Counseling Session Essays (Examples)

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How to Use Prayer in Counseling Sessions
Pages: 3 Words: 903

Counseling and Paye
Chistian Paye in Counseling

"Chistian Clients' Pefeences Regading Paye as a Counseling Intevention" is a quantitative study by Weld and Eiksen (2007) in the Jounal of Psychology and Theology. Thei study used a suvey of counselos and thei Chistian clientele with a Peason and Fishe appoach to quantifying the data. The implications of the analysis ae used to discuss the counselo-patient elationship in tems of paye, expectations, seculaity, ace, gende, and a vaiety of othe factos.

The eseaches note a lack of scholaly eseach on the subject of "client expectations about paye in counseling" and attempt to fill a potion of that gap analyzing a suvey of Chistian clientele and thei counselos (Weld, Eikson, 2007, p. 328). In the light of ecent laws egading counselos' espect fo clients' eligious beliefs, specialty counseling has developed that includes a Chistian/spiitual appoach to healing. Weld and Eikson (2007) acknowledge that paye has been…...


references Regarding Prayer as a Counseling Intervention. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 35(4): 328-341.

Counseling Sessions
Pages: 5 Words: 1589

Bereavement-Counseling Group
Bereavement group

The bereavement groups are social gatherings that most people need and belong to since there is no way to tell when bereavement may come by. However, these groups come in handy when such unforeseen sad situations come by and the affected individuals need support emotionally to go through the sad times. In as much as it is a voluntary group, in most parts people find that it is of great help to be engaged in one of these groups always.

While designing a bereavement-counselling group, there are several ways that can be used to market or publicize it. The first would be to have a brochure that the potential members are served with within the community that will be targeted. This brochure is a sure way of having the individuals who received it have a point of reference as frequently as possible incase they need details about the bereavement…...



American Cancer Society, (2014). Coping with Loss of a Loved One. Retrieved September 21, 2014 from 

Carneley B.K.,, (2006). The Time Course of Grief Reactions to Spousal Loss: Evidence From a National Probability Sample. Retrieved September 21, 2014 from 

Johnson J., (2010). Honoring the Memory of a Deceased Loved One. Retrieved September 21, 2014 from 

Peck and Stephanics, (1987). Learning to say Goodbye: Dealing with Death and Dying. Library of Congress. Retrieved September 21, 2014 from

Ending a Counseling Session
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Ending Counseling Sessions
When a client ends a session by disclosing a critical piece of information (when there is clearly no time to discuss the issue in full), it is incumbent upon the counselor to address the reference directly and briskly, with reference to the next session. To some degree, it might be possible to understand this pattern of disclosure as the client's way of setting the agenda for the next session -- although in a number of cases it is quite obviously the client's way of stating something directly that they do not otherwise know how to disclose in therapy. It should not be treated as an invitation to extend the session past its deadline, for this would be unprofessional and would create the illusion for the client that sufficiently sensational disclosures will be "rewarded" with extra clinical attention. Obviously the counselor needs to take account of the content of…...

Psychological Counseling Session for Wile
Pages: 2 Words: 582

Likewise, it seems that the patient may also have sublimated repressed his anger at and maybe a perpetual rivalry with at his father by dedicating his entire life to achieving the one accomplishment that his neither his father nor any of his siblings ever achieved: catching a road runner.
Furthermore, it would seem that the patient is mainly driven by ego-based issues; specifically, he has devoted his life to fulfilling the definitions established by his father and family of origin of personal worth. Consequently, he has over-valued the goal of catching the road runner far beyond its actual worth as a meal. The fact that much of the ridicule to which he was exposed during his psychosocial developmental stages occurred during the anal phase is consistent with his rigid focus and his obsession with perfection in the form of the achievement of a hunting goal.

The patient has also apparently overcompensated…...

Counseling Assessment Candy Barr Client
Pages: 5 Words: 2228

This writer would like to know if Ms. Barr ever felt the need to cut down on drinking or to stop and couldn't. This writer would like to know if Ms. Barr takes any other drugs or medication in order to sleep or make her feel better and if so how much, and how often.
Mental Health Symptoms:

Mental Status: This writer would like to ask Ms. Barr if she ever thought of harming herself or someone else. If yes, did she have a plan and when was the last time she thought about harming herself or someone else? This writer would like to know if she has ever harmed anyone intentionally. If yes, does she have a plan and when was the last time she harmed someone else. This writer would observe if Ms. Barr's physical characteristics such as clothing, hair color, eye color, mannerisims, interaction with her and include…...

Counseling Model a Practical Pastoral Counseling Model
Pages: 12 Words: 3760

Counseling Model
A Practical Pastoral Counseling Model

Counseling Setting

Where Will Counseling Take Place?

oundaries for Safety and Security

Relational Style

Relational/Communication Style




Supportive Feedback

God's Riches at Christ's Expense

Annotated ibliography

A Practical Pastoral Counseling Model

This is an overview of the counseling position that I will take when working with clients/parishioners. I realize that this cannot encompass every eventuality that may occur during a counseling session, but it should be comprehensive enough to account for most of the possibilities that present themselves. I acknowledge that this is also the treatise of someone who is going to be practicing as a pastor first and a counselor second, therefore the relationship of a shepherd to his assigned sheep is the most important consideration in all of this. Also, the counseling relationship that a pastor enjoys with a parishioner is not as extensive as that between a patient and a professional counselor/psychologist/psychiatrist/social worker, so this plan will take into account that clinical…...




Carlson, Dwight L. 2000. Overcoming hurts and anger. Eugene: Harvest House. ISBN: 0736901965

This book is a real help when dealing with anger. The author gives you steps on how to prevent your anger and deal with past anger in a Christian manner. He gives examples of mishandled anger, biblical principles about anger, and how to handle anger in a Christ-like way.

LaHaye, Tim and Bob Phillips. 2002. Anger is a choice. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. ISBN: 0310242835

Counseling Approach Used Existential Perspective Issue in
Pages: 5 Words: 1574

Approach used:

Existential perspective

Issue in Counseling:

Helping clients deal with anxiety

Many individuals experience anxiety today. ith the help of therapeutic counselors, clients learn how to cope with their anxiety-related issues, in turn allowing them to live a healthy and manageable life. Many counselors choose to use the existential method in counseling clients with anxiety. The existential approach to counseling is an approach to helping clients of all cultures find meaning and harmony in their lives. Counselor's who use this approach focus on the eternal issues of love, loneliness, suffering and death that each of us face daily. It seeks to cultivate our philosophical mindedness in relating to ourselves, others, nature, and our faith. Existential counseling has no planned endpoint but is the beginning of a search for hope, love, and meaning in life. It is applicable to all problems in living, but it is especially appropriate when one's client feels lost in…...


Works Cited

Carlson, L.A., (2003). Existential theory: Helping school counselors attend to youth at risk for violence. Professional School Counseling, 6 (5), 310.

Epp, L., (1998). The courage to be an existential counselor: an interview of Clemmont E.

Vontress. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 20 (1), 1.

Krueger, M.J. & Hanna, F.J., (1997). Why adoptees search: an existential treatment perspective. Journal of Counseling and Development, 75 (3), 195.

Counseling -- Developing Professional Practice
Pages: 5 Words: 1660

First Student Placement Experience Expectations

Overall, I am anticipating an extremely positive experience although I am also sure that it will be punctuated with certain doubts, failures, and disappointments. In those instances, I will try to remember that perfection is another type of addiction and that as long as I am making the best and most genuine effort that I can to help my clients, that is the best that I can do. Nevertheless, I expect this experience to be a learning opportunity more than anything else but I hope to accomplish something beneficial for clients during the process.


Allen, K. "Development of an instrument to identify barriers to treatment for addicted women, from their perspective" International Journal of Addictions, Vol. 29, No.

4; (1994):429 -- 444.

Allen, K. "Barriers to treatment for addicted African-American women" Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 87; (1995):751 -- 756.

Beckman, L. And Amaro, H. "Personal and social…...



Allen, K. "Development of an instrument to identify barriers to treatment for addicted women, from their perspective" International Journal of Addictions, Vol. 29, No.

4; (1994):429 -- 444.

Allen, K. "Barriers to treatment for addicted African-American women" Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 87; (1995):751 -- 756.

Beckman, L. And Amaro, H. "Personal and social difficulties faced by women and men on entering alcoholism treatment" Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Vol. 47;

Counseling Master Questionnaire Counseling Questionnaire Define Research
Pages: 15 Words: 4305

Counseling Master Questionnaire
Counseling Questionnaire

Define research

A counseling session with an individual may qualify research as, putting together of information and understandings, followed by determination of validity of the conclusions and activities central on the shared knowledge (McLeod, 2003 p.4). A working definition of research is; an organized course of decisive investigation resulting to legitimate suggestions and conclusions, which are conveyed to other interested people. Based on this definition, there are several concepts that need evaluation. Critical inquiry is the drive whereby human beings are curious to know, learn and offer solutions to problems. As a process, research includes steps or stages, which further relies on observation, reflection and experimentation.

In the case of systematic, this means that research takes place within a theoretical system, and research includes application of principles aiming at achieving valid information. esults of research are propositions meaning that, after a research, there is a need to communicate the…...



McLeod. J. (2003). Doing counseling research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Crotty, M. (2005). The foundations of social research: Meaning and perspectives in the research process. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Houser. R. (2009). Counseling and educational research: Evaluation and application. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Counseling Psychotherapy Why Counseling Life Can Be
Pages: 7 Words: 1958

Counseling Psychotherapy
Why Counseling?

Life can be shattering. Deception, lies, and tremendous heartache can derail the most prodigious, honest, and sincere individual. Devastation can acquiescent a beautiful and wonderful spirit into a horrendous downward spiral to where there appears to be no hope. When our 'bubble' of a world is popped, we often become disoriented, unable to ascertain the fact from fiction, and can then start having negative and harmful thoughts.

Given the circumstances to which I have had to overcome, a tremendous amount of resolve was required, which enabled me to persevere through my darkest moments. Betrayal and heartache can ruin one's perception of what life is about. Indeed, there are many who never enjoy the love or reach a pinnacle of happiness that I've enjoyed. To these individuals, I feel my empathy given my triumphs and set backs will undoubtedly enable a clear perspective, rich with insight to each and every…...

Counselling Marijuana Cocaine Heroin Ecstasy
Pages: 6 Words: 1778

They are the ones who handle jobs that require expertise. Their job itself is difficult that not everybody can accept the responsibility. With this continuously growing number of addicts and/or substance-abused people, indeed, we need to have more and more credible substance abuse counselors to somehow alleviate this problem.

Block I, Ghoneim. MM 1993. Effects of chronic marijuana use on human cognition. Psychopharmacology 100(1-2):219-228,

Brook JS, Balka EB, Whiteman M. 1999.: The risks for late adolescence of early adolescent marijuana use. Am J. Public Health 89(10):1549-1554

Fisher. Gary, Harrison, T. 2004. Substance Abuse: Information for School Counselors, Social Workers, Therapists, and Counselors (3rd Edition). Allyn and Bacon.

Gruber, AJ, Pope HG, Hudson HI, Yurgelun-Todd D. 2003. Attributes of long-term heavy cannabis users: A case control study. Psychological Medicine 33:1415-1422.

Lehman WE, Simpson DD. 1992. Employee substance abuse and on-the-job behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology 77(3):309-321.

Marijuana and Health. 2001. Syndistar Inc.

Pope HG, Yurgelun-Todd D.…...



Block RI, Ghoneim. MM 1993. Effects of chronic marijuana use on human cognition. Psychopharmacology 100(1-2):219-228,

Brook JS, Balka EB, Whiteman M. 1999.: The risks for late adolescence of early adolescent marijuana use. Am J. Public Health 89(10):1549-1554

Fisher. Gary, Harrison, T. 2004. Substance Abuse: Information for School Counselors, Social Workers, Therapists, and Counselors (3rd Edition). Allyn and Bacon.

Gruber, AJ, Pope HG, Hudson HI, Yurgelun-Todd D. 2003. Attributes of long-term heavy cannabis users: A case control study. Psychological Medicine 33:1415-1422.

Counseling Theories
Pages: 8 Words: 2191

Counseling Theory
Existential therapy, person-centered therapy, and gestalt therapy all fall under the rubric of humanistic psychology. They share a considerable amount of theory, philosophy, and practice. Yet each of these practices is stemmed in its own theoretical framework; therefore, existential, person-centered, and gestalt therapies differ in key ways. ecent scholarship on existential, person-centered, and gestalt therapies builds on the rich canon of literature in these three core humanistic traditions, but is more than just summative. The following review of literature shows how existential therapy, person-centered therapy, and gestalt therapy are practiced in the 21st century, and in so doing, reveals the similarities and differences between these three humanistic psychological frameworks.

Existential Therapy

Existential therapy has been called "a way of thinking rather than…a particular style of practicing," (Corey, 2008, p. 216). Corey (2008) claims that existential therapy is "not a separate school or a neatly defined, systematic model with specific therapeutic techniques,"…...



Ceil, C. (2012). Person-centered therapy. Social Science Electronic Publishing. Available at SSRN:   or 

Corey, G. (2008). The existential approach to groups. Chapter 9 in Theory and Practice of Group Counseling. Cengage.

Crocker, S.F. & Philippson, P. (2005). Phenomenology, existentialism, and Eastern thought in gestalt therapy. Chapter 4 in Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory and Practice. Sage.

Geller, J.D. (2003). Self-disclosure in psychoanalytic-existential therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology 59(5): 541-554.

Counseling How Tragedy Affects Characters in Good
Pages: 2 Words: 647

How Tragedy Affects Characters in "Good Will Hunting"

The title character of the film Good Will Hunting (1997) is a young man, played by actor Matt Damon. He comes from a poor part of South Boston. Will Hunting is a charming, handsome, brilliant man with the potential to break free from the shackles of poverty, boredom, and stagnation because, as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a mathematics professor, Gerard Lambeau, discovers the staggering depths of Will's intelligence. As part of an agreement with the professor, Will must meet with a therapist/counselor to avoid jail time for an assault on one of Will's childhood bullies. Will is very uncooperative and disruptive at first, until matched with Sean Maguire, played by Robin Williams. Sean and Will are able to bond, and eventually, after some trust is built, they are able to make breakthroughs into Will's deviant behavior and fear/inability…...

Counseling Using Clarkson's Five Relationship
Pages: 5 Words: 1849

Walking through a museum together puts brother and sister on the same plane, the same playing field; they are both witnesses to history and the natural world.
The fifth Clarkson step in her model is "Transpersonal" or "Ideal Relationship" (based on what the bigger picture is in terms of the organization or in this case, family. Clarkson also uses the term "unlearning" and this is appropriate for Joey. He needs to "unlearn" - but never forget - the way he lived in the country. He can't walk out the door before dawn and hear owls. He will only hear the roar of traffic and the sounds of industry and motion in the city. He doesn't need to forget those owls - because he will go back and visit the country many times in his life - but he needs to learn why he's hearing new sounds that aren't so pleasant…...

Counseling to Improve the Effectiveness
Pages: 8 Words: 2525

According to Robertson "Traditional counseling requires men to set aside much of their masculine socialization simply to get through the door and ask for help" (Robertson in McCarthy & Holliday, 2004). In a male counselor - male client arrangement, the male client may feel more comfortable and open to someone who he perceives as empathic, who understands, to a certain extent, where he is coming from.
For female clients in the later stages of change, that is the preparation, action, and maintenance stages, where action-oriented therapies like stimulus control, counter conditioning, etc. are more effective, may be more open to having a male counselor. The gender of a counselor may not play that big of a role, at least not as much as the client's perception on who is the credible counselor. In a study by Robertson, the results showed that females are more open to seeking counseling (Robertson in…...



Giovazolias, T. And Davis, P. (2005). Matching Therapeutic Interventions to Drug and Alcohol Abusers' Stage of Motivation: The Clients' Perspective. Counselling Pyschology Quarterly. Vol. 18 Issue 3: 171-182

Hall, J., Guterman, D.K., Lee, H., and Little, S. (2002). Counselor-Client Matching on Ethnicity, Gender, and Language: Implications for Counseling School-aged Children. North American Journal of Psychology. Vol. 4 Issue

Harwood, I. (2003). Creative Use of Gender While Addressing Early Attachment, Trauma, and Cross-Cultural Issues in a Cotherapy Group. Psychoanalytic Inquiry. Vol. 23 Issue 5: 697-712

McCarthy, J., and Holliday, E. (2004). Help-Seeking and Counseling Within a Traditional Male Gender Role: An Examination From a Multicultural Perspective. Journal of Counseling & Development. Vol. 82 Issue 1: 25-30.

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Substance Abuse Nursing. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 530

1. The Impact of Substance Abuse on Families and Communities

Substance abuse has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the individual abuser. It can have a devastating impact on families and communities, leading to a range of social, economic, and health problems. This essay topic explores the ways in which substance abuse affects families and communities, including the increased risk of domestic violence, child abuse, and neglect, as well as the financial burden of substance abuse treatment and the strain on community resources. It also examines the role of nurses in addressing the impact of substance abuse on families and communities, through....

How can the integration of mindfulness techniques in counseling sessions improve overall client outcomes?
Words: 242

Through a personal narrative of my experience in counseling, I will explore the impact of therapy on mental health and personal growth, ultimately shedding light on the importance and value of seeking professional help for emotional well-being. The integration of mindfulness techniques in counseling sessions can improve overall client outcomes by enhancing self-awareness, promoting emotional regulation, reducing stress and anxiety, and fostering a greater sense of well-being. By incorporating mindfulness practices such as deep breathing, body scans, and guided meditation, clients can learn to be present in the moment, observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, and develop a greater sense....

How can the integration of mindfulness techniques in counseling sessions improve overall client outcomes?
Words: 623

The Integration of Mindfulness Techniques in Counseling Sessions: Enhancing Client Outcomes

Mindfulness, a practice that involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment, has gained significant recognition in the counseling field. Its integration into counseling sessions has been found to positively impact client outcomes, facilitating a comprehensive approach to mental health and well-being.

1. Enhanced Emotional Regulation:

Mindfulness techniques equip clients with the ability to observe their emotions without becoming overwhelmed or reactive. By encouraging them to focus on the present experience, therapists can guide clients to separate themselves from their emotions, reducing impulsive behaviors and fostering emotional balance.

2. Reduced Stress and....

How can pastoral counseling incorporate faith and spirituality to provide guidance and support to individuals facing challenges?
Words: 480

Pastoral counseling can incorporate faith and spirituality to provide guidance and support to individuals facing challenges by integrating religious beliefs, practices, and values into the therapeutic process. Here are some ways in which this can be achieved:

1. Incorporating prayer and meditation: Pastoral counselors can encourage clients to engage in prayer and meditation as a way to connect with their spiritual beliefs and find comfort and guidance.

2. Using scripture and religious teachings: Pastoral counselors can draw on scripture and religious teachings to provide guidance, comfort, and wisdom to clients facing challenges. They can help clients apply these teachings to their own....

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