Costa Rica Essays (Examples)

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Costa Rica When Most People Think of
Pages: 5 Words: 1448

Costa ica
When most people think of Costa ica, they will often associate it with a tropical resort on the beach or in the mountains. This is because the country has been focused on creating a strong image through promoting itself to tourists and large corporations. ("Costa ica," 2012) The combination of these factors has improved the standard living and land ownership. To fully understand the business traditions and customs of the nation requires looking at a number of factors. To include: the differences in culture globally, the complexities of global finance / accounting, the economics of global business, how this relates to Matthew 28:19, the internal business / cultural perspectives, cross cultural management and the marketing differences among various cultures. Together, these elements will provide the greatest insights as to why Costa ica has become so popular.

The Difference in Cultures Globally

Costa ica is founded upon Spanish traditions and customs. This…...



Costa Rica. (2012). CIA World Fact Book. Retrieved from: 

Information for Observers. (2005). IASB. Retrieved from:

Matthew 28:19. (2012). Bible. Retrieved from:

Costa Rica Chiquita Banana Production
Pages: 7 Words: 2052

Costa ica & Co.
Strategic analysis of the global agricultural economy

Competitive Financial Landscape

Dole Food Co. & Competitors

"Costa ica used to be known principally as a producer of bananas and coffee, but pineapples have surpassed coffee as the number two agricultural export. Manufacturing and industry's contribution to GDP overtook agriculture in the 1990s, led by foreign investment in Costa ica's free trade zone. Well over half of that investment has come from the United States. Del Monte, Dole, and Chiquita have a large presence in the banana and pineapple industries" (U.S. Department of State, 2010).

In consideration of Costa ica's booming agricultural industry, and its role in global supply of bananas and other tropical fruits as a target site for investors, strategic growth models should be designed to promote the expansion and sustainability of the nation's natural resource-based economy of scale. Selection of Costa ica was based on the following priority infrastructural support…...



Background Note: Costa Rica (2010). U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from: 

Chiquita Brands International, Inc. (2010). Hoovers. Retrieved from:

Chiquita Brands International, Inc. (2010). Retrieved from: 

Del Monte Foods (2010). Retrieved from:

Costa Rica's Christmas How Is
Pages: 2 Words: 637

Traditional Christmas foods in Costa Rica, on the other hand, include the tamal (corn flour dough stuffed with potatoes, vegetables and pork or chicken, then boiled in plantain leaves); pupusa (tortilla with cheese, corn and whatever); vigoron (cabbage, tomato, yucca and fried pork rind, served on a plantain leaf); and grilled pork, chicken and sausage. Many Costa Ricans also eat the traditional U.S. Christmas meal, but insist on their traditional tomal.
The Christmas Tree

Costa Ricans decorate fragrant cypress trees with ornaments and lights. Sometimes they use the dried branches of coffee shrubs or a large evergreen branch instead. In addition, they adorn their trees with white paint, brightly colored strips of paper, small figures, and place and they place a gold star on top of the tree. Americans use fir, spruce or pine for their trees, but decorate the trees in similar ways.

Religious Influence on Celebrations

In the U.S., religious influence…...

Costa Rica Because of Its
Pages: 2 Words: 535

Costa ica is a democratic republic, headed by President. Government is also headed by president. President and Legislative Assembly (parliament with 57 deputies) are elected once every 4 years. President unites executive power and he appoints cabinet of ministers. President is assisted by two vice presidents; one of them is also represented in cabinet. In 1969 Assembly ratified constitutional amendment, which imposed limitations on presidency and deputy only for one term. Nevertheless deputies can be reelected, while president got such right only in 2003 after amendment was recognized to be anti-constitutional. Such change allowed Oscar Arias to be reelected in president elections of 2006. Offices of Comptroller General of the epublic, the Procurator General of the epublic and Ombudsman are not controlled by government.

Executive central power in the provinces represented by governors appointed by president has limited power. In Costa ica provincial legislatures are absent and provincial agencies experience wide…...


Reference:   / 

Costa Rica Sustainability
Pages: 2 Words: 759

self-Sustainability been in Costa Rica when it comes to the environment and creating jobs.
Annotated Bibliography

Arriagada, R., Ferraro, P., Sills, E., Pattanayak, S., & Cordero-Sancho, S. (2012). Do Payments for Environmental Services Affect Forest Cover? A Farm-Level Evaluation from Costa Rica. Land Economics, 88(2), 382-399.

his article discusses PES or payments for environmental services. PES in the study shows an increase in forest cover from farmers who would ordinarily reduce forest cover to raise crops. he PES program incorporated with Costa Rican farmers has been the longest running program showing excellent recovery of the natural environment.

Blackman, A., & Naranjo, M. (2012). Does Eco-Certification have Environmental Benefits? Organic Coffee in Costa Rica. SSRN Journal, 83, 58-66. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1713888

Eco-certification improves the environmental performance of farmers and is gaining popularity in recent times for coffee crops. he article suggests it could lend to farmers conserving the environment more in order to become and maintain eco-certification.…...


The authors examined the Osa and Golfito region in relation to resource perceptions of community leaders. They discovered natural resources to be the #1 perceived community strength. Along with this is the perceived civic participation that could play a key role in producing sustainability in terms of tourism and environmental conservation.

Ra-thzel, N., & Uzzell, D. (2013). Trade unions in the green economy. New York, NY: Routledge.

In chapter 10, "Climate change, trade unions and rural workers in labor-environmental alliances in the Amazon Rainforest" by Joao Paulo, Candia Veiga, and Scott B. Martin, they discuss on-site assessment of a five-year long project in the Arapiuns River in the westeer Para region. They discusses Finnish involvement and the reason for the project. The project serves to reduce deforestations as well as strengthen local communities.

Business Costa Rica-Tourism Case Study
Pages: 4 Words: 1072

Located in the Northern Plains area of Costa ica, Monteverde is a bit more accessible than some of the other parks and preserves in the country, as well.
Identify the current monetary exchange rate.

The currency is the Costa ica Colon, and, according to the currency converter, the estimated exchange rate for Tuesday, October 14, 2008 is 1 U.S. Dollar = 560.810 Costa ican Colon or 1 Costa ican Colon

CC) = 0.001783 U.S. Dollar (USD).

Identify what travel documentation is required to enter your chosen country.

There are regulations regarding visas and other documents to enter Costa ica. You'll need a valid passport with at least one free visa page, and at least six months left before the passport expires. You're also required to have a return airline ticket and at least $200 in cash when you enter the country. All visitors must pay a $26 dollar exit fee when they leave…...



Editors. (2008). Costa Rica in facts. Retrieved 14 Oct. 2008 from the Costa Rica Tourism Web site:

Editors. (2008). FSBO Costa Rica: Country facts. Retrieved 14 Oct. 2008 from the FSBO-Costa-Rica Web site:

Editors. (2008.) So you've got three days in San Jose. Retrieved 14 Oct. 2008 from the Costa Rica Tourism Web site:

Editors. (2004). Tortuguero National Park. Retrieved 14 Oct. 2008 from the Costa-Rica-Guide Web site: .

Ecotourism in Costa Rica
Pages: 3 Words: 1142

Cultural Geography
give me a brief overview of what you are going to do concerning eco-tourism, sustainable development, and cultural ecology and how they apply to Costa Rica

Costa Rica is internationally recognized for its continuous efforts in protecting natural resources and ensuring biodiversity. Research shows that the country supports more than five percent of global biodiversity. These conservation efforts of its citizens have continued to attract millions of tourists to the country's reserves and parks. The coastal environments, cloud forests, mountaintops, and volcanoes are famous for sheltering different species of animals. Different types of animals like scarlet macaws, toucans, quetzals, and hummingbirds are found in the country's tropical ecosystem. Costa Rica's remarkable biodiversity provides a base for nature-based tourism. The diverse landscape, coffee farms, agricultural fields, stunning beaches, mosaic forests, and pastures offer tourists and tourists alike a natural haven for exploration of tropical biodiversity, rich culture, and good food (Klak…...


Work Cited

Honey, Martha "Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Who Owns Paradise? Second ed. Washington, DC: Island Press. 2008. Print

Fennell, David. "Ecotourism: An introduction" London, England: Routledge. 1999. Print

Klak, Thomas Sustainable Ecotourism Development in Central America and the Caribbean: Review of Debates and Conceptual Reformulation" Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007. Print

Destination Country Costa Rica Aspects of Product
Pages: 6 Words: 1910

Destination Country: Costa ica
Aspects of product needing change in Costa ica

Emerging markets entry

Special services requirement

Decision making

Forms of investment

Competitors in Costa ica

For any company that considers operating internationally, there are many alternatives to select from for the mode of entry in the foreign markets. While foreign direct investment (FDI) is considered most pervasive form of entry mode by transnational corporations, smaller firms often consider partnering with a local firm or exporting their merchandize to the foreign destination country. By exporting and partnering with local firms, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) better understand the political, economic, and regulatory environment of destination country. As a beginning point, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) provides effective guidance for the U.S. firms investing abroad. The website of DOC publishes 'country commercial guide' for each country, thereby making it easier for local investors to select potentially lucrative industry sectors to invest abroad. We have selected Costa…...



Dawar, N.N. & Chattopadhyay, A. (2002). Rethinking marketing programs for emerging markets. Long-Range Planning, 35(5), 457-474. Retrieved from: (2012). Country Commercial Guide Summary. Retrieved from: 

IMF. (2012). Report for Selected Countries and Subjects. International Monetary Fund. Retrieved from: 

Kohli, C.S., Harich, K.R., & Leuthesser, L. (2005). Creating brand identity: a study of evaluation of new brand names. Journal of Business Research, 58(11), 1506-1515.

Ecotourism Industry in Costa Rica and Cuba
Pages: 3 Words: 996

Ecotourism Industry in Costa ica and Cuba
Many countries rely upon tourism as a major source of revenue for local businesses. The volatility in the industry has often caused major financial downturns for tourism-based economies. To deal with this problem many countries are targeting a new consumer, the eco-friendly traveler. Ecotourism is the fastest growing sector of the tourism industry with an average annual growth rate of 20 to 30%. (Egan, 2001). Many view ecotourism as a viable way to protect the natural environment and create social and economic benefits for local communities (Buchsbaum, 2004). The issue with ecotourism is whether or not its implementation in a given area is actually creating sustainable land use and conservation efforts or harming local economies and contributing to the overuse of natural resources.

Ecotourism Defined

Although there are several competing definitions of ecotourism, a commonly accepted explanation is it is "purposeful travel to natural areas…...



Buchsbaum, Bernardo Duha (May 3, 2004). Ecotourism and Sustainable: Development in Costa Rica. Retrieved from 

Egan, Timothy (May 20, 2001). Uneasy Being Green: Tourism Runs Wild. The New York Times.

Garen, Eva J (2000). Appraising Ecotourism in Conserving Biodiversity. Foundations of Natural Resources Policy and Management. (Clark, Tim, Willard, Andrew, and Cromley, Christina Eds.) Yale University Press: New Haven, 221-251.

Honey, M. (1999). Ecotourism and Sustainable Development. Who owns Paradise? Island Press, Washington D.C.

Pepperidge Farm Product Into Costa Rica
Pages: 12 Words: 4671

Pepperidge Farm Product Into Costa Rica
Marketing and Management Assessments:

To understand the business situation in any country one has to understand the situation of the country and its people. This particular country is a success story of the South Americas. This is a relatively peaceful country and since the 19th century there has been only two brief periods of violence that has interfered with its democratic development. There has been a development of the country in terms of the technology sectors and in the area of tourism. This is primarily because it is very close to the United States and near the Panama Region. The main production of the country comes from agriculture and the country has been suffering in that sector. The problem is not connected with land ownership as that is widespread. In terms of popular occupations, agriculture still employs 20% of the population, industry employs 22% and services…...


Works Cited

'Business in Costa Rica" (2002) Retrieved from

Conceptual Proposal for a National Action Plan (December, 2002) "U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement, Integral Co-operation Agenda" Costa Rica. Retrieved from   hl=en& ie=UTF-8 ;

'Costa Rica" The World Fact Book. (18 December, 2003) Retrieved from   Accessed on 02/22/2004 

"Investing and doing business in Costa Rica" (2000) Retrieved from   / Accessed on 02/22/2004 

Analyzing the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Costa Rican Economy
Pages: 5 Words: 1693

Costa Rican Economy from the FDI Perspective
Development of a nation results from a number of national characteristics and policies, pertaining to extra-economic and economic matters. No Latin American nation is developed -- in fact, all are far from it, which is a harsh reminder of the fact that their task is challenging and mostly pending. However, the Latin American region is quite heterogeneous, with respect to both income (a 15:1 difference exists between the nation that is richest and that which is poorest) as well as relative achievements and strengths. Numerous Latin American nations exhibit, together with failures in salient policy, a few successes that are worth studying and, perhaps, emulating. In the past three decades, the Costa Rican nation has, fairly consistently, implemented major foreign investment and trade reform, among others. This has generated some valuable outcomes with respect to export composition and volume, economic sectorial composition, and…...


Works cited

Kahlke, Andreas, et al. Foreign Direct Investment in Costa Rica: Industrial Upgrading in a Competitive Global Economy-Some Factors. Diss. 2015.

Larrain, Felipe, Luis F. Lopez-Calva, and Andres Rodriguez-Clare. "Intel: a case study of foreign direct investment in Central America." Centre for International Development Working Paper 58 (2000).


Sohn, Ira. "Economic and financial reform in Costa Rica: challenges and opportunities to 2025." The Journal of Applied Business and Economics 15.1 (2013): 77.

Costa Rican Smoking Cessation
Pages: 10 Words: 2663

Evaluation Plan:

Outcomes to be Assessed:

The primary objective is to see that subjects of the program cease smoking and remain abstinent from tobacco use. This will be the primary outcome to be assessed therefore. Individuals in both the experiment and control groups would be consulted at the six-month juncture and the one year point in order to determine how many among them have remained abstinent from tobacco use in that duration and up to that point.

Other outcomes to be assessed would be long-term health factors relating to the use of tobacco. According to statistics compiled and sponsored by the T.J. Samson Community Hospital in Glasgow, Kentucky and most recently updated in the spring of 2006, habitual smokers of cigarettes are "fourteen times as likely to die of lung cancer" and twice as susceptible to fatality by heart disease. (T.J.S.C.H, 1) This means, according to the Community Hospital, that an individual addicted…...


Works Cited:

American Heart Association (AHA). (2009). Smoking Cessation.

Bickman, L. & Rog, D.J. (2009). Randomized Controlled Trials for Evaluation and Planning. The Sage Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods.

Euromonitor International (EI). (2009). Tobacco in Costa Rica.

Fiore, M.C.; Novotny, T.E.; Pierce, J.P.; Giovino, G.A.; Hatziandreu, E.J.; Newcomb, P.A.; Surawicz, T.S. & Davis, R.M. (1990). Methods Used to Quit Smoking in the United States. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 263(20), 2760-2765.

Tourism the Effects of Tourism
Pages: 10 Words: 2833

9% of total GDP in Colombia (U.S.$3,524 million) and generates 386,000 direct jobs, equivalent to 1.8% of total employment in the country (Tourism Industry in Colombia).
The Composition of Tourism in Colombia

With 3,208 km of coastline (1,760 km on Caribbean Sea and 1,448 km on Pacific Ocean),

and 400 km of Amazon forest and Andean mountains, Colombia has a vast array of possible tourist destinations.

Some of the reasons tourists are interested in visiting Colombia would be its privileged location on the continent. All the environments of the tropics are present: glaciers, beaches, plains, rainforests, and deserts, which all add to its desirability (Where to go?).

Colombia also has countless tourist destinations offering a wide array of activities. Even the most jaded traveler can't help but be swept up by the magic of Cartagena, steeped in history and gentle people. Oozing romance, the old city is a warren of cobblestone streets that meander between…...



"1995-2000 Tourism-Sector Development Program." 2000. Mexico's Tourism Policy. 16 Apr 2009 .

"About Mexico." n.d. visitmexico. 15 Apr 2009 .

"Colombia Tourism." 1988. Geographic org. 16 Apr 2009 .

"Costa Rica has something for everybody." n.d. Costa Rica Tourism and Travel Bureau . 15 Apr 2009 .

Pages: 4 Words: 1293

mechanisms behind self-sustainability in Costa ica in regards to the environment and job creation. The world knows Costa ica as a self-sustained country; however, what kind of sustainability and the kinds of organizations that carry out such endeavors is also important to know. I would change this portion of the research paper in terms of providing visual aids like maps and pictures of the people in charge of the self-sustaining practices and organizations. The thing I like most about this portion of the paper is the ability to reflect on a topic that remains important throughout the world. That is conservation of the environment and job creation. The thing I like least about this section is the lack of use of visual aids to represent better the idea or concept.
What do you think is the best way to generate self-sustainability in an environmentally conscious country that also creates jobs…...



Castro-Tanzi, S., Dietsch, T., Urena, N., Vindas, L., & Chandler, M. (2012). Analysis of management and site factors to improve the sustainability of smallholder coffee production in Tarrazu, Costa Rica. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 155, 172-181. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2012.04.013

Davies, A., & Leonard, L. (2012). Enterprising Communities. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Kuzdas, C., Wiek, A., Warner, B., Vignola, R., & Morataya, R. (2014). Sustainability Appraisal of Water Governance Regimes: The Case of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Environmental Management,54(2), 205-222. doi:10.1007/s00267-014-0292-0

Morgan, M. (2013). "Social Entrepreneurship: The Ideal Business for Humanity and the Econo" by Maya D. Horgan. Retrieved 14 February 2015, from

Opportunity Cost 300 Wds in
Pages: 1 Words: 347

Obviously, the concept of opportunity cost is very useful for making decisions (Mankiw, 2008) because at the end of the fiscal year, the person who chose to vacation for five days in Costa ica would have $1,700 less in his or her bank account that the person who chose to stay home and work instead of going to Costa ica. Without considering opportunity costs, a person could make the mistake of considering only the actual cost of the Costa ico trip and never realize that the decision would actually cost an additional $1,000 compared to the alternative choice being considered.

Mankiw, N.G. (2008).…...



Mankiw, N.G. (2008). Principles of Economics. Chula Vista, CA: South-Western

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