Cultural Group Essays (Examples)

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Cultural Group Polish
Pages: 10 Words: 3162

Culture Group- the Polish

Culture Group -- the Polish

The Polish

The polish culture group is a category of people who speak the Slavic lingo of Poland and practice the cultural norms in line with their beliefs and customs. It is perceived that the culture essence of the polish is one that unconstrained emotional expressions (Wierzbicka, 2003, pg 121). The culture originated from a confluence with interweaving ties alongside Germans, Latinos and the Byzantines. The originality is also as a result of cultural traits of the proto-slavs. The geographical position and occupancy of the polish are found in the heart of Europe, the nation of Poland. Their nation is bordered by the Baltic Sea, Ukraine and Belarus, Germany, Czech epublic and Slovakia to the northern side, east, and west and southern respectively. The polish people experience a long-term climatic environment. It is rough and adverse and has taken long to be resolved due…...



Albala, K. (2011). Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia. New York: ABC-CLIO.

Dyczewski, L. (2002). Values in the Polish cultural tradition. Chicago: CRVP.

Jasinski, P. (1999). Environmental regulation in transforming economies. Great Britain: Ashgate Publishing.

Kronenberg, J., Bergier, T., et al. (2010). Challenges of Sustainable Development in Poland. Pomerania: Fundacja Sendzimira.

Differences in Some Area Between Two Cultural Groups
Pages: 10 Words: 2646

Cultural Psychology
Two Cultural Groups

Contrasting Cultural Psychology between the East Asian and the Western Part of the World

The different fear level for the super-ordinates and ordinates in Westerns and East Asians

Globalization is considered to be the phenomenon that owns a positive tendency to tame the behaviors of the individuals dwelling in all parts of the world in an accord of productivity and peace. It is for this reason that the inclination of the global economy is tilting towards the studies of cross cultures and its implications is a result of progressive development of the world towards a multicultural and cosmopolitan state of behavior- in individuals as well as in the nations. But yet the fast fact paced technological advancements and the tamed behavior does not guarantee the homogeneity of psychology (Shweder, 1999). Psychology as a matter of fact is a complex framework of individuals' perceptions, cognitions, apprehensions and emotional appeals. The…...



L Berry, J.W. (2002). Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Hui, C.H. (2000). Measurement in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 19-32.

Jung, K.D. (1994). Is Culture Destiny? The Myth of Asia's Anti-Democratic Values, 4-8.

Lehman, D. (1995). Cultural variation in unrealistic optimism: Does the West feel more vulnerable than the East? . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 595-607.

Leadership in Multicultural Groups to
Pages: 4 Words: 1064

Hambrick, D. et al. (1998). When Groups Consist of Multiple Nationalities: owards a New Understanding of the Implications. Organization Studies 19(2): 181-205.

he researchers examined the ways in which international companies are increasingly coming to depend on multinational groups. At times these groups can be highly effective but at other times their multicultural dynamics prove frustrating to all concerned. he authors looked both to characteristics of individuals in these groups such as gender and education and then assessed how the traits of individuals affected overall group dynamics and leadership style.

Harris, L.C. (2006). he dynamics of employee relationships in an ethnically diverse workforce. Human Relations 59: 379-407.

his article makes the important point that multiculturalism is not a concept that means the same thing to everyone. Especially important for the researcher to consider is the fact that not everyone in a multicultural group will define what are the most relevant cultural facets of…...


The authors examine a particular subset of multicultural groups, that of health and social care workers. They find that one of the barriers is the professional orientation of the workers. This is not surprising, of course, but it is an important reminder that while leaders of multicultural groups must consistently attend to the cultural aspects of the members, they must not in this process slight other potential factors of affiliation or conflict.

Randel, a. (2003). The Salience of Culture in Multinational Teams and its Relation to Team Citizenship Behavior. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 3: 27-44.

The author examines the degree to which cultural identification is important to group members. She found that groups that were either very highly diverse or relatively un-diverse tended to have members who were most likely to find culture to be highly salient. Members of groups that fell in the middle of this spectrum tended to downplay the salience of culture.

Cultural Identity We Are All
Pages: 5 Words: 1516

" Taking into consideration these three stages, I would position myself in the second stage - that of cultural identity search. I am aware of my cultural background and I always have been, but the fact that I live in the multicultural American society made it hard for me to fully embrace my cultural heritage. I am at a stage in my life when I feel the need to understand my culture in order to better understand who I am. The fact that I am aware of my cultural appurtenance does not mean that I completely embrace my cultural identity. Learning about my cultural heritage is the path towards better understanding who I am and identifying myself with the cultural group that I belong to.

Culture of Pakistan, available at;

Sharmeen, Hassan, the Pakistani identity crisis, available at;

Chapter 4, Cultural Patterns andCcommunication: Foundations.

Chapter 6, Cultural Identity, Cultural iases, and Intercultural…...



Culture of Pakistan, available at ;

Sharmeen, Hassan, the Pakistani identity crisis, available at;

Chapter 4, Cultural Patterns andCcommunication: Foundations.

Chapter 6, Cultural Identity, Cultural Biases, and Intercultural Contact.

Cultural Observation of Dress
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Cultural Observation of Dress
Why do all humans engage in the act of dressing the body? Consider how dress relates to both the physical and the social needs of the wearer.

Everyone dresses according to social factors and to make themselves more physically appealing to other. This helps them to be seen as hip and enhance their appearance. These variables ensure that the social and individual needs of the person are met. This is when they will have greater amounts of self-confidence. (Eicher, 2008)

f all humans dress themselves for the same basic reasons, why do we look so different from each other? Consider the influences of culture, age, gender, and other factors that distinguish people from one another.

People look different based upon their cultural background, age and gender. These elements are combined together to provide the person with a unique sense of style. This is used to make everyone different from one…...


Inside a corporate atmosphere everyone is expected to dress in a suit and tie. This helps them to appear to be more professional. These cultural variations are different from what I wear in normal society. They require distinct ensembles and do not overlap into these areas. (Eicher, 2008)

Update Miner's article on Nacirema (Reading I.2), and describe a currently popular and familiar grooming or dressing activity using Miner's technical writing style. Avoid ordinary words -- that is, lay terminology -- where a more abstract or scientific word will more accurately describe the activity to someone who is totally unfamiliar with the activity. Next, read what you've written and write down your reactions to how this changes your perception of the dressing activity.

Miner's article is discussing the appearance

Group Social Work Nurturing Father's Program the
Pages: 8 Words: 2494

Group Social Work: Nurturing Father's Program
The group investigated for this paper is the Nurturing Father's Program. I encountered the Nurturing Fathers Program while working for my state's child protective services division (DCFS). The NFP is an evidence-based, 13-week training course designed to teach parenting and nurturing skills to men. Each 2 1/2-hour class provides proven, effective skills for healthy family relationships and child development" (Nurturing Fathers, 2012). The goal of the program is to help men transform themselves into nurturing fathers by enabling cognitive, behavioral, and affective changes in the group participants. The NFP program has been used successfully in a wide variety of contexts, including, but not limited to schools, preschools, churches, government child-safety programs, and the military.

This particular NFP group meets at First Presbyterian Church, 270 Franklin Street, Quincy, MA on Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. There is no charge for participation, and group participants are given…...



Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Inc. (2006). Standards for social work practice with groups. Alexandria, VA: AASWG, Inc.

Brandler, S., & Roman, C.P. (1999). Group work: skills and strategies for effective interventions. New York: Haworth Press.

Department of Children and Families. (2012). Report child abuse. Executive Office of Health

and Human Services website:

Cultural Characteristics Chinesse Korean Heritage Assigned Cultural
Pages: 2 Words: 729

cultural characteristics chinesse korean heritage, assigned cultural groups, discuss factors considered provide a culturally competent environment care patients cultural groups. 2)Among cultural groups, traditional folk health healing practices, including persons native USA.
The Chinese are very different from the South Koreans when considering general attitudes promoted in these two cultures and the way that people think and behave.

A primary issue involving Chinese and Korean patients regards the way that they are likely to react to treatment. The former group is probable to employ more hostile behaviors and to be less willing to cooperate with doctors. In contrast, the latter group is typically supportive toward treatment strategies they are provided with.

Religion is also an important concept when considering Korean and Chinese patients. The fact that numerous individuals in South Korea are Buddhist means that they might see death as being perfectly normal. The same thing applies when considering Chinese patients, as…...


Works cited:

Bebchuk, Lucian, "Unblocking Corporate Governance Reform," Retrieved April 13, 2014, from 

Bihari, Michael, "Managed Care -- Understanding Managed Care HMOs, PPOs, and POS Plans," Retrieved April 13, 2014, from 

"BHAISHAJYA KALPANA & RASA SHASTRA," Retrieved April 13, 2014, from 

"Communicating with Your Chinese Patient," Retrieved April 13, 2014, from

Cultural Differences in Medical Setting
Pages: 6 Words: 2020

Counseling eport
The field of counseling is very complex and multi-dimensional. This report includes a general description of counseling, how cultural insensitivity can occur within the construct of counseling, the impacts of cultural of said insensitivity in counseling as well as the broader workplaces of Australia and the broader world, the types and forms of cultural insensitivity that a counselor can endure and encounter while working and two ways in which cultural insensitivity can be addressed and responded to in a counseling setting. While some people project their insensitivities on others and counselors can be both good and bad in terms of cultural sensitivity, it is always best for counselors and indeed everyone else to be sensitive to the religious, cultural and societal differences that exist between us.


To be sure, there are going to be situations in the lives and careers of therapists and counselors where a counselor is addressing a…...



Atkin, K. (2003). Ethnicity and the politics of the new genetics: principles and engagement. Ethnicity & Health, 8(2), 91-109.

Brinson, J.A. (2004). Recognizing Our Cultural Biases as Counsellor Supervisors: A

Reflective Learning Approach. Guidance & Counseling, 19(2), 81-91.

Lopez, S.A. (2011). Culture as an Influencing Factor in Adolescent Grief and Bereavement. Prevention Researcher, 18(3), 10-13.

Cultural Globalization Despite the Prevailing
Pages: 7 Words: 2145

The ethics of using labor at rates far below what would be necessary in their own nations, with no requirement of paying healthcare, no workers' compensation insurance, no unemployment insurance, or even the threat of unionization sadly ensure this practice will continue. Yet when one considers this aspect of westernization it is clear that globalization in fact does not provide benefits to everyone in the long-run.
Towards a More Egalitarian Model of Globalization

Instead of blindly moving into a specific region or nation of the world and developing either one of several factory types as defined by Ferdows in much of his work on globalization of manufacturing, or attempting to create entirely new distribution channels to sell to residents, companies need instead to take a more egalitarian approach to global expansion. In their article the End of Corporate Imperialism, Prahalad & Lieberthal ( and in Dr. Prahalads' book the Fortune at…...



Bryan Caplan, Tyler Cowen. "Do We Underestimate the Benefits of Cultural Competition? " the American Economic Review 94.2 (2004): 402-407. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 28 Apr. 2008

Friedman, Thomas. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. 1. New York: Anchor Press, 1999.

Friedman, Thomas. The World Is Flat. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. New York, NY. 2005.

Geert Hofstede. "The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories. " Journal of International Business Studies (pre-1986)

Cultural Assessment in Community or Public Health
Pages: 2 Words: 614

cultural assessment in community or public health care with vulnerable populations? Explain.
I feel that it is expedient to include a cultural assessment in community or public health care with vulnerable populations. The very fact that the population is considered vulnerable suggests that there will be dangers in making assumptions about the patient's health care. Moreover, it is well established that cultural background can have a tremendous impact on health care choices for the individual. Decisions that may seem counter-intuitive or misguided to a health care professional may be much easier to understand if the professional completes a cultural assessment. Knowing the potential conflicts between the population's culture and the dominant culture can help a nurse prepare to deal with potential problems.

However, it is important to keep in mind that while it might be expedient to do a cultural assessment when dealing with vulnerable populations, that does not mean that…...

Cultural Diversity in Rural Settings
Pages: 1 Words: 478

Cultural Diversity in Rural Settings for Nurses
On a continuum of cultural awareness to cultural relativity, how do you view yourself and your interactions with others?

As a nurse practitioner, it is easy to see the patient simply as a patient, as a sick person needing treatment, rather than a well person who perceives his or her body as only temporarily ill, but sees his or her person as permanently a part of a family and culture outside of the hospital. As Small and Dennis (2003) counsel, the increase in immigration has resulted in greater diversity of both patients and practitioners within the United States, rather than in traditional urban locations. Thus Small and Dennis remind the nurse that it is not simply enough to treat the patient, but the patient must also understand his or her illness in culturally comprehensible terms. A nurse must be able to communicate to the…...


Works Cited

Dennis, Betty Pierce & Ernestine B. Small. (Jan-Feb, 2003) "Incorporating cultural diversity in nursing care: an action plan" The ABNF Journal.

"New Position Statement Originated by: Council on Cultural Diversity in Nursing Practice, Congress of Nursing." (1996) Adopted by: ANA Board of Directors.

Cultural Differences in IQ Scores
Pages: 7 Words: 2525

IQ Test Scores
Cultural Differences in IQ Test Scores

Most studies carried out in the United States to measure intelligence (IQ) indicate a significant gap in the IQ test scores of Blacks and Whites. The gap is more pronounced in certain areas of intelligence such as general intelligence and on tests requiring problem solving and more complex mental operations than on tests of rote learning and immediate memory. The gap has narrowed since the 1970s but still persists stubbornly. Debate has raged among the psychologists and social scientists about the reasons for the gap. The "hereditists" believe that the difference in the IQ test scores of Blacks and Whites is largely due to genetic reasons. The "environmentalists" are equally certain that the gap is due to environmental reasons and has nothing to do with genetics. This paper looks at both the heredity explanation as well as the environmental explanations of the gap…...



Dorfman, Donald D. (1995). "Soft Science with a Neoconservative Agenda." A Review of the Bell Curves. 40: 5. Contemporary Psychology, APA's journal of book reviews. Retrieved on June 20, 2004 at

Haughton, Noela A. (2002). "Biased Content, Context, and Values: An Examination of the SAT." Retrieved on June 20, 2004 at

Jencks, Christopher and Phillips, Meredith. (1998). "The Black- White Test Score Ga: An Introduction." (pp. 2-22) The Black-White Test Score Gap. Christopher Jencks and Meredith Phillips - eds. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.

Keita, L. (1999). "Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What They Mean." The Western Journal of Black Studies. 23: 1, p. 65.

Cultural Differences
Pages: 2 Words: 678

U.S. healthcare system built dominant European-American cultural values, beliefs, practices. These differ dominant values, beliefs, practices cultural groups Mexicans. Compare contrast values/beliefs/practices cultural group.
The first important difference is one between formalism and lack of formalism. European-American cultural values are less formal, but Mexicans will need to be addressed with Mr. / Mrs. At the first meeting. It will also be important to continue this type of address throughout the consultation. Compared to the European-American approach, the male is believed to be the head of the family and, in a traditional Mexican family, he will be the one who provides for the family, as well as the one making the final decisions. This could imply that he is the one who needs to be explained in more detail the procedures, the treatment etc.

It is also important to note the religiousness of the Mexican community, usually much more profound that the European-American…...



1. Last retrieved on April 18, 2014

2. Cartwright, A., Shingles, R.R. Cultural considerations when working with Mexicans. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on April 18, 2014 .



Cultural Identity Essay
Pages: 13 Words: 3931

Abstract This paper discusses all the facets and considerations inherent to a cultural identity essay. Namely, the paper describes the importance of cultural identity, the definition of cultural identity, and examples of cultural identity—both theoretical and literal examples in the world today. This paper seeks to show how one’s cultural identity is so much more than just a melee of one’s race, environment and heritage. Cultural identity is made up of so many factors and influences, both positive and negative, and both direct and covert. This paper sheds light on how one’s cultural identity manifests and how the cultural identity of two people from the same family can be slightly or tremendously different, as a result of a difference of lived experiences and preferences. Finally, this paper investigates some of the more dominant theories of cultural identity.

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Social identity

One’s cultural identity is closely connected to one’s social identity. This is because…...

Cultural Impact on Hospitality Industry
Pages: 9 Words: 2972

Tourism Management
The impact of technology and the increase of international travel and exploration, the global environment has provided a landscape that depends on the knowledge of other culture. The differences among the human race are everywhere and the denotation of such individualities create challenges for those wishing to attain a successful career based in international exposure.

The purpose of this essay is to explore various themes and ideas that relate to cross-cultural management theory applied in a practical and pragmatic manner. This essay aims to answer the following question:

Which international skills, knowledge, behaviours and experiences will be advantageous in the development of my future career?

My future career selection is not quite clear at this time but I have narrowed it down to becoming involved in hotel management in Central America. This essay will first examine the basics of culture to help give a theoretical background to my proposed set of…...



Branine, M. (2011). Managing across cultures: Concepts, policies and practices. Sage.

Crowne, K.A. (2008). What leads to cultural intelligence?. Business Horizons,51(5), 391-399.

De Bono, S., & Van Der Heijden, B. (2011). Managing cultural diversity. Meyer & Meyer Verlag.

Duncan, T. (2005). Current issues in the global hospitality industry. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 5(4), 359-366.

Having a hard time answering the following course questions; how have you become an agent of social change? And in doing so, how have you taken initiative to learn about and experience cultures different from your own?
Words: 429

This is a difficult question to answer.  In the era of COVID-19, when personal interactions with people are limited, especially with people outside of your immediate social group, being an agent of social change is more difficult than it is in other times.  That is because social change agents have to be able to influence people.  While some of that can be accomplished in a virtual environment, hence the popularity of internet “influencers,” that type of influence is simply not going to be enough to reach some people.  People tend to go to places on the internet....

I\'m searching for essay topics on nonverbal communication in different cultures. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 267

1. The importance of understanding nonverbal cues in cross-cultural communication
2. Differences in nonverbal communication gestures among various cultures
3. How cultural norms and values influence nonverbal communication behaviors
4. The impact of nonverbal communication on cultural misunderstandings and conflicts
5. How to effectively navigate nonverbal communication barriers in diverse cultural settings
6. The role of nonverbal communication in building relationships and establishing trust in different cultures
7. Strategies for improving cross-cultural nonverbal communication skills
8. The use of technology and virtual communication in cross-cultural interactions
9. Case studies on successful and unsuccessful nonverbal communication practices in intercultural contexts
10. The future of nonverbal communication in a globalized world.

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Online Dating / Apps?
Words: 484

## Essay Topic Ideas Related to Online Dating / Apps

Social and Cultural Impacts

The impact of online dating on traditional courtship rituals and social norms
The role of online dating in shaping modern relationships and family structures
The impact of online dating on societal attitudes towards marriage, divorce, and singlehood
The ethical considerations surrounding the use of online dating platforms

Psychological and Emotional Effects

The psychological effects of online dating, such as anxiety, depression, and body image issues
The impact of online dating on self-esteem and self-perception
The role of online dating in promoting unhealthy relationship dynamics, such as ghosting and....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Fashion?
Words: 455

Fashion as Expression and Identity

The Role of Fashion in Personal Identity: Exploring the ways in which fashion choices reflect and construct individual identities.
Fashion as a Form of Artistic Expression: Analyzing how fashion designers use their creations to convey emotions, ideas, and perspectives.
Fashion and Cultural Identity: Investigating the ways in which fashion influences and is influenced by cultural traditions and norms.

The Social Impact of Fashion

The Environmental Impact of the Fashion Industry: Discussing the various environmental concerns associated with fashion production, consumption, and disposal.
Fashion and Social Inequality: Examining the ways in which fashion can both perpetuate and....

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