Country Risk Essays (Examples)

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Country Risk Analysis Business Venture
Pages: 2 Words: 923

But rather than cater to healthy tastes, to distinguish itself in the Japanese market, McDonald's has found it more effective in 2007 to instead promote specials like the "Mega Mac, a hamburger with four patties," which "was originally to be a limited time offer," but the fast food chain decided to extend the promotion in order to meet the increased demand for Japanese wishing to sample how 'Americans really eat' -- even though ironically the burger is much more caloric and high in cholesterol than anything McDonald's in America offers to American consumers ("McDonald's extends Mega Mac campaign to meet demand," 2007, Japan, Inc.).

hen McDonald's had lost its social cache during its low point in 2003, it was increasingly the designees of solitary diners who preferred to look at their cell phones or laptops than chat. Such diners bring in less revenue, price-wise, and often consume smaller, less pricy…...


Works Cited

Lewis, Leo. (May 2003) Japan's fast food funk: McDonald's Japan slips into the red for the first time in 30 years. Blame deflation -- and fashion - Upfront - Company Profile Japan Inc. Retrieved 27 Apr 2007. 

McDonald's Japan to re-vamp stores, images." (31 Mar 2005) Fox News. Retrieved 27 Apr 2007.,2933,152056,00.html 

McDonald's extends Mega Mac campaign to meet demand." (17 Jan 2007). McDonald's extends Mega Mac campaign to meet demand." Japan, Inc. Retrieved 27 Apr 2007.

Country Risk and Strategic Planning
Pages: 2 Words: 567

A more severe downturn in the Japanese economy seems likely, given concerns about radiation and environmental damage.

'Green' is clearly a trend worldwide -- and the trend towards smaller, lighter, and more efficient has been a long-standing trend in Japan's corporate culture. There is also a long tradition of using efficient manufacturing techniques within the nation. Japan is the founder of the JIT (just-in-time) approach to manufacturing and places a strong emphasis on quality control (JIT, 2011, Investor Glossary).

Make strategy selection

Unlike a car, which can convey some status in terms of the appearance of 'going green' with a hybrid, hybrid planes are unlikely convey a luxury image to consumer. Thus, creating an airplane that is popular and affordable amongst a wide demographic is the most feasible market strategy. Beginning research and development in Japan is a possibility, given the strength of &D hybrid at the nation in the moment, although…...



Chapter 7: Market entry strategies. (2011). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

Nations (FAO). Retrieved May 21, 2011 at

JIT. (2011). Investor Glossary. Retrieved May 21, 2011 at

Ukraine -- Country Risk Assessment
Pages: 5 Words: 1470

The institution found several breaches in human rights policies and strives to increase awareness of these problems. In a clearer formulation, Amnesty International found that Ukraine does not respect the international law in human rights of hosting refugees and allowing them to become settled in other countries, but that the state's officials send these refugees back to their original countries, where many of them stand to suffer torture or other breakings of human rights policies (Amnesty International, 2008). However statistics relating to country risk and human rights are scarce, the foreign investor must also consider these findings when making his decision. In this line of thoughts, Ukraine's country scoring is reduced to their inability to safeguard international human rights stipulations.
A highly important element to be assessed relative to the political and economic status of Ukraine refers to the country's ratings relative to institutional investors. The World Bank finds that…...



Yim, J., Mitchell, H., January 2005, Comparison of Country Risk Models: Hybrid Neutral Networks, Logit Models, Discriminant Analysis and Cluster Techniques, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 28, Issue 1

2001, a New Database on Foreign Direct Investment, World Bank, last accessed on April 11, 2009

June 5, 2008, Ukraine: No Safe Haven for Refugees, Amnesty International,   / last accessed on April 11, 2009 

April 1, 2009, Country Profile -- Ukraine, BBC News,   last accessed on April 11, 2009 

Evaluating Country Risk
Pages: 2 Words: 725

Country isk Evaluation

Country isk Assessment: Iran

The process of Country isk Assessment demands a full analysis of a nation's political, economic, and cultural outlook. "Country risk analysis rests on the fundamental premise that growing imbalances in economic, social, or political factors increase the risk of a shortfall in the expected return on an investment" (Meldrum 2000:1). Country isk Assessment is a holistic process and while there is no scientific formula for assessing risk in all instances, most rating agencies consider the following six factors: economic risk, transfer risk, exchange rate risk, location or neighborhood risk, sovereign risk, and political risk (Meldrum 2000:1)

Economic risk assesses the prudency of the government's fiscal and monetary policy, taxes, and debt. Another concern is transfer risk, "the risk arising from a decision by a foreign government to restrict capital movements. estrictions could make it difficult to repatriate profits, dividends, or capital" (Meldrum 2000:1). The transfer risk…...



Country risk model. (2011). The Economist. Retrieved: 

Meldrum, Duncan H. (2000). Country risk and foreign direct investment. Business Economics.


Risks in Export Market There Is Need
Pages: 10 Words: 2999

isks in Export Market
There is need for companies to develop a professional approach before venturing into the exporting business. The management of the company is supposed to be committed extremely as well as devoting time and money in commencing the campaigns of export. A company is supposed to be ready to face greater competition as well as more stringent rules and regulations concerning products and packaging due to the variance in rules to which or across which the company will be exporting.

In the process of exportation, there are a number of risks that the company will face. These elements of risks are encountered in every commercial transactions as well as the complexity of the environments that exporters operate in. The content of this paper will analyze risks that a company can face while entering the field of exporting as well as discussing the roles of intermediaries in the field of…...



Aaby, N. & S. Slater. (1989). Management Influences on Export Performance: A Review of the Empirical Literature1978-88. International Marketing Review, 6: 7-26.

Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen & Stephen J. Redding & Peter K. Schott, (2007). "Firms in International Trade," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 21(3), pages 105-130, Summer.

Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17: 99-120.1997. Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Reading, MA: Addison.

Cornelius Bothma (2012). Managing your export risk. EXPORTHELP. Retrieved April 13, 2012 from

Country Evaluation
Pages: 7 Words: 2038

Country Evaluation
Pakistan is the South Asian country and was established in 1947. It shares border with India, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran and China. It has a coastline spanning of 1,046 km with Arabian Sea. The country has highest peaks in the world that are K2 and Nanga Parbat of Karakorum and Pamir in the northern and western highlands of Pakistan. Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi provide the major by air gateways to Pakistan. India and Iran also provides the way to reach Pakistan by train.

There are several favorable characteristics that make Pakistan an ideal country for an international business. However, the country is facing imbalanced economic, societal and political conditions since independence due to which investors gets reluctant to invest in the country. This report reviews the favorable and unfavorable aspects of Pakistan for U.S. investors.

Investors need to consider various factors before making investment for an international business. First the investors assess…...



Dawn. (2012, May 27). Taxation and Foreign Investment. Retrieved July 23, 2012, from Dawn: 

Khan, A.H. (2012, January 31). Instability and Economy. Pakistan.

Mahmood, J. (2012, 07-16). Pakistani Stock Market, Rupee Exchange Rate Rise. Karachi, Pakistan.

Masood. (2010, June 3). Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan. Pakistan.

Country Entry Risk Assessment Alba
Pages: 6 Words: 1735

They have been committed to the development of what they deem to be Consciousness Cosmetics for more than a decade. Entry into the Portuguese market offers certain benefits, such as the Portuguese people's commitment to high moral standards, which would be conducive to cruelty-free, environmentally responsible products such as Alba Organics. However, there are risks as well that need to be taken into consideration.
The Portuguese market is small and growing at only a nominal rate, in comparison to other EU countries. The population is still primarily located in rural areas. Although the euro is quite stable currently, that could change, affecting Alba's profitability. and, there are three primary, well-established competitors that control the majority of the market share currently, with large financial backing that could out compete Alba.


About us. (2005). etrieved July 11, 2005, at

Alba: FAQs. (2005). etrieved July 11, 2005, at

Carioca, M., Diniz, ., Pietracci, B.…...



About us. (2005). Retrieved July 11, 2005, at .

Alba: FAQs. (2005). Retrieved July 11, 2005, at

Carioca, M., Diniz, R., Pietracci, B. (2004). Making Portugal competitive. McKinsey Quarterly, (3). Retrieved July 11, 2005, from Business Source Premier database.

Consciousness in cosmetics. (2005). Retrieved July 11, 2005, at .

Risk of Climate Change Implications for Architects and Engineers
Pages: 25 Words: 6494

Risks of Climate Change

Climate Change Impacts on Engineering Infrastructure

Key Impacts on Water and Resources

Risk Management Analysis Coping Methods Possibility And Probability


Recommendations And Guidelines For The Vulnerability Of Climate

Change Impacts Using Risk Management Methods And Analysis


This work examines climate change in relation to impacts upon infrastructure, utilities, and water in relation to the affects from projected sea level rise, flooding, and other related impacts expected to result from climate change. This work also reviews models used for risk assessment and analysis and examines their usefulness and the associated limitations with these models. Knowledge and expertise is growing in the risk-assessment and analysis field of study and reliable models are being developed although the primary effective and appropriate use for the majority of these models is on regional or local scale.




Adapting to Climate Change Impacts on Water Management: A Guide for Planner (2006) AEA Technology - Prepared for the South East England Regional Assembly. May 2006. Online available at

Sandell, 2007) ABC News Report Online available at 

Blakemore, Bill (2007) Greenland: Where Towering Icebergs Raise Sea Levels. 9 Sept 2007. ABC News Online available at 

Cities Should Plan Now for Effects of Global Warming on Infrastructure (2005) University of Maryland 21 Feb 2005 Science and Technology Online available at

Risk and Insurance Aramark Risk
Pages: 10 Words: 2953

They were just so intense, so focused, so transaction-driven, there literally wasn't time for people to put ideas out and discuss and debate them."
These constraints to effective management oversight and innovation were further exacerbated when the company went private in 2001. According to Stopper, "ARAMARK went from a leveraged buyout situation in 1984, with only some 50 people having equity in the company, to an initial public offering (IPO) in 2001 with 97% ownership by employees. It was a huge cultural shift. Many employees incurred debt in order to have ownership in the company. In his view, HR's power and influence came from performance and creating value, not from advancing or acceding to personal agendas."

To their credit, though, Hayes reports that the company finally took action to remedy this situation by creating an action project team to assess the potential threats involved in retaining the status quo and what…...


Works Cited

About ARAMARK." (2007). ARAMARK Corporation. [Online]. Available: .

Alleyne, Sonia (2007, July). "40 Best Companies for Diversity: In Our Third Annual Survey, We Focus on Supplier Diversity and Senior Management Representation-How Much Companies Spend with Black Suppliers and Who They Let into the Corporate Suite." Black Enterprise 37(12): 106

Caddell, Cathy L. (2004, October). "Taste of Chicago." Corrections Today 66(6): 46

Goldberg, Karen (1996, July 18). "How to Feed 10,800 Athletes." The Washington Times 13.

Country Report Spain This Report
Pages: 9 Words: 2642

An interesting trend has been registered in the service industry, especially in the field of tourism. One of the main engines of Spanish economy in the past, now tourism in this country faces fierce competition from Eastern Europe countries. The beautiful resorts in Palma del Majorca and Costa rava must compete with low cost sea side resort, which offer similar services at incredibly low prices. Another field which needs reforms and reformulation policy is the agricultural and fishery one, which accounts only 4.1% out of GDP, although the important political forces attached to this sensible sector.

In order to be able to face the challenges and the opportunities on the regional and global market, Spain needs reforms in most fields of activity. Unemployment level is one of the highest in EU 9.2% at the end of 2005, while the rate of inflation was around 3.4 per cent in 2005, which is…...



1) Carol Matlack and Joan Tarzian - 'Spain: Immigrants Welcome', Business Week, May 21, 2007

2) 'Plain sailing no longer', the Economist print edition, 3rd of March 2007.

3) 'Spanish property - the pain in Spain', 26th of April 2007.

4) Human Development Index report, for the year 2006

Risk Resulting From International Business
Pages: 2 Words: 543

Risks From International Business
What are some risks of international business that may not exist for local business?

There are many risks inherent in competing on a global or internal level compared to being a local business. As the chapter suggests, there is a much greater level of economic and socio-political pressure on governments to work together for the common good of the global economy. Despite these best intentions, global macroeconomic factors often cause nations to restrict or unnecessarily increase the cost of transactions and trade based on fear over the trading partner's economies. Such is the case for American companies attempting to gain sales within China, whose government holds nearly $1.1 trillion in U.S.-based debt. China and the United States are two of the more powerful economic forces in the global economy, and as their economies go, so goes the world. What this means for international businesses is that they are…...

Risk Aversion Over the Last
Pages: 14 Words: 4225

This was because they were seeing one of their primary competitors (Travelers) merging with Citicorp (which created a juggernaut of: insurance, banking and brokerage activities). At which point, executives at AIG felt that in order to: maintain their dominance in the industry and offer new products they should become involved in similar activities. The difference was that they would grow the company by expanding into areas that were considered to be speculative to include: commodities, stocks, options and credit default swaps. The way that this was accomplished is by purchasing a host of businesses that were involved in these activities. This is significant, because it meant that a shift would take place in: how managers were accounting for risks and the kinds of activities that they were becoming involved in. With the newly acquired companies; bringing over executives that did not practice the same kind of strategies for dealing…...



Travelers, Citigroup Unite. (1998). CNN. Retrieved from: 

US saw 13 Bank Failures Every Month in 2010. (2011). Economic Times. Retrieved from:

Baum, C. (2009). The Impact of Macro Economic Uncertainty. Boston College, Boston, MA.

Byoun, S. (2007). Financial Flexibility. Baylor University, Waco, TX.

Risk-Taking Sexuality of Adolescents Too
Pages: 7 Words: 2081

These were being make, passiveness or unassertiveness, and a father who avoids conflict with a teenage child. Parental guidance on safer sexual practices, skillful assertion, negotiation and resolution of conflicts all help improve dating communication between teenagers. ut parents' strategies in solving everyday conflicts and issues with teenage children may be the true basis for the safe-sex negotiations in their dating. Parents who actively engage in open disagreement with their teenage children may induce confidence in their children to assert themselves and communicate their preference with a sexual partner regarding the use of condoms. These strategies are likely to develop from safe-sex communication with parents (Feingold).
Parental Processes and Style

The Kaiser Family Foundation surveys suggested that teenagers whose parents monitor their children's whereabouts and particular behaviors tend to have only one sexual partner or avoid unprotected sex (Howell, 2001). A combination of high-level communication and parental monitoring works well with…...



Aspen (2009). Sexual promiscuity in adolescents. Fact Sheets. Aspen Education Group.

Retrieved on July 21, 2011 from 

Feingold, A. (2006). Parents can help reduce sexual risk-taking. PsychCentral: Retrieved on July 21, 2011 from

Risk of Legalizing Marijuana on
Pages: 5 Words: 1757

Fact 9:

Europe's more liberal drug policies are not the right model for America.

Fact 10:

Most non-violent drug users get treatment, not jail time. (Legalization, 2010).


There are no benefits for society in the legalization of marijuana. The money from the taxing of the marijuana will end up being use to regulate and enforce the dispensaries. The money to treat the addiction will be another source of lost revenues from the taxation.

Increased usage by underage teens will be the same as cigarettes and alcohol and will increase as the price drops as it did in the Dutch experiment. Kids will be introduced onto the drug culture that leads to the use of the harder narcotics as a result of the increased access to the marijuana. The benefits will be just moved from one area to other areas of criminalization.


DEA website. 2010. etrieved on May 10, 2010 from

"Feature: Hundreds of Los Angeles Medical…...



DEA website. 2010. Retrieved on May 10, 2010 from 

"Feature: Hundreds of Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Face Closure Under New Rules Passed by Council" 2010. Retrieved on May 10, 2010 from 

Joffe, a. & Yancy, W. "Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youth." 2004. PEDIATRICS Vol. 113 No. 6 June 2004, pp. e632-e638. Retrieved on May 10, 2010 from 

"Legalization- Arguments Pro and Con." 2010 Retrieved on May 10, 2010 from

Country Analysis Our Company Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1136

The government is trying to create an environment that is favorable for investing and the rapid pace of economic growth indicates that this is a success. However, there remains considerable political risk. Relations with many of Turkey's neighbors have been difficult in the past and relations with Greece in particular could sour a move by the country into the EU. If EU membership is taken off the table -- which could happen if the country fails to resolve the Cyprus issue, the Kurdish issue and the Armenian issue -- the political scene could become highly unstable.
Turkey has strong financial resources. There has been a strong influx of capital into the country. Despite strict government control of the banking sector, the government's desire to modernize its banking and investment climate means that capital is available. Talent is less available. hile many Turks speak English, it is difficult to find top…...


Works Cited:

CIA World Factbook: Italy. (2009). Retrieved November 4, 2009 from 

CIA World Factbook: Turkey. (2009). Retrieved November 4, 2009 from

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