Credit Risk Essays (Examples)

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Credit Risk in Banking in Agreement With the Basel Accords
Pages: 50 Words: 13816

Credit isk Management
Banks are an important part of the economy of any nation. Traditionally, the banks operate as financial intermediaries serving to satisfy the demand of people in need of various forms of financing. Through this, banks enable people to purchase home and businesses to expand. These financial institutions therefore facilitate investment and spending that are responsible for fueling the growth of the economy. In spite of their vital role in the economy, they are nevertheless prone to failure and just like other types of businesses, they also go bankrupt. Unfortunately, the failure of banks can have many and significant implications than any other type of business. As witnessed during the great depression, and in recent times following the global economic crisis and recession, the stability or lack of it in the banking system could trigger economic epidemics that would impact millions of people. With respect to this, it is…...



Bank for International Settlements (BIS). (2001). Consultative Document -- Overview of The New Basel Capital Accord. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1988) "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards" (

Benston, G.J. (1998) "Regulating Financial Markets: A Critique and Some Proposals." Hobart Paper no. 135. London: Institute of Economic Affairs.

Blundell-Wignall, A., Atkinson, P. And Roulet, C. (2013). Bank Business Models and the Basel System: Complexity and Interconnectedness. OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends, Issue 2.

Credit Risk Management Oklahoma State
Pages: 8 Words: 2250

Other than the branch expansion there has been no significant change in their financial structuring. The future does not hold much along these lines as shown in the future projections. Other than conservatively adding lease financing as an option their growth is limited. Past figures from Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC).
However with the possible income gain from selling either their branch of a line of loans they may be able to further expand their existing loan base into larger corporate agribusiness financing. Out of any pool of assets a bank has the option of lending or investing the money. Lending does has a number of advantages both economically a socially: The act of lending usually increases the economic strength of the community, promoting the growth of the community and the bank. Lending also typically creates more deposits at the originating institution because the borrower usually receives an account…...


Works Cited

Bielski, Lauren. "Rebuilding the Ultimate Lending Machine: Will Life after Subprime Yield Better Lending Environments?." ABA Banking Journal 100.3 (2008): 45-55

FFIEC. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. (2009). 9 September 2009

Hoffmann, Susan, and Mark Cassell. "What Are the Federal Home Loan Banks Up to? Emerging Views of Purpose among Institutional Leadership." Public Administration Review 62.4 (2002): 461-477

Holdren, Don P. "Community Banks and the Importance of Lending." Review of Business 12.4 (1991): 3-9

Credit Risk Faced by Merrill
Pages: 3 Words: 1116

The Credit isk Group employs an array of processes to fix ceilings on exposure arising from a counterparty or issuer becoming unsuccessful in performing on its commitment of the deal. The Group executes analysis in the perspective of industrial, regional, and international economic trends and includes portfolio and intensity influences at the time of shaping tolerance levels. Credit risk limits consider steps comprising both present and prospective exposure and are fixed and examined by broad risk category and tenor to maturity. (isk Management)
Credit risk alleviation methods comprise, where suitable, the prerogative to need startup collateral or margin, the privilege to cease transaction or get guarantee in case any untoward incidents happen, the prerogative to ask for the guarantee in the event when some exposure ceilings are crossed, and the purchase of credit default safeguards. With the participation of the senior management, Merrill Lynch undertakes routine portfolio assessments, examines counterparty…...



Note 3: Trading and Related Activities. Retrieved at   Accessed on 20 May, 2005 .

Principles for the Management of Credit Risk. July, 1999. Retrieved at   Accessed on 20 May, 2005 .

Risk Management. Retrieved at   Accessed on 20 May, 2005 .

What determines a company's viability for a loan
Pages: 6 Words: 1664

Ace CompanyExecutive summaryThis research is to depict the relationship between the organization's lending loan and the financial performance of Ace Company. The study uses Ace Company as their case study approach using their qualitative and quantitative data. The Ace organization has been on the market for some time and has a good reputation in its business. Therefore, they have earned themselves a vital credit appraisal, giving them a more competitive advantage in the field. This made the organization lending loan to Ace Company conclude that credit appraisal of Ace could survive the market pressure and be profitable. Therefore, it recommends continuously assessing Ace Company's risk management to determine if they are more competent to deserve the loan they request. Thus, this research has concluded that the credit risk management of Ace Company is directly proportional to the performance of the loaning organization.IntroductionMany firms take loans to influence the demand for…...



Avakumovic, J., & Avakumovic, J. (2016). Method Financial Analysis and Impact on the Quality of Decision Making. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from .

BROCK, T., & EICHLER, R. (2022). What Is Credit Risk?. Investopedia. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from .

Catherine, N. (2020). Credit Risk Management and Financial Performance: A Case of Bank of Africa (U) Limited. Open Journal Of Business And Management, 08(01), 30-38.

Risks in Export Market There Is Need
Pages: 10 Words: 2999

isks in Export Market
There is need for companies to develop a professional approach before venturing into the exporting business. The management of the company is supposed to be committed extremely as well as devoting time and money in commencing the campaigns of export. A company is supposed to be ready to face greater competition as well as more stringent rules and regulations concerning products and packaging due to the variance in rules to which or across which the company will be exporting.

In the process of exportation, there are a number of risks that the company will face. These elements of risks are encountered in every commercial transactions as well as the complexity of the environments that exporters operate in. The content of this paper will analyze risks that a company can face while entering the field of exporting as well as discussing the roles of intermediaries in the field of…...



Aaby, N. & S. Slater. (1989). Management Influences on Export Performance: A Review of the Empirical Literature1978-88. International Marketing Review, 6: 7-26.

Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen & Stephen J. Redding & Peter K. Schott, (2007). "Firms in International Trade," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 21(3), pages 105-130, Summer.

Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17: 99-120.1997. Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Reading, MA: Addison.

Cornelius Bothma (2012). Managing your export risk. EXPORTHELP. Retrieved April 13, 2012 from

Credit Swaps
Pages: 10 Words: 2960

Credit Swap, also known in some circles as a Credit Default Swap is one of the most basic credit derivatives. Here in this transaction, one party called the Protection Buyer in return for a payment by the other party called the Protection Seller makes a periodic payment, which is dependent on the happening of some agreed-upon event that is related to an original credit.
To quote a simple example that may have a buyer, who has a public security of Corporation A, that pays a monthly fee to the seller. On the other hand the seller has a commitment to make a prearranged payment to the buyer. However, this commitment comes up only in the event of Corporation A, which is being declared as insolvent. Thus the flexibility is apparent when both the parties recognize that the terms can be negotiated between them and can also associate to further aspects that…...


Works Cited

ABASA. Credit derivatives for beginners: A new tool. June 2, 2002.

Credit Risk: Measurement, Management and Derivatives.

Credit Derivatives. Financial Pipeline. 

Credit Derivatives. Shaw Corporate -

Risk and Insurance Management Risk Is Believed
Pages: 11 Words: 3537

isk and Insurance Management
isk is believed to be a newly coined word of assurance (for example, Ewald, 1991: 198). One of the broadly shared suppositions regarding insurance is that it spins around an instrumental concept of risk. Possibility and the amount of influence make up a technical concept of hazard/risk and hazard administration is chiefly worried about reviewing these possibilities and influences (for an overview see Gratt, 1987). For instance, external profits of financial or political occurrences lay down thresholds for the availability of associated risk guesstimates or reckonings (Huber, 2002).

So, the range of the risk groups cannot be clarified by risk judgment single-handedly; peripheral circumstances that could be political, financial or inclusive of image, arts and manners, are also required to be taken into account. Therefore, if risks are not be present, per se, but are deliberately selected, we can go a step ahead and presume them to be…...



Douglas, M. And Wildavsky, A. (1982) Risk and Culture. An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Dangers. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Evers, A. And Nowotny, H. (1987) Uber den Umgang mit Unsicherheit. Die Entdeckung der Gestaltbarkeit von Gesellschaft. Frankfurt / Main: Suhrkamp.

Ewald, F. (1991) 'Insurance and Risk' in Burchell, G., Gordon, C. And Miller, P. (eds.) The Foucault Effect: studies in governmentality . London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Gratt, L.B. (1987) 'Risk Analysis or Risk Assessment: a proposal for consistent definitions' in Covello, V. And Lave, L. (eds.) Uncertainty in Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Decision Making, Advances in Risk Analysis (4). New York: Plenum Press.

Risk Management 1 if You Believe a
Pages: 4 Words: 1104

Risk Management [1]
If you believe a stock will appreciate and want to risk little to speculate that the stock will rise what are your option?

Holding a call option is fairly low risk because it would allow me to buy future stocks at a current price. An increase in stock value would limit my losses and allow me to profit by means of leveraged speculation. As a holder exercising a call option, I would be able to benefit from the same profit in underlying stock by paying only a minimal amount of money. By risking only a small percentage of my capital towards an insurance premium, I am potentially able to benefit from trends and hedge away risks within the call-option deadline.

Potential losses can be offset against either long-or-short stock portfolios by means of trading call strategies. A Fiduciary call would allow for a reduced capital outlay by means of replacing…...

Credit Default Swaps Impact Individual
Pages: 10 Words: 3217

In such case the risk sharing is beneficial. This is one of the benefits of credit default swap. However, under circumstances where there is rising connectivity between institutions because of the dense nature of the webs of CDS, attempts to share risk increase the likelihood that a bank will go under. International banks making loans to banks or corporations are in order to protect themselves from systematic economic turmoil by buying swaps on sovereign debt but there are limits to this because what reduces risks for individual institutions in small quantities spells doom for larger institutions when pushed too far. This can be detrimental considering that the number of CDS contracts outstanding on European sovereign debt doubled in the past three years after the AIG setback. Actions have unanticipated consequences
. The financial deregulation in 2000 led to the mushrooming of unregulated and largely hidden CDS contracts. This had made…...



Buchanan, M. (2011, Oct. 31). Credit Default Swap Risk Bomb Is Wired to Explode.


Gilani, S. (2008, Sept. 18). The Real Reason for the Global Financial Crisis…the Story No One's

Talking About. Money Morning.

Risk That One Needs to Be Concerned
Pages: 7 Words: 2127

risk that one needs to be concerned with when selling a franchise (and this is a general case, not only the case of Germany) is that the franchiser (that is, the person who buys the franchise) may not fulfill all his contractual obligations. These include a certain quality standard and a brand image of the mother company (the franchisor). This obviously may lead to the fact that the customers will associate with the mother company a certain level of quality that is less than that agreed upon and less that the one the company actually has in the country of origin. This can cause serious prejudice to the brand image. If we think of a classical case of franchising, McDonald's, a level of quality may include a certain degree of organization, in order to avoid long lines, a certain quality of the products (for example, the franchise contract foresees…...

Performance of Credit Rating Agencies
Pages: 18 Words: 5610

Credit atings
The company which is responsible for assigning the issuers of particular kind of debt obligations and debt instruments the credit ratings is known as a credit rating agency (CA). There are a few cases in which the ratings are given to the underlying debt servicers. It is the special purpose entities, non-profit organizations, companies, national governments and the state and local governments who, in majority of the cases get the securities issued. The credit worthiness (i.e., the ability to pay the loan back) as well as the rate of interest which is applied to a specific security being issued is taken into consideration while assigning a credit rating to an issuer. After the financial crisis which took place in 2007/2009 the value of this kind of ratings was questioned to a great extent. A report was submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission to the congress in 2003 which…...



Blochwitz, S., When, C. And Hohl, S. (2003), Reconsidering ratings, Working Paper. Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt.

Bolton, Patrick, Xavier Freixas, and Joel Shapiro, (2008), "The Credit Ratings Game" Mimeo, UPF, Barcelona.

Dittrich, Fabian, (2007), "The Credit Rating Industry: Competition and Regulation," Working Paper, University of Cologne - Department of Economics.

Fitch (2007), Sovereign Rating Transition and Default Study 1995-2006, February 7.

Risk Return and Their Evaluation Risk &
Pages: 4 Words: 1454

isk, eturn and Their Evaluation
isk & Performance Indicators

Since this is a small business, therefore raising equity capital through public stock issue is less likely than debt or whatever form of paper issued to angel or venture investors. Therefore while a larger, publicly traded firm would consider the return on equity version of the short form DuPont equation, a small, more closely-held concern would focus on return on assets (OA). If OA is net income over sales times sales over total assets, i.e. net income over total assets, then any action that could increase the numerator, total income, or shrink the denominator(s) should increase OA compared to past performance within the firm and the competition outside it. If competitors all use the same (best) plant, then maximizing efficiency of the same assets through process or brand innovation; input cost reductions, and also financial performance like minimizing payables days over days receivable…...



Investopedia (2011). How to calculate required rate of return. Forex. 25 Feb. 2011. Retrieved


Credit Derivative CD Is a
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

The typical term of a CDS contract is five years, although in the case of an over the counter derivative almost any maturity is possible.
CDS contract typically includes a reference entity, which is the company who has issued some debt in the form of a reference obligation, usually a corporate bond. The period over which default protection extends is defined by the contract effective date and termination date. The contract nominates a calculation agent whose role is to determine when a credit event has occurred and also the amount of the payment that will be made in such an event. Another clause in a CDS contract is the restructuring, which determines what restructuring of the reference entity's debt will trigger a credit event. For example, a company that is experiencing financial trouble may decide to extend the maturity of its bonds and therefore defer its payments. Depending on the…...

Credit Reporting Needs to Be
Pages: 2 Words: 496

3. Most of the problems with regard to issues of accuracy and privacy are caused by unauthorized third party disclosure of debtor information.

A. Many times, private debtor information that is revealed to third parties in the chain of transmission from the debtor is unauthorized.

B. Due to outsourcing of various office services overseas, safeguarding of private debtor information is problematic at best.

C. The outsourcing of the handling of private debtor information to overseas parties is not covered and should be made illegal under the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 2004.

4. The amount of information gathered and considered in credit reporting should be increased.

A. Currently, people who should not get loans get them due to not enough information being gathered on their credit worthiness.

B. Increased information gathering would give many debtors who could not acquire credit a chance by giving them a chance to introduce more information in their favor.

C. Reform of…...


Works Cited

Federal Trade Commission, (2004). fair credit reporting act. Washington, D.C.:

Government Printing Office. Retrieved from

Mistakes do happen: a look at errors in consumer credit reports . (2004, fJune).

Retrieved from d2=14889&id3=CA&.

Risk Metrics Calculations Exposure Calculating
Pages: 3 Words: 977

Part of the overall calculation of uncertainty according to iskMetrics recommendations, however, should include a calculation of correlative uncertainty (Finger 2007). The rationale for including this specific uncertainty in calculations is that it helps to account for inaccuracies and inadequacies in the model, determining the level of risk associated with incorrectly defined or changing correlations used by the model in other calculations and definitions (Finger 2007). An accurate calculation of uncertainty and risk will necessarily include a calculation of the correlative uncertainties attendant upon the model and the situation to which it is applied, providing not a necessarily more accurate view of direct risk, but a useful evaluation of the risk prediction's efficacy.

iskMetrics Calculations: Exposure and Uncertainty

An accurate and well-developed combined understanding of the exposure and uncertainty of a various investment venture or portfolio contributes a nearly complete understanding and assessment of the risks presented by that investment option/portfolio. There…...



Andren, N.; Jankensgard, H. & Oxelheim, L. (2005). "Exposure-Based Cash-Flow-At-Risk under Macroeconomic Uncertainty." Journal of applied corporate finance 17(3), pp. 21-31.

Argentin, P. (2010). "Two-sided counterparty risk." RiskMetrics Group: On the Whiteboard. Accessed 24 September 2010. 

Finger, C. (2007). "We identify two main versions of correlation risk -- parameter uncertainty and new financial products -- and examine the modeling challenges implied by each." RiskMetrics Group: Research Monthly. Accessed 24 September 2010.

How can understanding financial risk help individuals make better investment decisions?
Words: 354

Understanding financial risk can help individuals make better investment decisions by providing them with the knowledge and tools to assess and manage potential risks associated with different investment opportunities. By understanding the various types of financial risks, such as market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and interest rate risk, investors can make more informed decisions about their investment choices.

Additionally, understanding financial risk can help individuals to establish realistic investment goals and develop a well-diversified investment portfolio that can help mitigate risks and maximize returns. By considering the level of risk they are comfortable with and their investment time horizon, individuals....

How can understanding financial risk help individuals make better investment decisions?
Words: 564

Understanding Financial Risk: A Key to Informed Investment Decisions

Financial risk is an inherent aspect of investing. It refers to the possibility of losing some or all of the invested capital due to adverse market conditions, economic downturns, or other unforeseen events. Comprehending the nature and extent of financial risk is crucial for individuals to make informed and responsible investment decisions that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Assessing Risk Tolerance

The first step in making sound investment decisions is to assess one's risk tolerance. This involves evaluating how comfortable an individual is with the potential for losses. Risk tolerance is....

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