Critical Infrastructure Essays (Examples)

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Critical Infrastructure Protection using Computers in Modern Society
Pages: 2 Words: 693

Critical Infrastructure Protection Nowadays, computers have become very ubiquitous in the American society. Computers and related technologies are used at every level of government in the United States. Computer technologies are also used by all sorts of professionals, and private citizens to access information, store information, communicate, and/ or transform acquired information. Right now, there are also computer-dependent technologies that are used to monitor and control, critical transportation systems, water treatment and distribution systems, power grids, gas distribution systems, and oil transport systems. Moreover, virtually all aircrafts are guided by GPS (Global Positioning System), and other computer-linked/ related systems. From the above-made statements, it is clear that there is a need for coordinated security systems to protect critical computer systems that are keeping the world moving. This means there is a strong need for cooperation among stakeholders for the successful protection of critical infrastructure.
According to the Department of Justice, any unpermitted…...

critical infrastructure'security information technology
Pages: 5 Words: 1351

Synopsis Because the majority of critical infrastructure components in the United States are privately owned, compliance with Department of Homeland Security risk assessment methods remains voluntary. Risk assessments of critical infrastructure focus on threat, vulnerability, and consequences, with all types of assessments integral to helping improve resilience and mitigate problems (GAO, 2017). A vulnerability analysis of the nation’s information technology critical infrastructure reveals several points of weakness and security gaps. The Department of Homeland Security (2018) infrastructure survey tool can be used alongside the systems dynamics approach to vulnerability assessment. These tools reveal the inherent strengths of complex, interdependent information technology systems, while also revealing the potential weaknesses in a decentralized approach.
Executive Summary
Two of the most salient methods of conducting vulnerability assessments on critical infrastructure include the opt-in survey offered by the Department of Homeland Security, which targets the physical facilities, and the systems dynamics approach. Information technology is a unique…...

Key Resources Critical Infrastructure
Pages: 3 Words: 1088

Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources NIPP (National Infrastructure Protection Plan) offers the necessary structure for coordination, synchronization and integration of activities originating from different pertinent statutes, presidential directives and national strategies for the creation of a combined countrywide approach for the implementation of the protection mission of CIKR (Moteff & Parfomak, 2004). The continuity and protection of CIKR is fundamental for national security, safety, vitality, lifestyle and public health. Critical infrastructure can be understood as the systems, networks and assets, virtual or physical (Fisher & Norman 2010). Critical infrastructure is quite fundamental to a nation to the extent that their destruction or incapacitation may cause a devastating impact on public health, national security, safety, or a combination of all (Moteff & Parfomak 2004). Critical infrastructure sectors include:
Food and Agriculture: This sector can be understood as the national animals, feeds, and feeds supply chain as well as the fertilizer, seeds and farm…...

What is Critical Infrastructure
Pages: 2 Words: 709

Infrastructure is effectively what makes a nation run. It encompasses the people, places, and things necessary to deliver critical services and goods. The US Department of Homeland Security often abbreviates critical infrastructure as CIKR (Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources) and defines CIKR as consisting of, “the assets of the United States essential to the nation's security, public health and safety, economic vitality, and way of life,” including “power grids and water filtration plants; national monuments and government facilities; telecommunications and transportation systems; chemical facilities” (“CIKR,” 2009, par.1). Although the majority of CIKR is privately owned, according to DHS, the government still has a vital protective role to ensure it works correctly. Cybersecurity
Although the Internet was still in a relatively primitive stage when DHS was first established, the online element of the nation’s critical infrastructure cannot be underestimated and has seismically grown in its importance. People trust a tremendous amount of vital…...

the importance of communications as a critical infrastructure
Pages: 3 Words: 889

Published by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2003, authored by President George W. Bush, The National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets is the first document of its kind. After September 11 and the creation of the DHS, swift action was taken to synergize national security efforts and interests. The National Strategy redefines the meaning and definition of critical infrastructure and key assets, offering guidance to individual sectors for risk management, risk mitigation, information sharing, and more (Erbschloe, 2004). Moreover, the National Strategy takes into account the diversity of its audience, recognizing that a large number of stakeholders in critical infrastructure and key assets are in the private sector. This means that the Department of Homeland Security plays a more active role now in monitoring any critical infrastructure or key asset, whether in the public or private domain. Anything that pertains to national security—from…...

Critical Infrastructures and Cybersecurity
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Cyber Terrorism
Cybersecurity has emerged as one of the important components of modern security initiatives because of rapid advancements of technology and the Internet. Ensuring cybersecurity has become important because of the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures to cyber attacks in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks. As part of efforts to enhance cybersecurity, federal and state governments in the United States have enacted laws that define the role of various stakeholders in protecting the nation's critical infrastructures. These laws govern the responsibilities of companies and organizations in protecting themselves and customers. In addition, these regulations have some costs associated with them given that enhancing cybersecurity is a relatively complex process.

Organizations' ole in Protecting Themselves and Customers

As cyber attacks continue to increase in the recent past, the federal government has enacted laws and policies to govern the role of organizations in protecting themselves and customers. Based on the executive order signed…...



Aspen Publishers. (2015, January). President Obama Signs Cybersecurity Executive Order. The Computer & Internet Lawyer, 32(1), 24. Retrieved from 

Heilbrun, M.R. & Brown, I. (2011, December). Cybersecurity Policy and Legislation in the 112th Congress. Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, 23(12), 24. Retrieved from 

Schwalb, M. (2006). Exploit Derivatives & National Security. Yale Journal of Law & Technology, 9, 162. Retrieved from

Critical Infrastructure and Power
Pages: 7 Words: 2535

Intelligence Practical Exercise
Geospatial Intelligence Analysis

GEOINT which means Geospatial Intelligence is a system which is used to analyse an environment for intelligence and operational purposes. (GEOINT Analysis, 2017).

Describe the Environment: Collect key data that defines the precise destination for the planned mission. Geographical, government and cultural limitations must be established. In most cases, the gathered data could consist of vectors, heights, natural landmarks such as rivers, mountains etc., longitude and latitude locations and several others. All these are the basic requirements of the GEOINT invention.

Outline the Effects of The Environment: Elaborate thoroughly on the mission location identified in the previous step. Locate and define its natural state, any existing structures and its cultural atmosphere. Account for all possible factors that might have an effect on a mission in the location such as roads, people, buildings, plants, climate, language, government, cultural divides or social factors. Add this new information to the basics…...




Brown, G., Carlyle, M., Salmeron, J., & Wood, K. (2005). Analyzing the Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure to Attack and Planning Defenses. Tutorials inOperations Research, 102 - 123.

GEOINT Analysis. (2017). Retrieved from National Geospatial Intelligence Agency:

International Nuclear Safety Group. (2010). The Interface Between Safety and Security at Nuclear Power Plants. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Infrastructure for the Indus Towers Project One
Pages: 3 Words: 956

For the Indus Towers project, one of the challenges is to find goal congruence with the three major stakeholder groups. The three stakeholder groups are the three companies engaged in the joint venture -- Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular. The Indus Towers venture is an effort between the three partners to join their tower resources. The three stakeholders are the three largest players in the Indian market. Airtel operates only in India; Vodafone is global and Idea is a subsidiary of an Indian multinational.

The benefits of the infrastructure sharing project are to achieve a higher level of efficiency with infrastructure buildout. If the companies do not work together, they will each need to build their own infrastructure to cover all of India. This will create a high level of overlap as in many markets all three companies will build towers and other critical infrastructure. Passive infrastructure sharing such as…...



Gulati, R., Martinez-Jerez, F.A., Narayanan, V.G., and Tahilyani, R. (2010) 'Indus Towers: Collaboration with Competitors on Infrastructure', Course Pack.

Odoni, A., Stamatopoulos, M., Kassens, E., and Metsovitis, J. (2009) 'Preparing an Airport for the Olympic Games: Athens', Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 15 (1) pp. 50-59.

Yang, J. Shen, G.Q., Drew, D.S., and Ho. M. (2010) 'Critical success factors for stakeholder management: Construction practitioners' perspectives', Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136 (7), pp. 778-786.

Yuan, J., Skibniewski, M.J., Li, Q., and Zheng, L. (2010) 'Performance objectives selection model in public-private partnership projects based on the perspective of stakeholders', Journal of Management in Engineering, 26 (2), pp. 89-104.

Infrastructure Protection in Homeland Security
Pages: 5 Words: 1645

S. To cope with any disaster or unforeseeable eventual attack on the critical infrastructure, to avoid the 9/11 mayhem and lack of organization.
espond; where disaster responsiveness and action at the time of the attack and shortly after is looked into, there is a well laid out proposed plan of how to handle any uneventful eventuality on any of the critical 'node' of the U.S. infrastructure. Lastly recover; which lays out how to come out fast and efficiently from a disastrous attack of any of the central infrastructure (Book News, Inc. ev. 2009)

The book generally give us a scientific look at our current vulnerabilities in terms of infrastructure and the gaps in the homeland security as of today and prods the concerned authorities both in state government system and the research sector to come up and bridge the existing gap for a more secure U.S.. These will involve the 2009 National…...



Book News, Inc. Rev. (2009). Homeland security and critical infrastructure protection.

Retrieved March 28, 2011 from

Collins a. & Bagget, K., (2009). Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection.

Retrieved March 28, 2011 from

Infrastructure Protection
Pages: 3 Words: 1015

Infrastructure Protection
Utilities such as water, natural gas, and electricity are considered lifelines for the United States and its economy. Are they vulnerable to terrorist attacks or natural disasters? How can they be protected and secured?

Importance of Infrastructure

Critical infrastructures, such as telecommunications, energy, banking and finance, transportation, water systems and emergency services are the foundations of modern society. They support and maintain the economic operation and activities of our communities and help to maintain the functions, security, safety and stability of society. Our economy, national defence, and quality of life are increasingly reliant upon certain critical infrastructures.

As technology advances, more and more critical infrastructures become increasingly interconnected. More specifically, there is a heavy dependence on critical infrastructures at multiple levels within the supply chain of any good or service (Haimes, 2005). Any disruptions in the supply chain may cause profound cascading effect to other critical infrastructures. A malicious attack, natural…...



Federal Highway Administration and Cambridge Systematics Inc., (2005) "An Initial Assessment of Freight Bottlenecks on Highways," Federal Highway Administration, Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

John Moteff and Paul Parfomak. (2004) Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets: Definition and Identification

Massoud Amin. (2002). Toward Secure and Resilient Interdependent Infrastructures. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 8:67

Robert G. Spulak and Jessica G. Turnley. (2005) Theoretical Perspectives of Terrorist Enemies as Networks. JSOU Press

Infrastructure Is the Foundation of a Healthy
Pages: 6 Words: 1513

Infrastructure is the foundation of a healthy economy and an equitable society. The World Bank's Policy Research Report on Reforming Infrastructure: Privatization, Regulation, and Competition evaluates infrastructure issues in several major sectors: telecommunications, electricity, transportation, and water. Within these infrastructural areas, the report addresses topics related to privatization, state ownership, competition, and regulation. Finally, the report incorporates social and economic concerns into proposed policy reforms. Both privatization and state control of infrastructures present problems that can be addressed with wise and research-based reform.
Chapter One of the World Bank Policy Research Report on Reforming Infrastructure focuses on network utilities. Not limited to telecommunications alone, a networking infrastructure entails all that is necessary for businesses to compete in the global marketplace. Economic development depends on the creation and maintenance of an effective, reliable, and accessible network infrastructure.

Network infrastructure is a "natural target for government intervention" and yet is "difficult to regulate in…...

Infrastructure Project Failure Reasons
Pages: 2 Words: 841

Infrastructure Projects
The author of this report is asked to observe the fact that the most critical and pervasive projects in the project management sphere are infrastructure and service projects. However, it would seem that these same types of projects are also the most likely to fail or at least encounter minor/major problems. The author of this response is asked to define why that might be the case and what can be done to prevent this. When it comes to things like infrastructure, this would obviously refer to things like bridges, roads and the associated signage, markings and planning. Perhaps one reason why these projects are so apt to fail or have problems is the sheer geographic scope and the amount of materials involved. Indeed, an angle being slightly off or the plans being slightly off-kilter can lead to major issues. Another major concern that probably arises when it comes to…...



CompTIA. (2015). CompTIA A+ Certification. Retrieved 26

September 2015, from 

Milutnovi, R., & Stosi, B. (2013). Key elements of innovation project management in services.

Management (1820-0222), (69), 65-73.

Technology Controlling Water Infrastructure Much Contemporary Research
Pages: 4 Words: 1837

Controlling water infrastructure

Much contemporary research and literature over the need for water include recognition of ethical issues for example water like a public good assert Gleick (2004) and Tipping et al. (2005). Hence, overall scope of management should be extended to incorporate the social size of water systems; which means all stakeholders have to be informed and incorporated in making decisions for the development and use of long-term sustainability water systems. Exterior systems or water stresses could possibly be the primary change motivators for controlling water systems. Global warming might be one particular example heavily affecting water systems because of elevated frequency of extreme weather for example flooding, storms and droughts (Clemitt, 2007). Around Australia, droughts and water stress within the primary metropolitan areas forced the adoption of an entire new selection of methods to controlling water. Water sector is facing institutional changes that need modernization as well as…...



Ashley, R. And Cashman, A. (2006). The impacts of change on the long-term future demand for water sector infrastructure. Infrastructure to 2030, Chapter 5 OECD, pp. 241 -- 349.

Clemitt, M. (2007). Ageing infrastructure: is neglected maintenance putting Americans in danger? Congressional Quarterly Researcher, 17 (34), pp. 793 -- 816.

Copeland C, Tiemann M. (2008). Water infrastructure needs and investment: review and analysis of key issues. Congregational research service report, RL31116.

Doshi, V., Schulman, G. And Gabaldon, D. (2007). Lights! water! motion! Booz Allen Hamilton.

National Infrastructure Protection Plan NIPP
Pages: 3 Words: 962

NIPP (National Infrastructure Protection Plan) The NIPP was drafted in the year 2006 by the DHS (Department of Homeland Security). The Plan was part of Presidential Directive 7 for Homeland Security and it was developed to boost security, and resilience and to help secure critical infrastructures from security threats. The plan included a thorough risk management guideline and defined the roles and responsibilities of the DHS with regards to CIP (Critical Infrastructure Protection). Included in the guideline were also the roles and responsibilities of the federal government, state governments, local governments, tribal governments, federal agencies, and private actors towards CIP in their jurisdictions. CIP is important for overall security and efficient functioning of the nation. Critical infrastructure includes financial systems, transportation systems, power grids, drinking water systems, and so on. They are important for day-to-day life as we know it and they ought to be fully protected from all sorts of…...

Analyzing and Protecting the Infrastructure
Pages: 2 Words: 791

Protecting the Infrastructure
It is important to ensure that infrastructure is resilient, secure, and are able to survive and swiftly recuperate from different occurrences, which ranges from the minor accidents to the very damaging events, such as Hurricane Sandy. Practical, planned, and well-coordinated efforts are important for strengthening and maintaining a secure, working, and flexible critical infrastructure-which includes assets, systems, and networks-which are essential to public assurance and the safety of New Yorkers, as well as their well-being and prosperity. This attempt is viewed as a shared responsibility among local entities and states, and private and public owners as well as operators of critical infrastructure (The City of New York, 2016).

A High Profile Target

The Indian Point Energy Center is the target. This is a 3-unit nuclear power plant station found in Buchanan, New York, exactly south of Peekskill. It is located at the Hudson iver east bank, about 25 miles of…...



Homeland security and Emergency Services. (2016, January 15). Critical Infrastructure

Protection Unit. Retrieved from Homeland Security and Emergency Services: 

The City of New York. (2016, January 15). Critical Infrastructure & Services. Retrieved from NYC Mayor's office of Sustainability:

Need help generating essay topics related to Tsunamis. Can you help?
Words: 511

The Devastating Impacts of Tsunamis: An Exploration of Their Environmental, Social, and Economic Consequences


Tsunamis, towering walls of water that originate from underwater seismic activity, pose a significant threat to coastal communities worldwide. Their immense energy and destructive power can wreak havoc on ecosystems, displace populations, and cripple economies. This essay examines the multifaceted impacts of tsunamis, exploring their far-reaching consequences on both the natural and human environment.

Environmental Impacts:

1. Habitat Destruction and Coastal Erosion: Tsunamis can obliterate coastal ecosystems, including coral reefs, mangrove forests, and sandy beaches. These habitats provide vital ecosystem services, such as feeding and breeding grounds for marine....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Climate Change?
Words: 623

1. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): A Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change

Discuss the history, structure, and mandate of the IPCC.
Examine the IPCC's assessment process and its role in providing scientific consensus on climate change.
Analyze the key findings of the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5).
Evaluate the impact and challenges of implementing IPCC recommendations.

2. The Paris Agreement: A Global Framework for Climate Action

Describe the background and objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Analyze the key provisions of the agreement, including mitigation, adaptation, and finance.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities for implementing the Paris Agreement.
Evaluate the....

What impact has the ongoing war in Syria had on the future of the Middle East?
Words: 605

The Devastating Impact of the Syrian War on the Middle East's Future

The ongoing war in Syria, which began in 2011, has had a profound and far-reaching impact on the Middle East region. The conflict has caused widespread death, destruction, and displacement, exacerbating existing political, social, and economic challenges, and significantly affecting the stability and future prospects of the region.

Humanitarian Crisis

The Syrian war has resulted in a colossal humanitarian crisis, with millions of people killed, injured, or displaced. According to the United Nations, over 500,000 people have been killed, while millions have been forced to flee their homes, becoming refugees and....

What strategies can accelerate the AFCFTA implementation for enhancing trade in services in Africa?
Words: 384

1. "Unlocking Africa's Economic Potential: The Role of the AFCFTA in Advancing Trade in Services"
2. "Breaking Down Barriers: Enhancing Intra-African Trade through the AFCFTA"
3. "Empowering African Economies: Leveraging the AFCFTA for Trade in Services"
4. "From Promise to Reality: Accelerating the Implementation of the AFCFTA for African Development"
5. "A New Dawn for African Trade: The Significance of Services in the AFCFTA"
6. "Seizing the Opportunities: Maximizing the Benefits of the AFCFTA for Service Providers in Africa"
7. "Driving Economic Growth: The Impact of the AFCFTA on Service Sector Development in Africa"
8. "Building a Stronger Africa: Enhancing Regional Integration through the AFCFTA"
9. "Towards a....

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