Cost Benefit Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Cost Benefit Analysis
Pages: 15 Words: 4041

Benefit Analysis
Introduction and Analysis of the Project: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Proposed New Health Warnings on Tobacco Products (eport, 2003)

The new regulation introduced in July 2004 to be implemented for all the years till 2030, have significant cost impact on the economy. Certain benefits are also associated with it, the primary ones include health improvement, increased revenues for non-tobacco industry and the decreased healthcare expense. The major costs are related to enforcement of this system, printing health warnings, decreased sales for tobacco industry and decreased revenue to the government. The report highlights the costs and benefits keeping in view the different years after implementation of regulation (eport, 2003).

Usually, the discount rates of 5 and 7% are used to estimate the costs and benefits likely to occur in the future. In all other industries, the Australian government makes its calculations on 7% discount rates assuming it the most appropriate discount rate…...



Abelson, P., 2003, 'The value of life and health for public policy', Economic Record, 79, S2-S13.

Bureau of Transport Economics, 2000, Road Crash Costs in Australia, Bureau of Transport Economics, Report 102, Canberra.

Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care. (CDHAC) (2001). Review of Health Warnings on Tobacco Products in Australia. Discussion Paper. Evaluation of the Health Warnings and Explanatory Health Messages on Tobacco Products Executive Summary.

Cutler, D. And E. Richardson, 1997, Measuring the health of the U.S. Population, Brookings Paper on Economic Activity, Microeconomics, Brookings Institute, Washington, D.C.

Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1407

Typically, discounting provides an accurate way to assess the economic impact of a project.
To use a discounting to evaluate the costs and benefits of the National Guard Armory, the report analyzes the demand for the Massachusetts State National Guard Armory in the last three years. The Massachusetts government derives revenues from leasing and renting the National Guard Armory and people in the state derive the following benefits from renting and leasing the armory:

National Guard Armory serves as a safe event location for people at a great price,

The armory also assists in putting money back into the community,

The armory assists in generating money to maintain the armories for future events.

Thus, there is a general high demand for the use of the National Guard Armory. Some of the methods that the National Guard armory is in the regular use are as follows:



Social and Youth Events

Antique Shows

Group Meetings

ummage Sales


Dog/Cat Shows

Tournaments and competitions




Campbell, H. And Brown, R. (2003). Cost-Benefit Analysis: Economic and Financial Appraisal Using Spreadsheets. Cambridge University Press

Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2013). Budget Detail: 8700-1140 - Armory Rental Fee Retained Revenue. State Government of Massachusetts.

Heyvaert, A.C. Mihevc, T. Thomas, J. et al.(2009). Evaluating an Approach for the Benefit- Cost Analysis of Project Alternatives. Department of the Policy and Environmental Science, University of California, Davis.

Perincherry, V. & Wu, F. (2012).Cost of Project Delays An Estimate of Foregone Benefits and Other Costs Related to Schedule Delays of Inland Waterway Projects. Decision Economics.

Cost Benefit Analysis Memorandum
Pages: 7 Words: 2698

Benefit Analysis Memorandum
Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cost-benefit analyses are routinely conducted for federal programs and proposed federal programs. The researchers propose a cost-benefit analysis for homeland security expenditures designed to address conventional threats to national security. An evaluation of catastrophic threats is specifically excluded from this analysis as only 14% of the federal homeland security budget is directed at the prevention of catastrophic threats to national security. The recommendation from the authors is to employ a risk-informed framework to the proposed cost-benefit analysis is. A risk-informed approach has as its basis consideration of the likelihood of occurrence, the life/safety effectiveness, and the economic cost of proposed security and protective measures, and it includes any "consequence of terrorist attacks on such infrastructure" (Stewart & Mueller, 2009, p.2). Thus, the metrics associated with the proposed cost/benefit research are: 1) Cost per life saved, and 2) Net benefit as measured by lives saved and economic…...



Bemelmans-Videc, M., Rist, R.C., and Vedung, E. (2003). Carrots, sticks, and sermons: Policy instruments and their evaluation. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers. Retrieved   Nicholas (1939). Welfare propositions in economics and interpersonal comparisons of utility. Economic Journal, 49 (195), 549 -- 552. doi:10.2307/2224835. ,

Porter, T.M. (1995). Trust in Numbers: The pursuit of objectivity in science and public life. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Retrieved   / philosophy/articles/sayers/porter.pdf 

Source Watch (2011). [Website] Retrieved 

Watkins, T. (n.d.). An introduction to cost-benefit analysis. San Jose State University, Department of Economics. [Lecture notes]. Retrieved / faculty/watkins/cba.htm

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Globalization
Pages: 7 Words: 2350

Vaughan, J.L., Leming, M.L.M., Liu, M., & Jaselskis, E., 2013. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Construction Information Management System Implementation: Case Study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.
Managers working within construction projects encounter significant expenditure of resources in collecting project data, evaluating production rates, and exchanging information with project stakeholders. The paper focuses on the execution of project tasks through manual reduction of inefficiency as well as improved effective operations in project management. For purposes of improving success rates in information process flow, the authors point out that different forms of information systems are necessary for construction management. The paper introduces their efficiency to the construction projects.

On the other hand, the difficulties involved in tracking illusive and fragmental information are addressed. The paper allows for better approaches to assessing costs against benefits of project implementation. The other goal of the research is to evaluate the major trade-offs challenging construction practitioners. The…...



Lacity, M. And Rottman, J. 2008, Offshore Outsourcing of IT Work, Palgrave, United Kingdom.

Oshri, I., Kotlarsky, J. And Willcocks, L. 2007, "Managing dispersed expertise in IT offshore outsourcing: lessons from Tata consultancy services," MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 53-65.

Feeny, D. And Willcocks, L. 1998, "Core IS capabilities for exploiting information technology," Sloan Management Review, Vol. 39 No. 3, pp. 9-21.

Health Care Economics in Economics Cost-Benefit Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 1422

Health Care Economics
In economics, cost-benefit analysis assists in evaluating the costs of an approach in terms of resources spent while cost-effective analysis evaluates the costs as achieving some sort of benefit which is not evaluated in monetary terms. Moreover, cost-benefit study examines several aspects including net-present value, present value of benefit, and present value of costs; in line with this, if a project indicates that the monetary outcome is greater than initial costs, the project will be initiated (Amartya, 2000). On the other hand, cost-effective analysis requires a value judgment; since an individual is required to determine how much value is provided by the spent capital.

The other difference is that cost-benefit analysis assigns monetary value to any benefit; the analysis evaluates the benefits in terms of how effective that benefit is; however, it is difficult to quantify the monetary amount. As an example, the health sector uses cost-effective analysis to…...



Amartya, S. (2000). The Discipline of Cost-Benefit Analysis. The Journal of Legal Studies, 29(2), 931-951.

Black, W. (1990). A Graphical Representation of Cost-Effectiveness. Medical Decision Making, 10(3), 212-214.

Getzen, T.E. (1997). Health Economics. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Neumann, P.J., & Weinstein, M.C. (2010). Legislating against use of Cost-Effectiveness Information. New England Journal of Medicine, (363), 1495-1497.

Cost Benefit Analysis
Pages: 10 Words: 2491

Establishing the Decision Framework
Does the study carefully define a problem? Yes. The study argues that traditional special education classes should be replaced with Instructional Support Teams. This argument is based on the premise that traditional special education classes are costly and educationally insufficient. The study notes that the 1993-94 federal estimate of children enrolled in special education classes was 5.4 million, which is an increase of 3.7% in just one year. Data suggest that the cost of special education is twice the cost of regular education. (Pg, 556) In addition Ray and Hartman claim that traditional special education practices need to be reexamined because of the effects labeling and placement in special education classes has on children. The study asserts that the implementation of Instructional Support Teams in place of traditional special education programs would promote instructional improvement and reduce cost.

Does the study delineate the alternatives under consideration? Are the…...

Two Scenarios Calculating Cost Benefit Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 1455

Value Calculation.
Consider the following scenario: A city wants to open a recycling center aimed at reducing waste. The total benefits of the program are valued at $1,000,000. Three different discount rates are estimated at 5%, 6%, and 7%. The time period for receiving the benefits of the program is two years.

Scenario 1 tasks: Calculate the present value at each interest rate. Note and discuss what happens to the present value at each interest rate.

5% discount rate: 1000 / (1+ .05)^2 = 1000 / 1.1025 = 907.03

6% discount rate: 1000 / (1+ .06)^2 = 1000 / 1.1236 = 890.00

7% discount rate: 1000 / (1+ .07)^2 = 1000 / 1.1449 = 873.44

As the interest rate gets higher, the net present value decreases.

It is also worth noting that the differences between each different percentage point per rate in these examples are roughly about 17 dollars per percentage point over the two-year period.…...



Friedman, M. (n.d.). The inflation calculator. Retrieved from ?

Hanley, N. and Spash, C.L. (1993). Cost-benefit analysis and the environment. Northampton, MA: Elgar.

Mikesell, J. L. (2014). Fiscal administration: Analysis and applications for the public sector (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Business Artificial Intelligence and Cost Benefit Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 712

Business Artificial Intelligence (BAI) Cost-Benefit Analysis
IBM's Business Monitor offers comprehensive monitoring of enterprise activity for improving organizational agility. Its features include: customizable dashboards, alerts and notifications for providing an almost real-time look into company processes, operations, and transactions, for enhanced business insights. The software assists with identifying changing trends in business, issues, and opportunities, by statistically analyzing historical and present information. It offers:

Almost real-time analysis and estimates, which offer insights into the company's activities.

Automated alerts and notifications, which facilitate the process of responding to emerging issues and changing business trends.

Customizable dashboards, which present historical, present, and predictive data.

Visibility across different business systems, spanning various products and applications.

Global Business Services (GBS) is the professional services department at IBM; it includes the company's management consulting, application management, and systems integration resources ((TDWI -- Training & esearch -- Business Intelligence, Analytics, Big Data, Data Warehousing, 2015).

Benefit-cost analysis when comparing IBM PureData analytics System…...



Hoskins, J., & Frank, B. (2003). Exploring IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 servers: See why IBM's redesigned mainframe server family has become more popular than ever. Gulf Breeze, FL: Maximum Press.

TDWI -- Training & Research -- Business Intelligence, Analytics, Big Data, Data Warehousing. (2015, October 2). Retrieved January 15, 2016, from

Productive Outcomes
Pages: 1 Words: 371

I have experience with quite a few of the different decision-making techniques. Certainly, the rational model is interesting, and utilizes parts of some of the other models, such as cost-benefit analysis. I’ve been involved a little bit with focus groups, used brainstorming, and done variations on cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness. I have less familiarity with some of the other decision-making models that we studied. I feel that the most valuable is really the cost-benefit, which requires a lot of rational analysis. First, cost-benefit focuses ones efforts. We all know that resources are limited. As individuals we are limited in terms of time and energy. If we are going to expend these resources on something, and we are presented with more options than we can reasonably pursue, then we need to focus on energy on efforts that deliver the highest level of return for us personally, however we choose to define return.
Further, the…...

Primary Care and Nursing
Pages: 4 Words: 1407

Nursing Practitioners
In the United States and the United Kingdom, NP (Nursing practitioners) are being used as a point of contact to deliver primary care for patients. Trained nursing practitioners who can deliver in-person primary healthcare services for patients are gradually increasing. While patients provide positive feedback about the nursing roles, there is still a debate whether nursing practitioners can deliver a cost effectiveness for a patients' treatment compared with other healthcare professionals, and deliver quality healthcare. (Venning, et al. 2000).

The objective of this study is to review the literature that provides the cost effectiveness of nursing practitioners. The study reviews six different literature to enhance a greater understanding of the cost effectiveness of nursing practitioners in the healthcare environment.

Synthesis and Analysis of the Articles

Venning, et al. (2000) provide a random trial on the cost effectiveness of the nursing practitioners in the United Kingdom sampling NPs in 20 geographical regions…...



Fletcher, C. E. Copeland, L.A. Lowery, J.C. (2011). Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers Within the VA. Military Medicine. 176: 7(791).

Kapu, A. Kleinpell, R. & Pilon, B. (2014). Quality and Financial Impact of Adding Nurse Practitioners to Inpatient Care Teams. The Journal of Nursing Administration. 44(2): 87-96.

Litaker, D. Mion, L.C. Planavsky, L. (2003). Physician -- nurse practitioner teams in chronic disease management: the impact on costs, clinical effectiveness, and patients' perception of care. Journal of Interpersonal Care, 17(3): 223-237.

Schuttelaar, M.L.A. Vermeulen, K.M. Coenraads, P.J. (2011). Costs and cost-

How to Conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1538

Cost Benefit Analysis and the City’s Water Dilemma Introduction
This memorandum focuses on describing the value of cost benefit analysis. It does so by applying the first four steps of the U.S. Army Cost Benefit Analysis Guide as they relate to the city’s need to increase its water treatment capacity. The purpose of this memorandum is not to take the faculty of judgment away from any council member but rather to show how cost benefit analysis can facilitate the judgment process and provide support for pursuing the best possible opportunity at this time.
Step 1: Define the Problem / Opportunity; Describe the Background
Every problem is an opportunity. The problem that the city faces is with respect to its need to upgrade or update its water treatment plant which is more than 40 years old and costly to maintain. With the large automaker set to come to the unincorporated area of the county, the…...

Role of Cost Benefit Analysis
Pages: 1 Words: 300

The ole of isk Analysis in Making Security Decisions

Security decisions always rely heavily on an initial process of risk analysis because every security environment represents different types of security threats (Clifford 2004, 213). Depending on the nature of the environment, the principle security threats might be physical security and perimeter access control in some environments but information security and computer security in others. Naturally, it is impossible to design and implement an optimal security plan to address the specific threats to any given entity without first identifying and understanding the particular threats inherent to any given environment (Clifford 2004, 213). Moreover, where some threat environments demand a specific emphasis on one type of security threat, others might require a more complex approach that provides complete protection from multiple types of unrelated threats within a comprehensive integrated security plan (Clifford…...



Clifford, Mary. (2004). Identifying and Exploring Security Essentials. New Jersey:


Cost Benefit and Ethics in Government
Pages: 9 Words: 2994

EEOC eview
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is far and away the most prolific and omni-present agency that exists in the United States, at least at the federal level, that regulates employers and protects employees from discrimination and other unlawful and/or unethical employment practices including inequity in who is hired, who is fired, who is promoted and why, who is given raises and why and so forth. While budgetary constraints and some of the EEOC's recent decisions certainly deserve attention and scrutiny, the EEOC's status as the ultimate arbiter of employee rights in the United States is not going to change anytime soon.

The mission statement of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is to "stop and remedy unlawful employment discrimination" (EEOC, 2014). The vision statement of the EEOC is "justice and equality in the workplace." The EEOC states quite clearly on their website that they know full well, or at…...


References (2014, May 18). Discrimination Against People in Recovery Rampant, Advocates Say |. Partnership for DrugFree Kids. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from 

EEOC. (2014, May 17). EEOC Home Page. EEOC Home Page. Retrieved May 17, 2014, from 

EEOC. (2014, May 18). Fiscal Year 2014 Congressional Budget Justification. Fiscal Year 2014 Congressional Budget Justification. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from

Cost Benefits of Forward Reverse Logistics
Pages: 5 Words: 1827

moves any sort of raw material, products or shipments in general, the subject of logistics is a very important one. Whether one is speaking of forward logistics or reverse logistics, there should be a fairly constant amount of cost/benefit analysis used and harnessed so as to maximize profit and logistical capacity. Indeed, there is almost always more than one way to do something form a logistical standpoint but the benefits of each method as well as the costs should always be assessed to make sure the proper method is used. Both cost and benefits need to be taken into full account because both matter a great deal.
Logistics Cost/Benefit

Some people might be confused by forward logistics as compared to reverse logistics. However, the subjects are actually fairly easy to absorb and interpret with the proper definition. Products and materials, even if slightly compromised, typically retain their value even if they…...



Choudhary, A., Sarkar, S., Settur, S., & Tiwari, M. (2015). A carbon market sensitive optimization model for integrated forward -- reverse logistics. International Journal Of Production Economics, 164433-444. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.08.015

Hatefi, S., Jolai, F., Torabi, S., & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. (2015). A credibility-constrained programming for reliable forward -- reverse logistics network design under uncertainty and facility disruptions. International Journal Of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 28(6),


Kim, T., Goyal, S., & Kim, C. (2013). Lot-streaming policy for forward-reverse logistics with recovery capacity investment. International Journal Of Advanced Manufacturing

Costing the Analysis Is Based
Pages: 10 Words: 2854

Dibsa should turn towards the market-based pricing strategy, which sees the implementation of competitive prices for the 3-in-1 Lawnmower. The selection of this combination of strategies would generate several impacts upon the company, but most of them would be obvious at product lifecycle level. In this order of ideas:
The sales revenues would be significantly high throughout the first six months and they would allow the company to cover for the large costs incurred in the manufacturing of the product as well as register profits; they would however decrease with the implementation of the market pricing strategy and the 3-in-1 Lawnmower would metamorphose from a star product into a cash cow

The costs incurred in the manufacturing of the new lawnmower have already begun to decrease and will continue to do so; the actual impact of the pricing strategy is limited, with the specification however that these costs will not be…...



Berman, K., Knight, J., Case, J., 2006, Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing what the Numbers Really Mean, Harvard Business Press

Bolander, S.F., Gooding, C.W., Mister, W.G., 1999, Transfer Pricing Strategies and Lot Sizing Decisions, Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. 11

Drudy, C., 2004, Management and Cost Accounting, 6th Edition, Cengage Learning EMEA

Goetz, Jr., J.F., 1985, the Pricing Decision: A Service Industry's Experience, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 23

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