Countries Essays (Examples)

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Countries With High Adult and Child Mortality
Pages: 6 Words: 1786

Countries With High Adult and Child Mortality ates (ghana)
Countries with high adult and child mortality rates

The republic of Ghana is a presidential unitary constitutional republic and a sovereign state located on the Atlantic Ocean and on Gulf of Guinea. The country is in the frontier of the sub-Saharan Africa. Akan Kingdoms inhabited Ghana in the middle ages. These kingdoms were Akwamu, Ashanti, Bonoman and the Denkyira. There is archeological evidence that indicate people lived in Ghana before the Bronze Age. These kingdoms ruled the country up to the period of colonial rule. Before colonial time, ancient Ghana had its way of governance, culture, economy, laws, and healthcare services. During this period, traditional medicines and practitioners offered care to citizens (Powell, Tabi & Hodnicki, 2006). During the period, individuals suffered from a variety of ailments. Traditional medicines "though not as effective as modern medicines" were in use.

Most of mortality rates of…...



Powell, M., Tabi, M.M., & Hodnicki, D. (2006). Use of traditional healers and modern medicine in Ghana. International nursing review, 53(1), 52-58.

Konadu-Agyemang, K. (2000). The best of times and the worst of times: structural adjustment programs and uneven development in Africa: the case of Ghana. The Professional Geographer, 52(3), 469-483.

Countries Spain Has a Long
Pages: 6 Words: 1866

Traditionally, Italians are very proud of their cooking, and eat their main meal at midday. These meals generally included pasta with either meat or fish. This is often preceded by an appetizer known as antipasto, which would include cold meats and vegetables. Like pain, Italian food also differs by region. The north for example features flat, ribbon-shaped pasta, while southern citizens favor macaroni with tomato sauces.

Recreation and religion are both unifying factors in family life. Italy favors soccer as the most popular sport in the country. A popular family activity is to play soccer in parks. Other family recreation includes a traditional unday passeggiata (family stroll), driving to the shore or mountains, or watching television. Although Roman Catholicism is the most prominent religion in the country, there are also many small groups of Protestants, Muslims, and Jews in the country.

Family Life

From the above, it is clear that family life in…...



Advameg, Inc. (2010). Tibetans. Retrieved from 

BBC News. (2010, Jan 12) Country Profile: Russia. Retrieved from 

Encyclopedia Britannica. (2010). Life in Spain. Retrieved from 

Novi Meadows Elementary School (2001) "Italy's Way of Life." Retrieved from

Countries -- Brazil Russia India China South
Pages: 11 Words: 3205

countries -- Brazil, ussia, India, China South Africa, Mexico, Nigeria Turkey identify critically evaluate key economic, political technological factors conditions enabled a 'apidly Developing Economy' 'Emerging Economy'.
Mexico as a rapidly developing economy

The economic sector of the modern day society reveals increasing levels of interdependence between countries, especially as the phenomena of globalization and market liberalization intensify. This virtually means that the stability and role of one country within the global market place spreads consequences and impacts for the other states as well.

In this dynamic and intertwined global economic context, the emergent countries come to play an increasing role due to their increasing economic sector, developing labor force and strengthening competitive position. Mexico is one such emergent country and the current project sets out to assess the features which contribute to the rapid development of the country.

Mexico is an intriguing country from a social and economic standpoint, being the home…...



Graybeal, M. (2011). Mexico's economic policy and migration. Center for Strategic and International Studies.   accessed on December 5, 2012 

Morris, S.D. Mexico's political culture: the unrule of law and corruption as a form of resistance. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.   accessed on December 5, 2012 

Qingfen, D. (2012). Bigger role for emerging economies. China Daily.   accessed on December 5, 2012 

Schachter, H. (2012). Innovation boomerang: the role of emerging markets. The Globe and Mail.   / accessed on December 5, 2012 

Countries Interest Political Economical Developments Asian
Pages: 4 Words: 1512

countries interest ( "Political Economical Developments Asian European Systems"), discuss concepts: 1) Explain detail political systems countries differ; 2) discuss legal systems countries differ; 3) explain determines level economic development a nation; 4) discuss examples macro-political economic taking place worldwide; 5) analyze transition economies moving market-based systems.
Political and Economic developments in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall -- Transition

The end of the Cold War brought about some of the most important economic and political changes of recent history. It threw Eastern Europe countries into a historical disarray that is for some to this day rather difficult to grasp and deal with. For this assignment two Eastern countries have been chosen for analysis and comparison: omania and the epublic of Moldova, its North East neighbor. These two countries were picked for comparison because of two main reasons. One of them is related to the historical background the…...



European Commission (2013) Report From The Commission To The European Parliament And The Council On Progress In Romania Under The Co-Operation And Verification Mechanism, online, available at 

European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity. (2013) Moldova, online, available at 

Gros, D., Marc Suhrcke (2000) "Ten years after: what is special about transition countries?" European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, online, available at

Countries Modernize Grow Capita Gross Domestic Product
Pages: 2 Words: 714

countries modernize grow capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) $8.000 turn democracies, happened Taiwan South Korea. 1) ith increased economic production, China a candidate a democratic form government? hy? 2) hat impact a "democratic" China U.
Countries that modernize and grow their per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to over $8.000 mostly turn into democracies, as happened in Taiwan and South Korea.

ith their increased economic production, would China be a candidate for a democratic form of government? hy?

It has been widely observed that a transition to a market economy, coupled with a thriving GDP is often associated with democratization. However, how this will translate in Chinese terms remains an open question. "China started market economic reforms in 1978 and is rapidly closing its economic gap with the developed world" (He & Feng 2008). But its "communist political system is still lagging far behind the trend of democracy in the world" (He…...


Works Cited

Chen, Jie, & Chunlong Lu. "Democratization and the Middle Class in China: The Middle Class's Attitudes Toward Democracy." Political Research Quarterly 64.3 (2011): 705-19.

Friedman, Edward & Jinghao Zhou. "China's Peaceful Rise in a Global Context: A Domestic Aspect of China's Map to Democratization." The Journal of Asian Studies 70.1 (2011): 221-3. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 6 Nov. 2012.

He, Kai, and Huiyun Feng. "A Path to Democracy: In Search of China's Democratization Model." Asian Perspective 32.3 (2008): 139, 169, 2. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 6 Nov. 2012.

Countries the Citizens of the
Pages: 30 Words: 9757

The growing numbers of Americans who regularly flocked to these municipal golf courses convinced municipal governments that the sport was here to stay and that additional investments were warranted, and existing municipal golf courses were expanded and improved during the 1920s and a number of entrepreneurs across the country also enjoyed success by opening daily fee-based golf courses (Kirsch, 2007). During the early 20th century, a number of major universities in the United States also incorporated golf into their athletic program regimens, including Harvard and Yale (Napton & Laingen, 2008).
Perhaps the most significant event that contributed to the popularity of golf prior to World War I, though, was when a young player from Boston, Francis Ouimet, won the 1913 U.S. Open (Hardin, 2008). According to this golf historian, "Ouimet's accomplishment gave America its first golf hero. The media celebrated Ouimet's feat by portraying the former caddy as a national…...



Campbell, D. (2007, September). The psychology of golf: The business of pleasure. Black Enterprise, 38(2), 120-121.

Cochran, a.J. & Farrally, M.R. (1999). Science and golf II: Proceedings of the 1994 World

Scientific Congress of Golf. London: E & FN Spon.

Farrow, D., Kemp, J. & Tan, J. (2004). Run like you stole something. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.

International Management the BRIC Countries
Pages: 10 Words: 2810

This is attractive because Russia has long been industrialized, so its managers and workers are capable of functioning in that environment. There are many natural resources that firms can take advantage of as well. Additionally, Russia is a gateway to other markets with which it has close trade ties, throughout the former Soviet Union.

India is the second most-populous country in the world with 1.2 billion and may eventually overtake China in that regard. This alone makes it enticing. Certainly, its per capita GDP does not, as most Indians are dirt poor. hat makes India attractive is the country's high level of economic growth. India has the world's 5th-largest GPD and it grew at 10.4% last year (CIA orld Factbook, 2011), accelerating an already hot pace. This economic improvement has lifted millions of Indians out of poverty in a very short period of time. In under ten years, the number…...


Works Cited:

Business Week. (2006). How rising wages are changing the game in China. Business Week. Retrieved December 7, 2011 from 

CIA World Factbook. (2011). Various pages. Retrieved December 7, 2011 from (2011). BRIC countries -- Background, latest news, statistics and original articles. Retrieved December 7, 2011 from 

Joffe-Walt, C. (2010). How fake money saved Brazil. NPR. Retrieved December 7, 2011 from

Rich Countries Need to Help the Poor
Pages: 4 Words: 1154

ich Countries Need to Help the Poor
ich Countries Have an Obligation to Help Poorer Countries

Values such as individualism and nationalism are widely cherished in Western, economically developed countries. Nationalism is the cornerstone of Western idea of nation-state, and the idea of nations pursuing their national self-interest in international affairs is an acceptable truism. Nationalism, however, does not mean that nations should be totally indifferent to the fates of other nations who might be desperately in need of outside help. There are ethical and moral issues that cannot be ignored because of nationalism and individualism. Due to historical and other circumstances, some countries today are extremely poor and the rich countries have an obligation to help them. Moreover, helping poorer countries is not simply a moral issue; it is in the long-term nationalist interests of rich countries to provide poorer countries with aid.

The most immediate concern one might have about poor…...



Kim, W. (2009) Rethinking Colonialism and the Origins of Developmental State in East Asia. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 39(3): 382-399. Retrieved on 2 Nov. 2011, from 

Lysandrou, P. (2011) Global inequality as one of the root causes of the financial crisis: a suggested explanation. Economy & Society, 40(3): 323-344. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Makwana, R. (2006) Global Inequality, STWR. Retrieved on 2 Nov. 2011, from

Rodney, W. (1981) How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Washington, DC: Howard University Press.

Economy of the BRIC Countries
Pages: 10 Words: 2753

Banks in India are required to provide 40% of their net credit to other sectors like agriculture, retail trade, small scale industries and business.Net assets of the banking sector are held by private banks which holds 18.2%, 75% by public sector banks while the 6.5% are held by foreign banks.

China is the largest economic powerhouse of the BIC countries by both population wise and GDP. It had an estimated foreign reserve of about $2 trillion in 2009. China has become a destination of choice to many multinationals keen to establishing a firm and solid manufacturing base for global competition. The economywatch (2010) describes that China's agricultural sector is driven by a sharp rise in the procurement and semi-privatization of agriculture. In 2010, the agriculture sector accounted for 10.9% of the total GDP while 48.6% and 40.5% came from industry and service sectors respectively.

China's total population totals to 1.341 billion.…...



Anthony M. Makwiramiti, (2011) BRICS: A friendship of convenience. Retrieved November 14,

2011 from

Aryeh Katz,(2010).Understanding BRIC Investments. Retrieved November 14, 2011 from 

Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, (2011).Background Note: China. Retrieved November

Theocratic Secular Totalitarianism Business Countries General Case
Pages: 3 Words: 891

Theocratic Secular Totalitarianism business countries. General Case Study Guidelines instructor: Simply answering questions part case; questions clues important concepts facts.
There can rarely be any compromise between secular and theocratic institutions in a state promoting a totalitarian ideology. A theocracy is a political system present in a country where religious leaders are in charge of imposing laws and legislations that are in accordance with religious thought. A country that is controlled by religious leaders is related to as being an example of theocratic totalitarianism. A country that is controlled by military and bureaucratic leaders is related to as being an example of secular totalitarianism. A political system based on theocratic totalitarianism involves the military being in charge of the government and of decisions that it believed to be for the country's best interest.

Iran and a large part of Afghanistan stand as an example concerning theocratic totalitarianism, taking into account that…...


Works cited:

Aswathappa, K., "International Business 4E," (Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 01.04.2010)

Kultgen, John H., and Lenzi, Mary, "Problems for Democracy," (Rodopi, 2006)

Sharan, Vyuptaskesh, "International Business 2/e, Concepts, Environment And Strategy," (Pearson Education India, 01.02.2008)

Developing Countries Adopting Sar Challenges Facing Developing
Pages: 5 Words: 1873

Developing Countries Adopting (sar)
Challenges Facing Developing Countries Adopting International Convention Maritime Search escue (SA)

The growth observed in developing nations has led to maritime traffic in the entire region. In addition, the increase in maritime activities has led to more threats of emergencies at the seas. For the region to enhance security and safety, developing countries had to adopt a legal and binding agreement on working together in maritime search rescue (SA). The nations have been experiencing manifold challenges associated with the adoption of this international convention agreement. The first is the sheer regional size, harsh environmental conditions, inadequate support infrastructures, and lack of capabilities. This study analyzes the challenges facing developing countries adopting international convention maritime search rescue (SA) (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for efugees, 2007).


The international convention maritime search rescue (SA) enacted in 1979 encompasses an internal rescue and search plan. The aim of this…...



Cooper, D.B. (2005). Fundamentals of search and rescue. Sudbury (MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Gammeltoft-Hansen, T. (2011). Access to asylum: International refugee law and the globalisation of migration control. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

International Maritime Organization. (2006). SAR convention: International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979: as amended by resolution MSC.70(69) and MSC.155(78). London: International Maritime Organization.

Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea. (2007). International organizations and the law of the sea: Documentary yearbook. London: Graham & Trotman.

Developing Countries Production Oil in Nigeria Is
Pages: 3 Words: 1277

Developing Countries Production
Oil in Nigeria

Nigeria is located in West Africa and its borders are shared in the west by epublic of Benin, in the east Chad and Cameroon and in the North Chad. There are over 500 ethnic groups in the country but the three largest are Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa. In Africa Nigeria has the highest population and in the world it is ranked seventh most populous country. Nigeria falls under the Next Eleven economies. The country is a member of African Union and Commonwealth of Nations. The economy in Nigeria is classified under mixed economy and it has already reached a middle income status from World Bank statistics. The country has abundant natural resources among this is oil.

The greatest revenues in the country are brought by oil reserves. Petroleum is a great player in the economy of Nigeria and it accounts for up to 40% of the country's…...



Mannix, E. (2010). Local Infrastructure in Nigeria: What Difficulties to Expect

Retrieved July 21, 2013 from 

Office of the United States Trade Representative, (2013). Africa. Retrieved July 21,2013 from 

Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), (2012). Nigeria. Retrieved July 21,2013 from

Buddhism in Two Countries Like
Pages: 7 Words: 2500

Very few lay people were exclusively Buddhist- that is, felt a commitment to Buddhism over against China's other religions" (Welch 1976, p.164).
Moreover, Buddhism in China was largely an individual affair. The monastaries were not held together any type of hierarchy. "In China the largest unit was the monastery and the highest office was the abbotship. This meant that there was no mechanism for maintaining standards" (Welch 1976, p.175). As a result, there was a tremendous amount of variation in how people practiced Buddhism and the standards found in temples and monasteries. "Generally speaking, the small hereditary temples were unable to maintain as high standards as the large, rich public monasteries. Yet the latter too periodically fell into decay because of the malfunction of the merit system of electing abbots" (Welch 1976, p. 165). This contributed to a cyclical pattern of decay and renewal, particularly in famous monasteries, with monks…...



Berkwitz, S 2006, Buddhism in Sri Lanka: practice, protest, and preservation, Buddhism in world cultures: comparative perspectives, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, pp. 45-72.

Chandler S. 2006, Buddhism in China and Taiwan: the dimensions of contemporary Chinese

Buddhism, in S. Berkwitz, ed. Buddhism in world cultures: comparative perspectives,

ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, pp.169-194.

Compare 2 Countries
Pages: 3 Words: 1181

Angola and Belgium: A Cultural Comparison

Although both nations have French-speaking elements to their cultural and history for geographical and colonial reasons, the cultural elements present and characteristic of the African nation of Angola and the European nation of Belgium are more striking in their differences than in their similarities. The tiny European nation of Belgium, despite its poverty of natural resources and diversity of culture, has a prosperous manufacturing sector, a flourishing tourist industry, and a relatively secure place in the European Community. This congenial economic relationship with international structures of management may be contrasted with that of Angola.

According to the Lonely Planet Guide to Angola, a "peace agreement signed in April 2002 may have ended the 25-year-old civil war that has decimated Angola. However, Angola is still unstable and unsuitable for travel." (Lonely Planet, "Angola," 2004). In contrast, Belgium is a European nation primarily known for its relative…...


Works Cited

Angola's Mineral Resources." (2004). Business and Economics: Angola. Retrieved on March 11, 2004 at .

Goncalves, Joao Antonio. (October 27, 1997) "The Hotel Owners and Industry of Luanda." Speech to the U.S. Chamber of Congress during 1997 Luncheon. Text accessed on March 11, 2004 at 

Lonely Planet. (2004) "Angola."

Lonely Planet. (2004) "Belgium."

Globalization on Developing Countries Globalization
Pages: 20 Words: 6090

India was also part of this globalized trading world. The cities within the Indus Valley

were well planned and included a trading system that was managed much in the same way as that in the Middle East. Indian socialism, combined with an economy of private managers played a significant role in the success of their trading endeavors. Moore & Lewis note that ancient India could well have been the inventor of supply-side economics. This claim is based upon the Arthashastra, an Indian manual for economic planning and political policy, and how these should integrate to ensure the economic well-being of the country. General Indian thought was however much more focused upon the afterlife than upon successful economic and trade policies in the physical world.

According to Moore & Lewis, China was far ahead in terms of technology and management theory. Chinese thought was much more practical than that of India. With the…...



Baumann, Pari. 2002. Improving access to natural resources for the rural poor. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. July.

Egypt State Information Service. 2008. Address of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak before Egyptian-Indian businessmen forum. Nov. 16-19. 

Egypt State Information Service. 2003. Egypt and Globalization Horizons. Egypt Magazine, Summer. 

Gills, Barry K. & Thompson, William R. 2006. Globalization and global history. New York: Routledge.

Health Issues with Obesity?
Words: 195

1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....

What is your Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the U.S. Healthcare System?
Words: 135

To evaluate the US healthcare system, there are two areas that have to be considered. One of these is patient care, and the other is finances. A healthcare system can only be effective if patients are getting the care they need, and if they\'re getting it in a timely manner. The system also has to be sustainable, and if it is not possible to afford the system, then changes need to be made to it. These changes should not compromise the care given to patients, though, and it can be difficult to provide proper, quality care at a price that....

What is a good thesis statement on immigration reform?
Words: 366

Based on an understanding of the facts about immigration in the modern-day United States, this would be a good topic for a thesis statement on immigration reform: Modern immigration rules and laws favor immigrants from some countries over others and place a significant financial burden on prospective immigrants and on those who would sponsor them; removing some of those financial burdens would incentivize legal immigration and therefore reduce the number of people seeking to enter the country as undocumented immigrants, helping resolve the country’s undocumented immigrant problem.

Before trying to write a thesis statement about immigration reform, it....

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