Cultural Concerns Influences
Cultural Factors
This paper will examine and evaluate the cultural influences and apprehensions of today's modern societies with mixed cultures and also the impact on the justices system. This paper will deal with the way the cultural concerns influence administration of security and justice. The paper is going to reveal some contemporary techniques which the police and security forces utilize in communities of mixed cultures. The paper will additionally deal with how these factors and influences connect with and affect nondiscrimination practices inside the justice system. Lastly, the paper will address Mr. obert Peel's nine concepts and just how they can fit into today's public law enforcement agencies.
The military occupation of several nations in the centre East and Europe has placed police practices into question. The neighborhood police forces happen to be trained through the military where the rules will vary. The individual within modern societies have been suffering…...
Cochrane, R., Tett, R. & Vandercreek, L. (2008).Psychological Testing and the Selection of Police Officers. Retrieved from
French, L.A., & Wailes, N. (2008). Accessing and training police and security personnel relevant to ethnic and cultural sensitivity. Jackson State University Researcher, 21(4), 51.
A history of the nine principles of policing. (2002). Retrieved from
Sir Robert Peel's nine principles. (n.d). Retrieved from
Dayan v McDonald's social cultural factors affected McDonald's marketing Paris? How McDonald's exercised
Even a cursory analysis of the facts pertinent to the court case of Dyan v. McDonald's indicates that there were certain social and cultural factors that played a substantial part in the way that the McDonald's franchise was marketed in Paris. Analysts of this particular aspect of this court case must remember that the culture that created the convention of McDonald's food -- hamburgers, so called French fries, milkshakes and the plethora of expansion into breakfast foods and other types of food -- is distinguishably American. Moreover, France and other countries in Europe are noted for a degree of sophistication and old world charm that pervades their lives and their foods, and which widely allows those from such areas to regard American conventions as unpolished eccentricities -- largely unbefitting of their superior tastes and conceptions.
It is due…...
No author (2002). "Dayan v. McDonald's Corp." Find A Case. Retrieved from
Star, J.A. (1981). "Ronald McDonald on Trial." The Harvard Crimson.
Socio Cultural Aspects on Online uying ehavior
In world of today, survival without internet is extremely difficult as internet serves as an efficient and effective way of communication globally. Earlier when internet was introduced, the focus was mainly to communicate with the people or organizations across the globe. The main purpose was to quicken the process of communication and to enhance the communicating opportunities for businesses in order to improve the economic output. However today, the purpose has expanded. People are now using internet as a communication tool not only for the purpose of getting in touch, or work, but also to explore more options available for them as buying opportunities around the world.
Literature Review
Online buying is a term interchangeably used for online shopping. oth these terms refer to buying of goods or services via the internet. Online buying can also be termed as virtual buying as there is no…...
Alhadeff, R. (2011). Succeeding in Ecommerce.
Barnes, S. (2012). Ecommerce and V-Business. Taylor and Francis Inc.
Bellman, S., Lohse, G.L., & Johnson, E.J. (1999). Predictors of Online Buying Behavior. Communication of the ACM.
Hassan, H.H., & Rahim, S.A. (2007, June 9). Factors affecting online purchasing behavior.
The Balinese seem to be coping with the tourist invasion as well as they have coped with others, that is they are taking what they want, but they are not allowing themselves to be any the less Balinese. This appears to have been the story throughout Bali's history, outside cultures came, perhaps as conquerors, perhaps only as visitors and traders, but Balinese society and culture have remained distinctive, accepting outward forms, but molding them to its own different purposes." (Pickard, 1996)
These insights are showing how the changes in tourism are having an effect on Bali by developing the industry. However, for most local residents, they are maintaining their basic cultural traditions. This is despite the fact that there are added pressures to continually adopt these practices (in spite of the transformations). (Pickard, 1996)
However, many local officials feel that an influx of tourism is having an adverse impact on Bali.…...
Bali Weather and Climate. (2011). Indonesia Point. Retrieved from:
Botetar, R. (2012). The Beauty of Bali is under Pressure. ABC News. Retrieved from:
Fiegenbaum, E. (2012). The Impact of Tourism in Bali. E How. Retrieved from:
Hitchcock, M. (2009). Tourism in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NAIS.
The other feature of American politics is the private ownership of property and laws that protect private ownership of property.
The Chinese political system is different in that it is a communist system. The communist party controls the government. While there are opposition parties in china, they are not officially recognized and are often persecuted. The people of china do not have any real democratic options and every feature of the country is controlled through a centralized government structure. This means that even the economy is centrally controlled and there is no capitalist system like the United States. While China has made reforms in recent times, the system may be better considered as a managed economy with limited capitalist elements on the fringes. It should be noted that in China protest action is often met with a violent and hostile response from the government. The government does not encourage free…...
Anderson, M.L., & Taylor H.F. (2010). Sociology the essentials. United States: Wadsworth
Cengage learning.
Chang K.C. (2010) Food in Chinese Culture Retrieved from
Cobb, R.W., & Elder, C.D. (1972). Participation in American politics: The dynamics of agenda-
School Counseling Project: Intentional Individualization of InterventionsAs a counselor, I have found that it is important to draw from multiple theoretical perspectives in order to effectively meet the needs of my students. However, there is one particular intervention that I have found to be particularly successful when working with students. This intervention is based on the theory of attachment, and it focuses on helping students to develop a secure attachment with a trusted adult (Trusty et al., 2005). In my experience, this intervention has been successful in helping students to feel more connected and supported, which in turn has resulted in improved academic performance and social-emotional functioning. I believe that this intervention can be successful with a wide range of students, and I am confident that it would be an asset to any counseling program.I have used this lens with a student in the past. For instance, the student I…...
mlaReferencesMarotta, S. A. (2002). An ecological view of attachment theory: Implications for counseling. Journal of Counseling & Development, 80(4), 507-510.Trusty, J., Ng, K. M., & Watts, R. E. (2005). Model of effects of adult attachment on emotional empathy of counseling students. Journal of Counseling & Development, 83(1), 66-77.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Impact of Cultural Values on Consumer urchasing Decisions:
Explore how deep-rooted cultural values shape consumer preferences and behaviors. Discuss the effect of traditions, family structures, religious beliefs, and societal expectations on the types of products consumers feel compelled to purchase, as well as the brands they remain loyal to.
2. Materialism and Cultural Shifts: A Global erspective:
Analyze the phenomenon of increasing materialism and how it is tied to cultural shifts in various societies. Examine the role of Western culture in promoting consumerism and the ways this is adopted, adapted, or resisted by other cultures around the world.
3. Consumerism and the Role of Social Media Across Cultures:
Investigate how social media platforms, omnipresent across numerous cultures, influence consumer habits and purchasing patterns. Consider how culture-specific expressions of consumerism are spread and sometimes altered through social media interactions.
4. The Intersection of Culture and Sustainability in Consumerism:
Delve into the cultural dimensions of…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Belk, Russell W. \"Possessions and the Extended Self.\" Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 15, no. 2, 1988, pp. 139-168.
Hofstede, Geert. \"Culture\'s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations.\" Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001.Tian, Kelly Tepper, and Russell W. Belk. \"Extended Self and Possessions in the Workplace.\" Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 25, no. 2, 1998, pp. 179-196.Askegaard, Søren, and Eric J. Arnould. \"Cultural Production and Consumption Systems in Family Food Consumption: An Analysis of Beef in Bourdieusian Perspective.\" Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 28, no. 1, 2001, pp. 95-100.Nakata, Cheryl, and K. Sivakumar. \"National Culture and New Product Development: An Integrative Review.\" Journal of Marketing, vol. 63, no. 1, 1999, pp. 61-72.
Psychology CultureIntroductionWhen comparing and contrasting the social behaviors of my African American culture with that of white culture, there are both similarities and differences. For example, we may both shake hands when greeting someone, but African American culture has made more of an art of shaking hands than white culture has. African Americans may engage in a more elaborate custom of greeting with hand shaking, slapping, embracing, and so on, whereas white culture is typically more staid and less exhibitionist. But the way we speak to elders is likely to be different also. In my culture, it is respectful to address elders as \\\"Sir\\\" or \\\"Ma\\\'am\\\", while in other white culture this may not be the case, depending on the situation: in some cases, it is expected that blacks will be more polite and respectful to non-blacks because of their inferior social settingand this is something that black authors have…...
mlaReferencesAvent, J. R., & Cashwell, C. S. (2015). The Black church: Theology and implications for counseling African Americans. The Professional Counselor, 5(1), 81.Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2),130-136.Majavu, M. (2020). The ‘African gangs’ narrative: Associating Blackness with criminality and other anti-Black racist tropes in Australia. African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal, 13(1), 27-39.Marciano, J. E., & Watson, V. W. (2021). “This is America”: Examining artifactual literacies as austere love across contexts of schools and everyday use. The Urban Review, 53(2), 334-353.Moadel, A. B., Morgan, C., & Dutcher, J. (2007). Psychosocial needs assessment among an underserved, ethnically diverse cancer patient population. Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer Society, 109(S2), 446-454.Parker, W. M., Puig, A., Johnson, J., & Anthony Jr, C. (2016). Black males on White campuses: Still invisible men?. College Student Affairs Journal, 34(3), 76-92.Smith, G. A. (2021). About three-in-ten US adults are now religiously unaffiliated. Pew Research Center, 14.
Facial ecognition in Men and Women and Their DifferencesAbstractThis paper addresses the problem of difference in terms of how men and women recognize faces. The central question is whether this function of facial recognition is a biological phenomenon only or if it is something affected by cognitivism, which can in turn be influenced by sociocultural factors. The paper first examines what previous research has shown in terms of the biological differences in how men and women recognize faces. Then it addresses the evidence suggesting that sociocultural factors impact the cognitive processes involved in this function. It concludes that facial recognition is as much impacted by biology as it is by sociocultural phenomena.IntroductionDo men and women read faces differently? Current research suggests that when it comes to biological sex differences, women have an advantage in terms of having an ability to read emotion in the faces better than men (Wingenbach, Ashwin…...
mlaReferencesBandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.Hendon, M., Powell, L., & Wimmer, H. (2017). Emotional intelligence and communication levels in information technology professionals. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 165-171.Mishra, M. V., Likitlersuang, J., Wilmer, J. B., Cohan, S., Germine, L., & DeGutis, J. M. (2019). Gender differences in familiar face recognition and the influence of sociocultural gender inequality. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-12.Otgaar, H., & Baker, A. (2018). When lying changes memory for the truth. Memory, 26(1), 2-14.Rennels, J. L., & Cummings, A. J. (2013). Sex differences in facial scanning: Similarities and dissimilarities between infants and adults. International journal of behavioral development, 37(2), 111-117.Rosser-Majors, M. L. (2017). Theories of learning: An exploration. Bridgepoint Education.Scherf, K. S., Elbich, D. B., & Motta-Mena, N. V. (2017). Investigating the influence of biological sex on the behavioral and neural basis of face recognition. Eneuro, 4(3).Wingenbach, T. S., Ashwin, C., & Brosnan, M. (2018). Sex differences in facial emotion recognition across varying expression intensity levels from videos. PLoS one, 13(1), e0190634.
Cultural Schemata Theory:
Together with formal schemata and linguistic schemata, cultural schemata are some of the main types of schema theory, which is a hypothesis on how knowledge is gained and processed. Actually, schema is a technical word used by cognitive supporters to explain how people arrange, process, and store information in their brain. Notably, schemata focus on how people arrange information to long-term memory in relation to experiences, attitudes, values, strategies, skills, and conceptual understanding. The schema theory is founded on the belief that every act of an individual's understanding includes his/her knowledge of the world. The received knowledge is in turn organized into units that contain stores information.
Understanding Cultural Schemata Theory:
Cultural schemata is also known as abstract, story, or linguistic schema and is developed on the basis of people's basic experiences ("Schemata Theory in Learning," n.d.). Cultural schemata theory is described as the pre-existing knowledge about cultural elements of…...
Fuhong, T. (2004, April 10). Cultural Schema and Reading Comprehension. Retrieved December 5, 2011, from
Gilakjani, A.P. & Ahmadi, S.M. (2011. June). The Relationship between L2 Reading
Comprehension and Schema Theory: A Matter of Text Familiarity. Journal of Information and Education Technology, 1(2), pp. 142-149, Retrieved from
Gudykunst, W.B. (2005). Theorizing about intercultural communication. Thousand Oaks:
Cultural Competency in Nursing
The basic knowledge in nursing or medical studies needs substantial facilitation in order to be effective and appropriate towards addressing the needs and preferences of the patients. Watson notes the need to integrate humanistic aspect into the career or nursing profession. He also believes on the need for the establishment of the caring relationship between the patients and nurses thus demonstration of unconditional acceptance of the patients in any condition. Nurses should integrate holistic and positive treatment with the aim of promoting health through knowledge and interventions thus elimination of interruptions during treatments or 'caring moments'. Modern patients have diverse problems and issues because of the cultural differences, races, and ethnicity thus the need to enhance the operations of the nurses. There is need to ensure that the nurses obtain cultural competencies with the aim of enhancing their ability to address diverse issues and problems faced by…...
Anderson, N.L.R., Calvillo, E.R., & Fongwa, M.N. (2007). Community-based approaches to strengthen cultural competency in nursing education and practice. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 18(1), 49S-59S.
Beach, M.C. (2005). Cultural competency: A systematic review of health care provider educational interventions. Cultural Competency, 43(4), 356-373.
Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services: A model of care. The Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 181-185.
Rosswurm and Larrabee, (1999). A Model for Change to Evidence-Based
Cultural Distance: How Is it Measured, And How it Impact on Global Marketing Operations
The persistence of cultural distances is relevant for the global multinational marketing operations exposed to multiple cultures in their everyday activities. This indicates that marketing across border introduces complexities because it forces global marketers to tailor their approaches and practices to each cultural context they carry out their business activities. As a result, this paper will discuss concepts applicable to different aspects of cross-border operations. The primary focus of the paper is on multinational business corporations (Baumann, 2007).
This study shows how Hofstede's model is still the most relevant piece of reference for a successive cross-cultural analysis despite it being a widely criticized. The paper compares and contrasts Hofstede's famous concepts with Turner and Schwartz, Trompenaars and Hampden's valued inventory. It will attempt to provide empirical evidence of how cultural diversity influences the global markets by giving illustrations…...
Baumann, A. (2007). Influences of culture on the style of business behavior between Western and Arab managers. Mu-nchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
Baumu-ller, M. (2007). Managing cultural diversity: An empirical examination of cultural networks and organizational structures as governance mechanisms in multinational corporations. Bern: Lang.
Cavusgil, T. & Ghauri, P.N. (2009). New challenges to international marketing. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Curry, J.E. (2009). A short course in international marketing: Approaching and penetrating the global marketplace. Petaluma, CA: World Trade Press.
Cultural Observation
In any culture, the way someone dresses will have an impact in identifying who they are and the traditions which are embraced. The Indian civilization has their own form of dress that is holding onto various social customs in the form of the sari. To fully understand how this is impacting society requires carefully examining the cultural context of the dress ensemble, providing a description of it and discussing various influences (such as: somatotypes). Together, these elements will highlight the impact of these styles on different segments of society. (Katiyar, 2009)
Briefly describe the cultural context of the dress practice or ensemble.
The Indian sari is a strip of indistinct cloth which is worn by women. It is from four to nine yards in length and is draped over the body in various styles. The outfit is worn based upon historical traditions which are dating back to the ancient civilization of…...
The Classification System of Dress. (2013).
The Three Somatotypes. (2013). University of Houston. Retrieved from:
Eicher, J. (2008). The Visible Self: Global Perspectives on Dress, Culture, and Society. New York, NY: Fairchild Books.
Katiyar, V. (2009). Indian Saris. New Delhi: Wisdom Tree.
Cultural Blending That Occurred hen the British Colonized India
Throughout the course of history, the British were known as the world's conquerors. This is because they established a series of colonies around the globe that supported the nation and its self-interest. During their occupation of India, there was focus on blending different cultures to create a unique society. (Bingham)
This transformed India from being a backward region to one that was able to improve its standard of living and make steps towards joining the modern world. The result is that a new social identify was developed. To fully understand the way that this occurred requires examining cultural blending, how it shaped their identity, if it was permanent, what caused it to change and if it was beneficial. These different factors will illustrate the way this occurred and the impact it had on India's development. (Bingham)
The British first arrived in India in the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bingham, Jane. Indian Art and Culture. Hoboken: Wiley, 2005. Print.
Kasbekar, Asha. Pop Culture in India. Oxford: ABC CLIO, 2006. Print.
Cultural Briefing Document Zurich Switzerland
The LJ Products Co. is proud to announce that one of our executive staff will be joining our staff in Zurich Switzerland in January of 2012. Mr. Didier Burkhalter will be joining our Zurich staff as chief financial officer. Mr. Burkhalter will report directly to the CEO and other members of the board. To make Mr. Burkhalter feel welcome in his new position it is requested that all staff members read the following briefing prior to his arrival and that they become familiar with the customs of Mr. Burkhalter's country of origin. All staff members should extend Mr. Burkhalter a warm welcome by familiarizing themselves with his customs. The following summarizes many of the customs of Swiss society, using American culture as a reference point.
Cultural Dimensions
Hofstede's cultural dimensions is the most widely used system for developing a framework that assesses national cultures and organizational cultures. Hofstede's…...
COMMUNICAID GROUP LTD. 2009. Doing Busineass in Switzerland: Swiss Social and Business Culture. [online] Available from: [accessed to December 2011}.
EDIPLOMAT. 2011. Switzerland. [online] Available from: [accessed to December 2011}.
EXPATICA. 2011. Management Culture in Switzerland. [online] Available from: [accessed to December 2011}.
HOFSTEDE, G. 2001. Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations. (2nd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Many people have suggested reasons that obesity remains prevalent in Salford, UK. The low level of adult physical activity is believed to be the primary cause, but it is important to recognize that childhood obesity is also a factor in Salford. In addition, one must compare other health measures in Salford to the rest of the UK to get a full picture. In general, Salford is simply less healthy than the English average, with higher rates of adult smoking, smoking-related deaths, alcohol-related hospital stays, mental health conditions, dementia, and learning disabilities. This seems to be directly linked to issues....
While many fields of study seem to only have academic applications, sociolinguistics has many real-world applications. Sociolinguistics examines how various cultural factors impact the use of language, not only in what languages are spoken by people in various groups, but also how that language is spoken by those people. The various factors that can influence the language someone speaks or how they speak a language include, but are not limited to: gender, ethnicity, religion, status, level of education, age, and geographical distribution. The primary languages spoken in Algeria are Algerian Arabic (Darja),....
When you are asked to write an experience paper, they are almost always going to be more impactful if you are describing your own personal experiences. Therefore, to really help you write the best paper about how social class, gender, and race interact, it would good to start out with that basic demographic information about you. Helping you craft an excellent essay about a young, affluent, African American male’s experience with police pulling him over for “driving while black” is not going to be helpful if you are a middle-age, lower-income, white....
Your assignment requires you to pick two case studies about family relationships. You can select the case studies from your own experience or from articles. At least one of the case studies needs to focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural considerations. If you are going to use your personal experiences, you want to write out the case study to make it easier for you to reference.
Once you have selected the families you want to highlight in your case studies, you need to write the case studies. Even if you are....
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