Counterfeit Essays (Examples)

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Counterfeiting Law in France
Pages: 2 Words: 772

Counterfeiting Law in France:
Similar to other developed countries, France has a unique system of safeguarding intellectual and industry property rights. This system is not only applicable to creative or artistic rights but is also used to govern patents, trademarks, designs, and drawings ("France Intellectual Property Law," n.d.). Generally, the country's intellectual property law covers three major areas i.e. intellectual rights within the country, intellectual property rights outside the country, and intellectual property rights within the European Union by European patents. One of the most important aspects of intellectual property law in France is anti-counterfeiting law. While counterfeiting is an offense that is relatively difficult to understand, it has considerable effects on intellectual property rights. In the past few years, France has enacted various measures to help deal with this crime, particularly the anti-counterfeiting laws.

Counterfeiting is a crime that can take various forms such as illegal downloading, which makes it difficult…...



Casalonga, C. & Guerrini, J. (2009, August 31). France: A Guide to French Anti-Counterfeiting

Law. Retrieved January 31, 2014, from 

"France Intellectual Property Law -- A Brief Overview." (n.d.). Intellectual Property. Retrieved January 30, 2014, from

Hyeans, A. & Guillaneuf, J. (2011, June). Counterfeiting in France -- Elements for Measuring

Counterfeit Case Contractual Relations Between
Pages: 9 Words: 2730

Mr. Leiber will be eligible to claim $1,000.00 for each of those pieces as the difference between the contract price and the actual current price is approximately a difference of $1,000.00. If however, that price changes during the course of arbitration the difference in price should be changed in order to reflect that difference. Further according to article 50, should Satel have to ultimately pay for the 30 non-counterfeit pieces, because they are defective, Satel is able to lower the price per unit of the pieces in order to reflect their current value as opposed to the value they would have if they were functional.
Elcom is protected as a result of the method of delivery against damages which occurred in transit. According to article 66 and 67 section 1 the thirty components which were damaged as a result of the car accident ultimately must be paid for as Satel…...

Homeland Security Issues and Counterfeit Cosmetics
Pages: 4 Words: 1225

Problem Identification

Counterfeit cosmetics are prevalent specifically over the Internet on such websites as Ebay. These cosmetics are dangerous and cause severe problems even death among those who purchase and use these products. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reported to be conducting an investigation of the major counterfeit cosmetic manufacturing rings that are producing and selling products reported to contain "high concentrations of various metals and carcinogenic ingredients normally banned from use in cosmetics." (orrelli, 2013, p. 1) These ingredients when applied to the skin are reported to be such that may result in "long-term health issues." (orrelli, 2013, p. 1) Adverse reactions to these makeups include "irritations and allergies" as well as other problems. (orrelli, 2013, p. 1) Somosot (2014) reports that testing of counterfeit cosmetics including MAC and Chanel found these products to be "loaded with harmful lead, beryllium, aluminum and…...



Barker, C. (2013) Reports of Counterfeit Estee Lauder Cosmetics Grow in the Bay Area. Cosmetics Design. Retrieved from: 

Borrelli, L. (2013) Counterfeit MAC Cosmetics May Pose Health Risk: 'It Can Break You Out, Cause Irritations, And Allergies. Medical Daily. Retrieved from: 

Counterfeit Cosmetics Could Put Your Health At Risk (2014) Fox News. Retrieved from:

Dangerous Fakes (2014) Global Intellectual Property Center. U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Retrieved from:

How to Combat Counterfeiting in Global Market
Pages: 5 Words: 1280

Counterfeiting on Luxury Goods
Consuming counterfeit products social effects. Consumers want to project a desired social image

Consumers want to project an external image of themselves that gives them a certain social status, even though internally they know they did not pay top dollar for their "luxury good." For example, someone who buys a counterfeit Louis Vuitton bag does so for the purpose of being able to present herself in fashionable light without having to pay for it.

Thus, the reason that people buy counterfeit goods is simple: it is easy and one can maintain a status without paying a significant cost

This explanation, of course, only applies to individuals who want to be viewed as someone who is part of a particular social class or who has a social status (when in actuality he or she is on the outside of that class/status)

Someone who is actually a member of the class or state…...


However, China is making progress as Baksi (2015) reports: "China is making increasing attempts to tackle counterfeit goods production. In 2014 its administrative authorities handled 67,500 trade mark infringement cases with a value of 100 million renminbi (£10.3 million), destroyed 1,007 infringing sites and transferred 355 criminal cases to the prosecutors. And the Trademark Office, and Trademark Review and Adjudication Board together decided 2,800 cases against bad faith trade mark filings. A new trade mark law, which came into force in May 2014, introduced more severe punishments for repeated infringements and raised the amount of statutory damages from 500,000 renminbi (£51,501) to 3 million (£300,000)."

Baksi, C. (2015). China tackles problem of counterfeit goods head-on. Raconteur.

Retrieved from

People Buy Counterfeit Goods the
Pages: 4 Words: 1340

For instance, one of those interviewed had a counterfeit Louis Vuitton bag whose value she claimed was £40 (Howie). A real Louis Vuitton bag goes for no less than £1,900. Thus as Howie correctly points out, this particular customer was able to get something that resembled the real thing for a price "almost 50 times less than the price for a similar bag by the designer." It is also important to note that celebrities have not been left out on this one. Taylor Armstrong is one of those celebrities who have recently been on the news for all the wrong reasons -- owning a number of counterfeit bags. According to the Huffington Post, Taylor was found in possession of "several fake Birkin bags." It is instructive to note that Taylor has reportedly been undergoing serious financial challenges in recent times. The pressure to "fit-in" regardless of her financial situation…...


Works Cited

Ali, Haider. "Why People Buy Counterfeit Brands." Open Learn. The Open University, 14 Feb. 2008. Web. 5 May 2013 < >

Howie, Michael. "Fake Goods are Fine, says EU Study." The Telegraph. The Telegraph Media Group Limited, 29 Aug. 2010. Web. 6 May 2013 < >

McIntyre, Douglas. "The 10 Most Counterfeited Products Sold in America." Daily Finance. AOL Money and Finance, 15 March 2011. Web. 6 May 2013 < >

The Huffington Post. "Hermes Celebrates Bust of Counterfeit Birkin Ring Aided by Actual Employees." The Huffington Post. HuffPost Style, 15 June 2012. Web. 5 May 2013 < >

Effects of Counterfeit Product on Global Economy
Pages: 2 Words: 768

Counterfeit Product on Global Economy
Counterfeiting may be described as crime with 'fakes' comprising a purchase which is alternatively cheap, and the parties involved see this as of low risk in terms of prosecution having light penalties as compared to the large profit which is always made. Counterfeit products trade internationally is approximated to be more than global trade by six percent. The effect is not only felt to business and investment opportunities but also on society and global economy negatively.

Trade involving counterfeit goods is profitable and proofs indicate that on top of connection historically involving organized crime and counterfeit, terrorist groups take advantage of this to get money for their activities globally which is dangerous to the community. The variety of products of counterfeit is very extensive and the tendency shows that counterfeiters have expanded from dealing in luxury goods to exploiting of the consumer goods, even in medicine,…...



Global Congress, (25-26 May, 2004). The First Global Congress to Combat Counterfeiting, WCO Headquarters in Brussels

OECD (1998) Harmful tax competition, journal

Xinhua General News Service, February 13, 2003, Nigeria Reaffirms Efforts to Eliminate Fake Drugs, reporting on survey by the Nigerian government's Institute of Pharmaceutical Research.

China Counterfeiting Written by Geoff
Pages: 2 Words: 723

It can keep a better eye on its employees, and the Chinese people have started to buy &W speakers because of the quality. That is very good news for the company, since it now has another outlet for sales and another market in which to sell its goods. The company also has a specialized production process, so it is hard to replicate the speakers that it makes (Naim, 2011). ecause of the complexity of the process, counterfeiters generally avoid trying to copy the company. The counterfeiters who try do not usually get good results, and that discourages them from continuing. That is another bonus for the company, because there is not as much of a need to worry about whether the speakers it makes will be copied and sold for much less than the originals would bring.
The problem that is occurring in China with counterfeit goods, and how some…...



Naim, G. (2011). Patents are a virtue: China is a land of opportunity for business, but it is also a land of counterfeiting and intellectual property theft. Wall Street Journal. Online.

Armani Clothing Counterfeiting
Pages: 4 Words: 1334

Academic Activity Model of Court Hearing Session
Plaintiff ole

Good morning, my name is Nicholas Youseff and I was born in La Crescenta, California. Currently, I work as a franchisee of Armani in Kuwait. I received my license in 2000 to sell and distribute Armani in Kuwait, something that I have been doing for the last 15 years. It is a renewable license. As an official franchisee of Armani, it is my job to ensure that the brand is protected. In part this means that I'm responsible for making sure that all clothes which are sold in Kuwait and which bear the official Armani logo, are in fact authentic. If there are counterfeit brands of Armani wafting around the area where I am an official seller, it becomes problematic for me, and it also undermines the integrity of the entire Armani brand. In the last two years, I found repeated incidences of…...


References (2014). Retrieved from

Walker, D. (2014, June). Kuwait Popular With Foreign Franchisors. Retrieved from 

Supply Chain and Technology
Pages: 2 Words: 3362

Integration of Anti-Counterfeit Technology in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
Organisational Background

ationale for Strategic Action Plan

Strategic Aims and Objectives

Levers and Obstacles

Analysis of Internal Capabilities -- Strengths and Weaknesses

Trends and External Forces -- Opportunities and Threats

Stakeholder Influence

Strategic Action Plan

Key Actions, Actors, and esponsibilities

Timeline and Milestones

Cost Analysis

isk and Barriers

Mechanisms to Track Progress

Organizational Background

The organization, Cure Pharmaceutical (Cure), operates in the pharmaceutical industry's drug delivery technology segment. Cure is considered a small pharmaceutical company with revenues of one hundred and fifty million. A technology designed by the firm enables patients to take medications without water. This patented Oral Thin Film Technology (OTF) is small, light and occupies much less space after packaging. The technology can be shipped in single dose form or in bulk rolls to the site of patient care. Cure's core business integrates generic drugs that are an effective treatment for a multitude of diseases into its proprietary OTF technology.

Since Cure has a…...



Abel, J., 2010. Prevent Counterfeiting in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Pharmaceutical Engineering, vol. 30, no. 6, p. 3.

Ascher, J., Bogdan, B., Dreszer, J. and Zhou, G., 2015. Pharma's next challenge. [online] Available at: [accessed 29 November 2016]

Bansal, D., Malla, S., Gudala, K. and Tiwari, P., 2013. Anti-counterfeit technologies: a pharmaceutical industry perspective. Scientia Pharmaceutica, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 1-13.

Cummings, T. and Worley, C., 2013. Organisation development and change. 10th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Ethical Situations That Influence Consumer
Pages: 6 Words: 2334

The mall in Shanghai is not representative of all shopping experiences in China, and the questionnaire and its use of imagery and descriptions lack clarity and precision needed for more extrapolative results. The study however does underscore the role of ethicacy as a key determinant in defining if a person is going to purchase a counterfeit product or not.
Analysis of Counterfeit Luxury Goods Online:

An Investigation of Consumer Perceptions

One of the most rapidly expanding selling channels for counterfeit products are websites and e-commerce sites. On the Internet a counterfeiter can be up and running within a day or less, selling counterfeit items globally using PayPal and other well-known payment processing systems to manage transactions. This area of counterfeit luxury products selling is the subject of the study Counterfeit Luxury Goods Online: An Investigation of Consumer Perceptions (adon, 2012). The methodology is loosely defined as those customers who have purchased from…...



Kozar, J.M., & Marcketti, S.B. (2011). Examining ethics and materialism with purchase of counterfeits. Social Responsibility Journal, 7(3), 393-404.

Ian Phau, Marishka Sequeira, Steve Dix, (2009) "To buy or not to buy a "counterfeit" Ralph Lauren polo shirt: The role of lawfulness and legality toward purchasing counterfeits," Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 1 Iss: 1, pp. 68 -- 80

Phau, I., & Teah, M. (2009). Devil wears (counterfeit) Prada: A study of antecedents and outcomes of attitudes towards counterfeits of luxury brands. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(1), 15-27.

Anita Radon (2012). Counterfeit luxury goods online: An investigation of consumer perceptions. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(2), 74-79.

Supply Chain and Technology
Pages: 10 Words: 3470

Integration of Anti-Counterfeit Technology in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
Organisational Background

ationale for Strategic Action Plan

Strategic Aims and Objectives

Levers and Obstacles

Analysis of Internal Capabilities -- Strengths and Weaknesses

Trends and External Forces -- Opportunities and Threats

Stakeholder Influence

Strategic Action Plan

Key Actions, Actors, and esponsibilities

Timeline and Milestones

Cost Analysis

isk and Barriers

Mechanisms to Track Progress

Organisational Background

The organization, Cure Pharmaceutical (Cure), operates in the pharmaceutical industry's drug delivery technology segment. Cure is considered a small pharmaceutical company with revenues of one hundred and fifty million. A technology designed by the firm enables patients to take medications without water. This patented Oral Thin Film Technology (OTF) is small, light and occupies much less space after packaging. The technology can be shipped in single dose form or in bulk rolls to the site of patient care. Cure's core business integrates generic drugs that are an effective treatment for a multitude of diseases into its proprietary OTF technology.

Since Cure has a…...



Abel, J., 2010. Prevent Counterfeiting in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Pharmaceutical Engineering, vol. 30, no. 6, p. 3.

Ascher, J., Bogdan, B., Dreszer, J. and Zhou, G., 2015. Pharma's next challenge. [online] Available at: [accessed 29 November 2016]

Bansal, D., Malla, S., Gudala, K. and Tiwari, P., 2013. Anti-counterfeit technologies: a pharmaceutical industry perspective. Scientia Pharmaceutica, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 1-13.

Cummings, T. and Worley, C., 2013. Organisation development and change. 10th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Gray Markets for Pharmaceuticals
Pages: 10 Words: 2839

Pharmaceutical Gray Market on Operations and Strategies
The safety, security and prices of pharmaceuticals in the United States represent a fundamental national security interest. When essential drugs are unavailable or priced too high, the public's health is threatened and this is what is happening because of the pharmaceutical gray market. This paper reviews the relevant literature to determine how the pharmaceutical "gray market" affects the operations of pharmaceutical companies operating in the U.S. pharmaceutical market as well as strategies used by pharmaceutical companies to combat this issue. A summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues are provided in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Generally speaking, pharmaceuticals are enormously expensive to develop and bring to market (Kelly, 1999). According to Kelly, "The development of prescription pharmaceuticals requires costly and time-consuming research. After a product has been developed, it must undergo the rigorous approval process of the Food and Drug Administration…...



Bender, A.D. (2004, Winter). The coming of the baby boomers: Implications for the pharmaceutical industry. Generations, 28(4), 26-30.

Chen, H.L. (2002, June). Gray marketing and unfair competition. Atlantic Economic Journal,

30(2), 196-202.

Chercici, C., McGinnis, P. & Russell, W. (2011, August). Buyer beware: drug shortages and the gray market. Premier, 3-11.

Originality Monopoly and IP Law
Pages: 6 Words: 1920

Intellectual Property ightsQuestion 1Copyright is arguably all about originality, whether one looks at it from a civil law or from a common law perspective. How is that assessment to be reconciled with the fact that the word originality does not appear in the Berne Convention? Discuss.Copyright law is concerned with the protection of original works of authorship. In the United States, copyright law is enshrined in the Constitution, which gives Congress the power to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive ight to their respective Writings and Discoveries (US Constitution, 2022). Under U.S. copyright law, a work is considered original if it is the product of an individual author\\\'s independent creative effort. This requirement of originality is different from that of other countries, which generally protect any work that is not a mere copy of another work. Nonetheless,…...


ReferencesAbdollahi, M. J., Renani, M. S., & Arabzadeh, R. (2021). Analysis of Criteria for Originality of Architectural Works in Intellectual Property Law. Private Law, 18(1), 177-201.Alaknanda. (2020). Trademarks, Brands and Counterfeiting in Fashion Industry. Issue 2 Int\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'l JL Mgmt. & Human., 3, 956.Igbokwe, E. M., & Tosato, A. (2022). Access To Medicines and Pharmaceutical Patents: Fulfilling The Promise of TRIPS Article 31bis. U of Penn, Inst for Law & Econ Research Paper, (22-08).Martin-Bariteau, F. (2019). The Idea of Property in Intellectual Property. UBCL Rev., 52, 891.US Constitution. (2022). Retrieved from

American Domestic Terror Groups and
Pages: 5 Words: 1694

In your explanation, compare and contrast domestic and international terrorism. Also, please indicate whether either type of terrorism is subject to defeat. or, in a free society such as ours, must we simply learn to live with the annoyance and tragedies of ideological, political, and/or religiously-motivated violence?)
Domestic terrorism is much more statistically common than foreign terrorism, as those who feel they have cause to be angry enough to act against anything are much more likely to act against something they see as wrong in their own environment, Opportunity and ease of access also plays a role in this observation. Though terrorist acts are exceedingly rare they do occur on a somewhat regular basis if definitions are kept broad and are more likely to be domestic in nature than foreign born. (Lewis, 2000, p. 201) Domestic and international terrorism are similar in some ways, they both experience the kind of…...



Daniels, D.J. (2002, December). The Challenge of Domestic Terroism to American Criminal Justice. Corrections Today, 64, 66.

Hamm, M.S. (September 2005) Crimes Committed by Terrorist Groups: Theory, Research and Prevention Retrieved April 1, 2008 

Hulnick, a.S. (2004). Keeping Us Safe: Secret Intelligence and Homeland Security. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Lewis, C.W. (2000). The Terror That Failed: Public Opinion in the Aftermath of the Bombing in Oklahoma City. Public Administration Review, 60(3), 201.

Manifesto Except in a Rapacious
Pages: 3 Words: 1002

Many of the items she sold as part of her trade were counterfeit, including movies, music videos, clothing accessories, and handbags. But even if her business was legal, she was still stealing company time. Individuals felt freer, because of her openly excused behavior to make more personal phone calls, surf the web at work for personal reasons, and simply to stand around and chat rather than complete their assigned projects.
Because her purveyance was well-known, and her goods were, alas, of high quality and excellent facsimiles of the 'real thing,' many of her coworkers and even, yes, our boss were further inclined to look the other way, because, when hard pressed for an inexpensive yet apparently high quality gift, they could easily make use of her business. It became an office joke, to the point I was leery of saying anything negative, not wishing to hurt company morale by speaking…...


Works Cited

Stone, Amey. (February 19, 2004). "Putting Teeth into Corporate Ethics Codes. "Business Week. Retrieved 24 Dec 2004 at

Could you suggest some essay topics related to steroid laws?
Words: 505

Title: The Impact of Steroid Laws on Public Health and Safety

Steroid laws have been implemented worldwide to regulate the use and distribution of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). These laws aim to protect public health and safety by preventing the misuse of steroids, which can lead to severe health consequences. This essay explores the impact of steroid laws on public health and safety, examining both the positive and negative implications of these regulations.


1. Prevention of Health Risks:
Steroid laws effectively reduce the accessibility of AAS, making it more challenging for individuals to obtain and use them. This restriction helps prevent the serious health....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on code of ethics for supply chain management research paper. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 383

Lesser-Known but Interesting Essay Topics on Code of Ethics for Supply Chain Management

1. The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain Management

Explore the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in automating supply chain processes, such as decision-making, inventory management, and supplier selection.

2. Ethical Supply Chain Management in the Era of Globalization

Examine the challenges and opportunities in maintaining ethical practices in global supply chains, considering issues of cultural diversity, labor laws, and environmental standards.

3. The Role of Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Ethical Supply Chains

Investigate the potential of blockchain technology to ensure transparency, traceability, and accountability....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on pharmacy. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 396

1. The role of pharmacists in personalized medicine: exploring how pharmacists can play a crucial role in tailoring medication regimens to individual patients based on genetic factors and health history.

2. The intersection of technology and pharmacy: examining the impact of digital tools, artificial intelligence, and telepharmacy on the future of pharmacy practice and patient care.

3. The ethics of pharmaceutical marketing: analyzing the ethical implications of pharmaceutical companies' marketing tactics, including direct-to-consumer advertising and sponsorship of medical education events.

4. The global impact of counterfeit medications: investigating the prevalence and consequences of counterfeit drugs in developing countries and exploring potential solutions to....

I\'m searching for essay topics on pharmaceuticals. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 244

1. The impact of pharmaceutical industry on healthcare costs
2. The ethics of pharmaceutical companies and marketing practices
3. The role of pharmaceuticals in mental health treatment
4. The challenges of access to affordable medications
5. The development and regulation of new pharmaceutical products
6. The influence of pharmaceutical companies on medical research and treatment guidelines
7. The use of prescription opioids and the opioid crisis
8. The impact of direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals
9. The role of generics in the pharmaceutical industry
10. The future of personalized medicine and its implications for pharmaceuticals
11. The role of pharmaceutical patents in innovation and access to medication

12. The influence of lobbying....

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