Cpt Essays (Examples)

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CPT Codes CPT Coding Is a Fact
Pages: 2 Words: 788

CPT Codes
CPT coding is a fact of life in the provision of healthcare today. CPT stands for Current Procedural Terminology, and is a system first developed by the AMA (American Medical Association) in 1966 "to convert widely accepted, uniform descriptions of medical, surgical and diagnostic services rendered by healthcare providers into five-numeric codes" (Medical Coding Experts, p. 1). CPT codes are necessary in order for accurate reimbursement to be obtained for services rendered and procedures performed. Inaccurate coding may result in a loss of reimbursement or, should extra codes be assigned and/or submitted, insurance fraud.

Category one CPT codes are the standard set of codes, and are divided into six sections. These sections are: evaluation and management; anesthesiology; surgery; radiology; pathology and laboratory; and medicine (Medical Coding Experts, p. 4). Each section has a discrete span of numbers that applies to the procedures classified under that section heading. They are as…...



American Medical Association. (2012). Chapter One: Introduction to CPT® Coding. Retrieved from  https://catalog.ama-assn.org/MEDIA/ProductCatalog/m2310979/Intro%20to%20CPT%20Coding%20-%20Chapter%201%20Sample%20Pages.pdf 

American Medical Association. (2012). CodeManager: CPT Code/Relative Value Search. Retrieved from  https://ocm.ama-assn.org/OCM/CPTRelativeValueSearch.do 

Medical Coding Experts. CPT Basics. Retrieved from http://www.medicalcodingexperts.com/Flashdemo/CPTbasics.html

Quizlet. (2010). Steps for CPT Coding. Retrieved from  http://quizlet.com/1858882/steps-for-cpt-coding-flash-cards/

CPT Code for Domiciliatory Care
Pages: 2 Words: 707

State Elder ights and Legal Assistance Development Program were also included in Title VII of the Act. In 2006, the phrase "assisted living facility" was added to the definition of "long-term care facility" (Ombudsman Program Provisions in the Older Americans Act, 2010). All these provisions were aimed at better care for the elderly in the United States.

Effective communication is a vital element of all human relationships (Winbow, 2002). It is an element that is stressed in all counselling work with families, whether these families include parents and children, brothers and sisters, spouses, or other relationships. Communication is particularly vital where one of the parties have not yet had an experience that can help him or her relate to the other's experiences. This is also true of the end-of-life experience. This experience is in everybody's future, so it is important to cultivate an understanding of how to handle the various…...



Ombudsman Provisions in the Older Americans Act (2010). Retrieved from: www.aoa.gov/...Programs/.../Ombudsman/.../Ombudsman_Provisions_OAA.doc

Walker, R.M. (2001). Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Legal Slippery Slope. Cancer Control; JMCC 8(1):25-30. Retrieved from:  http://www.chninternational.com/physician.htm 

Winbow, A. (2002). The Importance of Effective Communication. International Seminar on Maritime English. Retrieved from: http://www.imo.org/includes/blastDataOnly.asp/data_id%3D18000/InternationalSeminar.pdf

CPT Codes in Medical Offices That Employ
Pages: 2 Words: 759

CPT codes in medical offices that employ Health Information Management professionals. Many current practices are using HIM professionals to help document patient visits and any treatments performed or offered to them. Having well trained HIM personnel can help the practice receive maximum reimbursement for the services that are performed there. This brief review will document the numerical system used for CPT codes that are detailed in billing literature as well as the appropriate methods for using them.
Coding professionals provide an invaluable service to physician practices and hospitals as they are truly the front line defense as far as ensuring reimbursements are near or even at maximum for their patients. The medical team works very hard for the patients they serve, and they should be reimbursed for it appropriately. Correct and appropriate medical codes will allow the office to recoup as much as possible from the services they provide.

Current procedural…...



Torrey, T. (2011) What Are CPT Codes?   Last accessed January 18, 2011.http://patients.about.com/od/costsconsumerism/a/cptcodes.htm .

Heart the Basic Work of the Heart
Pages: 3 Words: 1089

The basic work of the heart is to pump blood to the entire body. It performs two types of functions, electrical and mechanical. The electrical function of the heart is the periodic contraction that is triggered by the pacemaker. The pacemaker generates the pumping effect throughout the heart. This pumping action commonly known as action potential is carried in an electrical conduction system. The mechanical function is the fluidic movement of blood; the heart is a pump. The heart's anatomical features include; ventricle, which is the pump, heart valves; that allow blood to flow one way and the atria, which includes the four chambers of the heart. The heart is susceptible to disease and as a result if unable to pump blood can lead to failure in other body organs.

Treated Heart Conditions

Cardiology is generally a field of medicine focusing on diagnosis and treatment of the heart. Discussed here are…...



American Medical Association. (2011). CPT Professional Edition. Chicago: American Medical


Fishbein, M.C. (2012). Heart Transplant. Retrieved February 27, 2012, from www.medicinenet.com:  http://www.medicinenet.com/heart_transplant/page2.htm 

Heartmart. (2007). Commonly Performed Heart Procedures - Fixing Broken Hearts. Retrieved February 27, 2012, from www.heartmart.com: http://www.heartmart.com/heart-health/heart-procedures/

How Cognitive Psychology With Cognitive Restructuring Impacts Rape Victims
Pages: 2 Words: 672

Cognitive Restructuring on Rape Victims
Recently, the growing numbers of research have been focused on psychological trauma which can be caused by physical, sexual and life threatening events. he survivors of traumatic events would exhibit great variation of symptoms, especially, self-blaming, guilt, negative beliefs about self and others, cognitive distortions, and inaccurate thoughts related to their traumatic experiences. Sobel, Resick and Rabalais (2009) proposed a cognitive processing therapy (CP) to reduce the posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and increase the positive thought and accurate cognition of the survivors. In this seminal paper, they reviewed the literature, classified the syndromes before and after the CP, reported the statistical results and suggested a cognitive restructuring method. Cognitions are assessed using coding and analyzing the participants' statements before and after the therapy and the scaling systems used are the Clinician-Administered PSD Scale and PSD Symptom Scale. hey scaled two cognitive processes, accommodation, and assimilation…...


The writers suggested that it was possible to observe, record, and reliably code the number and percentage of assimilated, overaccommodated, and accommodated statements that rape survivors produced in their impact statements at the beginning and end of a course of CPT. As hypothesized, there were significant decreases in the overaccommodated and assimilated processes from start to the end of therapy whereas there was an increase in the accommodated processes. Although there was a clear relationship between decreased PTSD and accommodation, this study was not able to make a clear statement about the relationship between assimilation and PTSD. Another limitation of this study is the ethnicity classification because of the limited number of participants.

This study is parallel to the studies of Foa and Rothbaum (2001), and Koss, Jose Figueredo, & Prince (2002) and the results are compatible. However, these two studies employed self-report inventories of cognitive distortions, which limited the response options available to participants and focus on content rather than process. Sobel et al. (2009) developed a more flexible strategy to evaluate the effects of CPT.

Overall, the study by Sobel et al. (2009) is chosen because it is up-to-date, rich in the literature review and very clear to provide results and limitations of the study.

Counseling and the Ethical Rules
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

ethical and legal guidelines for those in the counseling field are in place to assure that those practicing counseling set high standards. This paper covers several of the important ethical principles that are demanded of counselors -- and covers the CPT Codes related to invoices sent to insurance companies.
It is fundamental to any discussion of ethics in counseling that those leading groups are indeed qualified to be in that position. Just as it is not ethical for a dentist to practice when not fully trained or prepared, is it not ethical "…to practice any kind of counseling without proper preparation" (Jacobs, et al., 2011). An advanced degree from a college or university does not "make one qualified to lead groups," Jacobs continues (28). A group leader has the "ethical responsibility" to fully understand "group dynamics, group process, group leadership skills, and group development" (Jacobs, 28). If the counseling group…...


Works Cited

American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved July 13,

2014, from  http://www.counseling.org .

Griswold, B. (2010). 10 Easy Ways to Jeopardize Your License: Surprisingly Common

Forms of Insurance Fraud. The Therapist. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from  http://www.camft.org .

Field Grade Officers and Achievement of Organizational Results
Pages: 5 Words: 2116

ILE L100
I was pretty enthusiastic when I returned to the 56th ACT having been ordered to assume responsibility as the deputy brigade commander (DCO). I felt proud and lucky. I had held the proud and shinny image of the 56th ACT in my head for the last two years. When I returned, there had been some significant changes. It has not been long since I returned, and with the division commander losing confidence in the ability of COL Timmons to be an effective commander of the brigade, I now command the 56th ACT. On my mind always was how I was going to restore the image of the 56th. I know it will be hard and challenging, but one thing I am sure of is that it can be done. I have had vast experience in the brigade. Drawing from this experience and the CGSOC L100'S themes - notably the…...



Aldweiri, Maj Bashar. (2012). academia.edu. n.d.   (accessed November 24, 2014).https://www.academia.edu/8997235/US_ARMY_COMMAND_AND_GENERAL_STAFF_COLLEGE_US_Army_Command_and_General_Staff_School_Command_and_General_Staff_Officer_Course_CGSOC_L100_Developing_Organizations_and_Leaders_L100_Take_Home_Exam_Case_Study_AY_13-14_The_56th_A 

Chandler, Diane J. "The Perfect Storm of Leaders' Unethical Behavior: A Conceptual Framework." International Journal of Leadership Studies, 2009.

Keltner, D., Langner, C.A., & Allison, M.L. (2006).Power and moral leadership. In D. Rhode (Ed.), Moral leadership: The theory and practice of power, judgment, and policy (pp. 177-194). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Lipman-Blumen, J. (2005). The allure of toxic leaders: Why we follow destructive bosses and corrupt politicians - and how we can survive them. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Students Come and Go Throughout College They
Pages: 2 Words: 846

students come and go throughout college, they are likely to meet many people who influence their lives. In my case, I was lucky enough to interview Civil Rights activist Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth last year as part of my pursuit of a career in media relations. Among the many insightful comments made by the Reverend, I was able to immediately connect to one and use it as an inspiration in my life. He said, "I think you can best do God's work if you can be serious, be joyful, be kind, be benevolent, and be happy doing it." thought about many of the remarks Reverend Shuttlesworth said to me that day. I use his words as advice for my spiritual life and his insights as words of wisdom in staying focused on my career goal. The mix of happiness, staunchness, and kindness are ones which will make for a peaceful…...

PTSD Treatment Modalities Evidence-Based Recommendations
Pages: 14 Words: 4461

Trauma-elated Disorders and ecommended Treatment
Clinical Presentation of Trauma-elated Disorders and ecommended Treatments

On January 13, 2015, Andrew Brannan, a 66-year-old Vietnam veteran was executed in Georgia for killing police officer Kyle Dinkheller in 1998 (Hoffman, 2015). At the time, Brannan had been living in a bunker on his mother's property without water or electricity and had stopped taking his medications. According to the Veterans Administration (VA), he was 100% disabled due to combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He also suffered from bipolar disorder, had lost two brothers to a military plane crash and suicide, and lost a father to cancer. Veterans groups, death penalty critics, and mental health advocates, all petitioned the Georgia Supreme Court for a stay of execution unsuccessfully. The veterans groups were particularly interested in preventing the death of yet another veteran who developed severe psychiatric problems while serving his or her country.

Trauma in general has affected a…...



APA (American Psychiatric Association). (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.

Cook, J.M., Dinnen, S., Simiola, V., Bernardy, N., Rosenheck, R., & Hoff, R. (2014). Residential treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in the Department of Veterans Affairs: A national perspective on perceived effective ingredients. Traumatology, 20(1), 43-9.

Dursa, E.K., Reinhard, M.J., Barth, S.K., & Schneiderman, A.I. (2014). Prevalence of a positive screen for PTSD among OEF/OIF and OEF/OIF-era veterans in a large population-based cohort. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27, 542-549.

Ehring, T., Welboren, R., Morina, N., Wicherts, J.M., Freitag, J., & Emmelkamp, P.M. (2014). Meta-analysis of psychological treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder in adult survivors of childhood abuse. Clinical Psychology Review, 34(8), 645-57.

Changeling Is the 2009 Film Directed by
Pages: 5 Words: 1819

Changeling is the 2009 film directed by Clint Eastwood that looks at the complex relationship between Christine Collins and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) as she sets out to find her son, alter, who vanished and "mysteriously" reappeared only to have been replaced by an imposter. Through her continued insistence that the child returned to her was not her legitimate son, Reverend Gustav Brieglib, who was on a personal mission to expose the LAPD's corruption, is able to demonstrate that the police department, and Captain J.J. Jones who handled the Collins' investigation, acted negligently in their investigation and the subsequent (unlawful) detention of Mrs. Collins. Through Changeling's narrative, plot, and dialogue, Eastwood is able to highlight the impact and influence of social institutions on abuse and corruption and the disempowerment -- and subsequent empowerment -- of women.
Changeling begins with Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie), a single, working mother, and the…...


Works Cited

Abramowitz, Rachel. "The Other Son." 2008 October 18. Los Angeles Times. 27 August 2012.


Changeling. Directed by Clint Eastwood. United States: Universal Pictures, 2009. DVD.

Collins, Christine. "Letter to Mr. A. Eichoff." 1929 May 3. The Daily Mirror. 2008

Difference in Medical Code Texts
Pages: 1 Words: 379

ICD and CPT CodesICD and CPT codes are both used in medical billing and coding, but they serve different purposes. ICD codes are used to describe the diagnosis or reason for the medical service, while CPT codes are used to describe the actual medical service or procedure provided.ICD codes (International Classification of Diseases) are a standardized system of codes used to classify and code diagnoses and medical conditions (Hong & Zeng, 2023). These codes are used to describe the medical condition or disease being treated or diagnosed. ICD codes are typically used by healthcare providers and insurers for billing purposes, but they are also used for public health surveillance, research, and clinical decision-making.CPT codes (Current Procedural Terminology) are a standardized system of codes used to describe medical services and procedures provided by healthcare providers (Joo et al., 2021). These codes are used to report the specific services and procedures that…...


ReferencesHong, Y., & Zeng, M. L. (2023). International classification of diseases (ICD). Ko Knowledge Organization, 49(7), 496-528.Joo, H., Burns, M., Kalidaikurichi Lakshmanan, S. S., Hu, Y., & Vydiswaran, V. V. (2021). Neural machine translation–based automated current procedural terminology classification system using procedure text: Development and validation study. JMIR formative research, 5(5), e22461.

Healthcare Delivery System Model
Pages: 8 Words: 2778

A Model Healthcare Delivery System Introduction
The healthcare delivery system also referred to in short as the HCDS is the most effective system that works for most healthcare organizations in all countries with fair, effective and efficient distribution of resources. It is a fast growing service that demands attention from various quarters and domains. At the optimal level, the service program presents relief and hope to the individual, and the general population. The system offers a balanced quality care service through efficiency and fairness. HCDS varies across the world but its focus is constantly on enhancing healthcare access, quality of service and coverage. The success of the program is dependent on the availability of certain basic resources (Kumar & Bano, 2017, p. 1).
HCDS is how the society has responded to the health determinants. The idea of a healthcare system contemplates involving the people that are likely to be served by such a…...

Auditory Stimulation Its Effect on
Pages: 11 Words: 3151

Further evidence for the possible value of noise for children with ADHD is presented by Abikoff et al. (1996). These researchers evaluated the effect that extra-task auditory stimulation had on academic task performance of children with ADHD. This was executed by studying both children with ADHD and normal students during the performance of arithmetic tasks during three different auditory stimulus conditions: high stimulation (music), low stimulation (speech) and no stimulation (silence). The findings indicated that the normal subjects performed similarly under all three conditions, while the ADHD subjects performance was significantly better under the music condition that the silence or speech conditions. This information could prove to be valuable for teachers in the classroom environment. The presence of music in the classroom during tasks such as arithmetic might facilitate the performance of students with ADHD. Since normal students performed equally well under all auditory conditions, the presence of music would…...



Abikoff, H., Courtney, M.E., Szeibel P.J., Koplewicz, H.S. (1996). The effects of auditory stimulation on the arithmetic performance of children with ADHD and nondisabled children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(3), 238-46.

Baumgaertal, A. (1999). Alternative and controversial treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 46(5), 977-92.

Gray, L.C., Breier, J.I., Foorman, B.R., Fletcher, J.M. (2002). Continuum of impulsiveness caused by auditory masking. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 66(3), 265-72.

Jackson, N.A. (2003). A survey of music therapy methods and their role in the treatment of early elementary school children with ADHD. Journal of Music Therapy, 40(4), 302-23.

History of Film
Pages: 8 Words: 2904

Representations of War in the Longest Day and Saving Private Ryan
Hollywood's depictions and interpretations of the events that transpired on D-Day have long captured the attention of audiences worldwide. Though Hollywood depictions of the events that occurred prior, during, and after the invasion of Normandy may vary, they still aim to convey a similar message, one that assures the evil forces in the world will be overthrown and the world will be a much safer place. The Longest Day and Saving Private Ryan aim to present the events that lead up to the invasion of Normandy on D-Day in an artistic and creative fashion while attempting to maintain an air of realism. The approaches taken to depict the invasion of Normandy in The Longest Day and Saving Private Ryan are a positive contribution to the combat film genre. Though creative licenses were taken in each film, the manner in…...



Beevor, Anthony. D-Day: The Battle for Normandy. New York: Viking Penguin, 2009.

Churchill, Ron. "Saving Private Ryan" a real life drama." UB Reporter 30, no. 2 (September


D-Day: June 6, 1944.   / (accessed May 23, 2011).http://www.army.mil/d-day 

Interventions for Ringing in Ears
Pages: 4 Words: 1201

Case Study: inging in Both EarsSOAP NoteSubjectiveChief Complaint45-year-old male presents with a 3-year history of bilateral \\\"ringing\\\" in the ears, more noticeable at bedtime. Also believes hearing has slightly worsened over the past 3 years.History of Present IllnessNo history of otologic trauma, surgery, noise exposure, or ear infections.MedicationsDenies any prescription medications or supplements.Social HistoryNonsmoker and nondrinker.eview of Systems (OS)Denies otalgia, otorrhea, and vertigo.ObjectiveVital SignsBP 124/78, esp 16, Pulse 88, Temp. 97.6, Weight 188 pounds, Height 58, Pain 0.Physical ExamPatient is not in acute distress. Otoscopy: Normal external auditory canals, clear tympanic membranes with normal mobility. Facial nerve function is normal. Weber test lateralized to the left. inne test positive bilaterally. Unremarkable head, neck, and cardiac exam.AssessmentDifferential Diagnoses1. Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL) - ICD-10: H90.3, CPT: 925572. Tinnitus - ICD-10: H93.13, CPT: 925683. Meniere\\\'s Disease (less likely given the absence of vertigo) - ICD-10: H81.0, CPT: 92567Primary DiagnosisTinnitus (H93.13) due…...


ReferencesKim, H. G., Lee, H. Y., Park, E., Choi, J., Rah, Y. C., Song, J. J., ... & Im, G. J. (2022). Clonazepam Usage Improves Chronic Tinnitus and Sleep Quality: A Prospective Cohort Study. Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 65(12), 758-764.Ogawa, K., Sato, H., Takahashi, M., Wada, T., Naito, Y., Kawase, T., ... & Kanzaki, S. (2020). Clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of chronic tinnitus in Japan. Auris Nasus Larynx, 47(1), 1-6.Shapiro, S. B., Noij, K. S., Naples, J. G., & Samy, R. N. (2021). Hearing loss and tinnitus. Medical Clinics, 105(5), 799-811.Trivedi, B., Ojha, T., Soni, N. K., Bansal, M., Sharma, K., & Chhabra, B. (2023). Evaluating the Incidence of Audiological Derangement in Cases of Thyroid Hormone Imbalance. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 75(Suppl 1), 574-577.Wang, H., Tang, D., Wu, Y., Zhou, L., & Sun, S. (2020). The state of the art of sound therapy for subjective tinnitus in adults. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease, 11, 2040622320956426.

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to PTSD?
Words: 623

Topic 1: The Neurobiology of PTSD

Explore the complex brain mechanisms underlying the development and maintenance of PTSD, including changes in neurotransmitters, neural pathways, and brain structures.
Discuss the role of genetic and environmental factors in shaping individual vulnerability to PTSD.
Analyze the implications of neurobiological findings for the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD.

Topic 2: The Impact of Trauma on Memory

Examine the ways in which trauma alters memory processes, including fragmentation, blocking, and intrusion.
Discuss the role of cognitive distortions and biases in shaping trauma memories.
Explore the potential benefits and limitations of memory-focused therapies for PTSD, such as....

What are the foundational principles of crime and criminology?
Words: 412

I. Introduction

  1. Overview of Crime and Criminology
    1. Definition of Crime
    2. Definition of Criminology

  2. Importance of Studying Crime and Criminology
    1. Understanding Criminal Behavior
    2. Developing Crime Prevention Strategies

II. Foundational Principles

  1. Principle 1 Criminal Behavior is a Choice
    1. Individuals Decide to Commit Crimes
    2. Factors Influencing Criminal Decision-Making

  2. Principle 2 Crime is Socially Constructed
    1. Different Societies Define Crime Differently
    2. Role of Culture and Values in Defining Criminal Behavior

  3. Principle 3 Crime is a Result of Inequality
    1. Social, Economic, and Political Factors Contribute to Criminal....

What are the key principles of diagnostic coding that every healthcare professional should be familiar with?
Words: 429

Key Principles of Diagnostic Coding for Healthcare Professionals

Accuracy and Specificity:

Diagnostic codes must accurately represent the patient's condition and be as specific as possible. This ensures correct diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and accurate reimbursement.


Coding should capture all relevant diagnoses, procedures, and other information necessary to fully describe the patient's condition. Incomplete or inaccurate coding can lead to improper care and inadequate reimbursement.


Codes should be assigned and submitted in a timely manner to expedite billing, patient management, and quality reporting.


Coding professionals must adhere to established coding guidelines and conventions to ensure uniformity and consistency in code assignment.

Privacy and Security:

Diagnostic codes contain sensitive patient....

What factors affect Vietnamese businesses entering global markets?
Words: 830

Vietnamese businesses venturing into international markets face a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges, influenced by a myriad of factors. The global market presents an expansive arena where Vietnamese companies can leverage their competitive advantages, particularly in sectors like textiles, agriculture, and electronics. However, the path to internationalization is fraught with obstacles that require strategic navigation.

One of the primary opportunities for Vietnamese businesses lies in the cost advantage. Vietnam's lower labor costs compared to many developed nations provide a significant edge in manufacturing and service sectors. This cost efficiency can be particularly appealing in industries where price competitiveness is crucial.....

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