Ciminal Justice - Reseach Methods
Soucebook of ciminal justice statistics Online
Respondents' concen ove effects of illegal immigants
Gallup, Inc., The Gallup Poll [Online]. Available:
127649/Ameicans-Value-Aspects-Immigation-Refom.aspx [June 16, 2010].
Table adapted by SOURCEBOOK staff.
Oveall, the suvey espondents indicate substantive concens with the pesence of illegal immigants in the U.S. Thee items elate to the oveall question: (1) Unfai buden on U.S. schools, hospitals, and govenment; (2) Encouages othe immigants to move hee illegally; (3) Low wages eaned by illegal immigants educes oveall wages paid to Ameican wokes. The oveaching question is how concened espondents ae fo each of the items, and the highest anking item was elated to the unfai buden immigants place on schools, hospitals, and govenment. Fo all thee items, thee is significant diffeence in the pecentage of esponses unde vey concened vs. unde somewhat concened. A majoity of U.S. citizens ae vey concened about the impact of illegal immigants on budgets…...
mlareferences the Audits and Strategies Toolkit. The URL to that paper is Specifically, the resource that I located was an audit report from a work group conducted by the Research and Information Team of Leicestershire County Council, the focus of which was crime, disorder, and drugs. The audit workshop was conducted on February 13, 2004. From this paper, I was able to make some comparisons between the Audits and Strategies toolkit and our readings about Problem Analysis Evaluation methods and strategies. Both approaches have a problem-centered focus that helps to generate strategies for addressing problems that include: (1) Summarization of data that embeds considerations about spatial analysis (i.e., mapping crimes presented a challenge as the data sources vary with respect to the type of census and mesh maps -- based on a grid system --employed); (2) key problem identification; (3) deep data analysis
Criminal Justice -- Research Method & Theory
British Crime Survey (BCS) Review
The survey I reviewed is from primary research that provided a transcript for an interview, presumably to use in a face-to-face interview -- there are directions for showing cards to the respondents that give them a change to read response options and choices. Demographic data was collected at the beginning of the survey either to act as a screener or because it is essential to the data collection -- having this information at the start of the survey ensures that the interview will not conclude or be aborted without collecting this information. Demographic data tends to be categorized, which provides quantitative data analysis capability. A fairly consistent use of a 5-point Likert scale is used to record participants' responses. In other places, respondents are asked to choose from a list of distinct responses or simply answer yes or no. Where…...
Criminal Justice esearch
Torres, A.N., Boccaccini, M.T., and Miller, H.A. (2006). Perceptions of the validity and utility of criminal profiling among forensic psychologists and psychiatrists, American Psychological Association, 37 (1), 51-58.
Study purpose, research topic, and research questions. This research explores the perceptions of forensic psychologists and psychiatrists in regard to the utility and validity of criminal profiling. It is important to first establish a clear definition of the key term used in this research: Criminal profiling. The definition of criminal profiling in this research is not the same as in the vernacular. The authors discriminate forensic criminal profiling as the use of "behavioral evidence left at a crime scene to make inferences about the offender, including inferences about personality characteristics and psychopathology" (Torres, et al., 2006, p. 51). From the literature (Davis & Follette, 2002), the authors overly the simplest of definitions: "…profiling is simply the postdiction of behavior; an action…...
Bartol, C.R. (1996). Police psychology: Then, now, and beyond. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 23, 70-89.
Cook, C., Heath, F., and Thompson, R.L. (2000). A meta-analysis of response rates in web- or Internet-based surveys. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 60, 821-836.
Davis, D. And Follette, W.C. (2002). Rethinking the probative value of evidence: Base rates, intuitive profiling, and the "postdiction" of behavior. Law and Human Behavior, 26, 133-158.
Douglas, J.H., and Olshaker, M. (1995). Mind hunter: Inside the FBI's elite serial crime unit. New York, NY: Mindhunters.
Criminal Justice esearch
Overview- The authors of a research study examined 715 high school students in a large suburban area. They wished to define the relationship between a preference for heavy metal music and delinquency; controlling for parental and school related variables. The results showed that there was a statistically viable relationship when parental control was low; but no support between music preference and delinquency otherwise. In fact, they found it odd that students with both a preference for heavy metal music and high grades reported a higher degree of self-reported delinquency, almost leading to the view of a self-view of rebellion rather than actual delinquent behavior (Singer, et al., 1993).
esearch Issue: Is Music preference linked to juvenile delinquency?
ationale: Heavy Metal is not just a musical preference, but a cultural and life-style paradigm. Fans dress different, display different symbols, and typically emulate the behavior of some of the HM performers (violence,…...
The Beatles' first Ed Sullivan Show. (2013). The Beatles Bible. Retrieved from:
McBurney, D., & White, T. (2010). Research Methods (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Richards, J. (2005). Open vs. Closed Ended Questions. UCLA Information Studies. Retrieved from:
Singer, S. (1993). Heavy Metal Music Preference, Deliquent Friends, Social Control and Delinquency. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 30 (3): 317-29.
Surveys also provide the ability to reach large numbers of participants and if needed, a wide geographic area can be reached through mail surveys.
Surveys provide the ability to gather data and categorize it by several headings including demographic, geographic or other criteria.
The survey will be divided into three different sections. The first section will be used to collect demographic data. The survey questions will be about race, family structure, age and other things that determine demographic information about the participants.
The second section of the survey will move to the study at hand. Questions will be asked about past performance and habits, current performance and habits and future performance and habits. This is an important part of the survey as it allow the researcher to look into the mind and thinking of the participant with regards to the topic of this study.
The third section will be more subjective in that…...
Cross, Geoffrey A. David, Carol S. Graham, Margaret Baker Thralls, Charlotte; (1996) Thinking and rethinking research methodology. Business Communication Quarterly
Overcash, Janine. (2004) Narrative research: a viable methodology for clinical nursing.
Nursing Forum
Data collected in the survey questionnaires is then translated into the dialect of the country by professionals from that country who then regulate the fielding of the study in their country of origin (Cohen, 2008).
Benefits and drawbacks to using this type of research in criminology
With the increase in global criminal justice and crime, more scientists are devoting their interest in comparative studies. Comparative studies have limited implications on policies of a country unlike researches directed to a country where discoveries are drawn with significant approach suggestions provided. Therefore, funding for comparative studies is the major hindrance. Any study that includes more than one country will be very expensive regardless of whether it engages original observations, data, and interviews (Bennett, 2009).
Access to the research subjects has demonstrated to be challenging. Access could involve securing confidential and sensitive data, interviewing groups of sensitive agencies and observing clandestine activities. While access issues…...
Bennett, R.R. (2009). Comparative criminological and criminal justice research and the data that drive them*. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 33(2), 171-192. Retrieved from
Cohen, S. (2008). Against criminology. New Brunswick, U.S.A: Transaction Books.
Winterdyk, J., Reichel, P.L., & Dammer, H.R. (2009). A guided reader to research in comparative criminology/criminal justice. Bochum: Universita-tsverlag Brockmeyer.
Criminal Justice Research Review
Ricciardelli, R., Bell, J., & Clow, K. (2009). Student attitudes toward wrongful conviction, Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice, 51(3), 411-427.
There has been considerable research addressing the underlying factors regarding wrongful conviction; however, minimal research has been completed that investigates attitudes toward wrongful conviction. First and third year Canadian undergraduate students in criminal and non-criminal justice majors were surveyed to determine their attitudes toward various facets of wrongful conviction, the need to educate criminal justice personnel regarding contributing factors to wrongful conviction, the Blackstone ratio ("better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer), and the question as to whether wrongful conviction causes individuals to lose faith in the criminal justice system.
The problem was sufficiently narrowed down into a researchable problem, and is certainly formidable enough to warrant formal research efforts. The authors complete a significant comparison to the most recent and relevant research…...
mlaHickle, K., & Roe-Sepowitz, D. (2010). Female juvenile arsonists: An exploratory look at characteristics and solo and group arson offences, Legal and Criminological Psychology, 15, 385-399.
The purpose of the study was to examine a sample of 114 female juveniles charged with arson in a large juvenile justice system, as there is limited descriptive literature about female juvenile arsonists. The methodology included looking into familial characteristics, abuse, neglect, school related issues, mental health, substance abuse, and crime characteristics. Individual and group offenders were explored in depth, and were followed over a five-year period of time.
The literature review was very detailed and provided comparative as well as empirical information that highlighted the current gap that this study was designed to address. T test and chi square tests were used to establish whether the 86 that were excluded from the study demonstrated any significant differences than those who participated in the study. The 114 females included represented 22 counties in the state of Florida. The supervision Risk Classification Instrument was completed by juvenile probation officers within 6 hours of custody. This is a standard tool used for all juvenile offenders. It was difficult to discern from the study whether or not the participants assented to participation in the study, or whether it was required. The study did indicate that permission for the study was granted by the Florida Juvenile Justice Review board. The research design is appropriate to address the research problem; and issues of internal and external validity are adequately addressed. Data collection instruments are adequately described and the statistical tests are correct for answering the questions posited by the hypothesis.
Policing Action Plan for Mountain View, New Mexico
Police forces have to handle various operations and incidents, which are often resolved by the assignation of available resources. However, in certain operations or instances, a different police response strategy is required. Further, a specialized command structure may be needed. Control and command refers to an organization's capacity and power to guide its staff's actions and put its resources to use. Control and command standards are scalable and may be applied in operations and cases of different scope and size, right from the supervising of any local community occasion to a serious crime investigation (e.g., a multi-seated terror attack) that necessitates extensive police force mobilization (College of Policing, 2013).
In this paper, a novel action plan will be described, which may be utilized for the purpose of dealing with the growing crime rate of New Mexico's Mountain View (MV). In view of this…...
College of Policing. (2013). Command and control. Retrieved December 15, 2015, from College of Policing Limited:
College of Policing. (2013). Strategic planning. Retrieved December 15, 2015, from College of Policing Limited:
Plant, J. B., & Scott, M. S. (2009). Effective Policing and Crime Prevention. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
CIMINAL JUSTICE ESEACH ASSESSMENTCriminal Justice esearch AssessmentSeveral months ago, I came across a 2013 research article titled, No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: esults from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. The said research article, - authored by Beaver, DeLisi, Wright, Boutwell, Barnes, and Vaughn indicated that although there is indeed evidence of racial disparity in the criminal justice system in as far as the arrest, conviction as well as incarceration in the U.S. is concerned, the said disparity could sufficiently be explained after accounting for lifetime violence as well as IQ. More specifically, in the words of the authors, although African American males are significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated when compared to White males, the said disparity could be completely accounted for after including covariates for self-reported lifetime violence and IQ (29).I felt that the findings were in this case somewhat…...
mlaReferencesBeaver, K.M., DeLisi, M., Wright, J.P., Boutwell, B.B., Barnes, J.C. & Vaughn, M.G. ().No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(1), 29-34. Hetey, R.C. & Eberhardt, J.L. (2018). The Numbers Don’t Speak for Themselves: Racial Disparities and the Persistence of Inequality in the Criminal Justice System. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(3), 183-187.
Criminal Justice Career
How will this new terminology and knowledge apply to a career in criminal justice?
Criminal justice is seen as the practices, system and the concerned government institutions that are focused on implementing social control, participating in crime mitigation and sanctioning the law violator by imposing penalties and rehabilitation programs. It covers the private sector, the pubic sector, NGOs, state and the local governments as well (Oregon Laws, 2007). To handle effectively such a wide spectrum of departments with professionals without a chance foe making the wrong interpretation of the law once needs to be well equipped with the legal terms.
How can not knowing the proper terminology affect you as you conduct criminal justice research?
When one lacks the proper terminology in the criminal justice, this can be a fundamental barrier in the execution of duty and definition of the offences committed as well as interpretation of the judgments and court…...
Cambridge Dictionary Online (2011). Research: Definition. Retrieved May 21, 2011 from
CDC (2011). Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods. Retrieved May 21, 2011 from
Chris Williams, (2009). Scientific Research and Quantitative Research. Retrieved May 21, 2011
Criminal justice researchers are usually faced with numerous anecdotal data that is supported with relatively little to no empirical support. In order to effectively explore nuances of the issues that face the society with regards to law enforcement, criminal justice researchers tend to rely on empirical data, which is considered useful. The dependence on empirical data in criminal justice is evident in the fact that most of the existing criminology journals are quantitative as compared to qualitative studies (Jacques, 2014). Empirical research data is data obtained from direct and indirect observation of a complex social issue whereas anecdotal data is data obtained from someone else's observation or experience of an issue. In the criminal justice field, empirical research data is used to inform evidence-based practices in this field because it's based on well-designed analytical approaches and studies. In some cases, empirical research evidence is used to confirm anecdotal data as…...
A researcher must limit the number of external and internal variables outside of the study variable that could affect the outcome of the study.
What are the disadvantages to the classic experiment?
The primary disadvantage of an experiment is that the controls imposed by a researcher to control for rival causation may create artificial conditions that alter the ability for the results of the study to be generalized to other populations. This is known as artificiality. Other disadvantages include difficulty in mimicking real-life situations in experimental situations, difficulty in retaining subjects, increased ethical considerations, researcher bias, higher risks to internal and external validity, and more difficult generalization of findings.
Differentiate between probability sampling and non-probability sampling.
Probability sampling refers to samples that permit estimation of the likelihood of each element of the population being selected in the sample. These include simple random samples, where each element has an equal likelihood of being placed…...
The sources provided background and reviews of published literature: Holmstrom (1996); Marcus-Mendoza (1995); and Osler (1991). Finally, three reports took on a narrower focus in investigating boot camps: Clark and Kellam (2001); Mueller (1996); and Souryal, Layton & MacKenzie (1994).
Burns and Vito (1995) examined the effectiveness of Alabama boot camps. In Alabama, overcrowded prisons brought on interest at the state level for prison boot camps. State prison boot camps incorporated marching, discipline, physical training, work, classes, and drug and alcohol abuse treatment in three phases. In the first phase, inmates confront their crime and take responsibility for it, ridding themselves of excuses. In the second phase, inmates focus on "self-discovery" by learning about themselves, goal planning, and improving themselves for future release. In the third phase, pre-release, inmates focus on problem solving as the key to their own future success as a lawful citizen upon release. Entry and participation…...
Ashcroft, J., Daniels, D.J., & Hart, S.V. (2003, June). Correctional boot camps: Lessons from a decade of research. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice: National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.
Burns, J.C., & Vito, G.F. (1995, March). An impact analysis of the Alabama boot camp program. Federal Probation, 59(1), 63-67.
Burton Jr., V.S., & Marquart, J.W. (1993, September). A study of attitudinal change among boot camp participants. Federal Probation, 57(3), 46-52.
Christenberry, N.J., Burns, J.L., & Dickinson, G.B. (1994, September). Gains in educational achievement by inmates during the Arkansas Prison Boot Camp program. Journal of Correvtional Education, 45(3), 128-132.
Latinos participations are low in CAPS, and most of their members are unaware of the strategies of CAPS. Their levels of awareness have been on a declining state since the year 1990. Their involvement in these meetings was driving by the levels of crime, moral decay on the community and at the level of social disorder. The problem with the Latino population is that they do not turn up in numbers to these meetings. The community's representation is low in these meetings.
However, research further shows that the community lacks representation in the district advisory committees that meet on a regular basis with the police department. Compared to the African-Americans and the Whites Latinos have young families are they are more likely to be working and having families at home. Their involvement with the police department is variedly mixed. There is evidence that their community avoids police contacts, including not…...
Lyons, T., Lurigio, Rodriguez, P.L., & a.J., Roque, (2013). Racial disparity in the criminal justice system for drug offenses a state legislative response to the problem. Race and justice, 3(1), 83-101.
Lombardo, R.M. (2013). Fighting Organized Crime a History of Law Enforcement Efforts in Chicago. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 29(2), 296-316.
Portnoy, J., Chen, F.R., & Raine, a. (2013). Biological protective factors for antisocial and criminal behavior. Journal of Criminal Justice.
Lee, M. (2013). Inventing Fear of Crime. Willan.
Criminal justice research presents a unique set of ethical challenges. Two of the most significant ethical challenges include the need to protect participant confidentiality, and the need to pursue research that promotes social justice. Lowman & Palys (2001) analyze some of the ethical and legal threats to confidentiality, showing how criminal justice researchers can balance their legal and ethical obligations with their commitment to research efficacy, validity, and reliability. Nouwen (2014), on the other hand, is concerned with the research questions and methodologies used to investigate issues related to social justice, advocacy, and human rights. Both of these are important issues to consider when designing and applying criminal justice research.
Criminal justice research frequently involves situations in which participants divulge sensitive information about a crime they were involved in, a crime they witnessed, or a criminal justice procedure they participated in such as the arrest or processing of an offender. In…...
1. The effectiveness of body-worn cameras on police officers in reducing use of force incidents
2. The impact of race and ethnicity on sentencing outcomes in the criminal justice system
3. The prevalence of wrongful convictions and the factors contributing to them
4. The relationship between mental health and incarceration rates
5. The role of technology in criminal investigations and solving cold cases
6. The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in reducing recidivism rates
7. The implementation of restorative justice practices in the criminal justice system
8. The use of facial recognition technology in identifying and apprehending suspects
9. The impact of drug legalization on crime rates
10. The relationship....
1. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Practices
Explore the implementation and outcomes of restorative justice programs in reducing recidivism, fostering victim-offender reconciliation, and promoting community healing.
2. The Impact of Implicit Bias on Sentencing Disparities
Investigate the role of unconscious biases in sentencing decisions, examining the extent to which race, gender, or other factors influence the severity of punishments.
3. The Role of Community Policing in Reducing Crime and Building Trust
Analyze the effectiveness of community policing strategies in fostering trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve, and its impact on crime prevention and community well-being.
4. The Use of....
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