Cross Examination Essays (Examples)

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Cross-Examination on the Accuracy of Adult Eyewitness
Pages: 2 Words: 682

cross-examination on the accuracy of adult eyewitness testimony" by Tim Valentine and Katie Maras
"The effects of mood on the accuracy of eyewitness memory: affective influences on susceptibility to misinformation" by Joseph P. Forgas, Simon M. Laham and Patrick T. Vargas

The current assignment looks at two separate articles, written by different authors and six years apart, each dealing with the quality and reliability of eyewitness testimonies. The first article assesses this topic from the standpoint of cross-examination, whereas the second, based on the mood of the witness. The table below summarizes the viewpoints of the two articles.

Forgas, Laham and Vargas (2005)

Valentine and Maras (2011)

Purpose of study

Investigate the impact of mood changes on the accuracy of eye witness memories

Investigate the impact of cross-examination upon the quality of eyewitness testimonies


Eyewitnesses who are in a positive mood tend to offer inaccurate testimonies, whereas eyewitnesses in a negative mood tend to offer more accurate…...



Forgas, J.P., Laham, S.M., & Vargas, P.T. (2005). Mood effects on eyewitness memory: Affective influences on susceptibility to misinformation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 41(6), 574-588. doi:

Valentine, T., Maras, K., (2011). The effect of cross-examination on the accuracy of adult eyewitness testimony. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Vol. 25, pp.554-561

Looking Into a Cross Examination of Aumf
Pages: 2 Words: 695

A cross-examination of AUMF

AUMF Background

Terrorism acts of September 11; this was a dark day in American history. Such acts necessitate the need to initiate appropriate self-defense measures against the proponents of such heinousness. The state shall therefore do anything through the powers bestowed upon the president to deter any attempt to mete such acts against American citizens. Public law as stipulated in act 107 section 40 points to the authorization of the use of force to counter such acts. There was a consensus, therefore that the president is bestowed with powers to authorize the United States forces to use force even outside the borders of the United States to make sure that such forces of terrorism are defeated. Proponents including individuals, organizations and even countries shall be pursued and suppressed to prevent them from committing terrorist acts against United States citizens.


There was no limit to the geographical span within which…...



Bradshaw, J. (2014). The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill. We need a new AUMF -- The Hill. Retrieved June 17, 2016, from 

Groves. (n.d.). Conservative Policy Research and Analysis. Drone Strikes: The Legality of U.S. Targeting Terrorists Abroad. Retrieved June 17, 2016, from 

(2001). U.S. Government Publishing Office. Public Law 107-40. Retrieved June 17, 2016, from

Cross-Border Alliances Are Defined as
Pages: 8 Words: 2325

esearch also helps in planning marketing programs through helping to identify new opportunities and thus to evaluate the potential for a new idea and also to identify the areas where the marketing efforts will be concentrated KnowThis LLC, 2012()
esearch also helps to minimize risks. By the marketing managers being able to plan the marketing efforts effectively and they can then identify what is required and to ensure that the development of the programs is highly focused towards the demand in the market. Market research also helps to create benchmarks and to measure progress. Early research helps to highlight any major gaps in the marketing plan which need to be bridged and regular market research helps to show if there are any improvements in sales being brought about by the marketing efforts.

Segmentation and the marketing mix

Segmentation helps greatly in customer retention and acquisition of new clientele. This is because it…...



Cherian, M., Flores, M., & Srinivasan, G. (2008). Critical Success Factors to Collaborate in Cross Border Alliances: Experiences of Indian Manufacturing Enterprises. Paper presented at the SMF conference, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

Horn, L.P. (2011). Online Marketing Strategies for Reaching Today's Teens. [Article]. Young Adult Library Services, 9(2), 24-27.

KnowThis LLC. (2012). Marketing Research Retrieved May 20th, 2012, from 

Kotler, P., & Keller, K.L. (2012). Marketing Management, Thirteenth Edition. New York, NY: Prentice Hall.

Cross National Management
Pages: 3 Words: 1067

Cross-National Management: Questions
Although the Chinese company Nice Group and the American company it is entering into a partnership with may not face linguistic barriers, they are likely to face considerable cultural barriers that could impede their mutual understanding. The first likely communications obstacle is one of managerial styles. America is a highly individualistic culture, and tends to prefer managers who adopt an empowering or 'coaching' style, meaning that they either give employees considerable autonomy and/or provide support and guidance to employees. This is true particularly regarding complex tasks that require professional expertise. Employees are regarded as valuable human assets who can make a meaningful contribution to the company. In contrast, within high-context cultures such as China, there is a tendency to prefer a far more directive style of management, and to view employees' individual needs as less important than serving the collective (Motivation, n.d, Handout).

Another issue is one of accepted…...



Dimensions of culture: Ways to understand others. (2012). PowerPoint.

Motivation (or what do we look for in a job?). (n.d). Handout.

Shea, Catherine. (1994). Case study: Moscow Aerostar. The Richard Ivey School of Business.

Cross-Cultural Differences Risks of Outsourcing
Pages: 9 Words: 4111

herefore, the standpoint of social embeddedness is a tool that offers to provide a clear picture if one wants to comprehend the contribution of the relational factors in the success of outsourced IS projects (Rai, Maruping and Venkatesh, 2009).
If one is to increase his/her comprehension and develop an insight about how to monitor and control outsourced IS projects, Johns' (2006 as cited in Rai, Maruping and Venkatesh, 2009) suggestions come in useful. He recommended that the theory be contextualized by assessing the effect of characteristics of social framework in the setting of outsourced IS projects. It should be assessed how the adopted cultural features of the project affect its success and performance.

Later, the social embeddedness standpoint needs to be contextualized to the setting of the outsourcing of IS projects and a cultural variation framework should be applied to assess mutual principles and standards for those projects that are represented…...


Trent, R.J. And R.M. Monczka (2003). "International purchasing and global sourcing -- what are the differences?" Journal of Supply Chain Management 39(4): 26-37. Taken from: Mittal, R. (2010). CULTURAL CONGRUENCE in CROSS-BORDER ALLIANCES: A MULTI-LEVEL PERSPECTIVE. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of Business RESEARCH, Volume 10, Number 3.

Uzzi, B. 1997. "Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness," Administrative Science Quarterly (42), pp. 35-67. Taken from: Rai, a., Maruping, L.M. And Venkatesh, V. (2009). OFFSHORE INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROJECT SUCCESS: THE ROLE of SOCIAL EMBEDDEDNESS and CULTURALCHARACTERISTICS. MIS Quarterly Vol. 33 No. 3, pp. 617-641.

Werner, S. (2002). "Recent Developments in International Management Research: A Review of 20 Top Management Journals." Journal of Management 28(3): 277-305. Taken from: Mittal, R. (2010). CULTURAL CONGRUENCE in CROSS-BORDER ALLIANCES: A MULTI-LEVEL PERSPECTIVE. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of Business RESEARCH, Volume 10, Number 3.

Cross Cultural Health Perspectives When
Pages: 2 Words: 664

Over the course of time, this will lead to a dramatic rise in the number of cases that are being reported, based upon the kinds of foods that are being consumed by this demographic. (Dilip, 2001, pp. 81 -- 87) As a result, different cultural factors are having an impact on this problem. While at the same time, many individuals will feel pressure to consume this cuisine. Part of the reason for this, is because it is expected that they eat this to embrace their culture. If they do not, they risk the possibility of being seen as some kind outcast. (Cousins, 1992, pp. 549 -- 555)
To change what is happening, we need to leverage the relationship / expectations towards: shifting the way these foods are prepared and the frequency that they are consumed. As, we want to encourage people to begin cooking in vegetable / olive oil and…...



Cousins, J. (1992). Family vs. Individual Orientated Intervention. Public Health Reports. 107 (5), 549 -555.

Dilip, K. (2001). Community Wide Coronary Artery Disease. The American Journal of Medicine. 110 (2), 81 -- 87.

Cross Cultural Leadership Cultural Differences in Leadership
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

Cross Cultural Leadership
Cultural Differences in Leadership

Cultural differences determine certain leadership traits and portions of our personality. It is easy to discredit the importance of cross-cultural differences and their influences on various leadership styles. Different cultures are known for certain traits. For instance, the Australian culture is known for it egalitarianism. Chinese culture is known as an authority oriented culture (Sharpe, 2007). These differences in culture result in the development of different leadership styles and traits. The following will explore the issue of cultural differences and will support the thesis that leaders from authoritarian countries have a greater power distance from their employees than do those in egalitarian cultures.

Sharpe (2007) found that the Australian culture and the Chinese culture dictated certain traits in regards to desirable leadership traits. Both the Australian and Chinese participants felt that these leadership traits were more important on the lower levels than on the upper levels…...



DeGrosky, M. (2011). Lost in Translation. Wildfire. Retrieved March 4,.2011 from

Deng, L. & Gibson, P. (2008). A Qualitative Evaluation on the Role of Cultural Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Leadership Effectiveness. The International Journal of Leadership Studies. 3 (2): 181-197.

Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Lewis, R. (2006). Cultural Differences in a Shrinking World: Leadership Implications. Personnel Decisions. January 2006. Retrieved March 4, 2011 from

Cross Cultural Impact of China on Vietnam Today
Pages: 10 Words: 2893

Vietnam and China: Acculturation's Apparitions And Certain Realities Behind Them"
The Vietnamese people have a lengthy history that dates back at least two millennia. The ancestors of modern Vietnamese people lived in the Red River delta of northern Vietnam and were subsequently conquered by the Chinese, becoming part of the early Chinese empire. By the first century CE, Vietnam succeeded in becoming a suzerainty of the Chinese empire and it remained in this capacity for the next 900 years. During these ten centuries, the Vietnamese people were heavily influenced by several aspects of Chinese culture and society, including its political theories, academic standards, administrative practices for government operation and religious orientations. As a result, Vietnam became sinicized long before other regions in Southeast Asia that are now a part of China.

It is important to note, though, that this dependency on China also served to create a sense of national identity in…...

Examination of Character Noah Cross
Pages: 3 Words: 904

Noah Cross from Roman Polanski's "Chinatown" provides the audience with a layer of complexity unseen in other films. On the surface, Noah Cross seems to the unaware soul as a jovial, pleasant man. When one hears him speak he appears untroubled and comfortable in his own skin. His facial expressions also give a hint of self-assurance and openness as he remains friendly-seeming no matter what words come out of his mouth. Along with his perceivable ease with words, he has a faintly chauvinistic charm with a smile always at the ready, managing to avoid displaying even the slightest trace of cruelty or psychosis.
As the film progresses, however, this appealing and harmless exterior reduces, shrinks into the mask that it provided him. Eventually he displays the inner, sociopathic nature the audience realizes he was hiding, making him all the more frightening. He does not care for others. He does not…...

Cross State Licensing for Nurses
Pages: 2 Words: 616

Nursing Licensure and CertificationOne advantage of having a compact license is mobility. This type of license allows nurses to practice in multiple states without needing to obtain separate licenses for each one, facilitating greater flexibility and mobility, enabling nurses to respond quickly to areas with critical shortages or emergent needs (Markowitz & Adams, 2022). Another benefit is cost efficiency. Nurses save on the costs associated with obtaining and maintaining multiple state licenses, including fees for applications, renewals, and continuing education requirements. Improved access to care is another major pro. It opens up the door for underserved or rural areas, which tend to have a shortage of healthcare providers (Adashi et al., 2021). Furthermore, professional development is improved as exposure to diverse healthcare environments and practices broadens a nurse\\\'s skills.However, there are also cons associated with having a compact license. One issue is varying standards, which can cause confusion and discrepancies…...


ReferencesAdashi, E. Y., Cohen, I. G., & McCormick, W. L. (2021). The interstate medical licensure compact: attending to the underserved. Jama, 325(16), 1607-1608.Markowitz, S., & Adams, E. K. (2022). The effects of state scope of practice laws on the labor supply of advanced practice registered nurses. American Journal of Health Economics, 8(1), 65-98.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri
Pages: 5 Words: 1983

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri Marketing
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri is an insurance company that serves the state of Missouri. The company serves residents in approximately 75% of the state's area, with services concentrate in the southeastern portion (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri). RightCHOICE Managed Care Inc. (RIT) operates as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri in Missouri, and is a licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri has over 1.1 million medical members and acts as an operating subsidiary of ellPoint Health Networks Inc. (Kansas City InfoZine). ellPoint Health Networks Inc. is the second-largest publicly traded health care company in the United States (Kansas City InfoZine), and serves close to 45 million members (Hoovers Online).

In the past, the marketing of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri has faced severe criticism. A Market Conduct Examination Report by Health Care…...


Works Cited

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri. 26 July 2004.

Health Care Financing Administration, Kansas City Regional Office. Market Conduct Examination Report: Blue Cross and Blue Shield. 26 July 2004. 

Hoovers Online. WellPoint Health Networks Inc.

27 July 2004. -- /free-co-factsheet.xhtml

Managerial Cross-Cultural Interaction
Pages: 22 Words: 7475

Management STYLE IN THE United States
Cultural Values and Business

Theory X vs. Theory Y

Management the High Tech Way



ole of Entrepreneurship

In the United States, management values, beliefs and attitudes have undergone a gradual shift away from the simplistic stance of planning, organizing and directing. Valuable managerial skills, no matter what culture is being considered, have traditionally been masculine skills, highlighting the dominant, assertive, and decisive elements of management behavior and downplaying the team and supportive aspects that are more readily identified with women. This traditional view is now giving way in the United States to an approach where team behaviour is seen as increasingly important to a truly successful management style.

The global leadership skills of the future will evolve from a combination of individual/group and masculine/feminine traits involving strategic thinking and communication skills. The final result of this evolution will make organizations more competitive…...



Arnold, D.J. & Quelch, J.A. (1998). "New strategies in emerging markets." Sloan Management Review, 40, 7-20.

Bakhtari, H. (1995). "Cultural Effects on Management Style: A Comparative Study of American and Middle Eastern Management Styles." International Studies of Management & Organization, 25(3), 97+.

Barham, K., Fraser, J. & Heath, L. (1988). Management for the future. Foundation for Management Education/Ashridge Management College.

Bennis, W., Heil, G. & Stephens, D. (2000). Douglas McGregor, revisited: Managing the human side of enterprise. New York: John Wiley.

Challenges in Cross-Cultural Counseling
Pages: 12 Words: 3681

cross-cultural values and mores to identify the author's interactions with gay, lesbian, and transgendered individuals, Latinas and individuals with disabilities. Further, this paper integrates the case study analyses provided in "Case Studies in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy" and relevant Social Justice Counseling issues to support the discussions. In addition, for each of these three cultures, a discussion concerning what factors should be kept in mind during interfaces with each so that all parties are honored to facilitate work with them as a therapist, colleague, social acquaintance, partner, and neighbor. Finally, an analysis concerning what was especially easy and fun and what was challenging to understand about these cultures given the author's unique worldview is followed by a summary of the research and important findings about these three cultures and cross-cultural values and mores in the conclusion.
eview and Analysis

Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered Individuals

With growing numbers of states legalizing same-sex marriages…...



Beam, C. (2014). Is Hispanic the same thing as Latina? Slate. Retrieved from http://www.

Beecher, M.E. & Rabe, R.A. (2007, Spring). Practical guidelines for counseling students with disabilities. Journal of College Counseling, 7(1), 83-87.

Bess, J.A. & Stabb, S.D. (2009, July). The experiences of transgendered persons in psychotherapy: Voices and recommendations. Journal of Mental Health Counseling,

Close and Careful Examination of Four Unique
Pages: 2 Words: 695

close and careful examination of four unique handwriting specimens, suspect K3 has been identified as a potential match for the original note left at the bank. There are a few notable differences between the actual piece of evidence and K3's sample, mainly the difference in the capital letter "I," which is not written in cursive script in the teller's note and is rendered differently in the sample. However, handwriting does change over time or due to the person's emotional or psychological state (Lecture Notes). In almost every other respect, K3's sample matches the teller note.
Individual letter formations are all but identical, with some unusual flourishes making the suspect's writing stand out. For example, in the one-letter word "a," the suspect uses an unusual upward stroke as a starting point to writing the letter. None of the other suspects have this particular quirk in their handwriting. A similar flourish can…...



"A Simplified Guide to Forensic Document Examination," (n.d.). Retrieved online: 

Lecture Notes: Physical Sciences Chapter 19

Questions and Answers Final Exam
Pages: 8 Words: 2475

FINAL EXAMFinal Exam: Questions and Answers1. Describe steps in the strategic planning processIt is important to note that there is no single standard format for strategic planning. This is to say that various authors have, in the past, proposed or come up with different approaches to strategic planning. The approach highlighted in this case is a 6-step process proposed by Butuner (2020):a. Determination of the Strategic IntentThis could simply be defined as determining what exactly the organization intends to pursue and ensuring that others from within the organization comprehend the relevance of the undertaking. This is critical so as to assess how ready the various stakeholders are for the effort. In this case, the commitment of all those to be involved in the process is secured and the necessary resources mapped.b. Definition of the Organizational MissionThis has got to do with stating, in no uncertain terms, why the organization exists…...


ReferencesButuner, H. (2020). Systematic Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Framework for Implementation, Control, and Evaluation. Auerbach Publishers. Bishwajit, G., Ide, S. & Ghosh, S. (2014). Social Determinants of Infectious Diseases in South Asia. International Scholarly Research Notices, 20(4), 113-119. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC (2020). Youth and Tobacco Use. for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC (2020). Tobacco Industry Marketing. Glenza, J. (2017). Tobacco companies tighten hold on Washington under Trump. The Guardian. Harrison, C. (2017). Leadership Theory and Research: A Critical Approach to New and Existing Paradigms. Springer. Jones, R. (2007). Key Topics in Healthcare Management: Understanding the Big Picture. Radcliffe Publishing. Kasotia, P. (2017). The Health Effects Of Global Warming: Developing Countries Are The Most Vulnerable. United Nations. Pandey, K. (2019). Cold waves killed more Indians than heat waves since 1980: IMD. Down to Earth. United States Department of Agriculture – USDA (2016). Cleanliness Helps Prevent Foodborne Illness. Health Organization – WHO (2020). Oral health.

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