want to do. Advertisements today sell the bodies of women, not in the literal sense but metaphorically speaking, all advertisements have women…...



Dahlberg, J. (2008). Sexual Objectification of Women in Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research .

Galician, M. (2004). Sex, Love and Romance in the Media: Analysis and criticism of the unrealistic portrayal of women in mass media. Lawrence Elbaum Associates.

Gammel, I. (1999). Confessional politics: Women's self representations in life writing and popular media. Southern Illinios University Press.

Hall, a.C. (1998). Delights, Desires and Dilemmas: Essays on Women and the Media. Praeger Publications.

Culture in Uzbekistan Cultural Characteristic
Pages: 3 Words: 1090

CULTURAL Characteristic FOUR: Hospitality. An essential part of the Uzbek cultural heritage is hospitality. The country is located at the crossroads where trade routes pass through opening up the door to Central Asia. Many villages had oasis facilities and so caravans passing through would stop and use the hospitality of people in small villages where there was water, shade and rest. The "Silk Road" runs right through Uzbekistan. The hospitality that was shown to these caravans was in the form of safety from the dangers of the road, a place to sleep, food and water for the camels, hot tea, food, and graciousness, according to Central Asian Cultures.

The route through Uzbekistan is called the Silk Road because on many of the "complex overland routes gained their name from the most famous of luxury items" to pass through -- and that was silk ( It was not just silk that…...


Works Cited

Adams, Laura L. (1999). Invention, Institutionalization and Renewal in Uzbekistan's National

Culture. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2(3), 355-373.

Central Asia Cultures. (2010). Uzbekistan -- Uzbek Culture, Customs and Traditions. Retrieved June 4, 2010, from .

Djumaev, Alexander. (2005). Musical Heritage and National Identity in Uzbekistan.

Culture of Germany Has a Very Unique
Pages: 2 Words: 606

Culture of Germany
Germany has a very unique culture that is shaped both by medieval realities, Cold War politics, and modern day success. Before becoming a country, Germany was made up of dozens of small fiefdoms or princeling states, territories that were German speaking but controlled by local municipal cities. Germany as a country did not exist formally until 1871 when the Prussian Kingdom defeated France, and became united with Bavaria and the West German states to form the German Empire. Otto Von Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II were the leading forces behind the unification of Germany, and with the unification of Germany came great success and a rebalancing of power in Europe. The success of Germany at the end of the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th century led to power struggles that split Europe into two, causing the start of World War I in 1914. (German Culture,…...

Consumption Society and Culture
Pages: 12 Words: 4177

Consumption, Society and Culture
Cultural Industry

There are two social processes which are linked with each other and provide the basis of popular culture in modern capitalist societies. These two processes are related with production and consumption of cultural goods. In the first step, the commodities are produced in the light of customers' desirable features and packaged in culturally acceptable methods. In the second step, the products are used by their respective target markets as status symbols to satisfy self-esteem needs. The identification of the target market as a considerable portion of society is largely based on its presentation in fine arts particularly TV programs, music shows and films (Benjamin, 1968).

Social system is a comprehensive study, whose knowledge is mandatory to understand the popular culture. Artifacts represent the cultural symbols, yet these artifacts are strongly influenced by the taste and choice of professionals and cultural elites. There are many factors that lead…...



Adorno, Theodor W., "Art, Autonomy and Mass Culture," in Art in Modern Culture: An Anthology of Critical Texts, ed. By Francis Frascina and Jonathan Harris (New York: Icon Editions, 1992), 74-79.

Adorno, Theodor W., Critical Models; Interventions and Catchwords, trans. By Henry W. Pickford (New York: Colombia University Press, 1998).

Adorno, Theodor W., "The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture, " (London: Routledge, 2001).

Adorno, Theodor W. et al., The Authoritarian Personality (New York: Harper & Row Publications, 1950).

Chinese Media Industry the Purpose
Pages: 5 Words: 1606


Zhenshi, Guo " Playing the Game by the Rules" Javnost; the Public Vol. 10, No. 4 November 2003..

Zhengrong, Hu (2004) the Post-WTO Restructuring of the Chinese Media Induistries and the Consequences of Capitalism." Javnost; the Public Vol. 10, No. 4 November 2003.

Fong, Chien-san (2004) "It is Legitimate to Imagine China's Media as Socialist?"

Javnost; the Public Vol. 10, No. 4 November 2003..

Ampuja, Marko (2004) "Critical Media Research, Globalization, Theory and Commercialization" Javnost; the Public Vol. 10, No. 4 November 2003..

rants, Kees (2003) "Auditing Public roadcasting Performance: Its Theory and Practice" Javnost -- the Public Vol.10 No.3 November 2003.

McQuail, Denis (2003) "Public roadcasting: oth Free and Accountable" Javnost; the Public Vol. 10, No. 4 November 2003.

Media Shakeup: Public What Readers Want or Perish" (2004) China Daily News [Online] located at / content 260549.htm

Feng, Chien-san (2004) "Is it Legitimate to Imagine China's Media as Socialist?: The State, the Media and 'Market Socialism'…...



Zhenshi, Guo " Playing the Game by the Rules" Javnost; the Public Vol. 10, No. 4 November 2003..

Zhengrong, Hu (2004) the Post-WTO Restructuring of the Chinese Media Induistries and the Consequences of Capitalism." Javnost; the Public Vol. 10, No. 4 November 2003.

Fong, Chien-san (2004) "It is Legitimate to Imagine China's Media as Socialist?"

Javnost; the Public Vol. 10, No. 4 November 2003..

Mass Culture Tango
Pages: 10 Words: 2747

Adorno's theories on mass culture and commoditization were one of the fundamentals of postmodernism as it appeared in the 20th century. Even if rejected by many, nevertheless, his theories help explain some of the cultural phenomenon, such as the success of the American type culture, with its Hollywood movies and McDonald culture, against the traditional European one.
The tango dance is one of the most representative forms of manifestation of the Argentinean spirit and people. orn in the mid-1800s, tango was quickly exported to Europe and became a true success story, until its downfall in 1955. It was reborn in 1983 and has been a success ever since.

Investigating Adorno's theories and applying them in the case of tango, we may wonder whether this is the best example we may choose to argument the truth in Adorno's statements. Indeed, while on one hand, tango can be considered an element of mass culture,…...



1. Watson, Ben. THEODOR ADORNO & MASS CULTURE. Goldsmiths College. October 1995. On the Internet at 

2. Theodor W. Adorno. On the Internet at 

3. Watson, Ben. THEODOR ADORNO & MASS CULTURE. Goldsmiths College. October 1995. On the Internet at

Sociology of Popular Culture
Pages: 6 Words: 1773

Popular culture defines what is desired by any given sociological group based on pressure by peers. Every moment of the day, we are saturated by culture. hen we turn on the television, not only are we watching the programs but we are inundated by advertisers trying to convince the viewer that there is some new product that needs to be purchased or a new movie that needs to be seen or a new service that is essential to the happiness of the consumer. On the Internet, each inquiry provides banner headlines where we are also bombarded with advertisements and attitudes. Similarly, there are billboards and ads on cars and radio commercials while we drive to and from work. It is characteristic of a capitalistic society that so much of our culture has to do with the consumption of goods and services (Yar, Lecture 2, slide 2). Everywhere someone or something…...


Works Cited:

Yar, Majid. "Sociology of Popular Culture: Lecture 2: Popular Culture, Ideology, and Capitalism: Critique of the 'Culture Industry'"

Yar, Majid. "Sociology of Popular Culture: Lecture 3: Reading the Popular: Culture as a System

of Signs"

Yar, Majid. "Sociology of Popular Culture: Lecture 5: Popular Culture and Gender Identities"

Stuck on formulating a unique Aquaculture industry in the Philippines thesis statement. Can you help me brainstorm?
Words: 142

Despite facing numerous challenges, the aquaculture industry in the Philippines has experienced significant growth due to its rich biodiversity, favorable climatic conditions, and the government's support, making it an essential sector for economic development and food security in the country. To create a unique thesis statement for your aquaculture industry in the Philippines topic, you might consider exploring the impact of sustainable aquaculture practices on local communities, the potential for aquaculture to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality, or the role of technology and innovation in enhancing productivity and sustainability in the industry. Another angle to consider is examining the potential for....

Stuck on formulating a unique Aquaculture industry in the Philippines thesis statement. Can you help me brainstorm?
Words: 410

Thesis Statement:

The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to be a significant contributor to the country's economic growth and food security through sustainable practices and technological advancements, while addressing environmental concerns and ensuring the well-being of coastal communities.


1. Aquaculture's Economic Importance:

- The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to contribute significantly to the country's economy.
- By promoting responsible aquaculture practices, the industry can generate income and employment opportunities, especially in coastal regions.
- Sustainable aquaculture can also ensure a steady supply of seafood, reducing the country's reliance on imports and increasing export potential.

2. Food Security and Sustainable....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on codiaeum variegatum. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 535

Topic 1: The Evolution and Cultivation of Codiaeum Variegatum

Trace the evolutionary history of Codiaeum variegatum and its place within the genus.
Discuss the origin and diversity of its variegated leaf patterns.
Examine the history of its cultivation, from its initial discovery to its global popularity as an ornamental plant.

Topic 2: The Physiology of Variegation in Codiaeum Variegatum

Explain the genetic and cellular mechanisms underlying the varied leaf colors and patterns in Codiaeum variegatum.
Describe the role of pigments, chloroplasts, and other cellular components in leaf variegation.
Discuss the environmental factors that influence the expression of variegation traits.

Topic 3: The....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on codiaeum variegatum?
Words: 337

1. The Evolutionary Significance of Variegation in Codiaeum Variegatum
2. Exploring the Cultural and Historical Significance of Codiaeum Variegatum in Different Societies
3. The Ecological Role of Codiaeum Variegatum in its Natural Habitat
4. The Genetic Basis of Variegation in Codiaeum Variegatum and its Implications for Plant Breeding
5. Codiaeum Variegatum as a Model Organism for Studying Plant Pigment Biosynthesis
6. The Effects of Climate Change on Codiaeum Variegatum Populations and Potential Conservation Strategies
7. The Cultural and Economic Importance of Codiaeum Variegatum in the Horticulture Industry
8. An Examination of the Various Cultivars and Hybrids of Codiaeum Variegatum and their Unique Characteristics
9. The Role of Codiaeum....

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